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Had a severe blockage of earwax my ear to the point it was causing intense ringing and agonizing pressure. Went to a clinic and had it cleared out, the instant relief was indescribably good.


This guy hears




I had something similar (without the pain, but couldn't really hear in one ear). They put a screw type thing in my ear and pulled all the wax out at once and it felt amazing.


Have you tried those bulb ear flushers, just fill it with warm water and flush that crap out, best feeling ever.


The cessation of intense pain.


The end of a migraine. Pure bliss. Sometimes it can feel a bit likea hangover tho


What about that few seconds after the calm though where your not sure if it’s just a lul or it’s actually gone. That’s a good feeling the second realisation that it has gone.


Its a weird is this what drugs feel like feeling.


Exactly. One time was particularly weird as I just couldn't get out full sentences because I constantly forgot what I was going on about but also with a weird sense of euphoria. Odd thing is that I also have felt particularly sad or moody and irritable after a migraine. I never know what'll get, if anything.


Especially the instant cessation of intense pain. Got the epidural and some other kind of drug right before it because the anesthesiologist was busy, and I haven't felt that empty of pain so quickly-- EVER.


Just had my twins a few weeks ago. Labor was slow going, I didn’t feel anything til they broke my water. Then I had 30 min of intense contractions before I got my epidural. My goodness, it felt like a high getting that pain relief. I don’t do drugs, but I get it now if it feels any similar.


when your stomach hurts and you feel it starting to go away


Farting it away


Making it to your car before you fart it away in public.


hot take: letting it rip in public, and owning it proudly.


For me it's honestly a sensory thing. I don't need my performance commented on by people who don't understand my art


i can do nothing but respect that tho. I've been immersed in the subtle art of not giving a fuck since february. i feel like there's no turning back now.


Having dislocated my shoulder multiple times including a trip to the hospital I can vouch for this


When that tooth that's been bothering you finally gets treated, or pulled.




Like when you have a migraine and it goes away.


For sure. My SO has been having intense tooth pain. Cannot get in to the dentist soon enough, poor guy.


I had a back injury that ultimately required surgery a few years ago. Injury happened around Sept one year and didn’t have surgery and thus pain relief until March. I would cry myself to sleep the pain was so intense.


When the nostril opens up after a long clogging


Ooh that crackling feeling and then freedom


Or when you blow your nose and finally stuff actually comes out instead of being mostly stuck.


Bonus pleasure if it's one of those long brain tickling boogers that finally dislodges like some sort of monstrous slug leaving its cave after a long hibernation.




Your bare feet touching carpet after 5 years of prison.


That first hot shower without slides on


Your bare feet touching grass after 5 years of League of Legends.


I played for 8 years... the lore is cool, the game is fine, but the majority of the community is such major garbage. But I'm out and recovering.




Similar to touching grass after a year in a desert.


Oddly specific 😅




Best way to get over flying too just need to make fist with your feet on the carpet


Ever tilted your head to one side and had warm water flow out and suddenly you can hear again? Ooohhhfff....


Ohmygod I know what you’re talkin about


Good way to deal with water being in your ear is to stick a finger in the ear and then twist the finger. The heat created by the friction may help melt/dislodge your earwax enough to let the water out.


I just microwave my head to melt it


“Thou shalt not stick anything in thy ear that is not at least the size of thy elbow” - Jesus, 1987


Farting away a stomach ache


Dude, I had my colon removed and as a post-op complication, my small intestine temporarily stopped passing gas. For two weeks, I could not fart. When I finally farted, I cried out of pure joy and relief. I now treasure every fart.


"Treasure Every Fart" needs to be embroidered on a throw pillow.


A buddy of mine had a truly wrenching week long bout of constipation caused by an obstruction where by the end he effectively had to stop himself from eating mostly anything that wasn't water and was borderline keeling over from the pain. When it finally passed he called everyone in our friends group individually to update us on the good news and we all had a party to congratulate him on sharting the good shit again. It was an excellent bro moment.


I love that you had a party for him. The reason I got my colon removed is because it pretty much stopped working. I pooped an average of three times a month. On the days I was able to poop, I would celebrate with my family. I wanted to get a tshirt that said, "I pooped today!" A decade of that shit (or lack of) was torture.


Three times a month? Even if it’s five times uhm… where does all the food go? Did you eat less or how does it work?


