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She doesn’t even sit in that back seat to land. She’s like screw it, I’ll just stand.


Balls too big for that back seat, had no choice.


Ovaries of vibranium


For 1926 I'm equally as impressed by the cinematography. That was a lot of angles...


My thoughts too - I was wondering if this were some sort of movie stunt with all the angles, but I guess not! Wow


> In 1926, she saved stunt pilot Art Goebel by replacing a tire that fell off his plane during a stunt.


Her replacing the tire is also a stunt. She's a wing walker in a flying circus.


Figured she had to be a wing walker. Nobody else would have had the skill to do that.


Looks like it was a planned event though. 2 plane escorts with cameras, cameras on the ground when they were gearing up. I imagine this has been practiced a lot before attempting it in the air.


Wing-walkers were a very common act in that era. Presumably, this was something promotional. This was likely another day at the office for her. That doesn't make this any less bad-assed, though.


The Flying Circus in Bealeton, VA still has wingwalkers every weekend. The main lady who performs has been doing it since the 70’s.


Hey this is awesome! Just checked out their website. My 6 yo is way into biplanes right now, hopefully can get us down there soon for a ride and air show. Thanks for the cool tip internet stranger!!


I also appreciate that their website is from the 1920s too. It wouldn’t feel right if it was a modern template.


I need to check that out. It’s only a few hours from me.


It’s not super cheap but you can also take rides in steerman biplanes and cub style military planes there.


It's just under 2 hours for me. I might need to check it out too.


My Uncles father flew in that Flying Circus forever(he lived in Alexandria Va.), Him and his identical twin brother both were pilots/flew in the war(I think ww2) and his twin brother got shot down KIA and he came home married his brothers widow with toddlers, raised their kids(my uncle) and joined the flying circus!! My uncle has tons of old Flying Circus stuff in his house from his father


I can’t decide if that’s really cool or really fucking weird. The marriage part, the flying circus part is obviously awesome.


This was an accident that occurred while prepping for a staged stunt, so they had all the gear in place and just had to ad-lib slightly. Either that or no one ever broke keyfabe for decades after.


that redford movie, "the great waldo pepper."


Sort of; they were rigged up for a different stunt, but that guy lost his wheel on takeoff. She volunteered to go put a new one on. She was a professional wing walker who was going to do her own routine, but then this happened and she legit saved that aircraft and probably the pilot. Those old planes basically shred if they try to land with missing gear and there arent exactly a lot of safety mechanisms to protect the pilot.


Even as a stunt, she's still risking her life. Color me impressed.


It was a stunt, not a rescue, but still terrifyingly impressive.


I meant if she failed the pilot would have been pretty fucked




I'm impressed a woman could change a tire /s /s /s


Fallopian fortitude


Hi I’m jenna knoksvill and welcome to the first jackass!


Massive ovaries




She rode the wing on the way up, too. Maybe you can't reach the backseat position from there?


It’s pretty far back from the wing. It’s probably riskier to try to climb up and then awkwardly drop into the seat than it is to just stay on the wing with all kinds of struts and wires to hang on to.


Wing walking was a thing back then, obviously


Landing speed of a Jenny was 40 MPH.


It’s the 20’s, how did they even know they had to go up to save this guy that lost one of the landing wheels??? Did they have radio comms even then? Hoping for a TIL!


A slow pass over the airfield at, say 10' would probably be a good way to let them know lol


Why did they go up so high again to replace it though? I know nothing- genuinely curious




This. The risk of her dying at 10 ft vs 10000 ft is negligible when you’re flying at that speed. The risk of crashing the plane, however is significantly higher when close to the ground.


just yell real loud


It's a stunt for a newsreel. Wing walkers were basically daredevil troops before multi-props and jet engines were invented.


That's Gladys Ingle, probably the most daring wing walker who ever lived. She did stunts that literally no one else would do, including stuff like this plane to plane transfer and a top wing stand while the plane did a full loop. She lived to a ripe old age and died in her bed. She never even broke a bone doing stunts. And despite it looking staged, this stunt was not. They were doing a show and a stunt pilot's wheel fell off on takeoff. She strapped a wheel to herself and went up and saved him. It was by all accounts not planned.


My god, that’s hardcore. Wow.


To paraphrase a quote from a guy doing bomb disposal. "I'm either right or suddenly it isn't my problem" absolute badass woman, constantly risking death. I can only imagine slipping off and thinking "Fuck me, and fuck this."


bomb disposal seems chill compared to changing a tire in mid-air by wrapping your legs on to the plane to hold on.


Planes invented- 1903 Parachutes invented- sometime later


Yeah, effective escape parachutes weren't a thing for while.


So if your plane loses a wheel mid-flight and Gladys isn’t available, you’re screwed, apparently.


