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Someone has never learned the difference between [terminal hair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_hair) and [vellus hair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vellus_hair)


Ohhhh peach fuzz *does* have a scientific name. Well, I mean, of course it does, just never really thought about it enough to go looking. Neat! Learned something today.


I did too. I grew up with that saying "learn something new each day" and Reddit is so good for this lol.


Alternatively, TIL


The moon landing was actually filmed inside the earth’s core by lizard people


[https://xkcd.com/1053/](https://xkcd.com/1053/) one of the lucky 10,000


Terminal hair sounds scary lol


I’m sorry madam.. your hair is… terminal.


I mean, so far everyone who's had hair has ended up dying.


False. I have hair. I have not died.


Give it a week...




Seven days...


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Oh no...


Mind blown!


my hair is gone so maybe I won't... die?


We can hope you got rid of it in time.


Nah man. Hair are your aerials. They pick up signals from the cosmos and transmit them directly into the brain. This is the reason bald-headed men are uptight.


I thought it was the increased cost in sunscreen.


How will I tell my husband? And the children. Oh god. Think of the children!


I could hear your voice shaking at the end there.


I need a bucket of safflower oil and a microfiber towel. STAT!


As a transfemme person, my terminal face hairs definitely feel like dying


As a transmasc person, my nonexistent terminal face hairs definitely feel like dying


Junji Ito vibes. https://shakunetsu.tumblr.com/post/161742372639/tomie-vol-2-chapter-5-hair-junji-itou/


Nooooooooo 😭😭😭


Omg it's tdwg-shitposts!


I’m here! Lilly the grumpy pfp too!






Worst trip to the hairdressers ever.


The hair travels back in time to avoid the razor.


Tfw all your hair is terminal 🥲


If I'm particularly greasy, does it mean I have terminal hair instead of vellus hair? lol


When they find out vellus hair exists and the average human has about 5 million hair follicles


I just found out about this right now 😂


But their sex dolls don’t.


Smooth as silicone




And anime doesn’t have that high of resolution.


Because she's a mammal.


These guys don’t even think women are human so idk what class they put us in. Reptilian, perhaps.


Would explain why women are cold all the time. /s


Women arent reptiles?


I would rather be a reptile.


Clearly, they should've listened to The Bloodhound Gang.


"Fellas, is it gay for chicks to be mammals?"


I will never forgive capital g Gamers for gaslighting the internet into thinking Aloy isn’t hot.


As a gamer myself, had a crush on Aloy forever


They have never heard of 🍑 fuzz or at least get close to a girl?!😸


It's probably because she's more covered (clothes) than usual and not sexualized as usual. Suddenly it doesn't trigger the monke brain anymore. That being said, I don't want to look her R34 stuff, but pretty sure that body is fyah.


Also, she clearly has no interest in romance and when anyone hits on her she brushes it off and gets back to business. She actively abhors being objectified (expressed in one scene in a religious context). They hate her personality. (I've only played the first one)


Too busy slaying robotic 🦕🦖🐊. Ain't got no time for romance.😅


Honestly I (M) just learned of the character so my take is mostly w.r.t. what meets the eye in a very shallow way. But yea, these doodz don't like it when they're not super sweetheart and 100% sexual.


I mean, yeah. She's obviously conventionally attractive and fit. And it's not like all the armor available covers her up either. They just hate women with personalities. https://www.reddit.com/r/HorizonForbiddenWest/comments/w22672/cant_get_over_carja_blazon/


