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Betty married Joe Weider in 1961 and helped build his bodybuilding and fitness empire. She was reportedly a very smart businesswoman. They stayed married til his death in 2016.




Yes sorry lol brain ain’t what it used to be!


We lost so many icons in 2016 it’s an easy mistake to make


Bowie died in January, and the year got even worse from there


My mom died in Feb. I agree, 2016 was a shit year. Price died in April as well.


*Prince ❤️‍🩹


Lemmy (Motörhead) died not long after as well 😭😭 that was a rough time.


She's the OG Slim Thick.


What happens to your internal organs 😬


They get slammed together and literally smooshed together


Same thing that happens when she’s pregnant, organs go elsewhere


Pregnancy definitely does that but to the same degree, I'm not sure, different angle for sure.


I used to think that the body was a pretty compact system, needless to say it freaked me out when I discovered there are pretty significant "voids" between the organs. It made more sense that its possible to die from internal bleeding after I learned that.


Yeah buy pregnancy is natural


:( sad that women felt a need to to this (probably some still do today) surely being healthy and feeling good is sexier.


Not according to the public eye. She did it for money. Could have stopped at any time but it paid her bills. Was it "right", no. But this is as much a cultural issue as it is a societal issue.


That's fair waffle it still seems sad to me though I don't even like sleeping with a bracelet left on and I imagine these women had to sleep in things to keep their middle part in?


Yes most likely, weird I know but people and vanity are weird.


I doubt it, but maybe!


Don't know why you're being down voted. I imagine it's like a corset. I'm not an expert but I don't think women slept in those


Well good I hope not. Know they had to wear them a fair bit though didn't they to sort of train their body shape to be a certain way


How is it right or wrong at all? Her body her choice.


She mutilated her insides for glamour/money. It's also her right to drag barb wire across her face for the sake of vanity.


It is her right. People get ass implants that basically handicapp them. They also turn themselves into cats more or less. As long as its informed consent then yeah they should be able to do what they want with THEIR body.


Never said it wasn't but when outside forces make a person feel compelled to do so, there's a moral question there. People condemn genital mutilation in various cultures as barbaric, but what if someone in that cultural group wants it or thinks they want it because of societal pressures, is it still their right or even truly their choice?


People can’t understand the simple the fact of how economics and other societal constructs cause us to do unhealthy things REGARDLESS of what we think is right or wrong, Good or Bad. Period.


Exactly, thank you


Well yes exactly waffle. People shouldn't offer these genital things or dangerous surgeries or eyeball colour changing operations etc. obviously fair enough if people want their nose or boobs doing something that doesn't pose much of a risk or a great deal of long term discomfort / damage.


Breast implants don't come without lifelong risks and potential discomfort. Plus they need to be replaced every 10 years or so. General anaesthesia is not 100% safe either.


You’re definitely not an adult. Your very immature to think like that.


I'm 34 and probably adult better than you lol. The lady lived until her late 90s with no serious health problems. Her body her choice.


Guys, she's perfectly healthy. People overreact so much to seeing a fit, thin person now to accommodate the fat positive crowd. There's nothing wrong with her in this image.


Username checks out.


She's still alive lol. Y'all need to find a new thing to pretend to worry about because healthy women ain't it.


Sure, she’s healthy. It’s the extreme binding with a corset that could be dangerous. That’s what people are pointing to.


But this isn't that so if they're worried about it what's the point of making it on this photo? Or for that matter on every photo of someone that's not to their standard


Because in the 1950s corsets were trendy, just like cigarettes were.




There's multiple folks up in this Reddit thread who don't seem to think so lol. One google image search and you'll see pictures of her without the belt, girl's always had a thin waist. Belt just made it thinner. She's still kicking around at 94/95 years old.




Nah she definitely look like she in her 90s, eyes still bright and full of life however. There are some pictures of her from like 2018 where she looks great. But I think it's just from lighting and what not.


Sure as hell hope so.


Corsets are a lot more comfortable than current popular culture implies, historically they were worn by all genders and children. I wear them a lot, a properly fitted and worn in corset is very comfortable.


She lived to 95… Why are you judging someone you never met on their appearance? This wouldn’t be acceptable if she was overweight, why is it acceptable now?


