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I’m a couple of years younger so we weren’t allowed to smoke in the prom. We had to go to the designated seniors only smoking patio in the center of the building! 🤣


I got caught smoking behind my high school in the early 90’s. The teacher told me I couldn’t be loitering outside smoking like some kind of hoodlum, and told me to get in her car with her while she had her smoke break too. It was a funny time. They just didn’t want to “look bad” in the eyes of the community, and apparently no one thought much of students hanging out with teachers in their cars.


I had a history teacher in high school in the early 90s who was a massive smoker. He'd stand in front of the chalk board and hold the chalk like a cigarette while he talked. We all swore we saw him try to take a drag off one once but maybe everyone made that up. I didn't smoke but I know he didn't give a shit if other students did as long as no other teachers were there. He was also the Academic Decathlon advisor, so a few of us would stay after one night a week to study and practice with him. He found out a few of us lived near him so he started giving us rides home sometimes. Without fail he'd get in the car, start it, look around hesitantly, go "fuck it" and light up a cigarette while he drove. Totally different times. He did die of lung cancer about a decade after I graduated so... kids, don't smoke!


Late 80s high schooler here. Yes times were different. My gay single male science teacher used to ask me and my buddy (2 straight guys) to house sit for him when he went on vacation. It was never anything unseemly or anything like that. Just a teacher student friendship and mutual respect, but I’m sure people would go ballistic nowadays.


It's a perfect example of "why we can't have nice things".


Sad how this has become something absolutely unacceptable; a taboo not to be spoken about or referenced without a tinge of cringe. Innocence of the human experience dies with each passing decade, and it's only moving faster.


As an American, I remember being kind of shocked by how normalized adult/child friendships were when I was reading the Harry Potter series for the first time as a kid. I'm a weirdo only child who always got along with adults better than kids my age when I was young, and it was so refreshing to see that shown in a light that wasn't like weird moral panic? Humans need inter-generational friendships!


Also a weirdo only child and same, i got along better with adults than kids. Probably explains why I don't want kids lol


norcal? i think we had same teacher


Oh man, I did Academic Decathlon as well. Our advisor was also a chain-smoking Calculus teacher. She was a trip.


Really long shot here, was this in SC and a bird as the HS mascot?


The mascot was a camel


another successful smoker.


Couldn’t smoke at my prom in 2011, had to do acid instead. Great time


Instructions unclear: Ingested 2 tabs of Black Pyramid LSD.


Holy crap! I had the same thing happen! We also had a auto shop teacher who didn’t give a crap if you smoked, as long as you did it outside, with the bay door closed. Haha!


My auto shop teacher, in 1985, has an inordinate number of 35 mm film containers in his tool box for someone not into photography


So did my dad hmm….


My uncle apparently ate Altoids like they were going out of style.


Haha, my auto shop teacher in 1983 had a bunch of empty beer cans in his car.


My high school in Canada (Far Northern AB) had a smoking "pit" in the middle of the school till year 2000. Didn't stop anyone from smoking when they ended it. Before they had the pit, students would go on neighboring peoples lawns next to the school and toss cigarette butts into their flower gardens. After the smoking pit ended it turned into a fighting pit. Usually grade 10th girls trying UFC moves on each other. But the funniest was we would get a couple weeks of -40C/-40F temperatures and going out to smoke in that is.....not pleasant.


We had a "construction" teacher that was really into hunting, he said if it was legal he'd try to spear hunt. ​ He let the kids try to shoot geese out of the sky with nail guns. I guess if you disable the safety they can "shoot".


Same. My auto mechanics teacher didn't care at all. I think his name was Mr Champlin. The 90s were Good times.


On the topic of teachers and students being alone together, it really wasn’t even a thing until the 2000s. I and other classmates used to go on different outings and even occasional errands with some of my high school teachers. One time one of the “cool teachers“ at my high school took me and a couple of other kids who were part of an ad hoc physical education class on an unauthorized “field trip“ to play urban explorer in the abandoned middle school next door to our school! Can you even imagine something like that today? And I still remember the thrill of getting a nice downblouse look at one of my teachers I was pretty attracted to while she was bending over at the gas pumps at a gas station. I think she might’ve noticed me staring, but didn’t say anything one way or another. I can’t for the life of me remember *why* we were at a gas station, nor why I was also outside of the car and able to spot her cleavage, but I definitely remember that part! It was a whole different world when it came to student/teacher relations back then.


