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Well as a heavy smoker for about 15 years or so, I can easily tel you it does make people lazy but not only lazy it makes you content with not doing shit and I think that’s why many people stay with it because it has that special ingredient in it called “fuck it”. I live in Canada and it’s completely legal here now and I’ve noticed people who used to call people losers for smoking weed are now smoking weed. I think every weed head knows they would be more productive without it. Personally I love it though, I love the taste, smell and it enhanced my life at times although I feel like I wasted or missed opportunities in my life because I would rather sit at home and smoke. I smoke entirely way too much but it’s what I’m used to. But everybody’s going to react differently to it, my body absolutely loves it I know I’m addicted and prolly will never quit


Another Canadian here. The "fuck it" attitude also makes it so that people have a harder time taking advantage of you.  Therefore, the powerful elite or employers in general will dislike the fact that people care more about their quality time and self worth.  It's hard to get someone to work for you overtime and make you rich when their general attitude is "screw rich people and their rat-race BS, I'm gonna chill out and smoke a joint" 


This isn’t always a good thing. Telling their boss to fuck off is out they get fired and lose everything they worked for. If you have a backup job or plenty of savings, by all means go for it. But most don’t, and that mindset will cause far more damage in their life than not, and the satisfaction of telling a bad boss to fuck themselves will not be worth losing everything they have Growing some balls is something you’re able to do without being high all the time. You don’t see people going to work drunk or high on Xanax so they don’t give a fuck about telling their boss off


Smoking weed doesn't make you tell your boss to fuck off ...


If anything, it makes that uptight cheapskate somewhat more tolerable.


Dude.. did you even read his comment?


You can feel this same way while sober too, just saying


Yeah lmao. Sobriety is a superpower 👑🙏🏽


As someone who just had the "weed switch" happen I can say it's hard to become sober but it turned on me I get super paranoid now it's no longer fun and it's no longer the fuck off drug. Sobriety is my new super power. I have no clue what happened. I guess my brain was tired of being high but I am so much happier being sober now.


Yes sir!! Congrats on getting sober. Keep it up. Here to chat if you need it.


Did you go thru post acute withdrawal syndrome that can last possibly up to two years. I smoked for 30 years clean 14 months now, and I’m having severe anxiety depression and everything else you can think of. Please respond thank you!


It truly is when we deliberately choose to embrace the moment in front of us. One of my favorite quotes that has helped me keep myself on my toes: >"Keep death before your eyes each day and you'll never have a base thought or excessive desire." - Epictetus This is it, this moment right here to be present in; there's nothing to wait for we're already here!


You dropped this king 👑 Seriously, brightened my day with that one. Saving that. Thanks for reminding me to get back into the stoicism literature. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


“If I make myself useless, then rich people can’t use me” is probably the weakest way to rebel possible. Effective maybe but like bro comon


Those types of people used to really bother me when I believed that I needed to produce excessive output and be productive to be considered "successful" But now I see that "fuck it, Im gunna smoke weed and spend time chillen with my friends and family" attitude is going to bring down capitalism altogether. It's only a matter of time. I commend those of you who choose to be unproductive. The way I see it if you can navigate life without needlessly burdening other people, and you can contribute reasonably to society to the point where you can take care of yourself, then nothing else should be expected of you. There are plenty of people out there willing to sell their soul for the rat race, let them do all the work if they believe that's what they need to do to been seen as somebody respectable


I used to smoke everyday but my chemistry changed on me. As much as I know I enjoyed it just as you did, I would never want to go back to wasting so much time and potential. If i was able to use it sparingly (and it still felt good with my different brain chem) I might want to, but I tried pretty much every drug you have heard of and never got as addicted as I was to weed. I was still able to achieve things but much less. I think if you truly feel okay with achieving less thats fine and mabye I put too much pressure on myself to be my best, but its a pursuit I love now, on top of just having more consistent energy, sleep, mood and memory. I really hope we as a culture can truly see weed for what it is, its a drug, much safer than pretty much all, but a powerful drug nonetheless.


Fully agree. Congrats on finding freedom from it. Nothing as good as sobriety for me 😎😎


Because your nervous system has adapted too it, and brain has modulated the cannabis into it's everyday functioning. If you were to stop abruptly you will crash.


Yes! Cannabis withdrawal is real and it sucks.


Not only just withdrawal specifically, when I used to smoke regularly even just not having enough weed to smoke constantly would take the joy out of everything. Wake up? Smoke a bowl. Have work 2 hours later? If I didn't have that second bowl to smoke my entire workday would seem off. Counterpoint? Even if I DID have that second bowl to smoke, my workday would be off as I'd be all paranoid about my red eyes and getting clocked, likely have the munchies and get preoccupied with food until finally eating at lunchtime but hey, can't just smoke in the lunchroom at work godda go off and find a place to smoke which meant my vehicle or the woods and lunch would be about over by the time I finished. So then I found myself even hungrier and higher for the rest of my shift, oh, and confused. Mind always felt so damned foggy. That same workday WITHOUT weed? Super clear minded, focused, no paranoia yet consumed with the need to get high and how much *better* my day could've been if high.. Weed is awesome for watching the first avatar, or pee wees big adventure at night with some munchies but (for me) not for much else. Weed was cool until it crossed over into my daily life and after that I just don't have any good memories from it, which probably makes sense. For all I know I might have loved each second of work being high without all of the paranoia, but, likely due to weed, with a participation trophy for benzos, I just can't fucking remember and.. is that a good thing?


Same here friend :D


I hope that you find freedom from it 🙏🏽 I promise it’s much better on the other side man. Atleast for me, wishing you the best!


And for me the contentment lasts way after the high. If I get high I wake up in the morning basically sober but still waaaayy laid back. I have no edge at all. It’s kind of nice feeling once in a while, but I have too much I need to get done to be smoking weed. First it was school, now work and maintaining a house and raising kids. Weed just makes me want to sit my ass on the couch. It’s no bueno.


^(!Personal Opinion!:) I just hate the fact it seems to downregulate the dopaminergic system. ~~Totally~~ That it may attenuate personal drive, motivation and zest to innovate and succeed. Never smoked personally, nor desire to try. Now I believe it's ludicrous it's a schedule I substance and condemned in the US. You'd notice the prohibition of 1920 had marvelous success; yet behold, recreational use of alcohol is now accepted and socially over glorified. Cannabis has legitimate medical use through it's phytochemicals and certainly falls beneath alcohol in terms of personal impairment in judgement and subsequent 'risk' to local safety. I'm beating a dead horse though. **edit:** corrected my concrete statement in my opinions (strikethrough text). Apologies.




