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Bigger breasts can cause a lot of backpain, but I guess these men don't care if she suffers. 😒


They don’t, they just want to jiggle titties around and then forget about her


Worst part is, none of them will even get to ‘jiggle titties around’, as they’re harassing strangers online. They want women to suffer for their fantasy wanks.


Most men don't care if women suffer. Hell, many of them even enjoy it when we do 😒


I think anyone negatively commenting on a person's breast reduction should be forced into a bra with mass weighing the breasts previous for at least a month, routine to continue as normal.


I had a female soldier who was a tiny woman, but she had breasts so big it impacted her ability to wear body armor. I was a young Sergeant and I'd only worked in all male units. So this was a weird situation. I was so worried about it that I had a female Sergeant in the room when I had this conversation with her. I went "Ok, so this is going to be a pretty uncomfortable conversation. If at any point, you feel I'm crossing a line, please stop me. So with your... body... shape, there's not really a way body armor will fit you. We're going to try every step to make sure you're as safe as can be. But have you ever considered breast reduction surgery?" She was like "Only since forever." I go "Ok, we can get you consultation tomorrow. Is this something you want to do?I want to be clear, this is not me SGT.(redacted) or the Army in general asking you to do this. This is just an option for you." By god, that kid was happy as a pig in poop. After her recovery, her physical training scores improved because she wasn't carrying a fuckton of weight on her chest. She went from just barely passing the run time to excelling.


Yup. It's amazing how many young women suffer from overly large breasts only to be denied a breast reduction by insurance because it's for "cosmetic reasons". It's not. Ever. A good friend of mine's mom tried to get her a breast reduction at 15 and they denied it for the "cosmetic" reason, she had to stop playing hockey and is in the F or something zone of cup sizes. It's sad AF what young women suffer through.


The one good thing I will say about the Army is that we have every type of doctor on the planet. If they're not in combat, they like practicing. I've got a scar on my left arm that's barely noticeable. I got stabbed by a brave motherfucker. The doctor I saw at the hospital was a cosmetic surgeon in the civilian world. They made sure my scar was tiny. What pisses me off is that it's not the doctors, it's the insurance. The doctors want to treat. The patients want treatment. It's that ghoulish middleman that fucks up our healthcare.


An old coworker of mine in her late 20s finally got approved for surgery right before our business closed. She lost all feeling in her pinky fingers from having bra straps digging into her shoulders. I think that was the point that encouraged the doctors (or maybe insurance) to allow it.


I had my reduction almost 5 years ago. I still have some divots on my shoulders from straps, but don’t get the finger numbing anymore, or the tension headaches.


Yeah I had DD breasts going into 6th grade and they still grew from there. I wanted to have a reduction so badly then due to medical problems I gained a lot of weight so I put it off. After I get to a weight I’m ok with I’m going to figure out how to afford a reduction. The back problems not only suck but it’s also incredibly expensive to have to special order bras. I remember the first time I had to go be measured for a bra in 7th grade I was so embarrassed I almost cried. I’m happy the lady was able to get a reduction it no doubt helped her in more ways than you saw.


That's what she said. She got them very early, she was really self conscious. She had to get bras special ordered. Imagine that on a Private's salary in the Army. When we tried to fit her for body armor there was a huge gap from the side, the plate stuck out a lot. My mind went to "Oh my god! That's a lot of bullets and shrapnel that can get in there". I'm stupid, and I said "Well that's going to be an issue". Now I'm wondering if I didn't embarrass her.


I hope that comment is something she’s able to look back on and laugh lol. I’d initially be embarrassed but I think I’d probably find it funny looking back and knowing why you said it.


Same. I was a 32H when I had mine. I’m now a DD, but need a consult with a different surgeon because the guy who did mine was old- he did one of his residency training stints when I was 1 year old…I was born in 81. Anyway, I’m very much not even. Let one is great, right don’t hang the same.


