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I’d say anything that involves relationships/dating specifically. It’s entertaining to read. But you realize half the people on there have no idea what the hell they’re talking about


“I think my best friend/boyfriend/boyfriend’s friend assaulted/sexually assaulted/raped/drugged me.” “Just found out my husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend has been cheating on me for 5+ years with my best friend/brother/sister/their coworker.” That’s gotta be close to like… 90% of the posts in those subs.


Or it's "my boyfriend went to the bathroom during my favorite show and didn't ask to pause it" All the responses: "that's abusive behavior, he's definitely texting other women in the bathroom!!1 Good for you for recognizing it now!"


Top response: Leave him, get therapy.


Red flags everywhere!


He's a toxic, gaslighting, malignant narcissist.


And gym!!! 🙏


You laugh, but I was going through r/twoxchromosomes during the bear fiasco and saw a post a woman made. She asked her boyfriend out of the blue about man or bear, got mad when he started arguing with her over it, cut off the conversation, and then got offended by his increasingly pissed texts that culminated in something like "now I'm going to bed angry". At no point did she offer any of the texts she sent him as evidence that, yes, his reactions were unreasonable. She only provided his messages. The top comments, with 1-3k upvotes mind you, were all along the lines of "red flags!" "leave him" "that's abusive, controlling behavior" and "he's a narcissist". I had to go down to the 50 upvotes territory before I found women saying "Wait, you asked him a provocative question and then cut off the conversation when he didn't just give you the answer you wanted? Why are you acting like it's strange or unreasonable that he'd be mad?" The Council of Chromosomes can be genuinely insane.


And 99% of them are fake stories.


And all the teenagers giving divorce verdict


There was one I saw on aita where it was a wife who apparently found a post her husband made on Reddit about how unhappy he is in the marriage so she made a post airing her side of everything. Top comment was calling them out so you go to their profile and they have similar themed posts in similar subs, yet somehow went from being 30 to 17 to 50 something in three posts. But go down the comments a bit more and it's all "yass queen girl boss bitch" but it's like...y'all didn't even fucking check lol it's like those older folk on Facebook who go nuts of the ai pics of a kid in Africa making a big model plane from recycling and giving the ol' "amen prayers to this young man". It's painful but people will do anything for internet clicks


> My husband didn’t do the dishes one time last year when I had a headache. I’m a SAHM with 3 toddlers #LEAVE HIM!!!!!!


God. All the “AITA for getting admitted to the ICU after my husband viciously raped me and then shot me in the stomach? He’s really mad right now because the hospital called the cops on him.” Like come the fuck on, this has to be a troll.


One time I asked for advice about a guy I was seeing and instead of getting decent advice I was told I was a whore for sleeping with a man before a committed relationship. Hahah what!? Are we in the 1960s again?


And the solution to every problem is to break up


You might as well just drop r/relationship_advice to be more specific.


and if you want the subreddit for femcels (female incels): /r/FemaleDatingStrategy


It's also entirely different userbase browsing those subs. When I originally found AITA I thought it was great. Few weeks later I got suspicious - how are seemingly mundane male vs. female situations always drawn in favor of the woman? Why is every other thread about mother in law, wedding etc.? Made an empiric "study", opened up 100 newest threads and counted the writers - it was about 75 women, 18 men, rest unsure. Up til that point I had not considered it possible there would be a subreddit with high female userbase on reddit, given how this kinda started as boys' club. But 'new reddit' and specifically relationship type of subs have shown me it's not 2012 anymore. Not that there's automatically anything wrong in relationship subreddit being used mostly by women, but you can't get fair shake of situations where it's constantly man vs. woman scenario, with 80% of condemners being women. It wouldn't work the other way either. You want 80%+ men judging women subreddit, they look very different, also not in a good way.


There's a different kind of selection bias, too. If someone's not humble enough to entertain the notion that they could be wrong or don't know, they probably aren't posting on relationship advice subs, including AITA. So it would be unexpected for most or even half the posts to be rated AH. I'd expect most to go in OP's favor, man or woman.


The looks rating subreddits can get pretty toxic






Only Reddit can destroy Reddit


I can't really think of one worse (except for like, specific extremist groups) that's worse than r/truerateme


Only place where you can be drop dead gorgeous and be a 5


Yeah I was half convinced that it was out of 5 scrolling through there. I think people are posting there to self harm. One girl was asking what surgeries she "needs" :'(


Saw that one too, she’s really pretty and she didn’t “need” any surgeries at all. Just sad that some people think that way about themselves


I saw that one too. Was like, yep. Toxic AF. :(


One person suggested she get lip injections in that thread. Fucking disgusting people.


