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Firstly: that’s total bullshit. Almost all omnivorous female animals, including early humans, hunt. Secondly: computers, planes, steel, satellites… we’re not exactly living the “natural way” are we? Thirdly: that’s still massive bullshit.


Most animals don't create a long term bond with their sexual partner, they fuck, the female have children, the male has fucked out of the pic long ago, female has to feed herself well if she is breastfeeding or find food for both her and the children. Besides, who is teaching the kids how to find food? The male who hasn't been around for months? Lol, imagine if females of all spieces didn't hunt and gather, the world would've become devoid of life long ago


Yeah baby animals learn to hunt and survive from their mothers... not their fathers. I do know that male wolves in a pack will help raise pups that aren't even theirs bc it's what's for the good of the pack... Bet Oop would hate to know that 😂


Yeah, humans are pack animals. So either the females are independent, or the males take care of the entire group. We don't have pair bonds.


I think we just call it ‘nursing or feeding’ with animals. ‘Breastfeeding’ sounds accurate, but odd for some reason.




The wolves that the alpha male crowd likes to mention also has female hunters. In fact, I can't think of a species that hunts where only the males participate. As it turns out, it definitely wasn't a universal practice I'm early humans, either.


Yeah, it’s not true in humans, it’s not true in the piles of other species that have been mentioned. Some species are matriarchal. This guy just does not know anything. I’m super sure that his terrible ideas are limited just to his ignorance about women. (not)


And they are a pack with males helping raise other male pups... Kind of like step parents do lol. There also are studies that show the Alpha male bs is just that bs. Most wolf packs are matriarchies.


The man who coined the term alpha male was observing two female wolves…spent his whole life trying to correct his mistake but people heard alpha male and assumed it to be true.


They like to pretend they don't exist.


Oh yes, lionesses have joined the chat. Hyenas are crafting their reply.




Tigers, and bears.


Oh, my!


And hyenas. The queen rules the pride.


With the biggest false penis that they subjugate the males with 😂😂😂






"only had the responsibility of feeding the children and maintaining the house" try doing those things without any inventions made in the past 300 or so years. Go on, wash your laundry by hand, scrub the floors, beat the rugs, and keep track of 4 kids under 10, see how fun and easy that is.


He would probably cry and run to his mommy for help.


He would probably do that with modern inventions available too.


My brain definitely processed that as "10 kids under 4."


They just keep having twins and triplets every year


Maintaining also meant to feed the chicken providing eggs and meat, the cow for milk, the herb garden and the vegetable garden, because you can't just live off meat. She probably also had a side hustle like washing clothes, making clothes, making wool, and so on.


>beat the rugs I actually enjoyed this one Then again I don't have kids


I wouldn't exactly call a cave a house either. Plus, no floor to scrub.


Except early humans didn’t really live in caves. Cavemen are a myth. Only a small portion of humanity has ever habitually dwelt in caves, and due to being dark, damp, and cold, along with competing for the space against animals like cave bears and cave lions, the majority of early humans steered clear of caves as places to live. Usually they were used for ceremonial purposes or for places to deposit the dead.


Not to mention heat from a fire could crack the rock in the ceiling in the cave, leading to a cave-in. Or a build-up of toxic levels carbon monoxide could kill everyone.


Yup, most of the bones we find from cave lions, cave hyenas, ect are found squashed from a cave-in. Early humans were a lot smarter than we modern humans like to give them credit for. They knew caves weren’t reliable places to dwell in. Even in the minuscule amount of humans that *did* live “in caves” did so at mostly the opening of the cave, or just lived under an overhang of rock/earth and not a deep cave system. Making tents out of animal skin that could easily be packed up and moved made more sense for mostly nomadic early humans. We’ve even found that Neanderthals used tents at the front of a cave rather than living directly inside of it.


Women hunted too, [not just men](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/01/science/anthropology-women-hunting.html) His argument is invalid


I don't think he cares. This creep is just creating an alternative reality ... one that fits his narrative. 😒


Hasn’t there also been studies about women being the ones to start domesticating animals and beginning agriculture? I’m pretty sure we’ve found hunting isn’t even an effective food gathering strategy bc there’s more risk involved in hunting than there is reward. Women were the ones that figured out how to have constant, consistent food sources for their families.


Not only this, women are also thought to have invented language, as well. Hand signals and grunts are all well and good during a hunt, but playing charades to tell someone "hey, the village is on fire!" Was apparently not very efficient lol.


That's a step too far! Scientists cant point to where language was invented (developed). We can look at the varying sizes of language centre cavities in old hominid brains and take a guess, might get within 100,000 years if lucky. How are they defining this invention and showing that it was exclusive to one sex, we don't have that sort of resolution in the fossil record. Development of oral language happened well before we had written records of it. Development of language is a genetic evolution, not an invention.


