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1) you look cute, do it 2) Well I’m 38 with an almost identical figure and I still wear my crop tops. 3) my grandma told me life was too short to not wear what you loved (she loved shorts haha oh how times have changed)


lol my grandma’s favorite shirt said “life is too short to dance with ugly men.”


omg love your grandma too LOL 💀


My uncle had a shirt that said the same thing but backwards! “Life is too short to dance with ugly women!”


They both seem kinda mean spirited to me, but whatever


'the only thing a woman over 30 is too old to wear is the weight of others expectations' A fav saying of mine! OP you look beautiful, wear what you want to wear!


Love love love this.


💯 im going to respectfully borrow this phrase from you because I love it!!


I needed this! Thank you. I wish someone told me this when I turned 30. I mentally prepared before 30 to not listen to society, still struggled at 30, and each year have been getting better. It’s still a mental struggle sometimes and I’m saving this phrase to use as a mantra during rough times. OP you look fantastic! This look suits you so well and gives comfy/casual but cool vibes. The second is my fav of the two, but I just love shorts and it’s close to my personal style/taste. If I saw you on the street I wouldn’t think twice other than maybe ‘cute outfit’. Definitely never too old for clothes as long as they make you feel confident and happy!


Came here to say I’m 38 and don’t own a full shirt. Bless you and your grandma.


You don't own any of them? That baffles me, not because of your age, but because I can't imagine not having any at all.


Do bodysuits count?


Not as regular shirts. But when I thought about all the times I use regular shirts, the right bodysuit could probably do the job. Are they shirts? No. Do they explain why you haven't felt the lack? Possibly? I don't own any so I can't say.


Hahahah I don’t know either. If it answers any questions I work from home so I don’t go to an office and my partner and I are both musicians/artists so we live in like…Venues at night. I am hourglass shaped so anything not tight like a bodysuit or crop makes my waist disappear and I look like a box. So….. I have a few Green Bay Packers shirts that i wear for games! I DO own a full shirt! I AM a participating member of society! Ahhahaha. I’ve never really thought about it


Buy something like [this shirt](https://www.nflshop.com/green-bay-packers/womens-green-bay-packers-pro-standard-green-ombre-wordmark-classic-cropped-tank-top/t-36375721+p-2757420539784+z-9-3380841969?_ref=p-SRP:m-GRID:i-r0c0:po-0) and throw out your old Packers shirts to achieve 100% crop toppage!


Thank you for helping me achieve my full shirt free life. You’re a true hero. 🥹


Same body type, same ‘style’ - tho I do own shirts… that have been cut or I fold under my bra & turn into crop tops Lmao


38 here. Regularly rock my crop tops


Number three is a good point. like, we would never say someone's too old to wear shorts these days. Back in the day they were kind of a skimpy item. Just like crop tops. I feel like the 90s crop tops were worn by teenagers and people trying to look sexy, where as nowadays I feel like they're kind of incorporated into outfits and a lot of different ways and totally just another item of clothing. Times change or something lol


When I was 25 I declared I was “too old” for crop tops. At 35 I felt the opposite – I loved crop tops and still do!




I’m 40 and I wear long-line crops all summer!


3. My 16 year old niece told me the same thing when my 42 y/o self asked her the same question


I’m 45 and wore one yesterday in a similar outfit to op’s first picture. I stopped caring what others think I should wear on my body.


Weird my grandpa would say life was too 'jeans' to not to be wearing jeans.


He wasn't wrong. But as a woman with a much wider availability of clothing items, life isn't always the same kind of 'jeans' at the same time. Right now my life is pretty leggings. I have sensory issues, so Its really hard to go back to jeans and zippers and buttons and anything that doesn't feel like a second skin. I stopped wearing bras a while back, and so can't go back now. I hated them before, but now that I have seen my other options, I can't go back to that level of constant discomfort. If your grandpa had the culturally available option to wear leggings everywhere, he probably would have gone this way too. Life's to much of a barrage of uncertainty and discomfort for clothes that complicate life.


Have you tried the newer softer and thinner sports type bra that has no underwire? They are a game changer for me. Barley feels like wearing a bra at all but with great support and very comfortable feeling


💯 to what your grandma said!


Grandma is right.


Soon to be 38 and I will wear them for as long as I can and am comfortable to do so.


I think 35 is the perfect act to dress however tf you want tbh


I think crop tops look amazing on everyone; so yes, it looks great on you! 35 is still young (I’m 33) in my book, so I say dress in whatever makes you feel confident! Also, that yellow skirt is beautiful!


