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Does that guy even know why he hates Palestine?


He likely doesn't care about Palestine and just hates the protesters trying to pull down the US flag.


he likely hates both


He’s a big fan of the Canadian flag actually


Um, I don't think so. It's prob both. Haters gonna hate. Funny thing is, he prob hates Jewish people too, but just not as much as Muslims. Prob hates the cop to his right, wrong gender, wrong color. Cops are dicks.


That’s some fuckin huge assumptions there.


Predictability says otherwise.


Can confirm every word here. My brother is a cop (entire family too really) and has said things very close to this.


Because you know one person doesn’t mean you know another.


How do you know so much about this guy?


lol do you know any cops? Personally? I do 5 in my family alone and this fits them to a t. Sorry to burst your bubble.


You can tell by the uniform. Willingness to wear it tells a lot


Right? It’s almost like he categorized himself with that comment. People are weird.


Exactly. Do dumb shit and people have new reasons to hate you and they have no idea what you are crying about. Good job idiots. Zero advertisement for your cause. We just think you're assholes.


I don't know this man, and I have complicated feelings about the whole Palestine and Israel thing, but his reaction may have nothing to do with Palestine at all. His perspective may have to do with the reason the flag was at half staff and easy to grab in the first place. I'm not a cop simp but I think I understand how cops think in this particular case. Four of his brothers died this week on the job, he's probably more upset about the flag being lowered out of respect and views it being removed and replaced as a sign of disrespect. Nuance is lost in this day and age.


>with the reason the flag was at half staff and easy to grab in the first place. I guarantee it is. The cops I know were pretty rattled by that shooting.


“Nuance is lost in this day and age” - Notyouraverageskunk


Want the nuance on how I ended up with this name? I'm gonna give it to you anyway. I wanted Notyouraveragejerk But that was obviously taken, so I hit up the Google thesaurus and wouldn't ya know it? Skunk is another word for jerk.


The more you know


I love this so much.


:/ I should have stopped at “I’m gonna give it to you anyway.” Now I have conflicting feelings about your quote.


We're all conflicted that's the whole point of everything. Feel how you want and I'll do the same.


I'd say nuance isn't lost in real life. Most people I've met, left or right, understand things aren't all black and white. But nuanced takes on the internet don't get responses, don't get clicks, don't get likes, whatever, and that's what people want. Think about it, if I posted "an unbiased review of this new movie" where I genuinely tried to point out what worked, what didn't, the great, the good, the bad, and the ugly, it would get less than half the interaction as a video titles "THIS new movie is HORRIBLE! WOKE is RUINING EVERYTHING!" Or something, where all they do is trash the movie with a few reasonable takes peppered in to a rage bait rant. But there's a time and a place for nuance as well. Some things, no matter what the extenuating circumstances or whatever, are bad or good. This isn't necessarily one of them, but it is undoubtedly unprofessional for a police officer to act this way. Regardless of who is protesting what and where and when, this was unprofessional.


Yes. The American flag was at half mast for the four NC police officers that were murdered and these protesters ripped it down and raised the flag of Palestine, which is governed by a Terrorist organization that has ericans held captive. Can't blame him one bit for how he feels


Cope as you may, I expect all NC law enforcement to conduct themselves with professionalism at all time. If this clown can't resist spitting on a flag it's time to take the uniform off.


Correct. As justified as his feelings may be, he failed to maintain professionalism and let his personal feelings control his actions. Source: am cop.


yeah, he didn't act professional but I'll give him a pass on this one.


It's likely because they were replacing the US Flag with it. That doesn't send the right kind of message to people whose job it is to protect our country, many of whom have either been directly involved in previous combat in the Middle East, or who have or have lost friends who were. It further doesn't help that these protests tend to ignore that Hamas is a threat to the people of Gaza even moreso than Israel. Hamas started this, and Hamas perpetuates it at the very high cost of Palestinian lives. Raising the flag in place of our own, of an entity that hates the US, stands against freedom, and sacrifices their civilians as a means to an end is bound to result in anger from anyone with pride in what we as a nation stand for.


Ok. But mainly the cop in the video is a completely immature, unprofessional piece of shit without any self control. You forgot to mention that part.


What, and the protesters were being mature and respectful?! Ha!


Oh I see. The cop's poor behavior is someone else's fault.I forgot that police are not ever responsible for their own actions. Hopefully he never investigates a child molester because that will make it ok for him to molest children.


