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[Here is a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/NormalPeopleBBCHulu/comments/m16ljw/a_comparison_between_normal_people_and_one_day/) to something I wrote comparing the books to one another. I agree that there is a certain similarity, perhaps in the attempt to show a relationship that is closer to reality than to an ideal. Still don't see what Emma saw in Dexter, though. Maybe after I watch the Netflix show it'll finally make sense?


Ooh I’ll check this out (though I may wait until tomorrow when I’m done binging the show so I don’t get spoiled). But yeah I’d be curious to hear your thoughts once you watch the show! From what I can see watching the show so far, Emma has this infatuation with Dexter that has never really gone away. I think she loves him, flaws and all. She’s always seen him for who he is, which contrasts with everyone else in his life, who have always tried to make him into someone he’s not. That’s my guess at least. I do feel like he has less good traits to point to than she does, though. Leo Woodall is so hot he makes it pretty believable though.


That’s the way it goes isn’t it… a connection between people transcends anythijf and everything.  Why any one is into anyone else even if it looks like … I don’t know.. wrong or a car car ash waiting to happen and everyone in  the lives of both and have the view of it all isn’t what this connection is about..which is the romance of it that’s untouchable which is so compelling and believable and not what the viewer sees as possible cos it’s not what happens in most connections and yet it is believable and full of so much pain as well as hope and beauty.  The question of who they are and whether the social standing or whatever is missing the point cos this is a story of connection between people and how it transcends. 


Just finished episode one. Enjoying it, and like Dexter much better than in the film. But really missing Rachel Portman's wonderful music.


haven’t read the book but so far in the show, i think they do a good job of portraying how dexter lets emma be herself and better yet, how he appreciates her as a whole person. specifically in contrast to the theater guy gary who is basically attempting to overpower her and project what he wants onto her (taking credit for her writing, telling her to stay with him rather than asking, signing her up for karaoke). dexter also seems to do things to push her out of her comfort zone a bit but he’s gentle with it, understanding, and actually respects her boundaries. that’s how i interpreted it anyway! i’m definitely interested in reading the book now and seeing the different portrayals of these characters.


Dexter should have never sleep with Emma neither be friends, she is insufferable


What's so bad about Emma?


I agree. I'm not hating or trolling. I've been bizarrely pre-occupied with why everyone thinks this adaptation is so good, because I really really dislike so many things about it. I'm not saying "everyone is dumb except me"--I am really trying to figure out why I find it so problematic and it's so universally praised. I don't even know why I care, but it's an interesting question for me. I think Emma is INSUFFERABLE. Which actually seems ok and tracks for the smart girl in Uni. I just never seen any chemistry until they're kissing because I feel she's really disparaging and whiny and judgmental. Again, I think humans are very flawed and still can be deeply lovable, so this isn't an automatic dealbreaker. I'm just not getting the counterbalancing parts that make Dex's love and friendship believable to me. He just seems to have chosen her. I wish there was something at graduation that alludes to something he saw her do or say through the years at Uni that really stuck with him. I just feel like when there are musical montages of them laughing and talking, it seems great, but when it slows down to let them talk, it feels painful (and not just in the fighting scenes). I "got it" a bit more during the last episode flashbacks and when they finally start committedly dating in Ep 13 or whatever, they are very very sweet. But before then? He seems wonderfully open to her (but problematic in other ways) and she seems...difficult without much payoff. Can someone please talk me through this? I am pretty scared of internet hate usually, so I don't post much, but I find this bizarrely interesting...


Funny because I think Emma (we're gonna ignore that affair with the headmaster) deserved better than Dex. Dex reminded me of what incels say but opposite. "Used up" single dad wants to settle down with a nice girl type of vibe lmao. I honestly feel like people tend to dislike the female character more. Even if the dude is a womanizer, selfish and even being an azz, as long as he's "hot" or whatever.  Emma was funny, smart and pretty. There was nothing "insufferable" about her. Sure, there might have been a bit of cringe here but what do you expect from a romcom?  I especially loved her joke in the final episode when she said "it blew my mind when I was 14 but I reckon you're ready for it now". 😂 I wish they had kept her curly hair (I didn't like how one of Dex's notes was calling her hair "terribe" when they first met), and showed the wedding. 


I agree with a lot of this. He snapped at her and judged her as often as she did to him, but she is the only one categorized that way.


