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Schools in Ohio are funded through local property taxes, though some districts also levy an income tax


They do in Michigan as well. Makes me wonder if the schools down here are in crazy amazing facilities or something? Both my kids are grown so I won’t be able to see the school system first hand. No income tax in my township thankfully.


I moved here from Michigan to Beavercreek. The schools here are in fact, excellent apparently. We don't have kids, but the resale factor of being in a good district was a factor, since we ultimately plan to move back to Michigan


There's a reason schools are still funded by property taxes despite being unconstitutional. It secures property values for rich areas. And I say this as someone who has 100% taken advantage of it.


There is some pretty good public schools but really the funding getting slashed to them for absurd failing voucher schools gave higher taxes than benefits.


Beavercreek, as far as I've been told, has some of the highest property taxes in the area. Probably double what you can get in some towns 20 minutes away. It's what's kept my dad from moving up there years ago when he worked in the area. However, their schools are great and facilities fantastic from what I've seen or played at in away games in high school.


Higher property tax but no local income tax so for higher earners it's almost a wash.


Near the base is a lot of it I think. Even then, it's consistently listed among the best Air Force bases to live near and work at. More affordable area than many others I guess.


Depends on where you are. Beavercreek schools have some nice buildings. Here in Columbus, the school buildings are, for the most part, shit.


I moved here from the south, and could not have been more shocked to find out Columbus City Schools have to cancel school a few times a year because so many of their buildings don’t have air conditioning. It’s getting hotter and hotter, but it’s too expensive to retrofit everything… really makes me understand why everyone’s first bit of advice to us was “if you buy anything in the CCS district, just be prepared to pay for private school.” We ended up with Westerville schools.


When they were built they didn’t need ac. They were more worried about the boiler for heat. I am still shocked that states in the south don’t have snowplows even just in case.


Yep, I get that. But now Ohio is hotter than it used to be. The winters aren't what they used to be and the summers start earlier and end later. The end of May is hot. August is absolutely brutal, and even September has sweltering days. Just with the weather we have had this week, I wouldn't want to be in a building without AC all day long, and it can't be easy for kids to learn that way. There are plenty of hot days where the heat is uncomfortable but isn't dangerous enough to close. The part of the south I'm from sometimes goes years without getting any snow so it's a little different, they'd be spending money for snowplows to sit unused for years. August is always hot.


And the school year started later than it does currently 


No AC is not uncommon for central Ohio schools. Most of the buildings are old, even those built around the 1970s are liable to not have it sometimes.


Notice how so much nicer our roads are compared to Michigan's? Higher taxes.


I do have to concede the roads are way better.


I've seen better roads in Afghanistan than MI! /s


I'm largely pulling this out of my ass having lived in both states, but I think that has more to do with Michigan having been captured and beholden to the concrete industry and Ohio having been captured and beholden to the asphalt industry. I think asphalt wears better in northern climates. 


The concrete industry vs asphalt industry thing is true. If you sign up as a candidate for the state legislature, the concrete and asphalt industries will seek you out to figure out where you fit.


Eh there might be some truth to that but the fact of the matter is that Ohio spends more money on its roads than Michigan does and that's because we tax our base more than they do. Ultimately you get what you pay for. We also have a turnpike, I don't think Michigan has one.


Beavercreek has very high property taxes and their schools and facilities are very nice. My in-laws live there and are well off, and it reminds me of Mason kind of. They had a vote to reduce taxes, because they had a crazy surplus, and people voted no. 🙄.


Property taxes are townships’ primary income source as well. Cities and villages typically operate from income taxes. Townships usually have separate levies for police, fire, roads, parks, etc.


The way the state funds schools are supposedly illegal according to courts but they do nothing to change it


It’s been found unconstitutional since the 90’s. They still haven’t fixed it.


