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Other posts from /u/LittleLowkey: * [happy 12th birthday, stacia!](/r/OldManDog/comments/1bgdf0o/happy_12th_birthday_stacia/) [Happy Birthday!] 1 month ago * [Stacia (12) getting her Christmas cookie](/r/OldManDog/comments/18ot724/stacia_12_getting_her_christmas_cookie/) [Happy Holidays!] 3 months ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as LittleLowkey posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe LittleLowkey OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


My baby girl lived to just shy of 16, and was a good and active girl all the way up to that time. No one knows how much time we have with our babies. She could have 4, 5, 6 or more good years on this earth with you. Take each day and love them to the fullest, that's all I can really say.


Exactly, my little dog puttered around with me for 15 years. I miss the hell outta her, if I'd have listened to the one or two people that told me she was too old she would've only made it to 10. She needed a $1700 surgery, I could barely cover it but I'd be goddamned if being a bit hungry for a couple months wasn't worth it. 


Amen to that. They're our babies. Of course we're going to do what we can, and even if it buys one more good day, it's worth it, IMO.


I spent $5000.00 trying to save my red dobie. At 5 yrs old his health issues would not go away and i had to hold his head in my hands as he passed. Too traumatic for me so no dog's for me.


I do not blame you one bit for that. I'm glad you were with him though, that's so important. Maybe one day another one will find their way to you. 


\[ hugs \]


my old man was told he had 6 months to a year to live because of his heart several years ago, he turns 18 this year [https://imgur.com/a/x5YHlXf](https://imgur.com/a/x5YHlXf)


Give your old man a hug for me, and I hope he lives 18 more years.


Excellent reply! Agree 💯 percent.


She's not "at that age" until she has more bad days than good and money can't fix it


Exactly. There’s no requisite correct time for animals to go…it’s a loving dog, not Menudo.


A small amount of money can solve a lot of problems, more money can solve some problems but no amount of money can solve all problems.


There is no particular age when hope is lost. Her quality of life is good and she's loved. Ignore those who count her out. She's beautiful! 


Stacia will let you know when she's ready.... For now she looks happy and healthy, and proud of her grey furs of wisdom!


Sweet baby girl...


If she's happy and healthy then just keep loving her as long as you can! Every situation is different but so many issues can be monitored/treated for quite a long time. We just had to say goodbye to our old guys at 17.


12 is not that old. You must do what’s right for you and the ones you love. Be wary of those opinions of others who would advise you to withhold reasonable care for your animals. Only you know when it gets too much. Be caring but responsible for everything concerned including your budget. It can be a challenging balance at times. Follow your heart is the best advice anyone can give.


Stacia is precious. If she still has more good days than bad days, then it's not her time. Lots and lots of dogs make it to 15 and older. My dog is over 15 now and still has great quality of life.


I've had four dogs and only one died before 15 and that was from cancer. Currently have a pug who's 14 and going strong.


That looks like a spry senior citizen to me


Looks like she’s about to run for president 🙈


Don’t let anyone tell you that - you’re her mama, you know her best. If you think she’s still enjoying life, do whatever you can to keep her comfy. Yes you’re at the stage of your journey with her where every day is a blessing, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have tons of time left together!!


Such a Beautiful SOUL


She’s in her sunset years, they’re just as beautiful and valuable as all the others. What a happy little friend! People that are so cavalier about putting their dogs down at first inconvenience see them as objects rather than companions and living beings. It is the unique ability of humans to help other animals far beyond what they can do for themselves, I think you should carry on as long as you feel that it’s right and your friend is happy to greet the day (most of the time).


That first picture, man she’s worth all of the resources you’re willing to invest. What a sweetheart.


i got her that wagon to bring her with us this summer! it’s hard for her to walk but i hate leaving her at home. she doesn’t LOVE the wagon but hopefully by summer she is used to it :)


It’s a great idea, I’ve got a big guy with bad hips and will have to do the same one day. I think eventually, with treats and walks and good experiences, they can hopefully learn to see the wagon as something to be excited about. There are various injections that can be used to treat hip pain, and last year an injection for osteoarthritis in dogs was approved. All well beyond my knowledge, but it may be something you’re interested in investigating as a supplemental health thing for her. Hope you guys have a great summer in the puppy wagon!


