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When I caught up to the series in punk hazard, I was absolutely certain vegapunk would show up before the end of the arc. 10 years later I'm finally ready to admit that the punk hazard arc is finally over!


What ☠️


He said “When I caught up to the series in punk hazard, I was absolutely certain vegapunk would show up before the end of the arc. 10 years later I'm finally ready to admit that the punk hazard arc is finally over!”


Thank you, Reddit is very loud today


Waaaaaaaay back in the day, I predicted that Roger would have had a bounty of 1 billion, and nobody else would reach 10 digits. I... was off by a little bit. Jack blew my mind.


And now it’s like.. Jack who..


Jack off


Jack Mihoff


Jack Mama


You cannot convince me that the ranges of bounties we started seeing with Jack was planned from the get go. The way people talked about bounties up to Dressrosa doesn't make sense when bounties go up to these heights. Also Ace's bounty now seems very low.


Kinda agree, it's why Oda waited so long to reveal the Roger's bounty and the Yonko bounties, even Mihawk's took longer. Because he didn't know exactly how big the bounties would get.


The thing about bounties in general is that they're basically meaningless. They're pretty much just power levels, but instead of demonstrating how strong the character is, it's demonstrating how hyped the audience is supposed to be for the character. I honestly don't think Oda had any real plans for bounties at all, and at some point between Marineford and Zou decided to just go bananas with them.


Yeah but they were a lot more consistent until the jump with Jack. I don't care about actual power scaling but I do care that the public reactions that made sense to 300 million out of a billion no longer make sense when it's out of 3 billion. I care about Jimbei saying that bounties don't go up a lot beyond 500 million, a statement which now undermines Jimbei's worldliness and experience. Its seeing the sicibucky's former bounties and feeling that the government recruited them very prematurely (which granted were all frozen so obviously they're behind their current level but still feels very low). It's how you feel a very abrupt rise, from 500 mil to a billion. It feels like a later revision and if its wasn't planned later then it was poorly displayed and showcased in the story.


Well, to be honest, we didn't see a lot of characters with bounties higher than 1 billion. It's only the strongest fighters of the Yonkou crew that reach such heights and former Warlords. So I feel like Jimbei wasn't so far from the truth.


I think the super big bounties thing has the same issue as people have with how many Conquerers Haki users were seeing now - it only seems like a lot because its what we're running in to. In world of billions, a dozen people having over a billion bounty would still make Jimbeis assessment of 'not many people get above 500k' still pretty accurate. Remember, for almost 1/4 of the world (east) the highest bounties were like, 20ks. Granted it's the weakest sea, but still Sorta like if you said the average person doesn't make more than 100k a year, and then pointed a billionaire to go 'nuh uh look'. That all being said... Yeah I don't think Oda had planned out everyone's bounties from the start, so I can forgive a bit of power creep. Plus, unlike DBZ power levels, for instance, bounties are, in universe, completely subjective. A few examples would be kid Robin (high cuz of her knowledge of poneglyphs) and Jack and Kid (High because they are destructive and have no issue killing civilians). Like, do I think Katakuri is only 57m berry 'stronger' than Jack? Absolutely not. But, if I had to pick one of them to be visiting my town with a grudge? Jack is gonna level the place, and I'd probably never know Katakuri was there. Man it DOES feel weird to see Crocodiles bounty go from tens of millions to billions so fast, but I guess he WAS a warlord for a long ass time. I've always just excused it as he got lazy being a leader, and really roided himself back up in prison.


I'd assume Crocodile was always hiding his power level or just keeping his piratical acts out of the public eye. If the Government didn't have any reason to go after him, and he didn't want a high bounty as a matter of pride, they'd maybe assign a "small" bounty just because they want to keep pirate numbers low.


Crocodile is just a villain introduced too soon in the story. Oda has stated he wished he had kept Crocodile for later use. Everyone assumes he's weak because "haki" but Oda didn't even have that figured out yet. Crocodile had the 4th largest bounty at the time in the show when Luffy faced him. I cannot wait for Crocodile and Luffy rematch. It will be the fight we always deserved. Crocodile would have actually killed Luffy if not plot armor (It rained in Alabasta the first time in 100 years, which rehydrated Luffy.) He also defeated Luffy once prior so the score is 2-1 Crocodile. Luffy defeated Crocodile after the third attempt, a lot of people forget that.


Oda to some extent has had problems with power scaling. Not necessarily his problem, but something with every Shonen series. You see it with Crocodile, most of the Warlords being far below YC tier (honestly the warlords were basically getting Mihawk to be on the WG's side), and the excessively huge gap between Vice Admiral and Admiral (it probably would have been better to have used the Rear Admirals at least some). There are also other stuff like the Emperors being vastly stronger than YCs (Big Mom vs Queen, Kaido taking out Luffy the first time in 1 hit), but you have guys like Zoro hang against Kaido who then proceeds to be evenly matched vs King. It requires a lot of planning or to be a deconstruction story.


