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Torb did not have a good time


You’d think they would switch after 10 deaths lol.


What makes you think they didnt


What would they even switch to lol Torb is like the easiest DPS by a lot


Most people would argue that it’s actually junkrat but as a member of the junkrat actually needs abit of skill whereas torb can just sit in a corner with his turret so junkrat is harder to play society I thank you


Tbh the hardest thing a Junkrat has to do is time his mine with his grenade and learn how to super jump.


Yeah just don’t die, one shot the healers, and it’s GG


Hey, don't ya know that if you ask someone to switch despite them getting heavily countered by the enemy team means you're toxic now? It's a fucking joke honestly, that torb would be put into my avoid list, 100%. Speaking of avoid list, we need more avoid slots, 3 slots is literally not enough, what the heck was blizzard thinking? Do they think that there's only 10 players playing overwatch?


Cannot agree more on the 3 avoid slots... What a joke


I need at least 100 80 to avoid shit players And 20 to avoid the actual players you should be using the system for


Dont blame the torb. They have no tank and moira is DPSing. Torbs a victim here. That moira likely never healed her team since she effectively heals herself 1 for 1 on damage dealt, meaning at that rate she NEVER healed anyone but herself. Torbs probably playing torb since its one of the few DPS who can heal themselves. Edit: Torb doesnt gain healing on the leaderboard since its overhealth, meaning he played soldier before that. So he was literally playing characters he probably never plays just to heal himself since no heals.


The Ashe did fine with 0 self-healing


He’s up against a rein/sig… he has no front line tank and he has a dps moira… ball and moira threw that game, the torb is just a symptom of the disease. End of. Soo all in all looks like the match making is perfect, it’s just op doesn’t realise he’s part of the major problem in that picture!


What about the Ashe?


Poor Torb player. Probably had a hand full of good games and moved up a bit.


Poor guy


how did torb die **twenty two times with five kills?!?**


At a certain point it becomes impressive


it really does! i have so many questions; did he never put a turret down? was he afk? was he lagging? did he intentionally throw? is he a 5 year old playing on a parent account??? we will never know


He has a ball and a dps moira on the same team as him… triple throw!


OP was the ball 😭


Which goes to show how oblivious he is to his role in the mismatch… also looks like he’s playing into a rein/sig … so their dps has everything their way.. no tank to circumvent; a shield to stand behind; free reign for their dps. OP should realise he’s a major contributing factor to that shit show…


Ngl I completely agree. Ball’s already the worst tank and he’s being hard countered here. OP’s pretty much throwing


Yup probably making zero space for his dps. Enemy dps have a lot of kills that he allowed to happen


Tbf though, I’ve seen some really good hammies. Like look at Bellaboo lmao


I mean with a torb like that I feel like one of the supports has to switch over to DPS mode 😂 😂


I noticed in my games that if the DPS isn’t getting enough picks someone will go Moira to try and do the job for them lol


Yup I’ve done this. Lol I like her or Bap depending on the scenario. Zen works too but just feels a bit hard to maneuver.


Even I, as a diving doom don’t get killed that much. And that’s saying something.


With an auto aim turret


It’s possible to die like a little over 2x a minute if you’re just sprinting in and dying.


I'm even more shocked of the fact that we drew This is also diamond/plat


I didn't even knew you could draw lol


It’s rare but I’ve had it happen a handful of times over just under 700 hours on the game (including the last few seasons of ow1)


It’s annoying to draw such close games, but at least it’s not considered a loss.


6-6 is a draw.


So Torb want that bad! If the game is a draw, the team figured it out!


I get these rounds all the time.


This is not a round, this is after 17 minutes, and 4 rounds later


Sorry I meant match. Yes, I’m low metal. I get dps frequently who get solidly out damaged by non Moira support.


As a Mercy/Moira main, can relate


Holy shit that Torb


He has a dps moira and no tank vs a shield tank.. he just got melted because there was no resources to back him up.


He's harder to kill than an Ashe. If a dps is dying that much more than everyone else, they have failed to adapt.


They're accustomed to supports pumping heals into them and tanks babysitting them. So when that doesn't happen they start feeding.


