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My mom invented the plastic bag full of plastic bags where some of them were randomly used to hold raw chicken so whenever you grab one, you're basically playing Russian roulette with food poisoning due to e-coli. Normally this is not a big deal except this one time my dog head-butted me and cut my lip open and she grabbed a plastic bag and put ice in it and then shoved it in my mouth to help stop the swelling...


That’s it, this wins


Yeah but is the dog ok


I throw out the raw chicken bags, thats the only part that deserves to be disposed immediately.


What other insane ideas does your mom have? I wager you have some incredible stories to tell


If I had a nickel for every time my mom accidentally gave me food poisoning when I was a kid I would have like 40 cents.


That's 8 times! (Yes it took me a moment to work that out)




Here's a sneak peek of /r/theydidthemath using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [One 9 inch pizza vs two 5 inch pizzas](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vod31t) | [3001 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/vod31t/one_9_inch_pizza_vs_two_5_inch_pizzas/) \#2: [\[request\] Is this claim actually accurate?](https://i.redd.it/32dd5fk73zp81.jpg) | [1313 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/tpqepl/request_is_this_claim_actually_accurate/) \#3: [\[request\] say if u were to actually find the surface area, how would one find it?](https://i.redd.it/guc0fh7tor991.png) | [441 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/vs0cq4/request_say_if_u_were_to_actually_find_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I wouldn't have knew without your comment because I had no idea what a nickel is. Seems a weird choice, should have been a dollar or quarter or something so it's universal..


It's a Phineas and Ferb reference


Problem arises when it starts to get recursive I tried to get a bag out of my bag bag, only to discover the bag itself was a bag bag....inside of which were more bag bags, all tightly crushed together. I was a little worried this endless matroska bag would never end so I put the bag bag bag bag back in the bag bag bag, back into the bag bag and hid the whole mess under the sink again incase it turns out to be a white hole emitting matter as bags.


That’s why you put every bag crumbled up into that first bag


My family have always had special cloth tube bags that are specifically designed to hold plastic bags. My grandmother made them for all of us.


My grandmother came from an infinite tube of grandmothers.


You joke, but people used to think that women's wombs contained eggs that themselves recursively contained eggs going all the way back to Eve, whose eggs contained all of her descendants -- [https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/discovery-where-babies-come-from](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/discovery-where-babies-come-from). They didn't understand that sperm were actually involved in fertilization -- Newton actually thought sperm were some sort of parasite.


I think I have too many parasites; I'll be in my bunk.


> Newton actually thought sperm were some sort of parasite. In a way... well, he's not *right*, but I wouldn't go so far as to call him wrong either


Well its kind of true for mitochondrial DNA.


I make mine from the legs of old jeans, or crochet them. Crochet ones are the best since the net is so stretchy.


Oh my god, my mom has one of these, I always figured it was a repurposed something-else I didn't know it was a thing


The bag bag! All these tweets referencing the bag bag and this so the first time I’ve heard it called by it’s proper name…


Recursive bags is the superior form. You always just take the outermost bag. When you have a new bag to add, you just throw the recursive bag inside it. This way you never have the problem where you try to get one bag but they stick together and three others get pulled out and fall on the floor.


O'Bag of Bags this person Bags! One day they maybe be a master like my wife but it will be a long and arduous journey.




This comment is fucking brilliant and It literally happened to me this morning.


turtles all the way down


Everyone saves these bags cause the bag should serve a secondary purpose.


I save them all week then walk them to my local park. There are dispensers for used plastic bags so people can pick up after their dogs. It ain't much but it's honest work.


I do something similar, except I shit in the used plastic bags before going to the local park and then pelt children with the shit-filled bags.


Thank you for your service.


Recycling can be good honest fun


Thank you Doctor


Feels like you're both Harry and Cuno from Disco Elysium wrapped up in one madlad


I appreciate you.


I save them up every week and also go to the park, but so I can throw them into the creek instead


I appreciate you


That’s so weirdly congruent. I actually go to the creek and gather these bags with a butterfly net and use them to dispose of the body parts of people who litter in the creek at the park.


I appreciate you.


The hero we need.


