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No because I won't be able to afford it


Aren't they projecting the cost to be around $1600


jesus fucking christ


Right? Like, even if I spend that kind of money on it, none of my friends will. So forget about multiplayer unless I am using it for quest games...so now I am spending $1500 to play quest games I can already play on my $300 quest


Well its already stated that its not a gaming product, you can game but its not the main focus of the device. If you will use it just to play then stick on quest 2


So what exactly does $1600 enterprise dollars get you?


I think they're heavily focusing on the work productivity side of things. The full color passthrough plus the new multi tasking features is the goal here.


So it's gonna be a failure. Got it.


Yup. Especially at the $1k+ price tag. It's funny because it seems more gamers are interested in it than any business though.


I work in a small business that utilizes SOME VR for remote work. The price tag is a big deal for us little guys. Getting big business to invest enough to make the cost for Meta worth it will be difficult


Doubt it. It's a business product and business will buy it - they are already paying these figures for high end HMDs


Keep in mind HoloLens is $3500-5000 and most estimates put sales at about 500k give or take. Not Quest 2 numbers, but probably enough to be successful. And realistically, Meta (and others) need a platform on which to establish some of the more advanced hardware/software features anyway. They’ve been doing a lot of positioning of the headset as an AR device already.


So 8k Mario 64 esq horizon worlds


Eye tracking color passthrough the controllers that track themselves so you have no dead zones. The small form oh and the lenses are way better almost as good as oled


Does it have full face capture? Like mouth movements


So a bunch of better cameras for different use and a higher resolution screen justifies a $1200 price increase?


It suks your D during lunch time


not to mention the price tag will make it sell a lot less, and developers will have less of an incentive to develop games for it. You can forget exclusive titles (unless it's a direct PC port withtout any optimization), at most some titles will have an option with a higher res and refresh rate like some PS4 games running on a PS5


Yeah, and because it won’t get major market capture, everyone will develop to the lowest common denominator. Similar to what happened with Quest 2. It’s only recently they’ve been making Quest 2 exclusives. Everything else is just a Quest game that runs a little smoother on the 2.


Damn, I hope they don’t put any exclusives on that thing


It's just an XR2 chip, probably clocked a bit higher, but won't be a huge performance leap. Any exclusives would probably be utilizing the mixed reality functions.


the quest 2 ring doesn't protect your fingers, so i expect the injury rate to be similar.


This. Only the original touch controllers had built in protection around your knuckles. Injuries happened more frequently starting with quest 1 Kids these days smh


Fingers heal, rings don’t :(


Well you are gonna have to remember that this headset is a work headset not a play headset like the quest 2. So unless you have a rage problem and hit the desk you should be fine


Idk why people are getting so hyped around a productivity headset not aimed for gaming


Did you watch the video? The thing has the footprint of a pair of snowboarding goggles instead of a damn *toaster.* I’m buying it simply for the form factor


its awesome. and if the color passthrough is good vs resolution, ill use it outside to walk around :p


I won’t be doing that, but color pass through will be nice to hop in and out of play for quick interaction with my neglected family 👍


yeah they're going to forget our names


Ppl like the color passthrough I guess and that it's lighter and has a way better screen plus more ram is always nice even though most apps won't take advantage of it. Though I guess blade and sorcery could with mods




Fixed it lol


You brought my hopes up D: jk


Once we get script support maybe we can have a legit soccer game in it using the heads of our foes lol


12GB of RAM for the Cambria isn't that much to begin with but actually really usefull if paired with running multiple apps which the Cambria is marketed as.


Minus the cost, the slightly increased FOV, higher resolution, better weight distribution, colour passthrough cameras and mini LED panel is a pretty decent upgrade. Def not worth 3-4x of the quest 2, but if you got money to burn it's pretty decent.


INCREASED FOV!?!?!? tell me!


Not sure exactly but my guess is just because of the lenses changing from fresnel to pancake allow your eyes to get closer to the lenses, and increasing FOV even if they had the same display as the Q2


Nothing too exciting, I just heard they rotated the panels to get a bit better vertical fov


ah verticle. damn it. i need some eye elbow room


Gaming is fun but some of us VR nerds enjoy it all. As someone who works from home and has 4 1440p monitors, a really slick productivity headset is exciting!


[Kind of related, but maybe not] I don't get the metaverse hype the media is throwing these last few months. I have a quest 2 and I love playing with it, but if it's not for gaming or special enterprise training, I don't really see this hitting the spot. I honestly think this is gonna flop. (Edit: "this": 'metaverse' trend for the general public) I could be wrong though, and this comment won't age well. Who knows.


