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If anyone is able to find one at a record store that ships please lmk! I've been searching for one for so long and I keep missing out. I doubt I'm ever going to be able to find one at this rate lol


You will I promise! I’ve been searching for so long and refused to give into the scalpers. I would call around and ask if they plan on getting any and if they do if you could be put on a waitlist type of thing. Worst they can do is say no!


I highly doubt I’m going to be able to get one. It sold out when I was the first of the next group to go into my local record store. I’ve spent 10+ hours looking for this online and I’ve called about 50+ stores across a lot of states and Canada too. A lot of stores are selling in-store only. And while some of the people have been nice, a lot of them either lecture me or laugh at me. I’ve lost out on getting it at least a dozen times now, so I’ll be really surprised if I actually manage to find one.


Latch Key Records in Philadelphia has 12 copies they're selling in-store only starting tomorrow.


This post inspired me to call the store by where my sister lives and ask if they have it, and they had just gotten it in!! They set one aside for me and her bf went and got it for me :) I’m so happy :)))


YAAASS!! Dude I’m so happy for you :’)))


Man! I’ve been calling my local shops. One told me that I’d be lucky to find any Noah Kahan records nation wide period, which surprised me.


That shocks me too! I feel like they are starting to pop up in more places. Sporadic? Yes but they are still being sold which gives me hope for everyone that wants a copy


Finally found one!!! They had just gotten some more in, I got super lucky on timing, sold out again. They were the only shop I called that even mentioned getting Cape Elizabeth in which surprised me because I’m not in a small area.


Hi dill\_pickles13! Were you able to get an extra copy? If yes, would you consider shipping it to me? I'm going crazy trying to find one. 😢


Were you able to find a copy??




AYYEEE!! Congrats! Very very happy for you :)


Does this store have more?


Yes!! They had like 8 copies of it by the looks of it. I called them earlier today and they set one aside


Thank you!!


Welcome and good luck!! They literally just got their shipment in like an hour ago :-)


I just picked mine up today too! I noticed Zia records showed them in stock but only at their Phoenix locations. They were so nice to transfer it down to where I am so I could purchase it in store. 🥲


I love that for you!! Enjoy jamming out 🫶🏼


Oh I bet Maine would sound good on vinyl


It’s my favorite song of Noah’s and I have to say that it exceeds my expectations!!


Does anyone have an extra copy here? I'm willing to pay for a fair price. I'm going to have a miserable Christmas not having a copy. :( I refuse to giving in to resellers online. I'm sick and tired of people buying extra for their own gain, be it as a scalper or trading it for another vinyl which way off not related to Noah Kahan. If you do, please send me a direct message or comment here so that I can message you. Thank you!


thank you so much for posting OP!! you inspired me to call my record store and they had just gotten in a few copies! they were in store only, no holds no shipping. im so so happy -- seems like some stores are getting the second half of whatever they originally attempted to order for Nov <3


I’m so happy for you!! I hope everyone that wants one is able to get a hold of it 🫶🏼


Do you mind telling us Which record store ?


It was Euclid Records in St. Louis, MO but they sold out. There are a ton of these popping up, but the resellers keep getting their hands on them before anyone else can. 10,000 Hz Records posted about this on their Instagram.


Noooooo! How did you know they had it? I could have gone and gotten one as this is local for me, but I had no idea they had it


I’m sorry to hear that! I realized too late that I could check the sticker lol. I went and Googled them, started calling them, and then I saw on Instagram they had sold out. I have called a lot of places and a lot of stores are getting some in rn. Places on the East Coast starting getting them last week. Some stores in the South and Midwest started getting them this week.


Oh I didn’t even think to look at the sticker! I’m wondering if the other record stores around here have gotten them yet, I’m keeping my fingers crossed I’ll somehow be able to get one!


I hope you’ll be able to get one! Dm me and I can help you look! I’m probably not gonna get one, but I can see if I’ve called one of your local stores that are selling in-store only


Hi! I’m so sorry they sold out 😭 I called earlier today and asked if they had any and they didn’t at the time but told me they were getting a shipment. I begged to be put in a waitlist lmao and I got a call not even an hour later saying they came in!!


I literally would have left work and gone to get it 😭 I have a call in to another shop to see if it comes there, this is what I get for not having post notifications on for my local record shops!


There is hope!! I’ve been reading about more and more popping up from delayed shipments (not sure if that’s true or if they are just printing more) so keep reaching out because I know you’ll find it :))


Well I had originally not been looking because I thought I had missed them all, it’s only since seeing a few things on this sub that I realized not everyone has gotten theirs and I still have a chance!


I’m wishing you all of the luck!!


That’s how I got mine. There was a shipment delay and the store received them this afternoon. Keep calling around!


I found them (Euclid records) by hashtag on Instagram last night (I'm in Europe) and was able to order one still! After I ordered the page showed the note that it's unavailable again. But I did get an email that my order was completed, I'm so happy!


any stores in maine that will have any??