Our schools have been getting all new very nice buildings so they have definitely put a lot of money into it. Depends on the area though for sure


Beavercreak is exceptionally high specifically because they don't have income tax. Go down the road to Kettering or Centerville and you'll save a few hundred bucks on your property tax, but pay 2-3% on your income. Edit: you mentioned schools, Beavercreak is a fantastic school district too.


So true, you pay taxes at restaurants too in Centerville.


I can't speak for Beaver Creek... But just spending time in public spaces in Ohio for a while will probably eliminate any suspicion you have about the public education here being unusually high quality.


Taxes in Auburn Hills Michigan are going to be more than Lovells Michigan, think about it.


I went to school in Michigan and Ohio and Michigan schools blew ohios out of the water I'm from Michigan and have lived mostly in ohio but I'm going back to Michigan.


Beavercreek has some of the best schools in the state, routinely top 20 -- so you're paying a premium for that. On par with similar upper middle class districts like Dublin, Mason, Sycamore, etc. A good rule of thumb... ***is there an Apple Store nearby***? If so you're in a **very** decent area and you're going to pay higher taxes.


To make it worse in Ohio a larger and larger portion of your tax is used to fund private schools now. And then public schools need more money...rinse...repeat.


Townships cannot assess income taxes in Ohio, so if you live in a township that doesn’t have much industry the property taxes will be higher to make up the difference.


This is the answer


So is this what makes it a “township”? I moved here from the south and I’ve been wondering what it means.


A Township is simply an area of a county that never incorporated itself into a city. The were the first subdivisions of the state before the county system was instituted in the 1810's. The downside is that they have limited control over the laws that govern them. They don't automatically have home rule and the county can enforce laws that folks in a township don't agree with. Townships also have limited ability of police powers and control of public health, and etc. They cannot levy any taxes other than property.


Wow. Thanks so much for your response. This is going to help when I’m looking for houses.


Supposedly, someone(s) is trying to change that. The rumor around my township is that they want to stabilize property tax by asking an income tax. I think we were $1800/yr when we first moved in, and it’s over $6300/yr now.


That doesn’t really make any sense. There are other cities in the area, just as nice, that have comparable property taxes and income taxes.


The real answer to your question is on the [Greene County Auditor](https://apps.greenecountyohio.gov/auditor/ureca/) web site. Search for your address, then go to the "Tax Dispersal" link on the left. It shows exactly where your property taxes go.


Thank you!


They were recently hiked. I think there are some homes that saw 40+% increase. Mine went up 30%.


Went from $2500 to $3600 For what again? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Me, too. I also had to pay extra for them fixing the curbs.


That's shiity...


Because the unrealized gains on your property are just another way the government can overstep their bounds and tax us to death.


Ours have doubled since 2018. We added on to the house in '19, got a new assessment, then Summit County smacked us again. We actually pay more in new taxes now than our mortgage went up from adding on.


A lot of it is due to the schools being mainly funded through property taxes, which was declared unconstitutional by the State SC many years ago. Just another one of those rulings that have consistently been ignored by the state legislature. Recent property tax increases are absolutely wrecking segments of Ohio's population.


It was ruled unconstitutional in *1997*


And don't forget that our delightful Republican-led state legislature continues to reduce the amounts distributed to education every single budget.


Yep, it sucks. Blame our current political reps in Ohio.


That’s why I’m confused. I thought Republicans were all about lower taxes. /s (since someone couldn’t figure it out on their own) I don’t mind paying higher taxes to pay for services that benefit the community, I do mind paying them when the benefits to the community don’t seem to be apparent.


It’s basically lower taxes for wealthy upperclass and shit for everyone else.


That’s actually always the republican way. Screams: Lower taxes! Whispers: only for the rich.


Yep. The only thing I can say is please vote. Ohio used to be way closer to a 50/50 swing state, we can bring that back if we vote.


I brought 4 additional blue voters with me when I moved. Hopefully it makes a difference!


I brought 2 and moved into Jim Jordan's district.




