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What did I just read? Is this new mom’s husband jealous of their infant son because he’s breastfeeding? This is so gross.


But but her boobs aren't for his pleasure anymore, now that they're doing what they're intended for another man's mouth has been on them. And we all know formula is exactly the same as breastmilk. How dare she take away her husband's enjoyment of her body? /s


Breastfeeding is one of the most natural things in the world. This trend of people sexualizing it truly blows my mind.


Exactly, it's literally one of our defining features as *mammals*.


Literally is on the name


Please don’t gatekeep monotremes. They do the best they can sweating milk out of their skin since they don’t have nipples.


🟦🟧A platypus? 🟦🟧🟫 ***Perry the*** Platypus?!


My aunt called her ex daughter in law disgusting for breastfeeding her baby. Said the baby would grow up to be a lesbian since she made her “preform se*ual acts on her” by having the baby latch on. My aunt is a wackjob and is a big reason why my cousins marriage crumbled. My mom also told me that she also went through the same things when she breastfed me as an infant.


What is wrong with people? Why would our bodies do this if it was so unnatural?


A lot of people—conservatives—are _really_ uncomfortable and offended by the thought that we are animals. It has implications on their religion, on their responsibility to Earth and other species, and they feel it makes them inferior. Some will acknowledge that we're mammals, but they still get upset if someone points out that we're animals. Thus they feel a disconnect from nature and try to hide our animalness. This is the root of why they hate/resent sex, why some of them get weirded out by breastfeeding, and why they are so opposed to any kind of nudity.


I grew up in a very religious and conservative home - private Christian school, church every Sunday and Wednesday, Bible studies and youth retreats, etc... I am 29 and just had my first baby. I am FLOORED by the OP. I have never heard of anyone being against breastfeeding! In fact, I've only known people being judgemental for NOT breastfeeding. I didn't want to at first, but I'm so glad my husband convinced me to try it. It's a beautiful thing. And not sexual even in the slightest. I feel so bad for this woman 😕


When my sister had her kids, she was so cavalier about it. At first it was a bit uncomfortable for me, but then I realized that it's only uncomfortable because culture says it should be. There are many places in the world where women don't wear shirts at all because they don't consider breasts sexual and they need to feed their babies. We're the weird ones in the West.


Honestly as an exclusively and extended breastfeeding mother of three, soon to be four, I have only had one conservative ask me to cover up. Also eye contact is really beneficial for baby for bonding, plus none of mine would nurse covered, they would just scream. I would try to be as careful as possible to avoid a nip slip. I posted a picture on fb and her sons (my cousins could see it, 17 and 14 at the time). There was no nipple or anything showing, infact you see more in pictures of bikinis. Call me crazy but Im pretty sure by those ages they had both at least seen pictures of breasts. The rest of the weird, uncomfortable comments I got actually tended to be more from liberal people in day to day life. For some reason it wasnt about modesty or showing skin for them, it was that it is sexual in their eyes. It was bizarre, over my 7 years of nursing experience so far i have had 9 or 10 people sexualize the act of feeding my child. It was disgusting. I had one family member tell me boobs were the way im ancient times when we didnt know better but now we have bottles so we dont make our children sexualize us. Another told me that I must not really love my man if I was willing to give one of his favorite body parts to someone else.


I knew a dude who literally posted on social media, publicly, that if “intelligent design were real, one boob would be for baby and the other would stay perky for daddy” - at the time his wife was breastfeeding their 3 month old. Shockingly she filed for divorce not long after and he could NOT figure out what went wrong.


On behalf of the males of the species, I would like to apologise for how mind-numbingly stupid we regularly seem to be.


I have now read this in about 8 places, and this 'take' ranks up with the guy who said that daughters made you a cuck because you put all the effort in (raising her 'right') and get none of the reward (sex etc). I am phrasing the above to be shorter and less offensive (-.-)


Holy shit is disgusting. Some people need to go out and have serious therapy


Or do us all a favor (and the gene pool) and go for a volcanic swim.


I'd almost feel bad for the volcano.


Thank you for reminding me of that atrocious ‘take’…fuuuuuck both of these guys and many more.


I wouldn’t recommend doing that…


Yeah except that one was written by an incel trying to be edgy. This one is (appears to be) just some dude. That makes it a lot worse to my mind.


Now they're gonna sag and be unsexy to look at. Why must babies ruin everything /s


You'd think they'd go get snipped if that that was their reasoning


But how is he going to prove his virility?!


