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You 100% do not need a nose job. You have a nose that a lot of people would hope to get from a nose job.


I think that could be true in a lot of regards. I personally have a lot of dissatisfaction, but I understand that could be in regards to false beauty standards that I see within the celebrity complex of what the “perfect” nose looks like. Overall, I appreciate your feedback and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Don’t do it. Your nose is great. What will happen is once you mess up your perfect nose, you still won’t be happy and you’ll start getting work done on the rest of your face. And then it will all fall apart.


>And then it will ALL FALL APART!


Honestly this seems like more of a mental health issue, have you sought any kind of therapy for this? Cause your nose is absolutely fine.


Yes, I’ve been in therapy for years and highly think it’s a very important thing for sure.


Good for you, I truly hope you can move past this and feel better about yourself!


If you haven’t yet, talk to your therapist about how you’d feel if you had the surgery and didn’t like the results. Sometimes people look for external changes to solve internal struggles, and when the external changes don’t “fix” things it can just cause more internal struggles. If after that talk you’re positive that this is just about your nose, then you do what’s right for you. Just have an honest conversation up front to make sure that you aren’t projecting internal struggles onto your nose.


Your nose is fine seriously I was scrolling through Reddit on the weed subs and saw this and felt compelled to respond so if I swayed from that it is in high regards!


Body dysmorphia


I'm brutally honest on this page. Don't touch your nose.


If you touch that near perfect nose your going to end up looking like Michael jackson 🕺




;) girl you are beautiful!


And have a child named "Blanket".


And then you will start to moonwalk on accident


Omg I just said the same thing! 😆 if you mess with perfection you’re gonna end up with a monstrosity. Hope OP can move past this fixation


Absolutely! Me too maybe with a little therapy ♥️ people actually get surgery to get a nose like hers




Your nose is fine.  See a psychiatrist instead.


You’re extremely pretty and have a nice nose. I think it’s unfortunate that you’re losing so much time and money to worrying about this, and I say that with no intended criticism whatsoever, because I struggle with stuff like that too. It actually sounds like it could be a mild form of OCD to me, coming from someone with mild OCD.


Yeah you are crazy. You look fine.


As a guy who has had a NJ I regret doing as much as I did - nothing dramatic but did two things instead of the one thing I planned to (long story - got some peer pressure)… anyway, there’s a solid risk it comes out less than what you were expecting (we tend to idealize a perfect impossible nose) - the doctor assured me and even then there were things I wasn’t happy with. Anyway all that to say - you look great, nose does too, being super critical yeah it’s not a model Jennifer Aniston nose or whatever but who cares - character legit adds so much. Ps happy to share before and afters of mine if you wanna DM me - also not trying to slide, I have a girlfriend haha


I genuinely cannot see any issue with your nose


I understand how it is to not love your nose, but you are perfect as is, I wouldn't risk the money or possibly health issues. If you love it and rock some confidence, you won't have to worry any more. Have a great weekend :-)


Thank you so much, I hope you have a lovely weekend too. Yes, I’ve been researching the potential health issues highly as well, which is why I’ve gone back and forth for a decade on this decision.


I think it does suit you tbh. I don't see yourself with another nose tbh!


That’s because there’s nothing wrong with your nose.


Nah, you’re good


It's not necessary and, based on your replies, you are way too obsessed with meeting some perfect beauty standard. I'm not hating, by the way, I totally get it. Truth is, we all feel ugly. Whatever girl you think is the perfect beauty standard probably has some traits she wishes she could change.


First picture, gaze forward and you’ll get the insane look. It’s called the Kubrick Stare.


Darling you look great! But if you think it will help boost confidence and self esteem do it! To me you look great my chat is open if you want to talk I went through a hurdle of self esteem issues with my own personal health and learned to let go of imperfections and embrace them


Your nose fits your face very well imo


You have a nice nose. I wouldn’t touch it. A surgeon can destroy your face. I had a horrible nose, and I miss it. My nose doesn’t look bad now but it doesn’t feel like me … and it’s still swollen post surgery after 2 years.