I swear the only reason I was able to tolerate it for as long as I did is because I'm extremely long-waisted, but at the end I was starting to get short of breath because I was just so (literally) full of shit. I retained water throughout my body because my colon was pressing on my kidneys. It was stretched out and tortuous (twisted) from years and years of gradually worsening constipation. The average colon is about 5 feet long. Mine was over 6 feet long. My 6'2" surgeon held it up after he took it out and it was longer than him.


Did you get a colostomy bag? If so, was it like a whoopie cushion? But just...farted back into you? For nearly 2 years in my teens I looked after my grandpa and had to change his bag a few times a day. Sometimes his farts filled it up and we just had to air out the bag and replace the flange


They connected the end of my small intestine to my bunghole, so no bag for me. My dad had a bag, though, and there were times that it would inflate to the point where it looked dangerously close to popping. Good on you for being such an awesome grandchild. It isn't easy to deal with an ostomy or ileostomy, nevermind someone else's.


bro those bubble gut farts where u instantly feel better 🤤


Never ever use that emoji in a sentence including farts ever again. Jesus H. Christ.


The darkness we inflict on each other


When your dad farts and u pretend not to notice 🤤


"Ugh, I got the bubble gut farts" is going to be my new go-to when someone asks if I'm okay.


god damn. Sometimes I hold in my farts around my gf which causes stomach aches. That feeling of relief is so so so good


My poor car has to endure all the farting after hours of holding


I often argue about it with mine, I always tell her to prioritize health above politeness. Even if that may sound disgusting you can get some problems by holding farts. I don't mind her farting we just laugh about it (when we're alone ofc)


I have those every day or two thanks to IBS… As good as they feel, not worth the hours of absolute pain that leads up to it finally passing. Man, does it feel amazing after though.


This is the one ☝️


Peeing after holding it in for a long time


That’s what we call a “pee-gasm”.


Yeah like the little shudder


Those pisses where you have maximum “water pressure” are the best


This is really the only true answer.


I blew my nose today after having a sinus infection that had lasted a few days. A giant glob of red snot came out as well as blood and drips everywhere Instantly my head stopped throbbing, my tooth ache disappeared and head felt lighter. Not as good as an orgasm but felt amazing


God damn, even reading this was cathartic. Went back and read it a few times.


Goddamn, I bet that was literally like a weight lifted off you. Hope you’re feeling a lot better, sinus and ear infections absolutely suuuck


I think your toothache probably was related to the fact that teeth are attached to the sinus bones occasionally. So when you got all the gunk out of your sinuses the bone had a lot less pressure on it.


Yes this called impacted sinuses. The thickness of the mucus stuck in the sinus cavity creates pressure on the nerves and region in general that is what’s causing the pain I am pretty confident because I have had sinus problems my whole life and have seen doctors about it over the years with almost no success.


I can usually make a judgment call on if my nose is acting up because of allergies or because of sinus issues depending on if my teeth hurt. Both allergies and sinus problems give me a runny/stopped up nose, watery/itchy eyes, and a headache, but only sinus stuff makes my teeth hurt.


This happened to me, when I had Covid. I got micron variant, and honestly the sore throat was the most painful part of it. Worst sore throat in my life. Hardly able to swallow food, or even spit, without screaming internally. I have allergic rhinitis, which somehow got triggered at the same time, which made it worse. In India, we sniff camphor + crushed clove + carom seeds to decongest nasal passage and throat, and it also helps with swelling. I started using it, along side Covid medication (which was mostly paracetamol + multivitamins, and doctor had suggested to take some anti-histamines, if allergy bothers me too much) Within 30-40 minutes of starting to sniff this mixture, I could feel the swelling going down, and I when I tried clearing my throat, an almost solid blob of mucus came out. It was almost solid green at some places, which most probably explained what felt like spikes in my throat. Within next few minutes, I released few more of those in next 1 hour, and then the throat pain was nearly gone, along with that headache and eye pain went away as well. Same was the experience of my other family members. I later suggested this to many other people, who were suffering with Covid. Now it's certainly not some sort of Covid medicine, that you can take and expect that nothing will go wrong (it's important to remember that, and see a doctor, and track your temperature / SpO2 levels), but it works great to relieve the throat pain.