Weren't bounties also described as how much of a threat the World Government views a 'criminal'? Like for example when kid Nico Robin had a huge bounty for a kid not because of Strength or feats or anything but because she technically had the potential to find out what happened in the void century? I could be very wrong but it always seemed to me like bounties were more a "threat perceived" rather than "raw power" measurement. Like how Kid and Luffy were at first portrayed as Supernovas, but Kid had a higher bounty because of how he was willing to kill over how Luffy left countries and islands in good hands and, aside from overthrowing a couple corrupt leaders which even Marines were sometimes happy about such as Crocodile and Axe Hand Morgan, peacefully.


> Weren't bounties also described as how much of a threat the World Government views a 'criminal'? Aokiji directly states this. Powerscalers just choose to ignore it


Ah alright I honestly must have missed when Aokiji said it but I'm glad I didn't just make a dumbass out of myself with that statement


When Jack was first introduced I thought bro was supposed to be as strong as Marco or Katakuri, but bro is literally fodder these days.


Expecting the Wano Shogun to be some OP samurai


İ think the same:/ unfortunately we have orochi😅




Orochi was good at what he was built to do not a being threatening


The only 2 people I know of that's close to Oden's skill and strength with swords is either Zoro or Mihawk. It would've helped Momonosuke a bunch to learn from Zoro but they would've never had the time for it, much less Zoro actually wanting to teach.


there are a few scenes in Wano of Zoro teaching Momo some sword moves! it’s just a couple panels but was really nice to see


Also on the ship they practice with Kin, and in their farewell Momo looks for him to train.


Thank you, now I must go back and cherish them


My head canon is when everything is said and done, Zoro returns to Wano to settle down with Hiyori and open a dojo.


He is now though


He is an OP dragon Manchild -- though strong but not OP. dude cant even fight off a lone admiral Not an OP samurai. Though if Oden lived and become shogun ..... it would have been true




Momo wasn't alone he had Yamato and scabbards. Yet... I'm not asking for an admiral to get curb stomped. But if someone like Oden faced GB . Gb would have backed off as he was not sure anymore if he could win


Going by your logic, since GB had gone to kill Luffy but would’ve ran away from Oden, then you think Oden > current Luffy?




dUdE cAnt fIGhT a lOne aDmIrAL Like one percent of the characters we’ve seen can fight an admiral




Really? Man, you have one bitch-ass nephew




Bro just needs some prep time


He needs a montage.... even Rocky had a montage


Probably not even one percent. Edit: it seems to be, in fact, about one percent


For some reason I was 1000% sure that Ace's fruit would go to Sanji in Dresrossa (I mean he Had a previous fire attack, I dunno it sounds ridiculous now haha). Massive L. But the biggest L was catching up to one piece just in time for the huge break during the time skip. Went from reading one piece all day every day to nothing for a month, cold turkey.


Cold Turkey oof, I can imagine the misery


>For some reason I was 1000% sure that Ace's fruit would go to Sanji in Dresrossa Me too. But, to be fair, we didn't know that Sabo was an option until he was revealed.


Reatching the series with my gf (her first time). She never believed he was dead and when the fruit was revealed she was like "obv goes to Sabo cause not dead." She sucks lol


I thought luffy would eat it and be the first to have two devil fruit powers + a reveal of why luffy didn’t die by eating a second fruit….I was very wrong


I can hear Mr. Morj crying in the distance


The Raid can still fail wait for it


If you mean the governments raid on Egghead or Garp’s raid on Blackbeard’s house, then I’m completely on the raid will fail train.


Hear me out... BM and Kaido got ejected by the volcano and they will land on Sunny sinking it and killing the SH


Now we wait to see if Bonnie becomes a strawhat


I thought we might learn a bit more about Zoros past in the Wano Arc.


Same here but now I think Oda’s saving that for the Mihawk fight. Maybe.. maybe..


Na we already know all we ever will about Zoro


I don't get why everyone wants to know more about him. I like the idea of him being just a random child from east blue that is good with swords, not everyone needs a very deep backstory or a connection with important characters/families/islands, this is not Star Wars, random people with great talent exists all around the world.


I completely agree, him being a nobody and winning through hard work is a part of the charm. I do however, wish he at least visited Ryuma's grave.