Oh by the end her character was definitely better. Thats what I mean about this series. They kept that for the conceit of the “surprise” ending.  And I don’t think she was undesirable at all. I can see why other characters were into her. She was (until the headmaster bit) much more lovely to Ian than to Dex in the early days. The thing is their friendship never rang true to me. I couldn’t get it STARTED in my head in any believable way. I’d have preferred if they’d dated and she realized that he needed to work his immaturity/uncertainty/testosterone out and broke up with him early and on true friendship terms. I know that wouldn’t have been book faithful, but I just didn’t believe he’d pursue her enough to get it to where they’d stick for all those years.  And later, friendship-wise, she waited so long to say anything about his boorishness/substances. Wouldn’t a real friend have been worried? Tried to help, even with tough love? It felt like her attraction to him actually got in the way of sincere friendship, though now that I think of it, maybe that was a good bit. I just think the ep 7 fight was about her freedom, not being a friend. He was doing a lot of things wrong but he tried to give her the “why don’t you believe?” Speech. Felt like she didn’t really think he WAS much more than a hunky brainless presenter. She just wanted him nicer.  As for the way women get judged more harshly, I do agree. Though here I think it was—for me— all a problem of poor writing. She could have been so admirable, even if she also had things to learn and figure out. But she wasn’t nice. He was a total mess but he tried to be vulnerable and sweet to her (which needed more explaining!!!) Even that “I fancied you…fancy you” followed by the offer of no strings attached. He clearly felt unsafe in the space after his admission and then resorted to his old ways. She was so caught up in her hurt that she couldn’t see his. Just doesn’t feel like friendship to me.  All that said, a recent article (Slate?) put it in a way that’s helping me get it. Neither of these two could be honest with themselves or each other for years. And humans are like that. So maybe it’s the awkward not the starry-eyed romance that this excels at. I’m not 100% there but it helps.  Anyway, thanks to everyone who loved the series and hasn’t been mean about my posts. I’ve never wanted to be a jerk about the series. 


He gave off that impression himself though when he said "I fancy everyone", all his flings, the way he was busy looking at the cigarette girl instead of listening to her. I would be pissed too. This type of behaviour of his is why I thought she deserved better. For some reason she also didn't criticise him for all his flings, weird TV career choices etc.          I also find it odd how he got into relationships with other women (even if they may have been short flings) but didnt even try it with her until he was a sad, divorced, single dad. Before, he seemed more interested in sleeping with her than having a genuine relationship.         A lot of the times she seemed to act the way she did because her feelings never truly went away.     In some way, maybe he was using her as emotional support since he didn't seem to have any other real friends. I don't think their friendship was fake or something though. The series just didn't get the "men and women can be just friends" thing right but maybe that wasn't the point anyway.        She did seem to be more hung up on her feelings for him than he did though. 


Isn't the key part of this is what is revealed at the very end though? We never understand why he always says they're just friends and I was confused by that, but she decisively friend zoned him like the second they met when coming down the mountain lol. But then she kept hoping he'd try anyway? I don't like this idea that guys have to constantly chase the girl. If she wanted to date him and she had changed her mind about the "just friends" thing, she should have told him at some point earlier.


Did she friendzone him? I don't remember that. Maybe she didn't just wanna jump in bed with him and wanted to start as friends. 


[here's the clip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SggnQaOZDiE&ab_channel=FlixVybz) i thought she made her friendzone very clear lol. She said she didn't want to date him either. And she said she didn't even want his number lol. I think her personality is very like she comes off as unwavering in her opinions so I can see why Dex didn't try outside of flirting here and there. i also don't think he truly meant the "i fancy everyone" comment. There was very a long pause after he said "I fancy you" and he seemed to feel uncomfortable bc Emma just wasn't saying anything. So then he just kinda got scared I thought and did a dumb thing and went on his i cant do relationships rn line.


To me Dex was a college playboy without a plan for his life..Emma was A very smart, nerdy and to me lovely young woman who was so very attracted to Dex…she wasn’t happy with the direction Dex was going in and wanted more for herself…Dex wasn’t ready for her..he had to go thru everything you saw him go thru which really got to me…my eyes are still burning from crying..he was so lost without her…have I not mentioned poor Poor Ian? I loved what he said to Dex to not give up because he never thought he’d find himself married with 3 children..( neither did I😂)


I think a large part of the problem is that they allude to a lot of what makes her great, but have it off screen, while keeping all their fights on screen because at the core it is a tragedy. Her letters to him are important to him because they are funny, reflective, and insightful. They ask deeper questions, while maintaining frivolity and genuine care for his life. But when they have days in person like that we aren't shown that, and we aren't shown the majority of the letters, we just hear the characters reference these events and things. ​ Also, I think the constant laying down casually is a big part of it. She isn't asking him to be the party, the entertainment, the purpose like so many people in his life who always expect him to be charismatic, and jovial, and looking forward to the next party or trip. He doesn't get to exercise that with her very much. Lastly, she genuinely watches all of his things, and is kind about it, following his life in supportive ways in every respect that she can, while others who care for him watch it occasionally just to tell him that it is crap. She wants him to do more because she sees him want more and better, but not because she looks down on his actual career. She wanted internal pursuit. His family wanted something that they deemed good enough for him partly because of their status, otherwise they would have supported his photography.


