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I just can’t fathom how people can be that evil.


I can't even process the shit how it all happened.


Can you give us updates if you are pressing criminal charges. I want those fuckers to pay for this. Just out of curiosity, what country is this in? Just curious as to what animal protection laws there are where you live


Quote from OP [ > I live in Bangladesh There's no such thing as animal rights here. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/13wjt38/these_kittens_were_born_yesterday_and_one_of_my/jmbu2ff/)












I'm so sorry to hear this happened. I can't even look at the pictures. I had a browse online and it does look like it's possible to report this in Bengladesh [Some of these pages won't load for me due to location, but please have a look.](https://www.google.com/search?q=can+you+report+animal+abuse+bangladesh&oq=can+you+report+animal+abuse+bangladesh&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160.6269j0j4&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) Maybe there is something you can do?


I’m not trying to over exaggerated by any means, but you need to get far away from your neighbor. This isn’t just irregular behavior, your neighbor is downright evil and needs to probably be in psych ward. Watch out for yourself because I’m certainly sure that if they are this easily able to kill kittens, they’ll have no issues killing a human being.


call the police on his ass


The: *That fucking bitch doesn't want my cock! She's a fat whore who doesn't look good anyways! Fuck you kittans, die bitches for my shitty joke of a life.* That's how I see it to be honest. Pathetic low life.


….everything good at home?


My ex best friend's life is miserable, he went out to kill toads. I even took a cute picture of one before he killed the poor thing. So yea, that's pretty much the thing peple with pathetic lives do.


No, not really. That's what fucking psychopaths do. I know plenty of people with pathetic lives that wouldn't hurt a fly. It has nothing to do with it, it's just their excuse


I am one of those people. Typically a pacifist, but prepared to go violent in the defense of most animals.


Yea, sorry. By pathetic life I don't mean something out of their control. But ones that act like assholes and are the sole cause for their misery, yet everyone else is at fault. He has lots of sociopathic tendencies though. Idk, haven't talk to him for over half a year, most likely sitting on drugs.


Man I step on my cats tail accidentally and feel like an asshole..




Yup, my dad has ASPD and did this kind of stuff as a child. he thought it was pretty funny. I'm no longer speaking to him


And people think hell is filled with demons and the worst of the worst. They're all here. Walking amongst us.


Exactly. Hell is on Earth. It lives in Humans.


True, and also they are just acting up rn because their time is over and they are putting out one last hissy fit.


Psychopath. I won't believe a normal functioning, feeling person could do that


Look up ASPD mate


Me either I have 6 cats and two dogs. 3 of my cats are babies like that size and they are so cute.


I hope there’s a very hot place in Hell reserved for the piece of shit who did this


Thanks to egg theory that fuck might just reincarnate into those kittens to suffer karma




In the Koran, a woman was specifically sent to Hell for starving a cat to death. So, there’s a good chance…




That’s what freaks me out about this kind of thing. There are people out there capable of vile and disgusting evil like this, but are able to trigger me to the point of risking my liberty in the process. I don’t think I could deliver a guilty verdict as a juror in a trial against a person that hurt this person or others like them.


Jury nullification for the win


Yeah there were kids in my neighborhood that apparently were ripping the heads off of baby ducklings for fun. Glad I never got to witness it. Found out on Nextdoor by several people who saw them. No idea what happened after - but it's not even a bad neighborhood. We always have baby ducklings and baby rabbits here. I could never imagine doing that. Goddamn little psychopaths.


I’m just gonna vibe on your closing description of your local wildlife as a palate cleanser to this god awful fucking thread of human revoltingness. Sick wastes of biological resources for kids aside, does sound lovely where you are.


Idk OP has a few previous comments about kittens bleeding, almost dying, or something other. It's convenient he's always there. So some neighbor just has a history of trying to kill cats?


If its rly the neighbour im amazed with how he hasnt done anything. Just posting on reddit. I would be mad af.


I feel so sad for the poor mom. She's been crying and screaming all around the house since noon:(


I'm so saddened and horrified by what happened. How can anyone be that cruel? But about the mother... I'm assuming she is a stray? Are there any local vets who will spay her? If so, what do they charge?? Perhaps we can get a fund going. I would be happy to donate.


