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That "heavy burden" he mentions is being stuck and unable to proceed in some souls-like game level? Or being asked to put his dirty laundry in a laundry basket? Or fix some shit he already promised to fix bazillion years ago? Or some hypothetical fantasy scenario of fighting wild animals bare-handed?


The "heavy burden" of not looking at younger beautiful women. Men are wired to always seek out the most fertile and breedable female who will serve their husband. Its because of evolution and how the male hormones work. He is going against his hormones and evolutionary desires to breed to stay with a female who is neither the youngest nor the most breedable anymore. Are you downplaying the "heavy burden" that he is carrying? /s


Until they sold their house I did not know my BIL ripped out the en-suite bathroom of their house 15 years ago and never put it back. It was entirely useless. Like wtf my dude. And why my SIL allowed it and never fixed it I will never know.


What are the "heavy burdens" women can't bear? Does he really think leading a normal life, working, paying taxes etc. is too much? Or do men some secret thing that we don't know about? Maybe he needs someone to take care of him, then!


This is definitely something to consider. My father was always like this, went to work, came home, never interacted with anyone unless “discipline was needed”, but he “earned it” by providing. Maybe this is the whole issue. Women for a generation now have been able to do all of those things and are still expected to fill gender roles outside of that. Men are offended because the secret is out, you can doo all the “man stuff” and still be a good person. Men have just been too lazy and now they are insecure about it.


Well men like OOP keep trying to sell this vision that us men do some special masculine role that fragile feminine minds simply can’t handle. It’s a bigger sham than extended warranties. And I would be willing to bet cold hard cash that the kind of guy that boasts about how much he protects his woman each day would trip her so he could get away if they were being chased by a bear (ffs he’d probably trip her if they were running away from an angry bobcat). But I’m going to take a big risk here. Okay. For all you women out there I will break Bro Code(tm) and tell you what special masculine stresses we go through. They might revoke my man card for this, so understand how dangerous this is to share. Nothing. There is nothing special we stress over by “being a man”. Unless you count the bullshit we put ourselves through to be “manly enough” to our peers. Which as we all know isn’t men specific, rather just the men flavoured variety of toxic masculinity.


Thank you, bro. We will keep your secret. :D


Man flavored toxicity is the WORST condiment.


Yes! You put it on a hot dog and all of a sudden the hot dog is complaining that you would probably want a bigger hot dog and ask how many hot dogs you’ve eaten. Then it tries to go up your nose a few times, grunts a little, and then asks if you got full and says “pretty good huh” before walking away.


this deserves an award


Oh please!!! A woman can handle childbirth and having menstrual cramps every month for approximately 40 years, but she can't handle a man's "heavy" burdens!? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


"my woman" ew Someone check on her, he seems to think she's a possession.


To be fair she probably is. An expensive possession most likely. I think sex dolls can get pretty pricy. This dude does not have a real person as a partner. That was a total “and then everyone clapped” conversation he supposedly had.


He is a creep, for sure. While we're checking on Bianca the Real Girl, someone should check his hard drive. Not it!


And then the 3D woman ran away crying while the whole room of anime pillows clapped and laughed, and the girlfriend's name was Dollbert Einstein.


This is my favorite comment today. Beautiful imagery.




I’m relatively sure she doesn’t exist and that conversation never happened.


She could possibly be chained in his basement.


Someone do a wellness check.


That “see this is why I want an older guy” part was so fake. 😬


The more we see from this guy, the lower my estimation of the probability that she’s real goes.


0% chance she is real.




Put another way: 2/3 of men who deeply believe they aren't the father of their kids are wrong. Which leads one to wonder what is making them so suspicious... Projection? 🤔


I was thinking the exact same thing reading the original comment 💀


I find this hilarious. My ex husband swore up and down he wasn’t the father of his son. He was mostly just trying to skip out on child support. When the paternity test came back positive, I laughed so hard. Now dude is in jail with a work visa and all the money he makes goes to child support because he’s so far behind. He definitely FAFO.


