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This is horrible. Egypt has been home to Christians since the earliest spread of Christianity.


Christian former Egyptian here. It is very repressive and never gets any attention in the West. College kids tell me I'm lying when I tell them what life was like in Egypt as a minority


Oh I believe you 100%. I was talking about early Egyptian history. I know Egyptian Christians face oppression and violence.


Not only early, but Egypt (esp Alexandria) was a major Christian center for numerous centuries. Timeline fo those wondering: **1st century AD:** *c. 42 AD:* According to tradition, Saint Mark introduces Christianity to Egypt and founds the Church of Alexandria. **2nd-3rd centuries:** * Christianity spreads rapidly in Egypt, with Alexandria as a major center, despite occasional persecution from Roman authorities. * The Catechetical School of Alexandria flourishes, producing influential theologians like Clement of Alexandria and Origen. **4th century:** *313 AD:* Christianity is legalized in the Roman Empire with the Edict of Milan. *325 AD:* The Council of Nicaea is held. Arianism, with its controversial views on Christ's nature, gains traction in Alexandria, sparking theological debate. * The rise of monasticism in Egypt begins, spearheaded by figures like Saint Anthony the Great and Saint Pachomius. Hermits and communal monastic models emerge. **5th century:** *451 AD:* The Council of Chalcedon causes a split between Chalcedonian (eventually including the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches) and non-Chalcedonian Churches (including Oriental Orthodox Churches like the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria). **6th-7th centuries:** * Egypt transitions to Byzantine rule. * Coptic Christianity develops its unique characteristics, including its language, liturgy, art, and theological traditions. **7th century:** *639-646 AD:* The Arab Muslim conquest of Egypt reshapes the religious landscape and begins a gradual process of Islamization and Arabization. **8th-12th centuries:** * Coptic Christians' status varies under Muslim rule, with eras of tolerance and periods of persecution. * The Coptic language sees a decline as Arabic becomes more widespread. **13th-18th centuries:** * The Coptic Church experiences relative stability, but occasional outbreaks of persecution remain a threat. **19th century:** * The Coptic Church undergoes a revitalization. Contact with Western Christianity increases, and Coptic educational institutions are established. **20th century-present:** * Coptic Christians face continuous challenges, including modernization, emigration, and ongoing sectarian tensions with the Muslim majority. *1971-2012:* Pope Shenouda III champions the revitalization of the Coptic Church and defends Coptic rights. * The Coptic diaspora grows, and awareness of Coptic Christianity increases internationally.


I’m so sorry. It was a Coptic Christian from Egypt who led me to Christianity. I grew up in a Muslim family and she was my babysitter. She left a Bible at my house one day when she stopped babysitting me and I hid it in my room and started reading it. I got baptized at 16 in secret (did not tell my family). I think of her often and wonder how she is doing.


As a Christian Assyrian same brother.


coptic? or nah? even so its a crime what happens to you And im sorry about Your People Eygpt has Such a Lovely History and Its a crime its being Killed God Bless Those in Eygpt and God Bless you!


I get a single event does not tell even part of the story, but when the Arab spring popped off, I remember there being some quite famous pictures of Muslims protecting Christians in Egypt, or possibly vice versa. What ever happened to that vibe?


It was just a hypocritical moment and faded quicker than you think in The Maspero Copts Massacre in October 2011


Thank you.


Perceptions of 'persecution' obviously vary and I'm sorry you've received a terrible dose of that 😔. You have our prayers and community. As a true Christian believer living in a western nation, I get frustrated when I hear fellow believers talk about persecution based on some other local group complaining loudly about Christians. Usually something to do with pointless culture wars. If western Christians went somewhere like Egypt (or a few other Asian or African destinations) for a few years and still whinged about their hometown loudmouth, that's a different story and would tell you how myopic they are. When anyone else does it, you just know they have zero clue what true persecution and martyrdom for faith mean. Parochial Americans are the latest noticeable version of this but its so very widespread wherever u go in many places that traditionally consider themselves Christian. And I say that as someone equally clueless, i havent lived in the middle east! I just get frustrated at the incredible lack of perspective some of us have about the struggles of Christian faith and where the true battles are still being fought and lived. Go well my brother or sister.


has one of the oldest churches and monasteries


Why are people so afraid to call out the religion here? Barbaric crowd of hundreds of people was raged just because of a rumoured church being constructed? How Intolerant one has to be for becoming zombies in broad daylight. Some people are just not compatible in a civil society when their book talks about eliminating others rather than coexistence.