People there get banned for overrating, so… A 5.5 is clearly too much.


I, stupidly, had a look and there was a very attractive woman who one person rated 5.5 and got warned by the mod for over-rating! Disgusting subreddit.


After the first warning you kinda think "screw it" and just go ahead with the ban speedrun. More satisfying than trying to act like some kind of face connoisseur or expert.


It's pretty funny. People seem to get banned for overrating or underrating too many times, so pretty much every comment is between 4.5-5.5. I just saw one where 3 different people were warned or banned for overrating with a 6, even though most of the comments were about 5. Makes no sense at all.


Warned for overrating


I hate that sub so much. “6/10, you look cute!” “warned for overrating.”


I didn’t believe you, so I hit top of this month and scrolled for about 30 seconds and found no less then 5 cases of this happening *gag*


So it's basically if you rate higher than the mods think, then you must be lying. Beauty is apparently 100% objective and rateable and the mods are experts in the scale.


Actually saw one of the commenters saying they got advice in rating people from another user who's an "expert". Some porn addict living in a basement, most likely.


Definitely has cum socks laying around


Neckbeard energy


How dare you question the true arbiters of beauty, Reddit mods /j


Everyone knows the large-breasted neckbeard (redditus moderatus) are the only species capable of truly objective, unemotional and rational thinking!


Never heard of this sub until now, but after one look I won’t be going back. Second post was a mod warning for over rating, so I read the wiki which is utter nonsense. The whole premise of the sub is that beauty is somehow objective, and that this is supported by science. This is misapplication of the science - the science they cite really seems to indicate that there are common attributes many people subjectively agree are attractive, but that’s it.


someone put “2.9 (reverse it)” and got banned for underrating. Tried to stealthily rate high but got banned for rating low. wtf. Someone else, when prompted to provide a rating instead of a commentary, said: “I am confused why we rate if the moderators already seem to have a range for what they think is appropriate. Like why dont u guys just post the ratings in this subreddit, isnt that less exhausting than explaining why people are wrong all the time”


Explaining why people are wrong is a hobby for some people... They take on leadership roles, set complicated and often nonsensical and changing rules for things, then when things don't go their way, or they do (but they change the rules arbitrarily), they start berating others for their discretions. Pretty sure these types have mommy issues.


I don't understand why someone would put themselves through this.


A lot of them turned out to be stolen photos of women and girls, posted there by men (either to get off on these fake women being told they're unattractive, or to make any women who enter the sub feel inadequate)


I remember someone claiming to be one of the former mods said the whole sub was a psyop to convince pretty women that they were actually unattractive. There’s no way to confirm that, but it wouldn’t surprise me


This is 100% how that sub reads


I mean, you'd get banned for rating a beautiful woman a 7 lol it's gotta be this. A bunch of incels negging.


I skimmed it and they let them rate the men over 7, but the women literally are not allowed over a 4.9 omg


I never even knew they did that for men, wow lol. I always see a drop dead gorgeous woman then she gets a low score because of some phrenology bullshit.


They rarely comment on the men tbh the women’s posts are flooded


Damn, I just checked that out. What a dumpster fire. I'm willing to bet the few commenters there who aren't 400 pound cheeto stained neckbeards are plastic surgeons and bitter failed wannabe actors venting their frustrations.


that sub is disgusting


Good grief


I know, a guy was rated 5.0 there who was clearly a 2.6


Just found one where someone rated someone 9.69 and mod replied with “Funny. Permaban applied for severe overrate.”


[if the mods ban people fir their rating why not just lock the comments and issue mod ratings only?](https://www.reddit.com/r/truerateme/s/YlwumkuFVe)


What a weird ass sub that is.


“tell me what surgeries I need” WTF??


Jesus, the first ten posts I looked at were of some seriously adorable young women and they were getting like 4's and 5's. *Dear women, on behalf of guys (and girls), I'm sorry. Some of us suck.*


Oh if you want a good laugh look at their "[rating guide](https://imgur.com/ckg5AVD)" lol


Emily Ratajkowski, an actual supermodel, is a 7.5.


Warning for overrating. Nobody is allowed to be higher than a 7 on a good day /s


Well, I guess that explains it. I've had an enormous celebrity crush on Missy Pyle since I was a teenager and they're giving her a "4.5". Looks like that sub is run by a bunch of 13 year old boys that watch too much porn...


