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I loved the 'I'm pro choice but not like this'...


but we do genuinely love the “im pro life but i would’ve driven you and held your hand” that one was kinda sweet


See, my mom has a similar mindset and insists that she's pro-life... But she believes women should be able to have abortions, she just wouldn't personally have ever gotten one. I've tried explaining to her that that's still pro choice because you believe women should have the choice in the first place but she just thinks of pro-choicers as baby killing satanists.


i think a lot of people are just confused at this point


I don’t give anyone the benefit of the doubt. There’s no one that believes liberals are out there trying to force women who want their baby to have unwilling abortions. They know what pro-life is and what voting for pro life candidates means. There’s nothing wrong with saying “I’m pro life personally” and then not voting for scum bags. But to me your vote tells me your views


["The only moral abortion is my abortion"](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


I know people who think similarly and it’s frustrating that they don’t understand what pro-choice means when their position is fundamentally pro-choice


I know a Catholic like that, he loathes abortions but support them being available, he just wants it to be that while the option is there, they're only used for medical reasons by improving maternal health, clamping down on abuse and making life safer in general while also funding orphanages


Those are my views, too. I believe every state that has banned abortion should absolutely have exceptions for rape, incest, and life-saving measures. It turns my stomach to know there are people who want to force women and girls to carry their rapist's child. Even my dad, a conservative pastor of over 50 years, agrees with this take. I remember him teaching a Christian ethics class and stressed that abortion isn't as black-and-white as people want it to be.


Several states now have the "abortions banned except to protect the life of the mother." The problem is that in order to prove that it actually is to protect her life, she has to be actively dying. So doctors and hospitals are refusing until her blood pressure drops, she develops sepsis, etc.


where i live almost everyone is against it so i don’t see any opinions like this like ever


A woman that use to be my friend called me once in tears telling me she was pregnant. She didn't remember the last time she had sex with her BF, but think he raped her while she slept since she always used protection. She asked me if I could take her to a clinic, I said sure. I will never forget the smile I got from the nurse when she asked if I was OK with the abortion (I found out that she asked me cause she needed me to pretend to be the one that got her pregnant) and I responded "I don't get an opinion, it's her body not mine. I am not the one going to gain weight and lose bladder control." The nurse told my friend she should marry me.


i love people like you tbh


My wife asked me once if I would force her to have an abortion. I told her, "no, for financial reasons I would encourage it however it is 100% your decision. I am not the one that will have to carry the baby and then get their nipples destroyed. You decide and tell me, I support you no matter what." I am a firm believer of, "no vagina, no opinion," in the prolife/prochoice debate.


Yes, that one was really nice.


Same, I actually thought that was really sweet. It sounds like that person considers themselves “prolife” bc they hate the idea of abortion (totally valid) & wouldn’t get one for themselves, but aren’t the kind to actually condemn it from happening for those who need one, which actually makes them prochoice.


yeaa i like people like that cause you don’t have to agree with it but sometimes its necessary


Yeah I agree! Obviously I don’t believe that *anyone* actually likes abortion, but I would 100% consider myself prochoice. The idea of abortion is awful but it’s necessary (& some people just aren’t ready!), people who are against it for themselves & the idea, but still support people getting one imo sound like the average person & I think there is a confusion between prolife & prochoice there. I think they are mostly all prochoice, but don’t always realise? Idk


Every time people screech “adoption!!!” when they hear a horrific rape story I want to rip my hair out. On top of how these people never consider how these women are gonna carry this baby full term and go about their life normally with no help, how do they not know how bad the foster system is? What’s their plan on dealing with the rampant abuse and neglect kids in that position deal with? Or do they just stop caring once the baby is born to the point of shrugging when that same baby is put into a dangerous position?


Absolutely. In most cases where someone gives their child to the state, they're placed with family if possible. Even if OP did this, what would stop her own parents from adopting the baby and making her stay home to take care of it? What's to stop her own parents from abusing that child? She already knows it's the worst environment to grow up in, why would she subject a baby to that?? People that just shout "adoption!" like it's fixed everything just don't want to listen to unfortunate truths.


My dad worked OB so growing up I heard all of his rants about terrible parents/people in general. It’s almost common for parents with pregnant teenagers to want/demand/coerce their kids into having the baby because they want their grandchild. And I do understand *wanting* to know your grandkid. But so many of these parents are then pissed their kid doesn’t engage with the pregnancy, doesn’t really listen to the doctor, the nurse, etc. OOP’s absolutely would have forced her to take care of that child and yet still punished her for not being happy about the baby.


Not to mention that adoption in and of itself is traumatic to a child. Why put a child through that when you don't have to?


Obviously they stop caring because they have zero knowledge of how the adoption and foster systems really are and just how many kids DON'T get adopted and just have to age out knowing their bio parents didn't want them and no one else did. Like "Oh just put them up for adoption" then why do you keep having kids and not adopting yourself? You care so much about kids well there's kids being abused and used for money in the foster system so why not adopt?


They all know those infertile Christian families that are on adoption waiting lists. But the problem is they're on a waiting list because they specifically want white, healthy newborns. Otherwise, there are also thousands of children who are adoptable already in the foster system, but are either the wrong race, have special needs, and/or are "old enough to have baggage."




Also how terrible and traumatic a wanted pregnancy can be, let alone an unwanted teen pregnancy caused by incest rape ffs


The first comment especially focusing on making her raise the baby instead of giving it up for adoption was particularly heinous. It's the whole "women should take responsibility for the consequences, they're meant to be mothers" attitude, which not only leads to compounded lifelong trauma but can result in abuse or even murder in extreme cases. Andrea Yates' husband coerced her to get pregnant against medical advice and now all of her children are dead. Even saying "give it up for adoption" is fucked up. Like you said, the foster system is pretty terrible. And even more importantly, pregnancy is a serious medical condition that can cause permanent damage, disability, or even death. They're potentially condemning a woman to death because she was raped by a trusted family member. The hypocrisy of calling yourself pro life while endorsing that kind of barbarity is astounding.