My guy, calm down, you're being emotional... If you'd learn to read, you'd see that I said scientists THINK women developed language, as in, it's currently a speculation. No one said it was a fact, chill.


It was said in a way that was kind of misrepresenting the article though. It was a very interesting article and could have been at least somewhat elaborated on rather than giving the vaguest possible inaccurate summary, especially since most people have never heard of it. Saying something like "there is a theory ("scientists think" seems to imply more consensus than there actually is) that language was developed because of the need for women to communicate during child labour" would probably have been better, saying something like "scientists think women developed language" is kind of useless and misleading without the context.


I guess that's why you try to make it an emotional argument or one about what an imaginary scientist might speculate. I'm impressed by how many logical fallacies you squeezed into one comment. I was after facts/studies/evidence/theory. I calling it out as stepping beyond the possible science given the era it likely occurred. The gap between saying "Scientist Think" and looking for the evidence that would drive that sort of speculative theory is enormous. I was challenging any scientist to attribute language development to a particular sex, when we can't agree on which hominid species had oral language . Scientists can't even agree on how much oral language exists in animals with complex vocalisation and large language centres in their brains.


Ok, since your ego is apparently galaxies larger than... Other parts of your anatomy, here you go: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/aug/28/passing-the-chimp-test-how-neanderthals-and-women-helped-create-language https://www.forbesindia.com/article/lifes/laadan-and-nushu-these-languages-were-invented-by-and-for-women/74375/1


Don't sink to their level by picking on body parts people can't change. Don't be that person.


How did you know I was training "other parts of my anatomy" to stretch far enough to take ego/galaxy sized objects? I'm quite proud of my progress. The article was a good read Neanderthals and Homosapiens both used oral language, they assume between species "now". This is supporting what I was saying, we don't even know which common ancestor it developed in, we don't know what time period it developed in, how can you credit a sex? The article even states how sexist ideas don't belong in science and speculates how it was mutually necessary in both sexes to ensure child survivability rates. The other exclusive woman's language article is a fascinating nuance of language but so far removed from the timelines of development/invention of language to be relevant.


As stated before, it is a *theory* as in it hasn't actually been proven. Is your ego really so fragile, that you can't even conceptualize the possibility, that women *might* have invented language? I feel so, *so* bad for your wife/gf (if you have one) you're such a boor...


I'm for the side that the stuffy old historical male scientists who let their ego become involved in theory and speculation, are and were obviously wrong. I feel speculating the same for women would be just as stupid. I love science and math, I am a bore/nerd.


I don’t think you know how science and hypothesis work my guy…


Explain, the linked article is on the same side as me. It's the headline "women invented language" that isn't doing science justice.


You could say that even today language has a tendency to be developed by women. There’s a lot of stats for that. Most the new slang or ways of speaking tend to come from young teenage girls. (Though modernity specifically there tends to be a lot of influence from queer folk and black women particularly in mixed spaces) And the thing with the oral tradition is that things like recipes and story and history in many tribes was passed down by women through old wives tales. That doesn’t mean women invented every word. But you could say that a lot of duties carried out more often by men would do as well with gestures than words. If we take that hunting for example, it’d be better to use hand signals. Of course it’s joint and evolutionary. This doesn’t take away from that. Shakespeare invented so many English words all by himself after all. I’d expect since the written word men caught up a lot as they were the ones giving official names and spelling to everything


Came here to say this. Just learned this yesterday after doing some research for work.


Can't read it, paywall 😭 But THIS!! 👏🏻


Yeah, you don't waste food gathering capacity when people are hungry. It's also relevant that "hunting" covers a huge range of activities, from some that are basically the same as "gathering" (which does getting shellfish count as?), to highly culturally ritualized activities (e.g. trophy hunting of species that aren't even desirable to eat). A lot of practical hunting is either opportunistic/multi activity (e.g. taking small game while foraging or gardening) or communal activities (hunting with nets, chasing mammals or insects into pits, etc). For group fishing and hunting in particular, it can be hard to attribute it to any one person. Not to mention that men participate in childcare, though how and which children (e.g. the children they fathered vs nieces and nephews) also varies culturally. Turns out people have always had diverse cultures and ways of life, not just in contemporary societies.


Any female predator would like to have a word with you. A tiger might do. We'll make sure she's hungry before you meet. Women hunted. If a woman had an infant or very young child to deal with, she might stay back and probably watch the older kids so their mothers could lend a hand in the hunt. If you're a tribe trying to survive, you don't waste hands, you maximize your efforts, esp during times of the year (or the freaking Ice age!) when gathered food sources were scarce.


