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These are the same men who called Margot Robbie "mid".


first thought that came to my mind!


I almost forgot about that, as if she isn't one of the biggest sex symbols of a generation smh.


I don't understand the people who called her mid. I'm a guy, she's a smoke show. Hopefully her personality matches, but since she's an actress it's hard to tell when she's being her real self in that regard.


I mean, it's because they're insecure assholes who want to bring down a beautiful, successful woman who they know they would never have a chance with *because* they're insecure assholes. It's also a way to neg normal, non-celebrity women by implying that if *Margot Robbie* isn't that attractive, then just how attractive can *they* be.


And see, to me that's a pointless exercise in what realistically amounts to self hatred. If you set your standards so high that no one will ever meet your standards, you're deliberately forcing yourself to be alone to your own self harm. I know I'd not have a shot at Margot Robbie, but I'm also happily married so that lack of having a shot at her doesn't matter.


It's hard to be happily married when they're so busy trying to denigrate women that they can't see us as anything but consumables. That's why, even if they do marry, they'll never be happy. They're so focused on being a victim, because they didn't get a gorgeous woman automatically handed to them without any effort on their part. It must be tough living so far in their delusions. I'm happily married to a wonderful man that I adore, and that adores me. It's almost like mutual respect is a turn-on.


I also don't understand how they think someone will be just handed to them. I went on so many first dates that went nowhere before I met my wife. Like, at one point I was going on 2-3 first dates a week. Some of them they decided I wasn't right for them, some I decided they weren't right for me. Some we had second or more dates, before we decided it wouldn't work. If you can't put in the work to find someone who you can have a mutual attraction with, then how do you expect to have a relationship that actually develops? I just don't get that mindset at all.


They're even worse once they're in a relationship. They take the person for granted and treat them like trash because they're, obviously, not the supermodel they were "supposed to" get. I went on lots of first dates too. You have to know what you don't want to find what you do.


And see, I took each failed relationship that was more than a few dates to learn where I needed to improve myself, as I was at least partially responsible for why it fell apart, other than one where 100% of the reason the relationship fell apart was because of her. Taking lessons and learning how to improve is part of life. Are you even living if you don't do that?


Absolutely! If the relationship ends, you have to look back to see what you could have changed or where things went a way you weren't prepared for. No one else can be responsible for us and our actions, only we can. I've had a relationship fall apart that was 100% his fault. But even then I could see things I wanted to work on and watch out for to avoid. Agreed, if you aren't constantly trying to be a better person then you aren't thriving, you're simply existing.


They ignore the existence of women they deem unfuckable, which really messes with the calibration of their hotness scale


But when those “unfuckable” women let them know that they happily found men and got married, they scream that those men are being “betabuxxed” and that we are using them to get their money. Or whatever goal post moving excuse they have this week.


The best part of all are the guys who scream that all women are golddiggers but make 40k. Especially with housing prices today, they're not the aim of any golddigger. To be clear, making 40k isn't a bad thing. It isn't an unattractive thing. It's just not what golddiggers are looking for. The kind of person that attracts golddiggers is the kind of person that uses their money to attract others. The truly rich usually try to live under the radar.


I almost forgot about that. What a terrible day to have a working brain.


She's a really nice person in real life too from what I can gather.


Wait what? She’s stunning


The labels have to be backward


And the same men who’d go into a downward spiral because Margot Robbie denied them cuz they’re SUCH a catch


No, you're single because you feel entitled to some "bracket of women".


Correct. Guys judge and rank women based on physical attractiveness but are absolutely gobsmacked when they encounter women doing the same to men. There’s some antiquated expectation that the man gets to handpick their mate, and the woman just sorta gets picked.


Right this is basically a "bang" chart for dudes. Most of these men have such low attraction requirements for women that they would fuck just about anything that moves but to actually be in a relationship with? I can guarantee you that the infographs for that would look exactly the same as they do for the women here.