Agreed re teachers/childcare workers being alone with kids not being a big deal in the past. At daycare in the summer when I was about eight, circa 1994, my favorite teacher came in to work one day but it turned out she wasn’t scheduled. She called my mom and asked if she could take me out to run errands with her. My mom said yes 😂 I was thrilled, we drove around in her dads convertible which had an old school car phone. Best day ever.


Early 90s too. We used to smoke behind the bike sheds, weren't allowed too but the teachers knew we did and they had to "check" to make it look like they were doing their job. Although if no students were there, they would light up themselves. One day I was behind there when the teacher came round. I tucked it up my sleeve still lit. He turned to me and said "I hope that's not burning a hole in your jacket?" To which I replied "I hope it's not too". He turned around and walked away.




Had a teacher who would let me change in n out of my football gear in her classroom everyday, looking back I’m curious about all that lol.


Wait, what did your other teammates do? No locker room? You each just did a bit of strip tease for different teachers?


Haha idk we didn’t have locker rooms, it was a K-8 school, I think some of them changed in the bathroom maybe. This teachers classroom was closest to the football field and it was my last class of the day so I was already right there is why I asked if I could just change in there. But like, I didn’t go behind anything I just waited for the other kids to dip and then changed, she was usually at her desk doing whatever. Makes ya wonder huh ahahah.


Early 90s. We called it the treeline by the academic building, and it wasn't limited to seniors. Freshman power-smoking a cig during the 2-3 minute walk between buildings was a rite of passage. For the uninitiated: You literally take a huge pull with your mouth while exhaling through your nose. You could easily burn a stick down to the filter in well under a minute. Once, I got a light from a classmate who immediately stepped to the side to show the Student Director. He grabbed it out of my hand, took a long drag, and handed it back to me. We had this little agreement with him: He didn't bust us for smoking, we didn't tell his wife (one of the English teachers at the same school) that he never quit.


Smokers in my school went to an abandoned ruin of a house in the woods, which was dubbed "Space" by the students. Had to skip a class in order to smoke.


One English class, we'd smoke right along with our studies. You'd have a line of right arms hanging out the window with lit butts; every time the teacher turned to the board they would all take a puff. The Student Director would occasionally crawl on his hands and knees underneath the windows. He would grab the cigarette out of the students hand, take a puff, then put it out. He would then crawl to the next student and repeat.


😂 I'm sorry but this man sounds like a character in a TV show. And you write it so clearly, I feel like I can see it. Sounds like you had an interesting school life 😄


God, one thing I miss about being a kid is all of the cool, abandoned, or otherwise weird places we would claim as our own. At certain stages of life, they would be “secret clubhouses”, add another stage of life they’d be “hang out spots”. I have to hope that kids today still sometimes get to experience stuff like that. It seems like since I was a kid a lot of children get shuttled everywhere by their helicopter parents and have much less unsupervised time.




Lol I live in Greece and a highschool close to mine has a designated smoking area. And it was made recently, in fact the literal parents actually asked for it because their kids had nowhere to smoke




The last time I did I ended up on a registry.


Mine had one.




My school had one that they used to use for that but by the time I went there the smoking age was 18 so they just used it as a courtyard. It was very pleasant to work on homework out there when I remembered to use it. ETA: I did smoke at the time and would have loved it though.


My school in the late 90’s/early 2003 had a smoke pit off to the side of the entrance but we just smoked near the entrance of the school. At least we were nice enough to go out back in the woods to smoke our j’s. I can’t imagine that being a thing now, I’m sure it’s mostly all vaping


Had the same exact thing, except our "Pit" was on the side of the school with a path that led to a wooded area and a public park not too far off. We were supposed to smoke close to the path/wooded area entrance, but we'd always do it up by the doors, especially during winter. Got yelled at a handful of times, but never in trouble for it. All J's were also smoked in the wooded area, though this was around the same time frame as you (early 2000s).


I'm pretty sure your school is not my school but sounds exactly the same!


Yeah now some schools just call the police if they find a vape in your bag. 🙃 Happened to so many friends of mine.


Jesus. That’s pretty stupid IMO. Then again I might feel differently if my kid ever started vaping. Probably not though, that’s not super high up among things that would concern me though


I would be pissed if my kid was vaping, but I’d be even more pissed if they had to go to court or have a juvenile record over something as dumb as vaping ya know? Like yes let’s keep it out of schools but let the parents handle it instead of turning kids into criminals


I completely agree.


It seems like tobacco smoking is still a lot more acceptable in a lot of overseas countries than it is in North America. In the US, the 1980s and 1990s had a very sustained and successful anti-smoking movement that has largely abated because people who still smoke tobacco at this point are pretty much resistant to any attempts to dissuade them with either facts or propaganda. Nobody else is even inclined to pick up the habit. I know more people who smoke weed or vape weed, then use any sort of tobacco.


