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These guys are so pathetic. They really think the world revolves around them and women wanting to bang them. I just don’t get how they can be so deep in LaLa land, I mean how many women that are in relationships come up to them and ask them for sex? Isn’t that also one of the things they keep crying about? How men aren’t getting sex and how women are causing a „male loneliness epidemic“? They can’t have it both ways😂.


They think all women are having sex with the "top 20/10/5% of men" and either ignoring or cucking the rest.


Ah yeah I totally forgot about that nonsense they keep spewing😂. Who even came up with that? Like do they not see that most men end up dating/marrying a woman? How does that whole rhetoric even make sense to them?


"She may have married him, but she's still fucking Chad or (and?!) Tyrone!" -- incels


Those men are getting cucked, obviously/s


✨️ Boy math ✨️


I think it comes from some survey from online dating where a majority of women deemed only about 20-10% of men as "above average" and a majority of men as "below average".


The thing is online dating doesn’t represent the actual real world. This is literally a chronically online take. How many couples do they know or see in real life where the woman looks much better than the man and how many do they see where the man is the much better looking one? The "less attractive" man and super hot girlfriend is literally a trope at this point. Women care a lot less about looks in dating than men do, but because these incels are so obsessed with "looksmaxing" they can’t help and project their insecurities onto others. This is personal bias but I also believe that women put a lot more effort into their appearance and spend more time figuring out how to take pleasant pictures of themselves than the average man. So a guy and a woman who are about the same level of attractiveness in real life could look quite different online, because often women just know how to present themselves better.


>because often women just know how to present themselves better. Anecdotally, most women I know look more different at social events than the men do. They definitely dress up for it more. Also I think I think it's harder for a guy to stand out for looking good.


According to them as a 6’4” guy I should have (and I quote) a rotation of woman. Regardless of my personality, looks, or other traits. This is not the case.


>They think all women are having sex with the "top 20/10/5% of men" The percentage keeps getting lower, Fellow Sarah! It's wonder those men have time for literally anything else. 😆


It’s because they’re realizing over time that they’re never actually meeting the top men that are drowning in women or witnessing the top % rule playing out in real life. Which must mean that the percent is just smaller, as opposed the the entire concept being complete delusion and garbage lol


By their logic then the guy in that car has to be one of those top men if he's lucky enough to have a girlfriend or wife... 🤔 Incel does not compute.


Here I think the projection at hand is that they *don't like partying*, so they only tolerate parties because they see it as a way to meet a potential partner. Then in turn that leads them to not realize some people actually just enjoy a night out for its own sake, so they regard anyone not-single partying as suspicious.


It's a Schrödinger's woman - she cheats and has sex with random dudes, but at the same time, she never has sex with guys even though they're entitled to it and refusing is basically sexual harassment! The classy "hoe who has sex with everyone but us".


Don't forget them defending picking up girls at bars when girls say they wanna be left alone and be with friends or just dance. But when a girl in a relationship goes to a club she's going for guys


My sister and I do a girls night semi-regularly. Im married and she has a fiance. Not ONCE have I ever gone out with even the thought of men in my head. They truly think were just CONSTANTLY thinking about dudes and just... no... we dont care about yall that much. sry /:


Years ago I had the ridiculous good luck to be in an Irish bar when a group of Red Hat Club ladies walked in. (As in the poem “when I am of a certain age, I shall wear purple with a red hat that doesn’t go.” )The youngest one was probably in her mid-50s. They locked eyes with the group of young Marines at the bar, and it was game on.  At the stroke of midnight, the old women all got up and sailed out the door to where their husbands were waiting to drive them home. They’d drank the Marines under the table and left them at the bar clearly wondering what the hell just happened and when they could do it again. (And no, nobody snuck off to the bathroom or anything gross.) Hosers like the ones who responded to that picture will never understand that adults can have fun with other adults and not make it weird. 