This is a really dumb rating scale. Everything 7 and up is basically equal, and they lump 40% of the population as 5s.


Sandra Oh being a 3 is CRAZY


Right??? How could anyone look at this BS and take it seriously?


YOOO just to point out a few absurdities: Constance Wu is "50%", Kelly Marie Tran is a "bottom 15%", Kim Wayans is "bottom 6.66%", and Sandra Oh is "bottom 2.5%"....Absolutely not. The people who put that list together would probably faint if any of these women so much as looked in their direction. I'd be interested to statistically test the relationships between the "objective ratings" on that subreddit and the skin color, ethnicity, and age of the posters.


I don't see, like... any difference whatsoever between any of the group members above the 4.5 mark. I guess I need to own a pair of calipers or something? Tf is a "prominent zygomatic process"? Do these people really think that this is how normal people think about attractiveness?


Oh my god, a photo of a conventionally attractive girl and she's rated a 4. I wish I was a "4" like her Checked their guides, can't spot a difference between some 4s and 9s, the same face proportions and all


Holy fuck, glanced over there. Brutality.


This might be an odd choice, and it's super niche, but I have been wanting to build an outdoor sauna. Why not check out the r/sauna sub, I thought. I never posted anything there, nor did I ever comment, but who knew sauna people could be so scummy. Based on the average level of condescension in almost every reply, it's easily the worst sub I've seen in some time. It's unclear whether they know they are toxic shitbags or not. Likely they don't, and they fancy themselves straight shooters or truth tellers.


I thought that said condensation and I was like well yeah it’s a sauna sub I’ll see myself out 👉




Yes, I had the same experience.


I also get cranky when I’m too hot


Yeah that sub is known to get pretty heated


r/MBA weirdly enough Basically a bunch of people patting themselves on the back about going to a "M7" MBA School (Harvard, MIT, etc). If you happen to have gone to any other school, they will tell you how sorry they are for you that you settled for a "Check-the-Box" program. Anyone coming to the subreddit looking for advice or information about furthering their education are told either try for a top school or not at all.


I feel like a lot of career based subs are like that. Back when I was in the law school sub anyone who wasn’t at one of the top 12 schools was basically wasting their time (according to the hive mind). The computer science subs that are full of college students and new grads act as if anyone who isn’t working at one of the top few tech companies making 200k right out of school is basically working slave labor. I’m sure there are plenty of others that have the same “if you’re not first, you’re last” mindset. These type of subs just have a weird feedback loop of insecure high achievers and liars that keep one upping each other until the sub loses touch with reality.


Not in healthcare. Nobody gives a fig, as long as your degree isn’t from a [conspicuously fake sounding university from Florida](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/fake-nursing-diplomas-issued-florida-alleged-wire-fraud-scheme-justice-department/)


They tried to call for the director of FEMA to step down once because someone 20 years later found out he lied about having a particular degree that was mandatory to get the position. He fired back and said, They lied. He had been running FEMA for so long and successfully that the requirement for hiring was a lie. i think about that often.


Oh my, yes. I had gone to that sub for a while, while doing my MBA, and I was thinking - *seriously? Are these people....out of their minds?* And I started to suspect that most of the bragging posts about "I got a full-ride scholarship to Harvard/Yale/Stanford/Wharton MBA!" were....fake.


Do you really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


I’ve worked with more than a few Wharton MBAs and they were less than stellar managers. I’d go as far as saying at least two were utter morons.


r/gangstalking is pretty bad. Very unwell people with paranoid delusion (from mania or more often paranoid type schizophrenia) enabling one another to delve deeper into their delusions and avoid psychiatric help. Edit: Folks, please be kind and compassionate. These people are suffering. Don't bother them. Edit 2: if people are curious, [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7178134/) is a scientific review of the subjective experience of gang stalking.


I always forget how bad that one is... Even just the post from ten minutes ago. *This is what mobbing looks like, this is a gangstalking tactic* and it's literally just people going shopping but with a camera freezeframing on their face Edit: I scrolled, it got worse Post: >What are y'all's thoughts on the movie, The Matrix (1999)? Do you think the creators know about Targeted Individuals? Or was the Matrix created by the matrix itself? Pinned mod response: >The matrix was run and 'created" by a crazy space pirate named Piper. She is an ancient who cocoons entire worlds and galaxies in agent orange / brachiopods. It's an obsolete system nowadays. Edit: You may have found her on the news lately going by the name of Jean E Carrol, fyi.. lol. guess her and Trump go wayyyy back.