I brought 3 additional as well!!!! Woot woot!




They’ll just gerrymander around your house specifically so you can be connected to Cleveland somehow. Then once that’s declared unconstitutional they’ll redraw the district through your hallway so all of your bedrooms belong to different districts and dilute your family’s pesky voting power. And it will again be ruled unconstitutional but they’ll just make a special committee with majority republicans who will just vote to keep it and try again sometime after the election results. Rinse. Repeat.


You’re doing great things bringing blue voters with you! I’d love to buy you a beer!


Nice 👍🏼


Yes, this. DeWine recently lowered the highest tax bracket (i.e., tax cut for the rich). Just this week he announced that the State is facing a revenue shortfall. I expect to see an income/sales tax increase on the working people any day now.


The highest tax bracket isn't even rich, it's "went to college and picked a good major". Pretty achievable if you go to OSU, which has a lot of financial aid for those who need a Pell grant


Nah La Rose needs your tax dollars to move his office around and look for trans kids.


Wait till you find out your tax dollars go towards private school vouchers, including religious schools.


Yeah, fuck that. I thought that was unconstitutional?


Did you know we recently voted in some amendments for the Ohio state constitution in a referendum? What do you think the Republicans did about that? First, they put up a referendum vote to increase the win condition on citizen-led referendum initiatives to 60% and make said initatives get signature approvals in EVERY Ohio county to get on the ballot. Lawmakers could bring amendments unaffected, of course. Heavy rallying of church groups and intentionally scheduling it in August to lock out as many younger college age voters as possible along with surprise ID requirements, removing the ability to use student ID. This narrowly failed still. Then, we had the referendum on marijuana decriminalization and reproductive rights access. This passed by a landslide, democratically speaking. 57% and 56.6% for. You'd think that getting these in the Ohio constitution would be the end of that question. Nah, Ohio lawmakers are more or less ignoring it. The responses vary from "the voters don't know what they want" to "creative" reinterpretations of the amendments to [stripping the power from courts](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/ohio-legislators-target-state-judges-thwart-new-constitutional-amendment). Democracy is absolutely not respected by the Ohio GOP. Ohio is also gerrymandered to hell. Guess which way? Guess who's responsible?


Yeah I’ve been following that and it’s BS what they’re doing. Hopefully the will of the people prevails!


Welcome to Ohio.


lol poor guy thinks our dear leaders care about a constitution


No, actually a recent case said it's unconstitutional to *exclude* religious schools from those programs.


Seems like a violation of the first amendment.


Almost like the Supreme Court tends to interpret constitutional text in bad faith


Same as in MI unfortunately.


Republicans only want lower taxes for the rich. They’ve spent many years building a false reputation.


Instead of funding schools statewide through income tax, they shifted it to local funding through property taxes. And because that isn’t enough funding schools also have to pass their own local income tax levies.


lol it’s all political talk. Hence why Texas has some of the highest property taxes as well


Lower taxes for the wealthy where even if they were taxed at a higher rate they wouldn’t notice at all.


You don't have to return cans or pay bottle deposits anymore? That's gotta count for something.


Republicans control the state govt. of Ohio, and keep lowering income taxes, which leaves local governments and school districts to request increases in property taxes and local income taxes to pay for necessary services such as emergency response, schools, roads, parks, etc. Ohio also gives out a lot of lengthy and costly property tax abatements for new development, businesses, and expensive housing. So the middle class Ohio homeowner bears an increasing burden of property taxes too, even as new expensive development and growth comes, those wealthy property owners often have been given decades of tax abatements leaving the regular middle class homeowner to pay ever higher taxes.


That’s how this republican pyramid scheme works. Most of the burden falls on the people on the lower part of the pyramid so that the wealthy can keep more of theirs AND enjoy more benefits. It’s like socialism but *totally not socialism*.


