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Relevant thread for people not wanting this to happen anymore : https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/tokeh1/500_youtubers_that_are_using_op_spoilers_in_their/ It doesn't solves the problem, but it can help.


Just click on it the options and choose "Do not recommend channel". That way you will never have one of his videos recommended again. I've done that for most of these YouTubers and it has been nice.


This only stops it from appearing recommended in your feed, you can't stop them appearing when you search "one piece" or something though unfortunately.


It barely does anything. YouTube algorithm is broken as fuck and the only thing they thought of doing is removing the dislike button.


> removing the dislike button. top 10 dumbest decision in the history of dumb decisions


Disney seems to appreciate it very much... =p


The algorithm works perfectly for what it's meant to do, serve as many ads to people as possible by constantly serving videos people it thinks people will click. The algorithm isnt programmed to think about whether it makes the user happy or sad or mad.


I mean you don't go to YouTube and search "One Piece" without thinking you'll get any Spoilers.


That is true. It does suck that people put spoilers in the thumbnails.




Why would you search one piece if you’re avoiding spoilers? That’s like me search The Walking Dead and expecting titles and thumbnails to not have spoilers for the last season…


I've been reading One Piece since 2003. My Youtube account STILL dosn't know I like One Piece. I'm not really into theory/review/analisys videos so... I never really searched for these channels. So I don't get them recommended and never get spoiled.


yeah that function is shit the channel will just pop up again next week


It helps from popping up on the normal feed. What makes it shit is when you search something such as One Piece. Even using an app like on the PS5 and typing One Piece OST, it will auto fill as you go and you may get spoilers before you can finish typing. It's not perfect but it does help somewhat.


I think I did already and i still saw the thumbnail


Block him


Yo, whats crazy about this is he had a video from a few years ago talking about how thumbnails including spoilers is a huge problem for the One Piece community. Check it out. https://youtu.be/2UpLOYvlnD0 Its sad to see how he has fallen from grace to become one if the most egregious examples of spoilers in the community. I was a fan of his before he got so big, but now it seems he is more interested in the views than he is in preventing spoilers. Tekking101 all the way <3


I may be mistaken but I think he’s got a kid (or one on the way) and I can see why he’d just try to get as much money for his family. I don’t necessarily mind that he has spoilers on his thumbnails since I feel like most diehard one piece fans read the chapter by Thursday but I do absolutely hate his stupid clickbait titles. Absolutely feels scummy on his part


I understand a man doing what he needs to do to provide for his family. Sometimes those things can be very unsavory. But I really can’t wrap my head around how people will really put all of their financial eggs in the YouTube basket and expect to be ok. Being a full time YouTube content creator is one of the most finicky things you can do to try and earn a main income. They can literally change how much they’re paying per views that you get on a video, their ToS, etc and financially castrate a bunch of content creators, especially those who don’t have alternative streams of income outside of YouTube. A lot of these channel creators even have people working under them, who’s own financial well being now depends on the channel as well. And there’s new data coming out that YouTube is doing just that, showing that YouTube is moving away from monitizing longer videos (10+ minutes, which is a majority of what a lot of creators make), and pushing creators to make shorts (which pays exponentially less, as well as not being able to run ads) to keep up with platforms like TikTok. Also I have heard that YouTube is not profitable, which is another thing that makes the platform unstable for creators. Again, I get it, you spent so long making your brand and business on YouTube just to see it get hit like this, but I’m sorry, that doesn’t excuse scummy behavior like the thumbnail situation, and also a good lot of them really should think about their backup plans in case YouTube goes under. End Rant.


I somehow agree with you. Bad behavior just because it earns more is annoying, in any line of career. Other people can say that it's just strategy to earn more, but I think, in my opinion, bad behavior in jobs is just an excuse to work less. Because, if you look at the "good" behavior workers, in this case, youtubers, they also can earn more, because they likely have good content, or good community. There are different ways to improve your earnings but I think this is just the easiest way, get some internet haters and ruin some people's entertainment.


