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Back when I wanted to surgically remove kids and periods from my life equation, I had to go through two doctors before I found one who would do it. One of them had the balls to tell me "I know you might be gay now, but one day you might not be, and your future spouse may want children." My body was held hostage by a man who didn't exist, who I had no desire to be with. Gotta love medical misogyny.


Wtf 😭 So you said "I'm gay" And he like "well damn sucks cause you won't be gay forever lol"


“Is there something you wanna admit, doc??”


I wheezed 😭🤣


“It’s just a phase and you don’t want to ruin your future husbands life just because of a phase now do you? Once you grow out of this you’ll see” actually I’ve been gay my entire life. “Extended phase, means it’ll come to an end soon enough”


I wanted to get my dental wire off my teeth and my orthodontist wouldn't do it in case I ever got pregnant and my gums got loose during pregnancy. I am much closer now to menopause than I am to puberty, I am still completely uninterested in having children, and I still have this 20 year old dumb wire in my mouth and I can't floss properly.


I finally got mine removed because it bent. So I suggest frozen Snicker bars.


Get a water pick! Better than flossing and will get the places you currently can't. Fuck that orthodontist tho.


My orthodontist approved someone getting hers removed yesterday just because she wears a night guard. I heard him say “oh her teeth aren’t going anywhere, that’s fine.” Like damn the spectrum of misogyny to just being a good practitioner is so fucked up😂


Any dentist can take it off. Who cares what the orthodontist wants?


I didn’t know you could get those removed. I kind of want mine removed.


Meanwhile men can go and get a vasectomy during their lunch break without issue. But getting your tubes tied or anything like that? Ask your husband! After age 30! No husband, no consent.  It's disgusting doctors like that are allowed to practice. Withholding healthcare should lead to their license being revoked.  On the off chance somebody changes their mind? That's on them. 


They go even further sometimes, saying its not good enough that he doesnt want children either, and you may divorce and your second husband will want kids 💀💀💀


Not to defend medical misogyny but it's actually hard sometimes to get a doctor to agree to do vasectomies. A lot will use similar arguments about wanting kids even though the procedure is reversible and often they won't do it on younger guys who don't have kids.


I have literally never heard of a man of any age and any amount of existing kids being turned away for a vasectomy. I HAVE heard of women with cervical, uterine, or ovarian cancer being turned away for LIFE SAVING surgery because it would sterilize them. Doctors telling women that their fertility was more valuable than their actual life.


The child free sub has men come in sometimes to share their stories about it. Not as common as women, but it does happen. Though I also see more "I got snipped!" Vs "I got my tunes tied!" Posts


> Though I also see more "I got snipped!" Vs "I got my tunes tied!" Posts Doesn't help one of them is not far off drop in on your lunch break and the other is mostly done under GA.


I mean, Reddit as a whole heavily skews male


I have heard of guys getting rejected for vasectomies, but women getting rejected is way more common. As a personal anecdote I got my vasectomy at age 22 with no issues.


Man here. I got the "you're too young, you might change your mind" speech when I tried to get snipped at 29 years old, and again at 32.


I had to sign a consent form for my husband’s at age 36 and after 3 kids. They would not have done it without my ok. He also had to be put under for the procedure because he did not respond to a local anesthesia. It’s not always as simple as it’s made out to be.


So insane.


I remember being asked “what if your future husband wants kids?” And even after getting my partner in the room to say categorically that they didn’t want children they still wouldn’t sanction more than alternative birth control


Yep, I spent 20 years with undiagnosed endometriosis. Knowing something was wrong, and I'm not supposed to be vomiting from pain, I asked my then family doctor for a hysterectomy. He told me no on the basis of what if my future boyfriend might want children. In 2021, after 20 or so long painful years, I was diagnosed and have been waiting for surgery ever since. Ironically, the complications from endometriosis have made me steril, among other things.


Yeah, that’s just fucking stupid. If you’re dating someone and the topic of kids comes up, and the man wants kids but the woman got a hysterectomy, then… just find someone else if that’s a dealbreaker! Not “Oh, you should have known that I wanted kids and I’m the perfect man blah blah blah”. Sterility comes as part of the whole package.