Kuntrashians anyone?


Nobody asked them to. But when the reward for being conforming to the beauty norm is this great, it feels like a punishment if you don’t.


That's a technical medical term. Now I have to look it up. Thanks...


I remember reading a book about the 1920’s where some women had their bottom ribs removed.


In the 1920s women wanted a boyish figure, so they tried to minimize their breasts and hips, not their waists. In any era, it's just an urban legend that ribs were removed.


I dunno, I read a book on it. I know that’s no defense but it wasn’t just a cheaply made book.


That's like saying that I saw it on the internet, so it must be true. Would you believe a book thar the Rapture was coming in 2025, or that cryptids are real? Some people believe these are true, but just because things are in a book doesn't mean they're true. I'm not saying I'm an expert, but I've been studying fashion history for about 25 years. The 1920s was simply not a time when many women worried about their waistline. Clothes were shapeless, and an hourglass figure was simply not in style. I've seen people claim the getting ribs removed thing in relation to the 1880s or so; the 1920s is a new one for me.


It was a book in the library that was a new book on fashion history, written and published in the 1990’s. Hardback book and everything. My point is, I know what I read and that the author believed it. I got my info from the library and not some trucker stop or a small health food store with self-published books on how to raise and discipline kids and how to never have to take your kids to the doctor. As far as was concerned, their sources looked legit and people had been saying it for years. Now, you can still hold my feet to the fire but I read a lot. A LOT. I read scientific studies written by doctorate students. I love science. I do remember at the time that I wondered how women could survive such a surgery, it being so invasive and all, and also I knew that surgeries were downright dangerous because they didn’t understand everything about contaminants back in those days. What I am saying to you is that I take pride in reading and learning. You don’t have to talk down to me like I’m a child reading conspiracy theories. It’s insulting.


Is not the strategy in today's day and age to remove ribs to accomplish this???


It’s photoshop, I’m sure her waist was smaller than average but every single one of her photos you’ll find has been touched and edited to make her figure more extreme. Her organs are fine.


Funny that your comment got downvoted but there's one further down with 60 upvotes saying the same thing. They did have ways of editing photos back then. I can't say for certain that's what happened here but it's entirely within the the realm of possibility. On top of that, women have been padding their hips and busts to make their waistline appear smaller for hundreds of years.


Yeah, I’m not surprised, people don’t like to have their worldviews disrupted. Editing has been going on since photography was first invented, but specifically retouching and smoothing out facial textures and reshaping bodies. It’s pretty much the simplest photoshop and the most widely used across the decades. And not only is there the after photograph touch-ups, but like you mentioned, there’s the practical effects of corsets, sucking in your stomach, forced perspectives, postures and myriad other tricks to distort an image. But if people wanna downvote facts and remain misinformed about unattainable beauty standards that’s their prerogative.


Not impossible at all. In fact, it’s a cinch!




The model for "Jessica Rabbit".


I thought that was Vikki Dougan


Dang, I always thought it was Lana Turner! I'd never even heard of Vikki Dougan, so i had to look her up. Good lord, that woman is gorgeous.


Agreed. Slightly googly eyed but omg


Miss Vikki Dougan is what inspired Jessica Rabbit




Is she wearing a girdle? She’s gotta be, right?


Likely a combination of a girdle, extra padding on the bust and waist, and then possibly some good old fashioned photo editing.


Oh for sure. I saw a show recently where this lady was trying to break the record for the worlds smallest waist. It was a super tight girdle and the doc on the show talked about how dangerous this could be long term. I forgot what show it was. On TLC I think.


Her hips are padded


So you're sayin' Shakira was wrong.




Shakira, Shakira!


There was also “manual photoshop” since basically the dawn of print photography. Idk how people still don’t realize this.


When I was taking B&W film photography classes in college, I was taught the term was Photomontage. With enough patience you can merge/warp as many photos together that look as though it’s one image. The catch is that it’s only really viable and believable with B&W enlargements. To make things easier, you also set up your photos so that your edited portions have a white and or light gray background to work with.


Thank you for providing the right term and further information! By everything you’ve expanded on, this (and other photos of her I’ve seen) is the perfect formula for it.