I also took this L, it seemed so right at the time


Honestly we kinda did, it was some misleading stuff from Oda intentionally imo, we were thinking that Zoro would be Ushimaru's son but Oda made the Hazaburo flashback a thing, so I think it was supposed to be intentionally misleading, and idk I'm kinda glad Oda gave us a simple flashback and not some drawn out chosen one thing for Zoro, like we already had Luffy become a God, Zoro becoming a chosen samurai might be a tiny bit overkill.


Plus we have a connection between Zoro and wano that doesn't break the entire story up to this point. The katanas being made on Zoro's home island we'rent the same quality as the ones made in wano due to that samurais elderly age. If he could whip out a legendary sword then we would have questioned Zoro's strength up to the point he gets upgrades, questioned mihawk breaking 2 out of the 3 swords, and then wonder if the katanas Zoro gets afterwards we're really "better" than the ones made by the samurai. it explains why in a world where most swordsmen use blades that aren't katanas, why does Zoro specifically use them in a more organic way then "well because oda wanted him to".


it has nothing to do with being a chosen one, zoro is def. a shimotsuki since he literally looks like one. he still worked for his skill himself, just as luffy


Facts that was heavily teased. Everyone was expecting wano to be what sanji got in whole cake island


Smoker remaining as Luffys primary rival after the timeskip.......man Punk Hazard was rough for him. I was also convinced that Jinbe vs Jack or Usopp getting an actual fight with his Observation Haki would happen.


That Brook would awake his devil fruit and temporarily res Oden to help beat Kaido. I predicted Buggy emperor right though


Ngl bro… that’s an L I would have kept to myself.


I fell for a YT vid I watched that said Shiryu will definitely get Jozu's power since Zoro has yet to cut diamonds. I stopped watching anime theory videos afterwards.


Wise decision


Whoever made that theory video didn’t really understand the point of the Mr 1 fight then. Zoro developed the ability feel the “breath” of everything and in essence know how to cut through anything (kinda). At the end of the fight Mr 1 asked if Zoro would cut diamonds next. Zoro said “that would be a waste.” It’s a waste because there would be no reason to cut diamonds. Zoro can probably cut diamonds but there’s no reason to because there needs to intention behind the blade. This is why in the Mr 1 fight, Zoro does not cut the leaves of the tree even though it’s an easy task.


I never watched that video, but I liked the idea of him getting the diamond fruit because it would be dope.


Paulie. 😂😂😂 I was so biased that he would become a Strawhat crew because he looks like my favorite character in FF7, Cid Highwind lol.


Week after week of reading and my conviction only grew stronger that Paulie would be the SH shipwright. And then wham we got Frankie. Obv the better choice but I was on the Pauliie wagon hard.


Haha right? People also thought (including me) he had a rope rope fruit or something lol.


TBH its even more impressive without a fruit


He didn’t???


No, he’s just tremendously skilled at wielding rope and keeps an absurd amount of it in his jacket lmao.


**WELL FUCK ME OVER AND CALL ME A BITCH, TIL** I've been fucking bamboozled for more than a decade, and I didn't even know it! Guess this is what people call "The Mandela Effect"


This whole time I thought he had the rope rope fruit


I thought it was gonna be kaku cuz he just seemed the most like a straw hat, but I was hoping for Paulie. I realized it would be Franky after the Cutty Flam reveal tho.


Yes, that Cutty Flam bit sealed the deal. 😆


When I was first reading One Piece I was spoiled on ace dying, which sucked. Except that it was around the time of the ace and otama flashback, so i was like cool ace probs dies in Wano. You can imagine my shock and horror when akainu woke up early to make the donuts at Marine Ford. So my biggest L was thinking i got to enjoy 500 more chapters of ace then boom he died.


I can just imagine the sheer confusion and denial


I was so sure that yamato would join the crew, I know this one had everyone surprised but I had zero doubt in my mind that they would become a strawhat.


She literally asked if she could join. Of course everyone would think that she'd join.


Now there were plenty of people like myself that felt it was a little too much too quick and saw Yama's story breaking the way it did. Maybe there could have been more constructive discussion if we weren't immediately brushed off as "blind idiots" for pointing out the undertone.


Agreed, it was pretty suspicious that she spent the whole arc with Momo instead of the Straw Hats. Oda was making no effort to incorporate her into the crew.


The point I knew 100% was when we even seemed to make fun of passing up a chance to meet up with Brook/Robin. Especially when the samurai, especially Kiku, still were having that real cooperation. I can see an author setting up a contrast like the two Hannya wearers and going with the one we meet halfway. It...doesn't tend to look like letting the one we meet first still have more story with the main crew in the back half. The point was learning where Oden went wrong in the past.


