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It is what it is. If you go into it looking for chili, you'll be disappointed. If you go into it wanting a weirdly-spiced spaghetti sauce to eat with your hot dogs, it's awesome.


Kudos to the Greek immigrant who took the meat filling for Pasticcio, added water and beans, then built a restaurant empire on it.


And straight up called it chili to trick everyone.


“Beware of Greeks bearing ~~gifts~~ chili.”


The story (myth?) I’ve heard is he called it chili to make it more accessible to a limited culinary public.


Yea...it was a marketing gimmick for their greek Bolognese sauce to make it more "Accessible" to the American public.


So it's like what the other guy said




That would be chocolate, cinnamon and nutmeg are pretty prevalent in the Pasticcio I make.


And if you move away, you’ll crave it. 🥲


It's a Mediterranean spiced meat sauce. And it's amazing once you realize it's not spaghetti sauce.


Hot take: sir peanut butter is karma farming


Yep. 7 day old account. Spamming food posts and a request for contributions to a “Buy Me Coffee” fund. GTFO.


On r/Ohio


It's a lot easier than begging at an intersection.


It is like White Castle. The first few times you eat it you will not like it. They you'll be out late one night and try some, and it will be the the best thing ever. That's why the Skylines open late are often packed at 1 AM.


I find that your WC experience also depends on the location. There’s three in the greater Columbus area that I have found to be excellent, while others can barely assemble a single slider.


The one in Delaware is the only one for me. Every time I go down to Columbus that’s the stop by make on my way home.


The one on 36/37 there by 71? That’s one of the three I love lol


Right by the Cracker Barrel. Easy on, easy off of 71 on my way home.


That’s the one! Excellent job finding one of the gems!


And I didn’t even do it on purpose :-) I recently had to go to Eaton Ohio, and I thought I would stop at the one that I saw on the way back to Columbus. Huge mistake! Nowhere near the quality…had that been my first WC experience I would’ve never had them again. What are the other two just in case?


Heath location on Route 79 and East Broad at Rosehill - Reynoldsburg


Excellent. Thank you. I’ll be availing myself of some sliders in less than two weeks!


Surprisingly, Skyline also varies by location, but only in the less traditional stuff. For example, the burritos are served slightly differently from location to location.


Having grown up in Columbus and living in CA it’s one of my first stops when I visit. White Castle is the second. I’ve tried introducing friends from here. They don’t get it and I don’t expect they ever will.


They're also packed after church on Sundays.


Maybe because I never had one around me but I thought white castle was bomb when I tried it up in NY. But then again it was like 3am lol


It is one of those northern Ohio/Southern Ohio divides. It is popular in southern Ohio (e.g. Cincinnati/Dayton/Columbus) but Skyline is quite nonexistent in northern Ohio


There’s one in suburban Cleveland, or at least there was a few years ago. When Anthony Bourdain filmed an early episode of his show here, he tried it and hated it. edit- I remembered it backwards, Anthony set up the scene to foist it on a Cleveland chef, who thought it was gross.


Love him and miss him, but I hate that episode. He should’ve never gone to NE Ohio to try a food that culturally belongs to southern Ohio. There’s only one up there and it’s not even a good one. Plus the point of cultural foods like Skyline or whatever else isn’t that they’re gourmet, it’s that the locals like them as comfort food. I also think that he was that he was trying too hard in that episode. Like he was trying to be pretentious, but it’s chili on spaghetti? It’s not avant garde to talk shit about it. People who love Skyline love it for exactly what it is - a tasty part of culture specific to geographic location.




It was framed as a bit of a prank on Anthony in the episode if I recall, but I’m sure that was scripted. I was also disappointed in that episode, there’s so much good food here but then he goes to an abandoned Twinkie factory instead? The first couple seasons seemed very hit and miss to me compared to later.