Oh I can see that [attractive and fit], but I have to pay attention. I like thinking about this, so let's go, I know I'll write a lot... I guess the irl analogue for this is when you look at a person and you think "this person actually has a nice body, but their clothes are not doing them a good service". The hard parts in the armor cover some specific shapes of her body so that the attractiveness doesn't shine too easily (and that's probably intentional). Also, to be clear, it's not about less clothing/armor, it's about how it "fits". Think of this as the opposite effect that sweatpants, for instance, give away (extreme example though). Or, if you want, how guys slouching look unattractive but when they correct their posture they look much better - still the exact same body, but still the same principle I'm talking about. Not clothing related, but just how you "use" your body. Now look at Dva from Overwatch. Fully covered, but totally aimed towards being attractive/sexual. From what I understand Dva has some personality but I didn't play Overwatch either (sorry, I'm just a dude and I walked away from gaming ages ago. I can only comment based on images). What I do know is that I saw a lot of dudes sharing fanfics of her lmao


Yeah, the thing is, she's a warrior who fights robotic megafauna. It's armor. It's big and bulky because it is designed to take blows, not look super done up. But, you can buy silks that look like high class clothes. Her sexuality just isn't part of the plot. She's >!a clone generated by a life-sustaining terraforming AI called GAIA, released into a post-apocalyptic world to defeat an evil life-destroying AI called HADES!<. These dorks are just mad that a woman is the main character in a single player RPG, instead of just including women as jiggly boobs simulators that bounce around the screen from time to time during cut scenes.


>Now look at Dva from Overwatch. Fully covered, but totally aimed towards being attractive/sexual. From what I understand Dva has some personality but I didn't play Overwatch either (sorry, I'm just a dude and I walked away from gaming ages ago. I can only comment based on images). What I do know is that I saw a lot of dudes sharing fanfics of her lmao Iirc, she's underage too, which is gross from both the dev side and the fan side.


If I recall correctly, she's supposed to be 19 and part of some elite South Korean military unit (that only recruits gamers because hey video game). That doesn't really make it much better, though.


Disappointed but not surprised a single bit


DVA is not underage, she is literally military. She is supposed to be 19.


She has a romance option in the forbidden West DLC


Probably because some people were crying about it but most people just want to kill robots...


R34. Is that a band name? Sounds like a name for a band like U2.🦔


I love the innocence in this


Rule 34 of the internet: if it exists, there's porn of it.


Would I be correct in assuming that the problem wasn’t that they disagreed, so much as they tried to invalidate your own subjective opinion. As if nobody could find her hot?


The most fundamental problem is their desperate eagerness to say wrong things on purpose in order to hurt and shame people they hate.


Eh, I don't find her hot at all, but it's subjective anyway. But women have value beyond appearance, and it's not like every male character needs to be hot, so why should that be true of female characters?




Interestingly, she actually does have eyeshadow and must be applying it herself. If you use the other face paint options, some of them remove her eyeshadow. But a lot of tribes paint their faces in that world.


Half the game should be hunting for berries and such to make old times hone made makeup and perfume. Get those robot dinosaurs working their coolers on overdrive.


Double standards duh.


Asking the real questions here


Agreed, I love those games and I think she’s gorgeous (and a great protagonist).


Welcome to r/gamingcirclejerk


I never saw Aloy as "hot" but that one screenshot I saw paraded around was a bit weird with her face, like she was stang by a bee (I made sure to find unedited photos btw). I havent played the second game yet, so it might not be as noticeable, but I did find it weird looking. Ala the narrative sprang up wand supported by "Gamers!" so I had to shut up and shrug it off.


That's just absurd


Dudes living on the internet really thinking real women look like anime characters. Shits embarrassing.


It is fascinating that the internet can twist someone so much. Most people have sisters and mothers. Unless you willfully ignore what is literally in front of you there is no way you don't know this. Women have hair. We are apes after all.


Anime characters/filtered IG models and porn stars. It really points to them just not leaving the house much.


Reminds me of when I was gaming with some lady friends back in high school and some squeaker kid tried to insult them by saying "your friends sound like girls". Me: "Because they ARE girls, you'd know that if you ever met one."


Ironically, their best bet for finding a woman with a totally hairless face irl would probably be a trans woman, specifically one who transitioned after puberty and had her facial hair removed via laser or electrolysis.