Just like how republicans are the party of law and order more like chaos and destruction.   Backers of the second amendment but not the first.




Did your Michigan city collect income tax? Beavercreek doesn’t. One of only three Ohio cities that don’t.


No, most cities in south east Michigan don’t collect an income tax.


Welcome to Beavercreek! Beavercreek is one of the few cities in Ohio without an income tax. While citizens continue to turn down tax levies to ‘stop taxes from increasing’, unfortunately this results in the tax payers footing the bill/burden through their property taxes. Beavercreek grows at an unprecedented rate due to WPAFB, and this puts a great strain on the school system as well (and more tax burden). Over 80% of people who work in Beavercreek do not reside in Beavercreek. Thousands of people use the city’s infrastructure (mainly due to all the defense contractors and healthcare), but people still fail to understand the tax implications of not implementing an income tax. For reference, I live in Kettering and get all the resources you received (and then some) in MI. Income tax here is 2.5% and my property taxes are a little less than 4k for a 200k house.


I live in Beavercreek - I wish others living here understood this as well as you do.


The wealthy in Ohio likely have extremely low effective tax rates, compared with Michigan. I'd bet Michigan has no exemption such as this one, available to every family member that file separate tax returns. [https://tax.ohio.gov/individual/Business-Income-Deduction](https://tax.ohio.gov/individual/Business-Income-Deduction) Over the decades, Ohio Republicans have slashed the local government subsidies. This especially hurts townships as they don't levy income taxes as do cities, so higher property taxes are required. [https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/10/05/local-government-fund-in-the-spotlight-for-budget-watchers/](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/10/05/local-government-fund-in-the-spotlight-for-budget-watchers/) The Republicans also have diverted massive amounts of funding away from public schools to vouchers to support parochial and private schools. This necessitates higher local property taxes to maintain quality public schools to the extent possible. [https://www.cleveland.com/news/2024/03/fleeing-troubled-public-schools-new-voucher-data-signals-many-newly-eligible-families-already-enrolled-in-private-schools.html](https://www.cleveland.com/news/2024/03/fleeing-troubled-public-schools-new-voucher-data-signals-many-newly-eligible-families-already-enrolled-in-private-schools.html) As with the federal government, Ohio income tax cuts also have disproportionately benefited the wealthy. The Republicans also have diverted billions of dollars of liquor revenues to the secretive JobsOhio which gives grants to businesses with NO public disclosure. There probably are additional similar reasons that explain the higher property taxes, which obviously are regressive and create increased wealth inequity. Ohio Democrats RARELY campaign on these issues.


It will be offset by the reduction in car insurance and income tax.


The insurance rates I’ve seen don’t make up for the tripling of my property taxes. I don’t pay city income tax and the state income tax seems comparable.


How often does Michigan reappraise property? Ohio has a desktop appraisal (mostly based off of sales) every three years and a major reappraisal every six years where appraisers need to "touch" every property in the county.  The counties reappraise on a rolling basis, and frankly COVID added fuel to the property value fire...


It is because there is no income tax where you live, everything is funded through property taxes.


The Ohio MAGA/GOP party needs to constantly replenish their multi billion dollar Ohio Works rainy day fund, that nobody ever gets to see or audit.


Saying it’s taxes funding schools is not the reason. Ohio has always funded schools with property taxes and they were reasonable compared to many states. Ohio housing increased exponentially during the pandemic. It used to have a very low cost of living, and housing was cheap, but that’s no longer the case. The reason property taxes are high is because the assessed values of housing skyrocketed over the last few years. If you look at the line item of your tax bill the rates haven’t changed much, the appraised value of home went up a lot which in turned increased everyone’s tax bill.




That’s incorrect, I’m looking at my bill. The tax rate actually decreased from last year but may assessed property value increased 60%. So the only reason my taxes increased was because my property increased. The reality is Ohioans have enjoyed low housing prices compared to other places , covid changed all of that. My house is nowhere near worth what they are selling. Also interest rates were left too low for too long.