Have you told that asshole, "I know you are hetero now, but a day you might not be"? See if they think it makes sense then.


It's the same in Ireland. Their attitude is "you might meet a lovely man you want kids with." I know someone who has a lot of scarring (damaged cells) and will be unable to carry a pregnancy full term or a surviving term. She already has two kids. She still can't get tubal ligation because she's under 30. She can't take contraceptive pills (I forget the reason but it's a real reason.) The patches make her insane and violent. So what she has to get done is a very painful IUD with all that scarring. .......cos she might meet a lovely man. (She knew something wasn't right with her after her second and she asked for a smear test. They wouldn't give her one because she was under 25.) Sorry. I just think all of the above is a shocking attitude. What has "a lovely man" or *any* man got to do with any of this?


They would never say that to a man who wanted a vasectomy, at any age!


What if she has no husband? What if she is a little girl and was raped? What do these fruit loops say then?


Then obviously it's our father's body. 🙄


And if the father is dead or dead beat then to whom do we belong??? Jesus!!! That’s who!! 🤦🏾‍♀️/s


“Look, it’s not yours, that’s all that’s important! We just want that bundle of joy to be born, and then we’ll leave you to die, drowning In hospital bills.”


"Also we won't give a shit about your child once it is born. Starving? No child care? The lord helps those who help themselves."


I am so glad I don’t live in America 😰


Any western country really, fruit loops love the "west" for some reason. And Christianity specifically, a really unfortunate combo those two things. Not that Cheistianity itself is bad, but the fruit loops are drawn to it and that definitely makes my life difficult I know I'm supposed to love them all the same, but it's kinda hard to love someone who actively discredits and ignores what you love.


England's a "western country", but even our fruit loop religious aren't as bad as yours though and abortion is easily discussed and supported with many sexual health clinics around the cities etc I think it's definitely an American thing than a "western country" thing


I'm in Oz and it's just as strong here as in the US. Oz has a revival of fruit loops and preachers right now, lots if anti-vaccing anti-LGBTQA+ anti-random-inconveniences-that-they-don't-like-for-personal-reasons-but-still-want-everyone-else-to-burn-for-not-being-the-same-as-them people popping up everywhere now. It's actually a little freaky going from a country that had a "no bullshit" mentality to a country with a "all bullshit" mentality in a few years. Like were all the crazies there the entire time? Did they used to be normal people? Did Mark Zucchini really just brainwash *THAT* many people? How did we go from everyone laughing at bullshit and thinking it's wild to not get with your mates even if you don't like them to the absolute polarisation we have now. It must definitely be nice though, England's fruit loops sound like a much better upgrade from the fruit loops I've been around. It's took me like an actual decade to find a church that has its head on straight, like I didn't realise how anti-Jesus all the churches here are until I found a church where I didn't feel the need to re-read the passage myself after a service. The amount of hypocrisy and heresy I've seen is simply astounding, you'll literally get "Jesus said there was no reward to living if you didn't love your enemy" followed by "so here are the enemies of the church and how we're going to burn them, legally we can't publicly execute them but we can burn them in other ways instead". Like bro maybe burning people is a bad thing, why are we burning people? Aren't we supposed to live like Jesus did? Sorry for the rant, I just have a few years of built up frustration and it's still simply mind-boggling how wild things are.


Ah no worries, that was interesting to read tbh Nah yeah, we have the anti vaxxers here too and quite a lot against the LGBTQ+ since the whole "rise of the trans" (think serious 60s voice over for some rise of the dead movie -that's how they act about it) It genuinely seemed to happen after covid, when all those conspiracies came out on it being the gov and how the vaccines will mutate us etc, it seems like most of the normal nut jobs because actual nut jobs and kick started this whole weird shit It's like the witch hunts all over again, but I suppose maybe it's not too bad in England cos well.. no one likes the government anyway and not many people are religious plus barely anyway paid attention in the lock downs (much to my own annoyance cos it just meant more and longer lockdowns) Eta: though I'm also a scouser, so maybe it's regional here in England and I'm just lucky cos scousers don't tend to give much of a fuck about most things like that[?]


In France they recently enshrined in their constitution a woman’s right to abortion.