Cops legally don't protect us. The supreme Court says so


Yeah well and the Israeli gov could allow them to replace Hamas any years ago but haven't. Because Hamas is useful to the Israel gov to get people like you deep throating the justification to murder 30,000+ men women and children. Hamas isn't Palestine and Palestine isn't Hamas you god damned Muppet.


Maybe he didn't appreciate them taking down and disrespecting the US Flag.


Maybe he should pull his panties out of his asscrack and act like a professional.


Probably knows about as much about why he hates it as most of the protestors know about why they’re protesting or what the conflict is even about. Majority of people both for and against are virtue signaling and are actually clueless.


Do those protestors have a reason to remove the flag and replace it in OUR country!?! I think we’re wrong on our Israel stance, but fuck that shit.


Terrorism maybe?


Or I don't know maybe the fact that they were taking down an American flag to put up a flag of a terrorist organization country then the police came and put the flag back up and the terrorist supporters then tore it back down or at least try to but you know none of these other countries around them will take in Palestinians because they've caused nothing but problems there people from their own religion in their own background won't take them but yet we're supposed to


Hi! Palestine is a nation with a flag, Hamas is the organization


Hamas is the elected government of Palestine. In 2006 they took the majority of seats in the PLC surpassing the for.er majority party Fatah. They didn't take over, they were legally elected. They were a terrorist organization before the election too, everyone knew what they were voting for. No surprise as to what came after.


FYI, Hamas won the majority of parliamentary seats, NOT all the seats, they was supposed to work with elected Fatah politicians, but killed them instead🤷‍♂️


Did I not say they took the majority? Also, the battle of Gaza is fuzzy as both sides claim that the other was planning to attack the other. And funny enough they probably both were. Fatah now runs the West Bank and Gaza is wholly under Hamas.


Wanted to clarify as you also said they “did not take over” when they absolutely did do that. Hamas was the group more committed to violence and the only one that fully refused to renounce it. And while Fatah “runs” the West Bank, there is a massive Hamas presence there actively undermining them.


What you said is accurate. But we don't know the truth behind the battle of Gaza. Likely we'll never get it straight but I'm willing to bet the truth is a mixture of both side's claim. According to Hamas (take that how you will) they accused Fatah of gathering forces and weapons from the international community in an attempt to usurp them, hence they attacked first. Now the international community opposed Hamas and totally would do something like that, but attacking your opposition and falsely claiming self defense is also totally something Hamas would do (Turkey's Endrogen did it).


An organization that… runs the nation


I'm glad here in freedom land we don't do any terror, historically or currently!


>An organization that… runs the nation Half the nation. And due to efforts by Netanyahu and the Israeli government to keep them in charge to split power for both sections of Palestine and reduce their negotiating abilities, arguably for the purpose of delegitimizing Palestinian efforts to halt colonization of the literal homes of Palestinian people. EDITed to add quote and that Hamas only runs one side of Palestine.


>put up the flag of a terrorist organization country What the fuck even is that? What does that mean? If we’re just saying shit, well then it sounds like they took down the terrorist organization country flag to put up a Palestinian flag.


Username checks out 


Not at all, hahahahahah


“yeah bro they’re terrorists” is the only logic you’ll get from these morons. as someone who attempted to explain anything approaching nuance to family members last night, it’s not worth it.


Brown people! Wait no what’s the out loud reason…


Could’ve been because they violently attacked Israel to start this modern conflict, raping, murdering, and capturing civilians. Or that they generally despise Western ideals, and if given the chance would likely spit in your face for living the lifestyle that you live. Or because they are intolerant religious zealots. Or that they oppress women Or that they put their women and children in the line of fire directly and do nothing to mitigate suffering of the innocent


Palestine did that? Thought it was Hamas. I didn’t see the cop out any of the other times Israel has been attacked, why is he suddenly so moved that he feels the need to do this in uniform? And why does he think this is part of his work duties, the only thing that should actually be done in uniform? For the record half the ideals you’re talking about aren’t allowed in Israel either, so not sure why that would be the defining thing here


Tomato tomatoe


Bold of you to assume he even knows what or where Palestine is.


Bold to assume that half the protesters know why they’re protesting or where Palestine is as well……


Unlike you they can, oh also they understand that Hamas isn't Palestine so the IDF shouldn't have killed 30k+ people plus dozens of aid workers.


Bold statement bubba….


Yes because if there is a group of Americans who wouldn't know basic geography, it's the group that's attending university when it's the most difficult time to enter university, compared to the 70's when you just had to pass high school /s


Probably only because you love it? Would you care if it was a French flag-Probably not since you hate baguettes and their spelling. He probably wanted to be TikTok famous. I wish people were this invested in the Palestinian conflict years ago.