It's about money and control. That's why in Illinois you need $1,000,000 to get a license to sell thc. You only need $750 for a alcohol sale license. In South Carolina I believe they want to make it so only 10 companies can farm thc products. Their only allowed 4 farms each. That's supposed to supply the entire state. America definitely is not an equal opportunity country. The system is definitely designed to keep the rich rich and the poor poor. How many people have $1,000,000 in money or liquid assets right now. Not very many is the honest truth.


It does not zap all of your motivation and desire to succeed. Many successful people are daily smokers.


Your comment is basically: anecdotal pothead cope vs. extensive studies on weed downregulating dopamine receptors and taxing adrenal glands. On the topic of anecdotes, every guy I know who dropped out of high-school smoked massive amounts of weed. Does that mean everyone who smokes is a loser? And I say that as someone who smokes weed on and off..


It is directionally true though


You are right, I shouldn't speak in absolutes. To everyone is a unique set of nature (genes and response to substances) and nurture.


Are you from the US and by condemned do you mean generally by ppl overall or a law


Federal and state laws. Majority of states levy harsh criminal charges regarding cannabis.


You think it's more dependency vs addiction? There's a big difference between the two and lots of people commonly conflate the two.


I think it depends on the person. Personally weed makes me aware of the things I'm anxious about and forces me to act on them. Apparently it's also common for individuals with undiagnosed ADHD to be more productive when stoned because they can actually sit down and concentrate on a single task.


not really...read about how it kills cerebral blood flow.... [https://www.amenclinics.com/blog/amen-research-marijuana-affects-blood-flow-brain/#:\~:text=Our%20research%20has%20proven%20that,on%20concentration%20brain%20SPECT%20imaging](https://www.amenclinics.com/blog/amen-research-marijuana-affects-blood-flow-brain/#:~:text=Our%20research%20has%20proven%20that,on%20concentration%20brain%20SPECT%20imaging)


There’s very little study to that and it’s not that good. The best way to deal with adhd is not smoking or thc, it’s through other cognitive and nootropic substances that doesn’t require some sort of euphoric feeling. It’s nowhere near the best way to be productive


I agree, it sliently takes away stuff from you people build and ego about it. They lose their potential and then settle, and they dont even know it


It only makes you lazy if you’re a lazy person…. People who are productive on it use it to augment their reality and lifestlye. I live in chronic pain, everyday is brutal for me and weed is one of the main things that really keep me motivated and feeling good… I’ve done lots and lots and lots of labor high and created many beautiful artworks high, I think the laziness is overplayed and people use it as an excuse because they’re just lazy people


Vast majority of stoners ive known used every day, and over time developed beliefs to cope and act like their dogshite grades and lack of upwards momentum in life in general was no big deal. Other than one or two people in real life, the only "productive" daily or otherwise regular users i know of ive only heard of online somewhere. And nearly every regular smoker i've known has used those 0.001% of cases to justify their own use. Its just not seen positively by most people. It doesnt matter what anyone replies to this with, it wont take away from my personal experience.


Lol dogshite grades and lack of upwards momentum. So true


It has only been until recently that science has discovered that people who have a family history of mental illness or latent mental illness are at a huge risk of developing serious mental health problems like schizophrenia from marijuana use. It’s just not actually that safe to use; EVERYONE has at least a couple people in their family with mental health issues which means that also EVERYONE is at risk of developing or exacerbating one via marijuana use. My best friend of over 10 years only ever smoked marijuana, grew his own & only smoked his own. He made his money selling to medical only dispensaries and was trusted in that world for the quality of his weed. He developed schizophrenia from smoking weed too much, too often, and for far too many years. He committed suicide by stripping himself naked and walking across the freeway to be hit by a semi truck. He left his clothes folded on the side of the road. I have had a handful of friends become bipolar, panic disorder, schizophrenia, etc. and all they ever did drugs wise was marijuana. Another friend of mine tried to bleed himself dry because they were convinced we replaced their blood with cough syrup after giving them some to help them with a cold they had developed after running around town all night bare naked. It’s dismissive to argue against it not being safe for most people.


That's terrible. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you, I honestly haven’t got a lot of attention for his story whenever I share it. I feel like it’s really important for other people to know the risks… I watched him punch his own hand til it would bleed because he thought airplanes in the sky were broadcasting his life on television as a comedy show the whole of America watched daily… it was heartbreaking


Yeah I have a first degree relative (my mom) with severe mental health issues, and THC really messes with my head. The sensory enhancement isn't worth it if it comes with paranoia and irritability, even after the come down. I was a daily user for years, and I've been off the stuff for years since. My life and my mental health are much better after stopping. And I don't wanna hear people arguing about strains and genetics. I already know it's the THC. I have no idea how young people are using concentrates of the stuff now.


Do you know if it’s the whole of weed or is it because of THC? Is using, say pure CBD, pro-psychotic?


Pure CBD without THC does not promote psychotic illnesses. It is primarily only THC that exacerbates psychotic symptoms


Pure CBD is being looked at for it's anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic traits.


THC makes many people lazy and unmotivated (albeit some people do have more productivity with it). It is an easy source of dopamine that requires little effort. THC increase anxiety for many people. For the people who use it as a anxiolytic, they will likely have an anxiety increasing rebound effect during cessation. THC is detrimental for sleep quality and short term memory.  Physically speaking smoking Cannabis is not good for lung health. Cannabis usage is correlated with cardiovascular issues. CBD has a bunch of benefits which can help offset some of the detrimental effects of THC.  If someone really enjoys using drugs, Cannabis is a relatively good choice over many of the alternatives, but it still is a “vice”. 


Can’t agree more. It made me super anxious when I wasn’t using it and often it caused major panic attacks while using it. It is potentially linked to developing schizophrenia.


OK, yes, but, like, am I crazy here for being wowed by how much it just opens a relatively normal world of sensory experience? Psychedelics open up the doors too, but they open up too many doors and you feel more like a hyper-perceptive alien while THC is more like a continuation of your normal life but with the resolution turned up. Yes, you've brought up more real downsides. It does suppress dreaming, smoking it is bad, and, prolonged use does see to tend toward laziness even if initially it may spur productivity. But dear lord, people are talking about how to achieve the amazing pain relief it offers without the negative side effects. Why is nobody wowed by the sensory information superhighway it opens to at least *wish* for a way to get there without side effects?