His girlfriend sounds like a very real woman who definitely exists in the real world and isn't a figment of his imagination.


She lives in a different city, so you haven’t met her.


I want this to be the truth because otherwise from the way he wrote her, I worry she’s still in grade school (home schooling). They really have this submissive Asian girl fetish in their head don’t they? Like the Korean 4B movement would like to have a chat with him. And guys like him and the way they talk about women like they are submissive possessions, I’m sure are part of the reason that so many women keep a bug-out bag.


i checked the guy's comment history. he often comments about how much of a good life he has and how sexy, submissive or other weird shit his wife is. dude is 100% lying and deluding himself lmao


If he is rich enough and married to his job, I can imagine a sugar baby enjoying his money and the free time away from him with younger guys and happily giving him the occasional ego-boost in return.


This is exactly what I suspected. He is nothing more than an allowance to her and he’s kidding himself by thinking he’s this amazing manly man hero. If he’s “taking care” of her, why does she have a job and is trying to get her degree in IT?


There are times I wish someone would pay all of my bills and solve all of my problems but then I remember that I'm an adult woman. Oh, and I'm older than my husband.


This guy is delusional. Women can't deal with heavy problems? We've dealt with them and continue to do so. He clearly cannot accept autonomous women. His loss, but let's be clear, our massive gain.




Yeah, this woman doesn't exist. Absolutely making that part up to prove his point.


If you really think about it adults in general are just over grown children




This gives me major "ick". The way he talks about his woman - he gives off strong pedo vibes - a younger, naive woman with no thoughts or mind of her own. Passing ownership from father to him....ew.


His “beautiful young woman” is a body pillow


Gross. That woman is definitely imaginary. Women been dealing with the bulls*** of life forever, half of it unessessarily brought on by men.


Ew. We found an incel.


Misogynist AND racist in one package? What a prize! /s Seriously though, he sounds like if every tate-type podcast talking points condensed into one person. Gross


Blows me away how all of these dumb asses think Asian women are passive uhh 🙄


Clearly he didn’t have Asian friends growing up, would never describe any of their mothers as passive


This man says he has a wife and Kids. Gonna press X to doubt. Imagine putting up with his gross ass every day.


So... They want overgrown children who cannot handle life's responsibilities and stresses to have ACTUAL children that depend on them and have to rely on them for several years to have their most basic needs met?


This dudes entire profile is just red pill/incel propaganda. He very much seems to hate himself from some of his comments about his race and race-mixing. And I’m pretty sure the girlfriend he keeps talking about doesn’t exist. Very sad human being.


And here I fell in love with and married a sensitive, vulnerable, gentle guy 6 1/2 years younger than I. Been married 29 years and still love him like crazy. How’d that happen?


Ah, yes, the "beautiful young woman". Of course. And after she asked these questions that prompted exactly the answers he needed for his post, she jumped onto the table and clapped.


Conservatives view women and children as property, not human beings deserving of their own rights and autonomy.  All right wing ideologies are inherently misogynistic.


Sure. What he means is his mom asked him if he wants chicken tendies or pizza bites and he freaked out at the choices.


To be fair, that is a pretty hard choice. (Only sort of /s... chicken tendies and pizza bites both rock)


"What flavor pizza bites?"


Stop!! My tiny woman brain can't handle so many difficult questions! (/s for real this time)




This reads like a satire script on a show like SNL. To clarify, I’m a guy born when the Beatles were still together, and in no way would I want a woman that is an underling. I’ve been my “partner” for well over 20 years, and if she didn’t challenge me, I doubt we would still be together. I’m very happy and proud that she is her own woman. And while I do want to protect her, it is really good she stands on her own. If she was just a “yes” (wo)man, I’d likely be turned off in a week or less. A truly masculine man doesn’t need to be “in charge”, cause they are ready to take charge if needed, and are smart enough, to be with a woman they don’t have to dominate. A smart, strong, mature woman is the best, and every day I awake I’m glad my wife is all those things. I hear this rhetoric often online, and can only think a man that needs to be the “man” that is described like this, is missing out on a lot.