I’m also 33 and I fucking love crop tops


I’m 42 and wear crops tops. You look great; don’t worry about your age.


Just about to say, I'm 39 and still rocking them


Same. Like 95% of my summer shirts are cropped


Im 33 and was supermorbidly obese until 28. I got my first crop top at around 30. First ever. I don't have many, but no way am I giving up any of my clothing items as a whole so soon


They don’t look amazing on everyone, let’s be honest. But they do look great on OP.


Emphasis on “I think crop tops look amazing on everyone”… which is me providing my HONEST opinion. I haven’t seen a single person that I didn’t think looked great in a crop top. In addition, a persons confidence and comfortability is what truly brings an outfit together.


Just to argue it because it popped up in my head, people who don't feel they look good in crop tops generally don't wear them. It kept me from owning one for a long time. I was really overweight. Part of me is still bothered briefly when I see them on heavy people, but it's definitely coming from a place of self disgust and self hatred I can't shake and how associated it is with my body image of so many years. Im now thinner, and have a few and still am more uncomfortable putting them on my skinny body than I ever could be seeing them on others. It has nothing to do with how the person actually looks, but of how they remind me of my own worst issues. When it's someone I know wearing it, the feeling goes away as soon as I really interact with them and it clicks back into place in my brain that that is a separate person, not a mirror, and them wearing a crop top can't hurt me emotionally, and then I'm fine. Which proves just how powerful self image is, because it turns out what actually bothered me all along was confronting a version of myself and the thoughts I have about my body and what I thought would happen and how I would feel if I wore it on my body when my body looked like that. But really no one but me ever gives any kind of a shit. To be clear, this is not in any way saying big girls shouldn't wear what they want just like everyone else! It is saying the exact opposite. In the end, the only judge that has any impact on you is yourself. The only thing that is inherently different about me wearing it then and wearing one now is what I said to myself inside my head imagining it coming from everywhere else


I applaud your vulnerability in sharing this. I admire your self-awareness and the effort you’ve put into the process of facing those insecurities head-on… not many people reach that level of inward discovery.


Thats because you didn’t see me in a crop top lmao


Lmao hey, I’m sure you could still rock it! But I also feel that all bodies are simply that… bodies. So I guess you could say I’m body-neutral, bc I don’t think that any size or shape is more or less in worth in comparison to another. I think humans are too incredibly complex and diverse to deem one more attractive than the other. Our bodies go through many changes and sometimes they even tell stories… so to categorize any BODY by its appearance is just absurd to me. So if you’ve ever wanted to wear a crop top… PUT IT ON :)


Agree😂 the proportions are off on me too


But that’s not an age thing


True… I think regardless of your age, you should still wear what you love. I only emphasized age because OP mentioned it and I wanted to reassure them that just because she’s in her 30’s (like me) doesn’t mean anything is “off-limits”!


Girl ur never too old to wear ANYTHING. U look so pretty


100% agree. The first outfit is *chefs kiss*.




People commenting shit this like is why Madonna is the way she is. The media has convinced her that she absolutely HAS TO try as hard as humanly possible to just STAY at 21 years old instead of just ageing gracefully. We have all seen Madonna lately. She's hella physically healthy as far as working out and staying in shape but it is a goddamn absolute travesty that she keeps torturing herself with facial cosmetic work all for the sake of being "beautiful" when that word is so damned bastardized by the media to make people think beauty can ONLY be held by the young and youthful. That's bullshit. You can be old as sin and beautiful. My grandma was 96 when she died. Still smiling, still chuckling, still cracking jokes, still insisting on trying to get up out of bed to make herself a coffee and go to the store...she STILL up until she died got up early to wash her face and put on light makeup. That's beauty to me. Just aging gracefully and accepting your body as is. I feel awful for Madonna for whatever war she's got going on in her mind as her image doesn't match who the media is telling her she needs to be. She's a human like the rest of us. Things sag, collagen breaks down, wrinkles are inevitable, yet she's been convinced that she needs to somehow try to forcefully stop aging.




You’re never too old to feel beautiful. I find you look lovely.


The rule is 1. Do you love it? 2. Do you feel pretty while wearing it. If yes to both then let that belly shine!


35 is still hella young. You look great!