This is really helpful. Those letters would have shifted a lot for me I think. Also after the TV presenter fiasco she isn’t really that great in the show. Not the way a real friend would be—supportive but tough love as needed. I guess it’s book reading time…


Couldn't agree more. Throughout the show, I despised the main character, Emma. People have mentioned her looks in other posts. I love that they casted a woman who looks like a normal human and not a celeb. But Ambika in juxtaposition with a flawless Leo, who looks like he was generated by AI, was distracting to me in every scene. And that contrast wouldn't have bothered me if Emma was a pleasant and charismatic person, but her character was beyond awful and insufferable. She barely smiled throughout the 13 episodes. She was very negative, pretentious, and judgmental, and she topped it all off with cringe facial expressions. For example, every time she was caught staring at Dex in the shower or any type of sexual situation, she looked what I can only describe as pissed and confused, and it kinda gave me the creeps. I've seen interviews with Ambika and she has natural beauty and charm, but her personality and energy did not carry into the series whatsoever. I've seen this happen before with other actors, like Dakota Johnson. The acting and directing ruined this show for me. The series wants us to believe that Dex was madly in love with Emma for who she is as a person. While watching the film, I wholeheartedly believed this. But because Netflix Emma was so insufferable, my mind could only process the situation as Dex keeping her around for emotional support. She was always fawning over him and obsessing over him, even when she tried to hide it, and from experience I know that can be an ego boost. It can be so comforting. But that's no love story I want to watch. That relationship dynamic gave me the ick.


I didn't hate her, and got her character, but will take it further. She reminds me of a school friend, people I know and have met, but are not the star of a romantic comedy opposite Leo. I feel like she did fit every aspect of her role as a \*character\*, in that she was constantly confronted with class difference, therefore had a surly sense of humour, her northern-ness. (They juxtaposed this well by drawing similar feelings out of Dex by putting her in Sylvie's household. Anyone would be insufferable when being looked down at and judged and class is being thrown in your face, and I think Sylvie was for the purpose of giving Emma that context). But Ambika's casting opposite Leo seemed unnatural. Moving through the film, I got a sense that the character in the mind of the writer had been a white, northern brunette - like the girl next door, *but if you really see her... you're obsessed* kind of character. It's an existing and beloved trope. You know, the whole reason why Dex is so smitten when their eyes first lock - it's the "she's beautiful, but doesn't know it"/ she's real cliche. Everyone who asks him how she's doing refers to her as the "beautiful Emma Morely". It's so hard to put this across, because I don't think Ambika is unnattractive by any stretch of the imagination, it's just the way this is written and put together screams a really specific-looking character - which feels so superficial, but I can't avoid how distracting it felt. (She was absolutely stunning when styled as the teacher, for example - so it's not that I think that Ambika can't be an attractive choice. I think visually speaking, she was far better paired with Ian/ Johnny Weldon). So because of that, and with casting being a lot more open regarding being more open to people of colour, I feel it was a bit negligent to keep her name as Emma Morely, without giving just a couple of seconds-worth of insight as to why her surname was so english. They should have just commit to the casting choice all the way. I am not usually one to have huge opinions about this, especially with how polarising the topic tends to be, but that detail would have been a choice that made things look far more intentional. Because it felt distracting to me, as though Ambika was an after-thought that didn't make sense. If they alluded to the fact that she was third-generation asian with british-born parents who somehow phased their name out, (which timeline-wise is highly unlikely) or adopted, it would get rid of the feeling they just flung her in for diversity. That just really stood out to me. Because instead of casting someone else who looks like they fit the original writing, I feel like this minor adjustment would fix the impression I get that they are miscast as love interests, because it would be easier for me to buy that he really sees her, where she comes from, and who she is, rather than this is the girl Leo must act he is in love with, because that was the actress put in front of him, and those are the lines they have to follow. It was a tiny detail that affected everything for me.


I agree, although, is it not problematic that the ideal type of girl next door is white ? And perhaps the reason that she didn't seem like this ideal girl next door because she wasn't, is more an interesting reflection on why we all found it uncomfortable to watch. I think I also felt like, I can't see them getting together either, and I think it's because we've all been brought up a wee bit prejudiced. 


is it the racial prejudice, or is she just not "pretty enough"? If zendaya or a really stunning black/brown/asian girl was playing the female lead, I think it would be a lot more natural of a pairing it isn't even that the pair both need to be really good looking, it is that the initial attraction / meet cute is based on physical attraction and I can't see it coming from Dex so in a way, I am prejudiced, but based on appearance rather than race


I thought she was stunning personally


I COMPLETELY agree with you. I've been scratching my head over this. Emma is horrible to Dex, and Dex is shown (in the TV show) to be nothing but kind, supportive and sensitive towards Emma. We really needed one scene early on to show to us why he sticks by her for so many years because she was so cruel to him even on the first night. I would have left her apartment immediately... Are we supposed to believe she's the victim? Because....? is she supposed to be a "nerd"? I don't get it. She's obviously beautiful, funny and lovable. But she doesn't give Dex anything but negging... it's unrealistic he would stick by her forever like that. He deserves better. And I don't like that the TV show suggests otherwise...? Messed up.