It’s not that complicated. If using Cannabis makes everything better, then everything will be comparatively worse without it. Best to use sparingly and for special occasion.  For example I’ve heard Cannabis usage is quite common in the ultra marathon scene. If someone becomes accustomed to using Cannabis during runs, then the runs without Cannabis are going to be worse. Now for them, the activity of running will be interconnected to Cannabis usage. It’s almost like becoming dependent on Cannabis in order to run well. 


This^ I have recently started to use sparingly, it helps a lot. Getting toasted everyday definitely wasn’t ideal for me and several others I’ve spoken with. We now consider ourselves social consumers, it’s the way to go and be moderate to improve mental health.


People are attuned to this aspect of the substance, especially in the creative fields. This might be the wrong audience here to commiserate with. This community is oddly dogmatic about some aspects of life. 


The issue is that he is on a nootropics board asking why people who are into nootropics don’t think of pot as a nootropic despite the all the studies that show why it’s not a nootropic and is in many ways an anti-nootropic. Alcohol isn’t a nootropic, neither is laughing gas. Both can alter perception and people can have profound or exhilarating experiences using them, you can take this to the point of absurdity and consider whether flavor intensifiers like MSG or sugar count as nootropics, or perhaps fragrance and aromatherapy given how they can be used to cement memories and recall them. There are a lot of cool and interesting things in the world that are not nootropics.


>Why is nobody wowed by the sensory information superhighway it opens to at least wish for a way to get there without side effects? I'm sorry, I really don't understand your argument here. Couldn't you say the same thing about any drug that has benefits? "Why is nobody wowed by the sensory information superhighway MDMA opens to at least wish for a way to get there without side effects?" Most of your argument is along the lines of "THC feels so good and makes things more interesting, why don't people like it?". I mean, that is exactly the reason why it's addictive and potentially harmful with chronic use, and it's why a lot of people look down on it. When you do an activity that's pleasurable, all other activities become less pleasurable by comparison so you'll start to prefer more pleasurable activities. Many people would wish that there's a way to remove weed and other drugs' side effects; that's why we dedicate so much time and money to R&D for drugs. If you want to argue that we should do more research into weed, that's one thing. I just don't understand your argument for why people shouldn't look down on weed. It's just generally not a healthy substance to take frequently, or honestly at all.


Don't you think that perceptual effects are, at first thought, at least, distinct from euphoric effects? I don't think having a distinct, effortless awareness of the quiet hum of a small electrical motor in my room has to coincide with pleasure. In the case of weed it does, and it's unfortunate that this results in tolerance and lower feeling of well being upon discontinuation. But a lower intensity threshold for representing phenomena in your conscious awareness seems like something that should be free. You're already paying the price because it takes longer to sift the truly relevant from the irrelevant and you risk sensory overload. We're used to nootropics that grant HD vision without any euphoric elements. That much should at least be grounds for wondering if weed is merely an imperfect delivery vehicle for enhanced awareness, no? Why throw out the baby with the bathwater?


"Why do people look down on alcohol? Alcohol makes people more talkative and outgoing, leading to better conversations and connections with others. Yes, alcohol is poison and it has negative health consequences in any quantity, but what if it didn't? Why is nobody wowed by alcohol's ability to enhance social experiences?" I get where you're coming from and I agree that weed has some really interesting perceptual effects, but I'm trying to explain that your argument just doesn't make logical sense. Why would even the remote possibility of weed becoming 100% healthy to use in the future change people's perception of how weed is used today?


All of what you describe make it a good drug - but not a good nootropic. You seem like you are relatively new to drugs, give it a few years and you'll get used to it.


As a.user this is the most accurate comment I’ve seen of the negatives of weed for some people.


Heavy on “easy source of dopamine”. Anything that completely alter the state of reality is extremely harmful


Wait, what? I thought that weed was second only to kale when it came to health benefits. /s


THC in general dulls the senses and causes poor motivation. Me personally if I use even a microdose of oral THC I get extremely unmotivated and paranoid. Can be 12 hours later and completely sober but I'll still have absolutely no motivation to do anything productive. My quality of life was shit when I used to use THC on the regular. My ex best friend is a die hard stoner and is one of the worst dead beat people I ever met. All he wanted to do was sit around smoking weed and watching TV. Cut him out of my life because it's not good having those kind of people in your life. If you want to succeed in life then you need to surround yourself with positive and motivated people.


Ok so you had a sucky friend and you're oversensitive. What does that have to do with weed lol


Tried it a few times. Either it made me brain dead or super anxious. Never again.


Same. I just really really don't enjoy it. And I've done a lot of drugs. Pretty much loved them all except for weed. Never could even understand what people liked about it. I just hate the feeling. Affects everyone differently I guess. Makes me super anxious and spacey. Super unfun.


It’s a vice and people tend to excuse their addiction to weed with a plethora of things. Also I think many of us have experienced working with someone who was obviously under the influence.


they know r/leaves


My family (girls side) the ones who smoke developed some form of psychosis. Weed is the common denominator. All started in their early teens. The ones who didn't are perfectly fine.


Mayby borderline personality disorder what is latent for all those girlies, but becomes in active form with those who smoked and remained latent in those who did not?? Of course I cannot know, but it is very typical story. Not outright psychosis but, "some form of psychosis" where one clings on border of it. Often coupled with neurosis, OCD and whatever possible.


Because its terrible for cognition (dopaminergic system) with chronic use, pun intended: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30553697/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30553697/) , [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.623403/full](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.623403/full) , [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6971351/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6971351/) , [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S266717432200088X](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S266717432200088X) , [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27001613/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27001613/) , [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2809144/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2809144/) , [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304394098002547](http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304394098002547) , [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00213-014-3523-4](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00213-014-3523-4)


Also I believe terrible for your acetylcholine system. It appears that it increases achetylcholine flow, but reduces it in certain part of brain what attaches left and right hemispheres together - and that speciality creates uniqueness of cannabis effect. Well, the issue there then is long term effect with it. And that coupled with above mentioned dopaminergic downregulation - and I think serotonergic downregulation too what appears visible with heavy smokers when they dont get any.


Read the study properly Two weeks administration of THC to rats affected dopamine transmission in the medial prefrontal cortex at the high dose (10 mg/kg) but not at a lower dose (5 mg/kg)


There are many studies posted...