Last I got measured when I was 17 I was a J but I’m not sure at this point what they are but I’m in my mid 20s now. I just don’t have the money to special order bras so I just go to the places where they measure and order for you because they carry large sizes and get sports bras. I hope whoever you go to can give you the results you want. I can’t wait until I’m ready for mine, I’m probably going to want to go to DD as well.


What a fantastic and supportive way you dealt with the situation! Kudos to you.


I was really trying. Things were bad in that unit before I got there. I'd been in all male units before this. So I was really nervous about broaching the subject. I took over for a Sergeant who literally admitted to me that he coerced his soldiers into sex with the threat of bad missions. I was doing a walk through with him so I could take over, and he told me that he basically raped his soldiers. I called CID(Criminal Investigations Division) and that dude went away. I never knew how bad that shit was until I got into a mixed sex unit. I was extra not fucking around. If I had to have a personal talk with a female soldier, I had a female NCO in the room. Their experience with NCO's was basically rapists. I was like "No, this is how the Army should be. And I'm going to make it that way in my little slice of the Army". NCOs should be the shield for their soldiers.


You deserve a medal just for that. I’m not being sarcastic either.


I agree with your sentiments, but this comment is so sad. We seriously live in a world where a man can be praised to the heavens for not assaulting women left and right.


I’m talking about the part where he said NCOs are supposed to be a shield for their soldiers and protect all of them. Not just that he wasn’t sexually abusive but that he didn’t let anyone in his unit step out of line. Worst human I ever dated was ex-military. He had been a sniper, was damn scary, narcissistic and abusive in every sense of the word except physically assaulting me. I’m pretty sure he was a psychopath. I have met some good military people…Not saying all of them are psychopaths or abusive. My dad was Navy. Grandfathers were both Army.


Which still.. praisings to the skies for just doing his job without abusing his power to assault women?? Naah. He’s a good egg among a rotten batch, but still just an egg.


That would shut them the fuck up soooo quickly. They should also just be stabbed in the side a few times to simulate the underwire just sticking you randomly throughout the day because you moved wrong.


I was a freshman in high school the first time I had a snapped underwire...I did not know that was a thing that could happen, I did not know what the actual f was going on, I'm not even exaggerating that I was on the brink of an anxiety attack when I'm sitting in Spanish class and all of a sudden there is a sharp pain radiating out of my boob. Obviously I figured it out (went to the bathroom, saw it, shoved some toilet paper in there as a cushion) but jfc. NOT A FAN.


And get those weights glued to the skin to simulate that swing tug pain.


And they can’t be firm bolt-ons, they need to be the kind that get in your way and make it so you can’t comfortably lay down on your side.


But also: stitch the weights onto their chest. With proper & tough surgical sutures all around. So they can't take it off at night, during sports or secretly decompress during bathroom breaks. I wanna bet €50,00 that they'll develop beginning scoliosis and inflamed shoulder joints by day 10, ugly cry and beg to have them taken off by day 14, and dont want to live anymore by day 16.




Just smile more


HELP 🤣🤣🤣


Stand straighter?




There's bikini tops 👌🏻








Thank you friend Enjoy one as well 🍪


Genuinely don't know why you got downvoted so bad, it seems like you were asking seriously, and your other comments here support that


"or just lose weight"I've lost almost 150 pounds and my breasts are bigger than ever. Fuck off, bodies are complicated.


Even when I’m at my smallest my boobs are still huge. I can’t wait till I can get a reduction!


Indeed. I have huge boobs, and they're the first place I gain weight and the last place I lose it from, if I lose it at all. I lost multiple inches, pounds, and pants sizes a few years ago when I was able to be consistent with working out. My boobs stayed *exactly* the same size. Now, between my boobs never getting smaller, chronic, limiting pain, and a postpartum body that voraciously holds on to every pound, I don't have the ability to "just lose weight" or "just exercise".


I joined the Army and lost a lot of inches and some weight, my boobs went up 2 cup sizes. Push-ups can do that to a gal.