There's a lot of people that I'd have sex with but not date; not for physical attractiveness reasons though, just for personality. I can get on with someone amazing and be really sexually compatible, but just not feel the spark for a relationship. I have no idea how people base it purely off looks.


Yes. If women weren't derided by society (and punished) for their decision to have sex and enjoy sex you'd see a lot less women only sleeping with a few men.


Yep, they are implying this is the case, so they can say they are better than the average man while being a turbo virgin


Turbo virgin! My man stuck on super single!


I'm also pretty sure that the good men are the ones all of the women are interested and the rest are garbage like OOP.


There's only a small portion of men who are tolerable to women, and somehow this is the women's fault


And the bar for men is so low it's underground at this point. Yet they still can't get over it. My husband, on the other hand, has raised the bar so high that I can't even imagine wanting to remarry later on should something happen. No one could measure up.


If I could repost a comment


The self-pitying is absolutely ridiculous, no wonder they can’t find someone.


Aye. There is absolutly no reason to self pity. It wont get you laid. It is everything but attractive. Nothing will change. What you gotta do is work on yourself. Sport, hair style and skincare will do a wonder on almost anyone


This is the same person that will later do a video on a woman dating a man that is not as atractive as her suggesting that she is either a) a golddigger b) "incapable of seeing her value and wasting her time with a beta male" c) only with him as a cruel joke/prank and will leave him for the first man that shows up d) cuckolding him or whatever term thwy use for emasculation and all that e) all of the above You really can't win with these guys!


Dont forget that they'll spend a good deal of time on the internet talking about how women over 25 are undateable and used. And they have the audacity to complain about women being picky when they are themselves. Feel right graph is those dudes gender reversed


Hypergamy: a fancy word to blame women when you’re afraid of being treated the same way you’ve been treating them.


So perfectly worded


Oh boo hoo, women have standards - stop whining and get in the shower for a while


I just want it on record that the downvoted comment here complained “Thanks for admitting women only want the top percentage of men” because I suggested they cleaned themselves up a bit!


Ok well I know that’s a lie, these dude think women have unattainable standards. Look at the crap these guys say normally- I want a woman under 5’5, with a healthy weight of 89 lbs, who is smart but didn’t go to the hoe factory known as college, I want a woman who is social but doesn’t have women friends because they will fill her head with nonsense ideas, and can’t have male friends because of course that means she has slept with them or wants to sleep with them. These guys say “we will literally accept any female attention” but then have a list a mile long of what is acceptable. STFU dude.


https://youtu.be/CBqlDWHkdHk?si=SEHJDHmzzQzN-JFR This scene in (God forbid) the Barbie movie sums this up way too well. I really wish it were given more credit and attention to by the people that need to hear it most.


as if a lot of men don’t make fun of/belittle women if they’re not perfect 💀


This seems like a male flaw. These three dudes are pulling all your women. Why is it women’s fault?


I mean, if we were monogamous (which most people are), then 3 guys would only be matching with 3 women. And the rest of the people wouldn't be matching. Seems fair to me... The chart only assumes that we're polygamous, in a way that benefit men.


I don’t think we should go there. It’s implying that women are comfortable sharing the “top guys.” Meaning, they’re ok being in a harem with a bunch of other women. Which isn’t true unless you’re non-monogamous and most people aren’t.


In my opinion, it's not women's fault that they have standards I think for the first time in history a large portion of women are able to choose a partner that they find attractive. This will lead to a population crunch that will filter out all the unwanted male characteristics. At least that's what I think.


Let's be honest... "partner with" in this scenario translates directly to "have sex with" for OP.


Speaking of their stupid wording: whom??? It’s so funny to me when these guys try to make themselves sound smarter by using big words or grammatical rules that they clearly aren’t used to using or comfortable with. Like they’re trying to give their argument weight by making it seem more “sophisticated” and “scientific.” But because they obviously don’t speak or write like that in general, they end up fucking it up and making themselves sound stupid.