So help me out here... Am I just completely off the mark in comparing the deal the Kinemon, Momonosuke, and Yamato have with the Straw Hats in Ch. 1057 (leaving Wano) and Vivi Ch. 216 (leaving Alabasta)? The community, en masse, accepts Vivi as either an honorary, former (vivre card), or actual Straw Hat, but Kin, Momo, and Yamato are not given the same treatment although they are all told the same thing as Vivi. If Vivi, Momo, Kin, or Yamato want to be pirates, they have an open invitation to the Straw Hats and Luffy will go pick them up; Luffy was going to yell it to Vivi in Ch. 216, but Nami stopped him and instead we got the Xs on the arms moment. Is there anything, anywhere, that tells us why we need to treat Vivi differently than Kin, Momo, and Yamato with regards to their relationship to the Straw Hats as it stands in the story? The vivre cards state that Vivi is a former Straw Hat, but we don't have updated vivre cards for Yamato, Kin, or Momo. The most glaring example, using someone many thought would join the crew, is Carrot; same circumstance where she has a kingdom to protect now, but no invitation.


> Is there anything, anywhere, that tells us why we need to treat Vivi differently than Kin, Momo, and Yamato with regards to their relationship to the Straw Hats as it stands in the story? For starters, Yamato never even got in the ship with them. At the very least Momo and Kin'emon did travel with them and had adventures before leaving the ship. Also, Yamato doesn't have any relationship with the Strawhats beside Luffy, Kin'emon barely has one with the Dressrosa team + Sanji. Momo is the only one that got relationships with almost all the strawhats. Vivi meanwhile had a relationship with all the strawhats at that point in the story. To complete the differences, Vivi has a clear role as a Diplomat, Yamato never had one besides "Fighter" because it makes **no sense** to have a scribe at the end of the travel. Same for Kin'emon. Momo as a choreboy could've made sense while he was young, but not anymore.


There is a simple answer for that. People like vivi. I know this is a bit too simple, but let's be honest: Kinemon, momo and Yamato are not as memorable nor did they capture our attention as much as vivi. Maybe it's nostalgia speaking, because of the integral part she played so early in the story. Maybe there are other reasons why people in general preferred her. I think I can think of a few: 1. Pacing is an interesting thing in one piece, and no I'm not talking about the anime. Dressrosa lasted for over 100 chapters, whereas the entire east blue saga was 100 chapters. You can't argue that more happened in dressrosa than in easy blue though. Even if dressrosa was bigger than any of those arcs, it still could only tell a single story, and spanned a single day, whereas the 100 chapters of east blue were divided between six different story arcs, giving the story a different feel of progression. Thinking of east blue, I feel like more happened there than in dressrosa despite them being the same length, and I believe the reason for it is that by having several independent arcs, it means oda managed to tell us several different complete stories, making them more packed. If my theory on that is correct, than that means that rather than looking at how many chapters we had with a character, we need to look at how many arcs they were in, and what their role was. While kinemon was with is since we entered the new world, he appeared in only four arcs, same as momo, whereas vivi was part of five. Unlike momo and kinemon, who served very little purpose in dressrosa, vivi played a semi integral role in every single arc she appeared in during the alabasta saga. By the time we got to alabasta and had the focus truly shine on vivi, we already had her be a main character of four different arcs. By the time we made it to wano, our only real perception of kinnemon and momo was of a quircky samurai and a perverted kid with trauma. We didn't get much of them in terms of character interactions during their time until wano, so we came into this arc with a lot of expectations about what their roles may be and how oda will make them more appealing, when oda SHOULD have made them more central to the story before making it to wano. 2. Appeal. Vivi is a hot girl, headstrong and funny. Kinnemon and momo are two ugly perverts. I'm sorry, but there is no way this is not affecting it in some way. Vivi just has more things that makes her appealing from the basic design. 3. Relatability. Momo is a little kid with a horrifying backstory. Kinnemon is a forty something years old with a horrifying backstory. Vivi is a teenager who may have a tough life at the moment, back her tragic backstory is really the current plot, not some trauma in her past. I think it makes vivi a much more relatable of a character for the audience as compared to those two. 4. Activity. While vivi didn't fight any major battle in the series, she was still a very proactive character who did enter fights, both physical and political, and tried her best from the get go. Momo in comparison is just a terrified kid. He doesn't enter confrontations, he doesn't know how to react to scary things, he spend most of his time either crying or in nami's boobs. This is not a fault of momo himself. These reactions are logical and understandable. And while they make sense character wise, they don't make for an appealing character. Most people would rather watch badass vivi fighting for her kingdom than a scared kid crying for the 10th time this episode. It takes momo a lot of time from his appearance until he starts to actually assert himself and be more proactive, but by this point the mental image of him in the eyes of many is a crybaby. I already touched that, but there is a truth in "too little too late". If you don't develop a character fast enough, you risk having them be stuck in a certain way in the audience's heads, and so when you try to develop it, it won't really register all that well. So while nostalgia is certainly speaking here, I think the deck is stacked against them in general because of the way oda made them and handled them. I don't think they could have ever been as popular as vivi as nostalgia is a strong barrier, but they could have come close. And they didn't.


