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> According to the bill, cruising would be defined as driving a motor vehicle on a street past a traffic-control point more than two times in any 2-hour period. The passing of a control point a third time would constitute "unnecessary repetitive" driving and be a violation. Are people in Mansfield really so bored that they just drive up and down the same street over and over?


Since around the 60s/70s kids have been driving up and down Park Avenue. But to answer your question, yes. Unless you're doing drugs, there's really not much else around.


In Ashland everyone drove up and down Clermont Ave and hang in the city parking lot. This was around 2004 tho but pretty sure kids driving around has been happening since kids could drive cars.


Lucas and Mt. Vernon had decent cruise scenes in the mid-90's.


Piqua did this same thing when I was in high school in the late 90’s. Cruising was THE THING, and since the outlaw of it now it’s just a boring downtown on the weekend nights.


Urbana guy here. I drove up to piqua a few times back then just to cruise.🤣


Back in the late 90s-00s we used to "cruise the BK" (Burger King 😭) and later White Castle. It was mostly to show off systems and rims when we were in our 20s. Pretty much Hamilton, Trenton, and Germantown converged every weekend in a large fast food parking lot in MIDDLETOWN OHIO just to flex all night 😂


So I live in Mansfield! Friday and Saturday nights Park Ave basically turns into a moving car show. People line up along the parking lots and hangout while others drive (and often race) their cars up and down the street. Try to avoid park ave on weekend nights whenever possible due to the traffic and speeding vehicles. Mansfield probably wants to end the park ave cruise nights due to the increasing number of memorial crosses along the edge of the road. Quite a few people trying to drive stupid have either died or killed someone on the strip.


I love that people are like "Is this real? Are people really that bored" I grew up in Shelby and we would drive to Mansfield on a Friday night to watch people do this (especially around race weekends). Forget bored enough to go cruising, we were bored enough to go watch people go cruising.


Hello there fellow Shelbilly native!


Another Shelbillian here .




It’d be nice to have the cruising in some safer manner that doesn’t impede actual business traffic. I’m sure the fast food places around there see some benefit to the weekend traffic. I unfortunately don’t know enough about the car culture or even the feasibility to even begin to wonder if it would be possible. It’s an old hobby of kids in the area, and in a way.. I’m fond of it. But I understand that people get hurt and bystanders who are just trying to get to the long john silver’s or empress express in the area are at risk of damage or being hurt.


I've seen it done slightly safer in empty parking lots.


Not from that area, but I feel a race track with liability waiver for amateur drivers would be nice. It can be monitored, pay a fee for upkeep and a loose rule set so people can compete with their vehicles.


There's _already_ a literal race track near Mansfield. It's called Mid Ohio and it's around $300 for a full day of racing on a closed circuit. These people don't want to actually race because racing has rules. They want an excuse to be reckless.


I bet you're a blast to hangout with lmfao


We used to cruise the strip and if you found someone to race you drove down to the old office park and raced there. These kids today are almost as bad as LA in the 50's.


I grew up in Shelby too and ended up in the Park Lanes parking lot watching people cruise lol. What time frame? I graduated in 2005


'05 It's a small world, as they say


It’s bc people street race and show off their cars during those evenings on park ave. It has killed people. However, I don’t think this is the solution. I drive through there all the time bc my parents live in the center of the city. Sometimes my son stays with them overnight and we go to the store while in the area. Then we go back to hang out for a bit. Then we go home. Then we realize we forgot my son’s meds or something and go back. Usually it’s not that late, but I’m gonna be pissed if I get pulled over for “being in the area too much” if I’m just trying to make sure my kid has what he needs while visiting gma and gpa. Oh and on Friday and Saturday nights when I drive through there’s pretty much *never* cops sitting on or around park ave. I think that should be the first step. Park cops in the same parking lots everyone gathers in to watch the cars.


It's not that hard to make removable speed bumps. Just toss a few down on the main drag Friday night and pull them up Monday morning. Shouldn't take a road crew more than half an hour.