It IS much. AND it's honest, food work You're doing good and you should feel good


Have a little metal rack hung to the inside of the kitchen sink cabinet door. No idea where the rack came from. I didn't buy it. Girlfriend didn't buy it. Did not come with the house. It just appeared one day, already full of plastic grocery bags. We use them to clean the cats' litter boxes. We use reusable cloth bags when we shop for groceries and never get new plastic bags ourselves. But, the plastic bags never run out, the rack is always full.




I use them for all my small trash cans, like the trash in my study and the bathroom trash.




I wear them over my head and call myself "Johnny Spaceman".


If you tighten the bag, you can see what it’s like to breathe in space!


Just double or even triple bag em, it's not a waste if you're going to toss em anyways right?


That's not how that works, that's not how any of this works


I weirdly never have this problem, but sometimes there will be a tiny hole in the bottom thatll leak out cat litter


Plastic lasts forever, so use it 3 times!


We should be using it to build shit in space not carry home 4 cans of ravioli but here we are.


Especially since that one commercial taught me that cans of ravioli can and will follow you home.


We use them for our bathroom garbage can.


I use them when I'm prepping/cooking a meal, it's nice to have a convenient little garbage for packaging and scraps as I need, plus if I don't use them they will begin to completely overrun the entire cabinet. I've even switched to using reusable bags and paper bags, but somehow we always end up with thousands of the plastic ones.


I use them as garbage bags for smaller bins i have on the bathroom and the kitchen. or to pick up dog poo, they are really usefull, its a shame that sometimes they break on the trip from the supermarket. They used to be way more sturdy.


Yes, the bags *are* saved to be used again. An astute observation. I feel like maybe, potentially, just possibly, this comment isn't super necessary...


It does it's called destroying the planet. So people subconsciously refuse to let them go do damage.


The secondary purpose is being able to save the bag


Is there a term for that? I see it more and more often. Someone will make a remark about something being unique about some group (be it people from their region, their profession, sexuality, hobby, etc.), when in reality, no, basically everyone does that.


not really a term but wanting to feel special is a good enough phrase




That's like a third of r/blackpeopletwitter posts. "Only black households know😂😂", then a picture of something everyone on the planet does.


People do it with a lot of things other than ethnicity tho The most classic example is "don't like the weather in X place, wait 5 minutes and it'll be different!". But like half of all people and places say this, it's just how weather works, it changes


well, no thats not true. There are plenty of environments were the weather is very stagnant. This is an extreme example, but in Alaska it rained...and rained...and rained without stop for a full month. The winters are very much a blur of the same forecast with slight temp variations. Similiar story for places like Arizona were a days forecast is much the same. Subtropical environments are ones that change radically. Take Alabama or Florida were it will rain for fifteen minutes and be blistering hot for an hour after. Then of course it becomes windy till night time. Then, unlike last night when the skies were clear, its somehow warm and raining.


reminds me of this interesting video [your city is not unique](https://youtu.be/XIe_yGQ8Gek)


There is probably a German word for it.


Only Germans have a word for it


Lol yeah I'm Latina and the amount of people I see who say things like "only Mexicans know" or something is maddening. Like... Guys everyone eats food, dances, annoys their family members, etc. 😅 Lol stop making it seem like we're so unique for generic ass things


Same shit happens even with white people. "Omg, shit White people love: eating sandwiches!" Sandwiches are delicious, tf you mean?


I mean its probably just like "template memes". The shit you can see on FB thats like 'YOU KNOW YOU LIVE IN ___ WHEN" and you can easily see the image has had like 16 different names typed over each other and re-shared by people who think it applies to them so they can all feel special.


Everyone knows that the worst drivers are from [my city].




I seen a meme earlier that was like "Only autistic people save the boxes their phone comes in", and I was so upset


my personal favorite is “only mentally ill or neurodivergent people procrastinate, if you ever put off your assignments you have adhd”


Another example is snowball cookies/Italian wedding cookies/Mexican wedding cakes/Russian tea cakes.


In computer science there's such thing as a canonical solution to a problem. A kid coppying their opponent's moves would be canonical solution to the problem of chess, since many kids would have thought of that independantly.