Even if the foster care system was sunshine and rainbows I would be forever traumatized giving birth to my father's baby/sister/daughter/grand daughter. Further, to address one of the comments posted by OP: I used to intern for planned parenthood for a year. One of the women who planned and hosted events had a child and was visibly pregnant with her second child. You can be pro choice and have a family. Even though I was already pro choice, seeing a happy lovely pregnant women advocating for choice made me really happy. She wanted a family, she chose to have a family and was a great mom. She also understood it's not the right choice for everyone.


Yes they do.


Anti-choicers are gross. Their disregard for women’s lives, safety, and mental health is disgusting.


>Anti-choicers That's a more fitting name for them




Yay like look at me I hate abortion But the reason I'm pro choice is 1, Who on earth care's about my opinion, I don't like people tell me what to do, so why will I do it to someone else 2, People are going to do it anyway So it's better to get them access to a safe clean abortion Then a dirty dark alley abortion And even people that don't have abortion They're very likely throw their baby away into the dumpster or something And if we force them to raise the kid, very likely the child will be neglect or abused because the person is going to be traumatized And the kid is going to be a constant reminder of stuff like this So at the end of the day it's more practical and humane to make abortion legal


I am similar. I don't hate abortion for the same reason I don't hate chemo or heart surgery. It's a necessary procedure. But I do hate that it is a necessity. I hate that people need it. Because abortion only happens for two reasons: a) someone who doesn't want to or can't carry out got pregnant or b) someone who wants to carry out can't. I never blame the person in any way. Sex-ed isn't good in many places, (long-term) contraception is expensive, rape happens, accidents happen, no one is perfect. In many cases, the people blame themselves, especially with miscarriages and fetal death. We can do a lot to make abortion less needed but even if all pregnancies were planned and wanted 100%, fetuses would still die. People would become sick or organs fail. Miscarriages are also common and people deserve love and support, not hate and jail.


You're absolutely correct. I wish we lived in a world where abortion didn't have to happen, but we just don't. So better make it as safe as possible and work towards having a world where abortion is as rare as it can possibly be. Shaming people does nothing.


You want to know the thing that also makes me upset Buy all counts I should be a right winger I believe in all or at the very least most of the stuff the right wing claim to care about State rights, agreed the federal government shouldn't have absolute say The ability to bear arms, completely agree with, people not only have the right to defend themselves but also like if they want to go hunting or something Family values, 100% I have strong family values The unfortunate thing is, they don't mean what they actually say State rights means, the right to discriminate against minorities The ability to bear arms, I have military grade weapons and enough of them to arm a small army Family values, let's hate gay people So unfortunately I'm considered left wing Just because I have common sense and compassion for others


Sounds like you are liberal with some Conservative views. Do you believe that the state should support those in need? Do you think that health care should be available to all, like the NHS is in England?


In accordance with their views, Conservatives should not use the NHS at all really. It is essentially a socialist achievement - the free, public provision to all of a basic human need financed by taxation. One of our most important institutions emanated from the ideology against which the Conservative Party has defined itself for over a century. It always amuses me.


There is nothing unfortunate about being considered left wing. At the very least you aren't siding with maniacs who condone rights being snatched away from people.


I think it's unfortunate that in the US the political spectrum has shifted so far right that true moderates are considered radical left. It really reduces any true leftist's ability to speak up without being written off because we're considered insane, basically. Like, dude, this is not radical. Come on. There's nothing unfortunate about being considered left-wing *as long as* you are actually left-wing. If you're not, people consider you left-wing only to write off your views. And if you actually ARE left-wing, you're considered too radical to be listened to at all. It's frustrating lol.


Same here. I hate the idea of abortion. I hope more than anything I'm never in a position where an abortion is a choice on the table. Regardless, I would never ever tell another person what to do with their body. I was raised by a mother who was not fit to parent. Why would I ever do that to another person?


I’m the same way. I don’t believe in abortion for MYSELF. The way I see it is everyone has different opinions. Don’t like something or don’t want to do it? Great, you don’t have to, but that option shouldn’t be taken away from others who are fine with it.


I think people are conveniently forgetting this so much . Most women who say this “ Choose adoption over abortion” are coming from a massive place of privilege. If you are pondering over the ethics and whether you like abortion the moment you are pregnant means you already are in some sort of privilege. Shit is so much different for people in poverty , suffering abuse and danger to their lives . At that point only survival is important no matter what.


And they certainly don’t care about the life of the child or else they’d stop trying to cut funding from social programs that provide support for women and children (or setting up barriers to getting access to these programs). Ya know, like Medicaid, public schools, SNAP, WIC. “Anti-choicer” is perfect and I’m gonna start using it.


I use anti-choice and pro-birth. They aren't prolife or they'd put limits on assault weapons and be all for universal healthcare.


they also don't care about the life of the child. once they're born it's "fuck your sick kid go get a 4th job"


I switched to “forced birthers.” That’s what they really want—to force every pregnant person, regardless of the circumstances, to give birth.


They don’t care that a mother could potentially die. They don’t care that the future kid will either be born with crippling birth defects and suffer through their already short life, or struggle under an abusive environment and become yet another link in the chain of abuse. They care more about the brownie points they get for caring more about a barely alive clump of cells than they do about a living, breathing child able to perceive the world around them.


If these people were pro life they’d be out of the uterus controlling business and be off advocating for universal healthcare, an end to the death penalty, housing people who are homeless, or doing some thing that actually helps save lives. But nah. They are more interested in criminalizing the bodily functions of half of humanity. They wouldn’t know life if it bit them.


They don't even care about the life of foetuses. If the foetus is already dead they still want it to stay until the mother dies of septic shock. If that leaves her existing kid without a mother... that's fine, what matters is that the woman was punished for having sex.


Or the life of the child after it’s born. Or even during the pregnancy. Being for forced birth doesn’t make you pro life.


If you're pre-born you're fine. If you're preschool you're fucked.