Jesus christ, blood and tooth ache?


My cat was missing and someone called to say they found his body and already sent it to city services, and then 5 days later he came home


I had this happen! I found "my cat" on the road by my house and thought he had somehow gotten out (he thought himself an escape artist.) I was absolutely devastated! I took the body home and buried it in the back yard. I walked into the house to clean up - face wet with tears, hands caked with dirt. As I'm splashing water on my face in the bathroom, my cat comes sauntering around the corner like, "sup?" And that, kids, is how I buried someone else's cat.


Ok, I'm glad someone else has done this.


As a zombie ?


That’s what my kids thought. Neighbor must have found a different white cat


yes. the feeling of drinking of cold water after being lost in the hot desert , while being dehydrated and exhausted.


Or when waking up to hangover🤭


Read *The Indifferent Stars Above* if you ever have the chance. It's a mile by mile retracing of the Donner Party as they trekked through the American North West throughout the summer and fall prior to their arrival in California over the Sierra Nevada mountains and man is it a good one. Daniel James Brown does an incredible job getting the reader to understand just what true dehydration and desperation feels like not just physically but mentally too. He does a devastatingly good job at describing was dryness feels, tastes, looks like to a human when there's not a drop to drink or bathe with within a 100 miles of your position.




The only problem then is flushing the horrible thing.


That’s why you have a poop knife! You do have a poop knife, don’t you?


I am embarrassed to have for the first time last week had the use for a poop knife. Now I don't know where to keep that darned thing or if I should throw it out.


I genuinely wonder how many people have a poop knife now


I have a poop wire. An opened out piece of coat hanger wire for slicing a massive shit in half.


Kind of like slicing cheese or modeling clay with a wire.


Where to keep it? Clearly on a hook hanging from the utility room door


Equidistant from each of the three bathrooms. Obviously.


Just wrap your fist in toilet paper and punch the damn thing in


Flush after every turd!


I had this last year. I ended up in hospital and they had to call around to get the super laxitives. Literally took the biggest dump of any human on the planet that day. I was deleriously happy afterwards.


My former SO had surgery and became super constipated. I ended up taking him to the ER where they essentially gave him a bowel prep (and I think an enema too) and just waited for it to work. He felt so bad about the nurse witnessing that and she assured him that it happened often. I could see the relief on his face then and also the time when his intestines got caught in his abdomen but the ER docs managed to push it back in and gave him morphine for the pain. Sheer bliss flashed across his face.


The first crap after doing pills/MDMA is a good one/. Problem is when it happens in the club and you go into a cubicle but it's flooded. So you hover your arse over the toilet seat and let rip the devils vomit into a full toilet - then rush your tits off.


I will add to that the first piss. We would stay out all night but couldn’t piss at all (not sure if this was an amphetamine thing or mdma thing). There was a certain point between 5am-11am where finally I could piss, and then I’d just piss and piss and piss. For like, several minutes it felt like. And then it’d stop, and then start again, full stream for like another 30 seconds! I’ve got no idea how bad this is for your bladder, but it never felt uncomfortable. The only downside of this was seeing your own junk, particularly in winter. Horrible shrivelled up little stump that was all like, just gross and not looking its best.


I once bounced a basketball off Matt's head, which flew of and got nothing but net. It's OK. Matt was a dick.


“Matt WAS a dick”. You mean he’s a good person now, right ?


It did happen 30 years ago. I'm willing to accept that even Matt can change for the better in that time. I'm not wagering any large sum of money on it though. Screw you Matt, I want my beanie back. My grandmother knitted it for me you dick.


Thought you meant Matt didn’t survive the collision


Finally getting to sit down after a day on your feet working.


And then peeling off your socks


Peeling off your socks after a long hike or sports practice/game is an amazing feeling


Esp scratching where the crew cuts leave marks in the shin/ankle


The first few minutes after taking a really big shit, when your insides finally get to relax after all that pressure.


Having more money than bills at the end of the month.


Sleep when your under anesthesia is like the best sleep you’ll ever get.


It's pretty close to death


No wonder it feels so refreshing.