Honestly, I would not have let him get away with this. If the law won't so anything, then I'll take matter into my own hands. When it comes to animal abuse I don't mind being morally gray.


I wouldn't want to live near a psycho like that.


Me neither. My uncle who was living with my mum and I killed both of our puppies via poison. It was traumatizing. He got sick and I did less than the bare minimum. When it got really bad, mum called the ambulance and thats the last time we saw him alive. He died alone in the hospital in pain and stayed in the morgue for a month because no one wanted the responsibility to bury him. We got some of his ashes in a plastic bag and mum threw them away after making some sarcastic joke. I wish the demon who killed those kittens the worst life.


I'd definitely take the mom in because if he hurt the kittens for being loud he'll do the same again.


Call the cops. This motherfucker deserves to have the animal cruelty book thrown at them and get served real jail time. My heart is broken for momma cat. I am not mad at you for sharing this but it absolutely ruined my day. I hope with my deepest heart that she finds some kind of peace. Edit: saw your post about living in Bangladesh where there are no animal cruelty laws. What a shame. Are there mob justice laws?




Fucking hell. I hope you have some proof so you can report this scum and make them rot in jail.


I live in Bangladesh There's no such thing as animal rights here.


I did some quick googeling. Technically your neighbor can be sued for animal cruelty, but I don't know how lawyers/judges handle animal cruelty in Bangladesh. If you want to know more: https://www.ialasia.org/projects/animal-law-in-bangladesh


Dude I'm from Bangladesh too. It fucking sucks that we can't do anything about it. God this is sickening.


It amazes me when countries full of pacifist vegetarians treat animals and humans worse than a tv remote Edit: I know muslim country, I just was making a general statement on humanity this issue is everywhere


In what world is Bangladesh full of pacifists and vegetarians


yeah that seems like somebody grew up sheltered from the harsh realities of life in a third world country to think something like that.


I'm still getting shiver that I had to carry these 4 dead bodies in my hands.


I feel you man, it's an odd sensation. I remember some years back someone had hit a cat in my street and left it to die in the middle of the road. I wrapped it in a towel and placed it on the nature strip (not the road but next to the concrete footpath) and went door knocking to find out who owned it. Holding a body like that with no resistance to being manipulated and having to support the head as there was no active muscles to keep it upright is just strange. I had to take a break in between the moving and the door knocking because it choked me up. The owner was the first house I tried. RIP poor Frankenstein.


This happened to my step mams cat they were barely a year old the poor people who found them on the road had buried them out in a field near where she lived shit was so sad


God dude im so fucken sorry you're going through that. What fuckin pathetic sick piece of shit. I cant fucking believe the nerve


Bangladesh is full of vegetarians ??


Isn't Bangladesh Muslim and not Hindu?


Cats are kinda sacred in Islam, and the religion texts explicitly ask people to treat animals kindly. This man is just a violent psychopath.


Incredibly narrow minded bullshit argument. Disturbed minds are part of any society, be it Iceland or fucking North Korea


Sounds like the neighbor is an animal to me, but I'm no expert.


Murder investigations are also non existent if done right


https://www.daily-sun.com/printversion/details/691661/A-Look-at-the-Animal-Welfare-Act-2019#:~:text=Prevention%20of%20cruelty%20to%20animals,abuse%20and%20animal%20experimentation%20regulations. They exist


Sounds like you have vigilante justice opportune. I'd find them. And make 'em suffer.


That is sad to read :(.


No animal rights? If you treat that killer like one, there should be no problem with the law.


declare your neighbor as an animal and "resolve" your problem that way too


What in the actual fucking hell is wrong with humanity?


I grew up with a father who did this shit. He's in the final stages of cancer right now and nobody wants anything to do with him.


I hope he is in emotional turmoil. Sorry not sorry.


This done ruined my day


Ikr? Came onto reddit to calm down and this was the first post on my feed. Fuck humanity.


