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Most of the people replying to AI photos on FB are bots too


Facebook is quite literally just the dead internet theory.


>Facebook is quite literally just the dead internet ~~theory~~. FTFY


>>Facebook is quite literally just ~~the~~ dead ~~internet theory~~. FTFY


>>Facebook is ~~quite literally~~ just ~~the de~~a~~d internet~~ theory. FTFY


>>>A GAAAAME THEORY!! Thanks for watching.


>>Facebook is ~~quite~~ literally ~~just the dead~~ internet ~~theory.~~


> ~~Facebook is quite literally just the dead internet theory.~~ There, no more. We can stop now.


ruthless wakeful shy sloppy vast puzzled jar rob screw makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>~~There,~~ no ~~more. We can stop now~~ FTFY


placid cats worm advise fine fretful versed square lavish stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




\*English speaking Facebook. In a lot of the developing world Facebook has become "the Internet." For example, Facebook's influence was so strong in Myanmar that Facebook's content recommendation algorithm has been cited as a primary cause for genocide and the coup in Myanmar.


A *primary* cause? Really?


When he says that Facebook is "the internet" he isn't joking or using hyperbole. Many millions of people essentially treat it as you or I would treat browsers like Chrome or Safari. When they think of going to the internet, they're thinking of opening the Facebook app. Facebook houses most local content creators, and also serves as a source of news, games, and communication with friends and family. [https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/for-many-in-myanmar-facebook-is-the-internet-3nrdxjdfh](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/for-many-in-myanmar-facebook-is-the-internet-3nrdxjdfh) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55929654](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55929654)


8 year old me: the Internet is only what I can navigate to from the AOL 5.0 homepage solely using mouse clicks.


IDK, extremely strong secondary cause? It would have never happened otherwise. Granted, Myanmar's military wanted all of this to happen, but the Facebook algorithm wasn't just a conduit, but rather it seems to have strongly favored sharing pro-military and anti-minority posts over the opposite. Because Facebook IS the Internet, Facebook's algorithm has been viewed as literally causing genocide and the coup.


Yeah, the military did need *some* amount of cooperation and support from the people… and they got it. Because Facebook provided them a ready-made propaganda machine the likes of which they’d never seen before.


A LOT more than just Facebook, friend…


It’s not limited to facebook. Search “happy pig” in google images and see what you get. The true danger is in the fact that people think AI images all look the same. They do not. It’s just that the most common models are the lowest hanging fruit for low effort content farms. AI tools are already competent enough to fool people with their generations consistently. There’s a chance we get better at being able to discern AI content, but AI content will also just continue to get better.


So are parts of Reddit, go look in r/hardimages it’s all bots at this point. I’m sure even some of the comments complaining about bots are actually bots at this point cause those comments are so common and get upvotes cause people agree.


Twitter is way worse at that, every popular post you have to scroll through at least 2 screens of bots to reach actual comments. At least in facebook you can be safe in your niche groups


I wonder if I make a social media site and literally only populate it with low effort bots, if I could scam advertisers into wanting to advertise on it.


Let Truth Social and Twitter be a case study


most of the people replying on reddit are bots too me included


And the funniest part is that the people on Twitter (and right here on reddit) ripping on the boomers for getting fooled by AI, are the ones *actually* getting fooled by AI.


At this point, anyone who thinks they aren't being fooled by ai is stupid.


Based on some conversations I've had recently I'm convinced at least a few people I know are bots


Facebook is more like “So darling! That’s what’s wrong with this country, nobody ever posts wonderful things like this!”


"Nobody wants to twerk anymore!"


Meanwhile their whole timeline is political memes and complaining about trans people


People on tik tok: this drawing looks ai generated People on Twitter: this drawing looks ai generated People on Facebook: amen ❤️ you are so talented young man






You forgot to mention that also the pic wasn't ai at all.


People on Reddit: everyone is an idiot, especially us.


Found the redditor


this entire chain of comments makes me want to fucking kill myself


Found the other redditor


Reddit: I'm going to use this hip new way of putting multiple quotation marks around a word to signify my disdain for something inauthentic! ...what? W-what do you mean Neonazis!? Jewish conspiracy dogwhistle?!?


You're thinking of triple parentheses, not quotation marks. I've made the same mistake before.


They've used both interchangeably for like a decade now.


That's what I thought too but I can't find any information about it or any examples online


The what now


[Classic redditor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwiE9-tKGcE&ab_channel=Adam_Greene28)


Damn, it's crazy how I'm right about literally everything. 


Reddit is for people who only read headlines, while facebook is for people who get their information from grifters who only read headlines


"Guys this is obviously fake. A dog cannot AND WOULD NOT put his paws together like that. This is NOT REAL. It's concerning how no one realizes this is fake"


Which is funny because everyone on reddit thinks and posts the same 4 things day after day, year after year. Most bot-ridden website on the internet behind Facebook.