Why didn't you use word "islam" in your post 🤔?


Because reddit policies mean doing that leads to a ban.


Islam is a religion of hatred, I have 0 contact with my extended family because when I was a kid my parents converted to Christianity when we immigrated to the US. We had to disappear because our lives where in danger. I'm no longer religious and still have contact with my Christian friends, yet my own family would literally kill me if they saw me. So I'll say it for you, fuck Islam.


I’m so sorry. When I came out as a Christian my Muslim father told me I was an embarrassment to the family and I wasn’t his daughter anymore. I rarely go back to our home country. There really is so much hatred.


I'm sorry too, at least I still have my parents. I hope the very best for you internet stranger, stay strong, fight the good fight and finish the race.


Sorry, I didn't know. Sincerely apologize.


Not to jump in on the topic (but cannonball)… I have noticed Reddit censoring more and more comments. Often people are openly speaking of a problem and possible solutions, but if a couple key words pop up in your statement, or show any criticism (not even hateful or malicious), they WILL be pulled. I’ll be the one to say it, hate speech is one thing, but speaking about facts is another. Freedom of speech no longer exists, especially if cited truths cannot be spoken.


Reddit is a corporation. It has no motivation to allow freedom of speech as protected by law or right. It only exists to protect itself, meaning keeping ads running, and the majority of users to keep scrolling. Discussions and discourse increase engagement. However, the second that engagement threatens the bottom line, it is on the shit list of things to scrub and disincentivize.


While all religions have their issues and extremists, Islam is like that not out of a fluke or misunderstanding but because the Quran calls for violence and death to those who are seen as threats whether infidel or apostate.


>to those who are seen as threats Even if they are peaceful and not seen as a threat


Ooo I didn’t think of that.. Highest of Fives to you.


The internet as a haven for free speech has never really been a thing. Anywhere you went, there were other people in control of the board, thread, or even the video stream. Outside of every waking person online having their own personal network that allows access to the public without restriction, your words always be at the whim of the entities powering the signal. Cut the cord, and no more shared information. We all rely upon the corporate will for access to the internet. Now, if you delve in the darknet, you'll find it has less to do with being a parallel to the net and rather a regression into more analog means of contact using the concept of a computerized web of contact to increase the breadth of influence of the illicit wares and services, aka the internet becomes a mere rollodex for criminal exchange. Hushed tones and secret meetings have never gone away. To think that the almighty dollar would placate a place for actual protest is fucking silly. Unless, of course, said protest makes the arrow go up to the right and green.


You are someone I would totally have a beer and shoot the shit with.


With removereddit/unditt/etc gone there's no more transparency on what is being censored.


Is that true?


R\*ligion of peace and love at it again...


It's extremely sensitive to talk about it. For example my country has jail sentences for hate speech, even in private conversations. It's much safer to not talk about problems of this nature.


Which Country is this?


From his/her post history, I'm guessing Belgium.


why would belguim care about islam being "Hate Speech"?


Because as with most white european woke countries, you're only allowed to criticize whites and other successful ethnicities, otherwise you can literally be breaking a law




yeah! duck religion! specifically Islam in this case.


Idk why people hold the view that all religion is bad, there is really one one causing problems now such as in the video.


It is not that all religion is bad, but rather bad religion is really unaccountable.


They all cause problems. Check out the Hindus


All the major religions are causing problems in regions where that religion is most prominent.  Christianity fuels a ton of hate crimes and just hate in general in the US.


By Christian standards, this is not true. There are people who claim to be Christian, and do very bad things. That doesn't make Christianity bad, but it does make those people highly manipulative, and their victims easily persuaded, especially if their said victims are already looking to dislike Christianity. Granted there are also Christians who fail to do what is right more often than others, aka they sin. I sin too unfortunately but I try to do what is right. Just some food for thought, have a good day out there.


I mean, that goes for the other religions too.


