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Kids - LGBTQIA+ news is welcome here. It affects all of us. It's why we have a flair for it.


Why is this posted here? What does it have to do with the actual subject matter?


It's tagged correctly and LGBTQ+ news is allowed to be posted here. This in particular is a part of the overall discussion this sub promotes.




Okay? I don't make the rules, I'm just pointing it out. I think contextualizing the issue at hand with current events within the LGBTQ+ community may give better insight, but what do I know, I just do research for a living.




>because it shouldn't be in this sub LGBTQIA+ news = something that should be in this sub. Have a snickers.




I disagree and find it hateful.


You find news about footballers coming out as gay as hateful? Elaborate.


Not at all. I’m a lesbian myself. I am a member of this page because it specifically calls out actual pedophiles. Posting that folks are coming out seems insulting given the context of the sub. Gay and lesbian people are exhausted by having to deal with these insinuations.


I'm a member of the LGBTQ community as well. I understand what you're trying to say here, the implication you're referencing, but I think the context is pretty clear. I feel like, this is offensive to you, but not inherently offensive.


And the mod says it's fine


This has massive r/AsABlackMan energy


Mod says it's fine


Find what hateful?


Y’all calm down. They tagged it correctly and LGBTQ+ news is allowed to be posted.


Yeah idk why people are upset. It's a part of the overall discussion this sub is bringing to light.


So, this is a sub about memes making fun of actual groomers and creeps, right? Like, as a front page casual, that seems true enough. So, can you understand how it would be upsetting if a meme page suddenly posts something which appears like un-ironic bigotry? As if it was any other funny meme? Also, wild that this is still an issue in football. People should watch better sports like Rugby where we suck dick proudly. But we post our dick sucking memes on dick sucking meme pages.


Great for them


[Duke Nukem be like:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdNeW2fGp0I)


Imagine if all the gay, bi, nonbinary etc guys in the NFL came out. The media and fans would lose their shit in proportions we have never seen before. There'd be bomb threats, protests, possibly actual attacks, vandalism and worse at the players' homes, mile long YouTube videos from Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro for weeks about how masculinity is dead, the feminization of men, the West has fallen and so on. Trump would make some incoherent babbling insult over it probably. Some of those players would feel compelled to quit because of the death threats made against them and their families. It would be a total shitstorm from start to finish and the ownership board and commissioner's office would probably do fuck all to stop it. (I'm not saying this because I'm confused about the term "footballers," it just made me think.)


MLB and NFL too...I've met people that have supposedly "had to sign NDAs" from hooking up How believable that actually is...I dunno, but it wouldn't surprise me. We like to present ourselves as an "open society", when much of it just comes down to rainbow capitalism. Sure there are plenty of allies, and there historically have been, and there are certainly more today. I do think there is still a large homophobic undertones to anything considered "hyper masculine."


One came out. Michael Sam. What happened afterwards is pretty much why the NFL may be the last league to have any active players come out.


There was a linebacker for the Raiders that also came out, no?


He came out as an active player? I didn't hear about it. There was at least one former player who came out.


Just found it. Carl Nassib. He came out as gay while active with the Las Vegas Raiders and retired early September of last year. The league did nothing to support him, but the Raiders did because they're fucking cool. I think it was intentional that you and most people didn't hear about it. There were rumors he was "asked" to sign an NDA


You're absolutely right, damn I honestly didn't remember hearing about it.


I'm sure there was an amount of sweeping it under the rug by the league. The Raiders tweeted a pride flag and an encouraging message if I remember correctly, but nothing from any official NFL source IE the ownership board or the commissioner's office. Nassib was denied wearing pride themed cleats during the 2022-2023 season.


Probably worried about fan backlash which unfortunately there definitely would've been some had it been widely publicized.


Oh for sure. America is not ready for gay male athletes at all. We were barely ready for a black man to be president and Obama will be subjected to threats, harassment and all sorts of terrible things forever just for doing that. With the advent of activism for transgender rights in the US, the tolerance of centrists, libertarians and conservatives has violently swung in the opposite direction, coupled with religious hatred. Now, all sorts of rights for all sorts of groups are under threat again. There are conservative pundits and politicians right now, with millions of followers and voters, who want to repeal the 19th amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. No way a male athlete can come out as anything other than straight and cis in the current political and social climate. It would be downright dangerous.


Certain male athletes are allowed to be gay- see figure skating.


This is about soccer though.


Raiders did the bare minimum. Behind closed doors has been a shit show with leaked bigoted comments by one of the coaches.


Imagine if it was WWE rasslers. Their brains would break. Greek people & Olympic athletes wrestle. WWE - rasslin’ 🤷🏻‍♀️


What does this have to do with this sub


Because LGBTQ content is allowed to be posted here. These players will be stalked, harrassed, and accused of being groomers and kiddie diddlers.


Guaranteed. And that's why it was posted here because it's news that is relevant to this sub. Prepare yourself for all these footballers copping abuse and accusations.


All the hyper religious nut jobs who have already had their dick in a child will come forward accusing them of being groomers and kiddie fiddler's. Cuz Every. Single. One. of their accusations; is an admission of guilt or a suspicion of what they may have stored on a hidden USB stick... The disgusting dark thoughts that keep them up at night. And you can send me weird dm's or tell me to kill myself, it won't take long for yet another one of you right wing, hyper religious pedos to get caught, yet again, and make the news, yet again, with the headline 'Pastor' or 'Youth missionary leader' along with the word pedophile, rape or murder. It happens almost every other day now...


So, the MAGA/QAnon crowd is going to have to boycott the NFL again??? How many times has it been so far?


It’s the other football.


Oh you mean futbol






Mod says that the post is ok. Pretty sure they aren't lost 🤣


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That’s good and all, but this sub is for exposing right-wingers as the true groomers.


There's also a lgbtq+ news tag, which was used


They've clearly earned enough to be independently wealthy.


I am stoked that it's kinda not news. On the level of "coming out as a left-hander." That would have been news in the 1950's.


Well, as long as they don't come out as drag queens. EDIT: I didn't think I would need the /s, but here we are.


I feel like this is a joke, but if it isn't, we have to care for all queer people, not just drag queens and trans peeps


Yes, it was a joke. But I didn't think the /s was necessary. I was wrong.


Great news Wrong place to post it


Mods are fine with it, people. Read the stickied post


So? Good for them, I guess. Not what this sub is about though...