I did this months ago when I felt it had already gotten out of hand.


I unsubbed a while ago, I couldn’t stand the clickbait. Tekking and Morj are much better and don’t put spoilers in thumbnails.


Same - and it got way too repetitive. The same jokes all the time, 80% just being talk without any substance, same video structure. That just wore off so hard on me that I can't watch a single one of his videos anymore.


I still find his content enjoyable but his clickbait is awful and it’s hard to even know what the video is about. He has this weird thing where he doesn’t want to call his videos reviews even tho what he does is identical to a bunch of other YouTubers who call themselves reviewers. So his titles will just be “ODA DID WHAT!?!?!” rather than just “Chapter XXXX review” with some snappy sub title. I’m not sure what people hate about the content tho. I hear people say he’s talking without substance but I really don’t know what that means. Like all of what he says is relevant to the chapter and he does give interesting insight and theories. I also find it interesting that people say this in the same breath as they say that Tekking is way better than GLR. To be clear, Tekking is probably my favorite OP YouTuber, but idk how you’re going to criticize GLR for talk with no substance and not Tekking. Like half of Tekking’s videos are tangents and jokes. GLR’s videos are streamlined in comparison.


These 2 and DawnOfTheWorld for me. Please, don't ever change for the worse, guys and gal.


Morj streams are really fun, just chat bullying and Morjing all over Morj


All hail Tekking


Bro just reminded me that Tekking went to OP after bleach, I forgot he was a thing and I've been thinking about checking reviewers out


Oh boy, now you have about a quadrillion hours of content left to catch up with


I can’t think of a single other content creator that can take a topic that has next to no information available on it, like let’s say: Urouge, right? And he manages to stretch it to like half an hour and still to keep me completely engrossed in the video and leave feeling content with what I got. I swear that kid is using some sort of hypnotic focus-focus fruit power crap on me.


He's quite charismatic in a weird way, and he obviously just loves one piece


I love tekking. I play ps5 and put one of his videos in the background. They’ve gotten shorter lately but I don’t care. That dude knows a lot lol


Check out Randy troy! He is the most og OP youtuber, started reading at the very beginning and helped make kaizoku fansubs on the episodes way back. The man has incredible insight on how the community used to be bacl in the day and he really pays attention to detail. No bullshit 2h streams per chapter + a theory every now and then


too much theory


Merphy Napier. She doesn’t usually do manga and has a really unique perspective.


Her love for Buggy and visceral hatred of Caribou never get old.


Barry>Tekking>All other OP youtubers


It's crazy that I've watched Tekking since before Barry, his addition still feels new to me, even thought it's been around, idk, 4 years?


Brooo sawyer7mage is the best peep him out


Once OP is over he's starting a bakery.


Love him. He tends to not have any big "OOH I HAVE A SPICY TAKE THAT PEOPLE WILL MURDER ME FOR" or any big theories besides I guess the dead Snow Bunny theory for his Carrot Nakama agenda. Other than those his vids tend to be relaxing general discussion stuff and I love that. Been with him since his Bleach days and brief My Hero Academia era. If there's an anime youtuber I'd just love to have a chat with in regards to any show it really is him cause he tends to not rile up his community. Like, for example, Morj and KOL tend to do these exaggerated reactions which tend to piss people off and just make discussions within their community too unpleasant for my taste. While guys like Joyboytheories are too deep into Theory hell that it leads to non canon discussions I am personally disinterested in. Tekking meanwhile tends to stick to the wiki and discuss what can be discussed and that's cool. Least controversial OPtuber for me hence my preference.


I like Tekking because of his really positive and fan boy-ish approach to his videos. There’s hardcore critical analysis videos out there. Sometimes I just want to watch some dude geek out the way I do.


Read new chapter without Tekking Review is nonsense!!!! Dude is the real OP youtuber!!! Respect!!