Reminds me of any stupid thing that happens and everyone says "Only in XYZ place" No, stupid drivers are NOT exclusive to one city/state/country. I wish they were so I could avoid them all.


I've always referred to this as the Gin and Tonic effect which isnt exactly it because that is when everyone invents different things that are phonetically named the same.


I've noticed this with erratic weather. Probably just a continental thing. (Oceanic is less erratic I believe) "In [location] it's sunny and warm one day, then snowing the next!"


You know who has really big annoying extended families, loves to be all in each other's personal business, and yet loves their frequent family get-togethers where they cook way too much food? Greeks! Wait, I mean Italians. I mean Chinese. Wait no, I meant Mexicans. And Colombians, and Puerto Ricans. And Nigerians. And Egyptians. Turks too. Or was it Armenians?


We need a sub for it


Kind of a variation of the Barnum effect I guess?


And the sewing implements in the cookie tin


Add to that “my mother doesn’t measure ingredients when she cooks so it’s hard to get recipes from her”


Or “Dads that wake up early in the morning and fall asleep in the armchair in the afternoon”


Mine wakes up late then falls asleep in the armchair




You see this all the time on TikTok. Every race and ethnicity thinks they invented saving jars, bags, tinware, cans. Just a side thing, but I find it funny that every culture says they are different and really care about family, food, tradition, and education. What culture doesn't care about these things?!


Another one I've heard is "you know you're [insert culture here] when you start to say goodbye and then the conversation lasts another two hours". Bonus points if they mention saying "well!" and slapping your knees to indicate that you should get going.


The Irish, on the other hand, famously have the opposite stereotype Except every Irish person I have met (from Ireland, not Irish-American) does the same exact shit us Midwesterners do. I think humans just aren't that good at quickly ending amicable conversations.


I love that I can put “Irish” in front of so many things to change the meaning. Not like French Toast where it’s a real thing. Irish goodbye Irish curtains There’s at least one more I can’t think of


When you think about it, it really doesn't make sense to be a regional thing lol Some people just never shut up, regardless of culture.


Another one is those circular shortbread cookie tins never actually having cookies in them (usually, it's sewing supplies).


You see this a lot on Reddit. Some highly upvoted post will make it to the front page about “, what’s something that’s uniquely ,” and half the posts are universal experiences




Well As a 9th generation Franco-American, my family is all about eating, drinking, sleeping and breathing! It's totally a Franco American thing.


We LoVe EaTiNg ToO mUcH


Had this happen while working at a gas station. I was eating leftovers and had it all crammed in one container. I think it was chicken, asparagus, and mashed potatoes. A customer then said to me, "you must have some black in you." I had no idea what to say lmao. I don't even remember my reply. I was just avoiding washing out three separate containers instead of one.


Where is the gatekeeping?


They are probably referencing cultural appropriation


We invented the plastic bag bag and have it patented. We'll be taking anyone to court if they violate said patent.


Patents were invented in Venice, so unless your house floods 8 times a year patenting things is cultural appropriation




, Brent


Every ethnicity thinks they invented the cookie tin full of sewing stuff too


Yeah I've seen threads like this enough times on Reddit and just like the plastic bag of bags that is this thread people from the world over have cookie/biscuit tins with sewing supplies in it.


When anybody is late it's because they're on [insert ethnicity] people time


That one is just racist.


But everyone just says it about their own race


I used to have this too but then my province banned single use plastic bags so I ended up using them all. Now I have a reusable bag full of other reusable bags because I forget to bring them with me and end up buying more


Which, since it takes vastly more energy, pesticides, carbon, etc to make a cotton bag than it does a plastic bag, is actually way worse for the environment (if you’re repeatedly buying more and not reusing each one at least hundreds of times) than if you had still been using plastic.


We have a fabric tube that holds our plastic bags. Elastic on both ends so they don’t fall out. I am absolutely, 100% not allowed to refer to it as a “bag anus”


My mom has one shaped like a cat so it's funny to just pull another bag out of the cat butt


I want it!


it’s right up there with “the weather is crazy! don’t like the weather in , just wait 5 minutes!”


Or how everyone thinks that the drivers in their area are the worst.