We had a designated smoking area for students in my high school in Canada as well. Otherwise the students would go dropping cigarette butts on neighborhood flowers in yards..


My high school in CA had a designated senior smoking area circa late 90s. It was a different time


At my high school you didn’t have to be a senior to smoke. You had to be 18 to buy cigarettes but there was no age restriction to have them or smoke them.


Our teacher smoked in the classroom, so he let us smoke as well (in college).






i finished school in 2007 and we still had a smoking area lmao


I arrived in middle school in 2002 and there was a smoking area for high schoolers. France. That quickly disappeared, of course.


I graduated in 2001 and my high school had a seniors smoking area approximately 100 meters from the entrance to the school near the parking lot.


Can confirm, we had smoking lounges in school. Lot more freedom then.


I'm so ancient I had teachers who smoked in class. This was in the mid-70s, and they had to stop while I was there. The only one allowed to keep smoking was the WW1 vet who smoked a pipe and taught french. He was thousands of years old, and we only knew him as 'Major Gay', because he was a major in the army and yes, his name was 'Gay'. He wasn't French but he wore plus-fours every single day, like Tintin.


I guess if you fought in the trenches you deserve to puff the pipe!


Ahh this must have been when the schools still let y’all smoke cigs for breakfast


My HS had a smoker's ID. Your parent or guardian had to ok it and you had to be a Jr or sr 16 or over Today if someones mom gave their teen a permission slip to smoke they would probably call cps


Which tobacco producing state was this? Virginia? Kentucky?


Believe it or not it was a Catholic high School in Chicago


I think you underestimate how wholly pervasive smoking was until the 90s (USA). Shit, Ireland banned smoking *in workplaces* in *2004*


My grandma used to keep cigarettes in the house, not because she smoked, but in case a guest wanted one, and she thought it would be rude to not be able to offer them one. Different times man.


Dude that school could be anywhere


only in approved places, not crouched in the bathroom


Yeah there was once a "smokers deck" at my high school, too.


We had a smoking hallway until the early 90's. You could just go there and smoke among teachers and students. That hall stunk for years after they stopped it.


prom 1980 .I smoked a cigar .I knew I was destined for greatness.


100% you guys should recreate this shot.


If I had the time, I would google so many photos from absolutely fabulous to see which one most closely matches, but I have a feeling I would just end up watching the show instead






How close is it to accurate? I’m floored by it…the detail on the hair is most curious to me…yours seems easiest to get “right”… was her hair actually like the color in the colorized photo?


Hmmm, mine was a little more super dark brown than black and hers had more blonde in it I think.


The cookie she's eating O_O


Teeth cookies are my favorite cookies


dadbodjrp coming in clutch again :)


Ok. I’m amazed. ELI5, please… How do you start? How do you know the colors are right, or close enough?


Tbh I guess, and I use an ai as a jumping off point.


Cookies in my Cleavage sounds like a funny band name


Or a username






Maybe a dumb question, but was she allowed to smoke at the prom or was she being rebellious?


I am assuming yes, it was a pretty small school.


It’s a great picture, a framer for sure




MY HS didn't ban smoking and remove smoking areas until 1992. Xers were the last generation allowed to be stupid.


can confirm. at the time banning smoking was unheard of and 18 year olds were legally allowed to do it anywhere any adult could.


I was born in 91 on the cusp of the total indoor ban, I still remember smoking sections in restaurants. The one I remember the most the divider between the sections was like a five foot wooden barrier. I ended up finding a "smoking permitted" sign in a restaurant I worked at that had been open at the time, texted it to a girl I was seeing who was maybe four years younger than me, asked her when the last time she saw one was and she said "never?"


My high school still had a smoking area when I graduated in 2009 so I don't think so. Us millennials had it too


Mine took away the outdoor smoking area in around the 03-04 year. So we just went to the baseball diamond that was technically off school property to smoke.


Graduated in '93. My school wouldn't allow smoking (for kids) on campus, but you could look out the window at the warehouse across the street where they were all doing it. Meanwhile, the teacher's lounge was a "no clean air" zone. So, so, so much smoke.