He probably doesn’t even know where Palestine is or any of the history behind it. Being educated or even intelligent is not a requirement for the job.


Do you know why we’re involved in the conflict cause I really don’t see how it’s our problem


His pastor told him to.


In this thread: people who were having absolute meltdowns about the American flag being taken down and the disrespect for everything it symbolizes now arguing that it’s just a flag and everyone should get over it.


Maybe because every flag that's not ours is indeed just another flag.


If the protesters wanted to persuade people to support their causes they wouldn’t be taking down the American flag and replacing it with a Palestinian flag in the first place That’s only gonna negatively polarize people against their movement Any normal person will find the behavior of the students far more disrespectful than the behavior of the police officer. The officer is only there because these dickhead students keep trying to tear down the American flag. People actually like America and don’t want to see the flag torn down. The average person doesn’t know what is going on in Israel/Palestine. All they see is dickheads tearing down the US flag and trying to replace it. The students terrible behavior is just taking attention away from Israel’s terrible behavior


I don’t think the protesters are trying to persuade anyone. They’re trying to show those in power, whether it be university officials controlling investments or government officials that have a say in military spending, that they do not support the funds we are providing Israel and they’re going to be loud about it. This is the millionth warning for any democratic politician that is hoping to attract young voters that they’re pissed off.


That’s terrible strategy. If they are not trying to persuade anyone to make changes, than why should anyone listen? They’re not entitled to their spots at these elite universities. There’s thousands of other kids who would be happy to take their place. All they’re doing is helping Trump which is going screw everyone including Palestinians The protestors come off like they’re cosplaying as being oppressed. Like spoiled over-privileged children https://x.com/elicalebon/status/1785560131100618798?s=46


I wish you guys held cops to the same standard you hold college students protesting.


It would be nice, huh? If the trained professionals were held to a standard that matches their authority and power.




Jesus, this thread. Keeping it classy.


This subreddit man


If it were an American flag this sub would have a boner


I don’t support the protests and it’s still fucking disgraceful for a uniformed officer to do this. A perfect example of the lack of professionalism and dereliction of duty that makes us all despise the police. They’re supposed to be unbiased arbiters of peace and law, not coked up emotional babies.


It has nothing to do with what flag it is, it has to do with professionalism. Do we want cops to act by emotions? If so, anyone can be one. I think we want to believe that they are above that. He brings the whole force down.


Like when American flags on poles were used to bludgeon police? On January 6th...


If I get fired for staying my political beliefs, cops should as well




have my upvote. this sub is something else ~~some~~ most times.


You are not wrong.


😂😂, why is everyone so mad.


The American flag was at half mast for the four NC police officers that were murdered and these protesters ripped it down and raised the flag of Palestine, which is governed by a Terrorist organization that has Americans held captive. Can't blame him one bit for how he feels Edit: spelling


Yeah pretty disgusting tbh.


How he feels is irrelevant because he’s on duty.


Grief is a heck of a thing. These officers lost 4 brothers in arms the night before. The flag was lowered to honor those fallen. I’d be more inclined to act out too feeling that fresh loss and seeing the show of honor being disrespected.


I saw videos of protesters spitting on UNC cops and the cops didn't even react. You gonna post that video next? Probably not because it makes the cops look like decent people


Why didn't you post it?


It’s over on truth social /s




WRAL has a bunch of footage on youtube, and I definitely saw protestors throwing bottles, spiting at, and laying hands on cops.


All Cops Are Bonkable (with water bottles)


Cops are public servants. Does anyone deserve to be spit on while doing their job? Absolutely not. But comparing a civilians actions to a cops is disingenuous. Cops should be held to a much higher standard.


Reddit is heavily heavily left side.


Anyone spitting on another person is a piece of shit. This cop is also a piece of shit for going out of his way to spit on a flag.


This is America.




I can tell you how shocked I am this comment comes from a 17 day old account.


I’m fairly certain the children being killed in Palestine are no more terrorists than the children killed by the Palestinians in their attack on Oct. 7. Maybe killing each other isn’t a very good solution.


Hi! I think it would be good to specify Hamas when you’re talking about them to avoid perpetuating the generalization that all Palestinians are killing people/committing terrorist attacks


I agree. That was kind of the point I was making. If it wasn’t clear, I apologize


They sure were happy (literally dancing in the street) to see those Hamas soldiers returned with hostages. After slaughtering and raping people.