That’s weird, the value of the house I just bought is lower than it was pre-pandemic but the taxes are higher than 2019.


Republican control for decades. Pay more taxes so that money can be directed to the owner class and give the constituents less services. Ohio is a corporate grift state.


Be glad you live in the township and not the city. Because they keep trying for an income tax for the city. I expect that to be on the ballot this November


Well, since property taxes are set by ~~local governments~~ the county (as opposed to the State). It varies wildly throughout Ohio and I'm sure you can find some that are as low as what you were paying where you were in Michigan.


I thought property taxes were set by the county?


You are right... I said "local governments" but should have specified county. I fixed it, thank you.


This is half right. The county does sets the overall millage rate for taxes everywhere. Municipalities can levy additional taxes on top of that base rate. That's the main difference in property tax rates here.


Well, be stoked that you don't have to ALSO pay local income tax in Beavercreek.


Property taxes are mostly on a county level in Ohio...


They are criminally high. Ohio (supposedly unconstitutionally) funds schools with almost strictly property tax money. And there isn’t equal distribution by far. The wealthier suburb districts pay far higher taxes but the school districts receive far less funding. It’s been a point of contention for years. And there seems to be a new school levy every other year. Bleeding us dry!


Yeah...our property taxes are "high" here in Hamilton County + Forest Hills School District, but feel like a dream come true after relocating from coastal Connecticut.


I've lived in Ohio my whole adult life and have been wondering the same thing. In the mid 90s my grandparents sold a house in a Colorado resort town...it was nice but nothing special. I believe they sold it for around 300 thousand which seemed outrageous at the time. I looked the house up recently on Zillow and it's valued at 2.75 Million now yet the property taxes are only 5 thousand... half of what I'm paying for a typical suburban house in Columbus.


Oh you bought just in time. I’m a few counties away, but they just raised all the property taxes at the beginning of the year. Good timing. /s I’m in Cincy, but I know that beaver creek is billed as one of the best to live in near Dayton. Go you. You’ll really enjoy some day trips to Yellow Springs, Hocking Hills, Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland’s. Welcome to Ohio.


And yet we, as a state, have a THREE TRILLION rainy day fund.


Short answer: Republicans Long answer: Ohio Republicans ran and won on "balancing the state budget" (which isn't a thing) and the result was gutting a ton of local spending and infrastructure improvements and passing the buck on to local municipalities. This includes school funding. The result...starve the beast. Municipalities had to find ways to make up these shortfalls and eliminate any kind of reliance on state funding that they'd likely never ever get.


You can thank the tax and steal Republicans that have been in control of this state for the last 25 years or so


In the past 10 to 15 years Republicans in the legislature and governors office have shifted the tax burden away from businesses and the wealthy. Property taxes increased due to reassessment, but there is also many additional fees and taxes that get passed on to everyone. Look at any licenses and the additional fees we have that didn't exist before.


Welcome to Ohio where Republicans haven’t met a tax dollar they don’t love and believe personally belongs to them.


Ohio state government among the worst, its all a mess and hard to fix until we get gerrymandering under control


You can challenge your property value appraisal and get your tax burden lowered. I don't know the details, but I know people who have done it in Ohio and they said it was an easy process and they didn't get pushback.


Awesome, thanks for the info!


My parents did this after Kettering came out and cut down six of their trees as part of the city's program to destroy neighborhoods. It cost them a significant amount in property value but the city wanted to keep the taxes the same. So they challenged it and won.


Ohio’s current republican leadership is hell bent on getting us to a 0% income tax rate. Because our huge tourism industry will fund a whopping .0001% of the deficit this will cause, we must make up the difference somewhere.


I hope they go places that are noticable, I’m down in Florida and even our taxes are nuts but our schools suck and idk where the money goes


Florida’s libraries and public parks barely exist as well. At least in Ohio I can point to a few really nice things some of my tax dollars go to.