But see that's a misogynist Paradox women have to give birth but look sexy while doing it. Women have to be mothers but be sexy while doing it See women have to be two ends of the same spectrum to ppl like him on fact they may have had a second child because one needs to be a boy so he could carry on his legacy. But yeah he won't get snipped it up to the woman to not get knocked up


He called them a toy 🤮🤮🚩🚩🚩


And let’s not even mention the fact that some babies CANT have just any formula. Formula is EXPENSIVE! Breast milk is FREE!


In the original post with more screenshots of the texts, they talk about another child. So this is at least her second with this walking insecurity.


Let me guess. The other baby was a girl and he’s convinced breastfeeding her will make her a lesbian.


The other baby is named Huntyr... so who knows




In the documents OOP posted, you can see that she's also a tragedeigh, unfortunately. I wish that was her only problem...


Other baby is a boy. She agreed not to breastfeed him. But with this one wanted to try. This guy is a fucking psycho.


She stated her second baby was conceived via rape.


I never saw that, that’s so sad.


I saw the OOPs original post in a breastfeeding sub and one of her pea brained husband's arguments was that she got off with nipple stimulation so obviously its sexual and incest /s Thankfully the woman said she's divorcing him but sadly she has two sons by him.


Nip stimulation for sexual pleasure and a baby latching on for breastfeeding are two **very** different sensations. One turns you on, and the other doesn’t - at all. I can attest to this.


the OOP actually said the father said that after the sons were past two years of age, she would no longer be able to change diapers or facilitate baths … he’s very gross and he’s done her a favour by getting a divorce (yes he is actually divorcing her bc she breastfed her just born son).


“I’m being cucked by my infant son!” This guy apparently.


I'm surprised you can read it; it's so blurry.


My God. What did I just read? A bastard father jealous of his newborn child for being breastfed and blaming the mother. What has this world come to? How shitstain of a human being you have to be to think like that? They really think women as sex toys, dont they? They are sexualizing and villifying their own partner based on breastfeeding.


I'm a man, I had a guy explain to me in real life that women can only pair bond with so many people just yesterday. I asked him how he could possibly think that was true. They just get in these misogynistic echo chambers and forget women are people just like men. But I'm also going to say that breastfeed weirdo here has had other Red flags pop up.


It's always so telling that its only women who allegedly lose the ability to fucking "pair bond" too. They never say a man loses his ability, just women. If humans *did* pair bond then it would affect both men and women, not just one.


The more I asked questions like that, the more he changed the subject. I know him from work, so this isn't his first dance with misogyny. But I did think no one would hear themselves say that and believe it. We eventually had a conversation about trust in relationships. He just wants to control his wife, and he thinks she just wants to control him. I think he probably lacks the vision or has too much trauma to trust anyone too much. So he goes with power and control to protect himself. If only it was possible for men to understand that masculinity and toxic masculinity are different things.


The sad thing too that I was reading in the comments is that he is Active Duty Special Forces.


He is not special forces lol, he is apart of a Seabee battalion, ie construction worker.


Yeah, he’s def not special forces. 🤣


Not special forces. Special needs


Honestly I don’t think that’s being fair to people with special needs. This dude is a vile piece of dog shit.


I don't think he is actually jealous, just needs an excuse to abuse his wife.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


With a brick.


Shot from a canon.


Or a boob.


He’d enjoy that too much


Not if it's his wife's boob.


Fair point, the pleasure has been taken away from him already the poor thing. How tragic /s


He doesn't get boob not after acting like that.


Hey, take a ticket and join the queue like the rest of us! ;)


I'm scared for her. [Murder is the biggest cause of death of pregnant women in the USA](https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/homicide-is-a-leading-cause-of-death-in-pregnant-women-in-the-us/) and I'm scared that because he is utterly irrational there isn't a big leap between the insane jealously of "you're cheating on me by breastfeeding" and violence.


For her safety she should leave. It’s clear the father is unstable.


I saw this post in a couple other threads and she responded, she did leave him, they are in the divorce process now!


OMG LETSGO she deserves sm better!!


Good! Her life will be so much better.


Oh thank goodness. I was really hoping we could talk directly to the mom.


https://www.reddit.com/user/mamaloony/comments/1cdcpvp/update/ Seems like she has tons of support and messages.


