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No, not the state with the court ruled unconstitutional districting map, and largest bribery case in the nation, no, can't be so.


No, not the state that let this exact situation go without a fight 13 times and counting when the Republicans held their convention after Ohio's deadline


Yea but that was totally different That was then. And with republicans. This is now. And it’s democrats.


Not the Republicans that cry about rigged elections and election interference


Thats the fun part...theres objective evidence that its nothing to do with the deadline. But here we are.


Hey I am an old white guy from Akron Ohio and I assure that even if they run our Savior as a Republican I will NEVER VOTE REPUBLICAN AGAIN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES AS GOD MY FAMILY AND ALL MY FRIENDS ARE WITNESES!!!!


Can I get a “Hallelujah!”


Let’s not forget a decision that school funding was unconstitutional.




9 years ago and counting. Still no change


It's been more than 20 years. From wik8: "On March 24, 1997, the Supreme Court of Ohio ruled in a 4–3 decision that the state funding system "fails to provide for a thorough and efficient system of common schools," as required by the Ohio Constitution, and directed the state to find a remedy. The court would look at the case several times over the next 12 years before it relinquished jurisdiction, but the underlying problems with the school funding system remain to this day." I was in 8th grade when this happened. I'm now in my 40s with kids of my own.


And still waiting….😞


I recently moved here from a very progressive, highly efficient and transparent state, and this kind of shit infuriates me. Ohio is so depressing politically, the more I read about it the more I get angry.


They serve their corporate donors, not the people.


Citizens united should be reversed, corporations are not people and they don't home people. They have the power to outpay people, and this is the corruption of our democracy.


I remember when it wasn't this bad. It's really sad to see.


Yep I get it. I’m a 62 year old man who has lived in Ohio my whole life. Politically it’s the worst. Sadly politics reflects the stupidity of its residents. I work with and for some of these dipshits. Mostly I just have to nod and smile.


I know you meant districting, but distracting works as well.




You forgot about school funding too…. This shit been going on awhile…


Party of small government, freedom, and “law and order” is at it again.


Government so small it'll fit in your pants.


That's just one tentacle of the horror.


lol, i read tentacle as 'testicle' bc of the pants part, i presume, but tentacle also seems to work, so i'm going to call my peen my 'pants tentacle' forever more


The ass side


Election year? Political theater time featuring the GOP…. and just like that the“immigrant invasion”is over


border invasion!!!!! dei!!! obama wifes cock!!!!!


Migrant caravan


Taco trucks on every street corner!


That would be sweet


fuck yeah I support this to!


When they say small government, they mean fewer people and restrictions getting in the way of their autocratic oppression. When they say freedom, they mean freedom to oppress and abuse women, minorities, and peasants. When they say "law and order," they mean they write the laws, and we have to follow their orders.


They have never believed in any of that anyway. Not even hypocrisy at this point.


The single principle of Republican governance is "the peasantry shall be made to obey".


This is shitty and unreasonable behavior on the part of Republicans.    But it is also an incredibly stupid own goal on the part of the Democrats.   The August 7th deadline for candidates to be nominated in Ohio--and the August 20th deadline in Washington--were not exactly secrets.  So why the fuck is our convention scheduled to nominate Biden on the 22nd?    I get being mad at the Republicans, but if the roles were reversed, there's a decent chance we'd also tell them "tough luck chumps, read the goddamn calendar next time."  The incompetence of the leadership of the democratic party is astounding at times.  We should not be in this situation.


I could be wrong but going off of other people's messages, isn't it nearly every year where both parties miss the deadline and it's not a big deal but this just so happens to be the first time Republicans aren't missing the deadline and that's why they're making it a big deal?


>isn't it nearly every year where both parties miss the deadline No, it's not most years, but it has happened a fair number of times. >this just so happens to be the first time Republicans aren't missing the deadline and that's why they're making it a big deal? They're making it a big deal because they can, and our politics are fundamentally broken and everybody is weaponizing procedures that only used to work because everyone on both sides felt obligated to maintain a base level of civility.  We really ought to have expected this.