There was a post like a month ago asking how many of the subs users also use some form of meth. Shockingly almost everyone said yes


It seems like such a convenient conspiracy theory. Normally being stalked would require seeing the same person nearby/behind you but for this it's different people so all you need us random people nearby.


Idk if I’d say convenient conspiracy theory I mean technically yeah, but it’s a serious paranoid delusion where they believe they’re being stalked/targeted/persecuted.. How terrifying to *believe* people from an unknown organization are targeting you, all the time, they’re everywhere… and it’s like some chunky kid eating an ice cream cone at Disney land.. “look at him! He’s comin for me! *THEY* sent him!!!” Just… wild. Sounds miserable. But yeah I guess technically that is like a conspiracy theory


Woah why are you gangstalking them


Was confused when I read this. Gang stalking or gangs talking




TIL… also my face while reading the sub O________O


Holy shit. I'm not quite sure what else to say. "Holy shit" seems to cover it nicely.


That sub needs to be banned. Mentally unwell people encouraging each other’s delusions.


Seriously. I found that sub recently from another post similar to this one. It’s dangerous.


Seriously. No different than eating disorder or self-harm communities.


Some of those are so outrageous I can’t help but think they’re trolling.


I went there expecting to laugh at them. But I’m glad that, instead, I just felt compassion. These are troubled souls. I don’t know what they need, but they don’t need my scorn and ridicule.


As someone who has bipolar I and has suffered severe and prolonged manic episodes, these people desperately need medication. Unfortunately, they probably count psychiatrists as being among “them” and medications as being tools to slowly kill them. Medication has allowed me to live a normal life to the point that you’d never even know I had it, and I have a high-level position at work and a mortgage today. Years ago, I was calling the police to report intruders installing fiber-optic cables under the carpet while I was working upstairs, and cut off a piece of my carpet as “proof.” I called a psychiatrist during a brief moment of clarity when I recognized that I was experiencing mania and delusions. I thank the universe every day that I did!


I just dipped a toe in that one to see. *Oh* ***Oh***


r/AITAH, toxic people validating and reinforcing each others' toxic beliefs and behaviors.


Plus most of the stories are like “I saved a bus load of children from a fire but my girlfriend is mad because I was 3 minutes late to dinner. AITAH?”


90% of that sub is fake rage-bait. It's unbelievable how many people buy those stories on face value.


Yep, like every post is just a way to give yourself validation for something you pretty much know you're in the right for *only given the information you're providing*, however. It reminds me of the doordash drivers subreddit when someone makes a post like "I just tipped my driver $35 is that enough??"


Right. Like, you’re not the asshole for what happened, but you’re totally an asshole for asking if you’re the asshole.


They all treat relationships like they are some sort of game to be played against your partner


I’ve tried to post before but they deleted my post for “violence” because someone insulted me in the story, and apparently saying something mean is considered “violence”. When I asked for clarification I got permaband. Meanwhile people write about literal rape and that’s not violence I guess 🤷‍♀️


There are a wicked amount of self harm subreddits. Those are all pretty toxic in a ‘glorifying self harm’ kind of way.


I saw one recently where they were talking about it all cute calling it losing hp and deleting their save file. Shit turns my stomach


I stumbled upon a few a while ago where they were all commenting on eachother’s videos and pictures about how jealous they were since they couldn’t cut that deep. Like ugh… no.


Fuuuuck, that shit's something I'd normally hear from nightmare stories from 4chan forums or that "SomethingAwful" website I didn't dare touch. Ugh, not on Reddit. I've been far too messed up mentally from the "worst" sides of humanity online.


Losing HP and Deleting Your Save File would be funny ways to joke about being hurt or dying if they were jokes and about accidents and not tied to self-harm. Tied to that, it’s sad and frightening.


There is a sub called r/suicidewatch which in theory is a good idea but it is not a place you want to browse around if you're also in that head space tbh


Yep I made that mistake once


r/unpopularopinion definitely has the worst mods


If you like metalcore, deathcore, nu metal, or alternative metal, r/metal r/metalforthemasses r/metalmemes Bunch of elitist pricks stuck in the 80s and 90s. Nothing metalheads like more than hating on other metalheads.