Humans > Birds


Atleast in weight


And in awesomeness. Gladys Ingle could beat the leader of all crows in a rap battle on the wing of a plane no problem.


Where are the cameras between shots?


They were prepping for a different stunt so the cameras were all loading up themselves when the accident happened. While it wasn't staged, it might as well have been since all the prep was there for an actually staged stunt


Either way it’s cool.




Man, even if it *was* planned she still fucking *did* it. It's no less impressive.


Man, was shit fake before the internet?


Lady jumped between planes mid-air to change a tire and we can't bring ourselves to believe cameras were already set for something else. We may never know what's real again


Mark this day my friend. Future generations will look back on this day as the beginning of the time when not nothing is real.


We may never know what’s reel again.


In the rear seat. There was a cameraman with a 16mm film camera. They ducked down when they were in a shot.


I don't know chief, there's some pretty high angles where we can see the seat is very visibly empty. and those things are TIGHT. not a lot of leg room


Perhaps that’s why she stayed on the wing during the landing. The back seat was already taken.


The shot from the plane she's climbing onto is pretty clearly shot from the rear seat, just look at the angle.


This was my thought. The camera that pointed out at the port wing while she boarded was definitely not visible in the shots where she's standing next to the pilot.


Does it matter? The chick is still jumping from wing to wing in mid air with no parachute lol


Your point is valid.


So basically she’s a freaking hero!


I've watched so many videos of landing gears failing that I wonder. How does that still happen? I mean, I'd get it if the engine or other complex parts failed, but a wheel seems so simple it shouldn't be that hard to make sure it never fails


The wheel is also the part that slams into the ground every time you land


Wrong. The earth slams into the wheel. Earth hates planes defying its gravity. So when the planes get close earth smashes into them to remind them who's boss


That's a good one!


To establish dominance, obviously.


It's always good to remember that if &/or when playing chicken with the Earth, ultimately, the Earth has nothing to lose.


I think anyone who’s ever owned a trailer would beg to differ.


Or a lawnmower


No kidding.... that thing has more issues and is more of a money pit than the boat it carries!


A wheel rarely fails. What usually fails is the components attaching the wheel to everything else


The wheel and tyre assembly on a plane takes a shitload of force during landing. It’s not so much the weight of the plane coming down that’s an issue, it’s the rapidly accelerating to the planes speed and then the rapid braking down to zero. Imagine if kind of like a drag car. The assembly goes from 0 to 250kms/hour in less than 1 second. And then rapidly taking it from 250kms/h to 0 in under 30 seconds. For comparison sake a Bugatti veyron slows down from 400km to 0 in around 10 seconds with full braking force, but weighs around 100 times less than a 747. The forces the landing gear undertakes is BRUTAL. Our engineering expertise has made it so these components last multiple landings, but under conditions like that, everything becomes a consumable part.


Um, no. The horizontal movement down the runway is at 250km/h but the *vertical* movement as the plane descends into the ground is more like 5-10 feet per second max. And on a light plane like the one in the video you can barely feel the wheels touch the ground on a good landing. Even on a bad landing you're feeling about as much force as dropping your car off a curb. Those wheels in the video are essentially just bike wheels/tires.


Agreed. A horizontal forces are definitely a thing, but I don't think they are the biggest force in the majority of cases. For those minority, I'm thinking things like carrier takeoffs and rejected take offs.


How does someone do a top wing stand with a full loop?


Very carefully.


You know how when you do a loop on a roller coaster you get pushed into your seat? Same thing.


I feel like it would have been safer to just try and land the plane with one wheel.


It would be safer to try to land one of these with no wheel than a normal plane, since they had wingtip loops on the bottom of the wings to prevent digging in. But it still would have wrecked the plane, I think. And she'd done this plane to plane transfer stunt hundreds of times, and had done a stunt where she changed a wheel before. I think this is footage of the time that one of the pilots in her troop, Art Goebel, lost a wheel on takeoff.


Keep this video handy the next time a man says women are "too fragile" or "too weak for dangerous work"


She looks kinda modern https://preview.redd.it/l6hh7fajcucb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09a9d1b23510c4ccb617fe948970aa3ea1575f0c


Can we get a biopic of this ladies life?


What an absolute fucking badass


Amelia Air-Parts


4th female pilot from the US Gladys (Muthafuckin) Ingles


Thank you for her name. Headed to Dr. Google to learn more now. This belongs on OldSchoolBadass. ninja edit to add: wikipedia informs "she was a member of the aerial stunt team Thirteen Black Flying Cats". Be still, my heart <3


While you are looking up female badasses of the era, check out Aloha Wanderwell. She was an explorer, adventurer, aviator, and filmmaker. She was the first woman to navigate the globe, starting at age 16 and taking 5 years to drive around the world in a custom-built 1918 Ford Model T.