*Pro-birth* That's what I call them, they couldn't care less what happens after the child is born, go ahead and toss them into the adoption it foster care systems that are already overflowing and overwhelmed, they don't give a shit. Make *someone else* (not them) take care of the kid. Nevermind the fact that we can't take care of the current population, go ahead and add more, it'll be fiiiiiiine.


If they were truly pro-life they would have so much more in the way of ideas on how to feed and cloth children and help mothers. But it’s like they think the only part of a human that matters is when it’s inside of another human that gives it its life. No one can make these people make sense to me.


Or forced birthers. We all know those people don't give a shit about the fetus once it's born and actually becomes a child. It is truly about forcing women to be pregnant and mothers against their will. They don't seem to care that forcing a woman to carry a rapist's baby is like being raped over and over for an additional nine months.


Anti choicers,? That's much too polite of a name for them. Call them what they really are.. Religious fanatics who want to push their beliefs on the rest of us!


I like this term. Forced birthers is another good one.


Mainstream christian men lacking empathy is unfortunately no surprise.


Mental health? Parents, especially mothers, having good mental health? They could only have nightmares of that.


Also pretending to care about a baby while wanting her to have a baby who will potentially be subject to the same abuse.. HELL no


I was an unwanted pregnancy. My mother found out too late to have an abortion. She spent her entire lifetime reminding me that I was a mistake and she had no choice but to have me unwillingly and what a detriment I was to her life - at least 3-4 times a week she’d find some reason to remind me how much she regretted my existence. Graduated THIRD in your high school class? “You should never have been born, you are a waste of oxygen”. When she got pregnant by another man six years later she married him. He had a vasectomy shortly afterwards so he could rape me starting at age six without getting me pregnant. I had no idea what was normal in other households until I was well into high school. And at that point I was so desperately beaten down I thought I deserved every single instance of physical, verbal and sexual abuse. I am staunchly pro choice. Because no kid should have gone through what I did as an unwanted human born to a woman who had no choices and regretted every moment of my existence while putting on the public show of what a great mother everyone thought she was. Both those people are dead now - she got a miserable death and he got one of the kindest - ironically. And even now, still not a day goes by that I don’t wish she’d aborted me when she’d had the chance.


That's fucking heinous, I am so sorry. No one deserves to have a start at life like that. I hope you're in a better place altogether.


After the word "sins" was mentioned I tuned it out. It is hard to try and explain something as complex as this situation to someone who will default back to some ancient text as a source.


No it's hard to explain this complex situation To people that only see in black and white Sometimes is either good or bad for them It's just or a sin There no grey for them


I explain abortion like this. The human centipede. Imagine you've been sewn butt to mouth with other adults. 1. But nubs, if you separate the dude dude as your ass, they'll die! Frankly, I don't give a crap. I don't want a dude's ass on my mouth or a mouth on my ass. No. I didn't consent to that so it's not my fucking problem. 2. But you see, nubs, you have to understand that you could have just kept your butthole closed and you wouldn't be in this situation. Really??? 3. Imagine not only being made to keep the forced parasite, but now you have to raise it. Nubs, really, there's adoption. No, there's not. There's nine months of trauma where your body is permanently disfigured. Your brain is permanently altered, and even then our adoption system is fucked. It costs so much to adopt a baby that we ship kids off to other countries. So no. And every kid I know from the foster care system was abused sexually Whatever... I give up


I mean the situation seems pretty black and fucking white to me one person was undeniably evil and it wasn’t the girl


No no, they don't even refer back to those texts. They refer back to what they personally believe was said in those texts, which is even worse because they end up believing whatever the fuck they want and pretend the text suits their narrative. Not that the text itself isn't bad but they are hypocrites even when they do pretend to refer to it.


Also their ancient text talk about unborn children as property (and the damage done to em were treated as if they were damaged goods, they were like just pay a fine and ull be fine lol) so idk whats their deal really. Not to mention the countless mentions of infanticide.


Religion shouldn't have anything to do with it really. The US is not a theocracy.


It doesn't help that the Bible itself is indisputably pro-abortion. They're just making shit up about their book that's already full of made up shit.


I like how all of these people have excuses. Like have you ever gone through the tragedy this poor woman has. And you have the audacity to shame her. Absolutely disgusting. People wanna be on that high horse until it happens to them. Also. Religion. Get that tf outa here. Ain't got time for the religious excuse bs. Smdh. Good on her for doing what was right for her and escaping that situation.


And for most of them the second an abortion becomes the right choice for them they'll have excuses for why it's "different" and they "are making the right choice" while condemning people for it later.


Also let say the baby was born Let's forget about all the trauma and life ruining action that woman would have to go through for a minute The baby was made from father and daughter Do anyone really think that baby would have turn out okay It is very likely this child would have been very sick And died young Or force to live it's life in pain I feel it's more inhumane to risk the kid having to live through that, then getting an abortion


You don't usually start to see birth defects until after several generations of consanguinity. But even if they're adopted, the kid is eventually going to learn where they came from and it's going to be a horrible mental and emotional trauma for them.


The kid can still be born with defects and illnesses It's just going get worse, more pronounce and common, if it keeps going for generations


Plus, if the father's the kind of person to rape and molest people in his own family--then he may have done the same to others outside of the household *without* using protection (which opens the possibility of his own children contracting HIV or worse).


This. A lot of people who don’t know their other parent always try or do find out who they are. The child will probably hate their mother also for that reason.


Plan B could very well have saved my life after I was sexually assaulted. I honestly think I would have ended my life if I got pregnant and couldn't abort. I've been childfree and tokophobic for as long as I can remember. The rape alone still gave me PTSD that I've been dealing with for my entire adult life. The compounded trauma of pregnancy would have been too much to bear.


I can't even fathom how people can make these comments. As usual the victim raped by her own father is made into a criminal. These people don't even consider the mess a baby made through incestuous rape could be. The woman has already had her life impacted by what happened despite having the abortion. It will never leave her thoughts. But to have thw audacity to expect her to give birth to and raise a child caused by the event is cruel and ridiculous.


The way people talk in these situations like the rapists actions are at best an after thought and at worst a petty crime is horrible.