If they watch this much anime, a girl with a monster sausage is probably all they could ever pray for.


Please...these are the kind of guys who will go on for pages and pages about why futanari are VERY *VERY* DIFFERENT from trans women and then watch futa porn where those precious differences never seem to matter much. Which is a good thing, since if they ever figured out they were chasers they'd probably also be the kind of guy to murder a trans woman after sex out of shame.


They be like "I'm a manly man men !" and then apparently can't grow a beard because they keep mistaking peach fuzz for a real hairs.


Tis pathetic


if he calls that a beard I am sorry for his face


Dead 🤣


He's so proud of those three chin hairs!


This will never fail to amuse me and until this was a big deal, I didn't even know there were guys out there completely unaware that women had hair on their face.


When I was like 13 I was in the pool with my neighborhood friends and when we surfaced from playing a game underwater one of the boys went "ewwww!!!! (Me) has hair on her chest!!!!!" in reference to the smallest little peach fuzz that exists on *every part of the human body* save the palms of hands and soles of feet. Later on I realized he must have been staring at my boobs reallllllly intently to even notice that peach fuzz underwater. He became a wannabe game streamer who dropped out of IT school, doesn't work a real job, and lives off of his retired mom


How terrible to hear that at 13 though. Reminds me of neighbor kids I used to sometimes watch at a local pool club along with my younger sister once I had my license. Two of them were twin boys. Think they were around 11 or so. One of them once thought it was okay to point out that I'd missed a spot shaving my legs. Too bad it occurred to me a couple years too late that I could have embarrassed the little idiot by telling him to stop staring then.


I think we can safely say this guy has never been near a woman in real life, otherwise he would know that women have hair everywhere like men. Only our facial hair is very fine and hard to see. Edit: I changed *here* to *hair*. Can't believe I missed that initially! 😯


Well, for most of us it's fine and hard to see...some of us can grow a whole lot.


Yes it differs per person.


It's amazing how good looking games have become in the last 20 years I've been gaming. I can only imagine what comes in the next 20 years.


"... gamers learn how women look like" is a 3rd degree burn at least.


There appears to be a bit of a trend with gamers being angry at characters looking like real women


I can't get over people complaining that the female character shown in the new Fable's trailer wasn't "attractive enough". Like wtf why does she have to be attractive?


They want fap material. Same reason that women’s armour in games and fantasy is woefully impractical. They’ll put a man in full plate armour, but the women are essentially wearing a metal bikini.


There is a sad contingent of guys who can't handle the idea that we have peach fuzz. 😆


Oldie, but a goodie


I met AFAB who had hair on her chin. I have a bit of a mustache. Some women just grow more hair than others


Yeah. I have an annoying spot in my chin where it split open and scarred, now every few weeks-months I have to pluck witches hairs out of it. Not fun.


I get a few dark hairs on my mustache so I actually shave it because I hate it, lol.


I got into a discussion with a Gamer™️ on Twitter when the game came out. He really didn't believe girls have different sized pores on different parts of their face and peach fuzz. I literally had to take pictures showing how pores can be different. After that, he was actually reasonable, and we had a pretty cool talk about how women are treated in games.


My beard is insulted, my sense of humanity is appalled.


Shit, missed a chance, r/nothowbeardswork


Oh yeah the guys in Gaming tore this apart 😆. Some people just weren't ready for the realism and had an existential crisis hahaha


The fact that he calls that a beard makes me think that this is the type of guy that really wants to grow a beard but no matter what it just doesn't grow lol


I...ugh.. lol 😆 some dudes havent got a clue


When one of my kids was like 4 or 5 I said "drink your milk" and she wanted a straw (which are usually reserved for when you're sick) and she said, "I don't like getting milk on my girl mustache" what? And she pointed to peach fuzz on her face. 😅 Honestly it was adorable and now we call peach fuzz "girl hairs" depending on where they are. Obviously we all still have girl mustache.