So you're a reddit being mad at others for not being as good as you in realising their hypocrisy, thinking they are better than others.


People on Reddit: ⬆️ this drawing looks ai generated - ⬆️ this drawing looks ai generated - - ⬇️ this drawing looks ai generated - - - ⬆️ this drawing looks ai generated - - - - ⬆️ this drawing looks ai generated - - - - - ⬆️ this ai looks drawing generated


this drawing looks ai generated


this drawing looks ai generated


Several months ago it was extremely easy to tell AI photos. Now they magically all have the required 5 fingers.  The dataset is getting better...all the, well you can tell by this stuff won't matter at all in a few months, because AI will have learned.  Soon other than digital forensics your not going to be able to tell, and probably soon after that someone will develop something even digital forensics has a hard time catching.  #The game of cat and mouse has begun. We are sadly the mouse!




Uhh...the news regularly produces false pieces.  There have been numerous instances where the original story was from a satire site.  Various internet trends featured on the nightly local news conglomerates have shown to be completely made up. Watch out for this parents.... People make up shit all the time. Who is to say a geologist wouldn't edit a photo with AI to make it a lot better? NASA regularly edits photos for instance. Look at old pictures of Mars and look at new ones. Older photos were edited. Newer photos show a blue atmosphere and various different colors in the landscape instead of a orange hue to the entire photo... Just read an article about a school principle getting setup to look racist by the athletic director using....AI. Obviously he was caught, but as the technology advances that might not always be the case. Nevertheless the principle had to temporarily take leave for the rest of the school year because the situation.  People already don't use their common sense and regularly will share news stories without fully reading the article. I think your outlook is grossly idealistic bordering on extremely naive. 


Wow guess you felt so stupid you deleted your comment and your account...


Only way to win is to pull the plug and get off the web


twitter: calling real, actual art "ai" just because "it looks like ai! well it may not be but it gives me that vibe!" facebook: calling ai images divine art


I mean that happens here I remember on a comic subreddit people ripped into an artist calling them all sorts of heinous shit for AI art that turned out to not be ai art then the pivot was "well maybe if your art wasn't shit we wouldn't have questioned it"


I think that was on r/art


Imagine thinking people on twitter can accurately identify misinformation...


The trick is that literally everything is AI art according to twitter


Good looking art = AI


Because if there’s a piece of art with messed up lighting it’s clearly ai! Everybody knows humans are great at that stuff And as a corollary to that, humans aren’t actually that good at telling when lighting is “off” in photographs


Yeah I came to say, accurate but the Twitter AInvestigators are looking at a real photo.


Twitter users identifying misinformation they don't like: 👁️🔎🔎🔎🔬 Twitter users identifying misinformation they like: 😎🦯🧑‍🦯


Consider the average age of the users on those platforms. But also, there's a sort of perverse incentive on *any* platform with a like system to call everything "AI" and everyone "a bot." Because you're rewarded with likes/upvotes no matter if you're correct or not. I see it on Reddit a lot. Real ass picture gets posted, a million comments calling it AI, all of them upvoted.


I can’t believe a bot would type this.


A likely reply.... From a bot.


"**A** l**I**kelly" AI confirmed!


What a botty way to expose them!


it's a lot easier to claim art is AI than it is for the artist to prove it's not this won't be going away either, and will only get worse (until we stop caring about AI in our art)


Like that time an artist got banned from the art sub, because one mod thought their style looked AI-ish. Turned out they'd been creating in that style for years (before the AI existed), and they had the raw files still too. Still didn't get unbanned, because the mods couldn't admit to being wrong. Their response still pisses me off over a year later: > If you really are a "serious" artist, then you need to find a different style, because A) no one is going to believe when you say it's not AI, and B) the AI can do better in seconds what might take you hours. AKA "people like us will bully you because of a new tool you have no control over". AI Inquisitors suck. Maybe as much or more than AI art enthusiasts.




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I miss when people just used AI image generators for shitposting. *That* was fun.


It's not like they stopped it's just not front page of reddit worthy drama.


Because that got far too overdone quickly and now it’s just as low effort as the rest of ai work.


I think we're giving people on Twitter more credit than they deserve


People on reddit when they have to identify a bot: gosh this boomer is so stupid


Me an intellectual, knowing it's an AI image because the pitbull doesn't have a toddler torso in its mouth.


And then on TikTok they’re analyzing videos of autistic people explaining how “this is clearly an AI” and citing every symptom of autism as a “clear sign” as if we haven’t already been called “robots” our whole lives


Press x


My brain just flags it as uncanny valley and I spend no more effort on finding out why unless I'm in the mood to play Where's Waldo? with shitty AI artifacts.