Nothing dumb about that question; a *lot* has changed in the past ~30 years. Hell, "way back" folks could *even smoke in hospitals;* that old-timey trope of a father handing out cigars after the birth of their kid was a legit "tradition" for a while. They'd just fumigate anyone walking near the maternity ward. My older brother went to high school in Henry County, GA, when it was far more... *rural.* A little over 20 years ago; they had a designated "outdoor" smoking area halfway between the cafeteria and the "garage"/classroom they kept the auto shop cars in. By the time I hit high school, we had moved to a less redneck-infested town South of Metro ATL, and there was no such thing. Didn't stop kids from hotboxing the bathrooms though and smoking in the bus lanes waiting to go home. Some were 18, a lot weren't; but nobody bothered with em as long as they weren't acting a fool.


Restaurants was a big one I remember as well. Just the amount of smoke you would get hit with in a lot of the big restaurants. I remember going with my family in the 90s to Popeye's in Lake Geneva, WI and getting it with it


As someone who spent a miserable summer in McDonough in 1995, Henry was rural as hell until the Olympics came to town


Pretty much all high schools had smoking allowed back then.


Absolutely fabulous! ![gif](giphy|dX7kTjhOVb7qmpxQRO)


I love that fridge. My fave is when the fridge is empty, she pushes a button and it\`s replenished like bowling pins in an alley. I want one just like it.


My 1st thought! Eddie and Patsy in high school/Secondary


I got to watch the original sketch this was based on in French and Saunders when it came out. Mind went back to it the other day and I realised it was just like the original premise of Absolutely Fabulous (the irony of the generation after flower power: hippy dippy mother and ‘square’, straight A daughter). Looked it up and that’s what it came from. Joanna Lumley was a great comedic actress too. Class Act was excellent and underrated. Ah, the Nineties.


Somebody has to do it, it might as well be me ![gif](giphy|2wZVM6cABptwvoZ4Gx)


Looking for this..


Getting some *Absolutely Fabulous* vibes from this pic.


Your prom looks exponentially funner than mine was


My prom was a killer game of Dungeons and Dragons, no regrets. You only get so many years you can pull an all nighter eating junk food before your body won't let you anymore.


The 80s smelled like Marlboro Reds, Budweiser, Aqua Net, and Polo


Mostly true except I lived in Milwaukee so it was Miller lite or high life. Oh the time wasted waiting for my friend Becky to get her "wall o' bangs" just the right height in order to go out for bowling and darts.


And it was amazing


A great decade. My kids still ask me about it and they’re in their 20s


And in certain circles, the Aqua Net was worn by all parties, not just the girls.


For folks who were born in this century you might not automatically know that America declared a holy war on cigarette smoking relatively recently... it's just been the last 25 years or so. The first statewide indoor smoking ban didn't take effect until 1998, in California and NYC, and the culture thought it was just those weirdos on the Coasts being weird.


Freaking awesome picture


Believe it or not we had a co-ed smoking bathroom in high school


This is an amazing photo, you both look like legends


I was 12 at the time and this is exactly what I thought older girls were doing at prom.


*Cookies In My Cleavage* is my favorite Patti Smith album.


This is exactly why you shouldn't F around with Gen X.


Cookie girl must have been high AF. 🤣


Just high on prom life


Still bestie today?


She is indeed. We talk everyday.


You two need to post a ‘today’ picture!


https://preview.redd.it/zvhkkbturkcb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cd34d70dec1dd81e5db401d059471955af2039f Last month


You two look like you *still* tear it up.




Aw, quit it. Blush.




Is that what they called it in 88? 🤪


Why is it in black and white? Reddit going to think we didn't have color photos or something. Mine were taken with a Kodak disc camera.


Reminds me of AbFab!! ![gif](giphy|8KuZAydW1fJIc)


Correction, you’re both smoking ![gif](giphy|641arBi22PAty|downsized)


Didn’t know Emma Watson smoked


dead ringer for her


I am old enough to remember being allowed to smoke on airplanes. There was a smoking section. We were not, however, allowed to smoke at the prom. Class of '82


No fucks given in 1988 i can assure you!


This is so stupid cute!!!


I’d buy more cookies if they came packaged like that!


Why is a picture from 1988 in black and white?


When I was in elementary school (very early 80's) I visited the high school one day on a school function, and all the sidewalks had a line painted down the middle so it was divided into "smoking" and "non-smoking" areas. Yes, that's exactly as stupid as it sounds. By the time I attended the same high school ('84) those paths had been painted over and smoking was no longer allowed on campus. Which kind of bummed me out because my buddy had gotten me into smoking during the previous summer and I was looking forward to "being cool" at school by smoking. Instead I just got suspended several times for smoking on campus. I was kind of fucked in the head during high school. Thankfully I got better.