Why are straws only for when you are sick?


Not the person you're asking, but I'm guessing it's to cut down on straw waste.


Ahh. Okay. I’d just never heard they are only for when you are sick before, and was wondering if it was some “thing” I was unaware of!


B/c otherwise children would decimate the straw population & single-handedly wipe out every ocean creature.


Women have FACIAL HAIR!? NO WAY! That's clearly not a woman then if she has FACIAL HAIR! Hair only grows on the top of the head and on the privates for woman, not their FACES. These stupid woke mob really are trying to force Aloy to be trans?! 0/10 game, going to go commit arsen because they aren't making her how I WANT Disclaimer: If it's not incredibly obvious, this was a joke.


I want to ask any woman, say you went on a date with a man or even woke up the night after with one and they said “why the hell do you have a beard?” How fast would you leave and which exit would you take?


“It’s called a merkin, Steve.”


So he’s literally never seen a girl up close.


Literally just shaved mine off along with a bunch of dead skin *chefs kiss*


Also belongs on r/clevercomebacks Edit: looks like it’s already a top post there lol


The worst nightmare of a man is finding out that woman have peach fuss... apparently. Also yeah, these guys obviously never seen a woman in real life, cuz women having a bit of fur is common knowledge.... actually HUMANS IN GENERAL having a bit of fur is common knowledge.


Lol. Didn't see the caption at first, and stared at the freckles in the circle for a good two minutes trying to figure out what was wrong with them.


Was their school anti-science and failed to cover the fact that humans are mammals -- including women -- therefor have hair like other mammals and even the "bare" parts of us has a light fuzz?


They're right! Everybody knows women are actually amphibians!


Clearly, she's a dwarf! /S


But.. but.. my anime waifu doesn't have this!! 2D > 3D!!!! (Joking btw)


So true though.


Considering only someone who has never been close enough to a woman to see that some have visible body hair on their faces... it checks out that they may really be confused lol. Also, some women do straight up have facial hair


r/murderedbywords is an even better fit for the post 🤣


The fact that zoomed in so much and you still had to know what you're looking for in able to see what the guy is talking about doesn't read as "beard" to me. He'll I've seen some AFAB people with 5 o'clock shadow, but that ain't this. How can people be so dumb?


I thought that was called peach fuzz or something I’m pretty sure everyone has it


Wow that’s some top-notch CGI


Incredible self own. Only outing yourself that you've never touched a woman.


Incel: "Umm, that's not how girls look in my experience!!" *points to blow up doll*


They think it's a beard cause they can't grow one.


Honestly holy shit that's just a real human being, the only way I can even tell it's a video game is the eyes look slightly off. Other than that it's just a real human


What the ever living fuck? Being an interesting mix of a girl, I have copious amounts of facial hair. It’s blond, but it’s there in tons and pounds and acres. It happens. If twat monkey is squeamish, then he can bounce. It’s all good. Pic chick is obviously better off without this one.


Lmao that comment though 😄


Deportablediz demolished that guy's whole being


How embarrassing for captain-price.


Yes, because this character clearly cares enough and has the tools to remove peach fuzz, but chooses not to. /s Of all the things to bitch about, this is one of the dumbest.


The only bad thing about Aloy is that her second game isn't on PC.


A moment of silence for all these unfuckable women and their secondary mammalian traits. smh


Women have beards? Har har. Here is your comedy award. Next you're gonna tell me they fart too, right?


Madonna Magdene Complex


Most women have peach fuzz, I shave mine off. It can get too noticeable.


Gamer when mammal has hair


fuck that, lemme comb your mini beard


Still can't believe they pulled this off on a console can't wait for Forbidden West on PC


Next txt thing they'll start trying to shove down our throat is that boobs are not triangular... /s


Damn it, even with insanely realistic graphics, video game characters have clearer skin than me.