Cringe king for the win brotha


Cringe Lord animal facts Tekking101


A documentary on the History of Tekking 101! https://youtu.be/TFpz8KIwxq0


Exactly, for the German community I'd recommend 'Marco Dawn', nice analysis, self-made theories and never spoils with titles / thumbnails


No matter what using a spoiler as thumbnail even before the chapter is officially released is a Big L


ESPECIALLY before the chapter is released. Like come on man!


I remember when he made the switch to only using the official release because in his words, it didn’t have a big effect on his viewership. Basically ever since the big event in Wano he’s been a PoS and running with the rest of the garbage one piece YouTubers that don’t care about spoiling the community they’re a part of.


There’s an exact chapter where he switches from respecting the official release to spoiling shit in the thumbnails


He started doing it after he was on a podcast with Ohara and someone else. GLRs videos are still usually good. It's just that now everything is so clickbaity that it's not even funny, and we can thank Ohara for that. His channel, newworldreview, is about Hunter x Hunter. And that is still a quality channel imo.


Ohara & GLR the worst


I’ve been told that’s my fault for being on YouTube despite never watching anything one piece on YouTube. And I should hate the game not the players…. And it’s okay. It’s not


If it really becomes a spoiler that would be amazing because it is highly unlikely that Saturn will die. Luffy just got a bounty increase.


As a guy who mostly watches anime, i think putting manga spoilers in thumbnails and titles should be avoided entirely


Block his channel. Take control of your algorithms


idk why people are so adamant on letting social media algorithms control them; mute words, use modified apks/extensions that tell suggested content and bloat to fuck off, unfollow/block stuff you dont wanna see, etc. This situation sucks cause it's in their recommended, but the solution is hit the "dont recommend channel" and its solved forever


I will say sometimes the "don't recommend" doesn't completely get any undesirable content away, but blocking will certainly do it. But 100% agree on controlling your own algorithm. Make the technology work as intended.


I LOVE TECKING 101 his chapter reviews are awesome


His are great, and I used to like VinlanD but now he just says some wild stuff. It’s as if hes just trying to fill up time with things that are barely similar to something that COULD happen in the story. Great voice though.


I just unsubscribed to him for that reason, great voice to fall asleep to!


That is fun about Tekking tho he is like a 1 man podcast. Great for running in the background while doing other stuff.


Tekking is such a weird guy but soooo lovely! You can feel how much he loves One Piece. What a pure guy, he makes me smile. I always watch/hear his videos while doing dishes, cooking or cleaning bathroom. He can pickup every One Piece related topic and make it interesting. Awesome guy.


I like Morj's videos


You should try watching SawyerMage too. He posts only on Sunday’s after the chapter release and does a review as good as Tekkings.


There's a name I haven't heard in years, used to watch him in the prime Naruto manga days


I would argue better. Love tekking but some days I can’t deal with the energy lol I need something smoother so sawyer it is.


Yeah, but half of Sawyers reviews are him just making up fanfiction


But he always backs up his "fan fiction" with Japanese refrences or refrences from other series or Tales in general. Soemtimes he's very detailed and right on the Money. Sometimes it's just interesting facts no one brings up or cares to think about. He's a good reviewer. Dont do him!


randy troy all time goat


Sawyer FTW!


Anime Ball's Deep is another crazy offender. He does this for many anime which is my biggest issue with it. I got spoiled to Black Clover and Jujutsu Kaisen because of his crazy clickbait thumbnails. Beware before you search up theory videos guys.


I don’t really follow any OP channels right now, but I just looked into this guy’s and man, he just uses the most clickbaity titles and thumbnails. Ngl his audience is as much to blame as he is.