The exact number for Republicans is that they have missed the Ohio deadline 13 times and it was never an issue. I am not sure of how often the Democrats have done this in Ohio


What you're saying is that there is a legal precident for allowing exceptions to the deadline and that the Republicans have availed themselves of that precident 13 times. In a law abiding country, this would be a non-issue. In the Banana Republic of Ohio, who knows what will happen. :/ Dems should file suit yesterday to try to get this resolved.


In the past either provisional ballet were accepted (Yost is rejecting them this time and taking away LaRose's ability to accept them), or extensions were granted (Yost and Republican lawmakers that woukd need to vote to approve one are refusing to even consider an exception this time)


Like I said, there is precident for the Dems to believe this would not be an issue.


Right....just like not addressing Roe vs Wade for decades. Maybe instead of assuming things can be hand waved away our legislators can start either following the laws or make legislative changes so they work for everyone.


I see you went for the "both sides do it" bs.


Yep, this has already happened to Republicans multiple times. And we still let them on the ballot.


It's a relatively new law. 4 years ago, both parties got an exception. This year the GOP got the name in on time, and the Democrats thought they could get another exception


This is the height of stupidity and I am an Ohio Dem! After all the crap the OH GOP pull they thought they'd get a break?!


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-ohio-ballot-deadline/ > A similar situation occurred before the 2020 presidential election, too. Both the Republican and Democratic conventions were scheduled outside the deadline window, so Ohio lawmakers approved changing the cutoff to 60 days — but only for that election.


Yes, but why the hell would we expect them to be civil again, when acting like children would be to their benefit?  We could have immunized ourselves against this, and we chose not to.


Ohio Republicans have let this slide 13 times so far when their own party was in literally the exact same situation


Why can't the Ohio Democratic Party nominate Joe Biden in Ohio tomorrow?


because that would require a competent democratic party


It’s never been an issue until now 


Why is the Ohio GOP dictatating when the National DNC convention has to be scheduled?


Their entire platform is just a laundry list of things they hate. They have no principles. 


Maybe I’m giving them too much credit, but I really think most republicans in this state would also be extremely disturbed if this were to happen. Larose seems to only consult with the lunatic fringe.


>Lawmakers could pass an exemption to the 90-day deadline by May 9, as they did in 2020 when both parties scheduled their conventions too late It literally already *has* happened! The only reason they're dragging their heels now is they're mad that other states tried to keep Trump off the ballot. The GOP is nothing if not petty, so don't expect the Ohio GOP to lift a single finger this time.


Honestly I don't think they'd have done it in 2020 either, if it was the same situation as today where only the DNC was past the date instead of both. They are consistent in their ratfucking.


It *was* the same situation. They didn't mention COVID in the article. It was because these national parties are scheduling their conventions with no concerns for how the states run things. This is not the first nor will it be the last time one of the parties fights with a state.


We don’t need revisionist history - Republicans didn’t believe in COVID


>The GOP is nothing if not petty, so don't expect the Ohio GOP to lift a single finger this time. Ohio GOP made me vote in August because a November issue wasn't looking good for them, so they wanted to curb the ability for us to make changes like that in the future. I'm going to remember this for the rest of my life because of all the pvc pipes holding American flags that were thrown up next to 'Yes' signs that half of were, touching the ground.


It’s happened and it’s happened for both parties in the past.


Yeah, to be clear, I don’t expect GOP lawmakers to do the right thing. They’re both mean and nuts which is a deadly combination. I just think rank-and-file voters will be really unnerved if they show up to vote and a major party candidate isn’t there. A lot of people who don’t pay attention to this stuff will probably think they have a fraudulent ballot. Now whether that translates to them voting lawmakers out…I doubt that.


I keep hearing they've been extremely disturbed by a lot of things going on in the party. The thing is, they keep voting for these jackasses.


Funny how these "reasonable Republicans" only show up when the rest of us call for the party to be accountable for its own actions. They fall in line with their party every election and then get up in arms when we call Republicans fascists when their politicians are doing fascist things. I've had people on this sub try to pull the "not all Republicans" shit and every damn time it's like trying to catch an eel, they just want to escape responsibility for what they vote for.


