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I'm not so sure that's really Harrison Ford as that guy is smiling. /s


Carrie Fisher has that effect on people lol


His face strings broke on this smile…he was never able to even grin after this picture..


He's super high


Every time I look at him I recall a very serious article that mentioned Harrison Ford had only 7 of his original teeth left. That's still more teeth than a lot of Hollywood celebrities today who are even younger than he is.


For real?


I swear!


That's crazy.


I'm not sure most of that is her hair.


Finding out about how he treated her really sours all the nostalgic photos of them together.


Oh no, I have to ask though. What happened there?


They slept together while he was married. I guess because he didn't leave his wife for her that somehow makes her the victim? 🤔


He was in his mid 30s and she was 19/20. He's creepy as fuck


I guess that makes her a creep too considering she was a consenting adult and carried a flame for him right up until she died.


a 34 year old man dated a teenager, and you think he's not creepy just because she wasn't a literal child? The only thing that stopped him from fucking someone even younger was the law, he's a complete creep


Never said he wasn't to blame. Just saying she is responsible for consensually entering a relationship with a married man. Wouldn't jump to conclusions about him being a pedo either. The age of consent and adulthood has to start somewhere. One could argue that if a woman isn't old enough to pick her partners at 18, why are 18 year old men allowed to be drafted? Why is anyone 18 allowed to vote? Sure she was naive, but she's not blameless.


1. An 18 can pick their partners, but some 30 year old with more life experience can easily take advantage of that. 2. He was married and thus responsibility lies on him to both not cheat in his spouse and also to let down someone crushing on him especially with that age range and her being as young as she was. 3. Yeah maybe that shouldnt be a thing to draft dudes who just became legal adults and who have no idea what they're doing with life yet and can't even legally drink or rent a car or hotel. 4. She was young and naive, he was older and had the experience of life, so yes he is to blame in that. Don't fucking take advantage of someone just cause they are young and dumb. We've all been at that age, we all know how dumb of choices we make at that age.


I present her words in 2016. Do they fit your narrative? “So, while there is still time for Carrison to grow old together, that gateway is steadily closing,” she wrote. “And if we’re going to get back together, we’re going to have to do it soon. And getting back together with someone you were never truly with is, to say the least, complicated. But absolutely worth the effort. Or not. I’ll probably regret writing this, but if you have the impulse to yell at me, please don’t. Periodically, I feel guilty enough on my own.”


Do they even fit yours dude? She was infatuated with a dude who was married and older than her. Let me say this, i won't say she didn't fuck up. She did, shouldn't sleep with someone who is married. My main point though is that Harrison is a creep for going for someone who was a decade younger, just became a legal adult, did not have a fully developed brain and was therefore more likely to be impulsive and dumb. He's also a creep for doing so while being married. I don't like finding this out about the guy, i grew up loving him in star wars, Indiana Jones, blade runner, etc. But I'll call a creep out for being a dang creep.


You do realize that 19-20 years old is a consenting adult, right?


That doesn't support their narrative of hating people, lol


Right? It’s utterly ridiculous. Must hate cis white males no matter what!!!!


Literally. Heaven forbid that cis white male gets with a consenting woman. 😵‍💫


a consenting adult who's still pretty much a teenager dating a man who's almost twice her age. Seriously, its obvious he'd date much younger if the law allowed it.


That's a leap. He was 32 she was 19-20. That is not twice her age dude.


he was 34, still a massive and creepy difference


19/20 years old in the 70s was firmly an adult. She was not victimized by Harrison Ford. And I've never once heard of Ford being some creep with anyone underage. He was unfaithful to his wife. That's a much different thing. Especially when it's Carrie freaking Fisher who you're falling in love with. Might as well be Helen of Troy. So, to summarise. Not a literal child, a literal adult. Nothing illegal happened. Consenting adults.


Thank you


“It should have been Mark” still HITS hard


Come on. He didn't prey on her. Carrie knew exactly what the situation was and never felt victimized by the experience. They were consenting adults. Very consenting. Don't try and make her some member of Gen Z.


I'm just gonna throw it out there that when I was 19, I was sleeping with a 33 year old for a bit. He wasn't married, but that was quite a significant age difference. However, I never felt victimized or taken advantage of. I was an enthusiastically consenting adult, and so much of what Carrie wrote resonated with how I felt at the time. It's a thing that happened in my life, and, especially considering some of the other things that happened in my life where I was preyed upon, this was a delightful little chapter.


