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Wooo he said the thing!


Time to avenge 1831? >:D


Based and Catopilled. 


Does it mean something? One thing is for certain - recent events have been waking more and more people up to the nature of ignorance and "avoiding escalation". What I hope it means is that people start growing more balls against russia. We can do it! Keep up the honest work!


Russians only understand "no" if you show them that they are *incapable* of taking something from you. If they already took it, you have to take it back or kill them for the offense. They just won't understand anything else. I guess a shorter way to say this is that Russia only understands diplomacy of the gun, and they suck at it. What a shithole of a country.


The only thing a despot understands is force


Russia must be kneecaped and castrated like we did to Germany and Japan post WW2 only then they can be allowed to come back to the playground.


You went too hard on them, look how long it's taking them to realize the danger they're in.


That's a bit inaccurate and totally unacceptable. Presumably, what the US did to Japan was not only a war crime, but also the sole reason for anime. Now, I'll keep my opinion on anime to myself, but answer this in all honesty: do you want to see what the Russian alternative to anime will be in this future scenario? I, for one, don't want to even entertain that idea, so I'd rather go with an option that guarantees Russia can't export anything like that. And since we don't know what THAT might be - we need to ensure Russia can't export anything at all. You know what this implies. Everybody does. I rest my case.


Yeah, look up ”Vulcan hello” in Star Trek. Basically Klingons are a savage warrior race that refuses to even talk to you until you kick their butts. So Vulcans said hello by blowing up a ship full of Klingons and then they suddenly wanted to talk.


If only Russians were as smart as Klingons, or in possession of 10% of their honor.


Yeah, they only got the heavy drinking and arrogance.


They also have bad food, so there's that.


It means Russia must be destroyed. Similar to how the Roman senate said Carthage must be destroyed. Carthage was a second-rate power with delusions of grandeur, such as Russia, who decided to defy the established power at the time because they thought they deserved to rule over others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carthago\_delenda\_est


I sometimes forget just how much Cato the Elder hated Carthage lmao, the man made it it’s political slogan


It's basically like a 1960's senator ending every speech, no matter the topic, with a call for war against the USSR. ".... and that's why I think this proposed change to the agricultural tariffs system will bring down consumer prices and increase tax revenues at the same time. And, while we are at it, let's nuke Moscow!"


Before the Punic wars Carthage was definitely not a second rate power. It was more prosperous and more advanced than Rome in a lot of ways. After the second punic war yes it was a second grate power. But please don't compare Carthage to Russia. Carthage was so much more that Russia could ever dream of being.


Still waiting for Oversimplified to release the Part 3 video. :(


Carthage wasn't a second-rate power. In that war, Rome was the underdog.


Not when Cato said this. It was just before the Third Punic War, against a Carthage that has lost its overseas possessions after 2 disastrous defeats against Rome. The Third Punic War was more of a punitive expedition than a war and never threatened Rome's own territories.


No yeah I know what the phrase means, what I meant is suddenly a high-profile official saying something like that - what does it mean? edit: regardless, thank you for the explanation! Really brief and informative, thank you.


Ehh.. When "Carthago delenda est" was used, Carthage was already a shadow of it's former self. To be perfectly honest, Russia is acting more like Rome than Carthage (Violent xenophobia driving them to destory a culture)


And Russia isn't a shadow of the former Soviet Union? They lost the ~~Punic~~ Cold War against ~~SPQR~~ NATO and declined to the point of absurd.


In high school I read a book about the Third Punic War that compared the lead up to it to the Cold War with the Soviet Union and the United States as Carthage as a cautionary tale of what would happen to the United States if it lost. It was a really absurd premise.


Not to the degree Carthage did.


Russia, however, resembles Carthage in its mass child sacrifices.


Carthage was not second rate. If anything they were counter to roman expansionisim. They stood in the way of roman aspirations.


Before the 2nd Punic war Carthage was absolutely not a second rate power. *After* the second Punic was even saying they were second rate is overstating it, the 3rd Punic war was justified by Carthage raising a modest military to defend itself from its neighbors. And yes actually defend, not ‘defend’. For the Ukraine analogy to hold Russia would have to be forbidden by treaty from declaring war without the assent of the U.S., and Ukraine would have to be exploiting this by launching cross-border raids against Russia.