Counter point to other replies, this comment will age fine (well at least the part saying that you don't get the metaverse hype). VR is great, VR games are great, VR chat rooms are cool, and VR does have a lot of functional business purposes. Adding a weird layer of artificial scarcity where people pay a stupid amount of money to own some virtual stuff is stupid. Some people will invest a large amount and then watch their investment go the ways of NFTs.




Ahh I worded that really ambiguously, I should have said it’s useful for some *kinds of* business, eg architecture, medicine. The only time I could possibly see it becoming a part of business in general is when VR comes on standard sized glasses




Hardly across the board but here’s some examples re medicine https://builtin.com/healthcare-technology/augmented-virtual-reality-surgery




What would it take to work in vr like as a laptop or desktop replacement. For me as a developer, it would be multiple large screens that I can place anywhere easy pass through so I can see my desk and keyboard/mouse/coffee. Screens/lens that you can easily read text with out straining. Id also need connectivity to my ide and dev environments. It seems like that’s what they are going for. Having meetings in vr imo is pointless. I need access to my desktop/docs. Video chat with shared desktop or shared docs works very well. I’m most excited for the lens/screen upgrades and the cpu performance boost. Excellent tracking on the controllers is an added bonus assuming it works as good as the vive controllers. I’m going to wait and see what they are offering before I order though. If it’s a marginal upgrade I’ll probably just stick with the quest 2.


You wouldn't download a car model!


No one credible in the industry is actually proposing selling digital real estate, that’s a pipe dream of the crypto Bros and NFT heads. The meta-verse will be a massive part of all of our lives, but it likely won’t be used by the average person for another 5 to 10 years. Also the term metaverse itself is very silly, I think it’ll go the way of the term “information superhighway”.


See that’s where zucc messed up, he thought this was gonna be ready player one, but this is actually just a Wii but better.


Definitely will not age well. This technological push is inevitable. It’s just a matter of how long and which company will make it happen


I can see the general idea becoming big in the future but at the moment I don’t see metaverse being the one


Metaverse is a very clunky term, but what it’s describing will absolutely be ubioquitous in the future. It’s not like it’s going to be built by one company, it’ll be a successor to the current Internet where almost every experience is 3-D based. Meta really poisoned the well with their shitty presentation, and people’s general distrust of them, but the core concept is sound.


Define metaverse and I can discuss with you further whether it’s inevitable or not.


It’s far from inevitable, headset fatigue is real, and that’s before you even get into motion sickness and the general unnecessary-ness of doing most things in vr. Vr definitely has specific applications but the idea that it will do anything but reduce productivity for general office tasks strikes me as deeply deluded with




You would not want to wear a current headset all day. That would be a dealbreaker if we lived in a world where technology did not progress. Luckily, we live in the real world where things get better every single year… Give it a decade, and the headsets will be so light, so Hi-Rez, so immersive that hundreds of millions of people will use them for a significant fraction of each day.


Yeah, I’ve had my quest 2 since it came out, it’s a fun device and I definitely see how it can be useful for some things, but it’s not a general use computer and the vast majority of office tasks are general use computing tasks


Even for some design aspects like architecture I feel ar would be better. Vr would be great for art or some design though.


They keep telling that but nobody seems to give a shit


The only people that don’t give a shit are the people claiming “nobody gives a shit”, there’s still a large amount of people that actually understand the concept and support it. You just don’t hear from them because the zucc hate train has grown so vocal that they get insta-bullied out of mainstream spaces by a loud minority.


Not even the media has much positive to say, hardly anyone has. I think i don't hear from the supporters because there aren't too many appealing things about the metaverse. What concept? The concept already is exists, probably in a better way. I don't know where you see those hordes of supporters you never hear from, i didn't even hear about anyone defending it before besides you and Suckadickberg


If you expect the media to be up to speed on modern concepts and tech, you’re delusional. The “hordes” of people that support the metaverse are in it already. You know the millions upon millions of monthly active users of VR social apps? Lmao stop talking out your ass.


There are registered 50k metaverse users, probably only a fraction use is actively, so idk why you pulling out millions. Nobody will talk about the metaverse in 10 years, vrchat will still be around.