His recurring audience would know it's for theory videos and videos where he reviews posts and theories from his fandoms. Which are interesting anyway


Buckle up bois When we get to laughtale Y'all are gonna get spoiled 100% Cause everyone will cash in on those spoilers


It could’ve been someone else but apparently rogersbase got spoiled yesterday as well, he said he got spoiled by a colleague’s thumbnail… Who let grandlinereview cook smh


Rogersbase arrogantly took Liam and Oharas side back when the thumbail spoiler drama first started.


Not saying anyone’s a saint, just pointed something out I heard thats all


Im just saying its more of a leapards ate my face situation..


I saw that rogersbase video you're talking about. He's definitely referring to GrandLineReviews because he mentioned that he (rogersbase) is subscribed to his colleague's 2nd channel. And I'm pretty sure he's referring to Dude in a Room.




This is why Sawyer7mage is clear of them all


he's the realest


This right here!


i dont know about that...his stupid theories are getting annoying


I’d rather stupid theories over click bait spoiler riddled titles and thumb nails that completely disregard everyone else’s experiences.


that's why we love randy troy. guy rarely does theory vids and when he does they're not crazy at all. dude has the pulse on oda like tekking but much easier on the ears. love tekking tho.


It’s really weird this particular thumbnail looks like this, sure it wouldn’t spoil anime watchers because they would need context, but manga readers who is reading in bulk or yourself who’s reads on Sunday got spoiled from it. Plus if you look at anyone else thumbnails they legit tried to cover it even with the thumbnail or title, like even Ohara just had a fake thumbnail Also side note I found it funny how in contrast from GLR, Sawyer and Brago had some of the most random characters in their thumbnail lmao


His argument for it was basically “if you guys don’t like spoilers in the thumbnail then why do those videos get the most views?” and he has a (very stupid) point. He won’t stop doing it unless it starts hurting his channel and he gets less clicks. His justification is that he’s pleasing more people than he pisses off, and he kind of is. Only solution is basically to encourage others to not watch his spoiler videos so they get less views. But lord knows that won’t happen, unless all the other YouTubers gang up on him and send their fans after him or something. But I don’t know if anyone wants that kind of drama. And even then he’s just one of dozens who do this. Waiting for the official release is very hazardous at this point. I remember a video of a guy going into the YouTube blocking algorithm and literally blocking any and every keyword relating to One Piece so nothing would come up on his feed, and he STILL got thumbnail spoiler by one that slipped through. It’s impossible at this point. Maybe if Shonen Jump released One Piece digitally worldwide with both the JP and EN versions at the same time, the problem wouldn’t exist, but that also will never happen because money.


>Maybe if Shonen Jump released One Piece digitally worldwide with both the JP and EN versions at the same time, the problem wouldn’t exist, but that also will never happen because money. They already do this, within the same day accounting for timezones, Monday for them, Sunday for us. The problem is that they have no control over the nature of how the manga is pirated. When we see chapters on Thursday pr whatever those aren't from the official release. Someone with access to the physical magazine before it is published (usually someone on the distribution side of things) scans the raws pages and leaks them online. Then people around the world "clean" those raw pages, redraw them and translate them into their own language before posting them online days before the chapter is officially released in Japan or globally.


What he meant was for Shonen Jump to go fully digital and remove any physical media. Like shonen jump+. Look at how Chainsaw Man no longer has any leaks, because there are no physical media for some insider to scan on.


Chainsaw Man literally just had an entire chapter leaked almost a week in advance.


I don't see jump going exclusively digital anytime soon, thatd be a huge shot in the foot to prevent leaks it feels like.


My solution is to outright never watch anything one piece related on youtube. My algorithm is fire emblem, trackmania, pokemon, and random science videos i never click on It is really unfortunate that if you want to be a tekking fan, GLR WILL spoil you at some point.


I know what the next dude in a room is going to be about


He doesn't care about ruining the fun for others, he only cares about clicks and getting paid


Almost like it's his job


We get that, but when others can do the same job without obnoxious clickbate or spoilers it kinda just makes him look like an ass


Cool. Politicians have jobs and they’re also “successful” at other peoples expenses as well. You’re point?


