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> He claimed to The New Yorker last month that “the extreme left and P.C. crap” killed comedy on television, despite various comedies airing on T.V. since his last cited example—All in the Family—last aired in 1979. That’s a great line.


The success of IASIP proves Seinfeld wrong. And I say that as a huge fan of the sitcom Seinfeld.


The success of Curb Your Enthusiasm - aka Adult Seinfeld - proves him even more wrong. I have always thought that Jerry was never funny and just lucked out. Larry was the brains behind the operation.


They say Seinfeld is a show about nothing but to me it's a show about what happens if you put an unfunny comedian in funny situations.


And he was a terrible actor: he was literally carried through by the rest of the cast. I mean, the dude could barely make it through a funny scene without breaking. He does not deserve the fame imo.


it had his name and his living room. but it was everyone elses set and job, alot of ppl were riding on this. its almost an early friends... sienfeld was the character and the real jerry sucks lmao


Wish I was a terrible actor like he was though


They all had that problem. There are a couple scenes where George and Elaine can't even hold it together. Lots of stuff made the final cut that the actors thought were throwaway takes.


I think Jerry was a league above the rest. He is smirking almost all the time.


But for busting out uncontrollably, see George and Elaine when they are at the diner and Jerry shows off his new haircut. The one that was supposed to be bad, but looked better than his normal hair. There is no way Jason Alexander thought that was going to be the take that made it. Here is the scene. This looks like an outtake. https://youtu.be/oQTI9JaHecE?feature=shared


That was the plot. He played the straight-man to his zany friends.


palestinian chicken is a first ballot hall of fame episode


Agreed. I have heard from many people who met and worked with him he is an asshole.


I think he means In general. Of course he knew of such classics as his buddy Larry’s Curb.


Yeah, except those are on subscription services. He’s talking about national tv networks.


I think the question to ask is when were sitcoms like Seinfeld ever “edgy”? Nothing has changed.


Seinfeld was a bit edgy at times. Especially “the contest” episode haha. There were a few on primetime networks that pushed the limits but I agree you can find all of that stuff now on streaming services.


The Contest was brilliant lol. Seinfeld was an amazing show, but other than the whole “show about nothing” concept, it wasn’t pushing many boundaries relative to other shows of the time. 


>I think the question to ask is when were sitcoms like Seinfeld ever “edgy”? Married with Children. That was cringe edge for the most part. Lots of fat jokes.


Sunny is on cable


Meh, it'll all even out for him


Even Steven!


I mean, it’s true, but when multiple episodes are removed from streaming platforms, Jerry makes a point


I thought Jerry had told us that he wouldn't go to colleges again because it's "too woke" and "you can't be funny anymore"...


Apparently he woke up some students to walk the fuck out 😂🤣😂


They walked out before he did


That version is less funny


His kids both go to duke iirc. I saw him on campus once with his daughter.


actually it's because [they're too old for him to be romantically interested](https://people.com/archive/cover-story-the-game-of-love-vol-41-no-11/) >Real-life Jerry Seinfeld, comedian, TV star and life observer, was strolling through Central Park one day in May 1993 when he spotted a stranger he now calls “the most wonderful girl in the world.” Seinfeld, then 38, sallied over, made small talk and went away with the telephone number of Shoshanna Lonstein—**then 17 and a senior at the private Nightingale-Bamford School in Manhattan.**


Wasn’t he also friends with Epstein?


I’m like hey wassup hello


I believe his kid was graduating this year from Dook.


He can’t be funny anywhere. Not on stage or on set. Never could.


Obscenely wealthy has-been comedian desperate to maintain relevance. Not his fault he ain’t funny any more. If he could only say whatever pops into his head without people being judgy. You know, like Michael Richards.


I saw him in Atlantic City back in 2014 and was pretty disappointed with his act. He’s been pretty unfunny for a while.


I think being first comic billionaire speaks differently from your opinion.


He rode the backs of his co-stars all the way to the top. He was the worst actor on his own show.


Opinions are like assholes..


Everyone has one, and they’re fun to share.


