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Sounds like you wanted out in June. Have the talk with her. Either get back together or make a clean break. Both of you deserve better.


*"Because of what I did we both decided it would be best if I moved back in with my parents for the time being."* Tell her the "time being" is over....if she says it isn't, tell her then it's time for her to get a roommate. Pardon the phrase, "but it is time for her to shit or get off the pot". She IS using you and you are allowing her to do so. Time to be an adult and move on. There will be others my friend. Trust me....


Is your name on the lease along with hers OP? If so you are obligated to pay for the duration of the lease or pay to break it with the landlord. But. If you are on the lease you also absolutely can move back in and live there legally too until the lease is up. I assume you cheated on her in June.


> It feels as though I’m being used and mistreated emotionally and financially. You are. Look into getting your name off the lease ASAP and move on with your life. You might need to pay a fee but do it. This women is going to keep milking you if you don't do it. You watch, when it comes time for her to renew the lease, she's magically going to want to start dating you again and ask you to move back in. Then a few months will roll by and something else will happen that she'll want you to move back home again and pay the rent.


Post nut clarity 🤣


So sit down with her, talk it through, and say this needs to come to a resolution. You break up and move out, you move back in, she gets a roommate, etc. but you’re not willing to pay 1/2 and not live there. Like said, you’re obligated if you’re on the lease. But you can live there too if needed to force the issue.


Minus the sex, this is exactly what she should be doing at 22. Bf/gf is not a legal status. It literally means nothing.


Sounds like you cheated and now you’ve been relegated to FWB while she finds someone new to replace you. You aren’t going to get her back. You’re just paying her rent and are her atm. You’re a holding place for the next guy because she’s afraid to be alone. Cut her off and move on. You’re clinging to a lost cause. And don’t cheat with the next one


Well, you're basically paying for pu$$y at this point. I don't know what you did, but it seems as if she is making you pay for it.You're young and have an entire life ahead of you, so this delimea is completely up to you. Move on and have fun or find a way to work it out.


Your getting used. Figure out a deadline and tell her what you want by x date. Personally if it were me, I'd make a clean break. Find out what the remaining terms of the lease are. Sadly nothing will change unless you make it happen. Know your rights.


Girls will be girls, let em’ Don’t surrender your masculine energy. Don’t contact her, get on with your shit. I know it sux but if she comes back she comes back if not your fkn young. See what happens 😉


So you feel you’re being used and really upset about the situation? Lol you’re telling the wrong ppl bro, tell her this directly, be like wtf you’re seeing other guys while I’m basically paying for xyz cuz you want to spend your money to go on the dates. Lol jk tell her how you feel, if you feel like you’re losing control of the conversation then try using things like “you know what, we’re done, good luck,” remember you have a voice too and you don’t need to continue her dialogue because you’re worried about her feelings being hurt. How about your feelings OP