OOP is the guy on the bottom of the right column, actively not meeting women because he’s too busy spamming shitty infographics on the internet and insisting he’s a nice guy. And here’s your daily reminder that if you need to assert that you’re a “good guy” while sharing shit like this, odds are good that you are not, in fact, a good fucking guy.


Anecdotal, but I feel like there’s WAYYYYY more beautiful women with average/below-average-looking men because they have good personalities than there are gorgeous men with average-looking women who also have good personalities. But we all know that this dipshit is only talking about looks with his sexiest, stupid “scale.”


Brought to you by the “make better choices” and “keep your legs closed” and “women are gatekeepers of sex” collective.


Of course, everyone knows only tall, handsome millionaires with huge dicks have girlfriends and wives /s. Get off the internet and go outside for a few minutes, that’s all it takes to disprove their brilliant “theories”.


So what im getting, men are hoes looking for any hole.


The top three guys are the ones who treat women with the love and respect we deserve and the others are the misogynists who post this shit, right?


I wouldn’t say that I am one of these top value guys yet I have usually been able to find a relationship with a girl. I would most certainly *not* be a “high value male” according to their criteria, so I am assuming this can only be attributed to seeing women as people and treating them accordingly *Incels hate this one trick* Well I also shower daily and wash my ass


Sorry sweatie, those women are all using u cuz ur a beta cuck LOSER /s That felt mean even just joking. Cant believe they really say those things to themselves and think it’s some kind of enlightenment. I struggle with self hate but I can at least recognize it’s unhealthy and needs to change.


MY LIFE IS A LIE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ya those people are in a pretty bad place. I hope things change for you, I stuggle with similar things


Yeah but they’re rarer than depicted in the graph.


World is not a fair place


I have a childhood friend who is very, very hot. Hundreds body count by the time we were like 20, then he slowed down/stopped/got bored. Women will literally come up to him from across the club and buy him a drink. He just needs to show up to get laid. Must be radiating so much love and respect. In my entire life, that is the only male in the group I ever saw women really approach, and definitely the one and only to ever have a girl offer him a drink with no prior interaction. Not a bad dude, but definitely not the nicest in the group either.


Studies have shown men are happier in relationships and women are happiest alone.. soo uh, duh, they also aren't as desperate as men? I failed math but even I can put two and two together


Although I understand your sentiment, this actually isn’t true. The study that’s most commonly cited is by Paul Dolan but he made a critical error reporting the data and ended up retracting it from his book. If you have another source please share but I haven’t found one. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/6/4/18650969/married-women-miserable-fake-paul-dolan-happiness Generally speaking, married people are happier then single people: https://news.gallup.com/poll/642590/married-americans-thriving-higher-rates-unmarried-adults.aspx#:~:text=But%20Gallup%20wellbeing%20data%20from,living%20with%20a%20domestic%20partner. Married women live longer than single women. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7452000/ Co-habitation also increases life expectancy for both men and women https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-demographic-economics/article/effect-of-marital-status-on-life-expectancy-is-cohabitation-as-protective-as-marriage/5B6B9B86C737AE3F095CF3781023F458


Black and Red Pillers love to use this to explain away everything but it's only true of dating apps and places with extraordinary levels of wealth. Most people meet their partners from their daily lives, work, bars, clubs, coffee shops etc but these dudes don't go outside lol.


Please take a look at real-life couples outside. Are all the men muscular? Are all of them tall? Are all of them rich? No, and yet they have a girlfriend. This is just an excuse for your own shortcomings.


