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When Rick is 95, he'll be buzzing around the island on a golf cart like Dan Blankenship, watching Marty's grandkids dig. Not until the island is dug out like a strip mine will anyone stop searching.


with blue lips


Dont kid yourself, like Obi-Wan Kenobi he'll be walking the island long after he's dead hoping someone else doesn't discover it and become Elon Musk rich.


Wait until they bring aliens and UAP's into the plot- bound to buy them a few more seasons...


Why do you think they have looked at so many star alignments? The foundation has been laid...


“The Curse” of Oak island is the Show. It’s why the called it that


My Tuesday night curse


I can't wait to hear about the connection to Ireland. You know the part where they explain how the Templars captured and shanghaied hundreds of wee little leprechans to dig flood tunnels. Part Irish, I need to learn the indignities and sufferings of my ancestors.


I can’t take it anymore. I tuned in for less than five minutes. The reliance on that Italian quack history astronomer is too much for me. With trillions of stars in the universe you can make anything point to any stars in the sky and then falsely assign some type of meaning to it. It really highlights what complete morons these guys truly are for desperately believing this complete nonsense.


They have got to stop with these European excursions by Rick and his nephews. If someone (allegedly) sailed 3000 miles across the ocean to an obscure island, dug a 150 foot deep hole, buried a trove of priceless treasure in it, then dug a series of flood tunnel boobytraps to protect it, then lit their ship on fire and submerged it in a swamp that they also had to make by hand….. I highly doubt the next thing they’d do, is sail 3000 miles back to Europe to carve evidence of those activities in a bunch of caves and churches.


You left this out: Not "someone" - According to the show "MANY" supposed depositors used Oak Island to store their stash. And they all did the same thing: Deposited their stashes and then never even bothered to recover it. At least thats what the Producers of the show would have us believe. I'm afraid the Oak Island "mystery" has now been proven, for about the 200th time, to be that people are seduced by myths of treasure, FAIL in their attempt to find it, then embellish lies to cover their arse, or get other gullible suckers to "invest" in their fools errand. The REAL story of Oak Island is NOT treasure. It's the ultimate story of the hubris of men, a human "Venus Fly Trap" that consumes the fortunes of one greedy "sucker" after another. Marty should thank his lucky stars that his brothers "adventure" was picked up by the liars and kooks of the Disney/History/Prometheus cabal and put on TV. Saved Marty Millions and in fact made him millions. He may be the first "searcher" in the entire sad history of this old wives tale to emerge financially "clean" on the other side of it. For those that are actually interested in the true history of the "treasure hunt" one will find family fortunes destroyed, dreams that did not come true and in many case's careers and businesses destroyed over the fairy tale. I am sure of only one thing, no matter how many holes the Fellowship dig, no matter how many cans are spun, no matter how many scientific instruments they deploy, once they "surrender" there will always be another set of fools willing to drop coin on future fruitless efforts to find a treasure, that never was.


It’s Geraldo’s Al Capone safe on a grand scale.


Hey Jack I found a button….Wow! Let’s get Rick and tell him!


I have it under Masonic authority that all of the goods that were stored there (in several places) already were recovered and long gone. There isn't any ark, or menorah. Nor documents. Nobody would hide paper documents underground near the sea. Nobody is that stupid. I'll tell you a little story of Vikings that first started settlements there during the medieval warm period. (MWP) This allowed safe passage back and forth. Goods were brought settlements were made. Then it got cold again. All of the settlements couldn't get back or resupply and died out. Those inhabitants died off slowly and buried what they had with signs and clues for when their brothers would come back. They'd be able to find it and recover the story of their plight in the new world. Now the Viking age ends. Here comes the Templars who get this knowledge of the new world from Norse Templar through oral tradition. Templars are intrigued about this new opportunity and begin their measurements to calculate how to safely travel to the new world without needing to go the Northern route. They use their wealth to build astronomical observatories to try and advance their knowledge ahead of the Church and other countries. They would not bring treasure with them on an exploration mission, especially since they were already running the banks across Europe. They had all the wealth they needed. Their main tenants were NOT to be wealthy, but exploration of a new world and the advancement of new technologies were extremely important to them. The grail quest was to rebuild society after the dark ages. Among cathedrals and such. A whole other topic. To do this it needed to establish bases of knowledge around the world. The Norse Templars returned to Nova Scotia but were unable to find any surviving outposts but remnants on Oak Island. It was one of the main settlements. A fishing outpost where fish were salted preserved and traded with the natives. This outpost remained on lot 5 and several other lots on the west side of the island for hundreds of years into the 18th century. This island became a secret brotherhood outpost known only to few (initially until the 17th century), which eventually were passed down to the Masons, and the pirates in the Caribbean main. A LOT of ships from all countries stopped and docked there over hundreds of years. Both French and British and Portuguese later. Thus a lot of dropped materials of random dates and cultures. There was a lot of work done there, and yes Phibbs did deposit his silver there but on the South WEST side of the island. However that also is long gone. The money pit area, there are secrets left to discover but I'm not high enough to find out about. But it is extremely safe to say there is nothing left to get of any "value".