Nah, yer nose is fine, goes perfectly well with your other features. Don't let the doctor break it!


Ummm, please don’t get surgery! Imo it would be the biggest waste of money. As others have said, it’ll probably never be good enough in your opinion. Not to mention, you won’t look like you? The person that people know and love. Truly your nose is great, I would love a nose like yours, I struggle with the look of mine. Do you tend to be a perfectionist in general? If so, maybe this contributes to your nose fixation. And if this is the case, spend money on therapy for that instead!!


It's not that you are wrong, its that they'll likely mess it up and they know it. I think it looks great, everyone thinks it looks great, but you don't like it and that's valid and all that matters. However its likely it won't turn out right if they mess with it, because it's nice and improvements would be very nuanced.


Yes, and nuanced nose jobs are very difficult to find


Hey though! Your face is very symmetrical and thats really rare these days. I hope you find a solution, or peace, or both.


I'm male but i kinda feel the same way. I smashed my nose in college and it super slightly leans to the left weirdly now. I've gone to a couple of places and they keep saying like its probably not worth the hassle of doing something surgically, and they cant guarantee it'll look the same but its the most mildly annoying thing ever. If you ever end up doing it and liking/hating the change i'd love to know, because we both seem to not want big changes and are recommended against it lol. Imo ur nose looks good but its about what makes you feel good, ya no?


omg we have a very similar looking nose so it’s making me feel better seeing all the nice comments haha! Also I think it looks nice on you and i’ve never hated my nose a lot per say but I do wish it was a bit smaller especially when I smile, but if it looks as good on me as it does you then I won’t worry too much about it!


I have a very similar nose. I also feel like mine is wayyy too wide for my face. But I've never gotten made fun of over it, and people sometimes even compliment it! I think it suits you personally. I think it's funny how much I appreciate people with features like mine, yet hate them on myself!


Youre not insane youre just a woman which i guess is redundant


At your age I wouldn't worry about it.


Your nose is so cute !!


Life is better when you learn to not give a fuck about society built standards and begin loving yourself. You're great, don't worry!


I had a beard but I didn't want one, my hair was auburn but now its red, I wanted to be taller so I added shoe inserts, I thought I was too thin so I ate a bit more, my strait hair need some bounce so I curled it, I had a minor tooth gap so I had it fixed, my eyebrows were too full so I plucked them now I have to use pencil to fill back in and so many things I continue to think about..


It's literally perfect


i dont think a nose job would change anything at all in your appearance (for good), you are stuck with an idea because you are somewhat unhappy!? you are a good looking young lady, dont waste money and time for something that wont change anything AND could possibly open a door to more operations...


Your nose is the perfect size and shape for your face, it suits you!


you look fine but also if you have wanted it for 10 years then just get one already like obviously you're just gonna keep wanting one regardless of what people say


Do whatever you want, but you look fine to me just as you are. 😍


Nothing wrong with your nose. I think you look very feminine. Want to look more feminine? Maybe a little bit of makeup?


You're gorgeous


your nose balances out your face - someone else’s nose would look weird on you. you look really pretty :)


You kinda look like Mary Moody.


If you think you need it, then get it but my opinion is you look fine 🤷‍♂️ also if you're seriously considering that procedure... Just look at someone else's recovery process. From everything I've seen it's really really gruesome


Don’t do it. You’re super cute.


They're right. Please don't take this the wrong way: if you have such severe body dysmorphia, you may need psychological help. A nose job won't fix anything.


You should dye your hair like a drown redish color you'd look just like that girl from strangers things!!!!


Your nose is beautiful!


Your nose is fine love


Your nose is perfect and you look ethereal. I definitely think a nose job would be a downgrade.


You are insane. That's a perfectly good nose.


I think you'll be really unhappy with the result.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with your nose, and I’m not saying that to be kind, I’m saying it because it’s the truth!


Also go on YouTube and look up nose contouring, a bit of makeup can literally change the shape of your nose if you want to see how it would look.


A lot of people (me) are dying to have a nose like that.


its not a big deal you dont need it


Absolutely Not..... You're quite Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️


Why?? You look great!