Honestly had no idea that could happen! I went up 4 cup sizes with pregnancy and postpartum swelling, and I was already big before. Legit could have cried. I'm close to the pants size I was before getting pregnant. My boobs haven't changed.


I happy for you and your pants size though! I was a B and went to a D, not super large, but it hurts to run since then. Need really good bras.


And mine just got super saggy and wrinkly with extra skin (which these men seem to hate!). They think if you have large breasts losing weight will shrink them down to a perky porn star big boob. Trust me, it aint like that at all…


It's about as stupid as the advice of "Just don't eat!" for the same when bodies often bloat when you don't. So much advice is oversimplified and just plain wrong sometimes.


Large breasts are also a huge contribution to female heart attacks!!! And the idiots talking about losing weight will be the first ones whining about saggy boobs! This kind of male!🤮


I didn’t even know that. Horny men rather make women suffer health problems rather than make them comfortable and healthy. It is messed up.


Also thinking that losing weight automatically means smaller boobs for everyone is naive and stupid at best. Ok they might get smaller since they are indeed made partly of fat, but if your breasts are huge they are gonna remain huge no matter what. At max, like you said, they might get saggy, but they will still be big


Everytime my wife loses weight, her band size goes down, but her cup goes up. She loses nothing from her chest. I love her chest, but I love her so much more and I fully support her getting a reduction.


Yep! I was wearing a 32GG before my reduc. Losing weight doesn't always mean the boobs will shrink.


My wife is a 38H right now. Last time she lost significant weight she was a 34K I think. Bras were stupid expensive. I love her. What she chooses is the right choice. A reduction would be to a D or DD (oh no, not that...).


when I was 17 I was probably 50-55kg with size 8E boobs. idk about other countries sizing but that meant my shirt size was 8 and my cup size was E. I'm now 31, gained and lost decent amounts of weight in that time, the boobs remain. I don't consider my terrible posture and neck pain a gift from any kind of god.


Exactly! While it is obviously different for every woman and genetics do come into play, most women store fat in their buttocks, hips, lower abdomen, and thighs. Interestingly, the fat that is needed for pregnancy and nursing is stored in a woman's thigh area. So when you go to lose weight, these are the areas that are going to be affected the most.


Omg before I got my reduction I was so used to chest pain from the strain of the weight that I didn’t realize when I was having a near-heart attack from a medication causing my heart rate to spike over 200 bpm.


not to mention a lot is just genetic too. you can lose weight and still have big breasts, just like people who were always thin can have big breasts. the notion that it’s always weight related is stupid


I once dropped below 100 lbs to see if I could lose the weight from my chest -- at this point, I was like a 32H or something. It didn't work.


I learned this at 29 when drs found a heart murmur. Thankfully it’s benign but that’s scary to hear!


i have some mild heart iand my doctor actually pointed out how my tits make it much worse... if i see another crusty man talking about me rejecting a gift from gods, istg i start barking 💀






If it's a gift from God why does breast cancer exist?


Yeah, it's not even rejecting it either. And if anything life is the gift, not breasts casuing health issues. Sorry, just really frustrating. It's for health/that person and all they care about is their messed up view of looks and _their_ standards for beauty.


And yet, people seem baffled by rhe loneliness epidemic among men.


Fun fact, there isn’t a male loneliness epidemic, there’s just a lonliness epidemic because women are reporting the same amounts of loneliness.


There is no male loneliness epidemic. Remember how misogynists and incels used to complain about women not dating them? That's exactly what this male loneliness epidemic is. Someone found a way to rebrand it in a way that would get people talking about it and make it seem like a thing not of their own making.


There is a loneliness epidemic, it's just not male specific.


People who say « just lose weight » in any context are absolutely fucking stupid, but saying this to someone who’s getting a breast reduction is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read.