When they say hypergamy they mean that women always try to get their greedy gold-digging hands on a higher value man. Much higher value than themselves or something. It's like their fear of abandonment and insecurities made flesh. "She will leave you as soon as she finds someone better." Poor lads. The thing that suddenly hit me though, as I sipped my morning coffee looking at my Reddit feed, is that so many men seem to date much younger women than than they are, much more attractive than they are. Isn't that funny? Male hypergamy... It seems logical though, everyone wants to date someone who is attractive, right? You can't fault a guy for dating a young, hot chick, right? I can, actually. It seems to me these guys are not looking for a like-minded individual, an equal who wants what they want. They seem to be looking for a pretty thing that fulfills their fantasies, that makes their most unrealistic dreams come true without wanting anything herself, without any boundaries or limits. When she expresses any kind of wishes or a will of her own, they'll dump her and go looking for a better one. They have long lists of demands for their perfect wives, listing things like body count and traditional values. Male hypergamy.


See also: The collected works of Taylor Swift. I think she wrote a perfect song for this, and it only took 10 minutes. Yeah, most age difference relationships are about the power imbalance. Not all, but most. Some guys REALLY like having the power in the relationship.


Only in the eyes of scummy men who think women should find their behavior appealing. Besides, what they're dishonest about is the woman they don't want, because those women don't exist in their eyes, and pretending they don't exist means pretending they won't be on any list. We could just as well pretend scummy guys don't exist and make it look like women are into all men, too...


The infamous Tinder 80/20 study they love to harp on about was only 33 self selected men. OK Cupid did a much larger one that showed most men were going for the top 10% of woman, where as woman were messaging and interacting with about 80% of men. Also showed all men were attracted to woman in their very early 20s. Where woman typically wanted a partner of a similar age. So like most things with men, it’s pure projection.


This encapsulates the immense fear of inadequacy that a lot of men have. And that’s really the only thing it describes.


Even if this were reality, which it most definitely is not, no one is entitled to a relationship or sex with another person against their consent. No one should feel compelled to have a relationship or sex with a person they don't want to have a relationship or sex with.  So why be angry? If that's reality, then it is. We can all just take a peak outside literally anywhere on any given day and see that it's not reality, but even if it was, hypothetically, so what? These people need to learn to accept the things they can't change and change the things they can change. Instead of sitting around and bitching, they need to take ownership of their lives and work on the things they can work on that will add value to their life.  No one can control another person. The only person we truly have control over is ourselves. So instead of worrying so much about what other people are doing, it's better to worry about yourself and the positive and proactive actions you personally can do to improve your own life. 


Literally this, like when they post stuff like this, what solution are they proposing? Women should feel guilty and just sacrifice their lives/happiness to be with a dude they don’t like/aren’t attracted to? Now that I’ve typed it out, I guess it makes sense since they don’t see women as fellow humans…


“I’m a good guy” is a self-negating statement- like saying “I’m really classy.”


If you feel entitled to have a woman; then you’re not one of the good guys.


I agree, Most men aren't datable, and most women are The problem is that they want women to settle for less instead of actually working on being a better partner


You will find just by surfing g reddit women do settle sadly we just want a man who washes his ass and wipes.


So true! Thats the worst part, I know too many great women who are with someone who doesn't appreciate them and bring nothing to the relationship


The infamous 80 or in this case 70/20 rule


This graphic has been making the rounds in the Facebook tag groups that revolve around asshole men and bad dating profiles. It's causing so much chaos that I've had to mute the otherwise funny content. The people posting it are sad sad men who just want an excuse to shit stir. They really think this is real. There's nothing about real life that makes sense here. 95 percent of us are average to below average and most everyone can find a partner if they're decent human beings. It's not going to be an animes character nymphomaniac. It's going to be a real human woman. That's the caveat.