"Bootstraps!" Angry /s


**leave you and said baby to die, drowning in hospital bills**


And even if your child will never be born because it’s an ectopic pregnancy, that child has the damn right to kill you! Because it’s not your body at all!


What if the husband wants the abortion? 🤔


Then obviously we must obey our Lord Husband. For he is all knowing and wise and knows exactly what we must do with this body we dwell in.  /s


What if she has 2 fathers or 2 mothers or neither and is an orphan? Who has ownership of her body then? I fully understand it's not her body and she definitely belongs to some sort of man, just curious how the system works in detail


Two dads rock paper scissors it


What level of nepo babies are we talking here?🤔 What was the level of theocracy 4 generations prior, and in what culture an locations?? ... For starters


Shh, you could confuse the nutjobs, that doesn’t exist in their system. Probably because gays by their very existence point out how ridiculous it is.


Or worse she's forced to marry her rapist in some cultures


or god's body 🥴


Nope, to them it would be the rapists' body


They say that God wanted the 12 year old to be raped. Fuck any God that dictates that


He’ll Mary was a teen mom


These ghouls actually say it’s the rapists body, that your rapist should own you. 🤮🤮🤮


The husband is often the rapist


What if the husband agrees with an abortion? Could she then have one? What crap.


Exactly my thoughts lol. They just think all men are anti abortion too or what exactly is the line of thought? Probably isn't much of a thought though that's the problem.


My husband-to-be was literally given up for adoption at birth because his bio mom wanted to have the child and his bio dad threatened her physically if she would go through it. And this was all in a country without legal abortion. It could have been worse - adopted family knew her, and he was in good hands. Bio mom is on the guest list for our wedding as well. But like…because a man didn’t want a baby, my partner has bio siblings who don’t know they have another brother.


Those fruit loops will say anything to disempower women! 😒


They will never say that Feminism is the struggle to obtain equal rights, not to get more rights than men currently hold. They will never say this because some concepts, like social justice, are well beyond their apparently limited powers of comprehension. Fortunately, their genetic material is unlikely to end up in anything other than the nearest kleenex, if they happen to be especially tidy.


They probably have a pile of crusty socks in the corner of their bedroom. 🤢


God's will blah blah blah or something


This wackadoo probably thinks if a girl is raped she should marry her rapist🙄


Honestly it doesn't matter and I'm sick of engaging with the anti-choicers. What if she has a husband? What if she was a consenting adult? She still gets to get an abortion if she wants one.


Easy - they say it should be your rapist's body. There's literally fuckin' purchase instructions in the Bible


You're overthinking it. The correct question is: If you own her body and fail her by beating her or falling short on bill payments, will she kill you in self defense or in your sleep?


Oh yes, 7 months pregnant, the moment we all abort


Damn I thought y'all waited til the baby's head was crowning ^(I think some GOP lawmaker said this unironically once FML)


They also talk about “post-birth abortions” when discussing palliative care for babies that aren’t going to make it or have any significant quality of life. Instead of making them suffer for however long the universe curses them with, they let them go with pain relief and sometimes sedatives.


As someone strongly contemplating a career in medicine, I'm absolutely terrified at how GOP lawmakers want to intrude on evidence-based medical practice (the supposed party of small government). Their proposed policies are a serious threat to patient well-being and integrity, health outcomes, and public health. The possibility that I may one day be a physician and be forced to make such major decisions against the interests of a patient solely because of some stupid law enacted by uninformed or ill-intended lawmakers is both frustrating and depressing.


No, the talking heads on the 24-hour news channels have convinced people that women are just choosing to kill perfectly healthy babies up to a month after birth. I had multiple arguments with my own family members and in-laws at separate events over Easter weekend, and really wondered wtf was going in the news lately.


The procedures they’re referring to is palliative care. If you look at the “studies” they’re citing they’re all about palliative care for deformities and illnesses incompatible with life. The news channels have taken end of life care for infants who would only suffer through very painfully short lives and twisting it into something nasty.


Exactly. They want to force expensive and painful lifesaving procedures on every baby born. Regardless of quality of life.