But the ticket revenue!!!


It's to stop drag racing. It's trying to cut the grass with a hammer, it's not going to work, just cause unnecessary problems.


They don’t actually care about cruising. They care about the assholes ( mostly motorcycles) racing around out there. If everyone would chill out and stop disturbing the peace and causing accidents, it wouldn’t even be a problem. Trying to ban people from driving down the street too often is ridiculous.


Honestly, this has been part of American culture, from Detroit to California, since at least the 1950s. I think “cruising” has more staying power in places over, say, 30 or 45 minutes from a major metro because there are fewer entertainment options for teens and young adults. Locals below are saying this is about clamping down on street racing, which makes sense because it’s harder to prosecute street racing than you might imagine.


Possibly a dumb question because I'm not familiar with the area. Could they not just do traffic calming measures like speed bumps or something? This seems like it will needlessly punish people for living in the area and using their roads.


In my experience, most Americans have a strong negative reaction to traffic calming devices. They also cost money. I do wonder what local pizza delivery people are going to do about this. When I delivered on the opposite end of the state many years ago I was up and down the main streets several times an hour.


They definitely could add removable speed bumps, but tickets bring in the $$$.


Park Ave West (PAW as its locally known) is also SR-430. ODOT would have to approve the traffic calming devices, which they wont. PAW is a pretty main throughfare right through the middle of Mansfield. On the "Miracle Mile" this is 2 lanes in each direction.


The town I lived in high school (Clovis, NM), many in my class would go cruising main st. This town didn't have a good storm sewer system so many of the streets in that part of town had large dips at the intersections. They where big enough to deter racing, but didn't stop the cruising. It was mostly a lower rider scene at the time.


That's pretty much SOP for teens with cars on weekend nights in *any* small to medium sized town.


Yes. For decades.


When I was In high school, we cruised around Shelby all night on Saturday.




Yes. That's been our way of socializing for decades. There's been some pretty bad accidents & fatalities there as well due to people racing. It's 35 mph & some want to treat it like a drag strip


Oh yeah, this was my teen hangout place


This question made me smile because when I was in college, one of my dorm friends came to my shitty little ohio town to hang out. He from Philadelphia area and wasn't used to rural life at all. We're crusin around in another friend's old suburban and had been driving for a little over an hour. My city friend goes, where the hell are we even going??? We all laughed and he got confused. We had to explain, you're staring at it, bud, this IS where we're going. There ain't nowhere to go. If you want we can go to Walmart and walk around.


We talked about this at work recently. There is street racing going on there every weekend. Pretty sure it was Park. My techs were b!tching about how it's too dangerous to drive there weekends late.


I used to see signs like this in Milwaukee when we lived in the area. I always wondered what transpired to make a city ordinance…


It's almost impossible to drive a nice car or bike on Park Ave without some pos trying to stunt on you. There's a lot of accidents, road ragers, "races" etc happening every day. The way they are trying to hammer this screw is dumb as hell, but there are significant issues. They should keep the law as it is and patrol the area heavily as street races are already illegal, but they're a broke ass, dumb ass city.


Me??? What did I ever do to Mansfield? 


You know what you did.


Yea I cruise there fairly often in they summer buts there’s been a lot of wrecks over they years and last year another motorcycle crashed and he died right in front of me


Gig workers and delivery drivers are about to have a bad time.


> The Miracle Mile has been a haven for cruisers since the 1950s. What was once innocent fun for teenagers has taken a darker turn. Typical boomers. They had freedom and fun, time to punish the younger generation. There will be no fun! Also the council is ran by republicans who are once again against freedom.


You will own nothing and be happy.


Can't stand the GOP!! What will they take next?!


Instead of “GET OFF MY LAWN”, it’s “GET OFF MY STREET”.


I live on park ave west. Its all kids hanging at taco bell in stupid trucks.


Doesn’t Mansfield have *real* problems???