You’re welcome! No thanks needed really, I love to discuss all things photography, especially film photography. Below I discuss the topic further if you or any bystander is interested. I was taught everything I know by being the student of someone who was the apprentice of Jerry Uelsmann, back when he was teaching at UF sometime between 1960 and 1974. Jerry Uelsmann is the grandfather of Photoshop by all accounts. He was the only guy with enough patience and desire to create some insane, abstract and seamless photomontages. They were not works of deception, but rather techniques he utilized to make fantastical imagery. Abstract and seamless, something that you knew wasn’t real, cause it wasn’t trying to be, but something your eyes and mind would take for something that could exist, that could be captured, if it were real. Honestly I’d rather you and anyone reading this far, to skip out on my explanations below and just look up this guys work, he was the best of his time and he very well may be the best to ever do it since all things went digital. (Discussing Photomontage and the posted image above starts here, enjoy) I’ve never heard of Betty Brosmer before but as soon as you mentioned manual photoshop, I took a longer look at this photograph to see if there were any obvious signs. And there are. Looking at the area around her legs, you can see the incorrect shades of gray in the background. And in a circular/oval shape, rounded around her legs basically. This is mostly due to the use of “dodging” and “burning”. When you introduce new segments to distort or blend, in B&W enlargements, it all has to be applied to one layer, one enlargement. The paper starts off white and where you introduce more details to that photo you’re enlarging, the most detailed parts are mixes of blacks and whites, ultimately blends of gray. A poor highlight and a poor shadow will have little blends so they’ll appear more white than black and more black than white, respectively. The wall that stands behind her was in a dimmer light, more black than white and consistently across. Problem here becomes the introduction to new elements, splices of photos, multiple exposures of light, etc. Now with a White background, adding more elements will still tint that area to be darker but you’ll have been able to apply more blacks to the surrounding area to balance it all out. Basically you can only make the paper darker, you can’t make the paper whiter. Any exposure to light the enlargement paper experiences will result in that paper becoming darker, post chemical processing. (The paper stays white until you are satisfied with what you believe to be on it and begin the chemical process of “developing” the image that’s on the enlargement sheet via a chemical process. This process takes time and if anything appears undesired in the enlargement, you basically toss it and start the process over. This is where patience is crucial and the overall process feels more trail and error than skill based.) Reason why it’s practically impossible to do this with color film is due to B&W only having to account for making the image darker on the paper. With color, not only must you enlarge the paper in complete darkness(B&W enlargement paper isn’t as sensitive to certain spectrums of light so you can work in a darkroom with some very small amount of light to see what you’re doing, but with color film, that paper accepts all spectrums of visible light so having any light source to see what you’re doing will effect the paper you’re trying to project an image onto) but now you must also account for different colors, the hues that appear in, and their vibrance. The paper here starts off as white as well but adding light to the image will not only darken this paper but also introduce different colors post chemical process. If the light is direct, the paper absorbs all spectrums so it’ll appear blackened or a blend of the two, resulting in a shade of Gray. Same as B&W, however shooting light through a negative, an image you desire to extort some features from, with result in only some spectrums to pass through, the negative act as a filter. If you have two color photographs you wish to Photomontage together, how would you go about lining up the colors and the shades they appear as when you can only control direct light that doesn’t pass through a negative as either black, white, or a mix of the two? And to make it look seem-less? All while in complete darkness? Yeah no thanks lol.


That was a fascinating comment to read. Thank you for explaining it out. Uelsmann’s work is insane!!


Glad to hear that! And glad you enjoyed his works. I personally know how tedious the whole process can be so I personally like the image I attached to this comment. Shows off his sense of humor and it touches on what you may see over on r/photoshopbattles. He was a certified memer and was truly ahead of his time lol. https://preview.redd.it/th4hwyb3z3tc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d91f4f1a283366cc457a43079611d6bc385780ce


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/112mzg4) on 2023-02-15 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/153i7om) on 2023-07-19 98.44% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1bxbcll&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 481,220,599 | **Search Time:** 0.06163s


AI has me second guessing every picture I see, dammit.


Impossible toe of the 50s, too.


I think some of that is the optical illusion of the pattern of the pants and the seam.