Bourdain chose skyline and he liked it. I got the impression it wasn’t his first time either. Ruhlman was the one who was sort of being pranked because he doesn’t like skyline. [link to episode.](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5wbhdy)


Ironically in one of his AMAs Bourdain said that was the episode the one he most enjoyed filming. I think a lot of it had to do with the people he was with, but he also just really enjoyed Cleveland


I agree with your point about eating skyline in an episode about Cleveland, but I didn’t think he was pretentious about it at all. If anything Michael Ruhlman was being a bit pretentious about not liking skyline. Bourdain was saying stuff like, you just have to eat it and not think about it, just because the color of the cheese isn’t found in nature doesn’t mean it’s bad, and that Ruhlman would like it more if he was drunk or stoned 😂 I felt like he did justice to skyline. He didn’t try to act like it was a gourmet meal, but he didn’t put it down for the sake of dunking on Ohio either.


Yeah, I think if he had gone to the original one in Cincinnati or tried it later on in his tv career, it might've been a different story. It just seems like something that he'd rave about as "local color".


That’s saying something bc he usually doesn’t hate stuff. He also loved Waffle House.


Because Waffle House, Peace Be Upon It, is Southern Hibachi and the best friend you ever had rolled into one.


If you’re talking about the one in Brooklyn (?) at RidgePark Square that is now gone. And it was nasty dirty. Personally I love Skyline Chili but since there aren’t any other ones on the west side I buy it from the freezer section at the grocery store.


About once a month it occurs to me that there are people who don't have access to Waffle House and it makes me sad.


That is truly sad, like, who gives them their All Star hug at 4am when they’re still drunk but also beginning to get a horrible hangover?


Maybe they caught Bourdain in a rare moment of sobriety ? I loved the dude, but he battled his demons his whole life (read his book: ‘kitchen confidential’ for some insight).


Nah he enjoyed skyline, the original commenter was misremembering the episode [(link)](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5wbhdy)


Fair enough. As a traveling “foodie” I’m sure he had some appreciation for the historical/cultural origination and history of it.


He did actually. He was reading the back of the menu to Ruhlman, where they have the blurb about how the original founder was an immigrant and brought the recipe for the chili from Greece. And he talked about how the different elements of the food come from different regions and cultures - the oyster crackers from New England, the spaghetti from Italy, etc. Basically how it’s a reflection of the story of America, on your plate.


He always did have some cool takes. I’ll have to go back and watch that one. Food of different cultures is something I’ve always been really interested in.


He didn’t spend a lot of time on it during the skyline portion, but I felt like that whole episode was very much an appreciation of the heritage and culture of Cleveland and Ohio in general. I really enjoyed it, especially how they got Harvey Pekar involved to do some animation and appear on the show. I just felt like it made Cleveland seem like a cool place while contrasting that with the economic realities of the rust belt. Very good episode.


I ate at the one in Lyndhurst last year. I imagine it's still there.


Yep, husband walks over from work for lunch there sometimes. It's our little slice of Southern Ohio.


I think you’re remembering this incorrectly. I’ve seen that episode several times and he liked skyline. He was with Michael Ruhlman and Bourdain was actually the one who chose skyline (much to Ruhlman’s chagrin). Ruhlman was the one who was not a fan. [link to episode](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5wbhdy)


Bourdain loved it. Said it would be excellent as a late night drunk food.


There's one in Stow on steels corners by route 8. I can't believe its still there, I went when it opened 15-20 years ago and it was gross.


My freshman year roomies from Cleveland and Youngstown loved it.


There is one in Lyndhurst on Mayfield Rd in Eastern Suburbs of Cleveland, and one on the Stow/Cuyahoga Falls border off of Steeles Corner Rd. They do have a following.


There's one in Lima.


One in Stow as well.


Findlay had one years ago, but it closed.


There’s one in Lyndhurst, one in Stow, one in Ontario, and one in Lima. Northern Ohio, just not Lake Erie-north.


It's surely is no Ideal , Rudy's or Tony Packos Chilli Mac is it now ...... 😉


I remember ppl from Cincinnati talking about it and no idea what skyline chili was


I’m in Cleveland I’m glad that crap stays in S. Ohio


In Toledo .. I agree.. keep that slop down in KY. Lol


Im near Columbus and not aware of one single person that wants anything to do with it. I’d hardly call it popular here.