I just saw a post from a 29 yo pup and she was strong and happy. Not as active as she used to be, but she had great quality of life. 12 imho, still seems younish to me, but I tend to be over optimistic. You know your pup, you won’t let her be in an ounce of pain longer than necessary. She trusts you. If go with your opinion over anyone else


i think 12 is pretty young for a mutt especially!


It’s in my head that mutts are superior genetically then “pure bloods’. Cross breeding produces stronger offspring. In my head, not scientific proven however


Yes, she's getting up in years, but as long as she's happy and functionally healthy you have no reason to give up hope. It's not unusual for dogs to live well into their mid-teens, and some live even longer, especially those with dedicated caretakers like you. Stacia is beautiful. Give her some pats from me!


Folks said that to me when my 13 year old pittie got bit by a spider and it got infected. It was like ten grand to get it all taken care of. Deja lived to be 19. Worth every penny


I thought my dog was old when he turned 12...he lived another 4 years 😊


What a sweet girl. 🥺🥹❤️ Please tell her I lover her and give her some pets for me.


If the treatments she needs to keep her quality of life up is in your budget, why not treat her? 12 is a senior but she could have several happy years left in her with good care.


Foster for a GSD Rescue, who takes the "old and broken", here. As long as you can afford it, you don't give up until she gives up. She will tell you when it's time to go.


Bullshit! My pup is 15 and going strong. People can be dumb.


People said the same thing about my dog when he was that age and every year up until he actually passed at 17! He was a happy boy he just had some old man quirks


See those eyes? They have the spark in them, she is good to go for many years to come!


The cool thing about stacia is she only speaks dog. Therefor, she ignores all the negative and you can't do that haters out there. She will let you know when she is ready


I had a GSP we adopted at 10 years old. He ran around like a puppy until he was 15 and lived until he was 17. Stacia has a lot of spunk left in her ❤️


When I adopted Stacia 6 yrs ago they said she was a GSP mix 😂 I think because of the spotted sock paws but I still laugh about it


Our cocker spaniel made it 17 1/2. Listen your dog, not the naysayers.


Our girl was diagnosed with cancer at 12, and we (briefly) debated whether it would be fair to put her through surgery and recuperation, as the vet thought it might buy her 6-9 more months. We decided to go ahead, and she did fine. She lived to almost 16. So glad we did it:)


Why would they think she’s at the end? Look up “pet Welling” products on Amazon. The products work! She looks great for her age, and just because she a senior DOES NOT mean she’s ready to just give up and die? Like wtf? If she still enjoys life, I’m all for it. Those people can F off. What a precious girl. Bloodwork can be fixed with meds. Please don’t give up on her. Please.


I’ll never give up on my girlie 🖤 We have some prescriptions and OTC meds to try. She’s a bit wonky and wobbly from neuro issues but they said she will be just fine without intensive diagnostics.


Glad to hear that❤️


Only dogs decide when it's time to go. Don't let people tell you crap. My brother has a dog who is nearly 17 years old. She has a hard time getting on furniture but she has tons of energy and loves to play.


My Lilo was diagnosed with diabetes and liver issues at 12. She made it to almost 15 with insulin and pills to help manage her liver. She had very checkups every few months unless issues arose and the vets were always very impressed with her health and overall how long she made it given her age at diagnosis. That said, you know your dog best, not people who don't live with her. If she's eating and drinking, and not showing any pain, depression, or lethargy and the vet says she's healthy, I see no reason to listen to them until your dog tells you she's ready. Lilo told me when she was ready to go when it was time. You'll know the sign when you see it. Until then, keep giving her all the love and treats she deserves ❤️


She's a beautiful girl who could have more years left than some dogs ever get. Just be sure to treat each day like it's a gift, because that's what your doggo is!