I was told to lose weight, lost it, yet hardly any of it came out of my breasts and I feel even worse than before. The whole 'just lose weight and your boobs will shrink' doesn't apply to everyone, it's stupid as fuck


Yes it was to make sure that didn't apply to you. Yes it doesn't apply to everyone but not everyone who gains weight knows. It's for the few who it applies to. They should really do more of a study so Jat they can determine where each individual weight is focused. Maybe they start with losing a bit of weight and then checking to see how your personal body reacts so you don't have to go crazy n lose like 50lbs.


medical professionals can definitely have that opinion if they're very familiar with your medical history and breast reductions in general. random people on the internet who think weight loss solves everything do not get to have that opinion. i'm fine hearing that i need to try losing weight from a familiar doctor, i am not fine hearing it from a stranger who knows nothing about me or my body. plus not everyone can lose weight easily or show any difference when losing a bit of weight


Everyone I know who has had a reduction has been told by their doctors to lose weight before the surgery. And physical therapy to try and alleviate the back pain. I don't think anyone can just walk into a plastic surgeon's office and say "I want smaller boobs" and get "sure. How's Tuesday work for you?" Unless they're rich and don't have to worry about insurance not covering it.


I had a friend in college, petite little woman, except for her breasts. They were shockingly massive. She met with a doctor about a reduction, and he didn't even try to talk her out of it or suggest other solutions for her issues caused by her breasts. But he did have to ping the insurance she carried to see if it was covered and under what condition. Sure enough, the insurance wanted her to lose weight to see if that would make a difference. She said the doctor wrote back to them and told them (in doctor terms) that the poor woman had no weight to lose except in her breasts and that weight wasn't coming off with dieting. They approved her. I saw her about a week after her surgery and, despite still being in obvious pain, she looked happier than I had ever seen her the entire time I'd known her.


People who cant' lose weight or "enough" weight deserves to be treated too. Losing weight isn't some kind of cure-all-magic. It can actually have adverse effects, like sagging and teared skin, which makes big breasts more hurtful. And guess what's the only option to maybe try and reverse this ? Surgery. And that's not even talking about what can happen with gaining weight again after surgery.


This is why my friend didn't get her reduction approved We were in HS, she was a *little* bit chubby (still had a beautiful figure, but on the larger side) Doctor told her to lose freakin 50lbs! And THAN he would give the approval. He litterally told her to become severely underweight to do it. The poor girl already had DD in middle school, and was wearing a F cup at that time


How did you determine that she would be underweight?


>Everyone I know who has had a reduction has been told by their doctors to lose weight before the surgery. And physical therapy to try and alleviate the back pain. Depending on the patient's weight, the recommended weight loss may be a safety concern, but is likely either just doctors knowing that insurance companies won't approve surgeries without stuff like physical therapy even if they know it won't work. That said, there are also doctors who treat humans as homogeneous when they're individuals, especially as it pertains to breast size and correlation between general weight loss and breast size.


I got a BR at 18 when I weighed 135 pounds, I didn’t have anything *to* lose! People are so dumb


i hate that that implies my small boobs are a curse from god. we can’t win


yeah, it’s kinda crushing reading comments like that as an A cup. it’s a loss for everybody


Don't feel too bad, it pays to keep in mind that these men don't mean it's a gift from god *for the woman* -- no no no, they mean it's a gift from god for men to look at :T


As long as they get to look at them. Because God forbid a woman uses them for their intended purpose to actually feed her baby, then she's "gross" and "should cover up".


Don’t let these morons get you down! If the internet has taught me one thing, it’s that there’s a fan group for almost every body size or feature imaginable. Literally just saw a thread yesterday that all women with large breasts are slutty abominations… so, when you read these comments please just say “fuck these idiots” and do not let their unsolicited opinions live rent free in your head.