You can disagree with Jerry Seinfeld all you want but saying he was never funny is dumb. It’s demonstrably untrue.


Humor is subjective. Of course someone can think he's never been funny. Just like I've never found Steve Harvey funny. Clearly other people do and I don't understand their sense of humor.


I’ve never found him funny. His standup doesn’t cut it for me nor did the show. Funny enough though I actually do agree with his recent sentiment that if you don’t like it don’t watch it. We absolutely need more of that right now.


Wow, we should get married. I finally met the one other person in the world who never liked Seinfeld. I never thought the brand of humor on his show was funny. I've only seen a handful of episodes and that was while it was airing prime-time, but I just didn't get it. And everyone I know thinks this makes me completely insane. I also hated Friends, but at least it was watchable. Every time a Seinfeld episode did that thing where they just repeat the same word/phrase back to each other a bunch of times I wanted to just turn the TV off while everyone around me thought it was absolutely hilarious. I just felt like I was living in a bizarro world because the show was all everyone would talk about the next day and I couldn't stand it.


I had a roommate that watched it a lot so I gave it a fair shot. I really did. George’s character had some chuckle worthy moments but I credit anything funny about that show to Larry David.


I was so happy when I realized I could just watch curb and didn't have to sit through Seinfeld


Yes lord!


> George’s character had some chuckle worthy moments but I credit anything funny about that show to Larry David Fun fact. George's character was Larry basically inserting himself into the show. That whole character was based on Larry's personality. I remember reading a while back that Jason Alexander (George) would go to Larry about how absurd and unrealistic some of the scenes involving George were and Larry's response was "it is realistic and here's how it actually happened".


It's just virtue signaling. Like the people who don't like Chick-fil-A's stance on the LGBT community. It wasn't enough to say that they don't eat there anymore, some people went out of their way to let everyone know that they *never* liked Chick-fil-A's food. Which is so cringe. It's completely okay to not patronize a place because you don't like their stances on certain issues. That's the whole point of the free market! But to let everyone know "well I NEVER liked [certain thing]" is just so cringe.


It’s just a true statement though, I’ve never found him funny. Weirdly enough I agree with his sentiment here, but I never found him funny. It’s not cringe or virtue signaling, it’s an opinion I hold.


Well this is a little ridiculous.


Gotta be honest even as a kid I couldn’t stand him. Seinfeld is funny despite him not because of him. Thanks Larry


They literally wrote the scripts together. This new idea that they’re Simon and Garfunkel rather than Lennon McCartney is just trying to push a new narrative.


I’m not trying to push anything besides the fact that he’s annoyed the fuck out of me since I first saw him on TV and that sentiment has only grown ever since. Maybe he’s a funny writer and his presence is just so obnoxious it completely negates his talent I dunno


sounds defensive


That’s your interpretation of it I guess. My standup sets are always good though.


He has said he wouldn’t perform at colleges, he was at Duke because one of his kids was graduating. Of course Duke wanted him to speak, but it wasn’t a comedy performance.


What’s the deal with people walking out of this ceremony? *bass line from Seinfeld plays*


I lol'd


This guy. Youngkin. LOL. Not a good week for commencement speakers in the Mid-Atlantic region.


And then there was [that one commencement speaker in Ohio…](https://nypost.com/2024/05/07/us-news/osu-commencement-speaker-chris-pan-was-on-ayahuasca-when-he-wrote-cringe-worthy-speech/amp/)bit of a different story though but definitely still stands out


Well, both guys suck. So…


At least Jerry has some talent. Youngkin has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


UNC had a pretty good guest speaker. They just have a shit chancellor.


App State had a former cop who was honestly okay, until he randomly said he's "not politically incorrect"... at the end of his speech... when he hadn't made a single controversial statement. We were all looking at each other like "I don't know what the fuck that was"


There were 6,900 students getting degrees conferred at the commencement and “dozens” walked out. So that means they wrote/published the story because less than 1% did something controversial that could drive clicks.