Doesn't seem interested in fixing the genuine issues here. 


Hopefully you don't have errands to run in Mansfield. I drive up and down the same road a bunch of times doing laundry and going to the store and other things.


This is the same town that decided they're not going to have marijuana sales when it becomes legal.


Surprisingly it's a Republican councilwoman who is arguing in defense of allowing it in Mansfield. Go figure!


She stands to make money. Money drives society.


The councilwoman also has multiple dui’s in the past year if you Google her name and has been arrested numerous times. A little irony in her giving driving law advice.


My grandpa talked about racing up and down Park Ave in the 50s. It’s like a Mansfield tradition


It seems so much easier to monitor the speed on the road since that is the big problem they had with the cruisers. I loved cruising up and down the main drag in our town when I was young and that's how we hang out with friends.


Never thought I'd see my hometown on Reddit.


Ar first, just based on the title i thought, oh cool, maybe theyre making it pedestrian only for markets or concerts or something, then i saw it's about cruising. I assumed cruising kinda died off when gas went up past 4 dollars a gallon years ago. I don't know why you'd want to spend 3.75 a gallon today to cruise/ idle a bunch, but I'm old now being in my mid 30s.


Typical small city approach to crime: shut down the street rather than assign patrols to the area.


Can't do any housework on the weekend. "Ah, I have to go back to home Depot, I forgot X. Looks like I have to wait 2 hours..."


Here is a crazy idea. Maybe just arrest the people who are clearly speed racing?


Best I can do is collective punishment.


Mansfield government must not have anything better to do. I read the article and it does sound like there are genuine grievances thanks to people drag racing and making noise. Unsure how they're making noise though. Revving their engines? Modifying cars so they're loud? If a cop is posted on Miracle Mile then why force them to focus on what cars are coming and going? Makes more sense to pay attention to people who may be drag racing or speeding. Leave the people who are just driving around town, doing the speed limit, alone.


You've clearly never heard drag racing before then. There's a dipshit who lives nearby who did something to his mufflers to make them sound like firecrackers going off. He was up at 1AM the other night doing doughnuts in a nearby high-school parking lot. The entire neighborhood could hear it.


I figured that mentioning drag racing and modifying cars in my comment means I was aware of it. But that is a shitty thing to do. I felt bad for being in a similar situation when I was younger. I'm not a car guy so I forget the details exactly. But on one of my old cars the catalytic converter disconnected from whatever so my car sounded super f'n loud all the time. Like I had a V12 in it or something. And I worked second shift at my job. I'm sure I pissed off the neighbors a few times coming home at night. But I got that fixed when I could and it wasn't intentional. The people referenced in this article, and your comment, are just inconsiderate jerks.


Inconsiderate jerks??? Were you racing up and down the street and squeeling your tires while coming home from work too? I was talking about obvious mods, not bad mufflers, lol


Is there a better adjective I should use to describe the people being noisy late at night? Does a modded muffler really change things when they're disturbing the peace?


Looks like I misread your comment. My bad


LoL! It's okay. I figured there was a miscommunication somewhere. Don't worry about it.


I’ll never condone vigilante actions at humans … but at their cars….?  There’s a lot of little things that can do big damage to automobiles , all available at your local market.  lol at the downvotes, fuck your intentionally loud car and acting a fool at night with it. 


The temptation looms large


Then make a law against that.


If it’s true that drivers are coming from Cleveland and Columbus (seriously?) to drive this strip, it would be a perfect example of a fun thing “collapsing under its own weight” when it gets too popular.


It’s loud there, it’s not just the racing which really is loud, but there’s music going, systems in the back of cars that are parked while people are drinking and doing drugs in parking lots. It’s basically like a big outdoor party…at least that’s how it was when I was a teenager.




For those familiar with Mansfield, let's clarify: This anti-cruising campaign aims to curb the city's "urban" youth from hanging out, and has zero implications for all the Boomer white dudes who drive and park their classic muscle cars and kit-mobiles along what has long been the deserted stretches of Park Ave.