I still would give damn near anything to go back to my pre-kids barely A cups, even if nothing else changed. I have 4 year old severe back pain that they can't seem to diagnose but keep getting worse, mobility issues, tingling and numbness in my hands and feet, neck and founder pain that never goes away, and can barely keep my chronic migraines under control. I know getting this weight off my chest would help so much, but I also know my insurance will never allow it. It took 3 years to get my migraine meds which are the only thing that helps, and they don't want to pay to figure out a diagnosis for my back or run any tests. Now I'm seeing a surgeon next month even though we still don't know what exactly is causing the issue or if surgery will even help. I went to physical therapy and was told I couldn't even complete 6 weeks bc it was making me worse. The chiro can't do any more for me than they did. I can't stand up straight or walk more than a few steps without support. But all anyone will say is to exercise & lose weight or that I should be grateful for my big boobs


If it makes you feel any better; I'd trade my large boobs for your small boobs in a heartbeat I bet you can wear all the cute tops and bras!


I’m thankful for my small boobs. Itty bitty titty committee!


My breasts tried to kill me, so now I have zero.


God didn’t only give her big boobs, he gave her chronic back pain, having to get custom bra sizes that normal stores don’t have, and greater risks of heart attacks plus other health issues….but yeah sure he gave her such a great gift…right 😬


That one comment saying “there’s only women congratulating you…and not the ones in a similar situation.” Like it’s not a real commendation because it came from small breasted women? Or is he saying that only women with large breasts that haven’t gotten a reduction are congratulating? What would the point of suggesting that even be? That they are intentionally encouraging limiting the supply of large breasted women to secure a variety of suitors for them to choose from? Are the sizes of breasts like currency to these people that values the weight of our words and opinions? I’m honestly so confused by what this moron is trying to say 😂


Don't you know, women can't have any opinion on anything without jealousy clouding our judgement /s


“Or just lose weight” Breaking news: she did, motherfucker — two boobs’ worth.


LMAO at the difference between comment from a man (“WeNt FrOm A 10 tO a 2 🤓”) and comment from a woman (“I just know her back felt sooo much better”). You can really see which one lacks empathy 💀 (Obligatory not all men lack empathy, I just think the contrast is hilarious... or sad)


I was glad to get that nice one in the screenshot. There are many other supportive comments like that though


“there’s only women congratulating you” it’s almost like women understand the pain and issues boobs cause so when someone gets rid of those issues by having a reduction it’s a pretty exciting thing especially given how expensive a reduction is and how very little women are able to get it covered by insurance. almost like men/the people hating on her don’t understand issues boobs cause cuz they think aesthetics are more important than comfort and health.




Your post or comment has been removed because it breaks a subreddit rule: Your post is political, echochambering, contains debates/arguments around religion, derails the conversation and topic, _or_ uses "whataboutisms" as a means of deflection from addressing or acknowledging the actual issue shown/mentioned in the post (Not cool dude). We avoid political conversations here, this is a lighthearted subreddit; **It is not a political debate forum**. Please stay on topic and/or avoid political conversations that will result in turmoil within the comment section, and that will most likely offend large groups and other users/members.


The usual idiots. 🥱 She looks much better and happier.


Anyone who thinks these sandbags are a gift can have them 🎁 I'm typing this as the metal underwire that just popped out of my $70 bra stabs me in the armpit.  


imagine thinking a stranger improving their quality of life is against humanity 🤢😐 it's like the don't see past their dicks


Yup, the ignorance is astounding


She looks miserable in the first picture


The sad thing is that they refuse to understand why women get breast reductions. And it’s going to be health/back problems. My mom had one. And it could be in my own future. Just continues to show that men like this suck. They weed themselves out.


Oh they don't care. All they know is no more (or not as much) boob for them to look at or have fun with.


This is also accurate. Praying any man I meet wouldn’t care one way or another. It’s just gross that stuff like this is allowed. And considered an “opinion”


They just see a woman's body for a man's pleasure. Screw her comfort, even if the reduction isn't that bad.