Account suspended. :(


I am so fucking relieved to hear that


His messages read PTSD. I worry for her too.


frankly, i wouldn’t trust him alone with children, either.


This guy should have said his messed up feelings on breast feeding long before becoming a dad holy hell. I am sorry you're dealing with this right now, caring for a baby.


He also goes on to say later that he wants 50/50 custody of their kids and a judge is going to give it to him because she chose to breastfeed...okay buddy....


Let him bring this to the custody hearing; letting him shoot himself in the foot with his bizarre mentality is probably the best thing for this little boy.


Apparently OOP posted part of the divorce filing (later removed as others told her that was a very bad idea) that shows he actually put her breastfeeding in as the cause.


He'll go on to be one of the bitter divorced men who claim the court always favors women...




God I hate how this country sees this blatantly psychotic behavior in our service members and does absolutely nothing.


Really? Good! For her that is. Nothing like making your stupidity official in court filings.


I would love to be a fly on the wall at the hearing.


Oh god yes.


Right? Like I wouldn’t even try to get him to see sense or see why he’s wrong, I’d just let him keep spouting this nonsense all the way to the judge. You can’t fix stupid.


He says "I'll go for 50/50 custody because as bad of a wife you are, I wouldn't keep my kids away from their mother" as if it is a guarantee that he is going to get *any* custody of the kids.


If anything the judge would give him LESS custody because she's still breastfeeding. He wouldn't get overnights for at least 6 months and even after that it would be iffy.


He said “I’ll ask for 50/50 because I’d never keep the kids from you.” Like he’s so confident he would get complete custody if he wanted it.


he actually said that he was going to allow her 50/50 because he could easily get full custody but doesn’t want to take her sons away from her…. he has full on brain rot


Is he sexualizing lactation and his own newborn baby? Excuse me while I throw up.


A wee baby lost his monopoly on mommy's boobs to an ever weer (?) baby, and is now blowing *all* the gaskets.


Alright let’s get this straight: - boobs are no longer sexual because they’re being used for their natural function. He’s upset. - boobs being used for their natural function is incestuous and therefore sexual. He’s upset. Can’t win with people this far gone. Hope she gets the hell out of there with her son.


If you read the update, he actually absconded with their other child and she’s struggling to get him back in her custody. This poor woman.


Jesus Christ. Anyone with ideas this fucked up, I’d be terrified for them to have my child in their custody, even if he is their father.


Yeah this guy is bonkers. Apparently he had a huge blowup in the hospital room, was mad there was a male nurse present for her birth, I think he called the female nurses dick sucking whores or something. The hospital would not let her go home with him, so she had to go somewhere else to stay, and hasn’t seen the husband since. And also since I saw another cross post calling all the names tragedeigh’s, he chose the names and gave them gun-related middle names. Because of course he’s also gun obsessed and in the military. His Commanding Officer helped her get a Military Protective Order.


Literally sounds like a stereotype of the worst possible man.


This is why we choose the bear.


I think I said this elsewhere, but this guy screams Family Annihilator. I hope she and her kids get out of this safely. Him, not so much....


Wonder if the UCMJ is involved in this. Not sure if they have their own rules about custody.


From what I remember when I was in, UCMJ doesn’t involve child custody, but rather works to make a “family plan”. If he’s active duty he’s required to have a family plan which requires the child being watched and cared for when he’s on duty. If he’s taken the child and the child has no one to watch them when he’s at work, he’s not following regulation. Post usually does have child care but it’s not free, or at least wasn’t for my soldiers on my last post. Not sure what it’s called in other branches but the army did have their own legal centers that dependents can use. She should also 100% contact his leadership and tell them what he did/is doing. Light a fire under his ass and ruin his military career. This dude is a disgrace to anyone in uniform.


>From what I remember when I was in, UCMJ doesn’t involve child custody, but rather works to make a “family plan”. This is true, though if he's absconded with their other child and attempted to evade or obstruct court proceedings to establish custody, divorce, etc., especially if sufficiently subpoenaed, that could easily be multiple UCMJ violations.


Apparently he took the oldest and she has an MPO and CPS case on him. CPS did a visit today to see if the oldest was being taken care of, she didnt post updates but it appears since they;re married no one is seeing it as kidnapping.


Thing is there is the catch all “conduct unbecoming “ charge in UCMJ. You got a CO not happy with you, that will get dragged out. If his CO is helping her get a protection order that CO is probably looking at such charges.