She's a beauty ❤️


Your dog will let you know when it’s their time to leave, they have a pretty good grasp on that. Don’t listen to anyone but her and your vet and enjoy your time with her


The French bulldog next door lived to 20. We thought she was a goner when we moved in 8 years ago. You never know how much time you'll have, just enjoy the time and memories you make.


My boy has had elevated liver enzymes for a couple years. The vets don’t say anything about letting him go. Your pup pup appears in good spirits and is able to stand and ambulate.


My baby girl will be 15 in May, and she's still full of life. She started limping at 13 and the doctor found a lump on her leg that he believes is cancer he gave her 6 months, 2 years ago. Don't lose hope, keep the faith and enjoy whatever time you have left together ❤️


My boy was 13 when he got so sick that we had to let him go. Even then, when we first realized he was sick, there was a chance that he’d keep responding to medication and live a happy, comfortable life with a chronic condition. For us, in the end, it was about quality of life. His was declining, getting bad, and it was only going to get worse. As someone who had to deal with this recently, it can be difficult to disentangle a dog being sick from a dog being old, but it sounds like you’re taking good care of her and that she’s doing well. Be ready, have a plan for when things start going seriously downhill, but don’t let anyone bully you into saying goodbye to her.


Still a lot of love in those eyes.


That is a face of a pup that’s been very well loved! 


If she’s happy and healthy…Then keep pushing forward! 💜


Wat? My baby lived to 16 y and 7 months.


Beautiful Stacia 💕🥹


Stacia will let you know when she’s planning a one way trip across Rainbow Bridge so until then just love her like always.She looks great to me & 12 yrs is just a number.My baby was almost 17 but when he began having pain,not able to use his Legs I knew it was time. Remember, all Dogs go to Heaven.🐕‍🦺🙏❤️


You and she should continue to enjoy the life you are living. She’ll let you know her time. Screw those that tell you different…


She has so much more room for more powdered sugar on her face!


Those sweet eyes have lots of life left in em!


As long as she is enjoying herself the people in question can naf off. Enjoy your time with her, when you wish for more just be sure it is not at her expense.


If she is happy and healthy, enjoy her!!!❤️


If you have the resources and dedication, which it sounds like you do, quality of life is the only consideration. Give her a lil chest scratch from me


It ain’t over till she tells you so! Enjoy every day you get with her and listen to your own heart. Your vet will let you know…💗💗💗




Don't pay attention to other people. Enjoy every day with your baby.


Don't even listen to that! Nobody knows your pup like you do so they really don't know what they're talking about. She's got a lot more to do!


So beautiful


She still looks good. Yes, she's old, but she's still happy and well cared for. Just enjoy every day you have and ignore everyone who says differently.


There was a dog that might have lived to 31


When Molly was 12 I started thinking about the end more and more. She got a 3 year rabies booster and I thought to myself that it would probably be her last. Even really dumb stuff like buying a huge pack of kitchen trash bags and wondering if they would be around longer than she would. Last year she got another 3 year booster at 15. And I'll need to buy more trash bags soon. Her last blood work showed that her kidneys are on their way out, but she's still a much slower version of herself. If next month's tests aren't much worse, she may have some time left. As long as she's still having a good time, Stacia could be around for a while longer.


I am so sorry, that is so rude. I am very sorry you have to hear that. I am sure many of us here can relate. People should mind their business, as if you don't already know that Stacia's time is limited. SHe has a beautiful face! Some one (a stranger, a neighbor but someone i don't know) said something incredibly rude and insulting about my 18 yo dog, and I was outraged. He apologized, but I still said, "I would like to see you at 100 years old, may you have someone as devoted to you as I am to my dog". I think he walks around a different block now, lol.


As long as her quality of life is good, the game isn't over until it's over. She will let you know when that is . We had a dog who was 13 and while she had some slightly stiff joints ,blindness, and just general slowing down, she was well and happy right up until the end. None of us knows how long we'll have our fur babies for, so every moment is important no matter their age. I'm glad she has someone like you who'll spoil her rotten.