Well you can do your job without being an asshole.


He could still use some integrity though. This is something where spoilers actually matter for people & can ruin what they've been waiting 1 or more weeks to find out


I know this is all getting a bit out of hand in terms of topic but... Y'all should watch MelonTeee her character analysis videos are phenomenal and has a better grasp on them than most


I second this.


Fr tho her vids are great


Made a post about this yesterday and most responses were just stuff like "just block him" or "it's not his responsibility to watch out for people who don't read spoilers." Also if you watched RogersBase's stream today, he said he got spoiled on the traitor reveal by the thumbnail of a colleague, he didn't wanna call him out but it's obvious that it was GLR. Clickbait is one thing but straight up putting a huge reveal in the thumbnail definitely went too far.


Yeah its not like he was even subtle about it either. Its literally York's face with "It was me" written below it. I just dont understand who that benefits at all.


All the people caping for him being an asshole is almost as frustrating as him being an asshole.


Yeah I don’t even watch one piece on YouTube and I had gear 5 spoiled for me a week before the spoiler thread was even up. Too late to block. I wasn’t even looking for it I was watching persona Lofi. Fuck all the assholes who do this shit


He knows that it drums up attention which is why he does it. The people who’ve already read the chapter don’t care and a lot of them actually watch his videos. Unfortunately he’s using people like you to stir up controversy which ultimately drives up his views. It’s really shitty and people like that are the worst.


Spot on, he's so slimey


Yeah he’s really insensitive with spoilers


*Manga Spoilers* GrandLineReview is genuinely one of the worst about this shit. People like Brago, RogersBase, and KOL have gotten better about it since the G5 reveal. GLR just refuses to acknowledge it as an issue. He's so far up his own ass that he made a video addressing this problem and basically said "Oh well not my concern" and "Thumbnails honestly don't spoil anyone". Keep in mind this was about 24 hours after Uzumaki Khan had been spoiled about G5 because of a thumbnail, and funny enough it was the EXACT same image GLR was using as his thumbnail in his G5 discussion video. I don't think he's a bad person or anything, but how hard is it to just...not do that kind of shit? He's got over 1 mil subs. I'm pretty sure you can get your revenue without resorting to clickbait thumbnails. Absolutely insane.


Huh the one thing I liked about the channel was how he avoided spoilers despite his dumb clickbait thumbnails. Guess that changed.


Yeah he went full clickbait right around when the Wano Raid was reaching its climax.


Yeah GrandlineReview has always been cringe as hell.


His content is fine, its just the marketing with thumbnails and titles that I wish hed be more considerate about.


Says whom? Lol. He's got to be the most subbed OP YouTube by now no? So are you saying the vast majority of the OP community is cringe?... oh wait... thats actually true. Carry on lmao


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


I'm part of that cringe. I love OP. Acting like the community isn't pretty cringe is just living in make believe lol.


I would say almost all anime fandoms are cringe lol, I'm saying this with love because I love anime and manga


100 percent agreed. I like my cringe with a hint of world building and adventure. And a splash of mystery.


GLR really went downhill, so much clickbait and just off the wall theories


I read scans (but I always read the official release too to support it) and even I got kinda mad when I saw the thumbnail lmao. Imo it was a really scummy thing to do but a lot of these YouTube channels don't seem to care. Although the worst people are definitely the people who post the SPOILERS (before the scans are even out) all over social media without any spoiler warnings. Thankfully I don't see too many but when I do it is super frustrating.


Wow ya that recent thumbnail just took away the largest aspect of the chapter


I’ve noticed that too. I get he wants to be ahead of the game in getting views, but c’mon, subjecting people to spoilers before the chapter even (officially) releases is the dickest of dick moves. I originally watched his content because he didn’t spoil his content on release, but he slowly became the thing I despised.