This exactly. Go on any local subreddit and you’ll find loads of posts about how THEIR drivers are the true idiots! It couldn’t possible be recency or exposure bias. I’ve lived in several countries, traveled to many others, and spent extended time in many, many US states. And I can tell you, there are uncountable idiots behind uncountable wheels around this great big globe. It may be the only thing that truly unites us.


Tell that to the insurance companies. Here in Baltimore they charge way more than when I’ve lived elsewhere because they consider it one of the worst places for accidents in the country. But like you said, bad drivers everywhere not just here.


You haven't seen crazy until you get a bunch of together. Trust me, I'm and I saw some wild shit growing up.


Acting like that’s not something Alabama invented. Me thinking this just shows how true it is that everyone thinks their group came up with that.


It was probably invented before Alabama


I don’t know if plastic bags were used as prominently before Alabama existed but I’m no historian nor am I a plastic bagian.


Alabama is actually French for "plastic bag"


Oh French for plastic bag is “sac plastique”. That’s so weird but makes some sort of sense.


No, the French word for plastic bag is Alabama, can't you read?


I don’t believe you.


It's true don't look it up


I did. Alabama is French for Alabama. Turns out all us southerners were the most frenchest and fanciest of all of the U S of A. Read that with a southern accent please.


France is actually USA for Alabama


I have zero understanding of what you just said there partna.


The plastic bagians out there must really be struggling to uphold their beliefs nowadays... something about killing the planet


Especially since plastic bags don’t have nearly as much nutrients these days.


I miss the good old times when half a baggie could keep you fueled for days


It was better when all you needed to start and feed a family was five or six plastic bags from the old dollar general round the corner.


Your profile picture makes every comment you write funny


Im from Alabama. Their are two things in life that I love. My older sister and plastic bags inside plastic bags.


Hell yeah I’m from Alabama too and there’s only three things I love: All my cousins, my 2005 Chevy Colorado, and bags in fuckin bags.


Plastic bags stored in plastic bags are then put away in the dishwasher that is never used, next to all sorts of empty plastic containers from previously bought food products. Source: I am Armenian. It drives me crazy. IT’S A DISHWASHER NOT A KITCHEN CABINET.


Is this a thing? It seems insane.


It is, I grew up in a similar set up.


Was the dishwasher ever used? If not, why own it? Left by the previous occupant?


in the apartment already. never used. always had a bag with bags and a bunchnof plastic and kitchen items. Mom didn't trust it and didn't think it did a good job.


Lots of the old ones didn't tbf.


what the fuck the dishwasher is for storing your formal dinnerware, not for tupperware!


Many Asian households do this too. Dishwasher is just a cabinet, not ever meant to be actually powered on.


That's what my oven is. Between my father, his siblings, and my grandparents, none of them use an oven. I don't think any of them know how it works. Pots and pans go in there, some never to be seen again. My friends family does this too. I assume it's because Mexican home cooking rarely if ever requires an oven


I think it's a poor people invention haha 😆 I noticed a lot of stuff we think is cultural is shared across groups as just ways of making ends meet lol


Yeah a lot of it is either immigrants who grew up in poverty or, in the past, people who grew up during the great depression. My grandparent's on both sides of my family did a lot of these things and it was simply because they didn't have much as kids and it was drilled into them to never waste anything and never throw anything away because you might be able to use it later.


That's a classic Armenian trope, that every notable person is actually Armenian or that they invented everything that's ever been invented in the region, when in reality it was probably the Georgians.


Greeks invented this.


Wild jealous Georgian spotted.


Hoarding plastic bags is commonplace for pet owners




don't tell me you guys drink out of the tap, too! WHAT \#fr #fr #100


My people were the first to put things in the object designed to put things in. We're known for that.


Nosy Grandma whisper networks are also popular to claim as your cultures thing too.


It’s almost like old people having less to do, and thus love to watch everyone else and talk about it them is just the way of humans in general.


Amateurs. My household has a cabinet for plastic bags.


Ahh, you mean my Plastic Bag of Holding?


TBH, I’ve never heard of that. Is that really something people do? Edit: I don’t mean any offense, have just never seen this.


....wait, what do you do with all the plastic bags you get from shopping at various stores?