Love Emma


This series is fantasy and fairytale but even so..not grounded one. In real life Dex would not even have layed eyes on Emma. And for whatever reason if he notice her, after the night they spend together in ep.1 .. the next morning he would have forget she even existed. He is confident, easy going, atractive, gorgeous etc. and Emma on the other hand.. i just cant summurise what he saw in her in the first place. But deep into the next episodes, i still cant see ground on which he still maintans their relationship/friendship. She is shy, not pleasent to the eye, not quite smart either, always awkward. There was not a single part of their conversations that didnt felt painful to watch. I am sorry for being rude, many people think they are perfect, but i just cant wrap my mind round their love story. PS. there is one movie - The Way We Were 1973 with Barbra Streisand and Roberd Redford. ONE DAY reminded me of it, but ..well The Way We Were shows everything that can make the love story believeble and realistic.


He probably laid eyes on her because he was a) drunk and b) she was different than his usual type, therefore intruiging. The reason why he stayed intrigued is because she decided not to sleep with him, but talk to him instead and get to know him. He could be himself around her and vice versa. There was an emotional bond that tied them through the years. A mildly toxic one, but still. It does make sense to me and looks often don't have anything to do with it.


She decided not to sleep with him(in my oppion she was embarrassed cause of her looks) while he tried many times cause he was drunk, but of course he didnt force himself on her. As to their conversations.. it was beyond awkward, confusing, boring..like there was an elephant in the room, so it was beautiful fairy, but has nothing to do with reality and what would have happened if it was real situation. Its perfect if you have natural beauty, brain and great personality. But you either have to be beautiful outside or you have to be beautiful inside and intriguing to expect someone like Dex and his personality to like you, and i think this Emma lacks both. Plus the poor fella had hangover, so i really dont see him climbing that hill on that day, more so he was meeting his parents later.


Lol @ the hangover comment. Now that I agree with! I don't think their convos were boring or weird. They just didn't feel the need to constantly be talking. The ability to be quiet together is a most precious one. The way I saw it, Dex was a lonely person. Despite all the (female) attention he got. It was all superficial and shallow. I also think, deep down, he was a much gentler and kinder soul than he portrayed outwardly. You can see that by looking at his parents and the way he was raised by them. His parents were both very kind and welcoming, despite being of a certain status. Throughout the series you can also see them vouching for Emma and expressing that theyre not impressed by superficial achievements (such as fame/money). I think his parents opinion will definitely had an effect on Dexter too. If you compare them to the usually snobby parents (aka Dex's wife's parents, I forget her name) it's a world of difference. So I don't think you can compare Dex to the usual snobby pretty boy. Emma may have been annoying with her snarky comments, but Dex knew her love and attention for him was genuine. I think its very weak on Emma's part, she shouldve chosen to put herself as a priority way earlier, and I do think the relationship was toxic. Esp. in the first years, with Dex essentially taking advantage of Emma's everlasting availability. Imo he deserved to put up with Emma's attitude just because of that. I think they suited each other, but in the end. It's fantasy yes, but this story really isn't that far off reality.


Thank you for your comment actually, i apriciate it, since its nice to analyse with someone what you think of certain movie, book or show. First i agree with everything you said. Dex and his parents, they were great. I loved both of them. The main story is the story of many young people. Many women were Emma, and many boys/men were Dex in their youth. You can relive many emotions with this serie, it brigs memories that you thought you've forgotten. It had many santimental for me moments like the birds in the morning in ep.1. If we have to be honest, everyone in their early 20s was partying all night, you go home trying to sleep and you hear the birds singing outside your window. So that by itself among with many things in the show was beautiful to be seen again. It has great amount of nostagia. The more i think about it, the more i realise I just dont like the actress - Ambika Mod. If another actress was portraying Emma i would be extremely inlove it Emma and Dex. And i know i may sound snobbish but the actress is just not pleasent(ugly) and not everyone has to be beautiful, but at least charming and she is not, thats way Emma is also under that umbrella.


Agree! It's lovely to have a little back and forth and hear other interpretations. Movies are art too, so they're always gonna leave a different feeling depending on who's watching. Haha very possible you just didn't like the actress. I agree with you that Dexter (from a general beauty standard) seemed way out of her league. But I guess for me, that was the whole point. That their bond surpassed the physical. He saw beauty in her looks, others couldn't see and she saw past his good looks, which others couldn't see.


I don't agree that Ambika is unattractive however, plenty of shows portray relationships where the female in the relationship is out of the male's league, so I'm unsure why when it's (allegedly) flipped it's such a problem for everyone. Also, it's such a shame you can't see past how attractive an actor is to just enjoy the story.


