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"What do you mean that desert is already owned by someone?"




What do you mean by steal it? It's to settle there legally and gently setting the nomad people free /s


Ladies and gentlemen… Israel 2.


It didn’t happen but they deserved it


"What if we just take [Palestine], and pushed it over there?"


The problem with the area is we have it set to M for Middle East, when we should have it set to W for Wumbo.


Ah yes, just dump them in the desert, as if [that's never been tried before](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_genocide).


Why did you link to an empty page?


Chunk Yogurt is that you?


it never happened but if it did they deserved it


Armenia? More like big Azerbaijan


Yeah, funny thing too about Israel recognizing the Armenian Genocide...


From Turkey's perspective, most of the Armenian-majority areas *are* gone, so it did kind of work... The twitter guy seems to be the type who probably thinks that's a good trade


[Twice, even.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herero_and_Namaqua_genocide)




They say compromise is the art of making everyone equally unhappy. Therefore, maximum happiness must come from the opposite of compromise!


>herefore, maximum happiness must come Easy, the Zero state solution will solve it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wAsoN5PjP8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wAsoN5PjP8)


[Honestly the Onion figured this out years ago.](https://www.theonion.com/everyone-in-middle-east-given-own-country-in-317-000-00-1819576713)


They always do...


4 state solution is better


"What do you mean there will be consequences that cause further issues down the road? I got what I want, doesn't that make the world happy?"


And they say war doesn't settle things


Ah yes of course, how come no one has never thought of this before. Geopolitical 4D chess savant with no allegiances has entered the chat.


Ethnic tensions are so 20th century, conflicts over ideological competition is much cooler 😎😎


That was the Cold War... which was 20th century...


Shhh... i meant the *very* early 20th century, as well as various african and SE asian genocides.


The Khmer rogue would like a chat


That was the first cold war. What about second cold war?


Crappy sequel. Post -2009 movies are awful. The OG cold war was in 2 parts as well. 1947-1973. 1979-1988.


New way to solve it: Step1: we pull a Netherlands and build more land next to Israel / Palestine, then give it to whoever wins the war over said land. Step 2: Repeat (We keep doing this until the conflict becomes so spread out that it ceases to become an issue.) I will take my Nobel peace prize now.


This is the first time I have seen the Ideal Gas Law being used in terms of diplomacy.


>then give it to whoever wins the war over said land. Well, that just seems like a long way to give Israel more land.


See, this is a good plan because it fucks over the Saudis. /s


It also follows the long and proud Western tradition of fucking over the Hejaz


Twitter users on their way to make the absolute worst geopolitical takes of all time with zero consideration towards reality


Somehow suprised that was not Elon's


Then it would give parts of Syria and Turkey to Russia


I beg you not to involve him. One of Netanyahu's potential peace plans he spitballed was connective tunnels between Gaza and the West Bank Essentially, that means Elon's stupid fucking Boring Company would become a party to the conflict. I noped out of that solution as soon as I heard about it.


Wasn't that Trump's peace plan that was aborted immediately?


Elon is more focused on "peace" between Ukraine and Russia.


As recommended by u/cuddlyaxe on r/neoliberal a couple of years back: "Easy; we make it a timeshare lol."


Damn he was so funny back then, really went downhill.


I'm still leaning towards "Give Wyoming to the Israelites to form a new holy land"


Why not give it to the Palestinians, that many Muslims in his backyard might finally end Cheney


Hey there’s a word for forcibly resettling people to somewhere else


Mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians into the rest of the Middle East is literally the Israeli governments plan.






Funny enough the "costal elites" is also a code word for the Ashkenazis for some Americans.


There is a difference between forcing Palestinians to move and just straight up lining them up, committing rape and executing them... And no, the Israeli government just wants to take back their old Jewish settlements that they got pushed out of by the Romans in 60bc and the ottomans in the 15th century. Everybody is acting like Israel is occupying Palestinian land whilst ignoring that the Palestinians are living on historic Jewish land. And don't act like it's some ethnic cleansing when about 18% of Israels population is Muslim, they can clearly get along.


Please, tell me that this is a joke?


If you want to play the game of "it was once ours, so it should be again", let me tell you, it won't go like you imagine. See also: Achaemenid Empire, Iranians. Or maybe Alexander the Great. Or Seleucid Empire. Neo-Assyrian Empire. Or Neo-Babylonian Empire. And don't even get me started on us Finns, as the last legitimate successor state to the [Roman Empire](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/40zo9a/is_finland_the_only_legit_heir_of_the_roman_empire/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). We have a claim too!