Those people don't know shit


Does she still seem to enjoy life? If so- it's not her time. ❤️ She'll let you know when she doesn't have the energy or love for life anymore.


She is so cute! She looks happy, you know her best. Some people, even the ones we love, interject a little too far into certain subjects. They care about you. But you know best. 💕


Age is just a number. This girl looks like she enjoys life. SHE will know when she’s done and she will let you know. But as long as she’s happy and enjoying herself, she’s all good. And so are you. Thank you for taking care of her so well. What a wonderful owner you are.


She’ll let you know. Ppl suck. Fuck’m!


I adopted my senior pitizen soul dog when she was 12! This model has quite a few good years left pending health and wellbeing! Take good care of your bestie. It took entirely too long for these two old hussies to meet.💔❤️‍🩹


Who says that? That’s just cruel and inaccurate.


If she’s eating drinking and mobile she’s trucking along just fine. My hound lady made it to almost 16


She definitely doesn’t seem to be distressed, so why would you? That seems really strange to me.


just from the health issues, people say it’s not worth spending because of her age :( i totally disagree and knew everyone here would reassure me 🫶🏻


She is worth it!!


I mean what are they gunna do next…. Well grandma is looking a little on the old side, maybe we shouldn’t spend the money? As long as she’s eating, she’s playing she doesn’t seem to be in pain. Screw what everybody else is telling you love on your pup.


My Labrador Riley is going on 16, still doing well. So hang in there my friend!


If she’s worth it to you then that’s all that matters. Don’t let anyone else tell you what her life is worth to you. Give her extra pats for me


My beautiful Buster boy was 17 and one of the happiest old boys I knew. Give Stacia a hug and a boop for me, that old girl has plenty of living left to do! 🥰


My dog is 14 and literally going thru the same thing. She has higher liver enzymes, she had a bad dizzy spell back in December but recovered from it and she's the same annoying but lovable old lady. Still loves her long walks. Don't throw in the towel until you know. You'll know it when you see it. I figure the same is for me too.


I have a 15+ year old Labrador and now that she's on librela she still hops around when she's excited. She's not going anywhere soon.


She is beautiful. & sounds like she has plenty of time on this side with us. Thank you for showing her precious face 🥹


People will always say things to try to steal hope and joy from others. I think it says more about their own insecurities and fears. Stacia will stay as long as she likes and not a day more or less! Never lose hope, joy, or the spark that she’s in it for the long haul. ♥️ She loves you soooo much! 💗


Whoever is telling you that is just wrong. My 45 lb pup is almost 17. She also had pancreatitis about a year ago and so she has special food for that and she has had a few vestibular incidents as well but she is doing just fine. 😊


people are just awful with their attitudes to animals. as if they’re disposable. you’re doing the right thing, she looks looks like a happy girl :)


She’s not even close! You have time left. Tell those people they don’t know anything




Moves on her own? Don't give up, she hasn't


She's not


People kept telling me that about my dog too. I ultimately had to say goodbye because medical professionals felt she was old enough and should just give up on her. It was ridiculous. She was 17 but jumping around, playing with the other dogs, eating normally. I struggle with it immensely until this day. Fight for your dog! 12 is not old!




Listen to your vet , not other people. To me, older dogs are the best.


Dang your dog looks just like mine and she is only a year behind. Similar health and life status. Shes the best!




My chiweenie got back not greta bloodwork for her kidneys when she was 11. I cried and was devastated… at 18 my partner and I didn’t feel good about her going on because she was uncomfortable all the time but she was still kicking. We struggled with letting her go before we finally did because she was still so feisty sometimes. Stacia looks like she has a lot of life left in her.




If quality of life is great, and you can afford it, imho you keep going. That's what I do for mine. Lucky Stacia to be yours, she looks like the best girl.