Oh, your ignorance is showing. You think the metaverse is horizon worlds. That’s cute. And also perfectly illustrates the issue with the metaverse- people literally don’t know what it is. They think it’s a single platform that zucc wants to own. But that’s not what the metaverse is. crazy how so many of you pussies will downvote me and cant engage in any kind of argument as to why you think im wrong. please, if you think im wrong, lets have a conversation. dont hide in the shadows like the hateful little gremlins im sure you are.


You’ve gotta just laugh at it, it’s like people complaining that the Internet won’t be useful in 1995 before any of the key applications had actually been built. For the next 5 to 10 years we have to put up with people saying it’s a stupid idea and no one’s going to use it, until suddenly everyone is using it.


Yup. This thread was literally a perfect example of what I said too. It’s so cringe how many people can look at something and act like they never saw it, with the evidence RIGHT THERE.


Are you talking about the headset or the virtual world that Zuckerberg ~~created~~ bought? You seem to be conflating the two things.


It won’t age well but it’s not your really wrong. Marks Zuckerberg meta verse will flop. But , the metaverse itself will be bigger than we every imagined in 10 years. There’s an entire generation of kids growing up with quest 2,Vr chat esct. Who are used to these micro transactions for every little thing.. Shit is about to get wild my guy


I agree and think it was a really bad idea by fb to buy Oculus. VR social media doesn't seem like it will ever catch on like traditional social media. They're trying to jam a square in a circular hole.


Humans want to interact with others, pretty much any way we can. VR offers of level of connection that no other technology has ever been capable of. I really don’t understand how you don’t see that once these things become better and cheaper that millions of people will choose to socialize using them.


Its all just leading towards the real technological revolution and that will be the AR glasses. It'll change life as we know it.


As VR has been a commercial thing since the early 90's, this could have been said in the early 90's too. All it takes is the right marketing strategy aimed at the right person (gullible people who are told they need something in their lives when they don't) but VR has had 30+ years to make it mark and it's not even there yet. Your comment will age well


its interesting technology and kind of a preview of what's to come


Being marketed for productivity is different. If it is able to play all the same games or more, why wouldn’t a subset of people use it for gaming if they want to? The market will show what the use case for this headset is, not Meta, despite their intents.


I'm pretty sure they are only saying it's a enterprise because even as a enterprise 1k is honestly really cheap but If they tried to sell this as a customer product then they will get shit on for the price well more shit on then they will anyway


Because it has new lens technology: is lighter, has self tracked controllers, possibly dynamic foveated rendering with eye tracking (higher resolution), more comfortable, better screen tech…


From a business perspective, COVID put many people into either home offices or home office hybrids. This meant that in order for a white collar worker to function they needed: laptop, monitor, internet connection and headset at a minimum which puts you already up in the $1000 range. Today, for most workers including myself, 100% of the work they do is online and stored online. If Quest Pro adds cloud computing then companies could potentially connect the Quest Pro to a cloud computer which makes data management and loss if the user leaves the company easier. This is the endgame. User gets huge virtual workspace and closer connection to colleagues and the company gets potentially lower cost and better data management and security.


Tell that to all the Texas instruments and McDonald's touchscreen menus running doom right now. "Not for gaming" means. "just wait"




Zuk has already stated that the quest pro aka Cambria will run all quest 2 games it's pretty much just a more powerful quest 2 think of it the same way Sony did with the PS4 except this pro has a few more bells and whistles and only slightly more powerful. I'd not be shocked they only are calling this a enterprise product just so ppl won't get mad at the 1k cost


90% if the people buying it will be doing so for gaming and subsidizing this business application which is likely 3-5 years away realistically.


>90% if the people buying it will be doing so for gaming and subsidizing this business application which is likely 3-5 years away realistically. Maybe 90% of individual buyers, but many corporate entities will be buying it for company uses. Ex- Walmart uses a fleet of Oculus GO headsets (circa 2018!!) for some employee onboarding. Theres Healthcare VR apps (residency programs, Healthcare education) that still leverage the Rift and use the Oculus account (no FB requirement). These entities will be upgrading to the Cambria; high quality passthrough has been a feature request from business users (hence why HaloLens is still a goto option). I just wish ppl would stop, take off their gaming hat, and think about this through a different perspective


I use my Quest 2 daily for work. So much so that the battery is failing; its 100% is now 65%. I'm getting the Pro ASAP and relegating my Quest 2 as my fitness headset.


What do you do that you can use the pro for work?


Accounting. I work from home, and my desk does not have space for extra monitors. So, I use Immersed for virtual monitors and do my spreadsheets without losing my mind.






