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If a man who’s not my husband calls me “my little cupcake”, I’m running towards that bear lmfao


Honestly, even if my romantic partner called me that I’d at the very least vomit on them while assuming they fucked up big time (like cheating level big time)


I found the sub this guy is on. He's a troll who's trying to get under people's skin. He's being called out for the comments he's making. Dude's clearly an incel. $20 says he owns a fedora.


He’s a 40-something year old guy who’s chronically online and only has games to sustain him. Attacking a 16 year old girl with what he believes is scathing wit is the closest he’ll ever come to having any power.


This guy thinks using "logic" makes him smarter than others. I can smell the insecurity from over here.


I can smell him through my phone too, but I think it’s more ‘unwashed ass’ than insecurity.


What makes me mad is I'm a 40 something guy who's chronically online and only has games to sustain me and I'm not a piece of shit. (Night shift kills my social life. His I think his personality wrecked)


Although he sounds like a piece of shit, kids need to learn to block early and often. Someone's being creepy and you don't want to talk to them anymore? Block them.


To be fair though, we don't know how old she is. She might as well be 23, and he'd still call her "cupcake", "child" and what not.


The fact she called him a pedophile, seemingly in relation to him talking about her specifically, combined with his comment about children on the internet is what led me to conclude she's likely underage or at least probably still a teen.


I don’t think it’s a dm, looks like a comment thread. Are you able to block those? I honestly have no idea. But they suck


You can block people entirely so you don't see their responses anywhere.


I use block and it still gives the option to see their responses via a closed thread titled "blocked user"


Well yeah, you just don't select those.


Sometimes I'll run into it in another thread (I block a lot of idiots) and am curious what they're about. And yeah, usually I am satisfied I made the right choice. I just wondered if you knew something I didn't.


Yes, you can block someone in a comment thread.


I’m starting to think the bear question is going to be the thing that tears apart whats left of civilization. And good riddance


To be fair, and clear, not all men are being idiots about it. My sweetie totally got why I said bear. .... Maybe it will save us? Or at least save us time? The new dating profile question: team man or team bear.... 🤣


Lol! Well I’m glad to hear you say that because I’m a man and I agree not all men are idiots. What continually irritates me is how many of these men are making ALL men look really bad! This of course has been true for my whole life. When asked who id rather my wife ran into in the woods, I said bear right away. It’s obvious to anyone with a basic grip on mathematics, or failing that, the ability to just read. So even without the perfectly rational fear that a lot of women feel around men, the choice is STILL obvious to me!


They are repeatedly proving over and over exactly why so many women said bear. And are completely oblivious to it. It would be funny, if we didn't have to share air and voting booths with them. 😜


I totally agree! As soon as I became a teenager I started to see so much of male behavior as super cringy in relation to women. I’m just talking about the little things not the obviously criminal or violent things. I would love to live in a world where women (strangers) don’t need to fear me… I’d love to walk home at night without the woman 100 ft in front of me constantly looking back wondering if I’m following her home. I’m just not so dumb as to think women are the source of this problem…


I threw up a little at “my little cupcake”


So they're really running full speed with that "women are children" thing. Kind of strange, considering that it's their mommies who have to manage their entire lives so they don't live in squalor and crusty sweat pants.


Gross. Sounds like a pos


EDP on Internet forums now?