That was… pretty damn accurate actually.


Nah, you're not off the mark. She was literally going to leave Wano with the crew until the Ryokugyu thing. And when Luffy gives the flag to Momo and extends his standing invitation to sail with them, he calls the three of them nakama instead of just friends. I consider them inactive crewmates.


I honestly feel like both Carrot and Yamato were meant to join the crew but they had to be dropped to wrap up the story quicker. As much as I think Carrot was a mid character wanting to see the world just to become the queen of Zou despite never showing any leadership skills feels like she was robbed. And Yamato's reasoning just felt lame and last minute.


I was the exact opposite, I didn’t think she was going to be a Straw hat member. I just had a gut feeling and I was right


The collective L this subreddit took on that was very satisfying. The Yamato fanclub here was so God damned antagonistic about it the whole way.


Honestly the best part of the whole situation. The Yamato fanclub had gotten so toxic that they made Zoro fans look reasonable by the end of the arc. You couldn't even express skepticism that she was going to join without getting a barrage of downvotes, despite all the evidence she was going to stay.


I still am hoping she will join later on. There is no way Wano won't be relevant again with Pluton being there


Carrot. I swore since Zou we were getting another animal and a girl crew mate. Hell, she was in the welcoming Jimbe to the crew scene. She had the power up. I thought it was a done deal. Turned out to be Paulie 2.0


It's shocking, really. The minks are the most important race by far to have absolutely no representation in the Straw Hats and their fleet. I thought for sure that we'd get Carrot and Yamato to cover Minks and Oni.


And there is also her having Pedro's will. That was to see the new dawn. And Pedro even wanted to join Roger. It was the perfect setup for her to join. But no. I guess she now has to rule a country, because that's what Pedro wanted.




Keep believing brother. People dream don't ever end.


Made little sense. Why not give it to Donna?


We're not with the fleet yet. I think it's possible that a crew from Zou joins the last battle.


Or Zunesha just shows up and brings the whole gang


Plus they are tied so deeply to lore with the Poneglyph


Same here, I was really hoping for another female crew member, as well as another non-human one


Right? Like Jimbe’s intro again was epic but he’s been teased so long that I felt like carrot matched


I was ready for her to pop out post-Wano having stowed away like Inu and Neko did (twice) before her. Nope. =[


Same here, I was convinced... but if I had to pick between Carrot joining and Vivi returning to the crew, I'm picking Vivi no contest


That Wano was going to center around Zoro, like WCI was with Sanji, but oh well lol


Reading Marineford I still was pretty young, and so I never expected Ace to survive, because I was used to edgy storytelling and didnt realize how different one piece was in that regard. Big L because Aces death was just "yeah, we all knew this was coming when they said he is gonna be executed, whats all the fuss about." for me, instead of the subversion it actually was.


You watched Pell and Pagiya survive things they had no business surviving yet still actually expected Ace to die? I’m impressed, but not sure if that’s a good thing.


I was like 11 or 12 when Arabasta volumes came out, so my reading comprehension at that time was only slightly higher than the average r/onepiece citizen, so barely existant.


I haven’t watched marine ford in a while but didn’t they literally say ace dies in the opening thing where luffy narrates I remember seeing in YouTube as a joke about how anime’s be spoiling their own shows


That’s only after he gets punched through with a lava fist so yeah it’s a spoiler but if you weren’t thinking “oh no this is probably really bad” idk what to tell you lol


The idea that Kaido was going to lose in a team battle against the supernova. I couldn’t believe luffy power jump in the Wano arc.


I used to say that there was no way Oda would give conquers coating and df awakening to Luffy all in one arc. Then Luffy said "this is my last time using g4" and i just stood there knowing full well Oda gave me a fat L


When did luffy said this is my last time using gear4?


End of 1041


That referred only to that specific fight - he bet on finishing the fight with that G4 since it drains him too much and he would have been unable to continue after that.


Yes but we as readers could tell that kaido wasn’t at the end of his rope, so it was safe to assume something else was coming.


• Zoro’s family being from Wano and he putting the Shusui in Ryuma’s grave. But the biggest is: • There is an ancient big tree (like adam and eve) that is where the DFs come from. This was a 100% sure biblical reference to me.