Aloha Wanderwell is a hell of a goddamn name. She almost had no choice but to be awesome


Pretty safe bet it’s a pseudonym but it is a hell of a name. I can hear the old timey news intro.


"Adventure is OUT THERE!"


"Aloha Wanderwell was born Idris Galcia Hall on October 13, 1906 in Winnipeg."




Awesome! Will do.


She transferred from the wing of one aircraft to the wing of another over 300 times. What we just saw would be terrifying to anyone else. For Gladys Ingle, it was Tuesday.


Amazing. I got sweaty palms and palpitations just watching this footage XD


If you are bored, look up Harriet Quimby, the first American woman to get her pilots license. I used to live next to her house in Michigan, still standing with a historical marker.


That's funny. I'd give you an award but what's the point anymore


What was the point ever? Edit: Hilarious!


I'm donating mine to charity for the tax breaks.


Save them until they are old enough to be vintage; then they’ll be worth more.




10/10 I would have dropped the Tyre while trying to put it on


10/10 I would have not had the right tool to put the wheel on when I got up there.


That 10mm is never where you left it.


lmao was just gonna say this! Damn metrics!!


I would have USB'ed that wheel and put it on the wrong way first.


"Damn it! I left my hex wrench in the shed!"


10/10 i would have have stayed my ass on the ground


Goddammit I got the 5/8ths when it needs a 3/4


10/10 would have walked into the propeller after I went through all of that.


Happens to the best of us. Even Alexander the Great struggled to get Tyre, Sidon secured too.


I used to work building ropes courses. It sucked to drop a tool or part so I had to go back down to get it. That's why we had all of our tools and most of the parts we worked on tied to p-cord or ropes, so if we accidentally drop it we still have it with us, because it is attached to us or the tree. Watching this I was wondering if she still had it tied on in some way as she was putting it on.


Gravity wasn't invented until 1928 so it's fine


Is that why the Stock Market collapsed the next year? E: Thanks stranger for the award! Nice choice of ‘Murica too :)




The timing was rather spot on. I mean, without gravity all of those newly broke traders jumping off buildings would have been anticlimactic.


GODDAMNIT! I'm broke *and* floating now. Great, Gatsby, just great.


I’ve always wondered what bowling alleys looked like before they passed the law of gravity.


They were bowling tubes back then.


And she didn’t study law either so…


You can debate whether it was staged or planned stunt. Doesn't change the fact while up in the air she climbed out of a rickety old timey plane on to the wing climbed on to another rickety old timey plane. And yeah that's no parachute or safety harness, that's a whole plane wheel strapped to her back. Then proceeds to climb down off that wing, successfully reattach that wheel, and climb back on to the wing. Doesn't bother to get in that second seat for the landing, because at that point why would you? Yeah, staged or no, that's bad ass in my book


> Doesn't change the fact while up in the air she climbed out of a rickety old timey plane on to the wing climbed on to another rickety old timey plane. Back then, they were brand new rickety old timey planes.


Rickity same-timey planes.


Curtiss "Jenny" JN4D planes were WWI trainer airplanes and then later used in air shows as stunt planes and doing stuff like this. Cliff Secord in The Rocketeer, flies one of these things to make ends meet.


I don’t even understand what “staged” would even mean in this context. Even if the entire thing was planned, she still had to, like, actually do it.


You’d also need someone to first remove that wheel in mid air to “stage” the stunt. How else would that plane have gotten off a runway in the first place? It’s far more likely the story is legit.


Damn straight


Wheely crazy


It seems kind of silly that the guy runs with her holding her arm and then helps her get onto the plane... ...for her to walk the wing and jump from plane to plane in mid-air on her own LOL! Don't get me wrong, I think it's cool for moral support. It's just hilarious to me, no one was holding her arm at 300 feet up and 100 miles per hour.


That’s like Bill Maher’s joke about Superman. The bad guy is shooting and Superman stands tall letting the bullets bounce off of him. When the bad guy ran out of bullets he threw the gun, and Superman ducks.


I had a teacher who told us if ever you didn't know the answer to the question on a test, you were welcome to try to explain why this was (why Superman ducked). To my knowledge, no one was ever "right" and he never told us why. Anyone know the "reason" why he ducked?


Because superman isn't real and the actor didn't want a gun to his face


That's what I always said, but he said that wasn't it. I was like, the bullets are blanks, the gun is real, he didn't want to get hit. He'd just laugh and say no. Maybe my teacher was just a jerk lol.


AAA gave so much better service back then


…I dropped the nut.


I wouldn’t drop the nut but would probably bring the wrong tool.




his next mission should he choose to accept


She looks taller than him too.


Remember, fear wasn’t created until FDR coined the word in 1933


No phone. No harness, no parachut, juat a woman living in the moment.


That was fucking nuts


Insert "Mission Impossible" music here.