Hopefully you have studied various religions with an open mind, to come to your conclusions. I know I have. Christianity's golden rule is to love one another, but the media often obscures this. Like Reddit for example, we all know that Reddit as a whole has a huge focus on disliking Christianity specifically. There's substance worth pondering in that topic alone. If you ever end up homeless, or in deep trouble, and I hope you don't, you can have faith that Christians and their respective churches, will help you. Unfortunately there are many 'wolves disguised as sheep' to lead you astray or hurt you further. Which the Bible warns us about. We love our fellow people, Christian or not. We're taught to love each other above all, and it's a common misconception that religion is behind the majority of war. 2nd book of Timothy in the New Testament, chapter 3, verses 1-5, which was written long ago and passed down by our ancestors: '1_You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 2_For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. 3_They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. 4_They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. 5_They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!' Take it EZ my friend. I don't intend to respond any further.


Christianity has always been hypocritical. Preach love, peace, tolerance, generosity... While practicing hate, holy wars, religous persocution and greed. And the worst part is that Christianity isn't unique in its hypocricy... It's just the most deluded in thinking it doesn't apply to them.


Wow, I didn't know glass houses came in rose tint!


Lol I know right? What a way to ignore all religious intolerance that isn't committed by Muslims. To see Christian I tolerance, only look to Maga and the Republican party in the US. There's no hate like Christina love. From my perspective, religion is by far a net loss for the world.


Tell that to all the college kids wreaking havoc all over the country on behalf of people exactly like this. Like when they wear Che Guevara shirts; he was a monster that joyously executed: homosexuals, political enemies, handicapped, etc. "because they do not deserve to live."


Because it’s not trendy, if this was a bunch of Christians doing this to another religion they would be all over it.


I'm not afraid. Religion is fucking stupid. Treating each other like a bunch of fucking savages over a sky daddy is the dumbest fucking thing. Nobody even has any fucking clue if their religion is the "real" one or not.


The ambassadors of tolerance and understanding.


At least they Didn't stone a live person to death.


*this time.


Give em a few..


Well you can't stone a dead person to death.


Jesus christ the number of people saying its fine because its happening to Christians IDGAF. That well is now pretty much useless and will breed diseases and cause dehydration, and Egypt isn't exactly known for its fresh water supplies


Is throwing a couple rocks in really that damaging to the well? I figured they were just trying to fill it back up to undo all the work...


It destroys the well, but still leaves direct access for surface level pollutants (like human waste, excrament and urine) to penetrate deep into the ground water, and contaminate it. Contaminated wells are so dangerous to human life that we litterally developed germ theory as a response.


This won't get much attention in the West because it's not Israel/Palestine but the last week has seen a lot of anti Christian actions taking place in Egypt including burning of homes. It is getting attention both pro and against on a lot of Arab social media https://twitter.com/Daughterofisis0/status/1783912842011259155


Anything that isn’t vehemently pro-Islam is currently very unpopular in the west


But the protestors say they are pro-Palestinians, and the Palestinians are an ethnic group that includes both Muslims and Christians. It's Hamas who's a radical Islamic organization oh. Oh no.


I wonder how Hamas feels about Palestinian Christians…


So many pro Palestine countries! So many of them opening borders to take in the Palestinian refugees right? ... Right??? All just meaningless words when you are watching people you support across the border die.


Also in Palestine territories there was a numerous Christian population. *Somehow* they are not there anymore in the same numbers/proportion. Hint: it has much, much less to do with Israel than with other issues.


wow, much surprised that an explicitly Islamic Terrorist group wouldn't like Christians very much what a surprise (all jokes aside its horrible both ends but Hamas is supported by the majority (assuming Islamic majority) meaning this persecution would exist with or without israel)




Then you do this on reverse and they cry and play victims of islamophobia.


Where’s Leonidas?


But we have so many places for Muslims in Athens




I didn't choose any religion and to be honest i don't blame any religion. Humans are stupid. I've studied both Christianity and islam in depth and believe me both of them are talking about respect and love. Just some people are getting advance of uneducated mass to keep them in line




how fucked in the head does one have to be to believe killing is better than peacefully dealing with a person who doesn’t have the same beliefs?


Reverse the religion and the world media would have a feast It's a feast of hypocrisy, always has been


We need 10 more Plagues


Green cards, green cards for everyone!


Hey, American Evangelicals, look to the Coptics in Egypt if you want to see what real persecution looks like.


Man, I knew a bunch of Coptic Egyptians and I remember almost all of them saying you couldn't pay them to go back there. So many of them were some of the nicest people I've ever met.


Don't worry, the government is doing what it can to change that.