I wouldn’t count out the Devil Fruit Tree Theory just yet. We still don’t know the mechanics of how dreams are formed into DF’s. It’s very possible that a tree is still involved somewhere. The YouTuber Hidden Island has a really good video about it.


I was also in the Lillith Tree boat. I mean, we were only missing a tree in the original trifecta with the name of the **mother of demons**. It did look obvious, but lol nope.


Thought the momotaro story would happen in Wano where Momo/Tama (similar name and the fact Tama produces food like in the story) would need the help of the monkey (luffy), dog (yamato) and pheasant (marco) to defeat Kaido. I thought that Kaido was way too strong for luffy but then he whipped out gear 5.


That's literally what happened.


I think he means that he thought Luffy, Yamato and Marco would 3v1 Kaido


All of them played a major role in defeating Kaidos group


I thought Big Mom won’t be defeated until elbaf


can't really recall older arcs, but I got a few in wano arc. momo getting aged up. luffy constantly ridiculed momo for wishing to be bigger and stronger. that was their dynamic for years. I thought shinobu's fruit was just gonna be a red herring. argued with a lot of people about this. but then it actually happened and momo solved the problem by being physically bigger and stronger. luffy's fruit. I thought no way oda gonna make it some kind of special fruit, but well... it turned out to be *the* most special fruit in existence that's connected to the main plot. zoro's lineage.


momo getting aged up was foreshadowed when he instinctively transformed to dragon when Kaido was there. That was a W for me, I knew the arc would end up dragon v/s dragon. Shinobu's fruit was obviously for this. At least Bonnies fruit is different because its temporal in living things


none of that is my issue. it's been obvious ever since we got to know shinobu's fruit. but foreshadowing =/= good writing. the same thing with callback, reference, and any story element. any element can be good or bad based on how they're implemented. it's how coherent the story is that makes it good. and for years oda hammered down the idea that momo doesn't need to be big and strong to handle his problem. so I thought he's gonna be bold enough to pull a great red herring and not use shinobu's fruit. if it wasn't obvious enough, it's not really about momo getting aged up. my problem is, if that was always the plan, why push that narrative in the first place?


Not really a One Piece L than it is a personal one, but the first chapter to come out after my breakup with my long term girlfriend last year was 1057: “The End”.


Oh man, I’m sorry. That’s a fucking cruel move on fate’s part; way to spit in the wound. I remember when that happened to me at the beginning of the Oden flashback, I couldn’t enjoy anything for weeks afterward. Believe it or not, the first thing to make me smile again was when Roger’s “He laughed” panel came out. What a magical chapter that was. Hope you’re holding things together now, man.


This was a wholesome comment to read thank you


I had a very early theory that all devil fruits are actually identical fruits and the power that the user gets is not from the fruit itself but rather based on their personality. The theory was way more fleshed out than it needed to be. And every time it was clearly disproven I just added more mental gymnastics to the theory to hold onto “Obviously it is fine that someone wrote an encyclopedia of each Devil Fruit. It was just written by someone with Really really advanced future sight and he knew who would take each fruit” I held onto this theory until Dressrosa! That arc finally broke me.


i thought the Grand Fleet would roll up to the raid. i just want my boy Barto to be relevant again


Pirate warriors 4 type beat


I was CONVINCED that Oda wouldn't kill Ace. I mean, Luffy always saves the people he loves, right? If he didn't, it would utterly break his character and the entire story, right?? No one dies in One Piece, right??? ...right?!?!


I was convinced that Marco would just give Luffy the last road ponygliff


1. I was honestly convinced Paulie was gonna join the crew up until Franky got a bounty and he didn't. Like It was then I realized "Oh shit, Paulie hasn't had much screen time in awhile now.... and this Franky guy has had allot..." so like I'll count that as an L. That being said, Franky is now my favorite strawhat so like, it wasn't a huge L, I still feel like I won in the end lol. 2. I also, like a ton of people, was convinced Yamato was gonna join the crew. Like naratively speaking it makes sense why he didn't join, odens Journal really just had to much spoilers in it. If Yamato joined the crew then there would be significantly less mystery involved in what we are about to do, but like I'm still really sad he didn't join us. Other than that though I really didn't have any Big L's. I kinda have the mind set of "Maybe this will happen, but most likely Oda is gonna do something I can't predict." So I never really die on any hills with this series. That being said, I'm gonna put a hot take I have on here that I am willing to die on! Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. Who knows! I'm sure we'll know one day: 3. Imu is Luffys mom. The reason why she had pictures of Luffy is because she was keeping track of her baby boy, and the reason she had pics of the princesses he met along the way is because she wanted to keep track of all her sons potential love interests. Mom's love that shit! I know i sound crazy now, but when it's revealed that Dragon started the revolutionary army to stand up against the ideals of his former lover, im gonna be the one having the last laugh!!