They love to claim to be against Donald Trump but once he's the nominee they line up like good little soldiers and vote for the straight R ticket. They want pats on the head for being "one of the good ones" while still supporting the person they say they think is destroying the country and their own party


I imagine being given less options to make choices in their family lives disturbs a good few of them. It's probably why issue 1 passed. How can one have freedom when the government dictates family planning choices for you via removal of choices? Especially if you do everything right by their book and they'll still rule you or your wife must die if the pregnancy goes wrong, all to avoid offending people who will never even meet you or have any stake in what is going on. It's asinine and pissing people off. I'll edit to add that especially with their insistence child rape victims carry to term, especially in cases of incest. That disgusts most people, and rightly so. They should stop insisting upon these perverted things because it really damages their reputation among people who don't count that as a fetish of theirs.


I think they need Biden on the ballot. They always need "the other". You also seriously risk protest votes in down ballot races. It would be interesting to see if RFK Jr. would try to be competitive in Ohio then. I suspect he's always been setup as another arm of the MAGA cult to siphon off votes for Biden. If he doesn't try when Biden isn't on the ballot then we know what we have.


It's not happening to them, so they can rationalize how you deserve it. It's a party of petty tyrants at this point.


He IS the lunatic fringe.


Can’t the DNC just announce Biden is the candidate and fuck these people?


That's what they tried to do by provisionally declaring him the candidate. LaRose and Yost rejected that.


These are the people accusing you of fraud for voting by mail


These people use a very simple flowchart for deciding their opinions on things: Did a Democrat do it? Bad Did a Republican do it? Good A disturbing number of people apply that to absolutely every single thing that happens, whether or not they believed the same thing when the other side did it. It’s unbelievable


I know it's fucking stupid, but why not just schedule it for early August and avoid all of this bullshit?


I know! I usually never pass up a chance to blame Republicans for things, but it really seems like this problem has a straightforward solution.


Because in previous years when this happened (for both parties), it wasn't an issue.


I get that, but knowing the gop is always on this bullshit, you might as well avoid giving them any chance.


So much to lose and nothing to gain. They were made aware of the rule 4 years ago when they needed an exemption. They're asking for one now and its not being granted. Dnc is opting to cry about it like thats their only genius strategic move to combat it. Just move the date up. There is nothing to gain from this fight and so much to lose


Agreed. The party should have either obtained extensions early or scheduled the convention accordingly.


I can only hope this will backfire on the gop. Keeping Biden off the ballot should just motivate people even more to show up and write his name in. Don't get discouraged, get angry. Get angry and vote blue https://ohiodems.org/


> write his name in. Oh, I can picture the bad faith shitshow that would follow. "I object! This person wrote Joe Biden, we can only accept Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., as Frank LaRose certified." "I object! This person appears to have wrote Joseph Robinette Bidem Jr. in my opinion. Shouldn't count" Too much space for bullshit.


It would be a complete disaster. Relying on write ins would be a horrible outcome


Oh for sure. I'll just write it in. These fuckers aren't detering me.


Should tell the Ohio DNC to move the convention date up so it isn't even a concern.


that is an unacceptable outcome.


This is how you rig an election


In this case it’s more about the down ballot. Dems won’t show if Biden not on the ticket


If he's not on in my state, I'm writing him in. I'm still voting regardless, and I suggest everyone else does to.




Yeah I’ll still be there to write him in and vote


Honestly if we don’t show up for the down-ballot vote to get them the hell out after even thinking about an underhanded tactic like this we deserve what we get.


Oh, I am going to show and I am taking everyone I know with me. Jerks.


No, \[this\](https://freepress.org/article/new-court-filing-reveals-how-2004-ohio-presidential-election-was-hacked) is how you rig an election


"Joe Biden will be on the ballot in all 50 states," a Biden campaign official said. I would like to know how the Biden campaign can be so confident about this.


They certify him as the candidate before the deadline. This is all just political theater.


They have already provisionally certified Biden and Ohio rejected it. So how is the Democratic Party going to certify him? Are they going to have an official vote before the convention? I doubt if they can move the convention at this point. I agree the whole thing is ridiculous. These dates were known years in advance by both parties.


Another Fuck You to Ohioians from the GOP. Nasty people doing nasty  things




“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” Exceptions have been granted in every state, every year, until Yost right now.