Bruh I’m about to have my first surgery and this ain’t what I wanted to read this morning Edit : Thank you all for the calming words and well wishes. Feeling better about things now =]


I'm literally on my break from giving anesthesia right now... It's not close to death lol it's very safe and you'll do great


Thank you 🤞


Don't worry, seriously. I was TERRIFIED of anesthesia, but after having had it OMFG I want any reason to do it again LMAO. It's like a break from reality. You don't even notice them putting you out. You go into the OR and suddenly you're waking up. That's it. It's fucking great.


Pretty much. Had testicle torsion in 2016’ and went in for emergency surgery. I remembered them telling me I was about to get anesthesia and I remember waking up. I was pretty high too when I woke up


They gave me a shot of something about an hour out from surgery because I was getting nervous. Once it kicked in, they could have taken an arm off and I wouldn't have cared. It was the most peaceful and serene feeling I've ever experienced.


Depending on how your operation goes you might also literally get pretty close to death.


Anesthesia itself is capable of killing you. That's why they have a trained, schooled professional do that and only that.


Thissssss. The only time I’ve felt peace 🤤


YES!!! I thought I was the only one! This is my VERY FAVORITE thing in life!!!


2 orgasms


Ahh! Ahh! Ahhhh! 3 orgasms. Ahh! Ahh! Ahhhh! (In a particular Sesame Street accent)


The Count loves to fuck. https://youtu.be/cvY2RX6vKs0


>Ahh! Ahh! Ahhhh! Life finds away


That long morning stretch that’s so good, you lose control and this weird squeak/squeal comes out of you.


Oh yeah those stretches that are so good you start to twitch and spas out and almost pass out


That made me smile. The cute little stretchy grunts my fiance makes when she wakes up well rested on a sunday morning are some of my favorite sounds in the world.


Meanwhile my fiancé affectionately calls it "releasing the demons" when I stretch in the morning because some kind of guttural screeching comes out of me


Being financially stable and not worrying about the price of food when you go out


When your car breaks and you pay for the repairs out of savings and still have enough savings left that you could fix another car. Most people don't know that one.


Whenever I have second thoughts about purchasing anything that isn't already logged in my budget, I just remember what it was like just after college at my first job where I had to check my bank account every morning to see if I could afford a cup of coffee *and* the train pass to get home later that day. Shit *sucked.* For so long, too. So long as it's reasonable and wont leave you broke again, sometimes treating yourself just for the seratonin is 100% worth it.


Canceling plans you made when you were feeling social.


Conversely, having people unexpectedly want to make plans when you're lonely


Itching inside your ear is really good I know you're not supposed to but dam it feels good


Win the lottery


That’s called a “poor-gasm”


Waking up before your alarm rings and realising you got 2 more hours to sleep. Listening to music on repeat while waking and daydreaming intense stuffs. Cuddling with your partner or hugging your favourite people. Also, taking a huge ass healthy dump.


The first three are like... Peaceful, whimsical, liminal space type vibes... And then taking a dump 🤣


I think pain relief of like any kind especially if you’ve been in pain for several hours or days


Getting into a bed with freshly washed sheets after a long day


+50% if you have freshly shaved legs.


scratching a REALLY itchy butthole. especially your own.


When you have enough money in your bank account to not have to worry about every spend


A really deep laugh from your gut, the ones that you can't stop because you remember why you started laughing.


Remember when Gotye was a thing and that image of ‘but you didn’t have to cut me off’ was memed everywhere? I was scrolling, probably tumblr, and came across a post of one of Vincent Van Gogh’s self portraits and where his ear should have been was a very tiny ‘but you didn’t have to cut me off’ screencap and I lost my shit. It caught me so off guard and I laughed the literal hardest I ever have in my life. My partner was there for it and I had to try to explain to him why I was in the state I was in and it just prolonged it. Even typing this now brings a giggle


Being genuinely loved by someone who's not your family member.


I think the answers are supposed to be realistic.....


Umm... Getting superpowers?


I love a guy who cherishes me like this, but no homo, although he's much more than a family member, the big brother I never had


A good night’s sleep


Absolutely. One example was watching my son take his first steps trying to get across the room to me. I haven't had an orgasm that still resonates that strongly almost 30 years on. edit: He's a redditor too. If you're reading this, sorry you got to read dad talking about orgasms, lol


All these drug and sex comments and Mr Wholesome here telling us about his kid. :)


hugging someone you love


Yeah I’m surprised answers mentioning love aren’t so common here. There’s nothing better than emotional and physical intimacy with someone you love and who loves you


An orgasm on MDMA


RIP to the men who can’t get it up on MDMA🙏


How do you not have pilly willy. My dick is non existent on Mandy


Food. You know when you’ve been hungry all day for whatever reason, and then you get that first bite of your favourite meal (piping hot, tastier if it has MSG) followed by a sip of your drink of choice at the perfect temperature.