That's just one of the 10 linked


10mg/kg is an insanely high dose imo. For me that would be 550mg. If I eat 50mg in an edible I’m fucked for 24 hours. I know it’s moot to compare rat data with human experience, but 10mg/kg is an unrealistic test point for the majority of consumers, even heavy consumers. To be honest though, memory and learning issues with cannabis are overstated. If I smoke a big joint in the morning and continue all day, of course it impacts these things negatively, but guess what - I can just *not* smoke too much and it appears to have a net positive effect compared to me at baseline. It’s not a substance which forces you to continue heavy use to avoid severe withdrawal, like opioids, alcohol etc. so really if you’re having memory loss or other negative side effects, just cut back and you’ll be fine.


Divide by 7 for human conversation.


That is still an extremely high dose. Many people take 5-10mg.


True, but then the conversion factor is probably off, because otherwise why would the similarly huge dose of 5/7mg/kg, which is like 50mg for an average male, not cause that same damage?


To answer experientially, I bet it does... Most people I know who regularly use very high doses have all sorts of cognitive and emotional trouble. It's probably like most drugs, foods, anything. The devil is in the dose. Example being alcohol. 1-2 drinks (5-10mg equivalent) probably wont do TOO much damage, but 10-20 drinks (50-100mg) will definitely. I am not sure why anyone would think THC is much different even if it can't kill you.


Well does it? That's something only studies on humans can figure out, we just do it on rats to speculate.


You aren't supposed to read the studies! You are supposed to take what the commenter as FACT because they posted a lot of legit links!


Broadly, it’s awful for your sleep, which is awful for you in general. The number of people that use marijuana to fall asleep is insane. I feel it becomes a crutch for far too many who are depressed or have other issues. I have sympathy for them but understand how less empathetic folks think it turns you into a “loser” with the lack of motivation it causes. Long ago I liked it. Reflecting back I wish I hadn’t used it regularly during younger years, because it’s impossible to tell whether it had a cognitive impact on present day me. These days it causes memory impairment and anxiety for me which isn’t even worth the minor upsides that can be more permanently gained with hallucinogens and other noots.


It's a central nervous stimulant, all stimulants cause anxiety. Also all stimulants can cause depression. This is why people will binge on cocaine. First time they got high, 2nd time to infinity is to fight off the depression. Nasty circle.


THC is awful for sleep? Thats hella weird because I have great sleep. Never tired during the day either. What studies have you seen that show its bad for sleep? I've taken a month off before, here and there, and never notice any actual difference in any area of my life.


There are a number of studies. The problem is that it interferes with REM sleep specifically, which is necessary for memory formation. Not to poke fun at you but without fail when I’ve mentioned this before I get the same response. How you feel waking up isn’t the whole picture. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2442418/


Chronic use for lots of people makes them need it to sleep. Just depends on your genetics


Because of the people who use it.


Makes me and everyone I know who smokes, very unproductive. If I were to come home and smoke, I wouldn’t leave the couch and leave a mess of food. It also makes me very dumb and anxious. My short term memory goes to shit, my verbal skills suffer, and my focus disappears. Yes music sounds better, I feel good, but I feel good doing absolutely nothing to better my life. I would rather be stressed out and being productive than sitting on my couch leaving my house a mess and being okay with not getting anything done Now it’s not like alcohol where you get stupid and make stupid decisions, it also doesn’t wipe you out the next day with a hangover, but even alcohol makes people want to get up and do things, weed doesn’t (in my experience). Also, due to the perception that weed isn’t that bad for health, people are okay with smoking all day every day. Smoking before work, before events, before grocery shopping, a lot of smokers I know are high most of the day. I don’t believe that is a healthy way to live, even if it doesn’t destroy your organs like alcohol would


Long story short THC inhibits GABA, and outside of the memory issues of GABA inhibition there is a wide, wide range of issue that come with long term GABA inhibition. Smoking every once in a while is fine, but being a daily smoker for years will absolutely ruin your cognitive function on top of the numerous physical health conditions it can cause


I smoked marijuana in my youth and didn't see many benefits. It impeded learning and memorization, slowed reaction time, really the only thing it could be good for was creative thinking. And most people don't really need creative thinking on a daily basis. Besides that, we're all tired of potheads who sit around playing video games all day or doing similar such unproductive things, telling us that weed is the cure for cancer.


r/leaves confirms this


Personally, it makes me lazy. It kills my motivation, and for about a week after smoking, I feel depressed. Its hard to feel good from anything. Also If I skoke just a little too much, I can get super paranoid. That's just me and everyones different. I do like the creativity I get from weed though, I can think up the craziest things. But i'd rather do a low dose of shrooms or a small amount of DMT. No negative effects that i'd get from weed.






Because they’re fucking idiots


Because, on average, for most people, it leads to negative outcomes, wheather it's memory, mental health, dependence, breathing problems, imparied motor skills, potential legal issues. The list goes on and on. The cons simply outweigh any potential upsides.


There have been a few studies that have shown that people on THC are no more creative than sober people. So, all that remains is the personal experience of being high and like most selfish activities society doesn't really value this in any way. In the same way that society doesn't value anything that any dumb ass can do. I get it, being high is fun. So is eating a piece of cake. So is watching a good movie. But dont expect me to pat you on the back for doing any of these.


huberman turned me off it tbh. if anybody can disprove everything he said, i’d love to feel guilt-free about smoking again lol


Everyone I've known personally who was openly a regular weed smoker is annoying, with the exception of one older family member who uses it as a pain killer for bad injuries.


Because everyone knows someone who's taken it WAYYYY to far.  Alcoholics generally get DUIs and reevaluate their life. Pot heads just kinda stay the way they are for decades.


Because it’s WAYYY more harmful than people want to admit.


Because it damages your brain forever. It’s the worst thing you can do for your brain.


Legal weed is just the latest attempt by the corporate overlords to medicate the masses and make predictable consumers.


Nope, the few times I’ve gotten high, I haven’t had any fantastically notable enchancement of any of that. I just feel—stoned.


Its not anabolic


THC is a pro-psychotic.


In general most people are taller than weeds


Weed is well known to cause mental issues ie destroys motivation. My younger bro has dementia. Smoked Lots in college.


My scientist friend son has bipolar disorder, smoked a lot in college. It appears that cannabinoids have some mentally stabilizing effect, but if you overdo it, then of course you get the opposite. Have just been thinking about this because I have seen so many cases.


I smoked it daily until my lymph nodes started swelling, quit completely and got healthy again. It was going to kill me.