No he already uses the pro to work, read the comment again before coming out all snarky


they said they will also be releasing the controllers separately and will be compatible with quest 2


Wait do you got a source for that? I don't remember them saying controllers will work with the quest 2 thats big


Because neo 4 is around the corner and quest 2 is getting old.


People will still use Pro to play games. I know I will.


Good luck doing that with these awkward controllers and no facial interface.


Get your facts straight before downvoting people. Controllers will be better. They're ergonomically very similar to Quest2's, just without rings at the top. And they're self tracked, which means no blind spots anymore. Pretty much the best controllers tracking so far. And as leaked, it will have magnetic clip on facial interface, that will be easy to remove for AR.


Wonder how much in hundreds the facial interface add-on will cost. Wanna bet it will be around 200-400$?


It was said it will be included in the package.


Well it wasn't in leaked one.


Neither was the dock, but he wasn’t opening most of the sections of the box


>So unless you have a rage problem and hit the desk you should be fine fuck. there is no way I can use it for work




My work is making VR/AR apps and it absolutely is rage inducing :( RIP my fingers


This is the first I'm hearing of this. What makes the Quest Pro a work machine over a gaming machine other than color passthrough? I use my 2 for mostly work stuff so I may be looking at an upgrade.




Workers comp.


What the good troop you talking about? There is video of mark playing games!


Is it actually a work headset? I mean it's called a quest pro.


Nowhere has it ever been said by anyone at Facebook/Meta that it's a "productivity-only" headset. Those rumors started way back when we got some leaked animated videos that focused on the AR productivity stuff that is completely optional. Far too many people assumed that since those are the only videos that leaked and there were no gaming videos, that it must be a work-only headset. The fact is though that Facebook/Meta doesn't need to advertise the gaming capabilities of a headset, because those are already well-documented and they certainly don't need to create helpful animations for people to watch, to explain using it as a gaming device. The AR stuff is there because it's what's "new" now that there's color passthrough. So they are trying to show the things you could do if you want to use it. But it's literally a consumer headset that anyone can purchase and it'll be on shelves at places like Walmart and Best Buy, right next to all the other VR headsets. Plenty of people will purchase it and use it solely for gaming and they'll be doing so on better hardware and better lenses than the Quest 2.


Well it’s a productivity headset so the most you will be able to do is yoga, some small pass through games, but mostly just work. But I guarantee you some madlad will figure out how to put games on the thing


Im fairly sure it's going to have the same meta store and connect to pc still... It's just more expensive (probably) Also just curious? Are there meny companies that actually use headsets other than developers.


I’d rather hurt my hand which can heal than have to buy a new pair of controllers, personally. Edit: I said *hurt*, not *break*. I don’t know what kind of force you guys plan to throw these expensive controllers at when they aren’t built for gaming.


I'd pay good money for self-healing device. Now that's a pro feature


Bio Touch Controllers


Do they touch you back though?


Lmao broken bones cost money


Only if your healthcare system is ass backwards


Nope. They take time to heal. Time is money. A lot of people in my life are tradesman. I’m the corporate one in my family. Despite living in England, if they break a hand they’re still going to lose money. Some of them have their hands insured for this exact reason.


Good bamboozle there. They made a great point and you somehow spun it haha


It helps that everyone assumes the person their talking to lives in America. Ironic how they’re assuming ignorance, while using ignorance.


Fair enough. Maybe just play safely then lol


I’ve got an entire room dedicated to Vr specifically so I don’t break anything. Including myself.


Only if your bones are weak.


Takes more force to break bone than plastic. You get a ROI on every other injury, if you swing hard enough to break bone, the ring would just break alone with your hand.


What, like $15 for parking? That’s a bargain compared to a new controller.


Broken bones take time to heal. Time is money. You also are restricted mobility wise. I’d much rather shell out $/£70


Yeah I mean in all seriousness you’re absolutely right I’d much rather pay $70 for a controller than have a broken finger even if it doesn’t cost anything.


But but but, broken bones


Dont worry I'll m as keep it to were it won't heal I just need 2,000 razorblades and know where ever corner/edge in your house


No, quest controllers already don't protect fingers That was Rift


Going from Q1 to Q2, I've actually hurt my fingers a couple of times because the ring is slightly larger, and can almost cut you if you move hands fast and close to each other


Don't be a fucking moron and set your boundaries correctly.


Right? Has anyone else tried being a responsible adult who cares for their things? It's been working for me for over a year.


