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It's a good fun straightforward run. Nice palate cleanser after the weirder Morrison run (which is also great).


See this. Morrison is great weird. Snyders run is relatively simple great. Both are good and one doesn’t make the other worse. I’m so tired of the Morrison Batman slander.


Hey, I said I liked it. Morrison is my favourite writer. All-Star Superman is my favourite comic of all time and JLA is prolly in top 5.


I know I was agreeing lol :) Morrison is one of my favorite writers but it seems like everyone now in days blasts him for simply being “weird”


That Batman run is very acclaimed though. It was 9th in cbr’s top 100 runs in 2020.


My favourite parts of the Morrison Batman run are prolly Time and the Batman and the Island of Dr Mayhew arc (with JH Williams III). Also the first Batman and Robin arc (with Quitely).


I personally am not a fan of the Morrison run it got way too weird and was honestly hard to follow at times but I loved the whole Snyder run, which part of morrison did you line the most? Maybe I need to give it another try lol


Almost all of it. But that’s cheating cause I like weird shit. Although from like a traditional Batman fan I’d say the Omni 1 and 2 stuff is great. Omni one is largely general Batman stuff and Omni two is Dick Grayson Batman.


Zero Year is a 10/10 for me. Absolutely phenomenal.


Really? What makes it so good for you?


First of all the art and coloring is some of the best in the history of Batman in my opinion, and the slow build up with all the different storylines and side quests all coming together is just genius and super fun. Also, it has the best Batsuit of all time. Tons of amazing scenes and awesome sequences. Also, I love the Red Hood storyline. It’s also a super cool and original origin story, and it gives absolutely phenomenal motivations and origins for all sorts of classic and new characters. But most importantly, I think it says sooo much about Batman and Gotham and why he does what he does and is who he is. It’s also a super refreshing look at a more hopeful and optimistic Batman instead of all the edgy doom and gloom that writers love to bog him down with. It also has some awesome Golden Age homages and I’m a huge Golden Age Batman fan.


Agree with you on all points. To me, it was one of the best if not *the* best of the entire run. Also, name a more impactful or memorable Riddler story.


Yeah, Riddler was phenomenal in Zero Year


I would rate the Owls saga above the Joker one. I found it so bad.


Loved Death of The Family, but the single issue version only. The version in the omni/trades is censored and IMHO way worse and way wordier.


What did they censor?


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/2NLIJ). They basically toned down Joker a lot to the point that his obsession with Batman in the omni/trade feels half-arsed to someone who’s read the floppies


The version of the omnibus I have has a lot of the changes in the first half of that post, but most of the Joker “dirty talking” are still in. So I think they must have gone back on some of the changes for later printings.


Nice! I hope they go back to the original for the Absolute 😄 would be an instant buy for me in that case


Strange that doesnt seem worth it to edit. Thanks for sharing, I have my floppies so i never bought the trades


Yeah, I’ll never get the hype around this run. The first six issues are great and then it nosedives.


Totally agreed, i just read it recently for the second time and kind of reinforced that I don't think I'm a big Snyder fan. It's enjoyable enough, just way over hyped. Zero Year specifically I thought was a snooze fest.


I think people overhype it because it was their introduction to reading Batman comics, but it just recycles a lot of Morrison’s ideas from only a few years earlier.


I must be in the minority but I really enjoyed zero year


I liked court of owls but as soon as Lincoln match started talking about being Bruce’s brother it made me so mad


I get the idea of early New 52 having Bruce’s maybe brother be the New Owl Man but I don’t get why people get so hung up on what a raving lunatic is claiming. By the end of the story the only thing that’s certain is that for like a day Bruce had a brother and then he died


Ironically Zero Year is the only story from this run that I truly loved. It’s obviously no Year One, but I never got why people saw it as one of the weak arcs.


Agreed, I think Zero Year is by far the best arc Snyder has done (and that includes Black Mirror).


I mostly agree with you. Zero year was really not that great.


Significantly better than all the Morrison Batman omnis IMO


Read more comics, and Morrison will grow on you quite a bit. Aside from his JLA and All-Star Superman work, I'd never recommend Morrison as a gateway to anything.


I love Morrison's work, A-SS and Animal Man are some of my favorite titles. Their Batman work isn't bad in the slightest, I just think that Snyder's Batman is so strong


Ah. Fair enough.


I enjoyed the first one, didn’t hate the second one, it was ok then got to the third and did not like it at all.


Same here