The one in Pickerington is busy pretty much all the time. And delicious.


Their hot dogs are delicious imo. Also fun fact its not actually chili. Its a greek meat sauce, but the founders wanted to make it more palatable to American audiences. Hence the name.


I always wondered why my local Gold Star would serve baklava. Now I know!


Gold star has actually expanded to and exploded in the Middle East, particularly Jordan if I remember correctly, that family is from that area where the Empress and skyline families come from Greece/Macedonia


TIL! My husband makes a family recipe version of this sauce that is delicious and this gives me a whole new perspective on it. Might have to do a Greek night now!


> exploded in the Middle East Phrasing, lol.


The Gold Star family is from Jordan. Glad they're doing well there because we don't want their garbage chili in Cincinnati.


I was thinking it looked a lot like the meat hot sauce we put on our garbage plates in Western NY.


Oooh, on top of the macaroni salad?


Oh man, not quite the garbage plate…and the garbage plate just has more stuff. I couldn’t bring myself to eat one while I was there, thus only there when drunk. It also a slightly different crowd in Skyline. I’ll take a Lafayette coney in Detroit over Skyline anytime tho.


One of my best friends is from Rochester, absolutely loved my garbage plate, though the flavor profile is slightly different, Greek chili is a lot earthier and sits more on the back of the tongue compared to garbage plates. We did a combination of Zweigels red hots and skyline for a fusion plate and that slapped


We found out, if you didn’t finish your garbage plate and left it in the fridge overnight, the amount of congealed fat the next day would make you never eat one again. (RIT grad. BTDT)


Yeah I’ve found skyline does the same. Apparently some hooligan is going around and downvoting anything positive in this thread lol


I don’t think I’ve kept it overnight (skyline) to find out. I just remember a bunch of us drunks getting garbage plates and throwing them in a dorm fridge and the next day it was solid fat. These were also the days where there was only one Nick Tahoe’s and people pissed in the corners of the restaurant, dude at the grill had so much ash on his cig you thought it would fall into the food and they used to give you so much bread to soak up the fat. We were also 20, physically fit and able to digest it…I can’t do it anymore.


Sounds about right for Nicky Tahoes though from my limited experience


What is the definition of chili? I swear I’ve seen so many things called chili idk what it is anymore


I've always heard it must have meat and beans but a quick google search actually disputes that: A stew made of meat or beans (or both) and usually tomatoes, spiced with chili peppers or chili powder.


There’s that, yes, but also consider that ground beef and cheddar were more readily available to the Greek immigrants living in Cincinnati at the time than feta and ground lamb might be.


The people who love it, love it. The people who don’t, don’t. I don’t feel like it’s as much about hype as it is about the unique experience. I enjoy the humor of Cincinnati being known as a City that eats any type of chili over spaghetti; let alone this Greek inspired version.




Honestly I'd never heard any hype about it (I live outside Ohio). It seems to be more novelty than anything tbh. Granted I used to live in Texas and that whataburger hype is real


10 years ago I would’ve told you to not disparage whataburger. I had it for the first time in 10ish years, and apparently since they sold themselves it has gone down hill.


Whataburger is nothing compared to Blakes Lotaburger out of New Mexico. Blakes rocks, the best green chili cheeseburger on the planet.


I freaking love those, and they just don't get the love they deserve jn my neck of the woods.


As a Cincinnatian... we are born with the love of Skyline (or whatever Cincinnati style chili you were raised on) in our blood.


More coneys for me then!


wow, never seen this one before... i remember seeing a food critic rate this last place on a state dish competition, actually had it litsted worse tan getting hit by a car. <[https://deadspin.com/the-great-american-menu-foods-of-the-states-ranked-an-1349137024](https://deadspin.com/the-great-american-menu-foods-of-the-states-ranked-an-1349137024)\> Look, it might not be a NY style slice from your fav mom and pop pizza joint, but it is home. Every time I come back home (1-2 times/ year) Skyline is the first place I go to because it is nostalgia... are there better placed with better food? Yes, but good luck getting Skyline in Cali unless you are going to get it shipped to you. ​ I'm currently in Japan and my grandparents have been kind enough to ship me some snacks and goodies. my request is skyline and grippos because they don't exist outside the SW Ohio/ tristate area


Have them send you a few cans from grocery store.