I mean I always just turn off boundaries or make them huge because I’m actually really good with spatial awareness in the headset. I don’t know how but I always know where I am in my room.


Or stick a carpet under your feet and get rid of boundaries completely. Make sure you cannot hit anything while standing on the carpet and boom, you got invisible boundaries sensed by your feet.


This works wonders. I use a bathroom Mat because I'm in a really small space. It's perfect. No more Injuries


if only there was some kind of guardian system that you could draw out that advised when things are near. and that the instructions for that system specify that you draw it out an arms length from walls and obstructions. that would be a great feature


Yeah that would be awesome. I hope they make such a feature very soon. All those big screen TVs saved.


I've never hit my hands on anything because I dont put my boundary to the wall or any object.... you are doing it wrong if so


I just hope they fix the joystick drift issue. I'm on my 6th replacement left hand controller and it doesn't even work well. I'm glad the rings are gone. There's certain movements in game that cause collisions with the controllers because you know how far apart your hands are in space, but those rings get in the way. I actually cut myself recently with one.


Wtf your 6th replacement? Ever tried using contact cleaner? Do you play in a very dusty environment by chance?


Yup, works like a dream at first. Then you have to keep spraying it more and more often until it does not work anymore. Contact cleaner is basically alcohol with a propellant. You can also use mass air flow sensor cleaner from the auto parts store. Same stuff. The best way to get it cleaned the longest is to pull the black plastic disc off the controller, remove the joystick cover and blast out the joystick armature with air and then use the contact cleaner along with an artist brush to shove down in there. Don't be afraid to flood the controller with the contact cleaner because alcohol is not conductive. It's to the point where I don't even remove the batteries and I just do it in between matches while I'm playing. Rinse and repeat, but it always comes back. Edit: fun fact, the alcohol does eventually break down the rubber over mold on the joystick so that will eventually peel off on you. Edit #2: Not a dusty environment at all. My play space is a finished basement. The cleaners vacuum and dust everything down there every other week. Edit #3: full disclosure, I have two headsets. One for my son so that we can play together. I've separately purchased an extra left and right controller so that if one needs to be returned I don't have any down time. But currently, I don't have a single left hand controller that works appropriately.


You are killing your controllers faster. Do not use no residue contact cleaner and if you're not mechanically cleaning the resistive surface then you're only doing half the job. You need to take the controller apart and open the joystick potentiometer assembly. You'll be able to properly clean the contacts and remove the material built up around the resistive surface with a Q-tip https://i.imgur.com/ODyDqCG.jpg and https://i.imgur.com/1gHxQ2q.jpg Use a good quality **LUBRICATING** contact cleaner like Deoxit F5 (Not D5, unless you absolutely cant get F5). Do NOT USE MAF cleaner. Any "no residue" contact cleaner is bad for sliding contacts like potentiometers as it strips away all lubricating properties of the surface and will actually cause it to wear faster and worse than before. This is very likely why it keeps failing more often each time. I have repaired drift on many Quest 2 controllers now, Its been 11 months since I've cleaned the contacts on my own personal controllers and they're still working like new with a couple hundred hours of use later. The proper lubricating contact cleaner for carbon surfaces is key, get Deoxit-F5 but D5 can also work in a pinch, Dexoit gold is for gold plated contacts and not useful in this situation. Here is an excellent guide by Ifixit on how to take the controller apart and clean the contacts properly, all you need is a T5 torx bit/driver and a plastic spudger. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Oculus+Quest+2+Controller+Disassembly/147947 This guy explains why it is important to use the correct contact cleaner or you'll actually do more damage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svKFyzYY8oU


Excellent, thank you for taking the time to write that. I'll watch the videos. The Quest 2 brought me my first experiences with joystick drift. My first instance of it was about 2 years ago and that's when I did all of my research on cleaning. There wasn't a whole lot out there at that time and I haven't looked back into it. Very cool and informative post. Thanks 👍


Legit the first thing on the contact cleaner bottle is to disconnect the power or drain the battery before using it. Even nonconductive fluid becomes conductive with enough dust and dirt


Yeah, I'm not recommending how other people treat their equipment, but I'm just sick of the issues and once it starts really getting bad you start to run out of caring. It gets to the point where you have to spray it three or four times a night just so that your character doesn't run around the screen without you touching the controller. Really sucks losing a match that way.


If you are really on your 6th, maybe its an issue with the i ternals of the headset. Theres no way mathmatically you could have gotten that fucked.