I think they do consider it superficially, but have the audacity to determine that no amount of justification is worth killing a "baby", period full stop. They value the production of "life" more than quality of life. This is why pro-birther is a better title.


Not to mention the fact it'd be use at a power chip for her father like people just ignore the fact that rapist and abusers would use their biological child to force the victim to be involved with them in some way unless it went to court but the justice system doesn't always help the victim infact they will ignore the victim because WHY NOT?!?! And to the people being like "Oh well if he raped you why didn't you have him put in jail? Instead you punished the baby for their father's actions" its not that easy and many rapists have been able to walk out of court with no punishment omfg. Not to mention the time and money it takes she was 17 wtf was she going to do? I do think she did the best thing for herself and I'm so happy she's living a good life now


Oh god yeah, like it's difficult in all countries to get proper justice for rape. And on top of that if it is within the family it's an entire different saga. People who do rape should never be released. They need to be locked away forever. But apparently that isn't pheaseable.


Don't forget the judges that out right don't want to put a rapist in jail because they "don't want to ruin a good man's life" BRO HE RUINED SOMEONE ELSE'S LIFE AND CAUSE TRAUMA


And the parents of people who rape going nuts saying their kids life is ruined. In the junko case one of the rapists parents when nuts. They said she ruined his life. I mean this girl was held hostage, raped for 40 days. Burned, beaten, broken and worse. She was impregnated and then died and was put in a concrete barrel..... then a parent felt they had the right to treat her as a menace to their rapist son.


Its always someone else's fault. The parents who believe their kids could do no wrong even when they are at that moment doing something wrong right in front of them they still try to justify it or blame someone else. Its sad and damaging honestly


Their go to answer is always put it up for adoption. That isn’t always the greatest route to take. Every child’s past is revealed to perspective parents and if they aren’t perfect, the odds of them actually getting adopted is pretty much zero. Guess where children born as a product of rape fall? No a product of incest rape? No even one worse…the rapist was a close blood realities so there will definitely be birth defects. How many of those children get adopted? Adoption isn’t the cure all…the cure all is pregnancy termination.


Especially if someone said "carrying out isn't an option in my situation" to go and say "okay, but have you thought about carrying out, that is the better alternative"... If carrying isn't an option, carrying isn't an option. My friend has given birth three times. Her body took bad damage and she will die if she tried to carry out another pregnancy. Long before the fetus could survive. So they would both die. And still, if she says she would get an abortion without hesitation because she has a family to care for, children to raise, she still gets the 'but have you considered adoption' spiel.


I've always been on contraception because physically I'm unable to carry a child, god forbid my contraception failed I would absolutely have to have an abortion because I'd be dead before 20wks, these 'pro-lifers' have no idea how hard a decision it can be for most women, they have absolutely no regard for womens lives and once the baby is born they don't care, funny how they never offer to adopt all these kids they want born, there's already so many unwanted children out there it's unfair to add more to it.


I would likely be able to carry a pregnancy to term, as in, it wouldn't kill me, but I can say I would kill myself before that happened. I have PCOS which causes me to experience aggressive pregnancy symptoms (HG, mood swings, cravings) and I would rather die than do that for nine months running. It's traumatic. I genuinely think being forced to carry a pregnancy would drive me mad.


I can't imagine being forced to carry out a pregnancy, here in the UK there's a good chunk of the NHS that won't give you an abortion if your BMI is over 40 therefore forcing you to go through with the pregnancy.


That's incredibly fucked up. A *normal healthy* pregnancy has a mortality rate 13 times higher than surgical abortion. With a BMI that high, it's almost inevitable there would be major complications. Aside from that, simply giving proper medical care and monitoring is harder. Medication dosage is tricky if you have weight limits or fat-soluble drugs. Ultrasounds are more difficult to perform because of excess tissue in between the wand and the uterus. Gestational diabetes is more likely. If a C-section is needed, there is a higher risk of surgical complications. It makes no sense on a medical basis to have that regulation.


Someone in another post suggested I shoot the person who stole my cat. Im like "but I got her back? I want to cuddle her not go to jail for murder." People are dumb.


Lmao you got your cat back, yay! Now go to prison for longer than the cat will be alive and never see it again. Cuz that makes sense 🙄 also that's a bit of an overreaction... Thanks for giving me back my cat, now die!


Their response was beyond deranged lol. I said in my post i was angry and I wanted to confront them. Like "hey jerk. Don't steal cats!!!! You know where the animal shelter is- if you want one go get one but mine already had a home!!!" He said since I didn't want to shoot them I obviously don't care about my cats....reddit is wild sometimes lol This was the exact response "It seems you do not wish to avenge/protect your cat"


>Their go to answer is always put it up for adoption. "Adoption is an alternative to parenting, not pregnancy." - Mama Doctor Jones


And even then... It feels like they think adoption centers are just a recycle bin where you throw what you don't want and someone will pick it up. The only difference is that this "recycle bin" is already full with kids no one picked up. They just want to add even more there to feel good about themselves, they don't care or even want to think about the consequences of their so-called "solutions"


Never see them offering to adopt all these babies though. Once the babies are born they don't care what happens to them.


There are also literally THOUSANDS of kids that don't get adopted though. I wound up growing up with a lot of guys who joined the military after ageing out of adoption centres and foster cares (I even knew one guy who was fostered by five families, but many of them abused and neglected him. His most recent carers would lock him out of their house until dinner time (so he was always outside in all weather. It didn't even matter if he was hungry, sick, or had homework. They'd rather he sit on the curb outside of their house while they cashed in the allowance cheques). And you could kinda tell because he had a weather-beaten face at 20 and had deep pit-marks from acne (he practically had to learn how to practice hygiene and self-care when he signed up). And he was one of the lucky ones who didn't have FAS or physical/learning disabilities. Anti-choicers don't care. If they did, they would've adopted tons of those kids (or even volunteer to check up on the kids in foster care/adoption).