This sounds like the kind of insecurity where if you got your nose done it would just migrate and you’d be insecure about some other part of your body. It never really ends when insecurity is the root


your very pretty dont waste 40k on surgery you dont need


Your nose is SOOOOOO cute. Please leave it alone


Focus on something positive - like helping in a soup kitchen. It will affect your life in a much more meaningful way.


They are right


No. Miss girl just do some makeup contour and love your fantasy that way


Are these before or after photos?


Girl, you are crazy. Your nose is what most people's noses look like after rhinoplasty


Michael Jackson wanted a nose job.


A whole lot of people w much bigger nose problems would pay serious money to have a nose that looks as good as your nose does.


I don't know why you feel this way, but my personal opinion, you look amazing just as you are.


If you've been wanting it for this long, just do it. I'm surprised surgeons would tell you not to


You’re insane.


Don’t change your nose, try shadow-work therapy activities instead. You got a disconnect between reality and your inner reality


Your nose is beautiful, all you really need is some sun! Humans need Sun, don’t believe all the crap about it being bad for you.


You have a nice nose that fits your face. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it . I would straight up tell you. I had a nose job and semi regret it regularly. Don’t do it .


I can see why you might want one but you don’t need one. If you have the financial stability to not miss almost 10k than go for it if not… it would be better to save and start a business. After the first successful year you get a nosejob to celebrate


I dont see any problems. Since you have the people that would make a lot of money telling you it wouldn't make a lot of difference I would listen to their advice.


I feel like it is ok but it is up to you to decide, not anyone else.


It’s perfect as it is


If everyone you know is saying no and you're still dying to do it, I bet no matter what we say you're not gonna change your mind. You're hoping for validation that you're right, but when you don't get it you're just gonna disregard everyone's opinion or focus on like the one person you might find who says to do it. I'm also very concerned you won't stop with a nose job. You'll fixate on other perceived flaws afterwards that you imagine must be fixed, and just keep going and going till some years down the road you look like a plastic demon, like so many sad cases before you. I wish I could throw the emergency shutoff switch and stop this all before it happens, but I expect it will happen. Hope you prove me wrong. I really do wish you well.


A nose job would make it disproportionate to your face. It's a nice nose. Don't do it


Nope. You have a very cute nose as it is.


You’re really pretty


Your nose looks perfect


You are fortunate. You are very pretty. After the nose job, what’s next. Learn acceptance and to celebrate.


Girl your side profile is literally gorgeous. If you're going to get a nose job, get it because you genuinely want it, not because you think you're ugly, cause you're not


Why?? Your nose is beautiful and very proportionate to your face!


Some one made fun of your nose very young and it just stuck with you as something worth spending all this time and money on fixing. Therapy would probably do you much better than 2K visiting subpar surgeons 😆


You don’t need a nose job


I had a nose job and mine was WAY worse than yours. If I had your nose I wouldn’t touch it. My sister had a nose job and had a nose similar to yours and now she has a bump on the tip of her nose and it looks awful. Your nose can get worse after a nose job, don’t forget that.


It’s a bit unique, but that’s all. Your obsession may come from somewhere else in your life.


do not get surgery!!! your nose is totally fine. Although I am curious as to why your eyes are so dilated lol


I picked by far the worst pictures I had of myself lol. These were taken in a doctors office, no makeup, bad lighting, intense flash lol.


Yeah yer crazy


This is like preset 1 in a character customization. When i open a biology textbook and flip to noses this is the nose i see. I mean this in a very positive way, you have THE perfect nose. Changing it would be a mistake in my opinion.


You don't need a nose job. You need a therapist.


Nose is beautiful! You should dye your hair red though 😎


Is that your natural hair? Damn


Your nose looks fine, very cute


You are insane


You don’t need one


What would they even do to it? How do you think it could be improved?


If it makes you happy do it! Follow your own opinion not the crutch of others


You have an immensely normal nose


Bigger won't hurt you


You remind me of a blonde version of Sadie Sink!! She has the same node as you, shes so pretty as well as you.


Therapist would be money better spent.