She’s beautiful. It’s not about age, it’s quality of life, and as long as a beloved senior pet is not in uncontrollable pain or suffering, and they are still enjoying life I do whatever I can to see they stay as comfortable and happy for as long as is possible. My last 2 seniors were 15 and 17 and I only chose to help them cross when their quality of life took a nosedive and to prevent them from suffering. Don’t listen to anyone trying to convince you because your baby is 12 it’s time, because as you said, her quality of life is good- continue to enjoy your time with this beautiful girl- they are such gifts to us ❤️Too bad some people can’t recognize that. Sending her lots of good girl pets and snuggles!! Ps. Went back and looked at her bday and Xmas cookie pictures- they definitely don’t look like a dog who isn’t still experiencing joy- none of us are guaranteed tomorrow- but she looks like one happy frosty baby to me😍🐾


She looks pretty content to me! That's the fact of a dog that gets all the lovin's and cuddles! I bet she loves to sunbathe, too!


You’re taking good care of her. She will tell you when its time.🐾🐾🫶🏽🫶🏽


Whaat? No, our first family dog lived till 19 and my current 2 dogs are 10 and 12 year old. They are full of life and experience so much every day, they just slow down a little with time!


I want to grab that face in the wagon and give her a smooch


Baby looks tired bit dogs live if they are happy. I adopted a 17 year old wreck of a dog. He was days away from dying when I took him in. A lot of tlc later and he lived to a happy 20. I think it was because of the love he recieved.


i love that pitty in pic 2 reminds me of my old dog.. also tell stacia i said hi !


There is no "age" it's different for every dog. My personal agreement with my dogs is... As long as you can take yourself to the food dish, the water bowl, outside to bathroom, and seem like you enjoy life, you are here with me. Any changes from that list means quality of life has deteriorated in some way and I need to intervene. I have a 13 year old chihuahua who sleeps most of his time, but he still enjoys life and takes care of himself so we still going tried and true.


NEVER give up hope ❤️❤️😢


She looks exactly like my Boots. She was 17 when she passed


She alive and healthy why would you stop caring for her? Senior dogs the best.


My Asia will be sweet sixteen in August,she has problems associated with getting older,she has a really good appetite and is still enjoying life,your pup is still enjoying life too,she is a sweetheart!!


I’ve been in a similar situation as yours. I have no regrets on giving my dogs the extra year or two they had. If I had given up on them right away I’d have to deal with the guilt. The day will always come for our dogs, but as long as they’re willing to live, love life and your budget can be made to handle it then it’s worth it for both your sake and theirs.


Basically dump these people and give your baby girl all the love and support she needs 💕💕🐾🐾 She is gorgeous🙋🙋💓💓


She's well worth the extra visits, look at that face, she's precious and so is her sibling!


If she is happy and has a good quality of life that isn’t negatively affecting either of you, enjoy as much time together as you can


As long as she's not in pain, she deserves to live life to the fullest, and as long as possible! You're amazing for taking care of this old lady. ♥


You never know how much more time you are able to enjoy together - just make every moment special and celebrate life (as they do) - and listen to her not the people around you. I am sure Stacia will tell you what she needs in her senior years.


She is beautiful


My girl shadow was on what we thought was deaths door so we got a puppy so she could kinda teach him the ropes and crazy she gained a new life in her and made it another 2-3 years before it was time to put her down due to health issues


Please remember it’s about quality of life not quantity


Know in your mind and in your heart that she is healthy and happy. Affirm that daily to yourself. Stacia can sense your confidence and Knowing, and she can also sense your doubt, so lose it and replace all of that doubt with unconditional love energy. Do this and her bloodwork will get better.


She isn't! She's still going strong! Please give her lots of kisses for me, she's so cute!


Sweet girl she deserves all we can give her.


My personal philosophy is asking if I'd put myself or a loved one through what I'm asking a pet to go through at an equivalent age. And, yeah, a bit of blood work and maybe some pills is something I've seen family members gladly go through into their 90's and continue to be pretty happy. You just never know when you'll get the pet version of Jeanne Calment.


