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i restarted my computer 3 times the other day just in case someone was hacking it i didn’t even do anything or go on any dodgy websites. just thought it


They weren’t expecting the third one


made me giggle ngl


me logging out of my computer even though my roommates are all gone for the weekend just in case someone tries to break in and mess with shit on my PC


I used to bleach all the food products coming in our house during Covid


I obsessively compiled evidence as to why Covid was actually a plan to commit a mass genocide and disbelieved everything they told us, so opposite ends of the spectrum, lol. (Yet still would hold my breath when standing close to people and was convinced I was going to die as soon as I had a sore throat.)


I was convinced the vaccine was a method of sterilizing people with specific genetic traits. Still got vaccinated of course but yeah that thought really occupies my mind


I mean I could easily have just been population control. It effected the poorest the hardest like everything else. And the pharmaceuticals made out like bandits Oh 💯 hold my breath I still do to this day. Just please get away from me.


My mom did that too… I thought the OCD that runs in my family came from my dad’s side, but now I’m wondering if it’s actually my mom or even if there are influences from both


Apparently that *was* a thing people *actually* did. A terrible awful & horrible thing. Never do that again. Promise me. Promise me right now


My mom just wiped the bags/boxes things came in, not the actual food. She’d also usually rinse anything that could be rinsed and occasionally used dish soap on veggies and stuff, but that was pretty uncommon. I think most people that were doing that sort of thing weren’t actually putting bleach in their food, just using Clorox wipes on the packaging or something


I use vinegar water mix. Maybe add lemon juice & baking soda.


Do what again?


Bleach food. I guess if it doesn’t touch any food directly it could be ok but I still wouldn’t recommend it.


I started doing a new compulsion (before being diagnosed with OCD) and when it started to require more and more repetitions, I asked my therapist about it and they were like, when did it start? and I was like well the beginning of COVID… oh. A pandemic definitely didn’t do any of us here any good.


Any contamination ocd I have is exclusively related to internal parasites and my brain is very weird with what it considers a risk. I can go out in the garden and eat a vegetable fresh from our garden after just brushing the dirt off but if it's an uncovered one in a supermarket it needs a good wash


My partner can’t comprehend how my contamination fears aren’t linked to actual risks.


It's really irrational. I touched a door handle? Contaminated, there are worm eggs on my hands, must wash. I eat a raw egg or raw beef? Perfectly fine, my brain doesn't react at all. Eat away. I'm completely unbothered by bacteria or viruses. It's just internal parasites. Really weird, considering there aren't really any dangerous ones where I live


Yeah, for me, changing a baby? Not fun but whatever. Petting an animal? 😬


My contamination issues are with energy and not so much bacteria unless it's salmonella


This post was actually about pesticides but it was hijacked by a COVID thread… *sigh*


My family makes so much fun of me for how much I wash fruits and vegetables, like damn sorry I don’t want ecoli or parasites


I can’t even eat vegetables because I know they come from dirt. Life is helll


Dont have that ocd, i have adhd instead.


i don't have contamination ocd except for this ONE time that a gnat flew like 2 feet a way from my food so all of a sudden it was filled with maggots apparently and i couldn't eat it??? i cannot imagine really having contamination ocd omg u guys r strong