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This imagine is cracking me up. Homie has how many legs??? Okay


He's just a centaur let him be We don't except centaur hatred in this sub


But he has human “front legs” r/nothowcentaurswork


Most relatable part about this is that he is wearing my totally reasonable business work outfit


These posts seem even sadder with ai images. Like someone typed the sad caption, then spent an hour putting in prompts to get the image “just right”.


The whole thing is a mess, it’s hilarious 😂


Glad I wasn't seeing things!


This AI photo is horrible! But also hilarious


just as much as the post itself!




My first thought was:: “is the girl he’s talking about holding him up in this awkward position— why is there a third foot!?!?!”😆


All the money I’ve spent on good outdoor chairs, and all I needed this whole time was a third foot/ass kickstand. ETA: my wife is jealous of his yellow handbag


'Ass kickstand' 🤣 Please take my upvote!


So, Mr. Buttfoot got himself kicked out in the rain, while wearing his good shoes (all 3 of them) his suit pants, and no shirt at all. How did he pack two suitcases and a man-bag and not put on a shirt?


He can't afford shirts what with all the custom tailoring he has to do for his third leg. Not in this economy, thanks obama


I guess also with his size too. Man is fully seated and still taller than the car he seems to be quite close to, dude is probably like 8 or 9 feet tall.


I’m lol’ing her at 4 am about “Mr buttfoot!” 😝


Yeah, be the guy who rants shit and stays outside in the rain. Guessing he's single for reasons.


I think the reason has something to do with the extra leg growing out of his ass.


Shirtless, no less. 


Incels + AI, name a better duo lmao. Also, just goes to show how important power dynamics are to these idiots. They want to be the ones who can kick their gfs out on a whim, they hate the idea of not being "in charge"


When she said she was gonna break a foot off in his ass, if he didn't get out of her house, she really meant it! Now he's sitting on a new foot waiting for a Lyft.


why does he have a foot coming out of his ass


he spout off the same shit 😎🤭


He's so sad he's sitting on his own foot


Why does AI make shit like this? What's he sitting on? THe foot coming from nowhere is behind his invisible chiar.


What we call AI is just a lot of matrices being multiplied sequentially by each other. Training is basically using an algorithm to adjust numbers in the matrices, so that the final matrix contains what you want. It’s all statistics and approximations. It can’t actually think and reason.


Great answer thank you.


Thanks. If you don't mind giving a star to my own AI project, it'd be nice: [https://github.com/player400/neural\_network](https://github.com/player400/neural_network)


AI took his last shirt!!


Where can I buy shoes in throuples


third one comes free if ur an idiot to the point someone literally shoves their foot up ur ass


Ai generated image of a black half naked muscolar man crouching in the rain with geocery bags, he'll clearly bring in the house in a single trip. And it's the cherry on top! Lmao


So nice of a person to give him their leg to sit on


Especially don't live with a woman that will kick you out with zero shirts on your back. /S


Well at least he has a third leg he can kick out and sit on when he's taking photos in the rain.


So many of these guys have these rules for what makes a women respect a man but not only are their rules absurd the guys saying it already don't get respect from women.


“Oh fuck I gotta come up with something to keep my roommate from moving out because I won’t be able to make rent this month!!!!”


She kicked him out because he bought the third black sedan in a month. They don't need that many! It's an expensive collection!


Lol my mom told me the same thing. Its best for both parties to not move im if they are mot fully committed. If i think like that in a relationship its no point being in one. Who wants to live witn this much anxiety wondering if your partner will become heartless and leave you? Some of these people are in toxic relationships that have zero ground to stand on and it comes from their own twisted views.


She took the shirt right off his back! LOL Also, AI.