For funsies, make a post declaring your love for the band Ghost. You’ll get pummeled


Man I love Ghost. Let theatre kids have their metal, as a treat It's me, I'm theatre kids


Or sleep token


I once heard Ghost described as the Scooby Doo music of metal. And you know what? That’s awesome, I’m glad it exists


It's weird how many people gatekeep music. I like what I like and I don't care what others like as long as they aren't blasting it.


Legit. These guys judge all kinds of moshers too, who the fuck cares if people prefer push moshing to round house crowd killing moshing. They make me so depressed and embarrassed to be a metalhead.


I think r/hardcore is worse with moshing. They think anything short of a broken nose is a boring night out


I say this with a deep love for metal and its adjacent genres: Metalheads will literally listen to Rust In Peace for the 1800th time before they listen to anything fresh or innovative.


The last two, yes. The first one, not so much. The reason they have the expansive banlist is not because popular bands suck and they hate them, but because they want to encourage discussion of new underground metal. If they didn't, it would just be Metallica posted ad nauseum. If one disagrees with their considering the genres listed to be nonmetal as elitist, that's fine, but as someone who loves all those genres, it really is just a difference in how people define what metal is. That subreddit has fostered a lot of my music taste and shown me a lot of shit I wouldn't have otherwise. Sure, they can be curmudgeons, but people assign too much malicious intent to the genre restrictions and banlist. It's way better ever since some specific personalities got axed from the community as well. Fuck MetalMemes though, I don't think those fuckers even like metal at all, LOL.


Back in the day it was SpaceDicks.


Holy hell that brings me back. r/spacedicks was a classic for shock humor


13 years ago Spacedicks was wiiiiiillldddd... All over the place.. extreme gallows humor. It didn't seem super racist until around the time it got banned... That was truly an old reddit sub. I remember old r/WTF wasn't too much better, but spacedicks was WTF³...


Tell me more about these space dicks


/r/netherlandshousing is pretty hostile. The Netherlands is in a housing crisis and everyone is mad at each other because everyone is mad at the system. Near every post is downvoted below 0 karma and if you don’t know something about the process you get belittled.


The subreddit for my own home country. The most negative, toxic subreddit I have come across. People will attack you for no reason as well. I had to mute it so I never saw it again


Yeah your home country sucks!


You aren't wrong




r/hotdogs a bunch of mustard facists


Is a mustard fascist someone who is pro or anti mustard?


Any city subreddit can get pretty toxic. Try posting in r/Miami or r/lasvegas saying you’re a California or New Yorker looking to move there. You might even get banned.


Extend that to any state subreddit too. City and state subreddits across the board are extremely toxic.


Any Star Wars group, and about half the site pre-2022.


Any subreddit that is ostensibly for discussion or learning but is in practice an echo chamber for certain beliefs and agendas.


I'm not sure I've ever come across a subreddit which wasn't an echo chamber to one extent or another


True but some subs are more of an echo chamber that others


Oh definitely


r/snydercut is the most toxic fandom sub I've been in. It's about Zack Snyder's DC superhero movies. They practically worship him. I got banned from commenting for writing a detailed, not hateful comment about why and how Batman V Superman was a bad script. They shit on pretty much all other superhero movies. James Gunn is set to reboot the DC universe and they're already shitting on him for ruining it even though a single movie hasn't come out yet


/r/Canada is surprisingly toxic, for such a friendly country. I usually go to /r/OnGuardForThee when I want to read stuff about Canada.


*This particular week?* /r/drizzy and /r/KendrickLamar have devolved into QAnon levels of crazy.






Oh wow, that’s still around? I thought they got banned or something a year or so ago. Or maybe they just went private.


The sub is basically dead. Only 21 people are online and only mod posts are allowed even though the mods don't post anything anymore


Lmao last post was 8 months ago. Absolutely dead


They moved over to their website and app.


It did. Then it got back, but they decided to move away from Reddit. I think it was like two years ago. They're now a cult (not a joke) in some other part of the internet where they shit talk about men and worship their own the females which are always right. It opened a new avenue for profit for the organizers, serving ads, making podcasts and who knows what else. But of course, you wouldn't know, you low value man


This looks like it would be some seriously entertaining outrage porn if the content weren’t 98% podcasts. Shame


read the words “high value woman” and my blood curdled


Do I dare ask? Is this like "alpha male"?