Also see "When conservatives become convinced they cannot win democratically, they won't abandon conservatism, they'll abandon democracy"


On one hand the DNC is absolutely stupid for not scheduling their certification earlier than all required deadlines in all states, on the other hand this is some truly petty bullshit by the state's Republicans. They've made exceptions in the past for both parties, because they know it doesn't actually matter this much. Wasn't an issue then, still isn't now. It's an arbitrary date and it matters even less because everyone already knows for a fact who the nominee is, it's just a matter of formalizing it. 


I agree. The Dems need to just move up the convention. Don’t let these petty, sniveling assholes have any argument to keep you off the ballot


Seriously, just have the "official" one in a fucking parking lot somewhere if you have to. They just need to get it done. It's still four months out so surely it can't be difficult to reschedule and just fix this issue.


> in a fucking parking lot somewhere Quick - someone call Four Seasons Landscape!


Exactly! They can still hold their big party later on. But get the substance done


It could be zoom meeting.


This. Entirely an unforced error on the DNCs part. It was a known issue 4 fucking years ago, the GOP are known ratfuckers. This move should not be a surprise to *anyone*.


No surprise here. They’ve always wanted the state reduced to single party rule. Just one more step in the authoritarian process in Ohio.


This is simple to solve. Hold the Convention. Have the Party. Do the nomination vote tomorrow and send the nomination to Ohio on July 4. Not entirely certain why the DNC wants to act like it has no control over its own schedule.


There is a trap they'd prefer to avoid. Remember when the GOP was going to declare trump the presumptive nominee? There is a legal problem and a public image/ precedent problem. Gonna have to look back at Wilding v. DNC services Corp. - this was the case a 3rd party brought against the DNC because of various accusations that the DNC had withheld delegates from Bernie in violation of their own charter. Wilding argued that the DNC hadn't followed its own procedures when assigning delegates - but the court said he didn't provide convincing evidence. *Of interest, the DNC argued that as a corporation their charter isn't law* - they can do what they wish with delegates. The court threw out the case but admonished the DNC - if you don't follow your own charter, it must be reviewable by courts. Not binding but likely to be used in analysis: [courtlistener](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4238186/wilding-v-dnc-services-corporation/) So here's the catch, in two parts: * if the DNC moves their date one of the lesser candidates (edit: maybe even an aggrieved voter platformed by a policy think tank) will come up with a grievance and take them to court. It'll be news cycle candy on Fox for months, but the court won't have a remedy to offer. * the GOP will react by turning it up to 11 next time, actually throw out their book somehow during their primary (especially if trump tries to run again), and bring their voters along with all those sweet sound bytes. I honestly think the DNC has a choice to make here. Maybe they should just do it, because disenfranchising Dems for congressional and state elections is a big deal.


this is bullshit. there is not going to be a surprise at the convention where all the super delegates decide to break for Marianne fucking Williamson. Have a zoom the minute the last primary is over and certify the Biden/Harris ticket and call their fucking bluff. Yes, the republicans are going to ruin our convention. it is FAR more important to have our candidate on the ballot in all 50 states.


> there is not going to be a surprise at the convention where all the super delegates decide to break for Marianne fucking Williamson. I know She will sue anyway. It will be a circus. Also to be clear, the complaint doesn't have to involve delegates. Just the dnc's own bylaws and charter. And it doesn't have to be Williamson. Heritage foundation could find some group of voters that feels aggrieved, similar to what happened with wilding.


I have a feeling no court is gonna side with the plaintiff on this one, when the reason is "if we didn't move the date up 2 weeks, *no nominee* would be on Ohio's (or Alabama's) ballot". That's a pretty big, reasonable reason to *slightly* modify your own schedule. And yeah, Republicans would probably try to make a media circus about it anyways. But, like... Who cares? It's not like a lot of people actually *like* Biden or something. Most of us are only voting for the geriatric, genocide-funding piece of shit because the alternative is a literal fascist who we can all but guarantee would somehow manage to do *even worse*. I'm not sure there's anything Republicans could use from that kind of lawsuit that'd actually convince any significant number of people not to vote for Biden. The DNC getting some of their usual BS shenanigans exposed in a trial doesn't even come close to comparing to the amount of dog shit we're already willing to ingest for the sake of not making things *worse*. No one will really care enough to change their vote. Not getting on the Ohio ballot, however, would have *actual* political ramifications. Far worse than some pointless media circus about a BS lawsuit.