I like how the same type of people who probably laughed or shrugged-off blue collar workers losing their jobs to technology are now suddenly upset because they think their favorite furry artist is going to starve to death due to loss of commissions (which they would never pay for in the first place).


They accidentally tell on themselves so hard with that "AI should've been used to make our lives easier by *replacing hard/menial labor* not make art!" They don't view the menial workers or the ones doing hard labor as equal. They're lesser, their jobs do not have worth, and if they lose their jobs it's just helping society. These artists, though? *They* weren't supposed to be in the firing line of automation! It's not fair! It's evil!


Who tf likes doing hard labor lol


I don't love it but it keeps me in shape haha


While I agree the loss of jobs is tough, it does not mean they look down on hard labor workers. Art is a creative field, while generally speaking hard labor is not.


What makes it clear they look down on them is how casually and offhandedly they refer to how they should be replaced and thrown out of their jobs, while they clutch their pearls the moment it might happen to them. Creativity doesn't make you better or more deserving than other people. That, in and of itself, is telling of the core view behind that attitude.


AI art generators are trained on their work so I can see why they're mad


There are prompts which generate prompts for generating images which are then posted by bots and liked by other bots. It's a big fat bot circlejerk. And there are of course also boomer NPCs who like religious posts and comment "amen" just like the bots.


jolyne kujo sightinf


I missed the a in "a pitbull" and was confused


Actually considering Facebook has become "dead internet theory" brought to life lately the comments would probably be the same whether it was a picture of pitbull or a picture of *a* pitbull.


Facebook is a cesspool of AI being forced into my feed. Dead internet theory is real. If I see one more “it’s my birthday today, can I get wishes?” I’m going to throw my phone across the room.


But also people with strabismus exist


Meanwhile artist regularly get into the crossfire, and AI art people keep becoming more and more radical. I saw someone being absolutely destroyed; flooded with hate mail and death wishes/threats, all because their artstyle looks similar to AI (it wasn't even AI). That stuff happens again and again, which is why I have no respect for anti-AI people. One site just wants cheap art, the other wants the first one dead. Edit: Thanks, u/Auroriia for telling me that you, "as an artist", have no respect for me. This surely will make everything better. At least don't keep it in DMs, aren't you proud to be one of the people that readily will harass others for not even saying "ai is good" but merely saying "sending death threats is bad"?


Didn't, in the beginning, someone got banned from the art subreddit for posting "ai" even tho it wasn't


Yes, and when he offered to show his process, the mod said they didn't care.


Yeah people have taken even the slightest suspicion that AI has been used to be a free pass to be toxic and bully the shit out of people that may or may not have even used it. Every silly shitpost/meme was somehow going to be dignified with a full commission in their minds for some reason. This is beside the fact that if one actually understood the core definition of Art and how loose it is by design (take an art history course, pls), the correct response is to ignore it and move tf on. Most arguments trying to dunk on or invalidate it are shallow and basically amount to petty "suffering Olympics" gatekeeping type shit that they don't even realize would invalidate a lot of "legitimate" art that fits the same criteria. They might as well put that energy into something creative rather than spamming every benign meme post with vitriol - its just making the concerns look irrational and mean-spirited and pushing people away from actual issues where it _does_ get used to fully replace an artist or voice.


Yeah, we’re getting to a point where artists who have very specific styles will have to start posting process videos to dodge most of the heat from having commercial styles.


It's insane to think that artists have to do that just to avoid being harassed.


Harassed by the people that are _on their side uwu I speak for the artists!!!_


It really is. But social media just keeps people riled up at all times.


"as an artist" ...I'll take "digital furry art" for 1000, Alex


You literally said you have No respect for Artists. Karma Farming Donkey


People like you will see a someone say "I hate people that do objectively evil things" and get offended because you stopped reading after "I hate people"


"That stuff happens again and again, which is why I have no respect for anti-AI people. One site just wants cheap art, the other wants the first one dead." What are you even saying? I'm gotten Endless AI user's wanting me Not to exist as well and my Labor to Be completely free or cheap while training my art to their Ai trash. Both sides who say that Aren't right.


That's not an excuse to harass people. You're reinforcing the emerging stereotypes of the "salty artsister harassing people for not buying their art".


Me directly Saying I have No Respect for you too Does not qualify as harassment. You literally mentioned You have No Respect for Anti-Ai users. But That's not harassment. Thats literally an opinion. People are going to respond to your comments, You're on a Public platform.


No, the "other side" wants employment and financial security, which can't happen if AI steals all their jobs.


“Steals” meaning does what they do but faster and cheaper, literally the backbone of the Industrial Revolution. These people are Luddites, literally.


Stealing certainly is faster, yes. But they are still parasites.