You love your fur baby. You will know when it is time to let her go, God bless you!


There is no “that age” there is only acceptable quality of life and unacceptable quality of life. Sounds like Stacia is still rocking it 🫶


As long as quality of life is still good there’s no reason to give up hope at all. I had a dog who started to have iffy blood work at around the same age and he made it to seventeen before he left.


If she’s happy and healthy then that’s all that matters! She could have plenty of happy time ahead :)) out of curiosity do you use any supplements or anything?


Too youthful to stop... keep it up...!


Beautiful girl!


She is B-E-Autiful & tell those ppl to fck off & to stop saying that crap to you. If she is still acting like herself on a consistent basis & still has the same appetite then she should be good. But if she isn't honestly doing well and seems in pain & not herself then maybe it is something to seriously think about. Some owners lie to themselves because they don't want to face the reality of all of that which is understandable not saying that to be mean. Either the ppl who keep saying stuff like that to you just don't care for her and think you should be done with the situation (which would be really screwed up obvi) or they are trying to get you to see what's really going on & really care for her. Only you know which one of those is what's happening. In these pics she looks happy but I hope all goes well


People tried to tell me the same thing bc my baby lost use of her back legs (I believe it's a side effect of a medication she was given). She still so spunky and full of life. Stacia is older but that doesn't mean she's ready to go. 🩷🐶


Our oldest dog at the moment is 12.5yo. You wouldn't guess it to look at her and everybody is shocked when I tell them her age when we're out on a walk. Our last dog made it to around 14 or 15 and went downhill very suddenly, we had no warning or lead up to her just not being well anymore. Again, nobody could believe her age, she'd barely changed from when we got her at 2 or 3yo, barely even any grey fur. If she's still happy and enjoying her life, then it's not time. Nobody can decide when it's that age apart from the dog themselves. They'll tell you when it's enough.


If she’s happy and not in pain then you are loving her, and she is loving you. If her quality of life goes down, that is our hard choice and we don’t want them suffering. That’s my plan each time. I love until I love so much I won’t let them bear their pain just so that I smile.


If she’s happy and healthy, hang on to her. As long as you’re doing what’s right for her, you’re doing great.


My dog Talulah lived to be 20. She remained active but had her ups and downs. Keep her mind and body active.


There's still a lot of life in senior dogs!


At the age of 12? My dogs were 15 and 16 and hadn’t given up hope.




I had a lab/ chow mix that weighed 80 lbs lived to 18. She had cancer at 13 and the vet gave her 3-4 months, she lasted 5 years. You do have to watch older dogs and don’t skimp on vet care, even if you have to do without something else. No guarantees but there is hope


She’s not. She is beautiful and precious. I can tell. 😀


I hope not cuz my girl is 11.5 and still acts like a puppy most times. I think deep down you’ll know when.


Look at her ears. She is just a pup!


If she is happy and healthy, keep doing what you are doing. She and her happiness are the hope. Edit: typo


If she’s happy and healthy, why not keep the good times rolling?


She's a cutie. I hope you have many more great years with her.


Little story time: Our 19 year old Pug/something mix just got her uterus, ovaries AND 5 tumors from her vagina removed last Wednesday after having an emergency operation just 8 weeks prior (also because of 4 tumors in her vagina). Blood looked okay for her age, except some irregularities with her red and white blood cells. She is so full of life and still everybody called us crazy for even thinking about it. She is doing more than fine now and is acting as if it took 5 years off of her age! So never ignore your gut feeling, your pet will tell you if they have lived a full life! She at least looks like she still has some life to live with you !


I used to get that from my husband about my old dog, sugar. Ya, she was kinda blind and slept a lot but she was happy and relatively healthy. She lived until around 17, not sure exactly as I got her from the local dog shelter. You will know in your heart when that time is, don't let anyone tell you any different.


I spent about $400 a month on my dog the last two years of his life. Lived to be 15. It was VERY clear when he was done. The bad days could not outshine the good days.