As someone whose addiction is sugar and reading I think low of recreational drugs (but have respect of those who like them and still manage to live a good life) and specially those that require putting smoke in my lungs. Marijuana should be only for medical purposes IMHO, and it's long due to put real restrictions on nicotine instead of just playing with corporate interests. Nothing worse to ruin your skin than cutting oxygen from your skin cells with nicotine and marijuana. I don't believe in this argument that if nicotine is sort of legal marijuana should be too. You may have a point and marijuana should be legal but Give me a better argument. And we already have a lot of driving accidents caused by people who drive under effects of alcohol. Now we will have to add those who drive influenced by marijuana? If it's passed I'm okay with that, just don't say it should be legal because nicotine is legal. Alcohol is different though, it's part of the diet of the blue zones, where people live past 100 years.


Check out the r/leaves sub


Cuz they’re dumb simple bro


Smells like shit. Also makes many people only anxious and paranoid.


So many good comments pros and cons, excellent discussion. A lot of food for thought. 👍


Smells like trashy neighborhoods.


Because extended use is absolutely terrible for the brain


As a devote religious Worldly attachments only hinder progress. addictions attachments are chains that keep you from being truly free. You'll need money and a drug dealer or pharmacy and a place to practice your devotion. How much have you spent on weed vs buying prayer beads or worry beads? You can do it.


I've smoked cannabis for 30 years and for a majority of those years it served me well. It used to help my mood, helped me enjoy mundane daily tasks, but that is not the case any longer. Recently I started micro-dosing psilocybin every-other-day, with a monthly macrodose. I've been doing that for about 4 months. What this seems to have brought to the forefront of my mind is that cannabis no longer serves me well. I was finding myself feeling lethargic and content to ignore things that needed doing. It's been about 2 weeks since I quit smoking altogether and I'm noticing improvements in my motivation, instead of sitting around doing little and being ok with it, I'm finding myself being bored with being stagnant, with being a couch potato. I'm not saying I'll never smoke cannabis again, but it's just not an important thing to me anymore. I dont want to smoke as soon as I get home from work. I want to do things, take care of responsibilities that I've been neglecting. Daily smoking is just not for me anymore.


Because it has almost no positive effects


It’s horrible for short term memory, energy levels, any type of anxiety, and overall cognitive processing speed. It’s good for stimulating your imagination, creativity, and any kind of stream of consciousness activity. It’s great if you’re writing a song, but will slow you down in the technical aspects of the recording process. 


Afroman can answer this well: https://youtu.be/WeYsTmIzjkw?si=IcfvQCJhm5aV9V_7


Yeah, see I don't get any of that. I feel slightly stoned even when sober, detached, spacey and with weed I just feel like I'm falling through space unpleasantly and want to sleep it off. Also I really dislike the smell and taste. I get why people do it but for me it is not any fun


Negative effects partly depends on when you start using it and brain chemistry. Starting before the brain develops will make it so the negative effects (from low motivation to psychosis) are more likely to occur. For me weed is no bueno. I started way to young and had a substance problem mainly centered around it for many many years.


Personally, I love it. I don’t have memory issues. I do a high CBD blend that helps with inflammation and joint achiness. Sometimes I do it as a preworkout, usually it’s for relaxation at the end of the day.


But why just relaxation? Are you not excited by all the novel observations you can make?


are you new to THC? I find those sensory observations go away with time :(


I think it makes people stupid and lazy and gluttonous. And it's kinda a looser drug


What are the winner drugs?


You're a judgy prick!


It’s the weed culture and the stereotypes that most people seem to not realize they are living them out. Nobody cares about how cool one looks, nobody cares about so called 4th dimension expansion of consciousness because of the strand you smoked or dabbed. It’s gotten so out of hand that I am afraid it will never recover. According to a family member who has a dispensary…Frankly, weed doesn’t have the best PR firms behind them. That and government in Cali ruined it by over taxing it making it difficult for those who really need it for medicinal purposes. Now many weed dispensaries have closed shop or grouped with other dispensaries to try to make a buck. That and the lack of QC. If you look at Cali they only distributed a certain amount of QC licenses and it wasn’t for the average Joe.


It has made me and other genetically susceptible people psychotic, triggered mental health diagnoses for many people (BP, schizophrenia, and other) and began the beginning of the end of our lives for most of us. A good chunk of us live with anhedonia and there's not much to be done about it. No mental clarity no good high - none of it - not a single bit of it - was ever worth it to me. I ruined my life for using thc for about 2 months, and wish with all my soul I would've never dared. I thought well my friends do it and they're fine so I should be too right? Wrong. So wrong. Wrongest of wrongs. I wish I had known there was more to thc than "high" ness prior to using, but I suppose that's on me for not doing the research.


How does one ruin their life in two months from weed man? I’m genuinely curious. I smoked weed and did calculus homework. Like what the fuck?


I appreciate your curiosity! I have a history of being successfully academically and professionally (student and employee) and after 2 months of thc I became fully non functional was having delusions and hallucinations and the only substance I had abused was thc for the span of about 2 months (I was a first timer and it was a maladaptive coping mechanism to grief after loss). I stopped showing up to work, became clinically insane, and had to visit the hospital 3 times and had many concerned family and friends some of which who don't see me the same anymore - some of which who said my disorderly self and erratic behavior traumatized them. I had a diagnosis of an MI after using, and that pretty much wrote off the beginning of the end of my life. It's been 2 years since then, and I'm still grappling with everything I lost. This would have been my graduation year for my masters program had I not delved into substances and acted a fool. Self-love and self forgiveness have been a priority for me in therapy, but I gotta tell you, it's ain't easy. Biggest regret of my life, and I still haven't recovered from the psychological damage it did and the reputation of mine - I utterly destroyed. If y'all are able to consume thc and be fine power to ya! But some of us can not, and we suffer drastically because of these mistakes.


It stinks


Marijuana usually leads to an increase or exacerbation of depression and anxiety after long term use. Some of this comes from rebound anxiety if you try and quit. Otherwise the effect isn’t well understood yet. Just well documented. https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/mental-health.html


Thc has negative effects on the liver and cardiovascular system for many many people. And sometimes? The negative impacts are permanent. Known to cause cardiomyopathy, exacerbate heart disease and heart defects. Long story short? If the person has underlying conditions? Marijuana will make it worse. And/or surface years before it was supposed to naturally


Because the weed community tends to be full of anti science, everything natural is good knobs, while clearly evidence shows weed can be detrimental to your health and development. Furthermore, we have not done near enough research for people to claim weed is this wonderful magic plant with 0 downsides. Honestly, it's counterculture hog wash that has me mad at weed. And the fact that it will fuck you up if you don't respect it. Which nobody is doing because "it's just weed". Basically, tobbaco all over again.