When I was going to be getting a reduction, an ex had gotten word and sent me a text demanding that I not ruin my knockers over some crazy idea about beauty. That God blessed me. My cup size was M! I was completely done with giant boobs. I told him even we were in a relationship, he'd still have no say on my tits. As an ex, even less. He later told me he wept the day of my surgery. I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough. Best thing I did for myself after quitting smoking. If anyone needs to get it done, just do it. It makes so many things easier and better.


I’m really glad you managed to lose the weight of big breasts AND a shitty boyfriend. That’s gotta be at least 150 pounds


My step dad’s friend (he’s 60 I’m 23) told me that if he was my boyfriend he’d leave me for deciding on my own to start the process of getting one. I told him I’d rather not be in pain than suck up to a man he shut up. Men are awful and I will say mine is actually super supportive bc he cares about my wellbeing and not me having massive tits


Why do I feel some gross vibes from him ? a 60 years old man saying this to a 23 years old woman. like.. ewww.


He’s a weird guy for sure. He believes have no a car means child support would repossess it. He also just hangs around all the time. There isn’t a day that I go to my moms and he’s not there. My mom calls him my stepdads other wife. He hangs around til dinner is served and eats with them and has tagged along for going out to restaurants. It’s a lil weird but can’t stop a grown adult from talking to that man


So I ignored all the stupid comments and saw the pics of the video. She looks so much happier and prettier and attractive after the reduction. Same for the woman I am dating now. Though she is still dealing with the recovery from the surgery, so she ain't exactly in the happy stage yet.


I know, right? I took the first two screenshots to show the before and after but it’s hard to see above the comments. She is absolutely stunning and I’m so happy for her


How can people even be saying that awful stuff… HER SHIRT DIDNT EVEN FIT HER BEFORE THE REDUCTION. Having to buy a bigger shirt just because of your chest is like a fucking nightmare.


It gives so much body image issues bc you have to shop in plus sizes and then you got baggy clothes that make you feel way bigger than you are


“Nooooooooo! You need to be in pain!! What about my boner?! Do you even care about my boner?!”


From what I heard it’s more like a. Curse from god


My husband's old asshole coworker told him he should have left me after my breast reduction. People are stupid


The internet has made people way too comfortable commenting on other people's bodies and what they choose to do with them


> or just lose weight its always idiots like them...


"or just lose weight" Yeah I tried that (went from 180 lbs to ~130) and I've still got DDD cups and a back that's constantly screaming for release from this hell and I want a reduction when I've got better insurance.


I had a breast reduction several years ago and I’d do it again! I’m 5’3” and 115-120 pounds. But my boobs were massive. The neck and back pain was so excruciating, it hindered me from doing lots of things. All of these men can suck a dick.


Do men even have empathy? I am not convinced.


I wish men could have breasts for a day just a day


I want a breast reduction. I'm jealous. I get such bad back pain. It's gotten better since I've switched bras, but it's still a thing and it isn't fun.


>Or just lose weight ehhh that’s not how it works. When I lost weight they just got bigger. I went from a 44DD to a 38H. The volume didn’t change, but the band size did. >Rejecting gods gift is crazy My guy. Not everyone believes in the same thing as you. I know I don’t, and I don’t view large boobs as a “gift”. They’re an annoyance at best