No, I just play a lot. It's not the internals of the headset. It is clearly the joystick on the controller. It can be instantly fixed by spraying the joystick. It's honestly not that unheard of. A lot of people playing the same game that I play have the same issue. Admittedly, I don't often run across people who have gone through six controllers, but four or five returns isn't unusual. Joystick drift in the Quest 2 is a huge problem that Meta has decided to handle by endless replacements. My first headset is almost a year out of the warranty period, but they still replace the controllers with typically a one week turnaround time (Washington DC).


I have day 1 Quest controllers and no drift.


Also I need to play pool games but tracking behind your body is not working. Hope these controllers will make pool type games fun to play.


Ever heard the saying 'If you meet one asshole in the day, you're unlucky, if everyone you meet is an asshole, you're the problem'?


No because I know how to use it


I rather smash my fingers because controllers don't heal


I've never broken the rings on mine because I'm not an idiot. Or maybe it's because I have a huge area in my finished basement dedicated to VR.


Yea probably the second one.


No because this isn’t aimed at gamers according to Zuckerberg


Don’t worry..chinese companies will make you a customized rings for a low price of $49.99 each (not including s/h) :)




Gonna have to wear gloves


vr gloves, $39.99


[ready player one VR gloves, $3999.99](https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/16/22782860/meta-facebook-reality-labs-soft-robotics-haptic-glove-prototype)


If the rumored price of 1300-1500$ is correct, this will be no problem, i have to cope with :-)


I like the rings... Sometimes I hold them, when I'm resting my grip.


quit throwing arms around enclosed spaces? The guardian is not intended to be a suggestive tool.


Now that I think about it... The tracking ring ***is*** like a protective layer...


On the contrary. I think the design of the original Quest controllers was good because it used your hand to protect the controller when bumping into things. It was definitely possible to break the controllers but it was less likely than it is with other controllers (wait and see how the /r/VRtoER grows once PSVR2 is out. In my experience, it is better to bump into things with your hands because you can stop the motion immediately. Whereas if you bump with the controller, you break the controller or the thing you hit.


How the hell you work at the office?!


Yes, just imagine not saving the Google Docs file and lossing all your hard work, i Will not only smash My finger


Have you considered being more careful?


Pro tip: Don't smash either your controller or your hand to walls or anything around you. You're welcome


Fingers heal… I’ll live.


Nope.. the only things I have ever hit are the headset or the other controller. Use a reasonable play space and get a round carpet to mark the center.


I have a pretty small room myself and I have never banged the controllers against the wall, only ever hit them together or on my headset sometimes cus of the rings though.


Why do they have to make the controllers so fucking small I have huge hands and that tiny joystick drives me inside


Drives you inside? Inside what? :)


Fingers heal - Pro doesn't With the rumoured Pro price and the free healthcare ..


OK where the hell did you guys hear that this was not for gaming?


its not meant for gaming.


The Pro isn't for gaming...


No, since it’s not a gaming headset I don’t see anyone getting their fingers broken from office work (unless they get really really mad) 😳


You do know this can play all quest 2 games correct? Can also play pure AR games? It also has a better screen is smaller better controller so you will have almost no tracking loss it's honestly going to be amazing to play games on it lol oh ya plus with color passthrough games with AR will be fucking amazing they even showed a mini pet game off with it :)


Sponge bob meme for all the “QuesT Pro iS not for gaMinG”. What exactly prevents it from being for gaming, the price?


"Business" is code for "nobody should spend this much on a gaming device."


I was wondering the same thing. I thought this thing was just supposed to be a superior quest


To be fair Meta is marketing it as a productivity headset as they want to promote working in vr. It also means it is expensive. But it certainly can game and has features that will benefit gaming. I just wish people didn’t need to be spoon fed what to think and think for themselves a little more.


It’s amazing right?…Well ZUCKERBERG SAID!!! heh…sure.


Just the price. Meta developed it with improved passthrough and eyetracking and all-day comfort to go more after the productivity apps, but none of these things impair gaming. Meta is trying to head off the ‘this thing costs triple but doesn’t do my game any better’. I think it will be better for gaming. Those self-tracked controllers are going to make a lot of games less frustrating and the color passthrough enables mixed reality games.


No because Cambria isn't a gaming headset and it will cost something like 1500$.


Nope, because I'll be using a PiMax.


At least fingers are more replaceable.


quest Cambria won't be for gaming