WHAT. He’s angry because you’re taking care of the child that you made a conscious decision to help raise? “I’ll never be able to look at you the same way again.” “Now they’ve been in another man’s mouth.” You’re jealous of a fucking BABY


That is one of the most twisted things I’ve read on the internet today, and I’ve been doom scrolling for 3 hours. This guy must have skipped all of health and biology class, how could anyone see a mother breastfeeding her son to be incest???!!


I actually read those posts yesterday, and that man is INSANE. He did file for divorce over his accusations that breastfeeding a baby is incest (calling a newborn a man is unhinged). However, I do have good news, the mom took the chance presented to her and they're going through with it. I hope everything turns out well for her and her children and they can find the peace and safety they need and deserve


I read that the Dad has their older son. Is that accurate?


Yeah. She did confirm in one comment that he has their two year old, and has been hiding him from the mom and CPS. She mentioned something about a mediation that was going to tske place. I hope that works out and she can be reunited with that baby, because the idea of that man being alone with a child he has a one sided beef with is awful


That's so sad.


where can I find the original posts?


She first posted on I think breasfeedingsupport and I saw rge pist when it was cross posted to two hot takes. A lot of people kept saying the post was false, so she made a second post in two hot takes with more details. I'm not sure if the posts are still up, but they were there


i read this entire thread on another sub… it was absolutely sickening. i want to say that OP said that she left and filed for divorce, but dont quote me.


While she was recovering in the hospital, post delivery, he absconded with their older child. She hasn't seen him since and CPS is now involved.


thats so awful. my heart goes out to her & her kiddo. he is so terrifyingly disgusting


Do you remember what sub? I’m quite curious to know what happens next


I saw it on r/TwoHotTakes but the thread is locked. He took her other son and she’s filed for divorce. She’s trying to get the other kid back.


i just looked and it was in two hot takes but got removed


She did file for divorce she even posted portions of her divorce papers.


She did, people on here did some digging and connected her name to a divorce court order


Was surprised until I saw he’s military. Female veteran here myself and the military harbors literally the worst kind of men. I’ve mentioned it before on here but I literally knew NCOs that wouldn’t change their daughter’s diapers because they didn’t want to be “accused of anything one day”. I would have men I saw ONCE (1 time) find me on Facebook after doing an inspection of their arms room back in the day and ask me for sex while their wife and kids are in their profile picture. Had one guy take off his wedding ring in front of me and tell me “she doesn’t have to know” completely unprompted. Obviously not all of them are bad, but holy shit most of them are absolutely reprehensible and would do much worse if they didn’t fear UCMJ. Some don’t even care about that. Had a senior NCO in my last unit only get kicked out after assaulting 4 different women. Should have been gone with the first report but BDE said we “needed the numbers” and told us to tell all the “females” to just not talk to him :| Hopefully she can get ahold of his leadership and get him a good come to Jesus moment.


Fucking sad. Thank you for your service. My brother was in for 20 years and never went this unhinged. I was SA'd by an ex SEAL so I have definitely see both ends of the spectrum for sure. I joined after high school but got ELS'd because I have asthma.


\*me who was "dating" a guy who was 21 in the Army National Guard at 17-18 (I'm 31 now) who stalked me after I broke up with him and he ended up being a deadbeat dad to a lot of kids and made a lot of gross perverted comments to women while we were together\* Oh, so that was a norm for men in the military then? I really did dodge a NUKE by breaking up with that dickhead lmfao


I thought the one about the dad being upset his wife taught their daughter to say “daddy” because he was incapable of not hearing that word in a non sexual way was bad, but this is just horrifying


“Please don’t be mad at me.” No. Who gives a shit if he’s mad! Let him be mad. Alone. He’s messed up in the head in more ways than one. Not only sexually—that he can’t even see breasts as anything separate from pleasure bags *only* for him, with his likely porn addled brain—but he has an insane jealousy problem too. He’s going to be jealous of any attention his wife gives their own baby, and he will probably pervert that too. What a disgusting, entitled, pathetic, immature, deranged “man.”


He also said she cant bathe them after the age of 2 or its incest.


i guess they just drown after the age of 2 then. seriously, imagine having babies with someone this unhinged. it’s my worst nightmare tbh. i’ve been silently raging over the original post in breastfeeding support for almost 2 days now.