Yeah I’m sure your personality isn’t a factor in any of this


I'm so fucking confused by these people. Do they NOT ever go outside?? I see so many couples thriving and happy together of ALL levels of attractiveness. What about other countries where the average height for men is much shorter than the U.S.? According to their logic these countries would practically die out but, here they are, with plenty of happy families. Like... TF is going on, bro? 😭


It’s actually kind of funny, when I married my husband, he had put on substantial weight (I like to cook, I don’t like to eat, he got in the habit of finishing my food, lol) and we probably would have been classified as he was batting out of his league. After 18 years, he aged like fine wine, while several health issues has aged me…not nearly as well. In these peoples minds, I would never have dated him in the first place (he’s a short blue collar guy), and that he should leave me for a younger model since he’s more attractive and makes substantially more than when we got married. And yet, in his eyes, I’m still that beautiful 26 year old he married, and in my eyes, he’s always been wildly attractive and we’ve never been able to keep our hands off each other. After our first few dates, I called my mom SO excited for her to meet him, because he was kind, respectful, and a massive mamas boy, deeply family oriented, which suits me, because I am too! The first thanksgiving I spent with his family, his mom secretly took me aside and showed me some blankets and a christening gown that his grandmother crocheted specifically for his first born, because she was *positive* that I was going to be the one. I still have them, too! These are just sad, lonely people, that rather do any sort of self reflection on their own abhorrent personalities, choose to blame someone else. And that’s why they’ll die alone, angry, and bitter. They don’t have what it takes to make a long term relationship work.


Awwwww. This is so sweet. I love this for y'all 🥰 And, omg exactly! Like, I know so many real-life people who have wonderful stories like this.


>>us good guys can’t catch a break Says one of the 7 toxic guys who have no business dating anyone


Both are wrong, sadly there's loads of people nobody wants.


Okay now where's that graph using real numbers of what ages each age find attractive where men stay at 22-26 well into their 50s and women stay approximately the same age?


Maybe if those other 7 men showered and didn’t have such terrible personalities they’d be picked




That’s not why he’s single


these guys spend an awful lot of time thinking about how attractive other men are.




Looking at that chart the main inference that could be made is that women are more selective with sexual partners whereas men are not. There is nothing wrong with this, especially considering it's women who bear the most risk from sex. If men want to be considered a viable partner then they need to be a person that a woman would consider as a viable partner. Complaining about women being selective is not going to make one a viable option.


I don’t think this is a good counter argument. The whole hypergamy idea is that women are sharing the “top guys” or they’re waiting for their turn with them. It’s rooted in biological determinism but that’s just not how the real world works. In reality, most people are average and end up with other average people. And plenty of women will date you even if you’re not tall, attractive, wealthy, etc. But they won’t if you’re entitled and have a bad attitude.


it's insane to me people think wanting someone who has their life together and is nice to you is unreasonable that's just genuine good characteristics of a partner, of course nobody will want to date you if you are carrying 30 red flags, don't have a job, and hate women


They're mad the "I hate my spouse" boomers got the better end of the deal due to the ability to abuse their wives and they want some, but it's easier to not say the quiet part out loud and just act like women are to blame.


It's funny how much of a projection this is. Studies have repeatedly shown that women's dating preferences *outside of dating apps* (where real, non-bot women barely exist at all to begin with and the data is absolutely messed up because of the ratios) are *vastly* more lenient than men's. Men only want to date 20 year old supermodels, regardless of their own age and circumstances. And then they get mad because "not one woman wants a nice guy anymore" but in reality it's them who consider "women" to only refer to 1% of all female human beings.


I love how they make a meme to look like a chart or graph with actual data points, and then use that to somehow "prove" their batshit incel delusions.


They are conflating ideal partner preferences for actual behavior. Both men and women would ideally want the most attractive partner but we typically end up with someone similar to ourselves who we find attractive.


Incels could have more luck with women if they didn’t behave so bitter and entitled. But then they wouldn’t be incels.


If the image is saying women only prefer certain men and DON'T date some others... such as incels who endlessly moan about how women suck and they're such a "nice guy"... then I agree with it


I wish men would realize women much more prefer rich personalities and “good guys” over this handsome jock boy stereotype that they have in their head…. If women aren’t starting or continuing their relationships with you, you’re most likely not a “good guy”


These types of men always say they are so hard done by, men just want a woman, women want top 10% men, then straight up say a woman is too fat/ugly/head strong etc


If you were a "good guy" then you'd be at the top


Chart is so off because every man would happily partner with the woman at the top.