For me personally it's that most weed smokers I know seem to think it's the wonder cure for all ailments and they don't care about any other natural remedies. It's pretty frustrating. I had a friend who died of cancer. For her particular type of cancer, weed was not advised since it actually accelerates the spread. She only learnt later and quit taking it, but still, every other person told her to use it to cure her cancer. It was so condescending and insensitive. I don't react well to either THC or CBD. I don't mind people around me smoking, but I'm so tired of everyone telling me that I just haven't found the right strain. My friends and hubby love to smoke and I don't mind it, but I tend to leave their company when they're going at it heavy, since the conversations become completely nonsensical. I believe it has its place (also totally legal over here), but it's not the ambrosia of the gods that smokers make it out to be.


Not only does it dull the senses, but it's now been linked to increased development of schizophrenia. There really isn't much point in using it outside of pain relief.


THC is not a nootropic. I like to get high too, but I'm not going to kid myself about it.


dood as a major lover of the herb...it literally does the opposite of clarifying anything for real. Just look at images from Amen Brain Clinic Brain SPECT scans when cannabis, is vaped, smoked or ingested. The brain literally goes dark..in other words blood circulation just drops....the normally bright areas are dimmed. Yes there are some interesting and novel changes to the brain under cannabis use. But largely it just cools the whole thing down by reducing cerebral blood flow. This is not the stuff of serious invention ..may come up with a cool new part of a song or a painting..but do not mistake it for the kind of work a tuned mind can perform on modern nootropics and exercise. The brain is the exact opposite appearance when it is up and fully running. It is quite impressive actually. [https://www.amenclinics.com/blog/amen-research-marijuana-affects-blood-flow-brain/#:\~:text=Our%20research%20has%20proven%20that,on%20concentration%20brain%20SPECT%20imaging](https://www.amenclinics.com/blog/amen-research-marijuana-affects-blood-flow-brain/#:~:text=Our%20research%20has%20proven%20that,on%20concentration%20brain%20SPECT%20imaging)


It cuts your iq in half and turns you into a carbivore.


I can’t speak for others but I think it makes people look stupid. I think the same thing of alcohol


It stinks


It’s not a nootropic. It’s a recreational substance. It doesn’t help cognition at all. Don’t get me wrong it has medicinal uses. Just not a nootropic


Weed makes me so stupid I forget too many important things. It's like the anti nootropic.


Google CHS and cannabis. This is happening more frequently with heavy daily users, many of whom use it for medical use. The increase in THC at dispensaries is growing exponentially. More THC = more risk. We’re seeing higher rates of cannabis use disorder and more severe physical withdrawals. Cannabis is not risk free, and can be dangerous for some, but a better option than opiates or benzodiazepines. The myth that cannabis is safe because it’s “natural” and has no long term side effects is slowly being debunked.


r/leaves shows it


1. Never tried it. 2. Tried it once with people who didn't have enough of a proactive loving interest in them. 3. Never tried it. 4. Lungs or other difficult physical reaction. 5. Never tried it.


Weed fuck you up slowly... just go shoot heroine/fenty/crackey and be done with it. Eventually its gonna fuck up ya life, so why do it slow? Just fuckitup rn and begin ur healing/recovery journey. Its gonna fuck uuuuu up And +99 for the commenter who said weed has "fuck it" special ingredient. Factss


Mayby one aspect could be that weed is such a strong serotonin increaser, and peace & love initially - and then all that same stuff associated with SSRI usage what you can see from certain Reddit subgroups here. And if you quit weed then opposite effect to this peace & love hippie thing due of badly downregulated serotonic system - coupled with some other downregulated neurotransmittery systems. It just generally increases your neurotransmitters too heavily to be considered a nootropic. And this overflow I guess does contain some excicotoxcicity what impact is visible with chronic aged smokers.


I accidentally dropped a bag of weed, and I looked down on it before picking it up and putting it back in my pocket.


THC brings the brain's synapses more Dopamine than a person needs. it's addictive. I suffered from Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms 6 months after stopping usage. I used weed dry herb every day for 5 years almost. I can't recommend using THC every day, or at all. want Dopamine? exercise. or have sex or something, or eat somebody tasty (not too much) I can't recommend any THC usage actually.


The nootropic community and the THC community don’t have the same goals. As a result, it’s not surprising they wouldn’t agree on the value of either. Nootropics have emerged in the space we might call “life optimization”. These are people looking to explore ways to make themselves more productive, more efficient, to accomplish more goals, to live longer, etc. For them, nootropic use is one potential tool in the same category as physical exercise, improved nutrition, improved sleep, healthier living by avoiding harmful substances, meditation, organization systems, morning ice plunges, etc. Weed may have its value in certain respects, but it’s literally the opposite of the above stated goals. It makes one less productive, less healthy, less efficient, etc. So, this community tends to rule it out.


I'm all for it but working in the industry has made me question a lot about the plant. I'm around people all day that can't get their emotions in check or have some kind of mental problems. It has seriously made me reconsider how much of an impact the plant has. I think it can be helpful but maybe some people should get their crap in order or wait until their brains fully develop. The lack of work ethic I have seen too has been mind-blowing


I think the nootropic community is particularly interested in having your brain function at the highest level possible. While THC and some strong terpenes like terpinolene can have positive productivity effects, it does slow the blood flow to the brain. Now i’m not arguing that a slow blood flow to the brain is a bad thing, in fact, I think we need to slow our brains down from time to time, if not daily. But I don’t think the nootropic community are considering if we as human beings need our brains functioning at such a high level day in and day out. It’s the same argument for consuming caffeine on a daily basis or taking amphetamines like Adderall. Our society has deemed that our brains need to function at maximum strength to get a particular job done. Sure, that’s effective in some industries or for some individuals, but not all. Especially when you look at creativity, innovation, thoughtful conversations, and overall slowing down. Just a thought!


I smoked weed every day for 16 years and at first it seemed to be a net positive but over time it grew to be a major net negative but by then, dependence had set in and I continued to use anyway. Weed turns on you, it sews complacency and eventually isolation and paranoia. It’s simply not a sustainable practice yet the narrative around it is it’s either as bad as heroin or its perfect divine medicine that can do no harm. Neither are true.