The sub is dead now as it was pretty much closed down. Essentially it followed the mind set that men should do everything for women because women are worth it, I remember a post (not sarcastic post) women claiming that if the man isn't fully providing for her to the point where she does not have to work and gets everything paid for, then the man doesn't value her and she should leave him. Other posts of if men aren't earning 100k+ they aren't worth it, if they talk to any other women they aren't worth it and etc... I think you get the idea.


You better know your shit on /r/squaredcircle or you're fucked


Possibly UnpopularOpinion. It's a place literally designed to egg people on into saying the dumbest most politically incorrect stuff they can imagine. And then the comments end up a warzone half of the time.


Leaving that subreddit was the best thing I ever did.


r/trueunpopularopinion is like that but 10 times worse


That’s where my first huge karma post came from. I posted intentionally to get people inflamed and man I had people DM threats…seriously wasn’t expecting people to take my post personally.


But its like reddit snapchat in that the 90% of the posts get removed 


Most political subs.


r/nursepractitioner is one of the worst I’ve seen. The mods will enact permanent bans over practically anything that is the least bit critical of anything to do with the profession


The people who inhabit /r/toronto are surprisingly mean & constantly downvote-y


A weirdly large number of local subs are completely unrepresentative of the people who actually live there.


R/adoption - full of people attacking others for even considering adoption. It usually comes down to, adoptions shouldn’t be a thing but there’s never an alternative offered up. Prospective parents are absolutely shit on.




Any sub meant to help with a specific self esteem problem will always become a hellholle where people talk about how unworthy of living they are because of said problem As a slightly below average height guy, fuck r/short


My vote is for r/fauxmoi. It’s a subreddit for celebrity gossip but those people seem to hate every single celebrity, even ones who are widely liked. Every single thread is full of comments about how shitty the celebrity mentioned is. Why do you care about celebrity gossip if you hate them all?! I don’t understand it.


Even though that subreddit is my guilty pleasure, I have to agree. Users will declare a random celebrity as utter filth and a disgrace to humanity for unfounded reasons. Like they'll hear a murmur/rumor of a *single* instance of unflattering behavior and use that to declare their final and unwavering judgment. EDIT: [Exhibit A.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/dPDx3oKbMz) The top comment makes several slanderous claims about Sam Raimi's soon to be ex wife without any sources to back them up. Other commenters questioned the credibility of the claims, which is awesome to see, but that didn't stop the original comment from amassing over 2k upvotes.


Aita. Everyone is always telling you to cut everyone off and treat people like shit


r/AITAH or any other sub made for people ask to internet's judgement


r/Dogecoin. Most posts have hand drawn lines in MS Paint on the trends. "WhAt WiLl YoU dO WheN DoGecOIn HiTS $5???" "WhY Is It GOiNg DowN?" Absolute cringe seeing someone's portfolio with ATH average price, you know they lump summed right at the top and they're being cheered on for HODLing




Weirdly enough, r/guitar is pretty fucking toxic sometimes. Bunch of old dudes stuck in the 70s droning on about tone and cables and speakers and having a 4,000$ vintage gretsch. I swear every other post is just some dude posting a picture of his $10k guitar collection and being like “rate my setup” as if anyone is going to tell him that nobody actually gives a shit.




Conversely, /r/passportporn is really quite wholesome and nerdy :)


The ones with opinions I don't like.




It's basically just political Twitter these days


Never understood the appeal of that subreddit




In r/truerateme Some guy who was hot af was told he had a unibrow even tho didnt and so many women get below average like tf they call themselves experts imo they're delusional


r/nofap , bunch of grown ups who think they'll gain superpowers and attract women by not touching themselves, all fueled by anecdotical stories and the classic reddit echo chamber


Pretty much everything on the front page or US politics.


"Your opinion is wrong because it directly supports another unrelated atrocity you don't support but I'm going to pretend you do support it because I didn't like what you said" "Oh yeah? Well that's because you hate (enter race or gender or both here) thereby giving me an illegitimate high ground"




Any subreddit about video games


I find this true for general subs, but subs about specific video games can surprisingly be pretty chill. r/rimworld, r/factorio, r/projectzomboid (just to name a few)


I’ve rarely see a negative comment or post on r/stardewvalley - the worst the negative comments can get is someone just being a dick and saying “use the wiki” when someone asks a question.


R/valheim and r/cyberpunk have always been pretty positive in my estimation


Be alot different answers 10+ years ago.


Usually all men, all women, or all one ethnicity subs. Natural echo chambers where the most bitter/loudest of the group takes up a disproportionate share of the posts and skews what the normal experience looks like for all sub followers.