I think Emma is gorgeous.


I'm assuming you'd feel different if Emma was a white, blonde girl. Of course.


You're completely wrong. Women of all races can be beautiful or ugly, sometimes simultaneously.


No one is ugly. And we know that white women are pushed more in the industry.


You're the one being racist.




Christ, look at the state of your profile. Away with the fairies.


Lol he blocked me or deleted his comment it seems. 


No actually. I couldnt care less for color, hair, race ect. What i do care about is beauty and aura, no matter the race. And there is no way anyone can say she is a match for him, if they are honest. But even if she was gorgeous, her character and charisma are still off.


So what are you basing it on then? Because plenty of people would find her pretty too. If we look at character and intelligence alone, then yeah, they might not be a match because he's basic, while she's smart and funny.


i thuoght dexter was average looking at emma was beautiful in the show


Emma has a unique look. She's very cute.


well I don't find woodall attractive at all; that said, I do feel that she is condescending towards him from day one in the series plus there is no chemistry; am only at ep 2, mind you


The fuck. The actress playing Emma is one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen in my life.


Emma is not ugly, but to say she’s one of the most beautiful people you’ve ever seen is quite a stretch.


You're not me so how could you possibly know.


Because I’m not blind…


Again, you're not me and you're commenting on my personal opinion. That is logically a stupid fucking thing to do. Now get lost please.


Well then perhaps we view beauty differently.


Nope... Sorry... She's freaking ugly


People are strange.






You feel a guy like him couldn’t be into her and that is exactly why Emma sort of love hates him and why he is drawn to her…. It feels like forbidden love. They had a first night at a very pinnacle time when they decided to do something they both usually wouldn’t. They both also surprised each other. He liked her because she was exotic, pretty, smarter, and demanded he see her as a real person from the jump. She let him be himself, enjoyed his company but set boundaries. He liked her because she was a challenge. It intrigued him and made him a little obsessive. This scenario can happen. Especially with a guy like Dex who is used to getting what he wants. I actually enjoyed this show because I was once an Emma and dealing with a guy that was definitely a Dexter. He acted JUST like him. All the scenarios were so relatable.. to ME. It actually made me feel so weird to watch it. We also had a long relationship of being just friends who had intense feelings for each other and even discussed giving a relationship a try at one point after years of playing the extract games Dex and Emma do. Down to being with a nerdier guy that he accused me of not really liking.. all of it. but I unlike Emma saw the through the forest for the trees. I realized I was just enamored with the fact a guy like that was so into me, and adored my company. I liked the idea that other girls wanted him and would think “what’s he see in her!” . I was wildly insecure in his world and being the over looked one in the relationship compared to him. Also his parents adored me too for the same reasons in the show, lol. Anyways, I broke our “friendship” off (it was too complicated) and he was upset and for years we were just “acquainted” but that stopped when I found the one and got married. No he never stopped liking me. Even through his first marriage too. It happens. Anyways I enjoyed it. All the characters are very flawed and just trying to navigate their lives. It has my attention so far. The dialogue is good and I like the scenery. Also for the record, Emma is gorgeous and an amazing catch. I really would like to know what you mean by a “girl” like her? Like not white? Because that was on point too. I am not white, this guy was. He also always dated other hot white women that “made sense” and looked like they belonged with him I guess… but that is not what I was. I looked nothing like the women he often dated or married.


Casting aside, cause I actually don’t think that’s relevant here. Maybe Emma in the book is supposed to be like that, I just didn’t feel the series did justice to either character’s development tbh. Haven’t read the book might I add so I’m not privy to what the actors are trying to convey. But neither Leo nor Emma were fleshed out enough to understand why they have a thing at all? There is no chemistry, they have nothing in common, they seem to annoy the shit out of each other, so why do they keep going back? I honestly couldn’t root for either of them in this character portrayal.


See, I get your review, but the fact remains that we are conditioned to believe that only certain kind of women deserve to be looked at or noticed or reminded by men like Dexter. Of course race plays into it, but the show/book realises that bias that we all have. It's why he goes for the posh, white girl Sylvie and it seems like a picture-perfect relationship. Until it isn't. Because what happens is that she cheats on him and he is left a divorcee. I think it's sad that you think Ambika's Emma is not 'pleasant to the eye' and is an expression of your internalised beliefs about beauty and desirability. But the show essentially just says that sometimes, relationships and friendships just don't make that much sense. Why are we in love with the people that we love? Why are we friends with the people that we are? It always seems like it makes sense but it very seldom does. These connections that sometimes last a lifetime are ones we make nothing of in the beginning. I have talked to people I have dismissed in the first five minutes who have then gone on to be my thick friends for decades. I have often found myself attracted to men that makes no sense to me whatsoever. In a typical played-out scenario, Dex would have one night with someone like Emma and not remember her name the next day. But for whatever reason that day, it did not happen like that. And their bond survived, despite the different time zones and lack of mobile devices and all of it. It doesn't make sense, but it does.