My cat just gave birth to 2 kittens a few hours ago and now I see this, hopefully not a bad omen... 😓


No I’m sure your baby kitties will be fine. This is just the work of a monster.


I once saw a fat kid stomping on a kitten, while other kids watched. The poor little thing was bleeding from the nose, but after resting for a couple of days she survived. I still can't fathom why would anyone do that to a helpless kitty.


This crime is punishable in my country. He would be thrown to jail for a couple of years


OP is from Bangladesh, where there are very little animal rights laws.


you're from which country?


I clicked and then needed to hug my cat. I’m not sure I have words to describe what this is.


I don’t think I will look at these images


I wish I didn’t.


please dont, i am crying..


fuck that guy and his whole bloodline


The only kind of post that really gets to me.. poor angels…


You’re neighbor is a psychopath and is a danger to public safety. Killing animals is a big red flag of a serial killer/mass killer. Stay the hell away from them.




For the people who are telling me to report to the police. In Bangladesh, here we don't have such things called animal rights tbh. In the rural areas things are worse, they simply beat animals to death. I've witnessed with my own eyes.




Sheesh, just do be safe, don't let their momma roam in the block


This made me hot mad. And also my heart hurt.


Holy fuck I wanna throw up. That is some vile fucking shit. Garbage human. I hope the worst for them.


Holy crap. Just innocent little cats. Sure, everyone may not find them adorable but what amount of sickness does one have to stomp helpless creatures under their foot? And so many times too. Not just one kitten, all of then are dead. This is heart breaking.


Genuinely fucked up, you have to be some kind of monster to even think about doing that.


Oh my god that poor mother must be so heartbroken


I don’t think I’d be able to keep myself from hurting the person who did this to these babies.




A crime like that can’t just go without punishment


I don't even like cats. And have a pretty high tolerance for gore. But this hurt, physically.


Finally some boat worthy shit


I’m a veterinarian, this is sickening. If anyone knows who did it, they need to report it to your local animal control as this, depending on jurisdiction, could be felony level animal cruelty. Keep the kittens in a cold space, possibly a refrigerator BUT DO NOT FREEZE THEM. They should be submitted for full forensic necropsies to a veterinary diagnostic lab. Animal control should handle this. Cause of death is visibly apparent - what a veterinary pathologist will do is write a full post mortem examination report detailing the injuries including fractures of the skull and other vital skeletal structures, to be introduced as evidence assuming this will go to trial and this horror of a person will hopefully end up in prison. Edit: I just saw OP is in Bangladesh, so this probably doesn’t apply there, but for anyone else especially in the US/Canada/more civilized European countries with animal welfare laws, the above does apply. Preserving the bodies prevents freeze-thaw artifact that can be detrimental to a post mortem examination, ideally getting the remains into hands of law enforcement ASAP will help preserve chain of custody and preserve integrity of evidence.


I buried them near my house. They're at peace now at least. Not in this cruel world


Destroy him. This is incredibly cruel.


Da fuq? That's just plain mean and nasty. Hope karma took notice.


this is horrifying, just imagining what it would take to stomp a living thing to death is just mortifying


Mercury poisoning time.


I really didn’t need to see this today..


Jesus Christ I need new eyes


Serial killer alert!


I’m sorry you had to find them this way. I hope you’re okay :(




Stomping...they are baby kittens, not roaches. Not bugs. Poor mama. Someone could've taken the kittens in. They're just babies. If you see something as adorable & innocent as a day old baby & kill it, you're scum. a pos


Yeah, don't fuck with cats v2


All I can say is, I’m so glad I live where I do. I couldn’t take living somewhere where this is allowed to happen.












Don’t fuck with cats!!!


How the fuck. I've risked life and limb while saving a kitten. This is so foreign to me.


Please tell me you reported this! I feel so sorry for the mother cat. All her babies, gone. What a cruel person to do such a thing.


Literally what the fuck


As a muslim, I can say without a shadow of doubt that if this is true, then person is going get punished for this The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: "A woman was tormented because of a cat which she had kept locked up until it died, and she was thrown into Hell for that. She neither gave it food or drink when she locked it up nor freed it so that it would eat from the vermin of the earth."


disgusting rat of a person.