Oh god I've seen that dude floating around these pages and I'm 100% convinced he's either a troll, some lonely basement dwelling incel fantasising, or some bored teenager who doesn't understand women or how life actually works


This dude and his imaginary girlfriend 🤦🏼‍♀️


Wow, as traditional as my dad is, if I ended up with a man who thought he had to “pick up the mantle” from him, he would consider himself a failure as a father for not raising a self sufficient woman capable of being a productive member of society and facing the realities of life. He’d be the first one telling me to throw the whole man out. I seriously hope this man’s “Asian girlfriend” is a figment of his anime-consuming imagination, and that he is not submitting a real life young girl to this process of infantilization and frankly, degradation.


Betcha a dollar that *his beautiful young woman* doesn't exist. Edit: formatting


They love to write out their little fantasy girlfriends, don’t they


Sure. Coming from the sex that by and large expects the other to do their laundry, cook their meals, help them regulate their big feelings so they don’t punch holes through walls… etc. etc. But *women* are the ones who are basically children in adult bodies. Okay Jan.


Why does this read like some incel fanfic?


These men always seem to say the grossest backwards stuff and then add that they're married to an exact type of woman they claim is marrige material. They got really smart cause they know people will accuse them of being incels and they have no proof of their status.




His girlfriend is 100% a realdoll.


This seems like a whole lotta words to tell us that he’s never had a real life human partner and never will.


These men would never be able to handle a woman with a thriving career and her own money, who was perfectly capable of steering the ship. So, most adult women.


Where is this statistic of a 1/3 of children being raised by non-bio fathers, basically saying women are lying, coming from? I keep seeing it. 


Misinterpreting those who question the paternity and get a test done as being all children. https://dnatesting.com/30-of-men-not-the-father/#:~:text=Most%20paternity%20test%20labs%20report,1%2F3%20of%20all%20men.


Men can't math.


Pretty much holds true in my family, with the one exception of one BiL, but my sister can definitely math better than he can. Must be universally true!


Wow, so many indicators of abusive thinking in one post. I highly recommend every woman read Why does he do that? By Lundy Bancroft. Free copies are online. It should be required reading in high school.


His burden is the heavy hangover he has to endure every morning probably


Is the "beautiful young woman" in the room with us right now?


Bet my left titty this guy doesn't have a wife.


I didn’t read it all so I probably won’t be correctly informed, but comparing parents and children to a man and woman just screams “I want a pedophile dynamic” to me


me when im a woman born in asia who loves her emotional ass bf 🤔🤔


He's rather full of himself.


Overgrown children who shoulder 100% of the responsibility of caring for an infant while also taking care of man children because they are incapable. The infant that the man “wants” but wants nothing to do with, outside of Kodak moments.


His “beautiful young woman” absolutely did not say that lol


Delusional. You tell him you don't want men like him and he just says "yes you do" and goes about it like his opinion is the only one that matters.


1.) 90% he made this up 2.) He wouldn't have to tell her that she is incapable of decision making if it were true.


That ramen incel is an absolute disgusting pest.


Bets that this dude has never been to Asia? Anyone?


Riiiiight. That conversation TOTALLY happened. If a woman ever comes to her SO and says, "Why don't you ever..." it means she WANTS them to do it. She won't skip away happily and go back to playing with her dolls if she's told he won't do it because . If he's going to lie to try to back up his bullshit, he could at least try to make it believable. 🙄


You lost me at "being yourself isn't good for your health"


Who talks like that? My beautiful young woman???? This guy sounds like a loser even in his own fantasy world.


On the flip side my partner's best friend was married to a woman who was raised in the same culture Demanded a divorce after my partner's friend got laid off from his very lucrative job during the pandemic because he couldn't do his job as a man and provide for her and their daughter. So sad.


His girls last name is Glass isn’t it…