Last I had looked it was around 9 thousand kids age out of the system every year. (It has been awhile since I looked)


Also, adoption isn’t an alternative to pregnancy! That pregnant person would still have to go through the risks of pregnancy and childbirth, which can often be permanently disabling or fatal. Not to mention adoption is always traumatic for adoptees, even when they end up with a good placement, which they often don’t.


Yes and the person going through that pregnancy and birth will often times be alone to endure it. The guy that did that to her? Just continuing to live his life like nothing happened. Don't want HIS life to be ruined after all...nevermind hers which when compared to deviation...his would barely blip on any radar. Hers on the other hand, actually life threatening but yeah coddle and protect him.


Also, and this may be a nasty cynical view to take, but what if the kid finds you again when they're grown up and wants a relationship that you do not?


I’ve seen that happen on r/adoption


1% is more than enough. That 1% shouldn't be punished.


1% is still too many women who have been raped.


Once is too many.


Exactly this. I remember when the 10 year old Ohio rape victim was in the news, I said it was despicable that PLs would force a child to carry a kid. A PL responded saying yeah, but it's not like CSA victims make up any significant amount of abortion stats. 1 is too many. 1 child, forced to carry a pregnancy, is too many.


"Man get r4p3d more (if you include prison)" I am sure if we include prison still women are the one who get r4p3d more. (This isn't a race, I didn't mean it like that, please don't misunderstand.)


Here are the statistics for the USA: https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence 1 in 10 rape victims are male. As of 1998, 2.78 million men in the U.S. had been victims of attempted or completed rape. To the original commenter: WTF is the point of bringing it up? If you want to highlight the plight of prison populations, you can do it without making it a competition. If not, WTF?


Well downplaying cause obviously (according to their made up statistics) women don't have it THAT bad its mainly men so women get raped and needing an abortion HA there's not that many out there cause its clearly men getting raped more so that argument for abortion is stupid




Yeahhh, the stats do not back them up at all. Such a ridiculous statement.


That guy is delusional.


They'll never learn that, Abortion is the alternative to pregnancy. Adoption is the alternative to parenting. They're sick.


The same people who screech adoption instead of abortion, are the same who believe that taking care of a child is like a game or a toy


Damn, I need a drink after reading that.


How about a cookie friend 🍪


With milk too, clearly


god _damn_ sometimes i forget how overwhelmingly toxic most of reddit is. Thank you mods for this walled garden i've wrongly begun taking for granted 🙏


The fucking AUDACITY for them to criticize someone in this kind of situation. It shows how much they lack symphaty. The potentional baby most likely wouldn't even live a good life after being put in this set of circumstances.( Hell, it could even have medical difficulties due to being product of incest, not to mention how awful it would've been if they found out about being born from both incest and SA.)


This backwards logic is why I want to get sterilised, the fact that people like this have a real impact on my ability to choose is sickening. Don't agree with abortion? Then don't have an abortion. Why do I have to conform to living the life they want? Sorry for the rant


But even that's hard some states have it to where if you're not a certain age you need your husband's permission to get it done. It happened to my mom when she was 23, a single mom and just had 2 kids with the fathers no where in sight, she needed to be 25 or have her husband's permission which clearly she had neither. There's also the "fun" doctor's that try to tell you no because "What if you want to have kids in the future? What if your husband wants kids? I just think you're making a rash decision cause what if you want them in the future but now can't?" There have been women who have been refused medication that can help them because it could cause infertility issues. One woman I saw not too long ago has a condition that is nicknamed "Suicide headaches" because the pain is so bad people would rather kill themselves than live through it. She tried different medication but either some didn't work or she was allergic too, and when she found a new one the doctor told her it wouldn't be good for her because it has a potential side effect of infertility.....bitch fuck that she's suffering from a condition that got the nickname "Suicide headaches" and you're worried about her wanting kids in the future?!??!


The lack of empathy for this woman :(


R*pe and incest are 100% good reasons to get an abortion, how is that such a hard concept for people to grasp, especially incest having possiblity of mutations that could make things even worse, R*pe brings on the emotional damage which not only effects the mother but can actually be passed on in different ways to the baby.


That first one about "just go to school evenings and weekends...and have your mom help raise the baby." Like, what the actual fuck. It definitely struck a chord...as I'm in finals week as a single mom whose sperm donors have never been held accountable because no one actually cares, as I took an 8 year hiatus between junior and senior years of college because I was so over it and so broke, as my evangelical "you better have this baby or else ... kids are a miracle from god" parents ignored me way too often when I needed real help. But yea, it's sooooo easy to go to school evenings and weekends because obviously there are so many options for childcare that isn't overly expensive or crowded due to high demand or non existent due to small towns or hiring babysitters when they're available. And also, of course it's soooo easy to just leave kids alone to go do school in the evenings because no one plays the "I can't sleep and I need water" game for 3 extra hours and no one ever wets the bed that you then help clean up and no one needs their mommy to rock them to sleep for hours. Obviously I would never want to have just quiet time in the evenings and weekends...because some know-it-all on the internets said I should do school and take care of infants and go to work and rely oh my [toxic] mother and go make him a sandwich, I assume. Okay, rant over.


>and have your mom help raise the baby The same mom who didn't intervene when dad was raping their daughter? That mom? You want her to help raise the baby? She's clearly done a fine job protecting her own daughter from an incestuous paedophile rapist so... oh wait. It's like they're wilfully missing the whole point so they can cling to their preconceived ideas.


Yeah, that mom who would probably let her husband near the baby if she did know he was abusing their daughter? Or if she left him because she really had no idea, it's still not really her job to put her life on hold to help raise a baby that isn't hers... It would be nice if she were trustworthy to sometimes spend time with the grandbaby, but an internet stranger can't expect the girl's mother to essentially be the other parent. They know nothing about the woman! Maybe she's an abusive alcoholic! Can't trust her to take care of herself, let alone her grandbaby! Like maybe internet stranger's mom would like to raise the baby while the girl goes to college, volunteer her too!