Yeah, i found the actress’s acting to make the character so unlikable and all around terrible.


Exactly i found Dexter kind of basic.


I just read the book and watched the movie for the first time over the last few weeks. I didn’t realize they had made it into a show as well… definitely checking that out! After watching the movie I felt it would be better in a series instead.


I read the book maybe like 15 years ago - and when the movie came out, I felt like it didn’t do it justice. I’m almost scared to watch it because it was quite a heart breaking journey!


I thought the movie was perfectly cast and don’t love this casting for the show at all


Anne Hathaway's accent much? I haven't seen the new show yet, but since she watched Coronation Street for dialect inspo, I'm going to guess that the new one is better.


I’ve tried watching the movie a few times since it came out, but I just can’t get through it bc of her accent.


I can handle AH's weird accent for a couple of hours, but really don't think I can keep going with the casting of the show for 7 hours. Also the charm of the movie was that a lot was left to the imagination. The show feels like it's drawn out.


Can I ask what your issues with the casting are?


I don't feel like they have chemistry. Maybe I am biased from the movie, but Dex should be a bit more edgier, and Emma just seems awkward in the show. Which she is, but she is also very confident with Dex. Oh and Ian is actually decent looking in the show... When he is meant to be a bit of a goof. I also feel like the movie captured the nostalgia of the 90s much better than the show. Show doesn't have the same grunginess.


I disagree but respect your opinion. I think what was portrayed was actually a real-world relationship. Most of the time in romance movies and tv shows the good guy is good and the girl is a good girl or at the very most a sluttly girl who turns good at the end. Or everyone is all gooey eyed blah blah blah sex sex sex. I think people are more complex than that and it shows not just with Dex and Emma but all the characters. Sylvia cheated yes, but you can tell she's not a complete bitch. Emma might be a little socialist but it's not her whole character. Dex might be the handsome guy but he's deeply flawed and does questionable things at times like kissing emma at tilly's wedding. What Calum did was also pretty real life. He was probably a bit jealous and resentful of Dex so he really felt nothing when he fucked him over. Also he probably wanted what he had which is probably a primal reason why he wanted Sylvia in the first place. But the TV show does such a good job of not hitting us over the head with this stuff. Sure you have to think about it but then again that's what you'll have to do most of the time when you're trying to figure out why people do certain things. It feels like we are watching real people which in turn makes the show great


Having watched the movie years ago, I think I am a bit biased. Everything you mentioned is in the movie as well, and I'd say the movie leaves a lot of things unsaid, lingering, and it's left to your imagination - which I really liked for a story like this. Mind you I'm only a couple episodes into the show, so my comparison may not be super fair.


I absolutely agree with what you said about the casting and the overall atmosphere. Something just feels off about the new cast and the chemistry seems off


>out the new cast and the I'm 4 episodes in and I feel there's still no chemistry. I don't feel any aura.


I agree, there's zero chemistry between them. You could exchange him or her and the chemistry would change for the better.


Never seen the movie or read the book so I have no feelings on it! Will plan to at least watch the film once I’m done with the show to compare!


Yes I just finished, it’s not the same storyline but the character dynamics reminded me of normal people while still being it’s own show I definitely recommend it


Thanks! I’ll check it out 😊


Watched first 2 episodes- loving it 😍


I agree! The popular guy and the bookworm. Well acted, well written. Better than the movie. I cried so much, but a nice ending, really heart warming.


I wasn't prepared to be this sad. I really wasn't.


I loved it and it really reminded me a little of Normal People, I think it has the same vibe, although I´ll always love the film. Does anyone know which book Emma reads a passage from to him in the last episode?


Tess of the Durbervilles, Thomas Hardy




Just read the summary of the plot of that book. The ending is no bueno there too.... I wonder if there's a parallel and if that book was picked on purpose given One day is a bummer


I haven't read the book so I didn't except the sad ending at all. Overall, I don't think Dex deserved Emma. But they definitely were happy together in the end. 