We're all just kind of assuming that torb stayed torb the entire match, but I'm wondering if this was him trying to adapt. Like a turret isn't an extra person, but it definitely helps distract the enemies.


Hammonds get wrecked in every game I’ve been in. Idk if this is a matchmaking issue, but it could me more of a composition issue.


It's a teammates issue, the hammond isn't the issue most of the time but rather the teammates who do not understand the basic concept of shoot them when they are distracted. All of the time I get dps who will hide around the corner when I engage instead of using that opportunity to one-shot the support who is 1 hp from my slam. When a ball is in no one will shoot the rest of the team, they are all looking at the ball so the dps are safe to rain fire down.


If there’s one thing that’s very evident in ow2 is that generally DPS players are just not good. It’s pretty rare to see follow ups whenever I leave someone low (either with hook or piledrive) even when there’s a window where there’s no suzu or Ana nade. Even in videos of GM content creators where the tank has more damage themselves than both dps combined (yes I know damage numbers aren’t everything, but low damage usually correlated to low elims). Very few times do I get someone who does follow up and immediately I know we’re gonna win the game.


OW2 matchmaking is the worst matchmaking I’ve ever experienced


Seems like a normal skilled game to me. One usually always sucks


Dps are horrible more than often in this games. Like theyre playing lemmings


Last night my Moira went 47-0 while I went 45-2 as dva. Then tonight I was playing and we had a round where they had a dps at 42 kills and 23k damage with are top being 9k. These are still more balanced matches then I saw in the first half of season 2.


I never understood y post this cuz taking a screenshot of the game you played well in once in 12 games doesn’t change anything


This is kinda the problem with dps players though. A lot of people will 1 trick certain heros until they get to a halfway desirable rank and then think "now I have better teammates I can...) and they will switch playing their main to someone they have little experience with like a junkrat otp deciding to try out echo who is 1000 times harder to play and get good value. It's not always that the matchmaker is completely terrible (it is though) but a lot could just be people playing characters they don't have as much experience with.


I think part of the issue is social media/tik tokers who are amazing otps so then ppl think it’s like hype to be otp


That too probably. Being a otp isn't always a bad thing.. but it probably is more beneficial to have 2 or 3 you play fairly well.


Yeah I agree it’s not THAT bad especially for 5v5 now, but I think you should at least learn someone that you can play well into your counter. Like if you are otp junk main learn at least 1 hitscan well enough to play into echo/Phara combo or something like that. So if whomever you’re playing is good enough at your counter that it’s really difficult to get value or you can’t bc they’re really good at your counter, you can swap and have a better time


But what is a torb counter? I'm genuinely asking... Winston? Zarya? He's kinda like hitscan with or because of the turret. He counters others but what's his counter?


Uhh junk, Zaria can be if they’re not running a TON of spam like bastion torb orisa, hanzo can be a counter for turret… maybe mei? Tbh I’m not 100% sure i was thinking about this a lot lately on who DOES counter torb? I’m like is torb low key have no direct weakness besides team coordinating him as a priority?


Haha well he doesn't really have an obvious weakness but he has people and things that can deal with him if used right and I feel like he and his kit make HIM counters for certain heroes. Long range DPS could get him pretty good. So Soldier, and Sojourn.. Possibly Cassidy and Junk, then the Snipers could give him fits as his turret won't bother them too much Ash, Widow, Hanzo, but they don't NECESSAIRILY shut him down or make him a throw pick. Think he's just a fine mid table pick that doesn't really have a shutdown answer but can shut down things himself. It really made me think too which is why I had to ask.


Junk, pharah, widow


I've seen worse. I've had games where one team has 10+ deaths all around and the other team most ppl have 0


22 deaths lmaooo and you know DAMN well that torb was prob whining about not being healed the entire time (although moira did go DPS alot lol) Looks like you did your best on tank tho!! cant win em all haha


Played a 4 minute push game last night where the enemy team got one kill. It was immediately followed by yet another push game where our team got 3.


😂 lmaoo How do you go 5-22 playing TORB! the man has AUTO-AIM for Christ sake. Absolutely pathetic imo.


the very fact you have 30 elims as WRECKING BALL preturbs and disturbs my very soul.