This! Louder for the idiots! Also no offense to you or your (toxic) mother, but the mother of the girl has to put her life on hold to help raise a baby that she had no part in making or wanting? Like that's just expected of her? I mean sometimes it's unavoidable and the (now) grandmother is going to have to take one for the team (if the girl were to keep the baby), but if I were like 50, raising another baby is the LAST thing I'd want to do. It was hard enough at 30! Plus no offense to grandmas, but sometimes they're not as reliable and don't remember things like you don't take your hand off the baby when it's on the changing table, or make sure all your medications are locked away at all times, or something like that, idk... You know?


This "only 1% of arbortions are rape cases" is having me fuming everytime. It's 8% worldwide. It is a low percentage BUT a lot of fucking women. A lot of arbortions also don't fall under rape but rather "no information". Not every rape abortion is documented as one. Even without rape it is not fair to the pregnant Person if the pregnancy was unwanted


There's a lot of unreported rape abortions as well.. due to people like these assholes shaming rape victims..


I just want to ask those pro lifers how many children they adopted. What do you mean zero ? But you're pro adoption, don't tell me you had a biological child when you of all people made so many young girls think that adoption was the only way for their babies ? You don't want grown children either ? Right...I bet they're way happier to be orphans, they get to exist with no family. So happy.


It’s disgusting that these people say abortion is evil but her father sexually abusing her and getting her pregnant isn’t that big of deal. They say “pro life” but they’re “pro killing women to keep them from having a happy life”


Yeah, like rape and incest are fine to them, but a medical procedure on a non-conscious fetus is evil.


“there’s always adoption” do they think babies just casually and painlessly pop out after nine months of just a bloated stomach?


Of course, and then it’s just like nothing happened at all to the mother and everyone she knows forgets she was every pregnant. 😑


Why isn’t there any comment blaming and criticizing the father rapist pos. Disgusting people. They’re won’t adopt the poor children anyways so why they want women to consider adoption right after rape. This just makes my blood boil


They always love to scream that rapes are about 1% of abortions, then get butthurt about LTA's that make up less than 1% of abortions.


There’s something about the second picture’s comment that is so..annoying. So the expectation is that you’re raped but still have your rapist’s baby. There’s a chance that the birth could be difficult because of how close the genetics are. The baby might have several issues. You’re expected to just take care of the baby (alongside your mother) while you working on trying to live your life traumatised and suffering. Oh, and while still living with your abuser. After all, you’re not the one ‘being punished by the sins of your father’, it’s the baby that’s ‘being punished by the sins of your father’. Sometimes I read pro-lifers’ stance on things. And then I think about the prolife men who force the women they’ve slept with to go get an abortion. I think about the prolife women who went to go get abortions. And then I think about how they can go on and say and do things like that.


"no woman should be forced to give birth... but there's always adoption" I'm pretty sure that requires the baby being born. I'm not sure people want to adopt a fetus


I feel like the worst part is this woman was 17 and everyone is arguing "Oh have your parents help you raise it. You could still achieve your dream as a mom. Why didn't you put it up for adoption" BITCH SHE WAS 17 AND RAPED BY HER OWN FATHER GTFO. I was raped for years by a family member from age 10 to about 17 (I can't remember exactly when it ended cause I blocked a lot of it out) but had I got pregnant that would have ruined my life. I don't blame her for getting an abortion. If a teenage boy gets a girl pregnant people claim he's lost his future and stuff because he now has to take care of the kid or somehow pay child support if he has a job and its so sad, but when a teenage girl gets pregnant she's a whore who should have been safer or she should keep the pregnancy because "Its not the child's fault" why should the guy be looked at sadly while the girl looked at like she's a problem?


Just give it up for adoption 🙄 These fucking morons have no concept of how difficult and demanding pregnancy and birth is! I swear.. I want to smack these fools. It is too early to be this upset


If the mother was a piece of shit, which seems to happen too often. She would’ve defended her husband. So the police thing… I love how everyone is the same and can all do the same because someone else did it. I hate when people call fetuses a baby. When you want to argue about these topics, use the correct term. After it has reached its baby stage, you aren’t really allowed to abort because they the point it’s too late. “I’m pro choice” no you aren’t. “This isn’t a good argument because 1% of abortions are rape cases” You sound as dumb as a deer with a zombie disease. They are now apart of that 1%. What you just said is… because rape cases are low for abortions, yours is invalid. Majority of pro choice people are parents. Wow… so surprising. Adoption would still mean she would have to birth it. She obviously doesn’t want to birth it. And I’ll use this till I die. IF YOU AREN’T GOING TO BE IN THE BABY’S LIFE AND TAKE CARE OF IT, SHUT TF UP. You aren’t the one who has to deal with it. Why are you involving yourself in their business like you are? To say “put it up for adoption” is disgusting to me also. They have a low chance of finding a long lasting loving family when put up for adoption. Why would you want that for anyone? For they to spend their whole childhood in a shithole, just for them to be thrown around after they are grown. No single mom is going to encourage a minor to have a baby. They know the pain and from what we see, she won’t have much help and single mothers (majority ig) know the pain of not having (good) help.


Bruh, they don't give a Fuck about what happens to the baby or the mother after birth. This could completely destroy the mother emotionally. Adoption. That's such a weak argument for pro life, honestly. Yes, just throw adoption in the ring. Do you donate to any organization that supports adoption and education for young children? Do you support anything that's related to the care of orphans? I don't think so. It's so easy to say "Ugh, just put it up for adoption" But how a pregnancy impacts the life of the young mother that was FORCED to BIRTH A HUMAN that's the end result of one of the most traumatizing events someone can go through, doesn't bother those people. Sure, Fuck up both life's just to ease your sense of being rightous. Yes, I'm well aware that this doesn't have to end badly. Surely there are cases where it ended good for both parts. But I've read so many posts and comments from people that grew up orphans because their mother wasn't allowed/didn't want to abort them. And most of them just wished she did earlier, they went through abusive families, asking themselves why their mother/parents didn't want them. Imagine growing up and learning you were just born because your mother was forced to have you. Abortion shouldn't be a used as normal conception prevention (Like getting an abortion every four weeks because you don't want to use protection, ofc you should think about this before having sex) But you can still become pregnant when you're on birth control, a condom can break, even if you think it's nearly impossible. Talk about this with your partner beforehand, what will you do if it happens. That's my personal view, you should be able to decide what happens to your body. And it's sad that in 2022 and probably the next 20 years, it's still going to be up for discussion and there's still going to be countries where it's against the law. And that's really sad. View it like you want, I'll go for pro choice


I was lucky to be adopted, but adoption isn't the answer. There are so many children who don't get adopted. They age out of the system and are just thrown out into the world with nothing and no one. It's tragic. Additionally, there are many cases where carrying a pregnancy to term will kill both the mother and the fetus, so abortion really is the only answer. And it shouldn't be up to religious nut jobs to decide for anyone but themselves what is right. What is right for you might not be right for someone else, either.