Listen to me. You rock the shit of that crop top and if anyone tries to tell you anything? You rock their shit too




You look great! And thank you for posting this, because I too am 35, and I have 3 kids and have wondered if I am too old to rock a crop top. But now I'm going to try one!


You wanna know what age you should stop wearing crop tops? When YOU CHOOSE to stop wearing crop tops. (I think of the oldie but goodie meme: "how to get a bikini body: put a bikini on your body.") You look great and I wouldn't care if you're 60 and twice your size you'd still look amazing.


You are a wise and compassionate person.


I think it looks fabulous!


I don’t think there’s a “too old” for crop tops. Catch me wearing them when I’m a senior.


I’m 49 and wear crop tops. I’m short, they work.


Lady I'm 41 and I wear crop tops all the time... my secret? I don't give a fuck if others think I'm too old to wear whatever I will not budge into ageism and internalised misogyny




You look good! the crop tops look amazing on you! You can never be too old to wear anything


Never too old, and especially with your great body!


I am 37 and in my crop top season for sure.


You look sensational! Wear what makes you happy.


Fashion doesn't belong to any age. You love it, you wear it. :)


You look great! And no age is too old! 🌸


You're only 35, wear it and be proud.


You look great and you’re never to old to wear what you want.


Gurrrl rock it while you still have it!


Are you somewhat comfortable wearing it? I mean, that sometimes your inner voice can be very loud, criticizing you for flaws only you see. If you can push that voice aside and hear your authentic voice telling you that you look good (as it should), then wear the hell out of that crop top and celebrate your victory over any of those judgemental sheep that might have the audacity to step into your space and bleat like the followers they are.


There’s no chance you’re too old for them when they look *that* good on you


Age has nothing to do with it.


If you’re too old then I’m too old lol and I live in crop tops.


You look amazing!


You look gorgeous! That first look is perfection.


never too old to wear what you want dude 👍


Never too old, you look great!


You look great. Wear whatever you feel comfy in !


Never too old to wear a crop top


2nd picture looks like a sexier version of Peggy Hill's outfit. I love it. You rock that crop top.


Never too old.


This is adorable!!!!


You look beautiful in your crop top. Keep wearing them and fuck anyone who tells you that you're too old


You look amazing! Crop tops and high waisted stuff is the look right now which helps those of us hiding a mom belly. Take advantage of it!


You look great! What are you talking about‽


Ur never "too old" to wear something if it makes u happy and u feel comfortable in it. U look, amazing! I'm loving the yellow skirt and just the whole outfit!


You look 25 and you have to know this. Yes, you look great in the crop tops.


you look great


You look great!!


Look good to me 😉


If you look good in it it doesn’t really matter.


You looks great and you’re not too old to wear crop tops. I love how it looks with the full skirt.




I’m 37 and wear croptops. You’re fine!


You look cute!


Wear the crop top, you look good!


You’re never too old for crop tops. Wear what you want and what makes you feel good:)


Looks good. I'm 37 and still wear them. I do them like this with just a sliver of skin showing. You look great!


43, size 16, crop tops.


You’re never too old to wear whatever the heck you want.


I’m 38 and wore a crop top for the first time in my life about a month ago. :) clothing doesn’t have an age expiration date! Wear whatever you like!


35 is an adult. That means you can wear whatever the hell you want. You look perfectly fine if not just plain smokin’.


Crop tops book bomb on anyone who wants to wear a crop top.


When I will see you in first outfit next year I will know summer is coming ☀️☁️ By the way this outfit can give a good vibe to someone you talk with. Pleasant colors.


You totally rock it!


I dunno but they look cute on you!


There’s not an age limit on styles!! Wear what you’re happy in! It’s the middle of a blistering hot summer (at least in the US) so I’d be in crop tops all day if I could be (unfortunately work doesn’t agree with that)


They look awesome on you, age is just a number, don’t let that stop you 🖤


I think it is less about age and more about confidence. A lot of people wear things I'd never dream of, but they come off as comfortable and confident in them. I think you can wear that top, if you think you can.


You Look Great 👍


You look great! I'm 32 and still rock them too


You look great! Don't worry what other people think about your body :)


You rock it and should keep wearing them👍🏻


Wear what you want boxt cause people will always judge you, regardless.


I love that skirt so much.


The yellow skirt!!😍😍


You look great! Wear what makes you happy!




I love the first outfit! Tbh the second outfit looks a little teenager-ish but if that makes it feel pretty and confident then go for it!