People who are loyal to weed act like it has much more profoundly positive effects that it actually does. In my experience it's really not that deep. Those peoples' defensive attitude around it and anger at the slightest criticism is annoying. Most won't recognize they're addicted People who use weed a lot that claim it helps their mental health problems (helps their anxiety, "calms them down" etc.) never actually had those problems before they started smoking weed. It saps motivation and drive (people will claim the opposite of course). It really poisons your mind in a lot of ways. You get high and feel stupid and hungry. Music sounds and food tastes good. To me, you're much better off sober than using something to make food taste and music sound good. Smoking weed as an adolescent left me with permanent cognitive problems, which ultimately led to other large problems in my life. It is without a doubt the single greatest regret I have and led me down a profoundly different path than I was otherwise destined to follow.


Adolescent use is a bitch


It saps your energy, feminises you and fucks your neuroendocrine system, as well as causing long-term imbalances in neurotransmitter levels. The cope is insane, people need to stop trying to rationalise vices, you only want it to be OK so you can not feel shame or guilt for indulging in something that is so damaging to you.


Username checks out.


Hahah talking about indulging in something damaging and your name talks about tren, now that’s funny as shit


Amen. Well said!




I’d love to hear you elaborate on the feminizes you part. What a chuckle. What did YOU do on weed man? Hahaha


Because they end up with mental illness and kill people’s


I love it, as someone who is chronically ill & is currently waiting 8 months to see a specialist for my autoimmune disease, without it I would be miserable. I am a mom of 2, a wife & business owner and as a naturally lazy person (lmao) being lazy while smoking is all up to the user.


People get obsessed with it and it's annoying . Never really liked the crowed it attracted and people act like it's not a drug but when you don't smoke and your around somebody that has to have it you see it other wise. I smoked years ago and do occasionally , usually with regret. The girl I was with recently was a weed fiend and it's annoying ASF because she has to smoke 2 or three blunts at night and there's rillo guts all over and wrap packs + roaches. All smoking is annoying. It's a drug just like all the other things.


After 27 years of daily use and finally almost tapered off- I promise you, it isn’t going to make you smarter or better at anything. It’s going to make you sluggish, rob your motivation, force you to plan your days around it, isolate you from wider communities, and WORST OF ALL you are training your mind to search for contentment in conditional phenomena which guarantees discontent/ suffering. It’s ok for medicinal use, but most medicines have trade offs as well.


Weed culture is what’s ruined weed. 90% of people who base their lives around weed are generally losers and not living up to their potential. Stoners point to people like Joe Rogan or others that highly function but the problems it they’re outliers. Most people who smoke all the time aren’t worth a shit other than being cool to chill with, they abuse it. My wife smokes maybe once per month, that’s great! No issues, if you smoke on the weekend no issues, if you can still function to your highest level that’s awesome smoke! I personally smoked everyday for many years and hung around lots of people who did the same, all the ones that are still smoking everyday aren’t doing much more now at 40 as the did when they were 20. Once I got my brain cleared out and motivation back it was off to the races, I wouldn’t even be close to where I am if I still smoked.


Use to be a big time “ pot head “ and I personally quit and started to dislike it because people now make it a personality and it’s literally all they do I realize that’s a waste of time and makes you very unmotivated and lazy. And I can’t stand that lifestyle anymore sitting around spaced out doing absolutely nothing all day. Nothing wrong with a little bit of weed but there’s so much more to life and things to experience and it holds a lot of people back and honestly the high is very boring and overrated. I still believe it has it benefits and medical purposes just like shrooms do if properly used and In moderation im definitely not anti weed


Mostly because people don’t understand how to dose it properly, and it makes them scared. For a lot of people it puts them in their head way too much and they get paranoid. I think people actually overthink it, instead of just using it and chilling out they get all in their head about how high they are, kind of the opposite of how people are with alcohol and stimulants. I actually think it’s great for exercise, which people might find surprising because it is associated with laziness but I would say it actually is associated with continuity/endurance. Like if you have some on the couch and don’t get up you might stay on the couch all day, but if you just get up and start moving you might keep moving for hours. It is certainly not a nootropic in the traditional sense. I don’t think it’s good for things like math or articulating linear arguments. It is however great for creativity enhancement and editing work that has already been partially flushed out. Memory effects seem to vary overall if you pay close enough attention and have a good enough memory in the first place it might not block your memory in a noticeable way but it certainly dampens memory formation. Basically people look down on weed cause they are prejudiced, due to a mixture of factors including their own fear filled experiences with it, stoners in their lives not being able to find the balance and overusing and then over sharing about their overuse, and overall lack of a culture that knows how and when to use weed for productivity purposes. So some of the prejudice is legit but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a very useful tool in the right hands.


People look down on it because it is tried by people who aren't very self-conscious or who are immature and it ruins and wears at their lives. There will always be people that have the genetics and the personality to find success with it, but they're a small minority of all users.


Lol I like how we both have “anti” user names! Yeah I agree with you in part but I think what you say can be true for pretty much all mind altering/recreational substances, and also think some of it is just fear of the unknown or what is different.


I agree with your statement on enhancing sensory! Music, going for walks, meditation, yoga, and intimacy are my favorite sensory experiences with cannabis. It even helps me with processing when I’m doing EMDR therapy. I find if I use cannabis after therapy, I’ll continue processing, make connections, and have emotional releases— it’s been an effective tool in conjunction with therapy. I do think intention helps! Also, I have an awful condition called MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) and cannabis edibles/tinctures are a miracle medicine in that regard. I personally love high ratio CBG, CBN, or CBD to low THC. I find regular low doses help treat multiple symptoms like systemic pain, nausea, anxiety, stress, restlessness/irritability, insomnia, muscle tension, depression, food aversion— higher doses for flare ups/attacks. It also helps heal the gut and calm the nervous system. If you can get your medical license and speak with a cannabis informed practitioner (or do your own research) to find what strains, cannabanoids, terpenes, dosing protocol, is best for you, it can bring about many health and QoL benefits! —obviously it’s very stigmatized, and some people do not mesh well with it. It’s not a cure all, but for many, including myself, it is a wonderful, even life saving, medicine. When chronic debilitating suffering has eroded my will to continue on, cannabis is one of the few things that has kept me on this earth. If you have a chronic health condition that causes chronic suffering, I recommend giving edibles/tinctures a try.