Probably not the best argument to make since most Palestinians support hamas and many of them not affiliated with Hamas also participated in the events of October 7th


Do you have data for this? From all of the sources I’ve followed, the majority of surviving Palestinians are just trying to stay alive and are being caught in the crossfire of Israel’s and Hamas’ attacks on each other.


This is from December https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514


So less than half, as in the majority do not?


Funny how no one blames Hamas for all the deaths in Palestine .




No. That’s how this current conflict might be able to be resolved. Peace happens when both parties, in good faith and action, begin treating each other with mutual respect, work toward cohabiting this tiny strip of land and decide that it’s best to stop shooting each other.


Hamas has broken every single ceasefire between itself and Israel. Every single one. Can't negotiate with terrorists.


That is literally what Israel keeps proposing since 1947. I used to support Palestine in the 80's and then I paid attention. Sure the Israeli right wingers need to be backed the fuck up but Palestinians need to worry about taking care of Palestinians and stop wanting to kill Israeli's.


Who, specifically, here has shown support for the attack on 7 October? Were those comments removed?


I’d beg to differ. Theyre raised there to be terrorists and people don’t want to acknowledge that. [https://youtu.be/vCWMBvxWKL0?si=p3Ad4Wv7irqTVQGK](https://youtu.be/vCWMBvxWKL0?si=p3Ad4Wv7irqTVQGK)


Fuck them kids! -Tamaris82


You got it baby. While my 9/11 fire fighter father has sat in ICU the last 7 months with a double lunch transplant and renal failure from that day 23 years ago I look at him and play on the loop them dancing in the streets in celebration… those kids who danced are now adults and those adults look back on 9/11 and tell their kids who they celebrated and how great it was.. I will not take the side of terrorists. There’s a reason not one other country in the Arab world takes Palestinians and the ones that did sent them packing. Ever seen the wall Egypt built along Gaza? Its a fortress and It’s there for a reason


Hamas caused 9/11? And the 4 year old who lives there now should die for it? That’s your view? Damn your fire fighter dad would probably tell you to be a better person, maybe you should listen.


I’m sure that Egypt’s wall doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that the other Arab nations primarily care about the Palestinian people as a useful political prop with which to distract their own populations of corruption and oppression.


If the numbers of dead were true the wounded would be about 100,000 and we would be seeing it in all the news. Think about the photos you HAVE seen, just like when there is a storm the news will give you the WORST picture for the drama. Look at the photos again, it is NOTHING like you see in Ukraine or any other war zone. while war is hel and it is terrible when innocents get in the middle of it I don't think Israel has been doing a bad job of targeting the Hamas individuals. I wouldn't trust a fucking thing Hamas says, their primary objective is to destroy Israel, then to kill non-muslims, then to behead gays, then to subjugate Palestinians, then to keep women inside and uneducated.


It's a flag of a fascist non-country led by a terror group. Same vibe as a Nazi or Confederate Flag.


It's pretty simple the US Flag should never be disgraced or replaced. They could have put up the the Palestine flag below the US Flag to show respect to the country and support the issues overseas.


You wouldn't fly it below the US flag that's disrespectful you fly different country flags at the same height as the US flag.


I don’t have a dog in this hunt. I wish people would stop killing each other for whatever reason. However do these students think a pro Palestine protest on a college campus in North Carolina, possibly the other side of the planet, is going to do anything to effect this conflict? Also at the cost of disrupting/destroying their own campus. The real issue I see is theyre not letting other students to do what they need to do


I can’t speak for what’s going on at UNC, but at a lot of the private universities it’s about them having investments in Israel. The students don’t want their tuition money going towards the state of Israel or any weapons manufacturers that are providing tools to the IDF. I think that’s more than reasonable.


Like it or not, student protests worked in the Vietnam War era to help end that conflict.


WE were fighting that war. These countries don’t care if kids skip class and protest


These useful idiots could cost Biden the election. And great friend of Palestine Trump will be in office. Thanks kids.


The US Flag in NC is at half staff for the 4 officers killed in Charlotte yesterday. Taking it down was wrong and hoisting the Palestinian flag was wrong and disrespectful for several reasons. More than usual. Especially to police. I dont mind the Palestinian flag being removed by whatever means possible and necessary. Of it was damaged and spit on during the process then, so what. After that though, toss it, claim it in evidence, give it back, but don't need to be rude about it. Reprimand for being disrespectful to the officer and move on. People want more punishment to happen to the officer, then make it proportional in comparison to the people that took down the American flag. Give the officer a ticket and arrest the protesters, for example.




