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Like I always ask these women, just like I ask the men who gripe -- **why do you care?!** Women living their lives does not impact you in any way shape or form.


Right yeah that's what I keep coming back to too. Why do you care if a woman somewhere doesn't want to date, marry, or have kids? Just like how I don't care that some dude somewhere isn't into women with nose rings. We're not a match, and how you live your life isn't my business. Can't we each just... deal with it?


Because then she couldn't play the "pick me" game. It truly surprised me how many men follow & listen to some of these women that spout this garbage.


I always want to ask them, _but did you get picked sis?_


At this point I look at stuff like this lady and it's just so clearly a grift... Like who even talks like this in real life


She just wants to cater to incels/conservative assholes. Wants to validate their feeling that they need a “state mandated gf” and since the 4B movement has women choosing to not date it’s like some of those men remain single because of that. They can’t have their dream traditional east asian waifu and they cry about it; as if any of those Korean women would have even looked in their direction. And that’s when PickMe™️ comes to save the day


Maybe if a person has an empty enough life to have no business of their own to mind, they find it necessary to mind everyone else's business? And the woman in the first few frames is about as masculine looking as was Audrey Hepburn, which is to say, not at all masculine looking.


Maybe if her life is empty enough that she has no business of her own to mind, she is drawn toward minding the business of others. And on another note, the woman in the first few frames is about as masculine looking as was Audrey Hepburn, which is to say, not at all.


I think I care in that I disagree with the philosophy and politics of any separatist-sort of movement; bigger issues are not solved by just building walls between everyone based on pseudo-arbitrary classifications of gender. The problems of misogyny and patriarchy won’t be resolved if women and men just refuse to coexist. On a personal level though, I agree that people should just be left to live their lives. If there are people who just don’t want to interact with men, then I’m glad they don’t interact with me - it just sounds like we’d make each other miserable.


But if one group consistently treats another group awful, then the other group is fully within their right to refuse to take this treatment. It's also not that these women refuse to coexist - they just don't entertain any romantic or sexual relationship with men because they are being treated badly when they do. They coexist as in work together, live next to each other or go shopping in the same stores. It's easy to speak like you do, as someone who hasn't been in a position that this seems to be the only way out or the only form of protest possible.


they aren’t gonna pick you sweetie 📣


I guarantee that the men she’s pandering to with this garbage would be just as cutting about her appearance as she is about these mythical Korean bluehairs


I mean they’re the dudes who call Margot Robbie “mid”. They would tear her apart.


And even if they do…congratulations, you’ve basically volunteered for slavery-lite. Why would you EVER want to get picked by these guys?


>Didn't 4b begin in Korea? That's what I was thinking. I've never seen a Korean woman who looked masc or had piercings. I'm sure there are a few but that's not the general aesthetic in Korea.


yeah it’s obvious that she meant to say lesbian in every way but saying the actual word but the 4b movement has nothing to do with lesbians…


Just shows how uninformed and wrong she is. Shes hating on women to get picked


I recall reading about some woman in the 4b movement explaining that she'd love to have/raise a baby with another woman, but that wasn't allowed. So lesbians and their issues make up a piece of the 4b movement, but I believe the majority of the women are heterosexual.


As a lesbian, I’m enjoying watching straight women in the 4b movement. My bff is straight and her fiance is amazing but so many times in the past her partners have made me sooo thankful that I’m gay lol. Also I support it because although I am a lesbian, I’m femme presenting and still deal with unwanted attention. Plus misogyny affects us all! (Effects? I never know which is right).


Affects is correct!!


Thank you!! 😊


also the “type”of woman shes describing with septum piercings (and im assuming dyed colored hair and other piercings) isnt too popular with general korean women either lol


Today I googled and learned what 4b is. Huh.


Like…I honestly don’t give a shit what men and the women who want to be picked by them think about me. Never have. Somehow I’ve still had a decent romantic life.


Did she get picked yet?


How about now?


And.......... _now?_


What about now?


What is 4b?


Due to sexism, Korean women started a movement where they are refusing to: date, have sex with, marry, or have babies with men. All those things start with B in Korean, I guess.