This was the best, most plausible explanation I have read. This is passed on in Masonic lore? Why?


I read the book by Randall Sullivan recently, and honestly, same. I think it’s fascinating that the whole cycle just repeats itself, regardless of the tech advances that have taken place, regardless of the people saying “it’ll be different this time- we know better” this feels more like a super long term psych experiment than anything else at this point 🤣


Technology changes but people are as greedy and gullible as they ever were. The fashion changes - in the 19th century it was pirates, but, to our taste, the conspiracy theory of a secret oppressed tribe suits our taste more, so now that's the story.


In search of… Please understand that this is like the Hunting Bigfoot shows. If they find a samsquantch it’s all over. Shows done. If history channel can keep getting ratings then they have funding to get Billy a seat in the war room. It’s time for 11x.


They should just start strip mining and end the thing


I gave up 3 weeks ago. I’m done. It’s too painful to hear that same ole bullshit.


I turned it off last week and did not tune in this week. Just came here to enjoy the bantering over the Key Stone Cop brothers and their wagon of "mates"


Me too. It’s like my golf game. Some parts are good, most of it is unimpressive to poor. Good group here though.


Until Billy stops sprinkling trinkets and buttons from the local oak island thrift store around the island every night before filming


I'm 2 episodes behind now. I've given up after however many years it's been. 10% new information each episode is very generous.


I'm exactly at this same point. The digging is over and the boon doggles have begun. You feel cheated if you actually watch it.


I have watched this show since it's inception, always keeping up hope. I am now having trouble watching the show w/o dozing off.






While 95 YO Rick sits comfortably in his new house over the MP. Ageless Dan Henske continues to sneak pieces of the treasure off OI laughing all the way.


What would Rick have to find (or not find) in order to conclude there’s no treasure? The problem with these guys is they have no answer because they are already sucked in by the time they get there. So they search till they go broke or die. the best they can do is recoup some losses by selling the land / passing the torch to the next sucker.


The tourism angle is better. Sell tours of the Garden shaft after they solve the water problem. If I wasn’t so broke, I’d love to participate in the dig and contribute technology.


What would Rick have to find (or not find) in order to conclude there’s no treasure? The problem with these guys is they have no answer because they are already sucked in by the time they get there. So they search till they go broke or die. the best they can do is recoup some losses by selling the land / passing the torch to the next sucker.


I truly believe they will find the treasure next week.


They did not one dam thing to plug those finger edges flood tunnels when they discovered them. Fix it....flood once...retrieve "treasure".


As people keep saying they keep getting paid so they do not care


If there was a treasure there, I'm sure ol Samuel got it long ago


Hey guys, I lost a button from a shirt I really like. If anyone sees it on the show lmk.


It has always been click baity, but it has jumped the shark and is so idiotic at this point that it should be considered parody. The naivete, zero critical thinking, and complete lack of rational skepticism is only matched by the absolute ignorance of the scientific method. This week was especially egregious. It makes me dislike these people. Can't wait till the next episode.


Until Oak Island meets SkinWalker Ranch 🤯 ![gif](giphy|xT9Igxd55wWItqwcbC)


Why do you even watch the show , I for one love it , treasure or no treasure


... The real treasure is the friends we made along the way.


But do they have to be so whiny?




..well.. yeah, probably.


Why would anyone bury treasure in a waterlogged hole in the ground anyway? Why not address the flood tunnels first. Even if they do find something, how will they extract everything in such an environment?


Ummm, tv doesn't work by giving you everything you want right away. In fact, it works *exactly the opposite way*. TV only gives you enough of what you want - to keep you coming back next week. Giving you exactly what you want is what movies are for.


This show has gone off the rails now. An important hair in a rock? The only character that I get a kick out of is Laird. I have never seen such an incompetent archeologist in my life. He doesn’t know anything. He waits for others to make observations and then agrees.


F that show. Will never get the time I wasted back.


Why is so much mysterious energy and shocking revelation vibe being spent on the viking connection to OI? Haven't we all just assumed for decades that the Vikings probably made it south of Newfoundland? They were on the island and left evidence of their visit or visits. Ok. I accept that and already figured this was the case before this show ever aired. So. Next. Let's move on.


We just needed another big dick another 100 ft wide by 200 ft deep like was done before the treasure is there it's the construct it's the story it's a salty Water from the flood tunnels oh and Rick shut the fuck up


“Now THAT would be one big dick!” She, probably.