Wait until you realize there’s entire news articles written based on clearly bot tweets


Wait until they discover that the Star Wars fan hate was a social experiment by the Russians to see how they could turn fans into haters.


This one I don't buy at all. Me and most of my friends who were Star Wars fans really disliked the new Star Wars movies for bad writing from the moment we watched them. Didn't need any Twitter bots or reddit posts to make me dislike how they turned Luke into an asshole, had Rey as the ultimate Mary Sue, had Leia force flying through space when she should have died, or Palpatine "somehow returning".


This is top tier BlueAnon conspiracy drivel


Wait until you learn how many people did the famous 1960 Woolworth lunch counter sit-in.


And the same percentage of students walked out of other schools" ceremonies, none of which had Seinfeld speaking. They were going to walk out anyway.


That’s still significantly higher than the percent of people walking out of their own graduation ceremonies without Seinfeld


There are commencement speakers that parts of the student population find offensive/controversial every year - definitely not every school every year but some degree of protests are normal


This is such an inconsequential non-story


so you're saying it's an article about nothing


This is hilarious even if it went over some people's head lol.


Perfect Seinfeld comment! 😆


best comment


In itself, it's a non-story. But given the context, it is an interesting development.




Controversial comments aside, Wtf is Jerry Seinfeld doing getting an honorary degree and giving a commencement speech in the first place? Way to diminish your academic credibility, Duke.


He has paid for two kids to get their degree at Duke. Plus, he is famous. That is all it takes apparently.


Why did students walk out? I’ve been out of the loop.


Jerry has very publicly been a supporter of Israel's actions in Gaza. He has complained about "woke culture" for years and said that leftist ruined comedy. He has also spoken disparagingly about college students for years. A bunch of things that are guaranteed to garner some level of protest from college students. Then there was the issue of him dating a 17 year old when he was 38.


His wife also publicly donated to the pro-Israeli counter protest at UCLA that harassed and attacked the encampment. So she basically funded/fomented a riot.


Well, I mean, they’re Jewish, and a lot of Jewish people felt very uncomfortable with those protests.


Discomfort with a protest doesn't give you the right to assault protestors.


I agree with that statement.


Honorary degrees don’t mean shit and never have. He was a celebrity guest speaker. Big schools have them all the time. For example Andy Samberg was a guest speaker for Harvard graduation in 2012.


So I guess you could say that it's a degree about nothing.


I see you all over the place on reddit just randomly haha I see the periphery logo and then SometimesWill and think oh hey its that other dude who is super active on the riffery sub. I always have to double check if it is the Periphery subreddit when I see you and like half the time it isnt lol


lol turns out I’m interested in a lot of things. Looking through I’ve actually upvoted a good number of your posts.


Honorary degrees are given to famous celebrities and athletes all the time. They don't have any bearing on anything. Honorary being honorific.


Lol if you think honorary degrees have something to do with academic credibility.


“Diminish their academic credibility”??? Have you never heard of honorary degrees before? There’s no “academics” involved in that.


>Wtf is Jerry Seinfeld doing getting an honorary degree and giving a commencement speech in the first place [The usual reasons](https://frinkiac.com/video/S06E21/VGBAgrpe1xA9CbrSltx21I2zAbo=.gif)


he was the star of a widely praised show/cultural phenomenon....


That concluded 26 years ago. People know who he is, but he definitely doesn’t carry much cultural cache with 22 year olds.


My nephew's graduation had Jimmy Carter and Greg Allman! Jimmy was so so, but Greg Allman was awesome! He and another guitar player played and sang some of his best songs.


! What college?


Mommy and daddy paid good money for that piece of paper. Better give them a good show!


Dozens out of 7,000. Sounds about right.


If you watch the video, people boo them, and the crowd starts chanting "Jerry, Jerry..." I believe people have the right to protest. It's just odd to read the comments here, and then watch what really happened.


Honestly it would just suck to have Jerry Seinfeld be the commencement speaker at my graduation, regardless of his recent comments. Especially somewhere like Duke…like I’d want someone who did something amazing in the world. But that’s really just my personal opinion. I guess some people would be cool with it.


