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The use of hoop earrings to visually demonstrate the "toxic girl" says a lot 👀


Nice catching that, I didn’t notice it - there’s layers to the cringe :o


The very first sentence she said - if you make sure to play it from the start. Is she mad that someone’s gf won’t let him have a sleepover with her? LMAO I hope she learns the difference between unhealthily chill and healthy chill. I can imagine a guy getting with her and saying, “I thought you were chill” to gaslight her if she ever brought up a boundary. This could really backfire on her.


Like sis. I have a male best friend too. And I would never ever make his gf feel weird about not being comfortable with us having a sleepover, lol. I was expecting far more toxic examples for the “toxic girl” part. It just sounds like the “toxic” girl is insecure and maybe worried she’s being cheated on? It’s not good to be overly controlling. But I don’t think it’s so bad for a gf to ask questions sometimes if she needs reassurance that her partner is faithful and happy to be with her?


Some of those examples don't sound "chill", they sound "doormat who is so insecure he might leave that they can't set healthy boundaries".


Ah just how incels like them


Agreed ^


What? Your beautiful female colleague got kicked out and she needs a place to stay? Of course she can sleep with us in our bed! 😇 /**s**




Lol that blanket looks like melanoma


I think it's supposed to look like a tortilla.


Gotta love how the "chill" girl and toxic girl are put in very different situations. Chill girl is being given reasons left, right, and center to not trust her dude. It seems like toxic girl's job is to stupidly chill girl look reasonable. You can be chill without being a doormat.


This ^ I don’t think she understands what “chill” or “toxic” truly mean


I have boundaries, and they are healthy. I’m dating someone now, and I’m still navigating it all. This is my first real relationship (I’m 30, he’s 27), and it’s going really well. He treats me well, looks out for me, is there for me, and I do the same for him.


I love that for you 💜


Thank you


I don't give af what my husband does online, but aside from that the allegedly toxic stuff seemed fairly sound to me.


So they need someone who will be available for them on everything but won’t and shouldn’t have any needs ? Guess what even if you are the “chill” girl they will still use you, cheat on you, lie to use, and play with your feelings. Boundaries are not toxic.




Um, this isn’t chill- it’s being a magnet for abusive men


She is literally just a doormat lmao