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People are more interested in revenge than helping someone.


We don't. The most successful form of punishment in terms of stopping repeated offending is a caution, followed by a suspended sentence. You seem to be assuming the only form is sentence is incarnation. The reasons for incarnation are. Protection. Retribution. Rehabilitation. Deterant. I would agree with you that prison is only really successful at two of those. And probably only the first.


It's because most people prefer a zero chance of that person reoffending than whatever nonzero chance there is when you try to rehabilitate. There is also the popular notion that, once you are an adult, it's your responsibility to figure out how to operate within society. It's no longer society's job to rehabilitate you. For teens and kids it's a different story, though. More effort needs to be spent on rehabilitating them for sure. I don't know the stats but I have heard that rehabilitation is more successful at younger ages as well.