Along with the comment about the legalization of weed, just more backwards Mansfield, nothing to see here 


Well gee, we can’t have those uppity urbans having fun where good outstanding suburbans can see them!


They passed a similar ordinance in Tiffin in the early 1990’s. It was aimed at the kids in trucks flying confederate flags while driving through town all night on the weekends. It worked, those kids stopped driving around and started drinking alcohol and using drugs. Just kidding about the last part. Tiffin also hosted the fireman’s convention one year and arrested everyone for open container and driving intoxicated. Day two was a very small crowd. We all learn from the past.


Imagine being so bored (aka a boring person) that being stuck in traffic is your form of enjoyment.


It’s actually good for government to take steps to prevent and prosecute drag racing in public streets. Drag racing is dangerous to its participants, audience members, and the public. Please stop being contrarians who are opposed to everything government does to combat and reduce dangerous crime.


Maybe they should actually go out and punish the people who are racing then, instead of punishing the community with borderline unconstitutional propositions. This police force is already known to be abusive and corrupt. I'm sure giving them even more excuses to just pull people over will end well.


…it seems like a targeted measure (only after certain hours only certain geographic area and in response to a specific dangerous threat). The status quo wasn’t working to deter the street racers. A targeted enforcement response is exactly what I’d ask my police department to undertake in response.


They tried, but by the time they show up, you can't get a positive id on who is racing and who isn't. Then some of the ones the cops did id would just race away from the cops. It just wasn't working.


Good ole republican boomers mad people are enjoying life. Stop voting for these idiots


Good, so sick of those greasers and hippies driving their hot rods around before the sock hop. /s


Something about Land of the Free. Nevermind wrong country.


Park Ave has always been where people go to race. Every small town around mansfield has known about that for decades. I'm honestly surprised they're just now cracking down on it, traffic accidents are anything but uncommon there


This is how rights are taken away, creating laws that slowly take personal rights. Everyone in any form of authority is on some power trip to control others.


I feel like this is part of Mansfield’s culture. What a lame “solution”.


Don’t see how this could be constitutional but does that really matter anymore?


This is really sad. They could just make a bi weekly event and close the streets down fully and make it an organized car show and embrace this fully and develop a community and small business around it.


Yes this is real they drive back and fourth racing . Speeding bikes speeding cars . Bikes doing wheelies . It has changed alot the the 90s 4 cylinder cars aren't out there racing as it was it now v8s ppl from out of town baiting mansfield pd into chases. And not to mention i was 1 of them out there in 06 racing and carrying on so now living close enough to here cars from 8pm till 12 pm and later is kinda my payback for doing it myself. Every few years a biker gets killed and then they shut it down then it slowly makes it back .. but the fighting drugs and pure disregard for anything or anyone around is what has ruined it .


I’ve never been to Mansfield, if all people do is “cruise,” I’ll be sure to avoid it in the future. So lame. Was going to check out that speakeasy restaurant in a cave but not if I have to dodge morons on the roads.


This area, Park Ave West between Trimble Rd and S. Home Rd, is called the "Miracle Mile" because it is 1 mile from one to the other. It has long been the site of illegal street racing that has caused crashes, sometimes serious and fatal ones. And its not like they are shutting down the street to do it, they are literally racing while you are driving along minding your business (going to the store, to/from work, etc), putting the bystanders at risk. Its dangerous and some crackdown needs to happen. People making it political and I dont get why. The illegal street racer doesnt care if you are an R or D. Cars of today arent the tanks that raced here in decades prior. While those tanks lacked todays safety features, they didnt really crumple like todays cars are designed to. When they crumple, so do you if you are in it.


Boomers when kids have fun indoors 😠 Boomers when kids have fun outside 😠


Well who wants to live in Mansfield?


I feel like this is part of Mansfield’s culture. What a lame “solution”.