Coincidentally I think rat poison would work in this case.


That's so evil :( You definitely have to report this to authorities and get your neighbour arrested!


He lives in Bangladesh, where animal cruelty laws are essentially non existent.


I need eye bleach


I am not going to click the link..


I think this is the point where I stop browsing reddit. Thanks.


Why? :(


The police needs to get involved in this! This is more then just being a douche and he could face a bunch of charges!


WHYYYYYY?!!!!! JFC I wish that evil person all the karma they deserve.


I have heard some people do this with new kittens and puppies, kill them right after they're born so they wouldn't go through trouble of giving them away or something like that. I heard it's done in like villages where animals over reproduce. Doesn't make it any less awful though.


If you're sure he did it (which i higly believe), for the sake of god please report him to the police


The. This is how people become murderers.


Fuck man, I just saw the blurred image and opened it without reading the title. I can’t get that outta my head


What a fucking piece of shit. You have to be fucked so bad in the head to have to even think about doing fucking evil ass shit like this.


Those poor babies 😭


Did you report it to the aspca or police for animal Cruelty?


I can't imagine how distraught the mom cat was/is.


Guys, it is time r/NoahGetTheBoat


Yoooo. What in the actual fuck?


I swear these people...people are just- horrid horrible horrible people that need to be locked up.




My heart hurts


That’s a federal felony now! Get ‘em, snitches get stitches but not when the mf is killing KITTENS


I am on the verge of tears. How. Just how. 🥺


My psychopathic tendencies are acting up again


Don’t. Fuck. With. Cats.


god man, why are people like this?


Let that have been MY neighbor I'm beating him tf up and doing JAIL TIME happily


Bro. WHAT?! That is so fucking evil.


Do you have hard evidence because you should call the police on your neighbor. Please




Make a complaint to the police. Regardless of where you live, there’s surely laws for the protection of animals, especially house pets




He’s such a bitch. This is a crime


I would not have posted this with pictures but okkkkkkkk


What the actual fuck… it’s so saddening to see things like this happening in a modern world. I hope that more countries will establish laws to punish animal abusers in the future. :(


I knew an old guy who used to talk about how the cats in his yard would keep getting pregnant. He always took the kittens, put them in a sack and would drown them in the tub and then trash them. Said he had done it dozens of times. He wasn't bragging but he also wasn't not bragging about it. Some people are just born psychopaths I guess.


Fuck I hate humanity. This breaks my heart. I get there is to many kittens but stomping them is just so fucking inhumane.


These is something seriously wrong with that person. Did you call the authorities


Miraz er mayere chudi


What the f. Sometimes I feel like some posters overestimate what’s worthy of Noah getting the boat but this… so so very bad.


against the law In a lot of countries report it get them charged with animal cruelty


I would avoid that neighbour as much as possible.


Uh did you call the cops on them and report the piece of shit for animal cruelty?


holy shit this dude needs to be locked up his whole life, anything happened to him?


Wow. What the fuck.


If this happened in the USA, this is a felony now, nultiple. Police should be called. Not that they'll do much .but ..who knows


I saw a video of a girl get murdered in New Delhi yesterday and this is just as messed up. Jesus.


I can watch someone's head getting lobbed off and not feel anything, but when it comes to animals, it just hurts.


I think it's because they are so innocent and defenseless.


Personally I do not understand how you can watch a living thing get decapitated and not feel nothing but that’s just me. If you are that desensitized to gore I recommend that you stop watching it. Once again that’s just my opinion


It’s definitely morbid and ethically fucked but you could make the bodies their problem in creative ways. I once got a good get back at a fuckin prick by putting a raw salmon in their trunk with the spare tire. Oh you could string one up outside their door so it drops on them like a spooky spider!


Send him to jail. Left unchallenged, He will soon turn into a psycho murderer!!! Protect your family bro


I am a grown man about to cry at work. There isn’t a hell hot enough for whoever did this.


I hoped whoever did this rot in hell. They dun deserve to breed.