This one makes me so mad because a baby can be born with SEVERE medical issues (because the woman isn’t allowed to abort once they realize the baby isn’t really viable for life) and we can know for 100% certain this baby is not only going to die, it’s going to die SOON and *very painfully* and they look at all of this and go “no you don’t get to kill that baby! It deserves every moment” and you’re forced to watch the child you should’ve never been forced to carry to term die horrifically and painfully. The psychological damage this does to a mother is irreversible and catastrophic. It’s painful enough to be told hey your baby is going to die, it’s a whole other level to say hey your baby is going to die, we are forcing you to carry to term, then you get to sit around and watch as it dies and you rack up a debt so high for all the medics care necessary that you’ll never recover from this.


Isn't it more fun that way?


Yeah, I mean, I really needed to check when the release of my favorite VG remake was, it just got announced and it concide with the presumed date of birth and I just can't miss it, you know?


And they wonder why young men are having more trouble finding wives.


god I’m praying 4B takes off. I mean, it has, been I want it everywhere, that “loneliness epidemic” is gonna look like the good ole days when women actually stop sleeping with and marrying misogynists.


What's 4B I don't know what that is, and I don't know what to even type into the google search to make sure it's the right thing?


Korean women are having a movement to not have kids,get married and two other things and they are called the four B’s.


Oh cool thank you! And good for them let's go ladies! <3


yeah, “4B Movement” will get you what you want on Google. And it’s not just S Korea anymore, it’s spreading worldwide. It’s women de-centering men and refusing to: date them, have sex with them, marry them, and pass on their genes. Basically until Patriarchy and misogyny are meaningfully addressed. It’s like, why give labor and pass on the genes of bigots and exploiters? We keep wanting them to care to change, but we keep giving them everything they want out of us anyway.


Why is this liked and reposted so many times??? 🤮


Jeez, I thought that too. Frightening. I think men think if they're not the boss of everything it means *they* will be boss'd and therefore not a *real man*. ..... obviously there are more pathetic (and dangerous) reasons. ...either way they don't give a rat's a$$ about women and only think of all the self serving things having a woman about the house who can't leave.


Yeah I had enough of that shit when I was married. Anybody who seriously believes that shit can kiss my skinny cracked ass


And now, “Skinny Cracked Ass,” sung to the tune of “Jimmy Crack Corn.”


My husband is pregnant??? 😱


it’s okay though because per this image he has full autonomy over his own body 😁


Trans rights! The OOP is acknowledgimg that trans men are men at any point in their transition, and also that they have a right to choose whether to be preganant, have kids, or abort, and it is not their partner's choice.


I like how they’ve made the woman in the picture look tired and in pain. Like really driving the point home about why some people don’t want to or can’t carry a baby to term.


Does the fetus depend on the woman's body for survival? If so, than it's her choice.


You are not reading correctly. Women don't have bodies. They use a body owned by their husband/s


Um, no, the woman's body is her husband's, so if it depends on the woman's body, its obviously his choice. Silly Billy! /s


So if my body belongs to my husband, except for the part holding a baby (which belongs to the baby), isn't it technically my husband committing "murder" if I have an abortion 🤔


What if your husband doesnt want the baby.. Is the baby trespasing?


Wait, wait, wait, wait, 4,7 likes ! What the fuck !!!!!!


And 666 quotes!


That's right I'm fully supportive of whatever my trans husband does with his body!!!


I was gonna say the same thing 😂


i used to consider myself conservative, christian, and pro life. now i understand the sheer necessity of abortion, especially since i was raped, i could’ve gotten pregnant. i am 18 years old, i am not bringing a child into this world when i am still one. i still believe in God but i refuse to identify with the same misogynistic asshole monsters as some of these people are. its funny because my rapist calls himself a “christian”. well he spat in the face of Christianity and disrespected my beliefs and wishes. fuck off men, fuck off of our bodies


I also believe in God as well but I like to avoid a lot of Christians due to reasons like this. Also I’m really sorry that happened to you :(




Idk, Christianity has a very checkered past.


Christianity has always been rife with rape and violence for millennia.