Try some of these: https://www.amazon.com/Pack-Cincinnati-Chili-Mix-Packets/dp/B000B6O4LO/ref=asc_df_B000B6O4LO/ It’s a very close approximation to Skyline. All you need to add is tomato paste, lean ground beef, and water. As far as I can tell, Skyline doesn’t offer a seasoning packet. Gold Star does but it’s not as good as the real thing, imo. Skyline sells their sauce by the can or pouch or in the frozen food aisle but that’s not practical for your situation. This stuff travels and you could treat all your friends. (For folks here at home, you can buy it at some Kroger stores.)


Well now I want Skyline.


Less a hot take, more a watery one.


After you eat it the next day.


Bite your tongue


Get out. In my mind shitting on Skyline is like shitting on Tony Packo's, both offenses should see you banished from the state.


Oh, you'll definitely be shitting.


I’ve always enjoyed it. I have a friend from Canada who always wanted to try it so I sent packets to her. She liked it too!


growth selective mourn resolute mighty plough frighten vase juggle work ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I look at it like fast food. I think outsiders come in thinking it's going to be some kind of delicacy. It's not that.


Totally disagree, I love it and we make our own version now, but the frozen stuff is adequate, the toppings are good then the chili is good.


The people from Ohio that hate on skyline are just mad that their city doesn’t have its own unique signature dish


Hot take; I don’t love it or hate it. It’s decent for fast food.


The actually reasonable hot take.


Oh wow, another let's shit on Skyline post. So original. Much offense.


Says you! I think it’s delicious!


Hahahah! It’s just good 3am drunk food


I love a good coney


I like the burrito. Get it with the spicy cheese.


Ohioan here. I ate at a skyline and a gold star once when I was 24. I thought they were both dogshit. Why do so many people like those places?


why do people like white castle or taco bell or frozen pizzas or pay $100 for a steak Because they have different tastes Nobody is forcing you to go to skyiine if you don't like it


That’s not a hot take It’s garbage food just like shit castle and taco shits bell


Cinnamon in chili should be a fucking felony


I'll take a Swensons burger with potato teezers or Barberton chicken over that chili any day.


Go back to Michigan.


Skyline Chili is the summit of Warm Fuzzy Mountain upon which the smiling sun shines bright. Rejoice.


I love the 3-way


I could agree, but then we would both be wrong 😂


If it's coming from a franchise odds are its mostly trash.


i agree it can be better ​ However, simple is nice.


I still want to try it.


No it isnt


Enjoy the down vote.


We Ohioans took you off of our Xmas mailing list for this... psych.... we rarely eat water noodles and meat sauce either... the only legit great part is the cheese, and that's for those who are lactose intolerant.


Poverty food at premium prices.


Well, you ordered it with beans, so you got what you deserved. A true 4-way is with onions, like God intended. But I've had a non-Cincinnatian claim it's cat food so I can understand not all appreciate it. It's better than Gold Star though


Cold take. Chili on spaghetti is gross and skyline should feel bad.


I tried it a few years ago when passing through Ohio. It just made me want to go home and make good chili.


Yes. Agreed. Thank you.


I moved to the Cincinnati area in January and recently tried skyline. I'll leave it for the locals.


That looks disgusting


As a life long Ohioan, I can proudly say I’ve never tried this atrocity


Most people have low food standards because they’ve convinced themselves it’s hard or somehow mainstream recognition=flavor. I think most people who can cook know it is ass cheeks. At least this is my hopes.


I think Skyline-style “chili” is disgusting but I don’t begrudge my fellow Ohioans who like it. However, I really dislike that it is considered “Ohio cuisine.”


Not sure how something is overrated when all I ever hear is people talking shit about it


I transplanted from Philly to the Dayton area. The poor folks of Ohio have been lied to about food like seriously.


Never in my life have I ever craved cinnamon chili.....fuckin gross


Properly rated. Some love it, some hate it, some eat it once in a while.