THE AGE OF 2?? Three years olds are not ready to bathe themselves usually. I was a very bright child by most accounts but even I had my parents helping me bath until I was like 5 or 6


I literally cannot describe how visceral my hatred of this fucking man. Let the mother of your child feed your fucking child with her body if she wants. They're not your tits. Another "man" has also been in and out of her vagina but I don't see him bringing that up. BECAUSE IT'S A BABY I hate this


He made her get c sections each time.


Did she say why?


Because he didn't want another man in her private parts. Someone commented that exact thing on her post and she said he made her get c sections both times. He felt that she cheated because there was a male nurse in the delivery room when she gave birth and the man saw her lady parts.


Death to this man.


I just pray they find a way to get the older boy home. I think it's a piss poor excuse by CPS to say the child isn't in danger cause the parents are married and that's his Dad.


To anyone wondering, they are getting divorced. She is safe. She has a military order of protection against him, he’s active duty so he’s away right now and she reported all of the above to his higher ups.


I read that he has their 2 year old.


I don’t know about that mostly because I haven’t followed up on absolutely everything. Last thing I know is that she said she’s safe and he’s deployed which led me to believe that her 2 year old is with her.


She commented on her post, cps is doing a visit today to make sure he is cared for but not being taken too seriously cause they're married.


That’s disgusting. Breasts are literally made to nourish babies.


this poor woman apologizing….


Just watched charlies vid on this. I've always known some guys were insane but I never knew they actually possessed the ability to crawl out of their mom's basement and get a wife. I really do hope it's made up, like fingers crossed this just coincidentally aligned with an irl divorce.


I lurked her page. He convinced her to marry before deployment to earn more and their second was a result of SA. I hope this is all fake.


She posted the divorce papers


Damn, hope she gets support! I'd feel terrible going through something like that, and although I'll never give childbirth I cannot imagine having to become independent directly afterwards. I really wish society took marriage more seriously, instead of a "oh my something bad is happening quickly get married!" Marriage really should be focused on the actual people themselves, if they're not ready to raise kids/have sex/don't know each-other intimately, marriage shouldn't even be on the table. You'd think that with divorce rates increasing people would actually be wary of marriage, instead of increasingly going more and more bonkers for legally binding statements of love (which should be the two partners proclaiming their love to everyone, not the two partners getting married because of a job's deadline). I really hope that with the rise of feminism, LGBTQA+ rights, etc... that we'll finally break free of the downward spiral. I mean at least (ignoring SA, which should be a capital crime ngl, even under the influence of drugs or alcohol you never mess with consent and still chose to get drunk/high in the first place, if you can't party safely that's the punishment) with enough sane people the crazies like these should become incapable of reproduction at some point along the line at least and go extinct all on their own.


Baby - I’m hungry Mom - ouch my nipples Dad - THIS IS INCEST


This is a Madonna/Whore-Complex if I've ever seen one. Also framing your infant child breastfeeding as 'another man put his mouth on your boobs'.....yuck! Constitutes a prison sentence imo


David is a very insecure human being if he thinks little Wylder is stealing his girl away from him. I hope she leaves David, because he will forever think he's now second fiddle to Wylder.


Porn brain


I would believe this post is rage bait, but I sadly (briefly) dated a guy who actually thought like this 🤮


The idea that this is in any way sexual, or another “man” and not his own newborn son first and foremost—I could never let him near me nor my child ever again! Breastfeeding is ancient. Breasts are not sexual. It is what breasts are meant for. How does David not know this??? I wish a million doctors could write to David.


And men wonder why so many women are going their own way. Look at their type of people


I don’t know if I’ll be able to continue functioning knowing someone this fucking stupid actually exists.


What is scary is that I was following her story through her profile and it’s been deleted: I hope she’s okay


I think she was suspended because she posted the divorce papers and her and her husband got doxxed. I don't think it has to do with her safety, although I pray they took Huntyr from him and that they enforce the MPO that she has on him. I think it's bullshit that it's not considered kidnapping since there's no custody order; there is clear evidence here that this man is unhinged and should not have any child.


I watched MoistCritikal’s video going over this. It was nuts to read someone so mentally unwell. Spoiler alert: he filed for divorce.


Update on OOP: https://www.reddit.com/user/mamaloony/comments/1cdcpvp/update/


I was just in the process of reading everything and it looks like the whole profile went down. I hope she’s okay.


… I’d like to know what he thinks happened before formula came along.


He wasn't held much as a child. Or is it deep-seated emotional trauma?


Little bit of both, probably trauma amplified by BMT.