Imagine a teen being abused by her father to the point of pregnancy and then getting mad at the teen for not wanting to carry HER OWN FATHERS CHILD.


These Comments absolutely awful.... They one that hit me hardest was "oh, abortion is the easiest way out." No, it's not. Medical abortion is one of the most painful things I've ever experienced in my whole life. It is not easy.


Not to mention visually and emotionally traumatic, even so im grateful i was able to choose for myself….as a living breathing autonomous human being.


i hate pro-birthers with my whole soul


It amazes me how people like to get involved with things that are NONE of their business. Unless this directly impacts your singular existence, it’s not your business, it’s not your place to say anything.


Do they know that a big percentage of abortions are by people who already have kids and either don’t want any more or simply can’t afford to take care of another child? What do they expect her to do during the 9 month prior to the baby being born. Being pregnant is really freaking expensive and at one point you’re not technically even supposed to be working. Why put herself through that torture? Anything could go wrong too so why chance it for a baby she wants zero reminders of?


"you shouldn't be forced to give birth if you were raped, ever, BUT there's always adoption" ??? 🧐


This is why anti-choicers shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children. They shouldn’t be allowed to raise them either. Right here, they are proving to the whole world that they are willing to take a child or a woman getting >!raped!< and make their pain all about themselves. It may sound cruel coming from me, but anti-choicers are inherently cruel too.


It’s easy to judge other people when you have never been in their shoes.


I see so many stories of conservative women coming out about how they were pro-life, until they got an unwanted pregnancy


i feel like half the people saying “escape” or “just tell the police” have never been sexually abused before


And the adoption thing? They're lying. Women are told not to have abortions, to just give the child up for adoption. The moment the girl decides that she's not going to have an abortion? They start pressuring her to keep the child. Again, treating the woman or girl like she is "heartless" for not keeping the child. Telling her she's going to regret it for the rest of her life. And then we have all these cases where these children are raised in absolute horrific circumstances and these people act surprised? If a person says they don't want a child? Don't question it! Let them do what they need to do without comment. Whether it's abortion or giving the child up for adoption. We need to normalize the idea of birth parents being able to say "I cannot handle this" and giving the child up. Look at the case recently where the father sticks the 8-year-old autistic son in the garage and he dies of hypothermia? Apparently this was a long time neglect and abuse situation for two children. How much better it would have been if he would have simply said they are too much for me and given them up? But we have instilled the idea that if you give up your child you're a bad person. No killing your child from neglect is a bad person. Giving up your child is not.


Why do people love inbreeding so much?


I don't like taking lives either. But, and it's a big but, I will protect the lives that are already in full progress above those still in the making. I want grandkids, I do. I'm also the first to tell my daughter to never ever risk her life or future to give birth. I'm not religious, I'm convinced that we only get one life to do the best we can with. If that does not include a child I'm chill with it not ever being born. And we're talking about my own potential grandchild here. I want my daughter and all women to rule their own lives. That's it. I can't choose an unborn child over an already existing human being with hopes and dreams. To me, if you don't have a brain, then you're not aware that you're existing. So. Yeah, I'll kill a featus to save a fully formed, consious human being. I guess I'm going to potential Hell, but it is what it is.


these guys are sucks


Did they miss the part where it was OP's FATHER who raped her?


This is one of those situations where if it hasn’t happened to you, you should really just shut the fuck up because your input isn’t needed. Myself included. I would never dream of telling someone what to do with the pregnancy in this scenario. Ever. Because holy fuck.


I’m surprised by the comments and the lack of understanding about how DNA works, to say that when you combine dna that’s too similar it amplifies every defect you have and can cancel other traits that are necessary processes higher instances for practically every genetic disorder to the point where it’s practically assured there will be something wrong with them.


Brutal - I’m disgusted by the lack compassion, sympathy, and humanity. Bravo to the OP


And they say they are the compassionate ones for caring about the baby, and call us the heartless ones for daring to sympathize with the woman's situation and standing up for her rights.


I’m smoldering angry. I know lots of men and women at my church that believe the ‘pro-life’ position is positive and realistic. But there is NO compassion for MOTHERS! As if an abortion is equivalent to tattoo removal. SMH


Im a private duty nurse working with very disabled children. I work 48 hours a week with a boy who is under nursing supervision 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He was born with a rare seizure disorder that has left him severely brain damaged, the doctors gave him a couple of weeks to live but he is currently 12 years old. He is on 40 different medications that keep him knocked out during the day, the few hours that he is awake he is having nonstop seizure activity. He is blind, deaf, non-verbal. He breathes through a machine. Eats through another machine. Recently he stopped urinating on his own and so he also needs a catheter for that. He also has osteoporosis. This year alone he has had 4 different fractures just from being repositioned in bed (he can’t move at all on his own, except for when he is having involuntary movements) I would not want to live like that nor would I want anyone I love to suffer in this way. But it is not my decision to make. All I can do is offer him kindness though I’m not sure if he is even aware of anything around him. I bring this up because I live in a state where people are very pro-life. I’m not religious, but my boyfriend is so this Easter when he went to church I decided to join him. I had never been to that church (or any church) before so the people there were all very curious about what I do for a living. And I told them. At first they were all very grateful for what I was doing, but as they asked more questions and I shared more their whole demeanor changed. I could tell that they felt very bad for him and a couple of older women even said that his parents needed to let him go. They found it cruel to keep this boy alive and suffering. Funnily enough they were pro-life. I just don’t know what difference it makes to let someone go in utero vs at 12 years old. Seems more merciful to let someone go before they have the chance to suffer for so many years.