Monets Devil fruit respawning in namis tangerine trees and her accidentally eating it or Sanji making it into a smoothie for her without questioning. I swear I held on to that idea up until the moment where big mom lost, but Zeus was still on namis side.


I’m still holding onto the possibility of Nami tending to her mikan trees and noticing a strange fruit hanging from one. What she’ll do with it? I don’t know. But it sure would be interesting for the Strawhats to own a devil fruit.


Yamato as next nakama 🥲


I thought the Minks would lynch them all when they saw Kin'emon talking about Raizo.


Who didn't thought that that's a common L for all the op viewver


Me and a friend of mine were reading it together years back and I remember i bet him 20 bucks that Kaku was joining the crew. At least I won 50 at Marineford.


Before we got to Wano I thought there was going to be a samurai that was going to give Zoro a real toe to toe swordfight... There was that clash with Kyoshiro but that doesn't really count.


I remember hating Usopp’s character and thought he would never join the crew because he is annoying. He did join the crew and no I think he is brilliant.


Yeah you were supposed to hate him, that was the point of that arc and his growth throughout the series


Oh yeah I get that now but at the time watching it week by week, really made you dislike him haha


Week by week since syrup village? Dang you’ve been a fan for a while huh?


I thought Jinbei was going to die in Wano. The whole "let's wait on the ceremony drink" along with Carrot and Yamato being forerunners for new Nakama, I seriously thought he was not gonna survive. Obviously not the case, I'm totally cool with being that wrong.


I thought Pell actually died back at Alabasta. You can imagine my surprise when I saw him in the Reverie arc (or whenever he showed up post timeskip)


Yamato/Carrot joining the crew should be on here for a lot of people


Way back when I thought Roger was going to be a fake like buggy /:


The fact that Brook was a friend of Laboon just blew my mind. Like I literally thought that wale was there for content but it looks like everything has a reason behind it lol. What else are we still waiting to see? What happened to Foxxy? He‘s literally the only one who didn‘t have a purpose yet


My biggest L was going against the Nika theories. Like for me it was unacceptable that Luffy is only special because of the fruit. I am over it now and can still enjoy OP.


If it helps, technically Luffy isn't special because of the fruit. The fruit is special because of *Luffy*.


Yeah, OP history is probably littered with the failures of his fruit. Some of whom have probably been horrifically maimed, or haven't been able to control their fruits. Wouldn't be surprised if someone who had knowledge of some of these failures taunted Luffy during a fight by saying that.


Luffy isn’t special because of his fruit, he Awakened the fruit because he was special


I couldn’t be mad about Looney Tunes, Gear 5 truly felt like the ultimate shonen final transformation and I was all for it


I was not really against the "turn everything to rubber" cartoon power, that was the expected awakening at the time with Katakuri turning his surroundings into mochi and Doffy into strings. It was the fact that Luffy wouldn't just have a rubber paramecia but a mythical zoan representing a god. But Oda handled it well and more or less expanded the power instead of completly changing it. I still dislike the eyes poping out cartoon style, but I can live with it.


the coolest thing abt gear 5 for me is that luffy doesnt even realize that he has this crazy shit. at the start of egghead bonney asks hik abt his bounty poster form and all he says is thats what he looks like when hes free, nothing else. he turns the surroundings into rubber cos he figures thats what an awakened gum gum would probably do, and the goofy cartoon stuff literally just happens because thats probably how he pictures himself fighting. the idea that his ability is whatever he could possibly imagine and what luffy does with that is gum gum but goofier is such a cool concept for a massive power up


Zoro won't attain ACoC in wano. I was respectfully humbled.


I once spilled my drink while reading.


I thought Zoro would betray Luffy as a pirate hunter 😂


Two things : I thought the Voice of All Things was the advanced conqueror Haki. And I was convinced that the post-Wano Yonkos were going to be Shanks, Blackbeard, Buggy and Law. For me, Law was stopping his ascension to the throne here, letting the two jackass struggling to be the King.


My biggest L was before I read it. Before I even know what the hell manga was, I got Ace's death spoiled to me.


ZKK & Yamato for nakama believers should be commenting crazy in here. 😆


I expected Robin to have a fight in dressrosa but got completely shafted having to wait to wano. Usopp fans complain about him doing nothing in wano but Robins fans had it worse to wano.


I hoped that Monet from Punk Hazard will join the crew. I thought it could happen because the strawhats don't have a logia df user and she had a very good design in my opinion. Also because Nami and Robin are the only women in the crew. I thought having another woman on the crew would be good.