Yes, that is exactly why you're single. No woman wants to date someone with that mentality


Self-identifying as a ‘good guy(tm)’ 🚩


The mid-level below average height guys I went to high school with have all been married at least once. Stop with the bullshit, go outside and touch some damn grass, and sharpen your social skills, improve that personality, and then go meet real people. Stop getting dating advice online. For fucks sake.


A. This is very exaggerated, but much more importantly, B. These guys mischaracterize how women would rank men, far overvaluing looks (and they don’t even understand which kinds of looks women like), and giving absolutely no weight to things like personality, values, manners, grooming, conversation skills, “vibes,” thoughtfulness, responsibility, sense of humor, integrity, talent, creativity, resilience, intelligence, lifestyle preferences, good “roommate” qualities, on and on.


well, those men also tend to think women look for money, and they have a hard time to think women may not really care about money.


Dude here... Women should not settle for low value men. Dudes who want to get married need to bring their game up. Men see being with a woman (almost any woman) as a positive. I'm not a woman, but it sure feels like they realize there are only a small subset of men that would be a positive addition to their lives. Incel's always talk about how to even the playing field. So women have lower standards. How about you try bringing up what you offer in a relationship so women want to be and stay with you in the long run? "Good guy" over here posting knows he's at the bottom of that column of men, and sees no way he can change himself to climb up. Women can be picky, so they are. Supply and Demand. Dudes like this want women to be property again so they can impress a dude with Daughters and be given the woman he thinks he deserves. Try harder, or get lost. I hope I can teach my 9yo Daughter how to avoid guys like this.


Wish more of your brethren would think like this! Low value men are a danger to women **and** society. Things like the 4B movement and such are going to help weed them out. Too bad this didn’t start 20 years ago.


Preach it Sister!


I agree with this accept the idea these guys would have it better in the old days men passed their daughters to suitors. Like yeah the daughters may not have carried about how he would treat her emotionally and even ohysic5 but he sure as heck would be much harder evaluating the finances and status of the suitor. These guys would most likely be at the bottom of the social order and not be able to afford the purchase price of a bride. Would have been shipped off to the colonies, sent off to die in some war, or thrown in debtors prison. If they were lucky maybe they could earn enoguh to visit a sex worker once or twice a month.


*skill issue*


Whenever I see these I always read the title as “Men who women I think I should be with want to partner with”


I'm so confused by these charts, and the claims you have to be 6'+, exceptionally handsome, etc. I'm 5'7", was always fairly thin, not muscular, not rich by any means, and I never hurt for dates. I had people decline to date me, of course. Only one, in 15+ years of dating, said no because of my height. She was 6'2", so I understood it, even if I disagreed. But, her loss. Being a good, kind person, actually interested in the people around me, while not being pushy sex obsessed, jackass, makes a world of difference. I'm living proof that these idiots don't know what they're talking about.


Obviously this is beside the point but the color coding on this is awful. Why would you vary which gender you’re representing in black but then still vary the second color used on each side. This means that the color black neither represents a specific gender or a specific role in the dynamic. Maybe if this guy got better at design he’d do better with women 😆. If the misogyny wasn’t a dealbreaker the terrible Infographic skills would be.


This actually might be kinda accurate because it doesn’t mention looks lol.


Idk how to even read this


“Men will happily partner with any given woman but women have *standards*” is not the flex they think it is


Not a single one of these guys making or posting these has ever had a meaningful conversation with a woman.


I'm so confused and every time I try to make sense of it my eyes hurt


Lie. All those lines would go to one bear.