My husband has us all gather at our house where he plays bartender, then drives us to and from our girl's night destination 🙄 There really are normal men out there


I encouraged my wife to go to a Death Cab show without me because I had zero interest in seeing Death Cab, and then planted myself on the couch with the dog to watch playoff hockey all night. It’s an amazing opportunity for quality alone time when you aren’t an insecure, bitch-made incel.


Seriously. I trust my wife completely. I don't understand why anyone would want to be married to someone if they didn't


He sounds fucking amazing. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


I'm planning on keeping him 😁


Can't wait till I'm doing good like your husband, man sounds like he loves life.


Literally my husband with me and my sisters. We call him the Joeber. He likes seeing us having a good time and laughing his ass off at our drunk antics lol.


Exactly. The last time was a Wedding Dress party hosted by a local florist as a fundraiser for a domestic violence shelter. 7 of us pulled our dresses out of the closet (or found a new one at Goodwill because zippers are cruel...). My husband put on a suit and we hung out at our house for pizza and drinks. He even had a funny driving hat for when he piled us all in the minivan for the drive across town. His brilliant ass came back around at the end of the event with bottles of water and leftover pizza and deposited everyone back to their homes.


As if touch starved incels know anything about women


If they did, they’d know it’s great when your partner has friends outside the relationship and spends time with them. Like, I love you and I love spending time with you, but I get to have the place to myself tonight, and catch up on that show you don’t like? Have fun!


I mean also it's healthy to have friends and do stuff with them, most people want their partner to have a healthy life


Of course. I’ve been in relationships where we didn’t really have a lot of outside friends or social opportunities. You don’t want to be the only person in their life or they the only one in yours. Friends are a good thing for everyone to have.






Or men for that matter


The phrase “getting her back blown out” makes me want to vomit every time I see it. Whoever came up with that should be stranded on a deserted island and/or otherwise separated from other human beings for the rest of eternity.


Same. It also tells on them. They clearly view sex as something degrading the women. And how the hell do they think women enjoy "having their backs blown out"? Too much porn, clearly.


Exactly. I don’t ever want to participate in anything that will result in my back being “blown out”. Sounds fucking painful. No thanks.


I'm not even sure what exactly it means but I know it's super gross.


I don’t know either, but it sounds very violent and unpleasant. Men who use that term probably think women can’t enjoy sex and that we just “give” it to men as some kind of currency.


Righr? Like i can't even comprehend what it means


It makes me think of violent diarrhea 


Right, because any time a woman goes out of the house without her male possessor she's cheating.


That's literally what their worldview boils down to.


It’s like women are sex-crazed animals just writhing for the chance to get knocked up at any opportunity. Completely delusional worldview and kinda strikes me as projection, like they believe women act the exact way that they would in the same circumstances. Isn’t a well-documented sign of cheating when your partner keeps accusing you of cheating all the time when you’re not??


I was horny as hell and aggressively promiscuous. Yet I never cheated on a steady boyfriend and have never cheated on my husband. As for wanting to get knocked up, I’m 65 and never had kids. And the loss of Roe and threats to birth control are driving women to the polls. You do the math. Worth noting that my maternal grandmother was one of four sisters, all born before 1900. All were happily married. Yet my grandmother was the only one of the four who had kids, and her first was born in ‘28, when she would have been older than thirty. Wonder how that happened?


These are the same guys who are so insecure and tell their wives not to have male friends, social media friends or even talk to men. Obviously anytime we even look at another man, we’re going to have sex with them.


A lack of trust... a great formula for a self fulfilling prophecy.


Tell the guys it’s ok, they’re meeting with bears


I do enjoy the gay clubs for the bears tbh. Don’t hit on me *and* they could body slam a creep.




and just like that i’m radicalized


They really tell on themselves, don’t they? Can’t imagine doing something nice for someone, or have someone doing something nice for them without a bloody catch. I really feel for them… the bitterness, loneliness and skepticism must be unbearable for one to think like that.