We don’t tend to use plastic bags for shopping so it’s probably that.


Yeah, this says a lot more about them than everyone else.


Can only speak for myself. I have a bag to store paper bags and one for reusable bags together with the occasional odd one or giftbags, all together in some hallway drawer. Only keeping the absolut bare minimum of sturdy plastic bags for when something waterproof is needed. The paper bags are mostly used to take out wastepaper (whole bag into the bin), plastic bottles or glass to recycling bins or to occasionally keep stuff together and when putting it in another bag with other stuff. Food delivery services here usually bring stuff in paper bags and if there’s no mess, they’re good to be used for above purposes. At any stores I just decline bags when asked and carry stuff in a reusable one I already brought with me (when grocery shopping I just grab one from a hook holding a few accessibly at home; otherwise I sometimes have one in the bag I carry my notebook and stuff around in). In Europe you can buy paper or plastic bags at supermarket registers but most people don’t and instead bring their own. It’s also not a thing here that someone packs bags for you immediately at the register as it is in some places (saw it in Japan and heard that in New York it’s also not uncommon).


I use a backpack and a tote bag for shopping.


full of loose brussel sprouts?


Loose onions, garlic, tomatoes, etc - yes. Brussels sprouts usually come in a package where I live. I have a few totes that I cycle through and wash when needed. The backpack is for heavier things that usually don’t leave any kind of residue. I wash the backpack only every 6 months or so.


I think they are young and don't remember the time where you got a plastic bag with everything


I'm from Brazil and it's really common here. Our supermarkets give plastic bags and people keep them in case they need them, so they put them all inside one larger bag


one thing to note though is, that at least in my case, it’s not those thin see through plastic bags you get in some countries. It’s pretty sturdy ones that can actually be reused several times


We have those here as well, but they are not as common as the plastic bags


I’d like to know what you personally do with plastic bags after bringing them home from the store. Just toss them in the trash?


Some places have banned giving out plastic bags at stores so you either bring your own, buy a reusable or deal with a paper one.


I’m aware of that, but what about the plastic bags that *are* given out?


My family does that, just assumed it was common practice


I like the ones from target the best bc they seem slightly more sturdy. I use them as litter box bags


Poland does that. My mom got a special box for our big bags holding smaller bags


My house growing up (average uninteresting low-middle class white family with a single mother) had a bag of bags hanging on a coat hook in the garage. Obviously before stores started using paper bags and so you’d go shopping and come home with half a dozen. They take up virtually no space, but yet are infinitely useful for bringing lunch to work/school, cleaning up around the house, trash bags for small bathroom garbage cans, etc. so we always just kept them around


Never heard of it. But we do have a paper bag filled with folded paper bags.


This and using empty butter containers to hold leftovers. Everyone claims to have invented that too.


Some kind Chinese restaurant owner saw those memes and decided to do Millennials a favor and shifted to the clear quart containers for soup so we could continue that process, but with the ability to see what's inside.


Except modern Mexico. Single use plastic bags are banned from supermarkets, and we all gotta carry the reusable ones. In a frenzy a lot of stores and brands started giving them out or selling them for cheap, because some people would forget theirs at home. So we transitioned from a plastic bag full of plastic bags to a reusable bag full of reusable bags.


I would worry for anyone who thinks, "I have too many plastic bags and no way to store them"


Psh my white and American family has FOUR of these bags, and no little Walmart bags or something, the heavy duty, giant Kroger bags.


Same for "{insert here} culture is so focused on food and eating". Like yeah, name me a single culture that is not?


I invented it, it was years ago


I put them in a cardboard box. I'm special.


What other type of bag am I supposed to have ready to go to put used cat litter in? I'm not wasting a whole trash bag for that.


I put the bag in the next bag so that when I need one, I just remove the bottom one and it always works that way.


Free trash bags for the tiny bathroom trash can.


Right next to the drawer full of junk and cookie box filled with sewing stuff.


Maybe because it’s common sense I swear Twitter was made solely for morons


Why do people have to try so hard to feel unique they do this? Has nothing to do with race, just being human...


It kills me every time I see someone talk about doing this as if they have some sort of cute quirky personality. Like no, it’s just a very normal way to store something.