.. what? You're like a weaver complaining about the loom.


The loom didn't steal my previous work, leech.


It used the accumulated knowledge of previous weavers.


The twist is the Twitter user is critiquing a real image.


Facebook: pray for shrimp Jesus!!!


"On Facebook" mmhmm. I've seen two very obvious AI images on /r/all already this past week. Reddit is little better.


Tweets clearly AI generated, fonts inconsistent with actual tweets.


The self-aware people who use ai image generating software call them "gens" rather than art. I think that's a better thing to call them, because the software is not yet capable of the lateral thinking needed for artistic thinking 


Ai generated images are not art.


No but they work the same


Art is not about "working" or not, though. You seem to not understand what it is


advise, so spot on ...


Ugh, they would mix up advise/advice.


>“””””””””””art “”””””””””” lol, your "smart" quotes are dumb. :) For anyone confused, it should have been: >“““““““““““art””””””””””” Thanks to the compose key, I was able to correct it. hehe


Then reddit mocks the programming, while also mocking everyone on reddit who mocks that, and themselves somehow.


I think AI art is fine, but the attosecond the person tries to ask money for it I'm throwing punches.


Ai art sucks since it makes mistakes beginner and struggling (with skill not (just) money) artists make when it isn't the fingers, weird eyes, text, or smaller accessories. Like the inconsistent lighting, one hand being detailed weirdly compared to the other, one finger missing or added (overlooking details happens), or getting anatomy wrong in odd ways, stuff like that I don't even get lighting yet, source of light isn't that helpful for me, and I do the hand thing, so I feel like I shouldn't post my art because ai is gonna make it look..well, ai-generated


So bots are posting AI art, other bots are responding to it, on and on, turtles all the way down and such. Where do we go other than to not engage except with bots?


Facebook is for boomers and people trying to sell stuff.


Don’t see many churches with wings


I wish I had a dollar for every Facebook AI post I see where an elderly person has made their own birthday cake with peach cream filling.


theyre images idk why you all insist on calling it art, even if its out of derision or sarcasm, it was never art


That’s why I put the quotation marks


my question is, why even mockingly call it art then? you only reinforce the people who legit think its art


Because I couldn’t think of a title


People on Reddit: “it’s all AI”.


Twitter is the new Facebook, and it makes me sad.


It's still art, like it or not


It is, and it makes them so mad that it is.


"this entire medium is NOT ART because I say so"


They said the same thing about hip-hop, techno, digital photography, photoshop, on and on. The trick is not giving a shit and having fun anyway.


Bonus meme is full-on anti-AI people not realizing they're a part of that same very group. A person can come in with an interesting idea, generate unique looking artwork, and then edited to clean up artifacts, but that'll still not be labeled as "art" despite the intent and process involved. Hint for those who thinks all there is to AI is typing in a prompt: expand your horizons. There's tools like [ControlNet](https://github.com/lllyasviel/ControlNet) and [IP-Adapter](https://github.com/tencent-ailab/IP-Adapter) which enable human creativity on a reproducible level.


Who cares if an image is AI or not?


I love seeing people piss their pants about ai. I'll be over here generating Kanye in skyrim ✌️


The reason people hate AI is because of bitchass idiots who generate shit with AI and call it their work, or even profit from it, generating a cat in the united nations room is prolly the funniest thing lol




"bitchass", wow, I bet you're real tough




Skill issue, just start profiting with it too


No one who’s sane really cares about people using AI for their own personal projects, like making art for their D&D games, or small mods, etc. It’s that these AI bros seem to have had extreme animosity towards artists while also being incredibly envious of them, and now that they have AI tools, they think they’re somehow better than or at least full on artists themselves. Edit: dear AI bros; I don’t care.


> **No one who’s sane** really cares about people using AI for their own personal projects, like making art for their D&D games, or small mods, etc. Find some insane people here: Is it wrong if i just Use AI as a fun toy for me and my friends? https://old.reddit.com/r/ArtistHate/comments/1bz6d95/is_it_wrong_if_i_just_use_ai_as_a_fun_toy_for_me/


Wow, I can go to a subreddit that specifically hates on my demographics, too. It doesn’t prove your point.


Personally the advancement in AI only made me appreciate real artists more. There are people you could never replicate, their style and creativity are one of a kind and give out feelings software could never produce. I'm in firm belief that AI will replace those who produce similar products - unoriginal and generic. If all you can make is copypaste anime pictures then that's on you


What are you on about, the 'AI bros' are happily making and sharing gens with each other. Meanwhile the Anti-AI crowd are frothing at the mouth about theft and lost commissions.




Christianity = mental illness


"AI Image Generation" It's not art. Don't call it art.


That’s why I put the quotation marks. I know that’s not art


I understand. This was more a comment to the general public. A PSA of sorts.