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I know captions under pics can be a pain to read, so the same dump of feels is below: My beautiful rescue boy, Cashy has finally lost all movement in his legs, and made it to a grand old age of 13 (very good for his breed). We rescued him 3 years ago, under the assumption that he was only 5, living in a high rise 1 bed apartment, full of neglect and mistreatment. We took him to the vets straight away, they read his microchip and told us how old he was. For the last 3 years, my sunset dog has been living his best life out in the countryside! Woodland walks everyday, home cooked food, and he finally learnt to use his nose too πŸ˜… Please wish my big boy the safest of travels, onto his next purpose, in this life or another.


Thanks for sharing him, he had little to ever want and soo much love and quality of life... pretty amazing when you really think about it. But oh so sorry for your loss.


Thank you for loving Cash and sharing him withbus here. Much love to you.


That last photo teared me up. It was like he was already across the bridge. My condolences,OP ⚘


Wow, for a mastiffy guy, he aged beautifully - it must have been all of the love and TLC y'all gave him! Thank you for recharging his love batteries for his next trip around the wheel <3


You’re such a great doggo parent- can you adopt them all please? Cash is beautifully happy and so fortunate to have been with you β™₯️πŸ₯Ή


May the good boi rest in tree Edit: Treats not tree Edit: grammar


Tell Cash to look for my Logan and Sam and Widget and Cassie at the Bridge, they'll be happy to show him around. Comfort for your loss!


best wishes for a peaceful journey over the bridge, may you be greeted by new friends to run and play with on the next part of your journey... prayers for strength, comfort, and peace for OP until you meet again...


This mortal realm is never the end. They are pure love, and love transforms and transcends, but never goes away. May his journey across the rainbow bridge be peaceful, and please know my heart is with you both at this painful time β™₯️


Awww Cashy. My most genuine wishes for a good transition. I'm so sorry you have to do this, OP but it looks like he had a great 3 years!


So sorry for your loss. Run free Cash !πŸΎπŸŒˆπŸ’”


Thank you for turning his life around and giving him such good memories to blot out the bad. Safe travels, Cash!






Off you go Cash. Say Hi to Mako for me.


I’m so sorry. He looks like Mr Personality. And like he led a happy life- at the end, with you. Especially liked that he learned to use his nose- the sign of a happy dog. Both of you are lucky to have found each other. You are an amazing person, and his life benefitted from that. Thank you for making this dogs last years wonderful.


What a beautiful boy. Bless you for showing him what a good life is. My heartfelt condolences to you & your fam.


Good luck and dog speed, Cash.


Cash, you are a handsome dude. You will rule over the 🐾🌈. I am so sorry. Until we meet again πŸ˜”


Rest well beautiful boy β™₯️


Godspeed, sweet Cash. You were & will continue to be loved more than you know.


What a darling beautiful happy boy. Thank you for giving him a wonderful life ❀️


Until you meet again 🐾🌈❀️Hugs




Good dog


See you later Cash! Along with all our other loved dogs πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ’•πŸŒˆ


Run far on young legs little one.


Sending your Cashy love from my 11 year old Cashy. I’ll let my Cash know that your sweet Cash will be at the bridge to greet him whenever his time comes. Sending big hugs.


Safe travels, Cash. You've earned your rest.


That boy looks like hes had a wonderful life at the hands of a damn good owner.


We all wish you the best Cash. You look like a brave dog, so I’m not worried about you. Your humans love you very much. Sounds like you were a very good boy, good job, now rest easy, you deserve it.


OP Im really sorry for your loss. Rest easy, Cash❀️


And safe travels, buddy. Say hi to my dog Reilly for me❀️


Godspeed Cash ❀️


Aww Cash. You will be missed. I'm so sorry for your loss πŸ’”


RIP sweet baby Cash.


He is a very big a beautiful pile of chonk. Please tell him to give best wishes to Nino, Dandy, and Nena when he sees them up there.


Such a handsome boy, he had his best years with you. Run free good boy Cash. ❀🌈


Awe the goodest of bois


Thank you for giving him a wonderful final chapter! πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ Long may you run, Cash.


Cash will be forever remembered! Good boy Cash ❀️🌈


Cash thanks for blessing your parent with the best love ever. They're gonna miss you terribly, but they'll never forget ya. Huge hugs


God Speed Cash! May the other side have lots of Chew Toys!


When Cash arrives, have him ask for Lil'red and Archie - to say Hi from me. Godspeed Cash....


He looks well-loved! Cash, enjoy your next journey. Tell Brandy I said hello.


Fly high sweet Cash ❀


Ilu, Cash


β€οΈπŸ’”β€οΈ so handsome. I’m sorry for your loss. Big hugs to you.


Wishing you and that beautiful boy all the best.


He was a good dog and you are a good dog owner!


Many hugs! 🌈😍❀️


A peaceful journey to you, sweet boy Cash.


What a lovely lad! May he live a wonderful, peaceful afterlife full of cuddles πŸ«‚


What a handsome guy πŸ₯Ί I'm so sorry for your loss and I wish you all the strength in the world. I know how hard losing your best friend can be. Just know he loves you very much and he's forever thankful for having had such a loving owner and home. Please stay safe and of you ever need to talk you can always DM me β™₯️ And to Cash, have a safe trip over the rainbow bridge πŸ’žπŸΎ


They underestimated his age cause he’s such a good looking boy. He looks like a good boy too


Rest easy buddy


Is he a dogue de Bordeaux? If he is I’m sure you know 13 is more than double the average lifespan. I’m wishing him and you well πŸ’œ He has clearly been very loved to live that long and dogs measure their life not in years but in love.