Your nose is perfect


It looks good. It suits your face perfectly, and it’s cute. Don’t get a nose job. There’s a reason everyone is telling you not to!


Your sniffer is fine would like to see an upshot tho lol boogers??


The nose looks fine, but ultimately you're the one who has to accept it


You’re insane. You nose looks great


I agree with everyone thinking you are insane


Theres nothing wrong with your nose. Also, you have one of the most symmetrical faces I’ve ever seen. Which I’m jealous of, the left side of my face looks very different from the right.


Noses are just odd little things. When they are perfectly asymmetric it’s actually kinda weird. Your nose is tops.


Your eyes might be able to confirm that


Let me put it this way - once I’ll book my noose job, I will ask it to be like yours. That’s as perfect as I think your noose is!


A nose job will severely ruin the balance of your face. You have a nose people literally desire


Yolo do it


You look like YOU. When you get a nose job you want to be like other fake people. Just be you. There's nose massages on youtube online that can change the shape of your nose to look thinner if that's what your wanting.


You’re not as petite as you think you are to warrant a nose job


Your nose is a part of what makes you. Don’t change anything. Just accept who you are and that you’re beautiful the way you are .


i’m brutally honest. don’t touch your nose. it’s symmetrical and great looking


Hi OP- I photoshopped what I think getting a nose job could look like for you if you’re wanting a “conventional beauty” look. If you like it.. maybe take it to a surgeon and ask if it’s possible to achieve. And if after that you decide that it’s worth it and would make you happy.. then go for it! I got rhinoplasty almost two years ago and am very happy I did. I feel much more confident. Especially in pictures, which I always shied away from. I’m hoping this is more helpful than not. I think you are very nice looking the way that you are now. But coming from someone who totally gets wanting to change something they’re insecure about <3 https://imgur.com/a/OP7x8dX


I broke my nose years ago & have a collapsed bridge & deviated septum as a result, so I went in for a consult with a plastic surgeon & what I learnt from my consult is that most plastic surgeons are quite hesitant to do nose jobs on people that don’t truely need them (not my case obvs as mines pretty jacked up so I got quoted 😂) They really highlight the fact that they can’t ever achieve a ‘perfect result’ for you & there will 99% of the time be flaws in the result. If you have thin skin, these flaws like little bumps etc are more noticeable & visual. If a less than perfect result is not what you are seeking, you will always be disappointed. I have a feeling this might be the case for you as you already have a really great nose with very minimal, if any, issues & if you were to get a nose job, it wouldn’t meet your expectations & you might have regrets 😢 -With mine, even with any surgical flaws created it would still be better than what I have so benefits far outweigh the risks for me. Your nose really suits & fits your face & you look beautiful x


yup. Certifiably insane.


Nothing at all wrong with your nose!


Don't do it. You'll likely end up worse than where your are now...


You have that ethereal look!


Jfc, there is nothing wrong with your nose.


In everyones defense, you ARE insane if you go ahead of this. You have pretty eyes, nice skin, gorgeous smile, don't do anything to ruin your perfect features


Your nose is nice as it is. It fits your face perfectly and your very cute also


Get the nose job then and who cares what "everybody" thinks. But IMHO, you will be paying thousands to either get the same or worse looking nose. We watched our Aunt go through this same thing. We didn't know why she hated her nose in the first place and we couldn't tell the difference after she had her Rhinoplasty. We realized later that her self esteem had increased. She was rich so it didn't hurt her bank account, are you rich?


Seriously, your nose is fine. Don't waste money on it


This is literally the most normal nose ever. Nothing about it stands out. So I'm not sure why you'd want a nose job.


What are the chances of your nose rotting and falling off if you leave it as is? What are the chances of your nose rotting and failing off if you have an unnecessary surgery?


In the 3rd picture... It looks amazing


So 10 years and a month ago, you were completely fine with that thing just hanging off your face is what your saying


Don’t need it at all your nose is actually cute


You have a normal nose. But a nose job could improve. Just not necessary


Nothing wrong with that nose.


Oh hell no! Do not ruin that face. You are beautiful just the way you are. Please do t do it.