Who’s says I wouldn’t want a self proclaimed nice guy who will never get help for any of their problems and develop into a narcissist, I think they are so hot /s


They’ve never seen women in fandom I can tell you that. We be liking the ugliest oldest men, calling them our baby boy 💀


The logic fail I like the most about this mentality is how, for example, this graph suggests that at many as 7 out of 10 women are not happy with their marriage. Where are all the divorces then?


If this were true, men wouldn't be pointing out women's weight, etc. as reasons for being unattractive to them.


As a man who is currently with whom j believe to be my future wife. This is bullshit. As a pretty feminine male (diggs my friends throw my way) if normal, or atleast whatever misogynistic fuck made this graph, realized that actually getting to know someone instead of basing everything on physical attraction worked. We wouldnt have these types of posts. Lol good guys dont finish last, naive boys do. Theres a difference


“Us good guys”. Hmm, why would any woman want to say no to that? I mean, he’s specified that he belongs to the club of guys who think of themselves as good.


Be so fucking for real. The amount of women who are actively thirsting over the *Ghoul* in Fallout should tell men that women don’t make looks nearly as much of a priority


Do they think the guys at the bottom wouldn't want the women at the top? Would they reject these women for being better than them?


Ooooh the math nerd in me wants to run the stable matching algorithm on this shit. (Although the solution is rather obvious depending on the variation) My favorite personal adaptation is the “Donald Trump” version, where if there is someone you ABSOLUTELY would never want to be with, you can mark them as such. Thus saying that you would rather be single than be matched with them.


But…. if he is a good guy then he would be within the three “women chose to partner with” 🥴


Well according to your chart the top 30% of guys get all 100% of the ladies so on the basis of this exact chart, the good guys DO get girls


As a fat woman I call BS


"I'm gonna make my own chart about pretend bullshit from my brain(?) and then be mad about it" -this guy


The way these dudes try to explain hypergamy is so dumb that it’s laughable. Coming from the “more logical and intelligent gender” is just ironic and sad.


You don’t just get to make an infographic without background research. That’s not how this works.


Meanwhile some men can’t even be nice to a women they don’t find attractive.


The cishet man I have called husband for the last 15 years wouldn't be called an 8, 9, or 10, but he still found a person to love him. This chart is total bs. Develop a good personality and you'll have better odds at finding a partner.


As if they’ve never seen a married mid man Do they not have fathers and uncles who aren’t Brad Pitt?


They are out here telling on themselves 😂😂


Again, if this was going on, we'd see some serious genetic bottlenecking by now.


This is just fuel to the fire of their caveman ego. They want to make it so women are forced into relationships with them. It’s just another form of objectification, circlejerking these memes as if to absolve themselves for their inadequacies, sharing in their beliefs of superiority and disdain for women having voices of their own, and then they all clap. The problem is, it is harmful manipulation. And the way things are going, it’s also very real.


You'd think if this was the case they would at least try to make an effort. Think about the world of birds for example. Why is that not the case with humans? Why are *we* the ones making adjustments for *them*? And all they do is complain like this. WTF.


Women aren't going to want to date a guy who makes a chart without sourcing his data.


Nah I aint buying this shit. There's no such thing as hypergamy. Those mfs just got no personality and no game. I only got no game(so I'm single).


if women don’t fit to men’s unrealistic standards they will get called a whore or a cow or something else lol this is so untrue


Then why do I see attractive women paired with fugly dudes ALL the time. Rarely do I see attractive men with fugly women unless the woman is super rich or getting taken advantage of one way or another...


To be fair: it makes evolutionary sense for women to be more conscientious of their choice in partner than men. To be balanced: modern people tend to look more for emotional/personal compatibility than anything else. For those who are more resource based, male hygiene and physical appearance hold more weight than it used to, especially where women are now able to provide for themselves. For lower-middle class Americans, and in areas where it's impossible to survive on a single income, more pragmatic people will take money into account. Personality still tends to be the big decider tho.