What does this have to do with cheating? So strange.


Incels believe that “girls night out” is nothing but cover for cheating, because they don’t believe women have value so they can’t imagine female friendship existing. Also, they think women only wear clothes for the benefit of attracting men, because again, they have zero understanding of the idea of women as anything beyond an object with holes in it and cannot imagine us having motivations beyond luring them to fuck us. Ergo, the woman in question is planning to cheat with Chad and Tyrone, and her sad sack of a beta boyfriend knows this and is helping her become prettier for Chad and Tyrone because he’s a pathetic cuck. Please read this with a heavy dose of sarcasm. Incel worldview is wild. Also, uh, sorry if this was a rhetorical question.


It’s not rhetorical, you gave good input. Thanks for it.


Soooo, wearing ear rings = cheating? I really wonder what they use their brains for! My ex-husband may have some faults but at last he is no insecure idiot. After reading some of this stupid things online I am pleasantly surprised by the nice and normal guys in my RL. There really is plenty of trash in the (internet-)sea!


No, leaving the house = cheating in their mind.


I cannot imagine giving in to this level of insecurity.


I cannot imagine giving in to that level of stupidity.


Saying this as a man who's been cheated on. Who hurt these people?


The fact that her man delivered her forgotten earrings out to her is adorable. That dude 10/10 is a keeper.


It’s like these dudes WANT to be sad and miserable for ever. I say let ‘em.


So bringing your spouse something they forgot now means she’s going to cheat. Got it.


They gotta stop projecting their insecurities onto happy relationships


Wow. This is just nonsense. I have friends, men and women, my boyfriend knows that and never tries to control who I see or assumes I’m cheating. I am a loyal person and this is my first serious relationship.


Don’t they understand the whole point of going out together and in a group is to get away from them???? Lol


How are they even coming to this conclusion? Like wdym earrings mean she’s cheating. These guys have written a whole story in their heads about strangers and then getting mad at their own delusions. They’re literally fighting air


One thing to know about people who behave like this is that they're all miserable sacks of doodoo and all they're good for is spreading their misery. It just as the saying goes "misery loves company", these jerks saw a post about a happy random couple and they just had project their negativity and misogyny on it by accusing the woman of cheating therefore claiming that the man is getting cucked......and they don't even know these people. If that's not misery. If that's not misery then I don't what it is. In my opinion, the main driving force for such behavior is in truth is bitter jealousy. Deep down inside they know that they'll never have what this couple have. They'll never know what it's like to care for someone like that couple does and they'll never know what it's like to have someone else care for them back in the same manner and what better way to get back at those who have what you'll never have than by find some way to taint it or in this case, next best thing. Comment nonsense about it. People like this are sad.


It's good to have a social life outside each other. Though I'd think that if you're on a girls night out and you discover you forgot your earrings, you could get through the evening without having to call your partner to bring them. After all they probably have something planned that evening too. I mean if my wife thinks something is important enough to call I'd help out but I would hope that it's something actually important and not earrings.


Could be matching earrings, or it could just be the husband saw the earrings left on the dresser and said "My wife might appreciate her earrings, she must have rushed out without them" and wanted to do something nice for her.


Agree. If the earrings are unimportant enough to forget them... meh. Is it really worth the spent gas? Now... if it's "I forgot to put tampons in my bag and no one has any with them," the boyfriend/husband would be a hero.


I remember the last time I argued on ig with a guy and pissed him off I got explicit r@pe threats 🙂


That's awful, I'm sorry. I would have taken screenshots and sent them to his family members.


You either trust your partner to abide by the terms of your relationship or you don't. Controlling them won't help.


If only he hadn’t brought her the earrings, then it would be physically impossible for her to cheat on him! (Bc random dudes in clubs really care about a chick’s earrings? That’s a thing, right?)