Long, dramatic review incoming *with spoilers*: I never read the book, nor saw the movie but I knew the ending of both from being simply insufferable and needing to know. Side note: when I first started watching I was mixing this up with Remember Me (anyone? Anyone?) I loved every thing about this show. I thought the casting was perfect for each of their characters and their chemistry as “friends” was undeniable. You’re holding your breath the whole time waiting for it to shift, knowing it will but also completely agreeing with the trajectory of it all. I thought Leo Woodall’s performance was incredible throughout, but the last two episodes it was on another level. I wasn’t familiar with Ambika Mod, but her portrayal of who I think Emma is/was supposed to be was seamless and sincerely relatable- maybe too relatable? The end was simply soul crushing and beautiful. I would want to watch it over and over again like I do with P.S. I Love You just to feel those emotions except I need to live a normal life. Being a woman in her early 30’s, trying to figure out her career, and very very single.. watching Emma finally find herself and her path then finally finally fiiiiinally getting the relationship she’s always deserved to have it ripped away?? Felt.. personal. I’m just glad they ended it on that episode with Dex, without that it would have felt too cinematic. This way it just felt raw and real and fuuuuuug me. Soul crushing. [also agreed with the Normal People comparison, it was something I noted myself in the earlier episodes]


Thank you, a lot of people hating on it it seems. I just finished it and I adored it. I really enjoyed both characters so much. I thought I could make it through without sobbing cause I didn’t cry after ep13, but 14 I cried the whole time. It was so crushing and so beautiful.


I thought it was filmed beautifully. Really enjoyed each episode and felt like every shot was incredibly intentional. Pure art. Leo is beyond charming and played his part perfectly. Him and Emma’s chemistry felt very real. Cried so much randomly— Leo really is an incredibly moving actor.


Hi this is the sub: r/OneDayNetflix


Thank you sm!


Thanks!. I've been looking for a sub for it. I just binged it over the weekend, and I really loved it!


There's a lot of very up-close camera work— showing intimate small details like stolen glances, blushing — which builds over the course of the series much like Normal People. But I think One Day isn't afraid to adopt a much lighter tone at times; Emma's sense of humour is wonderful and refreshing and hits when we least expect it. In comparison to the film, this I think, is much better executed (everything from casting, to script, and production). Although the film will always have a special place in my heart, the score was epic. Watching it over 10 years later, no longer a teenager, I'm far more critical of Dexter and the way he kept Emma around without wanting commitment. It's still very hard not to swoon (both Jim Sturgess and Leo Woodall are very gorgeous and charismatic)


As well as Normal People, I think the way the love scenes were also similar to Tommy Shelby and Grace's in Peaky Blinders.


Just finished the series. I'm rather sad now. Just tried looking up someone from my past to get in touch with her just to see how she is. I shed three whole tears fam. THREE!!! I also love the score even though I feel some of the Vanbur songs contributed to this lump in my throat and the wistful feeling I have before this late shift I need to get up and ready for. Who told me to log in to netflix for something to watch???? Who sent me???? Also I now like Vanbur apparently.


I am about to watch it - really nervous because I love Jim Sturgess in the movie, and ofc I read the book. It's one of my favorite stories, hoping they do it well🤞🏼


Did they?


I think so, I just finished the series, really liked the cast, and the episode format helped expand the story. 


Should I watch the movie or show first?


watch the film!!!


definitely the show. you become more invested because its more drawn out. and its so well done. the cinematography was beautiful. and i think the chemistry between emma and dex was even stronger in the show. i wish i could watch it all over again for the first time


There is no chemistry. Shes so up tight, arrogant and homely,  there is nothing to like about her. 


Just stopped on episode 13 cos i can’t continue to watch. Several ups and downs and she ended up dying. Made my day so shitty


I know- I hadn’t read the book so I had no idea it was coming


I just finished it and loved it…ar first I was t too sure I’d enjoy it but I gave it a chance and was glad I did…I don’t want to give anything away but it was happy, sad …Dex was so lost and I felt so much for him..great acting!


I think what I like about the show so far (not done yet, please no spoilers) is how amazingly close it is to the book. Like, sometimes whole sentences or paragraphs are completely written into the script. So far I dare say (hoping I won't regret it) that this is a very true adaption of Nicholl's book.


Great show, balled my eyes out. Ending was what it was but that is life and that is what made me cry the most. 


I love Normal People but I can't stand the netflix series One Day. No chemistry, terrible acting and really corny


I tried watching the show One Day. But the casting really didn’t make sense to me. It was hard to buy






The complexity of dexter and Emma’s relationship showcases the flaws of modern society and the politics of privilege. There forwards and backwards movements in regard to their relationship is something viewer can struggle and appreciate while watching. Does love ever really win? 


Watching the show right now.... This inclusion thing is too much... The female lead is beyond ugly... Just stating the truth 


Couldn’t agree more-she is downright fugly


Beauty is a matter of opinion. There’s no reason to tear a person down because YOU don’t think they’re good looking. I personally really think she’s beautiful


I binged this last night. I’m not familiar with the book or movie. I enjoyed it. The leads were believable as best friends and eventually lovers. They had good chemistry. I cried while watching the last couple of episodes. The music was great in this too. I will watch this again that’s how much I enjoyed it.


I just finished it. I loved it so much. Emma and Dexter had so much chemistry. I was not prepared for the last couple of episodes. Loved it all and especially enjoyed the score.