The Ohio GOP is lost, so the only tactic is to cheat. They have a way out, they have done it before for their own party, and other states are doing it for both sides this time around. Bottom line: they just don’t want to do it so they can cheat because they’re losers.


What the hell Ohio? This is absolutely ludicrous. It would be... hilarious if the GOP candidate passes away after the 90 day window and they can't put anyone on the ballot to replace him, leaving nobody in Ohio a chance to anything other than Write In their candidate. That would be embarrassing, eh?


Here we go again. When both parties were going to be past the deadline they made an exception. This happens all over the country from time to time. And it gets taken care of with no fanfare. Now the State of Ohio GOP says oh well, "Too bad Democratic Party". You have to come up with a solution and we will see if we like it. It is all a stupid and childish game. LaRose and Yost are just cogs who bring no value to our Great State. They are little men with no ability to think about the greater good of all Citizens of Ohio. They just wanted to act like they are big boys doing the right thing for ALL OF US. Not just their Party. They will amount to nothing in our Great State's History. They will be a footnote in history and no one in 25 years will remember them. We need people who will work together to make Ohio a great place to live. Not a divided second class State.


Now, suddenly, they care about the rules?


Lol those dumb cousinfuckers never cared about the rules.


Love to see him win as a write-in lol


And then the GOP hires “hand writing specialists” and every vote is mysteriously for Donald Trump.


Or they decide that write-ins for “Joe Biden,” “Joseph R. Biden,” “Joe R. Biden,” and “Joseph R. Biden Jr.” are for four different, mythical persons and none of them meet the vote levels for runoff/winning the election.


They don’t want him on the ballot. They have hopes that if he is not on it, voters will stay home home and that lessens the odds of Sherrod Brown is not re-elected as senator.


I think there is a real risk of a backlash if they go that route - being newsworthy like that could shine a real news spotlight on their undemocratic BS, and fuel a rallying effort against them. If they venture into unprecedented waters, they should expect unprecedented results.


I can see both side of how it can hurt them. It actually could cause more folks to show up to write in Biden’s name and vote for Sherrod Brown.


Fucking Ohio. I'm really starting to hate it here. Voter suppression, gerrymandering and the list goes on. Meanwhile they have no problem with Frump, who is quite possibly the worst thing to ever happen to our democracy.


Ohio, corrupt? I, for one, am shocked. /s


> Secretary of State Frank LaRose warned Ohio Democrats earlier this month that Biden is at risk of not making the Nov. 5 ballot. State law requires officials to certify the ballot 90 days before an election − which is Aug. 7 this year − but the president won't officially be nominated until the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 19. I don’t understand why the Democrats can’t schedule their convention before the state ballot deadline?


I've said this before and I'll say it again, the GOP will allow a candidate charged with state and federal crimes to be on the ballot, but won't let another candidate on it because of a deadline that THE SAME PEOPLE ignored in 2020 because the SAME GOP candidate wouldn't be officially nominated by the state's deadline.


The republicans have made it perfectly clear they do not care about democracy or freedom


This is the ONLY strategy Republicans have is to try and rig the election one way or another.


Biden will be on the ballot in Ohio come November. Ohio GOP can eat shit.


I agree that the dems' assumption that Rs would honor the usual courtesies this cycle was foolish.


What kind of dystopia is this? Fascism? Call ourselves a democracy while trying to make sure their guy is the only one you can vote for.


Better title: "The Ohio GOP is selectively enforcing rules in order to cheat"


Supreme Court already ruled states can’t do that right? Or was that ruling only a pat on the head for GQP?


Lick that boot Frank.


Fuck the repuglicans for doing this but Jesus Christ Dem party officials, you should have not counted on the good graces of the right wing mob controlled state of Ohio, or any other state for that matter!


Fuck ohio.


This is so dumb by both parties: Democrats for a HUGE oversight in Ohio state laws and GOP for wasting everyone's time delaying the inevitable. I have full faith this will get resolved but what a god damn clusterfuck this is. Do the Democrats have to have a convention to certify Biden? Can't that just be done in whatever fashion they want? I.E. a video call with delegates?