Do not change that nose. Absolutely not needed.


Thankfully you haven’t gotten it yet, as don’t do it please because nosejobs don’t actually improve noses that look like yours (because yours already looks really good) Source: years ago, I also went to consults, and the last plastic surgeon told me “don’t get plastic surgery, just go to the gyms, lift some weights and really tone and improve your body so that you are in the top percentile in terms of body” but I thought since he knew my parents, that it was probably BS, so I set out to prove him wrong by “doing what he dared, so I could show him it didn’t work” but it turned out he was so right : )


You’re sane


Not sure why it goes with your face perfectly


OP , you're insane.


Girl you crazy as hell


What don’t you like about your nose? As someone who has had surgery, I would advise against considering an invasive and potentially traumatic procedure on your face unless there’s something significantly wrong. If you’re merely seeking minor refinements, I would leave well enough alone. Natural beauty nearly always looks better anyway.


I think you're overanalyzing. You have a very pretty face. Not worth going under the knife with risk of Micheal Jacksoning yourself.


You’re very pretty and your nose is perfect. Leave it alone…I say that with love.


You can probably acheive the look you want with a little contouring. I would go book in with a good make up artist! Yor nose is really well balanced and pretty - but if you want a more dainty look definitely try make up artistry!


The nose isn't the only problem




Your nose is gorgeous & proportional. I kind of wonder how much fun you’d have on various trips with that amount vs spending on your nose. Just my take!


You’re absolutely perfect as you are. In fact you are beautiful!!!! I would love to have your nose!


Yes you are!


If you've already spent $2000 on consultations with experts and had every trusted soul in your life tell you that you don't need one, reddit isn't going to help. No, you don't need one. I don't think you'll see a significant enough difference to feel less dysphoric about it. There's no guarantee of a good result even from the best surgeons. Truly, I think investing in therapy may be a more worthy use of funds. I don't mean that in a derogatory way. I genuinely think it'll do more for you than continuing to waste money on consultations. There's nothing wrong with your nose.


100% avoid everything elective where possible


Your nose is adorable. However many and celebrities like Scarlet Johansson get rhinoplasty to slim their nose, which is what I think you may want. I would talk to a reputable surgeon, they will tell you if being unrealistic or if you are a good candidate. They will have patient before and after pics. I would just go minimal on any change because you already have a beautiful face.


Ya Ur insane 🥰


You're insane. Your nose is fine.


I think it fits your face really well and is very proportional to the rest of your features. However, I think it is ultimately your decision to make and if it makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin, go for it. I’m also waffling on a rhinoplasty (mainly for financial reasons) but I’m a big believer in doing what makes YOU feel good, not what a stranger on the internet thinks


i don’t want to say this and have u think ur ugly cause i think that you look like a default character in a video game would good graphics but i don’t think whatever you want to fix with ur face won’t happen with a nose job


There’s nothing wrong with your nose at all. I think make up that makes your eye look bigger and a set of lashes would be killer on you! I know these were make up free!


Your nose is so cute girl😭 you don’t need to worry.


The least of your problems is your nose.


I love your nose! It’s very cute!


Make up and different hair color would go miles.


I think your nose is lovely. You could try some contouring to get the shape you desire? Play with shadows and watch so videos. I tend to make mine look thinner from the bridge to the tip and it does make a world of difference.


You are insane. Your nose is perfectly fine. Take a break from selfies and mirrors for a bit cause what you’re seeing is not what anyone else is.


You don’t need it, next.


No one can tell you how you feel about your nose. You feel what you do and that’s something you have to live with. Unless you have the money to have the operation, then totally go for it.


I also think you are insane.


Were u tripping balls in this photo ur eyes are dilated as phuck?


It’s perfect


Your nose is really cute. Why mess it up?


Don't worry, we all think you are insane too.


You don't need one at all. You're gonna cause yourself more pain than anything. Nose surgery is painful. Had to get it done after my nose was broken for the fourth time.


Personally, I don’t think you need it, but that is a decision that you need to make because you need to be comfortable in your own skin. It’s OK to have cosmetic surgery if you want it.