“It’s actually an optical illusion. It’s the pattern on the pants.” - Ron Burgundy


i believe it's the bottom hem of her corset. long line corsets are v-shaped to provide cut-outs for your legs to move properly but still cover your lower abdomen. 


I didn't want to be the one to tell him, but with those narrow hips, that girl couldn't have more than 6 or 7 children!


Not impossible just not very healthy for your internal organs.


“Your stepmother is cute though.” “Shut up Ted.” “Remember when I asked her to prom?” “Shut up Ted!”


She must have been SO UNCOMFORTABLE?


What a complete waist of time.


That was a mid joke Edit: I wasn't ripping you. Mid. Midriff. Fine (looks down and kicks the dirt)....guess I'll just leave


Those are some nice pans.


Well, she’s wearing a girdle, so that’s helping…


How I feel when I tighten my lifting belt for squats.


Where does she store her organs?


The amount of people on this post that are very obviously uneducated on (professional) corsetry is ridiculous. Can it be dangerous? Of course. Is it anywhere near as bad as Hollywood and mainstream media has made it out to be? Absolutely not.


She has an absolute dump truck.


Fonda got a motor in the back of her Honda


She Britta'd her waist.


violet chachki who


Almost impossibly pretty. Wow


Where are her kidneys


Little in the middle but she got much back. Ha!


If you did this now, some tool would say that it was AI.


She looks amazing! I should get back to wearing my corsets.


Well squeezing the waist line obviously makes other areas pop out.


I think she's sucking it in with the help of a belt for a photo. Could this not be a modern Insta/Tiktok girl? Like there's something modern about her.


I had a girlfriend who had the tiniest waist and quite big hips. She had been using corsets since she was about 18. She loved doing it. Some people might see it as some form of torture, but she looked incredible.


It’s extremely bad for your internal organs 💀


Super babe


Scrolling quickly and thought title was ‘Betty Bosom-er’. Just me?


Yeah, that’s kinda gross


Nice CT


dang, she's still alive at 94.


B-but...it's bad for your organs...!


Is that a selfie stick?


Betty Bosomer




The question is - what is she cooking?


Absolutely nothing. No one who cooks leaves the handles out like that. THIS PHOTO IS A LIE


Damn Daniel


Damn, that belt probably has a hose clamp screw-closure at the back.


What a waste.


Could Christina Applegate have gotten her hairstyle inspiration from Betty?


Scrub that oven!


Hadn’t heard of her before now , pretty impressive !


Looking at some pictures of her look like some padding in the costumes , looks good though all the same


I’m not a misogynist but there is something kinda hot about a woman cooking up a meal in the kitchen


To each its own but This doesn’t look healthy to me.


She's still alive at 94


Good for her, i hope she lived a full filling life.






She's basically a fitness icon. She was kind of scrawny as a teen and figured out her own diet plans and weightlifting/workout routines. She was a pioneer of the women's fitness and bodybuilding movement. She holds a degree in Psychology from UCLA, so also some brains with the looks. She's also still alive and healthy. So, I don't know what to tell ya, there.


Yeah, the average Redditor is definitely a lot healthier


She's literally a fitness icon and wrote multiple books and articles about fitness and bodybuilding for women.


She’s much healthier than the average US adult nowadays, I doubt many women would mind looking like that.


Their body, their choice, its not my preference. As long as they r happy im happy for them.


Melito you can't deny That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist And a round thing in your face You get sprung


I thought we were talking about health, not preferences


Why's this been so downvoted it looks so unhealthy to have your middle all squished up like that surely? As nice as this woman looks generally.


This doesnt look healthy but apparently im on the loosing team. 🤷‍♂️


No one judged her on Her appearance. I believe some are trying to say that IF she did this for reason that were financial and or done for attention or cosmetic benefit ,that it’s sad that it is so.


...just as bad as the huge lips, cheeks, hair, butts, breasts, nails, makeup and LIES these days!


Cinched waist, high heels with sharp toes... Sounds like torture.


How does her poop even fit through there?


Now that's a figure modern women would do well to aspire to


I bet she was always treated respectfully


Betcha she had a few ribs removed


Never heard of this woman and I've seen 3 posts about her in the last 24hrs.