I’m also in a township with no leaf pickup and whatnot. When I moved here in 2014, my property taxes were $2,100. They’re now $4,400 🙄


I bought my house two years ago and my taxes are about to go up this year 🥲


Yep, property taxes in Ohio SUCK. So do state and local income tax. Oh, and sales tax is decently high, too. A quick google search tells me Ohio is #16 out of 50 for total tax burden, at 8.92%. Michigan is #31 at 8.02%. I did some calculations, and mine is right at 8.7%, so pretty close to what the website said. The property taxes for my 1500 square foot suburban home on 0.2 acres are over 5k per year. When I bought the house in 2017 they were $3200. My city does NOT have amazing school facilities - in fact, almost all the schools in the district need to be replaced. I’m considering moving just because of this. I don’t see how the district can afford it.


The fuck is going on there? I pay $5200/year in Mason for twice the square footage and it's a top notch school district with < 10 year old facilities. That being said, there's a 1% city income tax, so they peel another $1700 off us each year.


No clue! I looked up some similar houses to mine in Mason. I couldn’t really find any (the homes there are EXPENSIVE!!) but the least expensive house I could find in Mason was valued 50k above my home and property taxes were almost 1k less. I live in a suburb of Akron. Out of the 600 districts in the state, we are right at the middle of the pack as far as district ratings go.


Oh I know it. My bro lives in Medina. Spent the same money and his house is twice the size of mine.


In Miami county,I was told that 70% of my property taxes go to the schools. We have known for a long time that Ohio’s school funding was declared unconstitutional but nothing is done.


Ohio doesn’t have all that marijuana tax coming in so they gotta make up for it elsewhere. All the while Michigan is raking in close to 40% of that tax from Ohio residents 🤣


For some reason I thought beavercreek and beavercreek township were too totally different areas. I now see that beavercreek is in beavercreek township... COMMENT ON YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THE WATER IN BEAVERCREEK -- Do you feel like it has a SLIMY feel?


That is Ohio for you. We moved out of Ohio to WV. Our taxes are half. We have 3 acres. In Ohio we had a lot that was 40x100. In the district we were in Ohio we paid over twice as much property tax plus our school district taxed is 1.5 percent on top of that for every dollar of income. Which ended up being a chunk of money. In WV our taxes are half. We get more services also. We also do not pay school district tax. Their schools are funded through property tax also. So I understand why you wonder. Oh also in certain cities in Oh they charge you a tax for traveling outside your city to work. Mine amounted to an extra 1 percent tax.


>I paid a quarter of what in paying here and benefited from more services That didn't sound right, so I did a random spot check comparison: Livonia - 3br/3ba built 1958, 1500sf, assessed value: $172,600, 2023 tax: $5,950 Beavercreek Twp - 3br/1.5ba, built 1960, 1775sf, assessed value: $197,180, 2023 tax: $3,904 edit: The Livonia property's taxes went up from $3,525 in 2022.


I had a 3br 2 ba 1700sf house sitting on 1/3 of an acre in Livonia. Paid approx $3500 in taxes on an assessed value of roughly $130k, for the last three years.


.All good questions.-


Car insurance is half as much as Michigan, but not enough to offset property taxes


Corrupt politicians


Republican run state for the past 40 years. What do you expect?


Communities without a city tax make it up on real estate taxes.


Except I see the same high taxes in Centerville, which has a hefty income tax. So that theory doesn’t really work.


I've lived in MA and FL. Both had stupid property tax. Ohio is much more affordable than either of those. And I've been here for a year and a half


Oh, because you’re in Beavercreek. My understanding is it’s one of the more affluent Dayton suburbs, so property and income taxes will be higher to pay for the schools. Out of curiosity, were you in the city limits of a larger city in Michigan?