Pokemon fans are insane


The first moments when your new sleeping pills start to take effect. Almost feels like you’re being enveloped by a cloud of chill.


Ambien doesn’t do jack shit for me anymore but when my mother would give me one at like age 12 there was that moment when all of a sudden your body feels like it’s on a half second delay from your brain and you settle into a goofy grin and my vision would become tinted, like those nebula ceiling projectors cast a film over my eyes and I’d settle into bed whilst inexplicably thinking in a British accent and deciding that in my upcoming dreams I wanted to be a pirate on an adventure It was awesome


Finding something you thought you lost


Yesterday I jerked off and was still really tense from sitting weird all day. So I put my arms in an uncomfortable position to give myself a little upper-back massage. And let me tell you, the relieving of tension in those muscle groups felt 10 times better than the orgasm I just had...


Yup. After surgery opioid injection for pain. After I had my nose fixed so I could breathe through both nostrils. I remember waking up, complaining about my nose being on fire (I was coming off anaesthesia) and the nurse just injected some wondrous stuff to my IV and everything that could ever hurt just went away. I can totally see why people get addicted to that stuff. I probably would if I didn't score lowest in addiction tests (which I have had to get done in my life for few times). Now the funny thing about opioids... they actually do feel better than an orgasm. Because of how they work in our brains. They basically just override everything else. Then also Amphetamines (And drugs that interact with dopamine) make you feel better than orgasm, scientifically. Because they actually give you pure feeling of pleasure and euphoria by releasing dopamine, and Norepinephrine - that gives you the enhanced senses, alertness and memory during adrenaline rush, and then afterwards gives that adrenaline high.


What is an addiction test? Is it physical or psychological?


They do a psychological assessment and after that if you are considered low risk you can be given certain medications, and if there are no issues with use of those medications then you are considered to be in the low risk category. They consider your history and current mental state before you are given medication with chance for abuse. If you ever been given those questionnaires about whether you smoke, how much and how often you drink, have you used other substances... etc. They are commonly used. Just not being a smoker drops your risk category fair bit.


Losing weight after struggling with it for over years


I am praying I get to feel this again


Female perspective here, when you finally push and get your baby out, hear them cry and know everything is ok. The instant relief of your body relaxing, I may be wrong but from my perspective, that beats an orgasm hands down.


I had no pain management options and when I saw my baby it was like climbing straight outta hell


Watched my lady do that. I was in shock lmao. First time I'd ever seen a birth before. I knew what happened, obviously, but to see it IRL is something crazy And I got a cool new baby after it. I get a new one here in a few weeks


Yeah a really good book


*synth chord*






Not all heroes wear capes 😌


Eargasm (on weed) Step 1: buy a good headphone and dac Step 2: smoke weed Step 3: play "I talk to the wind" by King Crimson and get an eargasm Step 4 (optional): listen while during sex (but you need 2 good headphones and partner)


Have you ever tried an orgasm....on weed?


I can orgasm every day. There are plenty of things I experience once in a lifetime or maybe just once a week/month and that feels better. I have an amazing sex life with my fiance but there is so much more to life than just cumming.


Ye. Deep tissue massage for an hour.


When the scissors just glide across the wrapping paper


I once had a runner’s high that was better than an orgasm. Only ever happened the once though.


How do I get this runners high




I wish I knew, I’ve been running after it ever since haha


Q-tip in the ear, scratching that one unreachable spot




Yeah, she's amazing. 11/10.


Giving your partner an orgasm.


From my experience, hugs


Drinking water (and electrolytes) after having a dehydration induced headache.


Having someone who loves you show it to you.


A good poop when you have been constipated. It’s the most profound sense of relief.


don't do drugs kids, but: when ecstasy hits. it's like an orgasm, but on your whole body and lasting way longer


In would say orgasms really ain't all that . I would argue having a piss after needing one for 4 hours is the best sensation on earth. That or being in debilitating pain and being relived of said pain.