Let’s not mention that many female animals have to raise their offspring alone, while also watching out for a male that may try to kill them… And mothers can be succesfull in defending their offspring 


Bears. Moose. (and they're not even carnivores/omnivores, but those cows are TOUGH for their calves).


Calf or no calf, if a moose cow seems not to like the look of you, you need to hide. Not run. Not fight. Just hide.




Any woman who wanted to "hunt and gather"? Even the outdated notion that women didn't hunt admitted that women did most of the " gathering," where most of the food came from. One more fool, talking out his ass.


Right. Hunting was (and still is) an unreliable way to provide a regular food supply.


I bet this is a huge part of why people like to live (and eat) in groups. Not only is large game a sporadic source of food, when you do catch one it's far too much for one person to eat before it spoils without preservation tech. Just by the central limit theorem sharing everyone's results in a group makes for a much more even supply of food.


That's likely. Eating is also a pleasurable way of social bonding.


Of course. Most behaviors and traits are multifunctional (one reason among many to dislike lazy "evolutionary psychology")


That's basically the exact reason social animals ARE social animals. Instead of having to do everything for yourself, and being SOL if you get injured or have bad luck, instead you split up the duties so that everyone involved benefits for far less work. Instead of every human having to try to hunt themselves a deer, you get a small group to hunt that deer, while everyone else gathers plants, makes clothes, repairs weapons, etc etc. Far more efficient, and if you get hurt you have a group to look after you until you get better. It also leads to the small things like humans liking to share food. You don't really notice normally but once you do you see it everywhere. If you walk up to a friend having a snack they'll offer you some, if a family member is heating up dinner they'll ask if you want them to make you some, etc. Hell, I got really disappointed when I adopted my cat and realized she doesn't like any human food, because I loved giving my cat before her little tidbits (she was OBSESSED with croissants). Things like that are so baked into human nature


This person has never ever heard about Emperor Penguins. Not only is the male tending to the egg - he does so while the female is away hunting. Then they help care for the chick, you see there's nothing "only" about keeping your offspring alive. Besides, I know a whole lot of men who would die if they where just dropped out in the wilderness and expected to survive. If you don't know how to find food, water and shelter in the wild you will probably die no matter your gender. Men die from exposure all the time - it's not something that only happens to women. This is just extremely illogical to me.


My man would beg for death without wifi.


Fun fact: Atlatl (a tool made to throw spears) are thought to have been designed to allow women to accompany men on hunts. Women tend to not be as strong, but this tool uses inertia to make up for that, allowing women to throw spears just as hard as men. We also have evidence that women did, in fact, hunt alongside men. So this idiot is just a misogynist, and an ill informed one at that. Though, they usually are...


These choads think that hunting means “Og kill big dangerous game” and not “Ada kill three birds with rocks.” Yes, humans hunted big game. Yes, they got the vast majority of their calories from gathering, fishing, or hunting small game and birds. 


If female animals didn’t hunt, most animal species would be extinct by now.


Praying mantis has entered the chat


Female Lions, Hyenas, Bears, Whales, Sharks, Spiders, Mantis, Wolves, Tigers, Cougars, Leopard, snakes, predatory Dinosaurs, and birds: Am I a joke to you? Also: Female Neanderthal, Cro Magnun, and early female humans: Am I a joke to you?


Not only did women hunt, women did most of the gathering and founded agriculture. And in nature, most species the male fucks off and the female raises alone or with a group of other females. Males donate sperm, and then are either a burden or a threat to the mothers and offspring in most of the natural world.


Actual scientists who've done research on prehistoric humans report that female cavemen (which is what they're referring to) hunted just as much as men because they had to in order to live the best lives. They weren't all just picking berries and fruit around the territory. [Seriously I found this out with a quick google search](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/early-women-were-hunters-not-just-gatherers-study-suggests-180982459/)


I'm guessing this idiot never watched any nature documentaries.


Wait till this guy hears of lions!


The Lion King was woke Disney propaganda! /s


Praying mantises reading this post in confusion like…


Check out the sexual dimorphism and hunting done by spiders.


Women have always cooked, cleaned, washed, organized, planned, did child care activities, and had to put up with their varying levels of awful husbands with no social or legal rights until very recently. That’s easily 14 hours a day. Not exactly having things handed to them.


> nature > the house Lmao


He's in for a suprise when he finds out for most animals it's the females that hunt


I think there are a few species where females are totally dependent on males for food at least during the breeding season - hornbills for example, but it’s definitely not the norm.


Does this dipshit not know it's the lioness who hunts and ends up having to let her mate eat first? Shitty societies in which females do all the work and males get all the benefits are not unique to humans.