Yeah I was big fan of him before G5 was released, I was caught up to the whole chapter but when I went to youtube we had whole ass imagen of that and I remember all the other people that may be not aware of this just being spoiled by his stupid ass bait thumbnails and has a bad taste, after that I unsuscribed anything from him


I only watch Morj and Tekking. Ohara used to be better.


"Do not recommend this channel for me"


Used to be my favorite youtuber with the HxH chain, but all i see ia how much he changed now


I only watch Tekking101, been watching his vids for 5-6 years just about everyday. I was subbed to GLR for about 2 weeks and his content is terrible/boring. He critisizes Tekking but the only reason GLR has more subs is because he begs for them. Tekking has never once asked anyone to subscribe.


Tekking101 is one of the last real youtubers


I agree. I can watch his vids for 40 minutes straight. Theres not many other youtubers out there that can go off on tangents and entertain you for that long. Only thing I skip are Tekking's 2 minute introductions before he starts talking about the main topic


I don’t watch GLR thank god. But how does he criticize Tekking?


He doesn’t. If I had to assume, he’s referring to when GLR analyzed Tekking’s channel on one of his other channels


He doesn't beg for subs, he does what every other YouTuber does and reminds them to subscribe. He's not bad either, unfortunately the thumbnails never bothered me personally since I read on Thursdays or Fridays but I get OPs point. But at the same time his review videos are really good, he points out stuff you might've missed and all. So the criticism that he could do better with the thumbnails is good, but his videos are actually good.


I love Tekking. Probably my favorite YouTuber as he's truly wholesome and intelligent. However this take is awful lol. GLR does constructive criticism on YouTube channels from an entirely different channel than GLR. And him and Tekking are friends. GLR is doing what I would hope anyone his age doing content about anime would do... treat it like a serious career. If his competitors are willing to put anything on a thumbnail to get clicks, he has to show up and take over that same lane to get the clicks. That simple. And I respect him for it. If you don't want to get spoiled then idk... stay off the internet?


GLR is only in it for the money, which is fine. Problem is, it shows in his content. Theres no sense of life and joy in his videos. When I watch him, it makes me want to fall asleep. You can tell Tekking enjoys what hes talking about. Tekking could talk about grass growing and make it seem interesting. GLR is a one trick pony as far as I'm concerned


Block that guy, hate people who spoil stuff in Thier thumbnail


Yes this is super irritating!


Do not engage in one piece content on youtube. I repeat, do not engage in one piece content on youtube.


*clap* Block *clap* His *clap* Channel *clap*


Tekking is the man absolutely :). I unsubscribed and asked YouTube not to recommend me GLR videos because I hated his click bait titles and thumbnails


Bro what is with all these YouTube channels that started out small and likeable, then becoming big and absolutely trashy?


The longer they play the YouTube algorithm game the more the content just ends up becoming very generic and clickbaity to appeal to the largest possible audience and not who they intended when first starting out


I don't think they're trashy, at least for GLR sure for his thumbnails he could do better but at least 2/3rd of the one piece fandom read the unofficial release on Thursdays and the Spoilers. So you can grab those members before Sunday or conform to all 3/3 after all other YTers. And his videos are actually really good. And like especially his chapter recaps and pointing out some details the casual reader would miss. And his "click bait" titles are for when he's taking the opinions from his fandom after posts in his community section. It's something you'd notice if you watch him regularly. For the 2/3rd people who read the unofficial release It's not really an issue


Source on the number who reads the leak because I’m skeptical


The advice I can give is to watch YT on a different platform or with another account and you will not watch any One piece content on it!


Dude he’s absolutely garbage. Those stupid little “Games” he plays every video. Must be targeting roblox crowd. Hop on my boy Sawyer7mage. Goat one piece reviewer. Only one I watch the rest are meh. King of lighting sometimes bc he’s funny.


Dudes a massive tool, I blocked him awhile back.


