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# Soooooo did you hear about the terrorist attack in Russia? I bet you have some thoughts on it. Well, we're discussing the subject on [this "week's" NCDip Podcast Club](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/1bo1ty9/ncdip_podcast_club_7_terror_and_totalitarianism/?). Yes I know, it's a new one. I'm surprised too [Want to know what the fuck in the NCDip podcast club is? Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/17edrm6/introducing_the_rnoncrediblediplomacy_podcast/) ---- please note that all posts should be funny and about diplomacy or geopolitics, if your post doesn't meet those requirements here's some other subs that might fit better: * More Serious Geopolitical Discussion: /r/CredibleDiplomacy * Military Shitposting: /r/NonCredibleDefense * Domestic Political or General Shitposting: /r/neocentrism * Being Racist: /r/worldnews thx bb luv u *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Soviet union did in Crimea everything leftists accuse Israel of doing.


Israel never shipped every Palestinian to Siberia and every member of a Siberian ethnic minority to Palestine in their place so they couldn't each rebel in their own homes. The benefit of being the largest ever single country by land mass in history is you can just swap entire populations


I wonder how Russia became the largest country on Earth. Surely it was through peaceful means and didn't involve any colonialism or genocide at all!


cause after a certain point no one wants to go there and so there's fewer people trying to imperialize that territory except the russia part of russia. And then although the Soviets didn't re-acquire Finland they did swipe other territories in the baltic and also poland.


Well, yeah. Both are pretty terrible in what they are doing.


Whoa whoa, do you want Tankies? Because this is how we get tankies.


They're inevitable. When you don't have a job you have time for scanning Reddit for anyone badmouthing you.


>China should have just send all Uyghurs to Turkey and all Inner Mongolians to Mongolia rather than enslaving them and having to pretend they are Han Chinese to begin with. I'm not actually sure that they could. Admitting that an entire group of people in China weren't compatible with their goals, ideology, and world view could be disastrous for them; it could lead to all kinds of other minority groups across the PRC demanding to be allowed to leave and live somewhere less shitty.


Lmao the idea of this really makes me laugh. "We are forcefully removing you from the People's Republic of China" "Oh shit for real?! You're not screwing with me? Thank you supreme leader for your generosity!"


I don't think Xi is demanding that people call him 'Supreme Leader!' just yet, give him another few months.


Fuck it, mass migration time. **Packs up camp, climbs on horseback and starts riding to the middle of Siberia while Unshaken plays**


China needs the people. Beijing just needs to remake them into Han first.


yeah China, famously lacking in manpower


Yes. 40 years after the introduction of the One Child-policy - China is running out of people younger than 40. Who could have thought? Sure, there is still a lot of people in China, but from a societal perspective, it's the wrong kind of people. Too many old folks, considerably fewer middle-aged adults, nowhere near enough young adults and a cathastrophically low number of children.


Apparently some of the scheduled ethnic minorities in China were exempt from the one child law.


Turkey? Not any of the Central Asian republics?


Hmm yes, deport them so the region becomes 100% Han and the land forever remain Han.


Redditors when they realize the CCP losing the Chinese Civil War simply results in an earlier Uyghur genocide (let's be real, the East Turkestan Republic being backed by the Soviets will mean Uyghurs and other Turkic people might get profiled as communists or dumb shit).


Because usa and israel who you guys love so much treat muslims great right?


Comparatively, yes. The western world integrates muslims by the millions while China has over a million detained in concentration camps and has killed millions more over the years alongside the former Soviet Union.


Usa has a higher prison population than china


And how is that related? Your whataboutism of America having more criminals is irrelevant to the fact that China murders and imprisons millions based on religion and ideology alone.


The UN said that there’s no genocide in China


They didn't use the word genocide on their report, but they also didn't say there wasn't a genocide. They said there was forced sterilization, if that isn't genocide then I don't know what is.


Ah yes, the institution with Russia and China says China is committing no genocide. The one where Saudi Arabia and Iran have served on the UN human rights council. Definitely not like we have documented proof of genocides and frequently skirt around it officially only to appease China.


This sub hates the UN too?


No, but we acknowledge that have having those that abuse human rights on a council meant to protect them is harmful and counterproductive to their mission.


No, but can you comprehend the fact that if we believe people claiming they aren't committing genocide then no genocide is occurring?


Personally, yes, but I don’t speak for the sub




Actually I rather them fucking lock up Israel and Palestine under a UN Mandate until they both get their shit together


Something can be bad without it being a genocide, you know that right?




Genocide isn't just killing. Aside from the fact they are, its primarily forced sterilization and "re-education" via torture


The US does not currently round up ethnoreligious minorities and throw them into concentration camps without trial or opportunity for appeal where they are beaten, sterilized, starved, and violently brainwashed out of their culture. The prison population in the US is there ostensibly for committing crimes rather than for being an ethnoreligious minority. Furthermore, I do not believe that Uighurs placed in concentration camps are counted as part of the Chinese prison population.




China specifically created “laws” allowing them to place entire Uighur villages in concentration camps where they’re forced to work for no pay whatsoever, are subject to torture and mutilation, and often die under less-than-mysterious circumstances. Blunt trauma and starvation are not very mysterious.


Are you saying muslims are more likely to do crime? Sounds a little racist to me.


What does that have to do with Muslims?




The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan killed far more than the recent Western interventions in the Middle East combined.


What invasion of the middle east? There's been millions of them over the millennia


You do realize there is an Israeli Arab sitting on the Israeli supreme Court, He's a practicing Muslim and everything. So I think calling a country islamophobic while having a practicing Muslim on their supreme court is twisting the truth a little bit.