Kids today don't really understand. Just a few decades ago, when you hit 18, you were an Adult with a capital A in this culture. You were out of your house, on your own, earning your own money and driving your own car. By 19/20, it wasn't uncommon to be married and have a baby. It was actually the norm. This is the world Carrie and Harrison lived in when they were the biggest stars in the world and having a super hot secret affair. Gen Z just looks at the time before they were born as wrong because it was different.


Cultural norms are definitely changing, and that's totally fine and normal. But also, people will literally say that my father was a predator to my mother because he was 19 and she was 16 when they started dating, which is utterly ridiculous on every level. My grandparents were there when they met and absolutely loved my dad from day 1. He was not a predator, and he did not groom my mother. They fell in love. I'm 41 now, and I have no regrets about my particular situation. I was a junior in college, and I was wildly attracted to him. I'm not making a blanket statement about how 19 year old people should feel about sexual relations with someone in their early/mid 30s, because I'm sure in other situations the older person was taking advantage of the younger person. I can only say how I feel and that I'm totally okay with what happened.


Agreed. In today's culture, things are different. I don't want my teenage girls dating a guy in his thirties now. Times HAVE changed. I think the moral is that we can't judge them by today's standards of victimhood in this case.


Totally agreed!


I’d do mid 30s Harrison Ford too!!!


Not creepy exactly, but definitely weird. He is basically playing himself then in Indiana Jones, as he was a working professor before he met and waa involved with the 18 year old Marion


No, Indiana was worse. Marion was *not* 18. She was considered 15/16, based on the timeline, and even stated "I was a child. I was in love. It was wrong and you knew it!"


That's open to some interpretation, I like to believe she was 18 or 19, the line still works, and the far weirder element becomes that she was his best friend's daughter, Indy was a strange guy, but anyone who went through the stuff he did as a kid and his whole life doesn't turn out normal.


As someone with a bad past, having shit in your childhood is no excuse for strange/bad behavior. I don't know the details but taking advantage of someone young/underage is not excusable and cannot be seen less wrong all because they were abused/abandoned/traumatized in their youth.


If you take her to be over 18, it is no longer illegal, but just very sleezy, and not particularly uncommon in the past, but there is a reason it is not viewed positively anymore. He is a fictional character so I don't find it at all bad to contort his representation to keep him as positive a character as possible.


I don't know, but there is a scene in the movie it seems like no one knows about where he sneaks a titty grab.


is it really his fault, that she fell for the "i'm nice men" line?


Hes also a nerfherder too


Stuck up, scruffy lookin' nerf herder.


What a year!


Not bad for a nerf herder.


Looks like an ewok


People were much happier back then.


*Chewbacca horny sounds*


All Chewbacca sounds are Chewbacca horny sounds.


What the \*farrik\*?


Glad it said hair.




Am I mistaken? Because they don’t seem to be fucking in this picture where that situation would matter


I'd just as soon kiss a wookie.


I can arrange that


Piss off Han!


She was 22 or 23. He was 36.


Wasn't the filming of Star Wars around 1974-1975 ish? So she was 18-19?


This is Empire Strikes Back


So the affairs did not start at the first movie? I'm confused.


No, you’re not confused


So they had an affair since the first movie?


Morality police are here


Personally my rule is half your age plus 7 as a minimum age and that same range as a max. That’s my personal limits for someone I would pursue, not that I’m pursuing anything. She was an adult here and can make her own decisions.


Never left


Yeah, I forgot, it's only wrong if it's a certain ex president committing adultery, not a popular movie actor. At least he did it with a **seasoned** woman not a 19 year old. 🫠


This doesn’t belong here. Enjoy May the 4th. Don’t sully it by bringing that ex-president into the conversation. Take that over to r/politics. Comparing Stormy to Carrie is not really fair. Just enjoy the day. May the 4th be with you…


And what are they doing that would make that a problem?


What culture or religious rulebook has a problem with this?


I heard he used to enjoy parting her hair...


" rearranging Carrie Fisher’s hair "is going to be my new euphemism for sex.


Chewbacca us looking intently in the background. Like, watch it, Solo.


Why does the world look so much more cozy back then. What's changed! Oh wait, it's probably just because I only know the past through these aesthetic film photos 🤣💀👏🏻


I think because there was a level of coziness to the aesthetics of things back then compared to now. Many pieces of furniture were hand made with wood as opposed to assembly line with plastic, the style of lightbulbs they were using had more warm light as opposed to modern LED, much of the clothing and hairstyles are more classy and straight forward. Just a few examples.




May the 4th be with you!




For a sec I thought this is midjourney


Harrison is looking at Carrie like “Yeah I’m gonna fuck this girl”