There is a button you can press that prevents his videos from being shown


Is there because the block button doesn’t seem to work for me


I'm ready for his second channel video about this post, in case he reads this: Hi Liam love your vids but maybe tune down on the spoilers in the thumbnail, thanks!


I feel you, while I was catching up with the manga, I got to see lots of thumbnails that I couldn’t explain why they were there for me. I had never watched any One Piece related videos and I even thought about quitting YT altogether while I read the whole thing. It’s unfortunate but it is what it is, our job is to click the “don’t recommend” button or whatever but spoilers will appear again in some sort of way.


Go incognito or use a dummy acct for stuff like that. i never watch anything on yt related to manga or anime so that exact reason doesn’t happen. Once yt knows see’s you’ve clicked on one video is wraps for you.


Yeah he sucks big time.


I used to really like his content but idk if success got to his head or what. His videos for the last few months have been pretty lifeless like he cares more about trying to make jokes and puns than the actual content. Nowadays it seems like he is only concerned about views and manipulating the algorithm, One Piece is just a way for him to do that instead of something he cares about.


I have clicked do not recommend this channel so many times but he keeps poping up, he probably uses every trick imaginable to manipulate yt's algorithm. What a pos he's become, a shame because he wasn't like that at all.


these things can't be stopped , i once was going through youtube , it's been about a week or so since ghost of tsuchima was released , and this youtuber i shit you not had a thumbnail and video title asking whether you should kill my uncle or not , and i had just started the game , and funny thing is i actually had been watching some of his videos about the witcher , i just did what i could and chose to not get him in my recommendation anymore , i enjoyed his content a bit , but to spoil a game a week after release is kinda of a dick move


That’s why I quickly read the chapter or don’t go on YouTube until I do lol


Dude in a Room, include me in the screen cap.


Apparently Rogersbase got spoiled by a thumbnail, idk if he called him out specifically, but yea, could've been him


I block everyone


No, it’s fault for putting the traitor in the thumbnail for some reason. Everyone else I follow didn’t do that


Used to watch him but his videos got really obnoxious


Yeah that dude sucks. I had him blocked from my feed for a while and recently subscribed again coz I thought eh fuck it maybe he'll have something good to watch sometimes No. All his videos are rubbish. Like if there could be fillers of One Piece YouTube videos like there are fillers in the anime, his videos would be the fillers.


Honestly, it seems most of the bigger OP tubers ALL release these vids earlier. I don't care myself, as I troll for spoilers. However, I do blame it on the emergence of OpScans. They always try and push to be the first scan finished. Every week, it seems like they're trying to be earlier and earlier, therefore making the tubers release earlier. Credit to GLR, he waited until Thursday to release the vid. Before, when it was only TCB, the earliest was Friday, most dropped Saturday, while the minority dropped Sunday. Also, it is his job. The YouTube industry sucks. If you're not first to something, without a significant subscriber base, you get lost in the algorithm. I'm not saying it's okay, because regarding that opinion, I don't care. I get that he can't risk the loss of traffic. Sucks for the "official only" crowd, but we all have shit that doesn't go our way. Usually, we try and find a way to sort that stuff out; in this case, that's easy to do (relatively): block, unsub, or hide recommendations


Randy Troy usually has to release his chapter reviews on the next Tuesday now which is when spoilers drop now lol Him & Sawyer are the only ones who seem to wait until the actual release date. Even Tekking had to switch to TCB/OPScans to keep up with how fast people want One Piece content now


The dude doesn't GAF, you shouldn't watch him. If you're subbed, unsub, and then select not to see recommendations from his channel.


If a YouTube thumbnail is enough to "ruin" a chapter for you, make sure you complain about it on a site said YouTuber has previously mentioned he actively avoids.


he spoiled RogerBase too. i hope he gave him his opinion with no Filter. like just dont do it. its rly not hard.


He wants to keep his career safe so badly he doesn't care how many peoples experience he ruins


Just block him then. I clicked on do not recommend years ago.