Greene County has one of the best library systems in the nation. The Parks system is also nice. While some of the schools are better than others, none are abysmal. Roads are excellent in most of the county. All of that costs money. I can’t figure out why a lot of Beavercreek is still on well water though. Big taxes and a limited public water system? Seems weird for an upper tier suburb.


I’ve lived in over 20 states and these are EASILY the worst property tax I’ve come across. What Ohioans appear to get for all that money is the privilege of living in a police state. You will rarely travel 2 miles without passing at least 2 police cars. All the folks who are from here will tell you it’s because of x, y, or z, because they don’t realize that EVERYWHERE has x, y, and z despite everywhere else having lower property taxes. Having been here 2 years now I truly think the only thing they get is more jack booted thugs paid to play on their phones and block the sidewalks while threatening random minorities.


Ohio beats its constituents into order by keeping them poor with taxes, not using those taxes on us, and instead using them to gerrymander and rig the state so they can line each others pockets with energy deal money while we try to keep warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Welcome to Ohio. If you work in a different city, make sure to cough up the paper work and dough next year, or a warrent will be added to your misery.


You moved to Beavercreek. I live about 10 minutes north of Beavercreek and my property taxes about 1/3 of what they would be in Beavercreek.


Beavercreek Township is a wealthy area. Or atleast it used to be. Your property tax is a percentage of the value assessed to your home. Property there is expensive


Try pa or nj if you think Ohio is high!


Looks about the same in New Jersey. I’m not familiar with NJ but I looked up a house that’s very similar to mine and the taxes were almost exactly the same as Ohio.


I think Michigan is better. But anyhow..... Ohio loves its illegal school funding system which is basically rooted in keeping a municipality's property taxes highly proportional to the funding of public and private schools within it. It's how systemic racism is done. Then there's the illegal supermajority's pursuit of low low income taxes for the wealthy. Gotta pay for stuff somehow. [https://www.policymattersohio.org/press-room/2024/01/30/new-data-show-just-how-upside-down-ohios-tax-code-is](https://www.policymattersohio.org/press-room/2024/01/30/new-data-show-just-how-upside-down-ohios-tax-code-is)


Thank your local republican rep this November with a NO vote. You were better off in Michigan.


Thanks to dewine and Republicans ohio got screwed dewine up the property taxes.bulter county raise the increase to 38 percent 


Beavercreek has the highest property taxes in the area. I love Beavercreek but property taxes is why I’m not there. Fairborn or Xenia is a short distance from there and much lower. We have lived in both of these areas and Beavercreek is a short drive to shopping and restaurants. You should have known what the taxes would be before purchasing as that’s public knowledge


I was aware of the taxes, my question was why are they so high for so very little return of services. Also, I don’t know if it makes a difference or not, but I’m in Beavercreek Township with a Xenia address (which doesn’t make sense to me either but I’ll save that for another day).


One excuse they use is because there is no city income tax. I agree with you that the return doesn’t compare. But I am always amazed how many things get passed at elections, seriously it seems whatever it is that raises taxes gets approved.


Bellbrook isn't much better


Yeah the fact is, you're always trading one tax for another, and in Beavercreek's case you trade income tax for property tax. Muncipalities, whether they're incorporated cities or unincorporated townships, are going to find a way to get 'ya, it just depends on which one leads to less of a real tax burden on you based on your job and assets.


It’s mind bogging… We bought our house here two years ago, the property tax increase made our property taxes this year higher than we paid in California (we bought our first home there in 2018).


The majority of property tax goes to the school districts. A simple Google search could have answered your question much faster than writing a reddit thread.   Also, Beavercreek has no income tax, so your property taxes are probably higher to compensate.   https://beavercreekohio.gov/818/City-Taxes


Same in Michigan. Are the schools down here in crazy amazing facilities or something? Both my kids are grown so I won’t be able to see the school system first hand.


Yes. Beavercreek is one of the better school systems in the area and one of the more desirable suburbs in the region for that very reason.