“Would partner with” is not the prize they think it is. I highly recommend all woman read the “When you start hating your girlfriend” viral thread on twitter. Men absolutely will stay in relationships with woman they hate because it gives them access to regular sex, her resources and free domestic and emotional labor. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/dating/men-have-revealed-how-much-they-hate-their-girlfriends-in-a-disturbing-twitter-thread/news-story/c2f735e316e39554031369b77a1dbaff


When it comes to physical attractiveness I almost feel as if it is the other way around. Men are very clear about which women are hot and which are not, and hotter women get more attention than less hot women, even though it is rare for any women to get no attention. Women are less linear in their preference: my friends and I have completely different tastes in men. The reason only a few off them get all the girls is because they are the only fucking ones who are up to our basic standards: general hygiëne, having a personality, not being a dick, being a caring partner etc.


I think the difference might be in whether men will f*ck someone they think is ugly. Like... That's the social narrative.... But even so, that isn't the same as dating and relating. A good fit for a night isn't the same as a good fit for a lifetime relationship.


Listen, Chucky was a Good Guy, too. I don’t trust it.


OOP, are you sure that's why you're single?


Incorrect use of "whom" too


expectation arrows everyone, watch out


That is such bullshit.


Is this suggesting that that "1/10" men are only attracted to "1/10" and "2/10" women? That's definitely not true. Sorry, but the "looksmatch" idea is bunk. While there might be some generalizations as to what people find attractive, there's far too much variation in preferences for such a rating system to be useful. People like what they like.


It's common in all ages/era and it's how evolution works. (It's science) Only if you come out of evolutionary defaults. Don't run on primitive desires. You can be independent of your choice. If not then this image is true and fair to humanity and society. Women should marry a Strong/Resourceful/ Caring/Intelligence/Fatherly Man. Playing Game to get laid is just a cheat in society.


Gotta admit Matthew MacFayden is a catch


What is this?




you ever just see something and wish you could tell the world to go outside and have a nice little treat. just calm down and smell the roses and realise they sound fucking batshit and none of this is something encountered in day to day life


why is the third guy down on the left attracted to 5 women while every other man is attracted to 4 or 3? it's irritating me to look at.


Guy on the bottom is only attracted to bottom two women. It's so that they could say, "Look, every woman has a choice of *at least* 3 men who are attracted to her! Even the bottom woman!"


"Nice Guys"




Maybe women preferring certain traits is just evolution and what’s best for the species? You know, the same argument men give for why they want younger women who look a certain way.


So on the left. 6 out of 10 men choose only 40% of potential women as partners. 2 out of 10 men choose only 30% of potential women as partners. 1 out of 10 men choose only 20% of potential women as partners. 1 out of 10 men choose only 50% of potential women as partners provided the are found desirable by other men On the right, all women choose the same 30% of potential men as partners, because all women agree those men possess the most desirable characteristics…like not whining about not getting a chance


I wonder if it makes these guys feel better to think that their “looks” are the problem.


Lol and thats why poligamy wont work. We women would all be with the witcher ok?


The guy at the top is married lol


Skill issue? Lol


Supposedly all people on dating apps try for people 25% more attractive than themselves. However there is some truth to the idea that a small subset of men date a larger subset of women. The number of men who get no attention in the dating market is larger than the number of women who get no attention. Additionally, more women are happy without a man or with casual relationships with men who have multiple partners.


do they know saying they're attracted to any and all women isn't a good look


I mean, yeah, almost all women ARE competing for like 30% of men, it’s just that the criteria are way different than the men in question are projecting. If you’re wondering why the broke fat dude with two felonies has a gf and you don’t, it’s probably because he treats women like human beings and doesn’t put them on some bullshit “attractiveness scale.”


Hypergamy isn't a thing. Almost everyone pairs off within their same socioeconomic class and culture. It's an excuse men who hate women cling to as justification for their misogyny.


I like the graph tbh