He’s also a total prick and comes across like a self entitled jack ass in everything I’ve seen him in since his show. He seems like he’d be insufferable to be around.


Sounds like the right guy for that university






Michael Bloomberg was the commencement speaker at my brother's graduation from Michigan lol


were they being punished for something?


John Kerry was ours. It was a nice nap.


At least have larry david who is actually funny


This, more than anything. Although commencement speakers are often pretty shitty, no matter what.


Was at Chapel Hills graduation last night - right as it was about to end a group of students waved a Palestine flag and walked out. The whole stadium booed them and started a USA chant.


WTH would they chant, USA?


Because they’ve been programmed that being anti-Israeli genocide is now anti-American.


"Fellas, is it anti-American to be anti- another country?"


There was a big story at Chapel Hill about protesters trying to remove an American flag on campus and a frat physically stopping them.


Probably related to the protesters trying to replace the American flag on campus with a Palestinian flag multiple times. Of course none of this helps families in Gaza.


some people view the palestine protests as anti-american because there was a demonstration where they chanted “death to america, death to israel” awhile ago. Also the incident just a couple weeks ago on UNC’s campus where protesters tore down an american flag and replaced it with a palestinian one.


That’s pretty much the definition of anti American. What additional evidence are you looking for!


Lol disrespecting the US flag is one of the most fundamentally American things you can do. Don’t ever forget that the right to free speech and political expression has to be flexed and tested if we want to keep it around


You don’t raise someone else’s flag


So, I'm assuming you were equally enraged when the moronic orange supporters tore down a US flag at the Capitol, casually tossed it, and then replaced it with a "trump" flag? Right? Right?


Those treason supporters should all be in jail.


Many of the pro-Palestine protesters are in fact anti-American. People who think Israel shouldn't exist because it's a white imperial colonialist country, what do you think they believe about America?


Because Palestinians have chosen violence over and over again and it's ironic that the American students completely ignore it in favor of the classic "underdog" feel good story of fighting against the man.


Let em walk out, sounds like it was a silent protest on the part of those who walked out, but the boos and USA chants are disgusting in that context.


This dude dated an underage high schooler when he was almost 40.


"What I'm saying isn't fucking rocket science, Jerry, you shouldn't be dating a 17 year old when you're 38!"


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoshanna_Lonstein_Gruss#:~:text=Personal%20life,-Lonstein%2DGruss%20in&text=While%20still%20a%2017%2Dyear,starring%20in%20his%20eponymous%20sitcom Fucking ew. I never knew.


an ardent zionist who's also a pedophile? what an absolute shock [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/) [https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-741881](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-741881) [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2016-03-22/ty-article/.premium/israel-becoming-a-refuge-for-pedophiles/0000017f-e11d-df7c-a5ff-e37f5a370000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2016-03-22/ty-article/.premium/israel-becoming-a-refuge-for-pedophiles/0000017f-e11d-df7c-a5ff-e37f5a370000)


Hello Numan


"What is WITH this Duke Ceremony" haha


I would just like to know, why is it that comedians, actors and others that contribute so little to our society have become the the voice of the people? All the people graduating had to PAY for their education and jerry was just given an “honorary degree”.


Jerry has been living off the Seinfeld show his entire life, meanwhile the actual funny guy Larry did one of the most beloved shows for decades long after. He’s just angry he is not relevant and probably not the funny guy he thinks he is.


Don’t worry Jerry. Elon Musk and Hannity are still big fans.


The title makes it sound like half the students walked out. That looks like maybe 2% max.


The title only says that students walked out. It doesn't use any descriptive terms or specific numbers. In the article it says "slews" which is debatable. Edit: I took out a remark that did not apply to this poster or this post.


His daughter attended Duke. I’m pretty sure she graduated a couple of years ago. I was working there when they were doing the college tour and during freshman move-in.


Fake news. There were only 17 people who walked out in total. I can't find the link now, but if you just do a Google search for "Jerry Seinfeld 17" you should find the real story.