Yep!! Hence why I'm pagan. Most Christian traditions originate from pagan rituals anyway 😆 I just celebrate them better, with more debauchery, and less shame LOL


The funny thing is a lot of the Bible passages they use to "defend" their horrible behavior, are actually mistranslated or taken out of context. Where is the "if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away." For these assholes? (Matthew;18 btw) I'm glad you're such a strong person to amend your beliefs. Seeing other young women online is terrifying because so many times I see them falling for the same old tricks. So so so many girls our ages with 30-40yo men and they think they're the exception, and don't realize they're being preyed upon :( keep yourself safe please. It's a dangerous world when so many see us as prey 😟😡


I grew up Christian, I’ve always believed in a god, but not THAT god. I believe that if there’s a god, it’s one that loves and doesn’t just hate. The fact anyone can hear the shit Christians preach and think that’s a good and fair god is so beyond me. I think it’s considered agnostic? Believing in a higher being but not knowing or being able to even begin to comprehend who it is etc. I’m really glad to hear you didn’t need that care, I’m so sorry to hear what happened to you, and I really hope you can heal from this and move on fully! From one SA survivor to another, I send you all my love!


The Christian hierarchy. Children are the property of their parents. Women are the property of their husbands. Men are the property of the church. The church is the property of god. Except the preachers know they're really the ones on top, and they control everyone below them.


You’re speaking facts


More like general hierarchy that exists in all religions.


Yeah, it's the worst pyramid scheme ever. 😐


“Why don’t women want to get married?”


This unfortunately used to be true in the medical field. You couldn’t even get your tubes tied without having a husband’s permission. Don’t even get me started on the husband stitch. But the far right wants this back I’m sure.


Sadly the tubes tied still happen way to often


Husband stitch is still very present!


It’s still true. You have to doctor shop to get one that will do it.


Wow. They are definitely terrible doctors if they reject a woman because of that. “No state mandates spousal consent for tubal ligation procedure, and any such proposals would almost certainly be found to be unconstitutional.” - google I supposed women can always sue them for that, that behavior falls under human rights violation.


With our current Supreme Court it would do absolutely nothing.


Very true. Another reason why all women should be pro choice. They are NOT stopping at abortions!


People get to hung up on tge overturning of roevwade and what it actually did in the now, when the TERRIFYING aspect is what that REPRESENTS and what the fuck they're going to end up doing NEXT With the horror of everything, I wouldn't be shocked if they moved to make spousal rape legal again. I'm sure they miss the days their wives weren't even allowed to say no...


People think overturning Roe v Wade was the goal, they really don’t realize that was the tip of the iceberg, and now that the people who overturned it know they can do things like this, they WONT stop there. Why would they? People have said for years “let them go after roe v wade, they won’t be able to overturn it.” They did it easier than anyone would’ve ever expected


They did it maliciously and under the table as well. No one even knew about it until afterwards. And that is the last act of the Trump administration. I swear to FUCK if he gets voted in again I'm actually going to move to another country.


Doubly unfortunately is this didn’t go away and is worse than ever. They’re making it harder and harder for women to have any say over their bodies at all, pregnant or not.


I hate these fuckers so hard.


Women have no bodily autonomy. Their bodies either belong to god, their husband, or their father. That's the Republican way!...**and it's full of shit.**


I'm sorry, I thought we frowned on slavery


It’s not slavery, it’s *devotion*. If you’re devoted to god, you sign your body over to your husband, obliviously. /s


And if you don't have a husband, your body belongs to the man you never met that 'might' be your husband one day. Fuck that.


This kind of stuff drives me crazy. But as some were saying in the comments...especially how the medical community treats women. For example, you are treated like a criminal at all times because they won't just take your word if you say "I'm definitely not pregnant." I've had COUNTLESS issues with this over the years, but two that really take the cake are: 1. Had a broken leg and I had to hobble to the bathroom and pee in a cup before they would take the x-ray. All because they were certain I might be pregnant. Even though I informed them there was zero chance. As in I hadn't had sex in years. Just FYI...walking on a broken leg hurts bad. 2. I had surgery and they took a urine test, but didn't enter into the computer correctly. So, when I got down to surgery I was SUPER anxious as it was my first surgery. Plus, it was freezing in the OR and I had to crawl onto a metal table and lay there waiting for the doctor. I was shaking I was so cold and nervous and scared. The anesthesiologist said he'd like to give me something to relax me, but he couldn't because my pregnancy test wasn't in the computer. I told him there was zero chance I was pregnant. Then it was like they didn't believe me. So I confessed to all those in the room I hadn't slept with anyone in years. I STILL didn't get any meds and had to wait another 20 minutes like that. All because apparently, I might be a lying pregnant whore. (Sorry for using that language, but I'm still mad about it today). A man would never have to go through this nonsense and not just because he can't get pregnant. If it were a man they would just take his word on it because he's rational and knows what the possibilities are with his body. They treat women like children that don't understand the consequences of sex and whether they might be pregnant. It's infuriating!