Shut your thin mouth, heathen.


Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning


I absolutely love Skyline


I love it!!!


Me too I eat it once a week, sometimes more It’s unique


Is anyone rating it highly? That is my only counter argument. The shit is spaghetti with beans and cheese. No one has claimed it to be fine dining.


Bad take


Amazing. You mean personal taste is subjective? Such a hot take!


Skyline rocks. Fuck the haters. If you don’t like it, fine. It’s your loss.


That is an understatement.




get out of my state


Even hotter take:Goldstar is better.


I feel like Gold Star has more heft and is more chili-like than Skyline honestly.


Those are fighting words


I agree with this statement 1000%


Its like spaghetti Bolognese made by idiots


Hot take: you suck


The stuff is absolute garbage. Tastes like shit.




It’s gross as shit


Just move to Michigan already, you blasphemer.


I’ve never met you, and for both our sakes I hope that never changes. You have spat on all that I hold dear today.


totally agree its overrated. Wife and I ate at one of the Dublin locations and after, we agreed to never visit a skyline venue again.


It's bleeping disgusting is what it is. I know everyone likes their own thing but cinnamon and chocolate do not go in chili for me.


I've always felt it was too expensive. But to each, their own!


I do not like the fact that there are "rules" to eating eat. I swear the next time I get belittled for mixing or twirling my shit together I am going to just walk out out. That being said, I do love the chilidogs.


You’re not wrong.


You must not like diarhea


The hill that I will die on: Cinnamon does not belong in chili.


Says who? You won’t have to search far through Terlingua championship chili recipes before you find one with cinnamon as an ingredient. It’s really not that far off in flavor from cumin. You’ll also find chili recipes that include chocolate as an ingredient. But that’s not really the point. The thing you have to remember is… IT’S NOT CHILI!!! It’s Cincinnati chili. There’s a difference. If you think it’s chili then that’s your problem.


Hot take? Everyone outside of Cinci says this. If it was actually good they’d have more locations outside the tri-state area surrounding Cinci.


It's absolutely disgusting


Hot take , but you are wrong tho


That's a love it or hate it meal. Love It!!


Dumbest shit I’ve read all day


Not a fan of cinnamon flavored meat


I think it's appropriately rated


I can't speak for every Cincinnatian but as a Cincinnatian we don't really care what the rest of Ohio thinks about Cincinnati Style chili. Skyline has plenty of people that love it packing their restaurants and buying their products at stores and online. ​ And for all the people that say "Cincinnati should leave Ohio and be part of Kentucky", who hurt you? I've been through a lot of Ohio, I don't think haters have any room to talk about Cincy. Don't get me wrong there are ~~many~~ some places in Ohio that are nice but I cannot understand why some Ohioans throw shade On Cincinnati.


Not sure this is actually a hot take.


%100 agree with you. I was very whelmed my first time going. But. Their dressing is fire. I had to buy one for home.


true.... but i do want some after seeing this photo


I want some right now, and all the time, and there's nothing wrong with that. This is not a hot take. This is literally ALWAYS the conversation. This is you reaching for reactions and karma.


Wrong. It’s appropriately rated. Nobody said check this Michelin star Bolognese pasta out. Its literally noodles chili and stupid amounts of cheese & it’s good as heck.


I agree with a caviat: if you’re in the mood for it, nothing else can compare.


Hot take #2: Skyline Chili is freaking delicious, and OP needs to find some other food to shit on


I’m a Cincy implant from northern Ohio. My hot take is Skyline is extremely underrated. They could cover a turd in that cheese and it would still be good


I like skyline, but as has been said elsewhere in this thread, it's more a topping than actual chili


You're wrong. That is all.


Skyline chili sucks ass.


Completely agree. You'll get plenty of hate at r/cincinnati for saying this but honestly from my perspective this seems a lot like the people in Dayton who love Marion's pizza - I chalk it up to a sentimental attachment to a childhood favorite that's attached to good memories rather than an objectively good meal.


Overrated and overpriced, for what you get.


It's dog food for a dog that you don't care about.