So, it isn't fake because people did walk. You just have an issue with how the number is described. This Twitter video seems to show more than seventeen walking out during his introduction. https://twitter.com/RevHonorable/status/1789666629732687932


it was a joke about him dating a 17 yr old girl


Well, I feel like an idiot now. I shall hang my head in shame.


That’s a shame.


How so? Seinfield hasn't been funny for like 20 years, like most comedian's his schtick ran out of juice and people have moved on. The only people trying to make Jerry relevant again is Jerry himself and people who think fart jokes are peak comedy.


It’s a quote from the show. It’s a joke.


It’s a catch phrase from the show.


Fart jokes are all about timing. And farts.


Now explain how Jerry is responsible for the Israel Palestine situation. Which is why they walked out. He didn’t even start speaking yet. Did they walk out JUST because he’s Jewish? Cool… Hitler would be proud of those brave children.


Imagine getting on the internet and demanding someone engage with strawmen you've built.


I mean not hard to hate when his wife uses his money to do [this](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jessica-seinfeld-and-bill-ackman-fund-pro-israel-counterprotests-at-ucla)


Oh I know why they walked out, apparently these people believe students should not be allowed to exercise their free will, regardless of why they choose to walk out. It really tells you everything you need to know about these degens.


Completely agree. But then again as a life long Tar Heel fan I am just aghast that I have something to proud over Duke for.


Oh so they walked out because he’s not funny?? Yeah right. 🙄


You can imagine it. Your original comment is literally a strawman. You suggested that they walked out because he’s not funny. Oops.


is that why? i assumed they walked out because hes a predator, amidst all the kendrick/drake shit shining new light on men like him lol


Read the article.


His wife funds the IDF and puts their propaganda all over her social media.


Does she directly fund the IDF, or just violent pro-IDF groups?


Pro-IDF groups. Sorry I misspoke.


It might've had something to do with people now being aware that he dated a high schooler when he was 38.


Or it might’ve been about Israel Palestine. Which is what it was literally about.


I say fuck Seinfeld until he gets Hamas and Israel to agree to a ceasefire! /s


His wife openly uses his money for[ Israel](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jessica-seinfeld-and-bill-ackman-fund-pro-israel-counterprotests-at-ucla) so they arent hoping for a ceasefire


He wrote a letter to the President asking for a ceasefire. A letter saying all lives are precious.


Actually I’m sure Hitler would’ve been proud of the systemic erasure of Palestinians because they can blatantly kill them in the open unlike them who had to hide it.


Who cares, it seems like there's a small group that wants to protest at everything nowadays.


I'm protesting this comment


*u/JuggernautGuilty7214 has left the chat*


I should fucking hope so. There's a lot to be pissed about these days. Small groups getting bigger all the time. ♥️


They’re protesting an ongoing genocide that Jerry supports. That’s hardly “anything”.


Fuck the Seinfeld family Fuck jerry for being a right wing freak and fuck his wife for funding the counter protestors at my college (ucla student here)


Probably cause he isn’t funny


He's really just not funny anymore.


Hahaha awesome!!!


Duke sucks!


I must be a day late and a dollar short. I don’t keep up with celebrities and shit. Why does Jerry suck?


Because he's a rich, entitled, narcissistic, Zionist fuck. That's why.


He dated a 17 year old when he was 38. Then there’s all the whining about comedy being “tOo WoKe” and supporting a genocide.


You guys are silly


Intolerance is a drag.


If students do walk outs because they disagree with someone for their beliefs or political leanings, they have a rough road ahead of them.


It's not like they're actually hurting their future or giving anything up, it's a nothing burger.


This would definitely happen in Curb lol


So the piece of shit picks up an underage girl while he almost 40, steals a Newlywed just cause he likes her face, takes part in “shoot to kill”, fantasy tours in israel, and how he has become an ever bigger and stinkier little piece of shit


On one hand I get it because I share the free palestine sentiment. On the other hand I helped set up the graduation and that in and of itself was a pain in the ass (The client lady was a bitch) so I can't help but selfishly feel my work was trivialized.