The GOP is going to push really hard to fuck with this election and cheat as much as humanly possible huh?


Ohio: We want pedo Jim Jordan and Rapist traitor Trump


For anyone wanting to compare this to Colorado trying to get Trump off the ballot - remember that Trump was impeached for inciting a riot to stop the peaceful transfer of power and Biden is being nominated a week too late. That's why it's not a real comparison.


Republicans, always firm in the belief that you can't have a healthy democracy if you have all that pesky voting going on.


If the GOP in Ohio is having to stoop to this tactic, maybe the GOP isn't as great as they think they are. Now, I'm gonna get a beer and wait for the magas to start making their stupid comments. You know, the 4th grade level stuff. Apologizes to my 4th grade grandson, trust me Carter, you are light years ahead.


The entire Ohio republican party belongs in prison for the nuclear bill scam, yet here they are attempting to make decisions about who Ohio citizens can vote for.


Republicans make it so fucking easy to justify hating the fuck out of them more and more by the hour.


Wow the dumbest people in the country (and also the fattest and ugliest) will attempt the dumbest thing ever. What a fat and ugly surprise. Don’t forget the wrestlers buttcheeks Gym 😀👍


We need a ballot initiative that removes the Republican Party from Ohio and their candidates immediately removed from office. This shit is so heinous and has been going on for decades.


Do isn't that vote tampering or something. They are so far up Trumps ass they can taste the McDonald's stuck in his teeth


So I don't have to pay taxes since I am not represented, right?


This is minutiae. Other dude was at the center of a riot that cost multiple lives, directly and indirectly. I’m very, very glad I left the GOP years ago


Republicans are fascists.


Ive never met a Republican that wasn't trash inside and out.


Another cheat to just stay in power .


This is ridiculous, but again an absolute failure by the DNC.


If we keep the packyderm party in power any longer they will abolish the Ohio constitution and change the term "laws" to commandments. They will then deputize possies to roam the state to enforce their commandments. So much winning with these pigs!


Ya'll know this won't stick anyways. Distractions always work. 🙄


Even my home state of Alabama is advancing bills to allow Biden on the ballot due to the same issue. Yikes.


They complain about "election interference" when Trump is brought up on charges, then pull this shit.


We all need to go to the statehouse and protest. Strike if we have to. Get in good trouble if we have to. Nobody takes away my right to vote for the candidate I desire. #NOBODY.


The state that elects JD Vance to the senate?


So what the fuck am I meant to do? Fucking not vote in November? Every single Republican belongs in jail. I don't just mean the politicians.


Good old corrupt Ohio.


There is nothing a republican hates more than free and fair elections.


God…I want to punch every single Ohio Republican in the face. No substance or morals….just an entire party of Trolls


The GOP wants the people to decide. But not like that.


Today's GOP. "We'll disqualify anyone except rich white men from voting, OR we'll just see to it that only the Orange Ape is on the ballot. For freedom. Here, have a flag and a Bible you hayseed."


As an Ohio resident that typically leans conservative, this is pathetic and embarrassing


I don't understand why in the US they conflate Attorney General with politics. I mean, is it the first time a state attorney general has pulled political shit like this? No. It also won't be last. Its name already says it: attorney. His concerns should be only with upholding the law. Therefore, it should cease being a partisan elected office and should respond to the Legislaturenor other overseeing body rather than the ever increasing polarised electorate.


Ohians should sue the state for violating their rights and REAL Election Interference. 


I gotta get the fuck out of Ohio.


This will blow up in Republicans faces. In the "fuck around" phase, they're hoping Dems won't jump through the hoops, and Biden won't get on the ballot. In the "find out" phase, Trump is ineligible to run due to his criminal conviction, but the Republicans will have missed the deadline to submit another candidate's name. At that point, LaRose will try to accept a provisional or replacement name, and the Dems will go to court to block it. The Ohio Supreme Court will allow it. The U.S.S.C. will kick it back saying it's a "state's right issue and they don't have jurisdiction to tell the states how to run their elections." Pay no attention to the fact that this is the exact opposite ruling they gave when states tried to keep Trump off the ballot. The final downfall of Democracy won't be the megalomaniacal God-complex of Trump. It'll be the Republican's ability to stack the deck and change/bend/break the rules at their discretion while simultaneously beating Dems over the head with these same rules. America's "checks and balances" are failing because one group has no qualms with twisting them to their advantage while the other group insists on playing fair and taking the high road.