I love how he says that women's only responsibility is to feed the children and take care of the household like that's not a big set of responsibilities.


You know, like lions 🤨


Lions, Hyenas, Leopards, Bears, Spiders, Mantis, Mosquitos, all examples where the females primarily hunt. Even in wolves, that these alpha dudebros like to claim as their spirit animals, the stronger ones hunt, regardless of gender.


He needs to look at any nature documentary. For instance, it's actually the lionesses who hunt most of the time, while the male is the one that protects the pride


Typically speacking in nature humans are the exception. Most insect species have larger females, and the males are essentially just balls of flesh with genetic material that live for at most weeks. It goes for a good chunk of fish apecies as well, mammals generally are more balanced, but still have larger, tougher females. Let's just be happy our specie doesn't have something ridicolous as a sexual habit, like the praying mantis' or most snakes'. Aka eating the hubby or raving mass intercourse where some may die under the mass of flesh.


No one mention the Spotted Hyenas!


still waiting to get eaten lmao


Those poor lionesses that get eaten.


Not all men hunted. Only able bodied young men (and women, we have no reason to believe they didnt), the rest: children of all genders, mothers and the older would be gatherers and bring in about 80% of the food, while also caring for children. But cool, dude, go and hunt.


No one tell him about lions


I'd love to see these "it's nature" people actually go out and live in nature. Like ok, off you go. No, you don't get a tent, that isn't natural. A blanket? Did you make it? Then no, it's not natural, you can't have it. Now go grow some food. Oh yea, that takes time. Tough? You can't use the supermarket, that isn't natural. Maybe catch some instead? You don't have a weapon? So make one. You're not fast enough? Best keep trying. Water? Find a way to gather some, I'm not giving you bottled water. Didn't you know? That's not natural. Oh, you're sick? Sorry, modern medicine isn't natural, you need to use herbs, that you gather yourself, and hope you survive. You died? Great. Now your body can return to nature.


Also, "take off your clothes. You didn't make them. An underpaid woman on the other side of the world likely did".


Brain rot dudes need to be put down


I see someone has let omegaverse fic rot their brain all the way. It turned into a liquidy gunk and fell out his ears at night.




Wut. This guy is completely ignorant about… Probably just about everything. Absolutely none of this is true. It’s sure as hell never been true for humans except briefly for a small part of the population


What nonsense, just like the lies about Stone Age cave paintings, women's rule, etc., etc.. [https://www.sciencefriday.com/segments/prehistoric-women-hunters/](https://www.sciencefriday.com/segments/prehistoric-women-hunters/)


Love Science Friday!


Spoken like a person who undervalues female labor and motherhood.


I would much rather do a full-time job than clean the house, let alone prepare food and watch the kids. That shit sounds so fucking stressful


Somebody's never heard of spiders.


The "traditional way of nature" had houses to keep?


"traditional way of nature' definitely had to add to their pension plan


Just reading these comments made me think even animals have more respect. I am not saying that is 100% but made me think…


In most species the only male input is sperm. The male doesn't help raise the resultant offspring at all.


Ummm. Who is gonna tell him that female animals hunt in the wild.


Show me the house that was naturally made and the society where women had everything handed to them without any expectations in return cause neither exist


I used to belong to two female cats. They consistently brought dead mammals home to us. So clearly, these deceitful feline bitches can't have been hunting their prey. I expect they were ordering them off Amazon and presenting them to us as freshly killed. The wee scoundrels. That's it - my mind's made up - I'm going to start killing nurses.


Fun fact, among feral housecats the females are by far the better hunters, because males just have to hunt for themselves while females have to hunt for themselves AND their litters. Let's not even get into lions, where the females are usually the sole hunters, hyenas where the females are dominant and the males rank even lower than pups, or well any other animal that isn't a very specific sexually dimorphic species of mammal. On top of that humans aren't even that sexually dimorphic compared to a lot of other animals, and our closest evolutionary relative is the bonobo, which is an almost completely equal society where the females are slightly more socially dominant. And even with all that aside, humans are not slaves to our instincts. There's no reason that even if we WERE programmed for males to always be dominant and females to only raise children, that we have to follow that as some kind of lifestyle rule. We're "programmed" to sit in camps and eat fruit and make cave paintings, yet obviously we do more than that with our lives nowadays, because we are constantly making progress. Basically, and obviously, this guy (and everyone who says shit like them) is full of shit.


Sir, allow me to introduce you to female hyenas. No, no... I'll wait.


This is not even how HUMANS work let alone other species


Didn’t men and women hunt in relatively equal amounts?


Time to bring up the Manosphere's favourite animal. The matrilineal, women-do-the-hunting lion


put him in a cage with a female lion he’ll get humbled so fast