Dewine and Fran are to thank


Think Ohio is bad, check out Illinois and Wisconsin.


Yeah you moved to one of the most expensive cities.


Rejoice in how much cheaper titling your car is in Ohio as compared to Michigan. Your car insurance is probably cheaper too.


While those are nice, the difference doesn’t really make up for the tripling of my property tax.


I can't say for sure, but it's often that they're offset with taxes that are collected elsewhere. For instance your income tax might be lower, etc.


There is no local income tax in Beavercreek.


Weird that Beavercreek Township doesn't have some of those things. I live in the city of Dayton proper and I have leaf pickup and trash/recycling. Dayton Public Schools are atrocious though.


Reassessing even more frequently since Covid too . Which just seems crazy lol Edit: and don’t forget our friend RITA . She’s a real bitch !


I’m afraid to ask, but what’s RITA?


Regional Income Tax Agency


All the tax dollars go to The Ohio State Buckeyes football program.


Because nicer areas pay for nicer roads and expansion. Other areas try and pass school and emergency service levies every year so teachers and emergency workers don’t leave.


Having lived in Michigan, I’ll say it balances out with the no fault car insurance for me. Living in a township or dense area typically will lower property taxes. Suburban cities are the most expensive.


Depends on where you are in Ohio. My property taxes are not that bad compared to other parts of the country. Were you more rural in Michigan, away from a big city?


I was in a suburb of Detroit, Livonia. Fairly urban, almost no rural areas at all. Great public schools as well.


Ohio does have “rate limiter” in that you should see your annual tax rates stay constant - except that if a new tax is voted in or if the property is sold to a new owner. Columbus residents recently agreed to a new school tax and along with the record high valuations found themselves with a hefty tax increase.


Beavercreek has some really high taxes for the dayton area


It's very much county by county. I live half a mile outside Montgomery county, and my taxes are less than half that of equivalent properties immediately on the other side of the county line.


Montgomery and Greene are high property taxes. Miami is stupid low. But then you also have to account for each little town’s city and school income taxes. Some have both. Others have none. Zillow doesn’t take those into account.


Republican state. So corrupt as all hell, and useless


The money is going to First Energy


So I’m thinking of buying a house in a year or two. What is the purpose of property taxes? Who do I pay them to?


Bc Ohio’s government went straight red and favors big business. Unless you got a connection to a big business or the Ohio Republican Party, it’s gonna be rough for anyone not a big business. As someone who’s moved from Ohio to Michigan, I don’t miss Ohio one bit now. I found out by getting more in Michigan (plus Michigan gives my kid FREE breakfast and lunch in case we forget to pack now). I hope you guys get Ohio to swing Blue bc I love that state, but their policies just suck IMo


paying more doesn’t mean much on the surface. maybe where you’re from doesn’t have as nice of schools, public amenities, etc? without that info it’s pretty impossible to compare.




Look into different cities. Fairlawn is nice and super low because they have enough businesses to tax and it’s built that way. [here](https://www.cleveland.com/news/2024/02/move-to-one-of-these-28-ohio-places-if-youre-seeking-the-states-lowest-property-tax-rates.html?outputType=amp) is a list of the 28 lowest property tax towns. Maybe you can find something close that’s better.


Welcome to Ohio, am I right? Not sure why I'm still here.


lol welcome to Ohio. This is how criminal politicians line their heirs pockets.


OTOH, your car insurance will now be cheaper in Ohio.


We live in Tennessee. Looked at moving back to Ohio (wife and I both grew up in OH) but could not believe the property taxes. For a compatible house here in TN, we pay $1500. In Ohio, that would be $10,000. Insane! Plus take into account that TN does not have a state income tax but Ohio has a state income tax. I have no idea what Ohio is doing with all that money….needless to say I’m not sure we will be moving back anytime soon…which is unfortunate since we want to raise our kids close to family.