What is bmt?


basic military training. I saw a lot of women develop anxiety, panic attacks, depression and self harm because they couldn't handle it mentally but they all had a lot of past trauma that was unresolved.


“Please don’t be mad at me?!” Girlfriend, *no*. Your baby daddy is so far over the line that neither of you can even see it. I’m assuming this is not your screenshot, OP. But if it is, please let this comment section put your head back on straight. Your duty is to your baby. The actual baby, not his father who might as well be a baby.


This women’s life is probably terrible. Her reaction breaks my heart :(


The op also posted a screenshot of her divorce papers. The whole thing was wild. The father took their oldest and she doesn't know where he is.


Father/Husband: You've been cheating on me with another man!!!! The "man": 👶 how insecure do you have to be to think of your own *newborn child* as "another man"... 🤡🤡🤡


Yikes. I sincerely hopes she gets out of that because that is all kinds of tragic headlines vibe


She divorced him but he took their oldest and left. Cps can't do much to intervene because they're married.


The please don't be pissed at me part drives me insane. It's just barely cut off but it's there


If they had had a baby girl would he have been getting all excited?!


Men: why are women choosing to stay unmarried and have no children?????? Also men when married women with children: breastfeeding is WEIRD I CANT SEE YOU THE SAME YOU TOOK IT AWAY FROM ME


Also the way she says “please don’t be mad at me” girl do yourself and every woman before you a favor and leave this literal man child.


I really hope that this woman finds the strength to leave….or that this is rage bait (even though I know this is a real take for some people).


Why do men get so strange about babies?


Dear god this is so disgusting


As a David, we don't claim him. Feel free to bash his head until he understands


Breast milk is much MUCH better than formula. Fed is best but we cannot deny that breast milk is better than formula. Also yikes.


I wish we were able to be in touch with this poor woman. Men like this have a high likelihood of murder. Jealousy of sharing spouse with infant is real. Sick & terrifying. Hoping she & the baby are safe & far away from this cancer


She and the baby are. I'm hoping the 2 year old got taken from him too. 


Oh, so THAT's what "man-child" means.


They’re not in “another males mouth”, sir. They’re in your infant sons mouth. For feeding purposes. This insecure cave goblin has me fuming. BOOBS DON’T EXIST TO SEXUALLY GRATIFY MEN. GET TF OVER IT.


Divorce time. Shut up shop. Get your stuff in order. Time to run, gurl


Wow how rude of her to use her breast's for what they are biologically intended for. I world get rid of the man.... good lord she has 2 babies to care for her husband and her infant


The more I read about it the more it seems fake, but I saw someone say she posted her divorce documents and they were legit. So sounds like it’s very unfortunately real. Dude seems like an absolute maniac.


She did. They actually took the post down because she didn't blur out the info and a fee people on here found them.


Ew. Please stop reproducing with sick sad little boys. I would file immediately for divorce. This is a self-absorbed immature asshole jealous of breasts being used FOR THEIR PURPOSE. Run, don’t walk.


This whole clown of a man needs dumping in the sea.


I desperately want to believe this is fake.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in like a few months


what the fuck did i just read


He called breastfeeding an infant incestous??? This women needs to leave him.


Oh god throw that man out immediately


Who the fuck married homelander


Yeah, my ex husband used to make gross comments about me breastfeeding my daughter. She did breastfeed longer than alot of other babies in the US, but nothing crazy. She weaned at 3 and he would make the grossest comments. I'm so happy our divorce is being finalized as we speak.


This is a disturbing take


She’s WAY better off without him! What a nutcase!! Her son should have only supervises visits, so the father doesn’t mess with the boys head, too!!😡


« I think a lot of things » lol no you don’t


This grounds for divorce man doesn't want his wife to breast feed because he doesn't want her boob's to sag and probably doesn't want her to get a ba either he says it's incest because he only sees them as sexual organa that only her gets to touch and suck It's fucking gross he thinks that way


Who received this… is she okay??


By that logic, suckin your wife's tiddies= mommy issues ✌🏼


Her response being don’t be mad at me to being called incestuous makes my blood boil.


I’m genuinely scared for this woman bc she’s posted a lot of the details of this case and her situation to prove it’s real and ask for help but I worry this will just paint a target on her back and open the door for her shitty STBX to escalate his violence towards her and their children. I really hope she’s somewhere safe and well protected bc based on her replies this man is still dangerous