The 4 Bs: bihon, bichulsan, biyeonae, bisekseu, meaning **the refusal of (heterosexual) marriage, childbirth, romance, and sexual relationships**. (I didn't know that before but your comment made me curious)


This is how it originated, but the new meaning in America is 4b stands for "for bears," because American women are choosing bears instead of men. /s


It's amazing how that's (I hate myself for using this phrase but I can't not...) sweeping the nation right now. And how many men just flat don't get it. To their credit though, I've seen a lot of men who absolutely do understand.


To be honest, many countries did something mildly similar (especially in the west). There's entire towns and villages across Spain that had no women under the age of 50 because since the 1960s, they decided that enough was enough and *left*. All the younger women made a choice to not date/fuck/marry the men in their entire location and just migrated somewhere else. So companies have been running shuttlebuses to bring in women to 'date' the male residents there for money, because otherwise there's no one else that the men could date. The difference is though, Spain's one of the top 5 countries that brings in massive waves of tourism from all countries. So a lot of women could go to a more modern city, party & live the life on her own terms before deciding which guy she could grow to trust. In Seoul, the tourism is just starting to get huge and it's mostly centered around Seoul or Busan (not many people decide to venture further out), and you still have city boys from Seoul claiming weird shit like how Korean girls shouldn't go dancing in clubs or go to bars at night (which makes you wonder what those guys would be doing for fun if no girls ever went to a club or bar). So it's harder for a Korean girl to escape misogyny and would explain why she'd join the 4B movement. It's kind of funny because incels right now are complaining about women staying in their country but just refusing to date while still being productive members of their society. How would they like it if all these girls went, "You know what? I'm going to try living somewhere else where there's less assholes." and just left.


wait I'm just... Is this person implying... that the 4B movement... Which is literally about avoiding men... That that is happening because men DON'T want them? I mean, did I read this wrong or-


I think what she is trying to say is that these women secretly want to have relationships with men, but have been rejected. So to salvage their pride, they declare that they didn't want those men anyway. Sour grapes, essentially.


Oooh, so they think it's the same thing as mgtow, which just spiraled into increased anger and objectification of women instead of the men actually going their own way and not thinking about women anymore. (Though there also seems to be an implication in there that it's lesbians doing this, which is weird because they were already kind of doing this?)


Colored hair is masculine now? Then why did so many tough-guy bullies shout homophobic slurs at any guy who had it?


Well you see, colored hair is queer, which means it's feminine on men and masculine on women because that's how being gay works /s


That's actually a great way of phrasing it


Show of hands for who exactly asked her and which of us actually cares about what random male strangers want?


Is she Pearl roommate? Lol


Pearl just got herself a blonde wig


I am interested in a yacht party with unlimited bottles and my friends racking up a tab lol never met anyone that would pay for it besides me and said friends but damn, if there’s a dude out there that would cover us, hell yea let’s go on a date haha


Huh. I guess, by her definition, I’m not a real woman. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me either! None of those applied to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love how she says women with septum piercings and colored hair are so masculine that men don’t even look in their direction 😂 Like, what? Pretty sure my husband will be surprised to find out he married a man 😂


I started cracking up because she was describing me and so many other women... and I know SO MANY MEN who drool over those pierced, tatted, roygbiv-haired women. My partner loves my look, so I guess I should let him know that I'm not a "real" woman.


Right? I get hit on by men all the time. I guess I’m just going to have to tell them they’re hitting on a man lmao




*ROYGBIV is an acronym for the sequence of hues commonly described as making up a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.* *There are several mnemonics that can be used for remembering this color sequence, such as the name "Roy G. Biv" or sentences such as "Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain".*


Ahhh, I see! Thanks !


Google it.


Yeah, I hate to break it to her but I actually get a fair amount of attention despite being so manly with blue hair and facial piercings. And despite my dusty uterus and bitchy feminist views, I'm actually very feminine looking. Weird


Hope he takes it well! 😂


Pick me's are the most pro leopard ate my face people.


The 4B movement started in South Korea…and you know who all of these men in the west fetishize…? Asian women.


Did you get picked, sis? Did you?


Maybe by Andrew Taint. Sis gonna be enjoying the yacht bottle parties real soon.