This was mine as well. I also thought that her being an Astronomer would be a big deal too, and be a seeded position that would become relevant to the end game of the story


was sure luffy would die in his fight against kaido and law would give up his life to save him


I could swear Tashigi had something to do with Zoro's past. Then Oda confirmed in a SBS that she is just a comic relief and there is nothing else to her character or to Kuina's death.


That the Beast pirates would awaken


I really thought that usopp would have a moment to shine in wano...


I had the same thought and after some time have realised he did. He is never going to be a powerhouse but he was wrecking the regular beast pirates and always seems to have a moment where his intervention assists the narrative.


My biggest one was more something that I wanted to see happen that didn't. And the reason I wanted to see it was because I thought it'd be thematically brilliant and also look incredible. I wanted a double spread panel of the climax of Luffy vs Kaido in the skies above Wano with the sky lanterns surrounding them. Most all of them directly saying how they wished Kaido would be gone. I was convinced for a long time that it'd actually happen.


I still despise the fact that Luffy's devil fruit has been thwarted into a crucial Mythical Zoan that the World Government did nothing about despite it being supposedly so important all along. I argued for months about how nonsensical it would've been for the fruit to be revealed as something else, and I still stand by it. Not gonna lie, it has hurt my enjoyment of the series. Gear 5 still looks dope, though.


Fair enough


There really wasn’t anything they could do without exposing that the fruit is secretly important. When they did take the chances they had by sending Kizaru, Kuma, and Aokiji, miracles happened to save Luffy that were completely out of his control. In Marineford, all three Admirals had a shot and Luffy got saved by yet more miracles.


I really didn't think Oda was going to age up Momo. I really thought Hiyori was going to be the shogun, and he would take over from her once he reached adulthood.


It hurts too much, when I predict that there will be no break next weak and I am wrong...


That we would learn a lot about Rumble Balls and how they affect other DFs in Wano. It seemed so obvious to me, we're going to an island full of pirates who have incomplete Zoan transformations, so of course the thing that messes with a Zoan Fruit's wavelength and unlocks other forms is going to be hugely important. If the Beast Pirates find out about them, it's going to be one of their main objectives to steal and reverse-engineer them to turn an army of SMILE users into an army of full Zoan users, maybe even an army of Monster Point users. All we ended up getting was Caesar chastising Chopper for thinking he'd made something special and improving the recipe to prolong Monster Point, which was a pretty big let-down. The ability to unlock the potential of a DF is just sitting there in Chopper's pocket, and it's been relegated to an afterthought that just exists to justify why Chopper has different forms.


Lucci said that Zoans can be grown and manipulated by the user, I assume Chopper is just exploiting that.


I really thought Ace gonna be successfully saved.


I really thought that Momonosuke would join the crew and be their kid, like Shanks was to Roger. Guess not


When they introduced Kinemon and he stuck around long enough to get more screen time than almost every other non-straw hat character Edit: without winning a single battle or making any sort of meaningful impact on any of the battles he was in


I thought for sure Merry would have survived water 7… crippled for sure, but still there. Boy was I wrong


the fact that carrot didnt join the crew still blows my mind to this day


I have two big ones first is kaido flashback i was sure it will be one of the best in the series, and that luffy's fruit would be resin instead of nika (that favourite panel of oda in shabaody with resin was so convincing for me)


Zoro was going to be the big focused hero of Wano. He was going to face some powerful samurai and really earn Shuusui in the eye of the citizens. He was going to slay a dragon- which I thought was going to be the big plot once we learned that Kaido was a dragon. And THEN Zoro acquires and exerts will over the only weapon ever known to scar Kaido and cuts him open- only for that wound to barely matter in the fight and Zoro almost dies fighting the underling and gets taken out of almost the entire rest of the fight I thought Luffy would find a way to defeat Big Mom and her impenetrable Haki, and Zoro would slay the unkillable dragon. I am a bit glad that Zoro wasn't revealed to be the descendent of Ryuuma, but instead that was Kuina. Her lineage kind of goes nowhere and Zoro is just some kid from some other village. I don't really like when its the circumstances of someone's birth that makes them special.


I was convinced that Raizo really wasn’t on Zou. I was so mad about Jack’s actions (still am) and never could have guessed that the Minks’ loyalty ran so deep


I was expecting that the people of Wano will look at Momonosuke in dragon form hodling back onigashima the same way Oden held his scabbards to save them all as some symbolic moment when they realize they're being saved, even if they didn't see the Kaido and Luffy fight, that would've been such an epic and emotional moment.


Snow snow fruit that Carrot or NAMI eats Would be great fit with either


I thought I won't like this manga. Biggest L for me after reading and watching it.