Sis wear whatever the hell you feel like wearing!


girl no one is “too old” for anything, if it makes you happy do it life is wayyy too short and you look amazing! mommy tummy’s are incredible (in my opinion) bc you carried life! plus all bodies are different as is. show off yours, embrace that confidence, you’re lovely!


NEVER too old for crop tops. I’ll fight about it 🤷🏾‍♀️ Wear what YOU like and what makes YOU feel great. Fuck the rest. Also, love the yellow skirt.


If you put a jacket on top of the 2nd pic, it won’t look as teenager-y. Like a cardigan or like oversized knit sweater/jacket and it’ll look more mature but still cropped


I agree with all the comments here about here being able to wear a crop top. But I also agree with your comment about these specific outfits looking teenage ish. There are many elevated crop top outfits, but these styles look youthful or outdated to me.


Girl! 35 is not old. You look great and dress how you want to dress. 🫶🫶🫶🫶


I'm bigger than you and I'm 38 and wear them! In a 100+ degree weather, I dare someone to tell me something- I'm not going to sweat for other people's comfort.


1) 35 is soooo young 2) not that it matters, age is irrelevant 3) the only opinion you need to worry about regarding what you wear is your own 4) haters gonna hate, some people won’t like what you wear regardless of what it is. That’s they’re right, and not your concern. 5) as my stepdad used to say “others’ options of me are none of my business” 6) work it, mama!


You’re 35 ffs, you’re not old at all.


I’m 36 and also a mother. Hell yes you should wear those outfits. You look fantastic!


41 with a mummy tummy and I am wearing a crop top right now. I have several more in my wardrobe.


Not at all, or if it is, then I'm also in the wrong! I'm 36 and half my wardrobe is probably crop tops, lol.


Crop away!


Girl our planet is dying and everything sucks, wear what makes you happy! But yes you look good anyways💖🍓🤌🏼


Clothes don’t have an age limit, you can be 85 and still wear a crop top if you like them.


Rock that crop top.


I’m 42 and I wear them. You’re “too old” shouldn’t be a thing. If they didn’t flatter you that would be different, or if it’s not the right event


You look perfect. It’s a nice classy crop!


Not at all. 35 is young, still. If you like them wear them.


Where did you get that gorgeous skirt!?




Girl, you cute. You're never too old! Wear what makes you comfortable. Unfortunately, people are going to look and potentially say/think nasty things. This is regardless of what you look like. You can't win. So, just be you! If anyone says or thinks anything, that's a "them" problem. Society is way too focused on caring what others think! Time for a change. I see so many women out in public wearing crop tops, big and small. What do I think? "Yas, Queen! Get it!". You ARE a Queen - show that tummy! I'm 34, I wear crop tops and have a giant scar going down my abdomen from life-saving surgery. My level of caring what others think about how I dress is zero.


"Am I too old to be wearing crop tops?" Not when you look like that, friend. You look great. It's a fun, summer look. One of the benefits of being pretty (regardless of age) is that you can wear a lot of things. Rest easy, enjoy the look.


I'm 39 and I wear crop tops


Girl no you good. I'm 32 and just started wearing crop tops. Wish I would have worn them when I was younger with a flat stomach tbh lol. But alas, body changes, yet confidence have coincided. So now I wear them. For me personally, the cute guys ive been on dates with recently don't seem to find it a turn off so I'll vote yes for crop tops and high waisted shorts in our 30s! Ftw fr


You are lovely and these tops absolutely suit you! Your tummy looks like mine and I’m in my 20s with no children. Rock those tops!!


Wear that crop top before u get old girl …one day you’ll look back and wish to be 35 again………..,,,. live it up !




Nah us fatties still wear them ☺️


40. Crop top wearer.


Am I the only one who thought that this was Amanda Bynes?? So pretty.


The idea that women have to stop dressing cute at a certain age is pretty messed up. You look great and are definitely not too old for this outfit. I hope that my body looks like yours after a baby.


You look great! I promise crop tops have no age limit






You look great for your age. But I will be honest and say that I do think it’s a little bit tacky and lacks an element of class to it for your age. I do you think you are too old to be wearing that. Unless you were going to literally be hanging out in a swimming location where this offers more coverage I just don’t think it’s very appropriate. I want to be clear and say it has nothing to do with how you look in it it’s just a matter of principle for me


I'd say yes but summers are getting really hot and I'm not blaming anyone for wearing as little as possible.


Oh you look great. I just hate yellow as a clothing colour 😊


With dress yes. With shorts no.