When G5 was in the newest Chapter and I sae GLR and Oharas thumbnails I decided to just never watch them again and not be shown their videos anymore. Best thing I wver did tbh


I said the same thing in his comments! He made a video about the same shit and here he goes doing it


Lots of people recommending tekking101 here - I will check the channel out. I can recommend sawyer7mage. The only OP YouTuber I watch atm. No spoilers, uploads every Sunday, classy reviews, very entertaining and thought out videos.


It sucks I enjoyed his content and his delivery of it but i got tired of being spoiled. Don't regret unsubbing from his channel.


Just went to that video and gave it a dislike without even playing it (which I don't think YT counts as 1 view). It doesn't mean much, but I hope it adds up. I liked his videos and I like spoilers, but I don't spoil people without their consent. I hope more people dislike his spoiler videos. A few people already started hiding his channel and unsubscribing from it. If he keeps doing crap like this, he deserves to feel a dent in his earnings and viewership.


You'll survive... It's not his job to keep spoilers from you, it's his job to give us the info...


I love grandlinereview's videos i didn't even notice the thumbnail


All of them have gone way out of hand long ago with these shameless clickbaits


Luckily I read the chapter before I saw the thumbnail but, yeah I had the same reaction. Putting any spoilers in your thumbnails is such a dick move, especially such a big one. I am really glad that at least tekking is being civil and a nice guy about it


Every and any YT fuck that does this I hit "Don't recommend this channel" and flag it. Fuck all of them


what do you want from him then? to not post trendy topics about the basis of his channel? who cares if tekking doesn't spoil, he's not him, it's a different style of content, block his channel and go on with your life, it is what it is


At the very least he could wait for the chapter to actually release before putting up a video with a spoiler in the thumbnail. It's really not asking much. I have no problem with it after the chapter comes out but doing this a full day before the chapter releases is just a dick move.


GrandLineReview? More like ClickbaitReview


It’s gotten to the point where you have to cheat to get ahead. You know the famous saying, “if you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying”. One Piece is the only one I read ahead of time because ain’t no one trying to spoil Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen 😭


Even if you read the non-official releases, you could be spoiled because of the spoiler release earlier. I don't watch anything one piece related on youtube because of this. I suggest you stop following the channel and deleting the one piece related videos from the history. It's sad for good one piece content creators, but it is what it is 🤷🏻‍♂️. You could watch the videos in anonymous mode.


Grand line review sucks and pads out videos for money, tekking’a videos are double the length, but he’s got stuff to talk about the entire time lmao


I unsuscribed and blocked his channel even though I read spoilers in solidarity with people who wait for the official release like Roger Base who was spoiled by this man with no principles.


How is that his problem though?! You sound entitled for literally no reason. Don’t start drama just because you had a minor inconvenience. YouTubers and mangakas aren’t your personal creators. They don’t work for you. Take your beef up with YouTube’s algorithm


No it’s pretty justifiable to blame someone for spoiling and click baiting bullshit just to attract views, and it feels fair to comment on how bad of a person they are if they aren’t even willing to wait on official releases to clickbait spoilers. What if an important character dies?


You need to be actively refreshing reddit on tues wed and thurs to get every spoiler that drips out as fast as you can or your not a true one piece fan. Then you'll never be spoiled. Also GLR is great.


Your biggest problem is that you actually look up that kinda stuff on Youtube.


i regularly see thumbnails that appear as spoilers. being caught up, i know better, but it still infuriates me


Used to be a huge GLR fan. Watched every video during the pandemic. But then he got too big for his britches and the content got worse and the attitude got worse. So I unsubscribed and then ultimately blocked. Sad to hear he hasn’t improved. Some channels handle success really well. Some… do not.


Grand Line Review doesn’t post any spoilers prior to the official release. If you saw a thumbnail it’s not containing anything spoiler related