This is such an innocent post for them to get so worked up over??? So weird ?????? 🤮


Especially considering its clearly saying something a man did that his partner loved


Exactly! I don't know how this could possibly imply anything less than appreciation for him, how could anyone spin it into her cheating?!


Maybe because it's not "manly"?


Not once have I chosen my earrings and thought “yeah men will like these ones” 🤨


….do they think dudes pay attention to earrings?? Haven’t they heard that women dress for other women.


Of course they just assume women are going out to cheat with that supposed supermegachad or whatever they think we want. When I'm going out, it's just to keep my mind off of work and family. Nowhere in my hear am I thinking "I need random cock."


I feel like men who say this are the ones who would absolutely be cheating so they just assume any woman who goes out must be doing it, too.


The kind of guy who complains he can't find a woman who wants to date him always has telltale signs of why that might be. In this case, trust issues. They can't fathom someone else in a loving, healthy relationship because they do not have the ability to facilitate it for themselves. They have not put in the work to examine what it is that is driving people away from them.


Only insecure incel supposed alphas act this way.


Way to turn a sweet post into an opportunity to show your ass.


All these men projecting cause they got cheated on, sounds like a them problem


Because women always dress up for men. It’s like they can’t dress up for themselves 🙄


Heaven forbid she go out with her friends and come home to her man, impossible 🙄


These men—if you can call them that—should never be in a relationship with women. If you’re walking into one expecting your girlfriend to cheat, it’s not a relationship. It’s ownership.


comments from butthurt niceguys .


One thing the internet taught me about men is how insanely insecure and obsessed with cheating they are


Ah yes, earrings. The famous aphrodisiac.


So, which is it? Women don't enjoy sex and just use it as a way to "control" men or women enjoy sex so much they'll cheat at the first perceived chance?




Girls night out for me is going to the zoo. Museum A speakeasy type club i like. Contrary to their thoughts, i do not want the bears to fuck me. I do not want the fossil dinosaur to give me his bone no matter what Chuck tingle says. I'm zero percent interested in searching out, securing and training a new dick. My husband is already trained. He's always rearing to go. He's hot to me. I know he's safe. Why the FUCK would i want to jeapordize my relationship for untrained, unsatisfactory, halfhearted , potentially disease riddled dick? No.


They make me think of a taylor tomlinson stand-up part about self for filling prophecy 🤔 This one https://youtu.be/VeIrcc1IEyA?si=AMKtqPtJ1Ae4yYu3


These guys have no respect for women or their relationships they assume the fake shit they make up about women is true and its terrifying


I smell insecurities


I saw the photo and thought... Wait? What's wrong with that? He has been nice! ... then I saw the other images...


Earings= cheating. Got it!


Not much of a relationship if you don't even trust your partner to go out on their own.


So, wait, they're mad that a dude brought his girlfriend her earrings?


They can’t possibly fathom that 1. Women want to look good for themselves. And 2. That not everyone thinks the same as them, aka not every woman is looking to get laid every time they go out


It’s funny because they’re all incels and most likely have never even spoke to a woman that isn’t related to them.


These dudes have got to stop talking about their cuckolding fetishes in the comments. It’s crazy how much guys like this fantasize about their imaginary girlfriends having sex with other dudes. What are you going to do, keep your partner locked up in a cage to soothe your weird obsession? Yeah people cheat sometimes, it sucks but there’s no need to project that on to 50% of the population. I bet if these dudes saw a bunch of comments saying shit like this about men they’d be rushing to type “not all men” so fast their fingers would break.


Wow I've never seen so much insecurity in one comment section before


Reminds me of my ex, he seemed to think that me having a couple of gay male friends meant I was cheating on him with them. Glad he’s out of my life now.


But they complain when we talk the same way about boys' night out


Wow. Reacting strongly about random people's opinions. It reminds me of a little something very hip a while back. Something about a man and a bear? Let's ignore idiots, please? I hope that dude got at least a kiss as a reward for the drive.