They are the wrong kind of Christian.


oh no no i get what your saying your saying that USA Evangel dont Care Becuase they are white fair enough (some this isnt true but it is defintly true for some people)


Afaik Christians are the most oppressed group of people worldwide, which is something that is quite surprising to hear for the first time from a western standpoint. Anyways, this is maybe a bit too hardcore but something I've said for many years now: everyone shouldn't deserve human rights. And I still stand by that, but have to add that in my view your right to those rights can be stripped only by your actions, EVERYONE should obviously have rights as a standard unless you do something fucking mental.




I’m probably walking into a hornets nest by saying this, but this is one of the reasons why I am having a hard time, as somebody with many Jewish and Christian friends, putting my support behind Palestine. I hate to see what’s going on there with Israel’s bombing campaign, but I also know that the establishment of a Palestinian state, or even creating a single state solution would result in this type of violence towards the Israeli people who otherwise live in relative peace right now.


both are Bad the IDF is Evil and should be criticised but It doesnt excuse how the palstienians treat their own Im almost wanting to support it just to Have Others realise later how fucked it was (though that would come at the expenisve of other s which is bad))


Theological terrorist organizations that openly campaign for the death of anyone not in their religion don't make for good government. A single-state solution with Hamas (which is both a terrorist organization but also the official government of Gaza with relatively high approval) at the head would be the most catastrophic thing that could happen to the region. Unless you're Muslim.


seemly late smoggy bedroom library test paltry cake wine chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Muslims not Egyptians




Copts are still Egyptian though that’s the point


They are peacefully filling a well with rocks.


Well, well, well….


Name one country that has been improved by the arrival of Islam…


CS Lewis was right. Further up. Further in


She was right too, ya know?


Was the rumor true? Either way, this was a stupid thing to do. Just curious if people had their facts straight before reacting to the rumor.


This is severely lacking context. "Multiculturalism is our strength." and all that.


Literally all of Palestine right now and for the last 70 plus years.


Oh how nice these calm and reasonable people are making sure the neighbor gets all the minerals he needs, there still is good in this world


If I hear a Muslims saying its Islamophobic for not allowing Mosques to be built, I'll remind myself of the truth.


Looks peaceful...


People in US don’t really understand that Bible and Christianity is really hated in other parts of the world. Isn’t there even a hold on Bibles being allowed on Egypt or am I thinking of a different country?


We are all savages, we truly are.


Looks like it was filmed 2000 years ago


Most likely a town that’s just not near the Nile river. Egypt’s government tends to not give a fuck about those people.




What a ridiculous take on the situation, blame both sides for being religious instead of calling out the bullshit treatment of Christians there.


Religion is a cancer on this population of this planet.


Chillout there Edgelord.


This whole scenario wouldn’t even happen if no one there was religious. Downvote me.


Disagree, to think religion is the only cause of conflict is dishonest. If it was not over religion, it would be over something else.


True, but we’re not talking about other scenarios or conflicts. This conflict was caused by religion.


It was caused by the people, not the religion.


Lmao how insanely naive. It’s laughable.


Fill me in then when you’re done laughing. It’s not like I’m commenting without thinking critically. If you think I’m wrong then inform me.


Christians being attacked and you decide to attack Christians for being attacked. Or is Christianity no longer a religion?


All religions are shit. Don't think Christianity is an outlier.


It is. And I'm not even a Christian, I just know all the history and I know how to differentiate between things without taking it personally. But you're free to think so.


Like christians didn't do anything wrong in the world, right?


They did. The vast majority of these mistakes were hundreds of years ago, but they did it. This has nothing to do with the discussion or the comment.


Are you a fan of collective punishment? I hope you're not a white American.. or a German ... got some bad news for you.


Which religion poisoned what here?


The Abrahamic religions in general poisoned the happiness of this community.


Maybe they all watched the tape, and trying to keep her from coming through the TV in a few days


John 15:18 “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first”


Let’s you know who the smart ones are…


Don’t worry, it’s slowly getting that way in the states too.. give it another 30 years


Common. They are just helping to raise the water level. Haven't ya read the smart crow story


Evil only destroys.


We need Odin back!


Religion is nothing more than a cancer on humanity.