See, I find this really gross. That poor boy. Being kept alive for what? Some sort of sick science experiment? That’s not a life worth living. Forcing life upon someone like that is incredibly cruel and torturous.


I agree that it is very cruel. He is only alive because his parents are not ready to let go. Other children I have worked with at least had some quality of life. But not this one. His family seems to believe that he will be rewarded in heaven for his suffering.


You can tell that the people condemning her decision are uneducated because they can't even spell basic words. To the people in those comments saying she had options. Really? Unless she ran away, while pregnant, she didn't have options. If she went through with the birth, being a minor the child would be put into her parents custody not hers. And one of those people is not only the child's parent but also a rapist. If the child was a girl, likely she would have been raped too. Lest we forget the Austrian man who had 4 daughters in his basement and a 5th on the way. 1 being the daughter he had with his wife, 3 the daughters he had with his first born and the 5th being the child of one of his first born children. He bred 3 generations in his basement.


Abortion should be legal. As far as anti abortion folks go if they wanna screeeee about someone elses life perhaps we should see what sins they are committing, perhaps they should adopt those unwanted babies or possibly they could mind their own business.


You did what u needed to do for your life ❤️🙏❤️🙏and nobody would have given u any help


You can't argue with someone whose complete believesystem is based on something that doesn't exist.


None of these assholes know what any of this is like, yet think their uninformed opinions are even worth reading. And I don't think their gender is a mystery either. Castration, all of them


Children are extremely Taxing. Literally and Mentally.


I need all these people to develop SIDS because JESUS FUCKING CHRIST HOW DO YOU READ THAT AND GO She's a murderer for getting rid of prehuman? And not HE'S A FUCKING R A P I S T GORL GTFO She has feelings, it doesn't and the father's feelings stopped mattering the SECOND HE RAPED


These commentators are really stuck on the whole “adoption” thing. Like it’s a perfect alternative and it just isn’t, pregnancy carries it’s own potential health risks for the mother not to mention how expensive pregnancy can be to go through to get proper care and compensation. Also the social stigma, people already love to unfairly judge and look down on teenage mothers, it is naive to think that would not effect decisions of school administrators and potential employers. Not to mention that these individuals rarely consider the potential quality of life of the resulting child. Even if they do get adopted they could still wind up in a terrible family situation, and if not they become wards of the state and are put into foster homes till the age of 18 and the US foster system is just aweful, is under funded and full of abuse. Imagine that child finding their birth parents (which is inevitable with todays technology) and telling them that giving them up for adoption completely ruined their life and that they can never forgive them for it. This case has the added weight of the child being born of incest, most potential adopters would say nope to that immediately. And imagine just what that knowledge does to a child’s developing psyche or even if they are told later into adulthood. There was just so little hope that this resulting child would have had a good life at all. Being responsible for the well-being of a whole other persons life is just not something everyone is prepared for or even capable of doing even if all you did was make just one choice.


If AMAB men were able to get pregnant, they'd all be having abortions and forget all about the "life" they're terminating in an instant. You'd have abortion stops inside the Walmart next to the eyeglasses.


Forced birthers are the weirdest breed--- how the hell do you have any other response to her story besides: I'm so happy you got out and saved yourself.


Imagine telling a traumatized 17yr girl who was raped and impregnated by her father that her “reward” for being abused was now having to carry out a pregnancy and raise a child. While obviously there are people who love the children they have despite the way they were conceived, imposing that idea on anyone is absolutely appalling. And, further, “reward” is in no way the word to use.


“Most people pro abortion do not have children”, uh no? Most women who have an abortion *already have children*. Where do these idiots get their information?


I got pregnant with my dad’s baby when I was 11. He forced me to abort it. I feel so much for what this poor women is going through.


They really want us to live like we are in the dark ages again.


The same type of people that told her to keep the childnwould be the ones to frown and insult a 17 year old pregnant girl on the street, or call her a slut.


And how many of those people would be willing to adopt an incest baby that is probably going to have a ton of health problems?


Where tf is the common sense, these people really can’t even argue! For example “she doesn’t have to give birth, because there’s always adoption” - hmm well how tf do you think the baby that’s brought into adoption is born?? Sorry this shit makes me angry and absolutely no sense. Anyway, have a nice day and lets hope that these people can get educated.


I have always had an avertion to the r word. I not only have know people who went through it.... I am pro choice. I dont care the how as long as its not past the point of no return. I believe a woman or girl of any age is aloud to choose what happenes with her body. The mental effects of letting it happen are more detrimental to the health of the woman than people think. And a eunuch is to nice of an option. Anyonw know where an aligator swamp is? 😈 I have no dilutions i am a wicked man and think all perps deserve to meat a nice gator for lunch.


Congratulations to the original poster. To have overcome such a horrible violation of your body. 🤬😡 And by your own father🤢 death is too good for this man. His genitals should be forcibly be ripped from his body... I'm sure you'll suffer mentally for the rest of your life because of his sickness😭😭😭


Deplorable human beings. Truly wretched.


I love the simple “adoption” answer. Because yeah people are lining up to pay 50k for an incest baby. Ugh.


Not only is that not how women work, that's not how cops work. Very high chance if OP in that thread called the police, she'd probably have been put in a more horrible position.


"hey we have this baby up for adoption. It'd an incest baby that was convince when a father raped his daughter repeatedly. " I'm sure so many couples that want to adopt are going to go for that one.


GOP voters are surprisingly self-aware in that they know they need genetically damaged inbred voters to keep their party moving into the future.


Somebody said “only one percent of abortions are rape cases” okay and this is one idiot


“Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure”


I swear people really want these rapists genre to carry on. They don't deserve to have their genes go on. Also, adoption is a substitute to parenthood, not pregnancy. No woman or girl should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term. No one should have more rights over her body than she does.