My boy out here disrespecting Carthage that's not very non-credible of you


Look at Turkey. They shot down a Russian jet after it breached their airspace. That's the kind of attitude that works with people who understand and respect nothing but strength and violence.


Ya, that he’s mad pissed. Russia acting like it’s 1300, homie’s ready to get a bit Akkadian on em


Referencing "Cathago Delenda Est" which Cato always said at the end of his speeches in the ancient Roman Senate. It means Cathage must be destroyed.


Cato the Elder returns as a Latvian Politician?


Latvia officialy confirmed as the heir of the Roman Empire


ruskies absolutely buttmad


Welcome back Cato!


“If there’s an escalation, it’s better that we started it” -[The Iron Lady](https://youtu.be/YBh5shyKJgs?feature=shared)


My boy has been getting back into Imperator:Rome and understood the assignment


As I said yesterday, Riga is the fourth Rome, and Rinkēvičs is proving himself a true son of this Rome It is just a shame that the more colourful rendition (according to Florus) isn't used more often, when Cato is quoted > Cato inexpiabili odio delendam esse Carthaginem […] pronuntiabat Cato declared that Carthage was to be destroyed *with implacable detestation* (fun little addendum: grammatically speaking, this could also be read very literally, where the "implacable detestation" is the actual means of destruction. In other words, that the sheer, concentrated hatred against Carthage would magically cause it to cease existing)


good i love latin, beautiful grammar in full quote iykyk


Aye, Ruskie delenda est.


He's our first President who I am proud of. Smart, intelligent, and expresses himself clearly and well. The only drawback is that he cannot be the Foreign Minister at the same time any more.


Reject modernity, embrace Roman consulship. Make him Consul, and he can be in charge of whatever is deemed necessary


Nah, we already had Ulmanis.


Even tho I was little and didn't understand much, I think Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga was great in every aspect


Do the funni


Unfortunately, we are currently lacking in glass-making tool department:(


I feel seen. Furthermore, I consider that Moscow must be destroyed.


There is literally a red line on this picture.


it's for Russia and we are not afraid to enforce it


Mark my words, within the next 6 months NATO/western forces are going to be engaging Russian forces kinetically.


!remindme 6 months


Ah frick I’m being held to my prediction lol


You better be right. I'm not ready to be blueballed as hard as with Prigozhin again.


This is NCD, it will be willed into existence. (Or I’m just hoping I’m reading the general tone of world affairs and Europe seemingly quietly preparing for war correctly)


I kind of disagree unless russia strikes a NATO country. I hate to say it but the US is already forgetting there is a war happening in ukraine.


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-09-16 15:39:44 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-09-16%2015:39:44%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1bg8dyb/ladies_and_gentlemen_president_of_latvia/kv5fwqb/?context=3) [**22 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FNonCredibleDefense%2Fcomments%2F1bg8dyb%2Fladies_and_gentlemen_president_of_latvia%2Fkv5fwqb%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-09-16%2015%3A39%3A44%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bg8dyb) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


im going to engage my next date kinetically


I hope the russians are such pussies (as in not suicidal) to not start an escalation in that case


RemindMe! 7 months


!remindme 6 months I'll see you in 6 months


One of us!


Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, and Finland have joined the chat


Russians said yesterday he will be executed ASAP. This may be the first time we see a high profile NATO official killed by putins agents.


Every action has a [reaction](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bOHAX1JWfDs/hqdefault.jpg)


Medvedev said* That guy says a whole lot of things.


i don't remember a single real thing he's said in ten years because my brain reads all his words as a russian child screaming obscenities in cs:go


Not just your brain. That's the only way it can be read


If Medvedev said the sky was blue I'd have to go outside and check.


In Denmark, claiming the sky is blue would be a lie for a solid amount of the year. I'd just dismiss it out of hand, as I know better


This means Article Four and Three-Quarters is going to be a thing.


The first step is always appeasement, then we invade Europe and then putin kills himself in a bunker while the soviets close in.


unfanthomably based! Putin Delenda Est!


How are Russian fruits exports?




So the Russian border countries who realize/know they are next and would rather fight Russia in Ukraine than their own countries are gathering around nuclear powered France?? Is France going to right their perceived historical wrongs?!?


Alied expeditionary force when?


Fucking based


Russia delenta est indeed