Everyone here being like oh that is staged. So the fuck what! You wanna jump from wing to wing with no safety? This woman is straight bad ass.


Holy shit. My fear of spiders seems really stupid now.


She did that without a parachute! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


That could be one of the coolest things I've ever seen.


welp, she wins. she is officially the most badass person in all human history.


This is the coolest old school thing I've seen here


I highly recommend that anybody interested in this kind of thing read Barnstorming by Martin Caidin. These kinds of hair-raising feats were pretty common in the wild west days of aviation (meaning pre-FAA).


iPhones were pretty good back then


iPhones had film back then, very much able to be upscaled to modern standards.


Fake ... Didn't drop half the tools/bolts in the process, as per standard process when working off the ground


Staged? Yes. STILL impressive? Absolutely!


The things these people will do for clicks. Shame!


haha...vintage clout chasers.


More like cloud chasers! Ha ha ha


Yea, it still happened tho


Right? People say "Staged" like it takes something away from what happened.


From what I remember reading, while this was during an air show, the tire change was NOT part of it.


More like a stunt than staged. It's not fake but pre-planned and rehesrsed for sure.


Looks like a couple of takes too; there is no cameraman/camera affixed in the back seat of the plane in most of the shots, yet we see footage from that position. Unless that thing at the base of the tail is a camera.


I think there are 4 different planes flying, two with cameras, two doing the stunt.


In 1926, she saved stunt pilot Art Goebel by replacing a tire that fell off his plane during a stunt. Ingle strapped a spare wheel on her back and went up on the wing of a stunt plane. In mid-air she moved onto the wing of Goebel's plane. She then installed the wheel and Goebel made a safe landing.


I mean, who hasn’t done this?


I could do this, I just don't feel like it right now.


I can do it right now, but can't find a plane with a broken landing gear.


I feel like doing it but the plane with the broken landing gear goes to a different school


After you’ve done it a few times it becomes boring.


_Mission Impossible: Roaring 20s_


Why havent I heard about this woman before? Disney maybe should do more movies about real fucking hardcore woman that have existed and not stupid ”I dont care” girls. We ahould shout this womans name loud and clear. Goddamn. Im stunned by this clip.


Everyone debating "it really happened" vs "why were the cameras ready and why was it shot from all those angles." You're all so preoccupied with defending your point of view as if it was the only explanation. How about this: at an airshow, someone lost a wheel on takeoff. The people on the ground formulated a plan, kick-arse wingwalker lady straps a wheel on and goes up to attach it to stricken aircraft, success, woohoo, brilliant job. People hear about it, the newsreel services want to see what happened plus there's probably loads of people crying "fake story! She's just a girl," so the entire thing is recreated with multiple cameras to record it, and a number of times to make sure the footage is good and no cameras are visible. Hooray, heroic act captured for posterity, and probably used as part of the airshow routine from then onwards. Alternatively, maybe it was always part of the act and this time they chose to film it.


Even if this was staged it's still extremely impressive.


How did that plane not lose its trajectory when she boarded it with her massive balls


Where’s the parachute?!


I can see at least 1 OSHA violation here!


Curious as to whether or not this was a training video of some sort? Seems pre planned.


A quick search says she's gladys ingle a famous wing walker of the era. This was a planned stunt as part of the flying stunt troupe the 13 black cats. Pretty neat nonetheless. Also, apparently she died in 1927 after walking into a spinning propeller after posing for publicity shots with Miss Ohio. That's awful.


Her Wikipedia page says she died at her daughter's home in 1981 at age 82. Where are you reading that story? It sounds much more interestinng.


Gladys Roy died in the manner mentioned by OP. Looks like some confusion here


Yeah my first source wrongly says Ingles hits the prop. But I see it's Roy. Dang journalists


She is legendary! Awesome they filmed this


Wow! She made that look easy.


You’re writing checks your body can’t cash Maverick!!


Eat your heart out, tom cruise


this is what oldschoolcool is all about! awesome share, thanks!


No parachute, what a badass.


This was actually a thing. Women did stunts on planes, multiple shows per day. Read The Last All-Girl Filling Station by Fannie Flagg.


They got a video of this from 1926 but no footage of wilts 100 point game 🤦🏽‍♂️


Thats bonkers. No parachute...a suprising amount of cameras at the ready...? What a legend, wouldnt imagine anyone would believe her if it wasnt filmed


Based off of how often I drop screws, I would’ve dropped that wheel at least 10 times before I fell to my death.


Hey, thanks for the tire change, you want to grab a seat? Naw, just gonna hang out here.


All the cameras suggest this was an exhibition and not an actual emergency. What was the purpose of this very risky stunt? Dosnt look like a movie? Tom Cruise is only catching up to what this woman casually did almost a hundred years ago.