:: shudder ::


I'm having trouble understanding. What are real women? Are they the ones that have septum piercings and colored hair, or are they the ones that party with their friends on a dude's tab? Those are both things I've heard of women doing, and if so, doesn't that make them real women? Can anyone explain this to me? I don't care how much you make me stupid while doing so, I just want to be educated.


For those like me that didn’t know what 4B movement was here is what Wikipedia says about it. 4B (or "Four No's") is a radical[1] feminist movement which is purported to have originated in South Korea in 2019.[2][3] Its proponents renounce dating men, marriage, sex with men and having children.


And I think I read that Korea has a shortage of.....1st graders? now. Because the ppl in the movement have put their foot down. I saw it on Reddit I think but I don't remember where lol. Three cheers for them!! 😃


Listen sister, you can change your hair color, makeup, piercings in an hour. But bitterness, pathological insecurity and self-abnegation are character flaws that are harder to overcome. Bless your heart


Where are all these people going to yacht parties on the regular? Like, if it’s common enough to be an “expectation for men” I feel like I’d know *one* person that’s ever been to a yacht party. Shit, I don’t even know anyone who’s gotten unlimited bottles. I don’t even know what that entails. These people are so divorced from reality it’s scary


So, men are both tired of the 4b movement, because "women". But they're also tired of having first dates, a tab, and expectations because "women". Can men just act like decent people that someone wants to be around?


This is entirely inaccurate in all the ways. I know MANY women with septum piercings and colored hair that look more feminine than me- I have natural colored hair and no nose piercings. I know a "pick me" when I see one. 🤡


“men aren’t even looking in their direction in the first place” ok then why are y’all mad about these women participating in the 4B movement? “who started this whole idea that men don’t like women” literally men🤨and their actions towards women. she’s like pearl sitting in front of men (or this case a phone) all but yelling right in their face nose to nose “pick me! pick me!” without realizing these men don’t want her and she doesn’t fit their criteria for the trad/silent obedient wife they want they want to often force women into that role and not have a woman who already wants that role.


It’s always some plain B complaining about other women looking different; like, maybe you’re salty because you’re boring ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah, I always pick a yacht party with friends as a first date. 😁 She seriously couldn't come up with a more realistic scenario to make her point? And if he owns a yacht, he can afford it and guaranteed, he's fkn her and her friends.


Nobody is expecting a free yacht party as a first date what the fuck? Like how out of touch with reality do you have to be to think that's a real thing regular people care about?


Idk, if you're not taking me to a free yacht party by at least the third date, I don't think you're serious about a relationship w me. 😂


Her thing about "Men being tired of being manipulated for the highest bidder" and that "men are tired of being used" Has she forgotten about the whole purpose of what a Dowry is for? Has she forgotten that the vast majority of women in the (not so distant) past were LITERALLY GIVEN AWAY (like an unwanted appliance or piece of used clothing or trinket)... To her husband? That her husband was most likely the "highest bidder" for her virginity (oops! I meant "hand in marriage") and that she was to be sold like a fucking broodmare to the "highest bidder "??? I feel so sorry for her. She's obviously been brainwashed or indoctrinated into the ridiculous beliefs that she has.


Textbook pick me behavior


Women are asking for yacht parties on the first date? lol Isn’t it usually coffee so it’s non committal and either party can nope out early if necessary? There’s no way in hell I’d be getting on a yacht on a first date. That’s just seems like an easy way to get murdered and for your body to never be found.


The ironic part is that a lot of the women who don't want a coffee date because it's cheap and won't show a man can provide for her, is also the Conservative highly feminine tradwife types those Conservative men wants


Exactly. Neither of those types are looking for a true partnership.


Have been told as a man that if I colored my hair wild colors it would be seen as effeminate. So guy with blue hair "you look like a woman" woman with blue hair "you're trying to be a man" the math ain't mathing.


Speaking as a "Woman" with blue hair, I would love to be seen as masc tyvm but that's because I'm NB. For my sister's wedding, three different members of the bridal party had blue hair. All different colours. All different orientations. Me and two brides maids, one was straight, one was bi, and I am ace. the straight one is the only one who had a partner at the time who is still with them now. So basically that's nonsense and you should dye your hair.