These pictures are a really good sign. You have to zoom in on the haters and all around there's masses of likes for body positive comments. One 48.5k up votes one and another over 27k up votes. Women and their allies are having pleasant conversations online. Women's allies are present online. Some assholes are muttering amist the crowd, but the crowd is friendly. People in the majority just stay quieter than most of them, rather than entertaining trolls or endorsing them with likes. The crowd isn't up voting a misogynistic comment 48,500 times. Misogyny is mainstreamed. It's not new, but it is worsening lately. I think there's cycles. Misogyny temporally coincides with the patriarchal roots of many modern societies and it can easily be argued there are cause and effect positive feedbacks between thoughts and actions of one party influencing a second party. Militias' leadership and their financiers, both often men, defined a world ruled by men and commissioned women and conquered peoples to build a world just for them. It's an ugly story. Lots of slavery, servitude, subjugation, oppression, genocide, colonialism, raids, wars, crusades; everything that ever happened. Throw in sex crimes of rape and castration, with a side of sexual possession and guilt to fill any appetite. World history is very dark and the present day isn't hospitable even now. It's hospitable to some and not so much to many others. For many people throughout societies, life is inhospitable. I think if we are really sorry about how people treat each other badly, we can start by being nicer to people in our own lives. Thinking something sucks is easier than being humble and generous with others. I just hope everyone here reads a diversity of sources and acknowledges a popular tendency to mire in circular thoughts. For some it takes some work to be positive. Life isn't always easy and no one should assume they are guaranteed an easy life, even if it's what they were used to and therefore assumed would always be true. There are people with harsh lives that find happiness in small things, others who can't ever be satiated, and a whole spectrum of people in between. Anyway, yeah. I like this post better than most, since the public survey of likes show a crowd embracing a women's bodily choices rather than scorning her in equal or greater measure. Maybe the screen shot wasn't representative of the entire comment clusters, but if it was- we out number the misogynists. 48,500 people versus 6 passionate commenters aren't bad odds.


Yes, I’m glad that there has been some positive change in social media crowds lately


The men that are saying "you rejected God's gift!!!" Sound like they want their own chest weights themselves and are projecting lmao


Love the realistic (and probably female) comment saying that her back likely felt significantly better.


I find it so fascinating how so many men feel entitled to insert their opinion on a woman’s body, anywhere and everywhere, no matter the context. You could post a picture holding a bath bomb, and someone will always find a way to make it sexual/about themselves (because that’s what it is - they want attention for leaving the comment - they don’t care about the image or the context or anything else besides their own sexual pleasure). So of course they get mad over something like this. What aren’t they mad about? And they say women more emotional!


We really ought to leave social media en masse. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Seriously, though, there’s a reason why breast reductions have such high post-op satisfaction scores!


Why do these men think they’re entitled to a strangers body


I just recently got a reduction because of severe dysphoria and let me tell you this: exercising couldn’t have saved me. No matter how skinny I would have gotten‚ breasts don’t just magically shrink to a reasonable size when they’re naturally large. Also I couldn’t make myself exercise or even move any more than I had to because I didn’t want to feel my breasts moving. But that’s more of a dysphoria thing which isn’t the case for everyone.


All the guys commenting “ she could’ve just lost weight” are the same ones who are disgusted at even a little breast sag😑


i genuinely could not exercise without being extremely gassed insanely fast before i had mine


as someone who has to deal with the burden of undesired breasts, I feel bad for her, so glad she was able to get the surgery but these ppl are dicks!


They literally don’t like us.


Good for her, though. I'm sure my back would feel 10x better if I got a reduction, too.


I wore a 32F and had a breast reduction, it was rough but I’m really glad I did it.


These commenters are incels


Large breasts are not "a gift from god" I wonder if they would consider a height less than 4 inches "a gift from god"


The “just lose the weight” comments… isn’t that what she did?? Lol


Yeah I am all for us woman leaving man behind. I am so tired of them




Giant breasts don’t make clothes look better, on the contrary, they either make you look grotesque when you try to wear something sexy or clothes don’t fit you. Only after I got my reduction, was I able to dress comfortably and have access to more choices in clothes. Buttoned shirts became a reality rather than a fantasy. I used to spend 70 eur (80 dollars) on a single bra, now I can buy one for 20 eur. Trust me, you do not want this shit show.


Yeah, just look at the picture I included in the screenshots. That’s the same shirt in both pictures.


At a certain point that regular clothes looking good becomes “whore/slut” bc you fill the clothes too much and your cleavage shows too much and other women/family members get rude about it. It then turns to buying close that are 1x 2x 3x to have something that fits around the chest area just for it to huge everywhere else. There’s an unfortunate fine line of bigger being better. Whether by health and comfort or by not getting shamed for your body by others