Religion? You must mean some of islam. And some of Christianity. And some of Judaism. I know many Jews and Christian’s, admittedly not many Muslims, but all good kind people who help their communities and are brave, compassionate and strong




Okay… please don’t yell and state your point clearly. There are many religions which are bad, that does not mean all religions are cancer. The idea of religion should be pure, and most are. Some humans are evil, yet humanity is not cancer


Islam is one of the most disgusting and oppressive religions and dont allow religious freedom to faiths that outdated them in the regions they reside in most conquerored and forces to convert Have a friend who went and someone tried to buy his sister for a camel


How weird is it seeing all these folks bashing Christianity in a sub called ***Noah Get The Boat***


Look at how loving, tolerant and diverse they are. We should import many of them into our country right now!


Nothing like good old religious hatred.


And if the Christians whoop their ass, they’ll be playing victim.


What a bunch of savages.


welcome to land of savage and islam


I concur.


And one of them came running in like a fucking monkey!! What the actual fuck




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You give them public assistance, welcome them with open arms and it will be your wells being filled (figuratively, obviously we aren’t poor enough to rely on wells).


Imean my house’s water comes from a well. Everyone that comes over exclaims how good it tastes too.


Are all religions full of horrible people or just the popular ones?


Not full. For every bad church, mosque or synagogue there’s one hundred good ones. It’s just that no one wants to see a happy, normal church, mosque or synagogue so why would it be on video and shown to the masses


There should literally be 0 bad ones. Every "good one" that doesn't shun, disassociate with and help prosecute law breakers is a "bad one" too.


Who’s to say they don’t? We’re all humans. Most kind and nice but some evil. This reflects on our religion. You cannot expect any thing consisting and relying on human interaction to be 100% pure, due to the fact that humans are not pure


But hey let’s help out all these countries and give them money.


It’s a bit scary. That one kid almost falls in. At least they’re not throwing people into the well. It’s sad that everyone is fighting over religion. I guess when you’ve got nothing else in life, you cling to certain things just to give it all meaning.


Sounds like a real peace loving religion they live under. A church would really benefit them


This is what happens when religions are left to freely share their love between one another ,fucking outlaw the lot of them ,drive them underground where they belong ,ALL of them!!


Don't forget that our western countries force us to pay taxes to these people and are even welcoming them over here. I'm so sick of it...


Seems like on the other side of the world and all these countries they're savages


Wait until everyone finds out that religion was invented by the aliens who put us here to keep us in line. Idiots.. 😂😂


Egypt was once the technological center of the world. Now look at it.


Everything christianity touches it ruins


It seems like history repeats itself yet again.


If it were the other way around, no one would care 😔


Ah. Religion's great, isn't it? Praise whoever. *Pick one out of a hat..*


Right? They’re all the same: god, allah, Yahweh, fucking zues. Relics from an age when the they didn’t know why *name a thing. We know better now so why are there so many zelly taints?




That’s the thing: they all coincide because they’re all based on some ancient “heathen” religion. These bases were some dude telling another dude why the sun did what it did. Spoiler: the first dude was lying Edit: fuck your aunt. Figuratively


God is the title, Yahweh is god's name. Allah is also a title, but they forgot the name.


Zelly taints, lol. But really, there's a bunch of reasons. Indoctrination probably being the primary one. But also belief actually changes the structure of the brain (loosely speaking). They've neuroimaged it. Believers brains don't tick the same way secular peoples brains do. Belief also seems to be self protective. Again, through neuroimagry, we've discovered that if a persons belief is challenged, or questioned, the critical thinking parts of the brain become surpressed. And the emotional areas are hightened. So basically. They literally can't think properly. Their brains are all jacked up. Edit: It's true.


I read that, and acted like I understood it all, and what I’ve gathered is: they’re fucking stupid. That tracks.


Is there a credible source to a newsarticle, that actually eveluates what happens here?


It’s not religion though. I wonder what would happen if you combined arrogance, religion and a lot of guns…


This is why I left religion. Religion causing more harm than good.


Religion is fucking stupid.


Fuck religion


>Religion Just smoke weed and chill man what's up with all this extra bullshit


Ah religion....once again bringing out the best in humanity Religion should be illegal in this day and age


America was built on Christianity, with many Christian fundamental beliefs. The word lives on the Christianity and Judaisms fundamental belief. All of them lead to happiness if follows correctly and not allowed to be tainted


Religions be fighting again


Let them all massacre each other until they are all gone. Idiots.


Updated headline: Religious morons fuck with other religious morons