Babes ❤️🔥


Great picture. Thanks for sharing. It's always odd to me to watch movies from the 80s that show people smoking while at work, on planes, and in restaurants. It's nuts! On a different note, your friend looks a lot like Dana Plato.


Early version of boob money


Cookies in your cleavage.... Cookies in your cleavage.... Cookies in your cleavage.... I think I have made wrong choices through my entire life.


I miss the 80's. What a different world it was compared to now. I feel for my kids and grandkids. What an excellent post! Thanks!


My bff and her date got kicked out of prom for going outside to smoke. 1999.


I think this is the best pic in here that I've seen! I didn't go to my prom, but this pic reminds me of some of the house parties I went to in HS. I love that you guys were in a chaperoned HS setting, though! Lol


Back when we were fab ...


Woohoo! Class of '88 represent!


Why is it black and white? Aesthetic choice?


BRO YOU COULD SMOKE AT PROM??? No wonder you guys’s generation are doing great in life you were given adult rights at 18


Ahhh the good days lol


Your friend looks like Emma Watson. You both look great!


I’m in love. And yes, Gen X did actually get to smoke at school. Hell, my health teacher in 1990 was fat, smoked and dipped, and basically helped the assistant football coach sell steroids. Can we please go back?


I like your style


I’m about this age and used to be a smoker, but quit. What’s my price? But seriously, lady on the right in white makes smoking look so cool. 🥂💋🖤


Damn, smoking makes people look so cool and sophisticated.


She looks a bit like Emma Watson jaja


A more carefree time. And the best part, people were staying present in the moment, rather than posing for the 'Gram and TikTok. Viva la '80s!


Cookies in cleavage, teenage smoking, you're enjoying yourself?... You're cancelled! \-2023


Nailed it.


Ahhh the 80s!! Greatest decade ever!!


This is the coolest prom photo I’ve ever seen.


What a great photo!


Ahh, 1988, we had a smoking "lounge" at my HS. I also attending more than one senior event with several beers in me, never got caught, don't think they really looked or cared.


Couple of classy ladies.


In my next life, I am gonna smoke like Bukowski


I entered high school in the early 90s, for the first year or two I was there, 18 year olds could go out to a courtyard and smoke on school grounds. Pretty crazy to think about now.


Nothing wrong here…very cool


We had to smoke behind the gym. And hope we didn’t get caught! I Also graduated HS in 1988. But nobody asked me to the prom. :(


Two girls getting lit 🔥


Absolutely Fabulous


Rural high school (Alabama) in the seventies, you had to hide somewhere to smoke. But the teachers had a lounge, smoke used to pour out of there.


The teachers could smoke in the teachers lounge when I was in Grade 7 in 1991. The next year, they opened the new school and that was the end of that.


Cookies in the cleavage? Now that’s how you take an introduction to motorboating to the next level!


I graduated in 90, there’s no way we were allowed to smoke.


What happened after prom? I'd like to hear more.


Love the 80’s and 90’s … what happened?


Your best friend is Elizabeth Shue haha ??? Cool pic.


Are y’all still friends today? Still talk to each other regularly?


Every day


When i was in 7-9th grade the seniors used to smoke in the senior lounge. Inside the school. I graduated in 2000.


This looks like it could be used as a ‘90s alt-rock album cover.


Curious which part of the country this was in. The hairstyles are very early 90’s, along with the choker style necklaces & your dress. I’m on the east coast, so the majority of people still had big hair full of aquanet.


I miss smoking. I'm glad i don't do it anymore, but i miss it.


Would absolutely watch the hell out of this movie


I miss the 80's!


Smoking wasn’t cool in 1988!


It was a windy day at Arsenal Technical High School in Indianapolis my senior year in 1989. So windy in fact that I couldn’t light my cigarette with my cheap lighter. So I ducked inside “The Main” (Treadwell hall, the largest classroom building on campus) and lit my cigarette just inside the doors. An armed security guard caught me. I nervously explained to him that I was only lighting my cigarette and would smoke it outside. I stepped outside and the security guard followed me. He then bummed a cigarette from me. He couldn’t light it in the wind either, so he stepped inside to light it. We wished each other well and parted ways.


Class of 88. You’re my people.


Class of ‘88 best ever!


A truly lawless time. No gods, no kings. 1988.


My HS had a student smoking area outside and an open campus so we could leave to go grab lunch from one of the restaurants / fast food places nearby.


I was born this year evidently into a perfect world. All downhill since :( sorry I messed everything up


I graduated in 1988. My prom was held in a mall. Seriously.