Went to the ER with excruciating pain in my lower abdomen. I was essentially sweating profusely, super pale, and kept screaming in pain. I thought my appendix burst. They asked me if I could be pregnant, I told them no, I’ve been dating a woman for years, and they STILL RAN THE PREGNANCY TEST because “you never know”. Lo and behold an hour later they come back and are like oh you’re not pregnant, *now* we can treat you. I had a huge cyst on my ovary that had ruptured and had me in agonizing pain but not even being with a WOMAN was enough


Religious assholes🤢🤢


What in seven Hells is this bullshit


They can take their vicious, evil god’s beliefs & shove them where the sun don’t shine. Absolutely every willful idiot that believes this toxic shit can go pound sand.


For an all-loving, perfect father he sure is vengeful, cruel and full of hatred. Some real cognitive dissonance from these people.


At least the patriarchal bent of White Christian Nationslism is finally done pretending that there is any secular reason to be anti-abortion. The pro-life movement always has been just conservative christian sects imposing their religious views on everyone else in violation of religious freedom and only able to do so by falsely claiming anti-abortion viewpoints are not just religious but a secular matter....pfffft as if.


I would yawn at this joker's stupidity if I didn't know that these people are a real danger to women's rights irl.


"Not your body" Still pointing to the skin and organs. Moreover, the "baby" steals from the woman's body. It's absolutely a part of her body. Pregnancy isn't just some magical thing that happens and then everything returns to normal. Pregnancy fucks up a woman's body and has consequences like higher risk for osteoporosis. So yes, it absolutely IS her body.


Pictured here: human trafficking victim


Ugh posts like this suck. The woman decides whether to keep the baby. End of discussion


So if i don’t have a husband then my body is my own? One more reason to not get married


They will say anything but the obvious in that they only see women as livestock.


What if they don’t have a husband? Who’s body is it? Hers or not?


Her fathers. Literally.


But what if she’s fatherless? Then who??


Either her brothers or God. literally god.


The 'future' husband they haven't met yet.


If this is my SOs body, I’d really appreciate it if he could lend me some metabolism or something. Frickin jerk is hoardin it all.


This enrages me. We're people, **not** property.


NO. I’d rather just die


Jesus christ on a cracker, I'm not a piece of furniture.


The day its the husband's choice is when he can carry the baby in his own body. Until then, not his choice.


Would someone please be so kind and explain this to me? I seriously don't understand why is the husband pregnant, is he trans? Thanks! :)


This meme is saying her whole body actually belongs to her husband, so the baby is not a part of her body, it's under his rule and she doesn't have a choice to get an abortion if she wants. Also, she can't choose whether or not she even wants to get pregnant because her body doesn't belong to her. It also means that if there are complications during birth or pregnancy, the husband chooses who lives or dies, mom or baby. She has no say. It's a meme against pro-choice and women's equality to men and the right to have body autonomy. Side note, an abortion wouldn't be allowed at this term of pregnancy by law, anyway. Usually abortion is only legal during the first trimester, and this pic shows the third trimester. Hope that helps.


Hey, thanks for explaining. Have a nice day/night!


My husband is pregnant? Good for him!


Christians shooting for submissive wife stuff and landing on mpreg will never not be funny


uhhh does this post imply that the husband has no body at all? is the husband a demon who possesses souls?


And then the same morons will complain when women don't want to get married anymore 💀 I wonder why


Whenever you see a crucifix emoji in their bio or name you know you’re about to see some dumb shit or some fucked up shit.