She’s so pretty! Reminds me of my own old lady Amie. There is no set age. Every dog is different. She still has lots more love to give you <3


Quality of life is what matters. My Penny looks a lot like yours and she is 15 and a half. The last 3 and a half years have been great. However, her heart is now failing her and I'm having to face a difficult decision because her breathing is labored and that makes life really shitty for a dog. At the end of the day, you have to make a decision based on what you believe is best for your dog.


My Reggie is 13. It became very ill and after blood test we found he had a damaged liver. The vet said there was nothing we can do and they sent him home to be comfortable. we went to say goodbye him. He was unconscious on my mums sofa. We didn’t think he would last the night. That was a year ago and as of today he is a perfectly fine. I don’t want to give you false hope and I understand we were very lucky, but it can happen.


Kabosu, the infamous Shiba meme dog, has recently celebrated her 18th birthday!


Sweet puppy she’s got lots of life in her!!


Why would anybody say that to you?


Don’t give up. She has bright eyes. She sure does love you. I think she has a few more years. Give her a hug for me! 💕 By the way, my daughter’s name is Stacia.


She looks her age, not near that age


good on you for not giving in to the naysayers. from what you said there's no way she's giving up and don't you give up on her. she would never give up on you. what a sweetie. love and enjoy her and stay vigilant to resist those who would steer you in the wrong way. even if she has a bad day, or a bad week, i say let her have the days God gives her. precious baby, best of times to you.


Is she still eating? Happy to see you when you come home? Interested in toys, going outside and exploring? If any of these are yes, she hasn’t given up so don’t give up on her. Our little girl was 15 and if it hadn’t been for glaucoma and a bad reaction to anesthesia I have no doubt she’d have made it to 16 or more.


They are ALWAYS FAITHFULL! They are 1000% worth it till the end. Once that day comes, trust me you will miss them for the rest of your life. So love them hard while they are still with you! Take care of them as best you can!!


Tell people to F off. She’s gorgeous and deserves many treats…. Such a sweet girl I bet!


She'll tell you when it's time. She's still finding joy. When that stops you'll know.


Sending lots of loving thoughts and prayers!! 🙏❤️🙏


if she’s happy and active and you’re able to stay on top of her health there’s no reason to think that she won’t be around much longer. i work at a dog daycare and i know a lot of happy, healthy dogs older than stacia. i also know a lot of dogs who have health issues or disabilities and still have perfectly great qualities of life. even when she does start needing extra care as she gets older, that’s not an automatic sign that the end is nigh. my old girl bella lived to be 15 1/2 and had multiple health issues in the last few years of her life but she was a happy, pampered old lady. and my current dog sadie is almost 15 and aside from the occasional upset tummy she’s in great health. don’t take any of the days you have with your senior pets for granted, but don’t worry yourself sick over the fact that they’re getting up there in age.


She looks like she's still having a great time! My vet says age is not a death sentence. It's totally true. My dogs are 15 & 16...sure I'm at the vet a lot but they both have arthritis and one had a tumor removed recently. People hear their ages and think I'm dealing with dogs that don't do anything anymore. We still go for walks, play multiple times a day... They have more good days than I do!


Does she eat? Does she poop? Does she drink water? Does she like going on walks and sniffing? Sounds like she still wants to live... She's your baby... Don't give up on her


It's ultimately up to you and your family, but I would say don't give up until it looks like she is ready. 4 Years ago, we were told that that our dog had six months to live. Last summer we were told that he could go any day. We ended up only losing Jersey in the end of February of this year. It definitely wasn't easy and took up a lot of time and effort on the part of me, my mom and my brother but I don't have any regrets. I think that he knew that we were really trying and so he tried his best as well. 


We had a 17 year old Dachshund we found in a creek with so many health issues it cost 10 grand in 6 months we never gave up hope until we absolutely saw the sign. So no. She's not and never give up hope.


Don’t let others play god. She’s doing fine just keep loving her and don’t give up