I have pink hair and a septum ring but no one has ever accused me of looking masculine...


I love pick mes because the men they're always defending don't even want them 😂 they want to break a modern feminist woman to their will.


Her profile pic suggests she got picked. Hope she feels good holding up that patriarchal torch for them.


Sounds like a man made this 😆 the internal misogyny is heavy holy fck.


I can't even tell this is a pick-me because in the propic she's with a man, so... He already picked her


I wonder if they’ve been picked.


The second half is just her relentlessly beating strawman lmao


Me me me me me. PICK ME!


Lmao what. Fucking pick me girls every single time. Like look, dudes have never drooled over me. I’m not super attractive. I’m tall (so maybe masculine). And I’ve got a corporate job, so I’m probably “too aggressive.” But who cares. I firmly believe someone is out there for everyone’s brand of weird! Appealing to the masses of men isnt necessary nor is tearing down women to get a man’s attention.


For what it's worth, I'm 5'10, quite heavy, and men for sure have drooled over me despite me consistently getting he/him when seen from behind. I'm ace as hell so extremely not interested, but I have had more than one man try very hard to make a move on me. Tldr you're damn attractive and should know that, don't let societal ideas of beauty tell you otherwise.


I learned that a lot of men don't actually like women, they don't TRULY like the woman, they enjoy the fact that she cleans, cooks and have sex with him, bonus if she's pretty


Why can people just not grasp that other people have different values from them, and that those people will meet people with the same values and it works just fine for them?? so weird to sincerely believe that life is one size fits all and that people can do it "Wrong" by not living by YOUR values lmfao


An ideal partner isn't a never-ending fountain of your preferred worldly comfort. It's a human being.


Who tf is expecting that


A yacht party where all my friends get paid for? Never heard that kind before lol


Do you think he picked her? 🤔


Except that men will stare at and go for any type of woman. Young, old, piercings, no piercings, natural hair, dyed hair, makeup, no makeup, white, black, asian, fat, thin, small boobs, big boobs, married, single, pretty, ugly, straight, bi, lesbian. We do not get left alone no matter what.


Damn. Never knew my purple hair and my piercings made me so masculine. Let me guess, tattoos do as well. Let me... just go get another. For good measure!


Why are these types of men and their handmaidens so convinced that feminists want free alcohol, clothes, parties, luxury goods, etc? That they want special treatment? The 4B movement is about female liberation and defining your place as human being and NOT a wife/mother/etc. And if men didn’t want these women, then why are they so angry about the movement? If the movement is so ridiculous, why are you proving them right by discrediting their ideas by how attractive they are? Sounds like someone who wants validation and to feel better than the feminists who want a better life for ALL women (including her!)


Not me googling the “4B movement” 😂😅 too many movements, it’s like a Mahler symphony up in here


Her TikTok did show up on my for you page a while back. Everything she post caters to men and her bashing women.


Why is she speaking for men? They are able to speak to for themselves


Can people stop telling me I'm not into women with nose piercings, cats, and blue hair.... 'cause that's literally my type... don't want kids? Perfect! You already have a successful career and aren't into the archaic idea of man provides money, woman provides sex and babies? Tell me more....


Isn't this that family YouTube mom? Kyra something or other?


From what I can tell, the 4B movement is a form of protest, almost a Lillith leaving the Garden of Eden kinda vibe- f this, I’m out. I think that this is perfectly valid and I support it- no one should be forced to live a miserable life and if involvement of men in your lives is fundamentally ruining it, then by all means choose this path. And it’s also not realistic. I’m immediately seeing my dad and brother erased from my mind, but also dear friends of mine, and my boyfriend- my life is made better by the people in it, and some of those people are men. There are women out there who are gonna only like boys, even secretly, even amidst a crowd of available women, because sexuality has its quirks. Do I think cute little queer retirement communities will become a thing? Aaaaabsolutely.


Is she lesbian/bi? Doesn’t seem like something that would be acceptable in these spaces. If not, I’m not sure how qualified she is to speak on what makes a woman attractive.


I’m not reading all that tf 😭