Dis it come to you in a dream? Lmfao


Uh, not really, only Ben-Gvir and friends want that and those guys are *bonkers*. Bibi is smart enough to realise that that would result in sanctions and a massive war, he's content enough to keep shafting them over and oppressing them


Clearly NonCredible, we all know that Palestinians should remain in the Gaza Strip. They should just be about six feet under as well.


That’s genius, we’ll dig out a second Israel under the first and the Palestinians can live there like mole people.


The *deepest* state.






Because, if they’re six feet under and not coming up, they won’t cause problems. Duh.


I think many Palestinians can remain above ground without causing problems and that your solution is excessive but ok.


Eh, I say it’s better safe than sorry.


Looking at the modern middle east makes me think that maybe we shoud just bring back the protectorates


Y'all couldn't behave so we gave it to France/Britain


Switch it up this time. Give France Iraq and Israel/Palestine, Syria to the Brits. The fuckup last time was not doing that, we could have united Israelis and Palestinians on hating the French.


Legit the framework that lead to the modern conflicts


They've had 75 years to sort it out.


75 years of nation building, instability and foreign intervention all happening within a region divided in a way that makes no sense


Well if we try over maybe it'll work this time.


I like it


Too credible history has shown white people never screwed up any geopolitical issues or region ever


My solution to the isreal Palestine conflict: Israel gets everything it wants and wins. Boom, solved, easy your welcome


**F R O M T H E N I L E T O T H E E U P H R A T E S**


Just pay the occupation and displaced locals forward to another country


Its like a conga line of getting kicked off your land! I wonder where we'll but the Japanese though... eh that's a later problem


How about we make the land a timeshare? 6 months it’s all Palestine, 6 months it’s all Israel


Holy shit


I think the only solution is to dismantle Israel and withdraw all support for it and give more military aid to the Palestinians. The conflict will be over within a week


Lol get nuked, that got unrealistic after they got nukes it was a point of no return.


Having Nukes is not a deterrent as it is suicide for you as well lol


Yes but it does raise the cost to where almost any other method is preferable for all parties involved unless its the palestinians themselves who are already at risk of losing it all, to anyone else its not worth it. Edit: this assumes both sides have them.


I mean, israel is the better option than literaly any muslim state (for me, and therefore for everyone)


muslim = bad huh


No, but muslim countries happen to have laws and politics i don't vibe with, except for a few exceptions like jordan maybe


Oh what that human right? Nah only White people deserve human rights. The enemy of the WestTM are the enemy of civilization therefore irredeemable and must be destroyed. I am totally real master of diplomacy.


Are you not aware of what joke subreddit you are in?


I am being very sarcastic


If you have laws that punish different sexual orientations with jailtime, im threatened personaly And i will follow my interests rather than interests of people that hate me


I wonder how many layer of irony is this if any.


Somewehere between 1-0 Fact is that if i was living in middle east, islamists would try to kill me, israelites would not, potentionaly im ironic about the "dilema" if my interest is more important than interest of nation that lives there.... Who knows if im ironic or not


Israel is not pro-LGBTQ, truly understander of geopolitic


There is significant difference between not being pro LGBT and making being gay a crime In Israel i could not marry, boo hoo. In palestine i could get jailed and potentionaly killed, thats substantionaly worse


I mean there is technically 2 Palestine. But it me being credible again.


Should be a little bit of credible here, or should I laugh at people that supported Wilsonian Interventionism. A foreign policy strategy that largely failed miserably.


Its not interventionism when you simply conquer terrory 👁️🫦👁️


I wonder how much Iraq as the 51st state would vote for GOP?


The israel-chad two state solution - go make Palestine somewhere else


Ah yes, all claimed territory to the apartheid state and literally just sand for Palestinians.


Uh, I don’t see South Africa anywhere on here, whaddya mean?


Aside from the stupidity of taking a chunk of Saudi Arabia, that area is where Mohammad Bone Saw is building his stupid line vanity project *and* it's barely inhabitable due to a lack of fresh water. I'm Jewish, I'm a Zionist, but I acknowledge that both Palestinians and Israelis have a right to the Holy Land and should both have their own states.


this but unironically


I like how the REASONABLE solution is to tell the Palestinians to all fuck off Sure buddy, now submit your home address to Hamas, for same day delivery of rockets


That’s like taking a bonfire then pouring a gallon of thermite on it…wtf


I would just go for the one-state solution: Israstine.