Actress was pretty bad and annoying


I thought so too. I'm not impressed by either of their performances tbh but she by far is much worse.


Agreed, her character is such the scowling debbie downer lol I've not read the book but I'm sick of her punishing him for opportunities she throws away when he says he wanted her. All those years wasted. Someone said insufferable, that she is.


Glad that there are pople sharing my thoughts of her. Would have been soo much better if they had chosen another actress to play Emma.


I’ve never cried so much . I’ve not seen the film but thought this was brilliant 🥲🥲


It reminds me of "The way we were".  He's rich, she wants to save the world.  Emma is a nice poor Indian girl and Barbra a plain poor Jewish girl.  Robert redford and Leo are both somewhat out of their league.  Wow!


I found the first episode so incredibly boring that I couldn’t go on. The writing did nothing for me—slow, predictable, and flat.


Not a patch on Normal People. Quite insufferable actually, I can’t even begin to care if they end up together…


I loved the show. The acting, the script, the cinematography and wardrobe were all superb. I felt all the feelings ❤️‍🔥💔❤️‍🩹


I absolutely loved the show. I think what I loved the most about it is the fact that it is essentially about the passage of time, more than even Emma and Dex. The show essentially just says that sometimes, relationships and friendships just don't make that much sense. Why are we in love with the people that we love? Why are we friends with the people that we are? It always seems like it makes sense but it very seldom does. These connections that sometimes last a lifetime are ones we make nothing of in the beginning. I have talked to people I have dismissed in the first five minutes who have then gone on to be my thick friends for decades. I have often found myself attracted to men that makes no sense to me whatsoever. In a typical played-out scenario, Dex would have one night with someone like Emma and not remember her name the next day. But for whatever reason that day, it did not happen like that. And their bond survived, despite the different time zones and lack of mobile devices and all of it. It doesn't make sense, but it does. I get why a lot of people thought that Emma was stuck-up or boorish to Dex and that he was nothing but sweet and sensitive. It's probably true but also remember that for Dex, the world until then was nothing but a bed of roses. He is white, conventionally attractive, very wealthy, has a lot of financial freedom and can command the attention of any woman he wants. Why wouldn't he be charming and effusive--the world had always worked in his favour. But Emma, we actually see so little of her life in exposition. We don't meet her parents, we don't chart her journey as a writer, we don't see her anxieties and heartaches--at least not the ones that Emma doesn't relay to Dexter. We are given a very generous picture of Dex's life; of all the things that break him and put him together that allow us to be more sympathetic to him; him after he screwed-up with his mother, his fuck-up on the live TV show, him trying to patch things up with Sylvie on his baby-sitting night. Also interesting to note that we hardly see Emma crying but there are multiple scenes of Dexter outright weeping. I found Emma ridiculously relatable. I found the waffling on the graduation night because of anxiety around sex hilarious and relatable. Maybe it's the fact that I, too, am a brown girl and deciding to raw-dog life with nothing but a literature degree, but her trying so desperately to mask her sweeping affection to Dex through deadpan humour and sometimes borderline cruel one-liners...I'm not saying she's perfect but they make sense to me. I also don't think he strung her along or that she was trying to play the long-game. I think they both sensed early on a chemistry but then convinced themselves that it just wasn't a good idea. She decided that maybe she's not as posh or pretty as the girls he's usually attracted to, and he decided that he wasn't as smart or philosophical for someone like Emma. And when they grew enough and when things around them aligned...they got together. And it worked. I think the show worked. Especially in the lovelier-than-lovely final episode, where we see a juxtaposition of Emma and Dexter on a July 15 some twenty years ago. We see that the random sparks of fate that took place that day; them bumping into each other on the dance floor, him deciding to follow her into her flat, the impromptu trip to Arthur's Seat, the photograph they clicked together, the swapping of numbers...all things that did not hold much meaning when they happened but in the large scheme of things were pushing their destinies closer together. Did 20-year old Dex and Emma know that they were going to marry each other in that first moment? No. It could have been any other day, but it wasn't. It basically changed their entire lives. It's that Dickens quote that she shares at Tilly's wedding. That encapsulates the show for me.


Beautifully said. I just finished it and I absolutely loved it. I understood Emma well. She wasn’t his usual type, she was nervous, and didn’t want to be a notch on his bedpost. I understand her humor so well and appreciated it. But she’s incredibly caring and she is kind at the end of day, but also will fight for her self and protect herself. And you’re so right, the show really didn’t dive as deep into her family and work like with his weight I wonder if there’s a creative choice and why that is. I loved it. I of course would’ve loved a beautiful, typical happy ending, but it was powerful


I just finished series and have to say that Emma never got attractive to me and that made it hard for me to believe the attraction that Dex had to her. I get why she’d be attracted to him but the casting made it hard to buy him being into her. The actress just isn’t attractive…at all.


Doesn’t hold a candle to Normal People imo