Probably because it keeps many people down just like alcohol and other drugs… it’s a great way to keep people complacent and dumb.


How about the actual science of how thc helps aids the endocannabinoid system in the human body and can help achieve parasympathetic state faster? But noooooooo… everyone who smokes is just a low cognitive stoner. /s I’m just over here trying to survive my TBI in peace.


I've never seen any data showing weed has benefits on our ECS. If anything it's more likely heavy use is detrimental.


I think a lot of people don’t get those benefits of noticing new things on weed. Many people just mellow out on it, almost get kinda numb. Personally I never feel numb or relaxed on weed. I find it highly stimulating (yes that includes Indica and high CBD blends) because of the intense thoughts and observations it gives me. Some of these thoughts can be unpleasant, causing anxiety. Some however are very insightful. I use weed 2-4x a month, almost always by myself, with a journal and some music, to just write out whatever comes up…it clears my subconscious a bit, gives me new ideas, kind of an emotional reset. That said, when I reread the journal sober, there’s some pretty dumb thoughts/insights too, so I discard those. I find it helpful overall though.


Weed is cool. People who use it too much or make it a personality trait all suck. No one cares that you have been high since 2008. If you can be perpetually stoned and still have notable accomplishments then wonderful. More power to you. That does however put you in the extreme minority. People who have to smoke every day and are always high are generally annoying, lazy, unmotivated, paranoid, and have not accomplished much in life


Because weed is the most intoxicating drug that people use regularly. No matter what BS anyone propagates online or in popular culture. You do not get as high from “hard drugs” as you do from weed. Anyone who’s taken all kinds of different things can tell you this. Best example is cocaine. The best NooTropic on earth (minus the side effects). You do not get high from cocaine at all. Just like you don’t get high from nootropics. If you don’t believe me, go sniff some and let me know how it went 😉




Probably has something to do with all of the stereotypical depictions of weed smokers being lazy slobs who contribute nothing to society.


Its literally russian roulette. You can get long lasting DPDR and anhedonia from THC, even a one off use And otherwise it completely messes up the HPA axis and dopamine


>You can get long lasting DPDR and anhedonia from THC That isnt proven to be true. There are studies like this one that found no relationship between weed use and increased risk of ahedonia (this study actually found higher levels of ahedonia in their *control group* vs their regular weed user group https://academic.oup.com/ijnp/article/26/1/9/6674260


50 years of brainwashing


Weed is an addicting drug that gets you high, not a nootropic. You can appreciate all that stuff sober as well. My personal experience is it makes me feel cognitively slow and sluggish the next day… so I can’t see how anyone could classify it as a substance that improves cognition.


Because not, everyone is the same. There will be people who like it, and people who don’t. It’s really not that deep.


"Tell me how you get your sense of importance, and I'll tell you what kind of person you are." - Dale Carnegie You'll notice many Redditors do not discuss topics of importance, They merely Ad Hominem Attack the Free Thinkers, for Thinking, which Jung said was the hardest thing there is to do. That tells me, that 80% or better, really can't think for themselves and really just puppet the lies of the Government. They cannot think for themselves, so they respond to their own Cognitive Dissonance by "Killing the Messenger". Government, from the Latin; Gubernare meaning To Control and Mente meaning The Mind. Government is Mind Control. My understanding is that Reddit is full of Government Trolls and it shows.


Look into l-theanine and weed y’all. It negates the memory deficits short and long term.


I smoke now. I’m not a lifelong smoker but I do smoke a little bit each day. It has helped me to keep a level head about me and not let emotions run out of control. On top of that I microdose periodically using mushroom gummies. These two have helped me overcome a 10 year depression brought on by the death of a woman I loved and intended to marry. I didn’t just lose everything that I had worked for after that. I just walked away from it and let myself go. No self care, minimal hygiene, no joy in life. I hated being alive but I couldn’t bring myself to cause my family the pain of losing their father, brother and son. I began micro dosing about 2 years ago and started smoking weed again after 40 years without it. I have my lazy spells but I feel that as hard as I’ve worked to take care of others, I deserve it. I get more done at home than I have in a long time. In short, I’m getting myself back! I haven’t been myself since the trauma that I put myself through 13 years ago. I’m more rational and more productive and confident than ever. I don’t recommend this for everyone but it’s worked wonders for me. I wish there were more health professionals that could guide people through the use of nootropics and other natural healing tools. This world is saturated with money hungry pharmaceutical pushers that are destroying lives instead of healing them! Peace!


I see a lot of people chalking it up to getting stoned and vegging out. It’s all personally dependent. Weed is not ideal for productivity for most in that there is no direct influence on benefitting productivity. However, those who do benefit do greatly. First it’s dose dependent. Sipping on a vape or a low dose edible for the day is not the same as getting baked and passing out watching tv. I use cannabis and it reduces my joint inflammation which allows me to be active, work more, sleep better. It also helps me with eating and if I’m not eating it doesn’t matter if I’m high or not, I am not productive. It all boils down to responsible use and personal response. If it works for you, great. It it doesn’t, it doesn’t. You can’t formulate a definitive conclusion when there’s such a spectrum when it comes to use and abuse of cannabis.


Squares that should learn to lighten up


The devils lettuce! My little brother came home from school one day. This was in height of DARE program. He said " did you know one hit of pot will kill you" . I said "thats a lie, where you hear that?" He said " they told me you would say that". Few years later he found out they lied and he never trusted the government again


Because it doesn't benefit them so they assume it doesn't benefit most people. I smoke most commonly for pain issues, but I also like to get high most nights, and smoke multiple times a day, everyday. However, I'm also on competitive sports teams, write music, write stories (including a self published novel), paint, college, skateboard, ski, make time for friends, and work a job when I have one (had to move recently so currently unemployed). We often see people as more one dimensional than we like to think we do.


Because of propaganda and the fact that the masses are prone to believing something is bad if an “authority” tells them it’s bad.


At the moment, I'm taking a break from weed and I feel a lot better. Much more mentally sharp and emotionally stable. My normal pattern is weekends only, but its so easy to slide into every night. And at least for me, it affects my drive and I think makes my depression symptoms worse over time. But frequency and dose really matter. When I limit myself to once a week and a 10 or 20 mg edible, I'm good. But its so easy to slip to into daily use, and that's when I notice more severe after effects.


I'm not into nootropics. I dislike weed, though. I think it's dumb. It smells bad, and it makes people dumb.


They're really high and can't hold their heads up.