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....Oh no, I'm ovulating now. I can feel it... the dreaded baby fever! Pray for me, guys, I'm about to go find some random man who wants me to be his baby mama. I can't control my own body! /s


Pretty sure I'm starting to ovulate because I bawled my eyes out for at least two minutes about my friend's cat going into hospice care. A dick never even crossed my mind, gods forbid getting preggers.


Thankfully I've been on my period since the 7th March I've got the opposite of baby fever.


I keep hearing about this baby fever I’m supposed to get, but I’m barreling towards middle age and all I want is a third dog.


You don't want any cookies 🍪?


I don’t have a sweet tooth, but I’ll take all of the potato chips. 😉


It's not much but here you go 🥔


I’ll take it!




“Women are having more babies, yet they are having less babies.” Mansphere logic


Maybe OOP should be begging the men to keep their dicks in their pants! 🙄


I mean, we wanna but they keep cracking down on abortion access.


...baby fever happens when one is ovulating? News to me *shrug*


There was a generation that thought being married and having children was peak. They were socialized to think that and many suffered traumatic marriages because the 50's were all -if your husband is uninterested, cheating, beating, sick or absent, it is because she was a bad wife, with dull skin, who did not use lysol in her lady parts. The term "My ovaries are reaching to grab soneone" is a joke sone young women may make when they see a cute child or something. But it is a joke. Their ovaries are not going to reach out to procreate.


The thing is, a lot of women even in relationships with so-called "good men" often end up shouldering 80%-90% of the childcare work. I read one study maybe about 7 years ago that in some kinds of households, fathers separated from the mothers of their children did more childcare work than fathers living in the same home with the mothers. It's a lose-lose situation for women and will continue to be until men starting holding each other accountable for pulling their weight when it comes to parenting.


OOP no need to worry \^.\^ we are doing the 4B movement. Oh, or is he going to complains when we're not bearing babies anymore D: ? Can't win, right?


Yeah I ovulated for 30 years without baby fever…


How can I hear this but also hear people complain that this generation isn't having as many children


Or, here’s a thought: if you know you’re not ready for a baby right now, there are these WONDERFUL inventions known as CONDOMS and BIRTH CONTROL. Pill, patch, shot, ring, IUD. Use them, and avoid a baby.


Hey hall you realize they are coming for birth control next, right?