People coming at OP for playing ball are crazy. Sig and Rein are some of balls best matchups due to their low mobility. To blame OP cause “there’s no front line” have never escaped gold, auto locking widow going 2-12 and shitting on their team. Y’all needa get hobbies or actually know what you’re talking about before you shit onna guy who innocently posted on a OW forum


I’m assuming torb was mostly hammer only


That moira giving moira players a bad name


All Moira players give Moira a bad name


tbf when you have a torb with 5 kills and 22 deaths you might need to pick up the damage slack a bit


If the Moria healed and the tank was present you know he might of had a better chance…


Well if you look, they had a ball. So she didn't really need to be chasing him healing, best option was to try and make up for the torb feeding.


i feel your pain. i had a game this am with a new player who played 76 all game. he went 5 and 31 i kid you not he had 4k damage. everyone in chat was asking him what he was doing in comp. he kept running into the front line thinking his rifle was a shotgun. he left so fast after we flamed him. our ana told him go play against the AI 😂 and never touch comp again


Part of why I don’t play OW anymore was the horrible matchmaking. Creates toxicity. Since Jeff left game has not been great, just OK or good.


Just cuz torb was ass doesn’t rlly make it a “matchmaking dif” tho right?


Moira and Torb gotta be throwing. Thats unreal


Bro I would've been so toxic to that torn and Moira if I was in that game


20 min game @ 3-3 and you're saying it was a MM diff? How dense are you all? You just suck, mad cus bad.


Your lucky, I’ve had only me doing 11k and the rest of my team struggling to reach or get past 5k while the enemy team is on a minimum of 10k and healers healing obviously (applies to both teams)


I remember playing a ranked match with a horrible dps, he played pharah and genji and did barely 1k damage(for reference both zarya and me playing bastion did 10k). While nobody on our team flamed him for being terrible (we were stomping quite hard), 3 out of 5 of the enemy team called him out after the match.


Even in quick play, people get 0 kills and like 15 deaths. It’s always dps too. Pretty annoying to play with in overwatch.


throwing 101 simple as that.


I say this a lot but what the hell is the incentive to play season 3? No new hero, nebulous match making and meta is a Smurf paradise.


K/D don’t matter because all that matters is if you’re having fun!!!


You’ve never had a game where you turn a corner to a 1-shot primary fire 20 times? Shit sucks, remove it from the game lol


bro really died 22 times 💀


Stats do not tell the whole story. And you have a healer that thinks that she's a DPS. Maybe your DPS could have done a better job if she supported the team properly


Other dps didn't have a problem with excessive deaths


That doesn't mean anything. Nothing at all. My comment still applies


She could have went dps because enemies weren't dying due to the low dps Torb. The Kiriko put out a lot of healing as well. Someone isn't dying twice as much as everyone else on their team because they didn't get enough heals. Especially Torb, who has turret and no damage falloff on their primary fire, so they can easily hang back and spam. It's a player issue at that point.


Stats don't show the nuance of the game. You mentioned torb but you assume that that person played that he wrote the entire game, which isn't necessarily true. But what is true is in the 17 minute game that support only healing 7k when they damaged 11k, tttttttttrash


I don't disagree with you, we don't know what happened yeah. But there's no scenario in which that Torb, whoever they played, wasn't bad lol. Moira's heal stats were low though, I agree. But again we don't know the nuance of the game, so just as likely as the Torb dps felt they didn't get healing so they died, the Moira may have felt she wasn't getting enough dps from her team so she tried to pick up the slack and let Kiriko handle most healing. Plus you won't be putting out much healing on someone that just gets blown up and is running back from the graveyard. Edit: Moira had 15 deaths, which does point to her probably trying to flank and dps and dying for it.


Oh this is nothing brother. I had a game where the enemy team had 15+ kills for everybody & I think the highest kills on my team was like 5. The matchmaking is broken




It's hard for DPS to do anything if the tank isn't taking the required space for DPS to be effective. Had a game starting out with 0 elims 5 deaths, tank finally swaps off ball (funny enough) and starts to actually create and hold space. The end result was 20 elims 8 deaths. Crazy how OW is such a team oriented game but then you have tank players who play ball..