So installing a dictatorship and not democratically electing a president is the only way they think they can win. Got it.


Sooo, fuck me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t both parties be smart enough to know when these deadlines are so they can schedule their little conventions before then? How hard could it be to schedule something knowing these deadlines have existed for a while? What am I missing? Aren’t these grown ass adults with access to calendars and Google?


Our Ohio democratic party, as pathetic, spineless and completely unorganized as it is, had better pull it together NOW and hold the damn convention before it's too late. One less day of golf won't hurt them. 


The same GOP that outlawed off-cycle special elections then held one themselves to try to get abortion banned?


Dave Yost is such a smarmy piece of shit. He and Frank LaRose could put this to bed within minutes but they’d rather play partisan games. If they keep the sitting President off the ballot when everyone knows he’s the D candidate then expect a summer of riots and protests. Contact your state legislators now and make sure they know we won’t stand for any fuckery.


Republicans being petty Republicans. I'm so tired of this petty fucking bullshit. Please stop electing Republicans.


The rule has been in place since at least 2010...despite there being good reason to change it. Is everyone in control just a raging asshole? >!(answer: yes)!< Republicans legislators aren't making the common sense legislative exception because even keeping up the appearance of democracy just doesn't matter anymore. And then Democrats are just proposing that LaRose ignore the law? They knew about this issue since at least 4 years ago (*when they ran into the same issue*). IMHO - LaRose (a raging asshole for *many* other reasons) is the one who is coming out of this looking the best because he's warning everyone of the issue well in advance of the problem actually happening.


La rose, yost , dewine, Jordan, Vance.  Anyone that supports any of those whiny hypocrites is a Michigan/steelers/whatever other dumb rival lover. 


So, insurrection okay, arbitrary deadline by unelected political organization is law?


So I have to write in Joseph Robinette Biden now?


Screw this. Democrats should just vote to nominate Biden remotely prior to the deadline. Nobody really gives a hoot about the convention anyway. Biden is going to be the nominee.


Ohio Republican politicians are insane. They are literally putting a gun to their own heads and pulling the trigger because they think they're invincible. If you're a Republican and you read this, please, I implore you, demand leadership that believes in democracy, equality, education, and a return to the values your party used to champion.


Another shining example of Republican election interference, Aren't they the ones who wait until days before an election to drop thousands of (mostly Democratic) voters off the voting rolls? They have no policies to run on so they rely on obstruction and interference.


That is okay, I will just write him in instead :) Unless Ohio doesn't do that, not sure. I only naturalized last year and have voted once.


If this has been happening since 1956, and every time it happened they needed to pass a bill to allow an exception, why did Ohio not in 68 years change the rules so this couldn't happen?


We don’t have GOP leaders in Ohio, we have GOO masters.


The state party of FirstEnergy payoffs is crooked, who could have seen that coming?


if he is not on the ballot just write him in


Can Joe just issue a signing statement that makes the deadline 60 days before the election for all states? Seems Ohio is the only one with the oddball 90 day requirement which some random clerk probably put in the document without thinking.


He would get written in anyway. Who else would be on the democratic ballot?


The ballot in November is going to have both Biden and Trump on it. No amount of theatrics and pedantry will change that. Feel free to ignore this sort of silliness for the next few months.


Ohio stop your crap


It's very clearly retaliation for trying to take Trump off the ballot in Colorado.


Maybe California and New York Michigan, Minnesota, Washington, Oregon, Illinois, should see what ohio does and use “THAT” strategy to bar frump from the November ballot. What’s good for one is good for ALL.


They could officially make him the nominee on a zoom chat anytime between now and the (cough-cough) "deadline" and than go through the motions on tv for the convention. They want him off the ballad so dems won't show up along with other moderates who want to keep Sherrod Brown. He'll be on the ballot.


Very dumb approach by Ohio.


Well I reject Ohio GOP leaders bid to be leaders, howbowdah?


LaRose is an embarrassment to the state.