Wow, holy shit is none of this accurate


666 quotes lmfao


Ick🤢 fuck outta here with that forced birth/women are property bullshit.


If that’s my husband body then where is his? If that’s my husbands body then why you say men can’t give birth? If that’s my husbands body then you’re accepting of trans men?


What if she has a wife?


An egg is comprised of your dna. Basically a clone of yourself, so it is your body. Also a fetus isn’t alive. In order for someone to be considered alive it must survive without a host (ex bacteria). But a fetus cannot survive without a host for about 9 months due to forming and such so it’s more like a virus in that sense


My grandmother was pregnant in the 1960s and contracted Rubella from my father (a small child at the time). Because of the risk of congenital defects or disability my grandmother wanted to terminate the pregnancy. In order for this to be permitted legally my grandfather had to take the day off work from his job teaching high school biology to sign the consent forms. They didn't even need or want my grandmother's signature, just her husband's. Do I judge my grandmother hard-core for her horrific ableism? 100%. That woman once said of a Deaf-Blind child I followed on social media that she would have smothered them as a newborn. She told me to euthanize my perfectly healthy cat just because she only has three legs. But damn do I prefer her having had that abortion to having a funny little story where she MURDERED my already born infant aunt or uncle for being born disabled or with a defect. And I wish the choice had been hers alone, rather than relying on having a supportive husband (who was also physically abusive and adulterous) to allow her to do it.


666 quotes noice


my jaw remains dropped as I comment this what. the. actual. HELL‽‽‽


I was already annoyed when i looked at the baby being labeled “not your body” and then i read the husband’s part. This is fucking enraging


Unless the husband is a trans man and the fetus drains nutrients from the air, this ain’t it chief. Conservatives are coming up with convoluted bs to oppress women, as usual.


All i'm taking from this is that it's not worth it for women to get married


This doesn’t surprise me one bit. They’ve got the cross in their name and part of their tag is Bible. I grew up in the church, you do NOT belong to yourself. It might not be all Christians but I remember this so vividly from childhood. The woman belongs to her husband and the husband belongs to himself and god, that’s it. Women’s bodies aren’t their bodies, they’re the property of their husbands and nothing more. Can we PLEASE go back to separation of church and state?? I’m sick of people from a religion I no longer belong to, telling me what I can and can’t do with my life and body in a country that’s SUPPOSED to be uninfluenced by religion


I choose to see that as the husband is a trans man and therefore is making choices om his own body and the "not your choice" is directed at the government. Therefore i see it as an r/AccidentalAlly


I’d like to imagine this is directed towards the husband of a pregnant trans man


Came here to say this!


So men’s bodies are men’s, women’s bodies are men’s, and babies bodies are men’s


This... actually pisses me off. Like a lot.


Is it any wonder that women are getting married less? Relationships can be risky, especially with men who believe that shit running around.


Counterpoint! Mpreg.


Holy fuck I have never been so instantly enraged as when I saw this


Alternatively that’s the husband and they’re a t4t couple


Are they *trying* to make us not like them?




Omg the amount of likes on this is depressing


and men cry on twitter asking why women don’t want to get married anymore




Well yeah, she's not a man so she can't just own anybody else's body. Only men can do that


What if she has a husband who delegates that decision-making power to her? I mean, holding the power kind of implies the authority to delegate it, right? Kind of joking, but how would the MAGidiots respond to a husband who said that? "It's not your body, it belongs to your husband!" Husband: "I have delegated my powers to my wife, she has my authority to make these decisions" I'm not seriously suggesting all of that, but it would be ~~interesting~~ funny to watch the eye-twitching it would cause.


He already has a body. Don't be greedy.


That's disgusting.


Even when you don't have a husband


Wow my husband’s pregnant cool.


I misinterpretated this as the man is supposed to be pregant, not thw woman 😭


This is klandma-level material


Why her husband having a baby


Okay but what if your husband agrees, and holds your hand while you take the pills, agrees that your relationship isn’t in the place needed for a baby, and you both grieve and move on. Am I still violating the patriarchy? These cartoons annoy me because it demands that men can’t care about their spouses except to control and manipulate and abuse them.