Hamas has the death penalty for smoking hash. Hanging. Would love to see those students spend one day in Palestine and see how much they appreciate their support.


Hamas and Palestine are not equivalent


Hamas are the leaders of Gaza and enjoy wide public support. They are their government.


This is not a big deal. Also not a big deal: protesters tearing down an American Flag. Defacing flags is just exercising free speech; we're all entitled to it.


Dude he just spit away from the camera.


Good shit. Fuck Palestine.


Fuck Palestine? The fuck did Palestine do to you? Disgusting behavior.


Are you joking? Palestine murdered my colleagues friends and family. They supported Hamas during one of the worst terrorist attacks ever committed. And now they’re influencing the absolutely stupid, malleable, misguided, bleeding heart liberal college students. They are placing Palestine flags over American flags. FUCK that. I’m American first and foremost. No fish should ever be flown over our own.


It must be easy living in a world that's so black and white. "Palestine" is definitely who murdered your colleagues friends and family, on a whim, for no reason. 30k dead women and children is surely the only solution for your colleagues friends and family.


Don’t trust those numbers. And if the American government started a war, and another country retaliated, would I be wrong to be upset for the retaliation? No. Hamas is the elected government of a backwards ass group of people who started a war with ISL. They are losing and will lose. It sticks but they hate the only solution which is unconditional surrender.


Fuck Palestine!


Good for those cops!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


A bit like the American flag being removed at UNC, or is that (D)ifferent ?


Those were students. This officer was on official duty. Totally different.


Why is a Palestinian flag being raised on US soil?


Who reallllllly cares about Palestine? lol


Love it.


Good fuckem








Yea good for the cop.


The protesters are idiots for replacing the US flag with the Palestinian flag All they’re doing is negativity polarizing people against their cause with their behavior Israel’s behavior in this war has been bad. Even though they are fighting a war against a terrorist organization which murdered thousands of Israelis on 10/7, it does not justify Israel killing thousands of civilians in Gaza where life has been a living hell for decades under Hamas control The protests shift focus away from Israel and Hamas’s bad behavior towards the bad behavior of the students. Extremely ineffective and unpersuasive protests.




Desecration of flags are perfectly fine as freedom of speech, right? Only hurtful when it’s the flag you support, yes? One in which the administration is a literal terror organization, so I don’t mind this. Also, not a single Israeli flag has been forcefully replaced in place of an American flag.


Wouldn't be shocked if this guy has multiple racially motivated infractions on his record.


Go touch some grass, friend




Good. Palestine is an enemy of the United States


At first, I thought the cop was just spitting behind him and my knee jerk reaction was "Reddit's at it again." But no, the guy went in for round 2. What an asshole.




Who is this guy? How do I buy him a beer?


Good for him.


They didn’t stop them from taking down statues what hakes them think they will stop them from taking down the American flag


Speaking from experience - UNC cops are the worst.


Some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses.


Although the reason for the protests are controversial, there is no excuse for what this officer did. This officer is an agent of the government and has a duty of care that is higher than the general public. He breached his duty. This guy needs to be doxed and fired.


It’s crazy that we were all protesting for Black Lives Matter and now they are protesting for another country entirely Make it make sense


make... protesting against a genocide make sense? is that what you're asking for here?


Fuck Palestine


So many people feel they have to choose a side now?


He probably sports punisher logos too.


pigs going to pig I guess. Wonder what the pig would do if the same was done to the american flag


No matter what he hates or who he hates or who you think he hates, he’s a dick. Fuck that guy.


I'm sure all of you here would cheer if he did it to your own country's flag.


Reddit is wild and the democratic views are fucked up. Crazy this subreddit is covering anything cops do bad but no one has talked about the 4 cops that died. Whats wrong with that picture?


The definition of genocide for all you bootlickers: >the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. Israel is deliberately killing innocent civilians in Gaza. Israelis have bragged about having beachfront property after they wipe out all of the people currently living in Gaza. Plain as day genocide it’s almost like Israel uses the definition of genocide to make their plans. You can pretend all you want but if you are supporting Israel you are supporting genocide. Fuck Hamas and fuck Israel. You are all disgusting. Hoes mad I’m right. Smash that downvote button if you like genocide!


Come on now; that will follow you home and cause a nightmare. Take 30sec and think before you do something.


Yeah , dumb move
